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04x26 - Musk Ox Mania

Posted: 10/18/22 17:01
by bunniefuu
Here in North America,
way up in the Arctic tundra,

where the winter winds
blow cold,

snow and ice cover the ground,

and the temperatures fall
way below freezing.

It's us, the Kratt Brothers!

I'm Chris.
I'm Martin.

And if you're a creature trying
to survive in the tundra,

you have to have some serious
cold-weather adaptations.

And there's one animal who
definitely has what it takes.

These are musk oxen.

The amazing, shaggy
powerhouses of the north.

Oh, and I love that shaggy fur.
It's so long!

Very cool face
on these creatures.

A long, slopey face,
with those characteristic horns

that swoop down and out.

Musk ox live in herds,

groups of about
ten to twenty oxen.

They're made of males,
females and young,

and everybody has to get along.

That's because living
together is vital,

partly for protection from
predators, like Arctic wolves.

And partly to help deal
with the cold winter.

After a snowfall, you'll find
musk ox covered in snow.

They don't mind; that shaggy fur
keeps them warm.

Hey, and the snow just gives
extra insulation.

But, when they get up?


The snow gets shaken off!

They don't even care about
this amount of snow and cold.

But when it gets really cold,

the musk oxen have
to huddle together

to help keep each other warm,

and to help block the wind
from one another.

So, how do these
creatures survive

one of the coldest
environments on Earth?

What creature powers
do they have,

and how do they work together
to make it in the great North?

Imagine if we had
musk ox power.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪


Why'd you sit on him?!

He looked like a big rock!

A big rock with
a really sharp horn!

We'll never outrun him.

We could really use flying
powers right now.

But there's no falcon
or eagle anywhere!

Gotta touch one to activate!

We're in luck.

The Harpy Eagle feather in my
Creature Souvenir collection.

We can use that to transform!


Over here!

We'll buy a little time.

Got my disk! Hurry!

(Snorting angrily)

Oh no...


Whoa! Hold on!

Not down there, bro!


(Rhino snorting)


Quick! The feather!

Yeah, my souvenir kit
is right--

Huh? It's--

it's gone!

What?! And we're goners!

This could hurt a little, bro.

A little?



You're welcome!

I guess that's what you'd call
scared out of your shorts.


(Chuckling in embarrassment)

Hey, can I have those back?

Oh, guess not.


Thanks a lot for the rescue.

I'm glad we got there in time.

Yeah, we were about
to get walloped!

Ow! Ahh!

Kinda like that.


It's raining adventure gear!

Oh, it's gotta be here

I gotta find it!

What're you looking for?

Only one of the most important
things in the world.

My Creature Souvenir Kit.

I can't find it!

It's disappeared!

Maybe over here.

Aww, I checked everywhere!

Well, where was the
last place you had it?

Yes! We gotta
retrace my steps!

Hmmm, okay. So last time I
remember having it was...


The Arctic!

Just this past summer.

When we were there with Baby
Tooth, the Arctic wolf pup.

Oh yeah, and don't forget Kid
Musky, the musk ox calf.


He liked headbutting.

Hmm... I remember
I had it on that adventure.

Okay, then it must be there

Maybe you dropped it
or left it somewhere.

Let's get back to the Arctic.

We'll find it someway,
somehow, brother.



To the Arctic!

All right!

Ah, my Finders Keepers

(Laughing nastily)

If someone loses it
and I find it,

I get to keep it.


Ahh... but it is
missing something.

I don't have anything in here
from those annoying Wild Rats.


Zachbot, are you in position?

Well, then, improve signal!


There, there!

Now, what are those
Wild Rats up to?

Are we almost there, Jimmy?

I'm going as fast as I can.

The Arctic is pretty
far away, you know.

It's as far north as it gets.

Like, the North Pole!

Ah, I know.

But I gotta find my Creature
Souvenir Collection right away.

Did he say Creature Souvenir

It's all of my creature

Creature treasures?

Oh, boo hoo! Who cares?

They remind me
of our adventures.


They're things
of natural beauty.


And sometimes, they help give us
Creature Powers in a pinch.

Blah, blah--

Give you Creature Powers?

Well, then I can't
let you have it.

You and your Creature Powers
keep messing up all my plans.

Anything that makes it harder
for them to use

those annoying suits
is well worth it to me.

I'll find their lame Creature
Souvenir Collection

before they do!

Besides, it'll make
a perfect addition

to my Finder's Keepers

(Laughing maniacally)

Get my warmest jacket.

We're going to the Arctic!


It's winter now.

How're we going to find Chris'
Creature Souvenir kit

under all this snow and ice?!

Well, this is what the Arctic
looks like most of the time.

It's the harshest cold weather
climate on the planet.

My collection is somewhere
under that snow

and we've gotta find it.

Okay, so, where exactly were you
when you used it last?

Well... okay.
Down in that valley

was where we helped the musk ox
herd fend off the wolf pack.

Remember that?

Oh yeah.

The musk oxen did their
patented defensive circle

to keep the wolves at bay.


In the middle of the fray,

it rose up in front of me:

A piece of shed musk ox fur.


If I could catch it,
it'd forever remind me

of this incredible
creature moment.

Did you catch it?

Not exactly.

Why not?

Well, just as I was
about to grab it,

I kinda sorta got in
the way...

of a musk ox!

(Shouting in pain)


But the fur floated down
right on my face.


So you got the fur.

Did you put it in your
Creature Souvenir kit?

No. Not then.

I had to stay focused
on the battle.

But after we fended
off the wolves,

I headed back to the den
to see Baby Tooth.

It was later that day

that I put the piece
of fur safely away.

I put in right beside the
baby tooth that Baby Tooth,

the Arctic wolf pup, gave me.

And that's what you were doing
when I called you at the den.

(Communicator beeping)

Come in, Green Wolf Pack.
This is Blue Ox here.

We've got a battle
brewing here, bro.

Are you talking about what
I think you're talking about?

Oh, yeah: headbutting battles
of epic proportions.

I'm on my way!

Oh ho, I can't miss that.

Musk ox, here I come!

I rushed like crazy,
but I definitely remember

taking the collection with me.

Uh-oh! The challenger.

Easy, Headbasher-- mind if
I call you that?

(Musk ox snorting)

Okay, okay, I'll just
get out of your way.

It doesn't look
like he is though.

And that means trouble.

He's trying to take over
Headbasher's herd.

And Headbasher is
not happy about it.

Hurry, Chris!
The battle's starting.

I'm hurrying!

Here they go!

Running at each other full tilt,

for maximum power and impact.

Bam! Ohh!

(Loud rumbling)


Are you kidding me?

That is a serious headbutt.

Like the force of
two speeding cars-- boom,

in a head-on collision.

Martin, I'm here!

Did I miss it?

Well, no one's
backing down yet.

Oh, yeah, they're
circling each other.

(Snorting angrily)

Here we go again.

(Impact rumbling)

No way.

That right there is the most
powerful headbutting

of any creature in the
entire creature world.

(Tortuga engines humming)

Chris! Martin!

What's going on?
We heard thunder!

That wasn't thunder.

It was them.

(Impact rumbling)

I don't believe it!

Did they really just do that?

Oh, and that's it.

The challenger backs down.

Headbasher wins!


I still can't believe
those musk ox head battles.

We couldn't either.
That's why we had to try it.


Quick, put the cloaking
feature on!

That's better.

Now, what are they
talking about?

Had to try what?

Zoom in on them.

We just had to try

a musk ox headbutting battle

in our Creature Power suits!

How could we do anything but?




Um, Aviva, how does
a musk ox skull deal with

the force of those headbutts?

I didn't even know they
did that, until right now.

So, it's not in the suit?


Musk Ox Headbutting Power!

Deploy airbag!


Oof! Hey!

Wait! That's it.

That's the last time I used my
Creature Souvenir Collection.

You needed to look at
the musk ox DNA code.

And so I used a piece
of musk ox fur.

I looked at DNA from the fur
to help figure out

the genetic programming
for the musk ox horn.

Yes, I opened my
souvenir collection

and pulled out
the musk ox fur.

And I put it in
the DNA analyzer.

And it was amazing
what we found.

A super reinforced skull!

With honeycomb air pockets
for cushioning.

And an incredible
four inches of thick bone

where it attaches
to the hard horn!


The musk ox skull and horn is
kinda like a built-in helmet--

only much, much better.

Designed by nature
to withstand crushing blows

and protect their brains.

So the musk ox fur
gave us the secret

and I put it safely away.

And before long,
Aviva's new version

of the Musk Ox Power Suit
was ready for testing.

You can only do this...

With Musk Ox Power!

(Impact rumbling)


The musk ox skull works.

Of course it works.

A musk ox has headbutting power.

And humans don't.



(Grunting, impact rumbling)


(Grunting in pain, laughing)

Wait a second!

Maybe I lost the collection
while we were head battling?

Yeah! We were battling hard.

It could've easily fallen out!


(Impact rumbling)

So it's gotta be in the valley

where we had
the musk ox head battle.

And I've got that
valley location

saved on my Creaturepod GPS.

Let's go!

Good luck!

Ahh, that's right!

Lead me straight to the silly
souvenir collection.

I'll steal it and then no more
activating Creature Power Suits.

(Laughing maniacally)

Zachbots! Follow that track!

Mush, mush!



That's the valley down there.

And look, the musk ox
are here too.

Okay, but before
we start searching,

we gotta visit Kid Musky!

Okay, but quick.

I can't relax
until I find my collection.

Oh, goody.

That'll give me a head start,

not that I need one-- ahh!

Kid Musky!
Hey, where are ya?

Kid Musky? Kid Musky?

Brrr! Boy, it's windy
and cold up here.

Good thing the musk ox
have a warm coat.

Yeah, under those
long guard hairs,

they have wool that's eight
times warmer than sheep's wool.


Then why are they all
huddled together?

They do that
when it's really cold,

to keep warmer.

And they take turns
being on the outside,

exposed to that
freezing wind.

Ohh! Looks like you two
have been doing your part.

Yeah. You do look cold.

Here, we'll take a shift
as wind blockers.

You guys warm up in
the centre for a while.


(Wind howling, shivering)

Kid Musky?!

Where in all this fur are you?

Whoa-- oof!

I'd know that headbutt anywhere.
Kid Musky!

Whoa! You've grown up
a little bit.

Oh, and you were hiding under
your mom's hairy skirt,

weren't you?

Keeping warm under there,
musk ox calf style.

Right, buddy?


Who threw that snowball?

Oh, she's looking for food.

That's right, you guys still
need to eat during the winter.

And the only way to get to
the food is to bust through

the snow and ice with those
big, hard hooves of yours.

They're icebreakers.

Yes, you did it!

I gotta tell
the others about this.

And Chris is going to want to
see you too, Kid Musky.

Chris? Hey, I found him!



(Grunting in pain)


They're frozen?!

He looks like a caveman
from the Ice Age.

I guess only musk oxen have what
it takes to be wind blockers.

Dig faster, Zachbots!


I need to find that
creature collection!

Now dig!

What? Oh, no!

Zach is trying to steal Chris's
souvenir collection!

C'mon, guys,
we gotta stop 'em.

(Panting, muffled groaning)


(Muffled shouting)

That'll work!

Way to go, Kid Musky!

(Ice cracking)


Ice cube avalanche!


Lay off my Creature Souvenir
Collection, Zach!

Yeah, Zach.

It's not yours!

No. Finders keepers!

And I'm gonna
find it first,

so I'll be the finder
and the keeper.

Not if we can help it.

Because we'll get
through this snow

like these great hairy sheep
of the north do it--

with musk ox power!

Activate Musk Ox Power!

To the Creature Souvenir rescue!

Musk ox hoof-digging power.


Zachbots, stop those
hoof-digging Wild Rats.

Keep digging, Martin!
I've got you covered.

Musk ox headbutting power!

That looked fun. May I?

Be my guest.

(Martin laughing)

Oh, yeah!


Ooh, that's
a perfect strike, bro!

Now where is my Creature
Souvenir Collection?

It's gotta be here somewhere.

Good job, Zachbot.
You found it!


Thank you.


Now look who has your
collection. Me!

(Laughing evilly)

Oh, come on, Zach.

That collection means nothing to
you, but it means a lot to me.

It's full of reminders of our
really great adventures.

And our creature friends,
like that piece of shed fur

from one of Kid Musky's
herd members.

And a baby tooth from
a little Arctic wolf pup,

our pal, Baby Tooth.

Please, just give it back.

Oh, boo hoo.

I've got your baby tooth,
wah, wah, wah!

You want me to give it back
so you can

just activate Arctic Wolf powers
whenever you want

and get in my way?

(Laughing mockingly)

The collection is mine now!

Well, maybe we don't need

to activate Arctic wolf powers.

(Wolves snarling)

Baby Tooth! It's you!


Zach, meet Baby Tooth's pack.


They seem interested
in you, Zach.

You look kinda like a musk ox
in that furry jacket.

Protective circle!

♪ Nah, nah, nah-nanny goat ♪

♪ You can't get me in here! ♪

(Engines humming,
wolves snarling)

Zachbots, to the jet!

Now watch me make
my smooth getaway.



(Musk ox snorting)

What are you snorting at,
you shaggy cow?


I think he wants
to battle you, Zach.


(Snarling, screaming
in terror)

Down, doggies, down!

Stay! Stay, stay, stay!

Zach! Take off
your jacket!


Take my jacket and your silly
souvenir collection.

I really didn't want it anyway!

Awww, thanks, Baby Tooth.

That's a creature mission

Well, there they go.

A couple of really cool
Arctic creatures...

With awesome Creature Powers.

See ya later, Baby Tooth.

Bye, Kid Musky!
Thanks for helping me

get my Creature Souvenir
collection back!

Oh ho, we'll never
forget you guys!


Hey, but they're
forgetting us! Wait!

Hey, no problem, bro.

Remember that Harpy Eagle
feather we were looking for?

Cool! Then we'll
just catch up.

Activate Harpy Eagle Power!

Let's fly!


So the mighty musk oxen
of the northern tundra

have some serious
headbutting power.

Yeah, they are one of the most
impressive cold weather

creatures in the
entire creature world.

And let's get back in
with the herd.

(Musk oxen grunting)

Whoa! There they
go on the run.

Oh, musk oxen are faster
than you might think.

They can run up to
miles per hour.

But musk oxen don't run
very far or very long.

That's because they're designed
for hunkering down

in this snowy cold climate.

They have to preserve heat.

So when they start running,
they overheat quickly.

They're definitely
short-distance runners,

but it's enough to get a running
start for one of those awesome

headbutting battles!


Like two freight trains

And check out
that thick coat of fur.

The outer coat
never stops growing

and is the first line of defense
for blocking the cold wind.

Underneath the long coat,

there's a short fleecy layer of
fur that helps keep them warm.

They can withstand temperatures
way below freezing.

And those feet also
have creature powers.

Sometimes in the winter,
the only way to get to food

is to crack through
the ice and snow,

and they use their sharp hooves
to get down in there,

to paw away the snow
and to get to the grass

and moss and lichen underneath.

And check out this little guy.

This is a baby musk ox.

He's only about four months old

and already pretty big.

Yeah, within hours after
a musk ox is born,

he's up on his feet and ready
to keep up with the herd.

Now that's a pretty cool
creature power for a baby.

The first year's the toughest
for the musk ox

and he has to stay close to
the herd, and in the winter,

he even hides under
his mom's skirt

during the really cold days.

Right, little buddy?

Keep on creature adventuring.

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals--