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03x26 - Mini Madagascar

Posted: 10/18/22 16:45
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

Africa's where we are,

on a large island
called Madagascar.

It's a mysterious place,
with all sorts of habitats!

Like this mountain rainforest
we're hiking through right now.

It's us, the Kratt brothers!

I'm Martin.
I'm Chris.

When you're creature adventuring

through the cloud forest
in Madagascar,

it's easy to spend all your time
looking up in the trees.

There are exciting things
happening up there.

Lemurs are leaping...

And chameleons are lurking.

But if you spend all your time
looking up in the trees,

you'll miss all the action...
going on at your feet!

It's a whole other world
down here.

Yeah! You've got to
get down and look around.

There's a lot of
really cool creatures

living on the forest floor.

To find mini Madagascar
creatures around here,

you've just got
to pick a spot

and look through
the leaf litter.

There! There's a creature
right in front of me.

Can you find it?

It's a leaf litter frog!

Wow, a little brown
Brookesia chameleon.

He's brown, like the leaves
littered along the forest floor.

And this is where he lives,
hunting ants.

Now, the Brookesia never goes
very far off the ground.

Oh, wow!

Check out those
cool horns on his head!

And this is a
fully grown adult, not a baby!

One of the smallest lizards
in the world.

Imagine if we could
really get down

and explore the forest floor.

Imagine if we could
get mini-sized

and creature adventure
down here!

What if?!

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready,
it's the hour ♪

♪ Gonna save some animals today
with Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪






I don't believe it!

A diademed.

Hey, Chris! Diademeds!

Whoa... diademeds!


Diana who?

Diademed sifakas!

One of the biggest lemurs
in Madagascar

and because lemurs
only live in Madagascar...

That means one of the biggest
lemurs in the world!

They're beautiful!

Yeah, that's true.

They might also be the most
beautiful lemur in Madagascar.

And that would mean the most
beautiful lemur in the world.

Because lemurs only live
in Madagascar.

I love diademed sifakas.

Look how relaxed they are.

So peaceful.

Madagascar is one of the most
peaceful places in the world,

and the safest, easiest
for humans to explore.

No big land predators
like lions and tigers and bears,

no deadly venomous snakes.

It's the perfect place to
miniaturize and explore!

Oh yeah!

The first thing
I want to do is miniaturize

and climb on a soft, furry lemur

and go for a leaping ride
through the forest!


You know, bro,

we don't miniaturize and
ride animals nearly enough.

I mean, the last time

was when we rode on the
snowshoe hare through the snow.

It's like a bucking bronco ride!

A hip-hopping hare ride!

That snowshoe hare was fast.

Yeah and remember
those quick turns?

How could I forget?

What a wild ride
through the snow.

But it was a great
new way to ski.

Hang on, Chris!

Riding snowshoe hares

is officially my
favorite winter sport.

Oh, yeah, that was great...

And remember when we
hitched a ride

on the shell of
a hawksbill sea turtle?

Well, looks like we're getting a
turtleback tour of the reef.

Hey, there's
Blimpy the blowfish.

And her old buddy
Ocean Pony the seahorse!

Riding that sea turtle was
the coolest way to cruise.

Oh yeah. That turtle
could really move.

Hold on tight, Chris!

I'm holding! I'm holding!

We've got to ride
more wild animals!

Huh? That's it?

That's today's mission?

Riding animals?


That's today's mission!

We're going
lemur-back riding!

Leaping with lemurs!


Well, at least find me a
mouse lemur. They're so cute!

Okay sure.

I'll go get the Miniaturizer.

Wait, Chris, no!

I'll teleport it!


I haven't teleported
anything all week! Woo!


Zap it!

Thanks Jimmy.

Martin, I've got
the Miniaturizer.

All aboard!

Yeah! Let's get mini-sized!

We are mini-sized!



How'd they get way over there?

I guess I should have
miniaturized us closer.

Yeah, when we're mini
like this,

just getting to them
will be an all-day adventure!


(High-pitched voice)
Help us, Aviva!

Yeah, help us!

We want to get to the lemurs
but it's too far!

Ha ha! You guys kind of
look like mouse lemurs!

Little adventure outfits.

You're not actually
helping them

on this lemur-back riding
mission, are you?



You ready?

Oh yeah!

Woo hoo!


We're here.

On the back of a lemur, ha ha!

I don't believe it.


This is awesome!


I think he's picking out
a landing spot.

Here we go!

And don't forget to
find me a mouse lemur!


Hey, where did the
other two diademeds go?


Hey, get away from there!

Shoo, shoo!

I don't think it's safe leaving
the Miniaturizer here.

Last thing we need is a
couple of super-sized lemurs

running around the Tortuga.


Woohoo! Yeah!

Wow! How far was that?!


But here...
I'll measure the next one!

Wow! Twenty feet!

That would be like you and me,
when we're real-sized,

jumping from the basketball net
on one side of the court

to the other end
in a single leap!


Here we go again.

Hey Martin, lemur-back riding
was a great idea!

Thanks Chris, now I've just
got to give our ride a name.

Well, he is a great leaper.

And when he leaps
he gets a lot of air...

That's it!

Your name is Lemair!

Whoa! Aaah!

Hang on!

Hey, now we're hanging around
getting a snack!



Ha ha. Lemur-back riding
is wild!

Hey, here's the
rest of the group.

Get ready for some leaping.

Hey, what's going on?

Well bro, you wanted
soft and furry--

now we've got
lots of soft and furry!

Yeah! It's so cool
how they all hug

and sleep in a
big old cuddle hug.

Pretty cool
mission today, huh?

The best!

And I could hang out with
these guys all day long.



Oh yeah, the old leaf
parachute trick.

Hey, why don't we change
it up a little bit?

Leaf surfing!


Woo, ha ha ha!

Yes! Leaf surfing!

Hang five!


Catching a breeze.


Oh yeah!

All right!

Yeah, way to go!

Whoa! Where are we?

Did we surf our leaves through
a time warp or something?

I mean, this can't
be the same forest.

I guess it is.

It's just really, really
different down here

on the forest floor.

Hmm. And we have not
completed our mission.


We only rode on the backs of
lemurs for like minutes.

Hey, where are
you going?

We've got to
get back up there!

Hey Martin, do you get a feeling
that we're being watched?

Yeah, but who's watching us?

I don't know,
but I'm getting the creeps.

Yeah, me too.

Yeah, let's get out of here.

Whoa! Oof.


A tiny little chameleon.

And with us being miniaturized,
it must be really teeny-tiny.

Is it ever!

Do you know who this is?

The smallest lizard
in the world!

A Brookesia chameleon.

Okay, check it out bro.


This is a Malagasy penny.

And that shows
just how small he is.

The Brookesia chameleon!


The smallest lizard
in the world.

But what does he eat?


Whatever's in the
leaf litter, I guess.


Right on target.

Wow, I love this guy.

Chameleon powers are awesome.

And he just showed us

how we can get back
to our lemur-riding mission.

We can activate our
Creature Power Suits

with chameleon powers-- ha ha!

And climb right out of here!

Wait a second Martin,
you've got to see this.


What are they?

I don't know.
Plant sh**t?

Some kind of mushrooms?




Aahh! Forest leeches!


Ha! They are so cool!



We've got to get outta here!


Forest leeches latch onto
mammals, reptiles, and birds,

and suck their blood!

Okay, what do we know?

Leeches don't have eyes,
but they locate their prey

by sensing the heat
from their bodies.

Once they have a target,
they inch along after them.

Hey, they're going
right past Brookesia.

How come the leeches
don't know he's there?

Oh, of course!
He's cold blooded,

so the leeches can't read any
heat off the chameleon,

because the chameleon
is the same temperature

as the environment.

But we're warm blooded.


And they know where we are!



Chris, stop sniffling.
It's going to be okay.

I'm not sniffling.
I thought you were sniffling.

I'm not sniffling.

Well somebody's sniffling.

A streaked tenrec!

Tenrecs only live in Madagascar,
and this little insectivore

is a serious predator
on the forest floor.

Martin, look out!


Oh! Saved by a
streaked tenrec!

That's right!

The streaked tenrec loves to eat
insects, worms, and leeches.

So I guess the streaked tenrec

is pretty good at rescuing
miniaturized humans too.

Let's get out of here
while we still can.


Whew. That was a close one.


I thought you said

there were no deadly venomous
snakes in Madagascar?

There aren't.

Then how come I hear what
sounds like a cobra hissing?

Is it just me,
or are we moving?

Ha! It's not a cobra hissing.

It's a hissing cockroach!


A hissing cockroach

is one of the loudest insects
on the planet.

He makes the hissing sound by
blowing air out his spiracles--

or breathing holes.


And he led us right
to a mouse lemur!

Ha, Aviva's going
to be so happy.

And she was right--

mouse lemurs are so cute.

Make that "was" cute!


(Hissing and growling)

I can't believe the mouse lemur
is attacking that giant insect.

Yeah, this is an
epic battle in mini land!

Uh-oh, you know what
we've just learned?

Mouse lemurs are
serious predators,

and Madagascar is not so
completely safe

if you're mini-sized.

So let's take some advice

from somebody who knows
how to survive mini sized.

A chameleon called Brookesia!

Activate chameleon powers!

Uh-oh, the transformation
miniaturized us even more!


That could be a bad thing.

Quick, camouflage!


I hope Martin's thinking
what I'm thinking.

I think Chris must be
thinking what I'm thinking.

Lemur-back riding!

Whoa, oof!

Hey bro, we're riding
a lemur again!

Oh yeah, nothing stops us from
completing a creature mission.



Now we just
have to figure out

how to get back to
the Tortuga in one piece.


There it is! The Tortuga!

I think I see a way in!

We just have to run down this
branch, leap the gap,

and right into the window.

Should we make
a break for it?

Well, we definitely can't outrun
him with chameleon powers.

We'll have to do
this old-school--

break for it
with our own legs.




Go! Go! Go!

Going! Going! Going! Going!





Ha ha!


Aviva, help!

A mouse lemur
is after us!

Nice try Chris,

but one, she won't believe a
mouse lemur is dangerous--

and two, we're so tiny
she can't hear us!

Look, there's the Miniaturizer.

Now we've just
got to get to it.

Well, at least we got away
from that mouse lemur.




Hey bros,
when did you get back?

Super predator...
chasing us...

M-m-m-mouse lemur...

A mouse lemur?!

You brought back
a mouse lemur?

He's so cute!

Are you kidding?

He's a...

Little monster!

Oh, come on.
He's adorable!

Yeah, what a sweetie.

He looks pretty harmless...
even to me.


Just follow him a while and as
soon as he finds an insect...

then you'll see
the real mouse lemur.

AKA monster lemur!

Yeah right,
"monster lemur." Sure.

How could this little ball of
fluff ever be a monster?

I know there are some surprising
things going on

in the creature world--
but a mouse lemur, a monster?

No way.

Oh, come on!

I can't believe you think
he's cute and innocent!

Look at you,
little mouse lemur.

Like the cutest mouse
I've ever seen.

With little human hands.

Wow, he can leap
for such a little guy.

He's like a tiny
super lemur.

Yeah, just wait.

First insect he sees-- boom!

Instant super monster lemur.

Uhh... Chris?

Oh no!

The diademed sifakas

have enlarged into
human-sized lemurs!

And they've
taken over the Tortuga!

Okay, just take your
hands off my keyboard,

you mischievous fluffy stuffy!

Whoa, whoa, slow down
everybody, take it easy.

Lemurs are not mischievous.

I mean, they're not monkeys.

Yeah, that's true.

And there were once lemurs
as big as these guys.

Megaladapis, which was
the size of a black bear.


which was the human sized lemur
that moved like a sloth.

These lemurs went
extinct years ago.

Yeah, most lemurs, except for a
few, like the mouse lemur,

are very peaceful.

Please don't
touch any buttons!

Not that one.

Ugh. Blast off...

I like what Madagascar
looks like.

Yep. That's Madagascar.

An island home to unique animals

that don't exist
anywhere else in the world!

We have to get these lemurs back
to normal size-- ugh--

and back home
to where they belong.

Miniaturized back to real size.

And while we're at it,

let's put the Miniaturizer
away for a while.

Yeah, imagine if the
mouse lemur got giant sized.

Then he'd be a real monster.

Whew. Problem solved.


Hey, that's not
a worm or a leech.

But I bet it's
just as tasty.


Oooh... Aah!

There you are,
little Brookesia.

Thanks again for the awesome
camouflage powers.

You know what's so cool?

We've got the world's biggest
and smallest lemurs right here.

You're just a cute little
mouse lemur, aren't you?

Martin, you're never
going to convince me

that mouse lemurs
are ferocious predators...

Because I know that you are
just the cutest little lemur

in the whole wide world.


Wait, Aviva!
Didn't you see?

Aww, so cute!

He just turned
into monster lemur.

What, my cute little
mouse lemur?

Pssh... no way.

Everywhere in Madagascar, forest
floors are popping with life!

And you never know who's
going to surprise you,

whatever habitat you're in.

Check it out!

What a waterfall!

This is an awesome spot,

and believe it or not, it's a
creature world unto itself.

And it's the home of a
very special type of frog.

This frog lives in
a tough environment.

Water crashing down,
blasting over smooth stones.

It's hard for most animals to
get around on these rocks,

but these frogs can do it.

Lots of animals like
to eat frogs--

so this is a great place
to hide away from predators.

It's a Shangri-La,

a safe haven where this
unique species can survive.

Predator at o'clock.
A Galidia!

Galidias are one of the few
carnivore predators

who live here,

and all the mini Madagascar
creatures have to fear him--

frogs, the little chameleons,
the geckos.

Everybody's got to
look out for the Galidia.

Wow, look at that
sleek little hunter, huh?

He's searching through
the leaf litter,

looking for whatever
he can find.

Reptile alert!

A Madagascar day gecko!

One of the most colorful
mini predators in the forest.

Mini Madagascar is also hiding
out low in the bushes.

All right, now in this area here
there is a really cool animal.

Can you spot him?

This creature is a
master of camouflage.

He's mimicking a dried leaf.

I mean that's a clue because
that is not a dried leaf...

that is a leaf-tailed gecko!

This is bizarre.

Now check out this mini
Madagascar creature.

Look at the long neck
on this beetle.

No wonder it's called
a giraffe beetle.

So remember, if you're out
hiking through a forest,

don't just look up,
look down!

Look all around for
some amazing creatures.

Keep on creature adventuring!

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals....