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06x08 - The Vanishing Stingray

Posted: 10/19/22 11:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Chris: Over % of the
earth is covered by water.

With % found in the oceans.

We're here off an island
called Grand Cayman.

It's us, the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Chris...

where's Martin?

Martin? Martin?

Martin: I'm here bro.
Chris: Hey, there you are!

Martin: Right here at the
Canadian Museum of Nature,

in the fish lab.

I'm looking at a
special group of fishes.

The chondrichthyes.

Also called the
cartilaginous fishes

because their skeletons

are made out of cartilage.

Now cartilage is a substance
that's strong,

but more bendable than bone.

You have cartilage

in your ears

and the tip of your nose.

And shark's jaws are
made out of cartilage.

Cartilaginous fishes are
a group that include sharks,

skates and rays.

And your creature
mission Chris,

should you choose
to accept it,

is to find us a
cartilaginous fish.

Chris: I accept.

I was pretty confident I'd
find a cartilaginous fish

out here in the ocean,

and I was right!


But I didn't find just one.

I found a group of stingrays.

I was surrounded by them.

This cartilaginous fish packs
a lot of creature power.

Flapping wing fins.

And a tail with a venomous barb.

Martin: Imagine if we could
swim the seas like a stingray.

Imagine if we had
stingray power.

Martin/Chris: What if?

(upbeat music)

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save some
animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and
lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪


Martin: The Vanishing Stingray.

Chris: I don't see any animals.

Martin: Yeah, me neither.


Hey, do you want to play
creature hide and seek?

Chris: I don't know.

Martin: Hey, come on.
It could be fun.

Like we could activate some
creature powers and hide,

and then the rest of the
g*ng will try to find us.

Chris: Yeah, but there isn't
really anywhere to hide

out here in the sand flats.

So they'll find us
without even trying.

Martin: But there
are some creatures

that hide under the sand.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Chris: I'm definitely thinking
what you're thinking.

Martin/Chris: Let's go find
a sand hiding creature!

Chris: But we'll
need Aviva's help.

Martin: Oh, yeah, but
how are we going to

tell her about
our secret mission

without Koki and
Jimmy finding out?

Chris: I've got a plan for that.

And you can help me.

Martin: Ooh, a dwarf gecko.

Chris: The smallest
gecko in the Caribbean.

Martin: But how's he
going to help you?

With his...

down-stick anywhere powers?

Chris: Exactly.

Insert Gecko Power Disc.

Touch gecko.

Activate Gecko Powers!

The Gecko Effect.

Martin: Nice bro.


Talk about sticking the landing.

Chris: Okay, my creature
mission is to tell Aviva

about our plan without Koki
and Jimmy Z finding out.

Martin: Good luck!

Chris: Oh ho. Nothing like
climbing with the gecko's

electrical clinging power.

(adventurous music)

Jimmy Z: So this goes here.

Ooh...and this goes here.

Koki: Jimmy...
Jimmy Z: What?

Koki: We've got to
finish the border first.


Aviva: This looks
like part of an eye.

Koki: Huh?

Jimmy Z: What is it?

Chris: (whispers)

It's me. Don't give me away.

Aviva: Uh...okay.
What are you doing?

Koki: Huh? We're doing a puzzle?

Aviva: Um...right. Puzzle.

Jimmy Z: You're acting
a little strange.

Aviva: Me? Strange?

(nervous laughter)

Zach: Aviva acting strange?

Ha! Tell me something
I don't know.

Chris: Thanks Aviva
Aviva: What is it?

Chris: It's a secret.


Zach: A secret?
What's the secret?

Stop whispering!

I must hear the secret.

Nobody keeps a secret from me.

Maximum volume!

Chris: A creature power suit
that is so good at hiding...

they'll never find us.

Zach: So good at hiding, huh?

Ipso facto,

that means so great for spying!

But what's the creature?

I couldn't hear.

Aw...sneaky whispering Wild Rat.

Martin: The swimming brother is
always ready for dive time!

And my creature mission.


To find the mystery creature

with the Hide and Seek Powers.

Chris: We need to keep what
we're doing a secret.

So let's go to your
invention station.

Come on.
Aviva: Okay.

Koki: Okay, what?
Aviva: Uh... I'm going.

Koki: Where's she going?

Jimmy Z: I don't know, but
she's really acting weird.

Koki: Ooh, I found a
piece of the tail.

Only pieces to go.

Aviva: (laughs) It's
fun having a pet gecko.

Chris: I am not your pet gecko.

Aviva: A cute little
talking pet gecko.

Coochie, coochie, coo.

Chris: Stop it Aviva.
I am not a pet.

Remember, we're on a mission.

Aviva: Right.

Chris: There goes Martin.

Martin: The creature
power I'm looking for

is hiding in the sand
around here somewhere.

Aviva: I better go and
set up the creature power

programming equipment.

Chris: Great!

Martin: Nothing. Hmm...

okay Martin.

Search image is two eyes.

The only part that is visible.

Look for two eyes
sticking out of the sand.


I found you!

Ooh...always approach
this creature carefully.

Aviva: Martin, what is it?
I don't see anything.

Martin: Are you ready to
meet this mystery creature?

Chris: Well that's
easy to answer.

Chris/Aviva: Yes!

Martin: Okay then...
say hello tooo...

the stingray!

Aviva: Wow...

Chris: Woo!

So cool!

Martin: Oh yeah!

Stingrays are an
ancient species.

They existed during the
time of the dinosaurs

and still survive today.

In fact, there are
different species of ray

and this is the
southern stingray.

Oh, the stingray looks
pretty tough on top,

but underneath, they
have a smiley face.

Oh that's it. I'm going
to call you...Smiley!

Hey, wait up Smiley!

Aviva: Okay, data
collection time.

Tell me what you're
observing bro's.

Chris: On it.

Martin: Okay, triangular body
shape, head on front point.

Chris: Two eyes on
top of the head.

Mouth on the bottom.

Aviva: Ooh...that's cool.

Martin: Leathery pectoral fins
move like wings flapping,

with a rising and
falling, or undulating,

wave motion that moves
the stingray forward.

He's settling on the sand.

And now get ready for
one, but not the only,

world famous creature power

of this magnificent creature

--the stingray will

Aviva: Disappear?

Martin: Yes, look.

Undulating its fins,
moving them up and down,

the stingray quickly
flips sand on itself.

And this all causes the stingray

to virtually disappear.

Zach: A stingray?

So that's the creature with the
powers they're looking for.

And it can disappear
in the water?

Hmm...that may just help because

I have been having
one little glitch

with my invisibility cloak.

It works perfect when dry,

but when it gets water on
it...there's a problem.

Zachbot, spray me!


I meant the cloak, not my face!

You can see it when it's wet!

So maybe the stingray power
discs will have the secret

to fixing my invisibility cloak.

I must get those
creature power discs

and steal their technology!

Ha, ha, ha ha!

Martin: The stingray
is sooo cool!

And even its eyes are
colored like sand.

Only its eyes look out on
top looking for predators.

(clicking sound)

Hey Click!


Hi...and Whistle!


Guys, that tickles!

What're you guys doing here?

(clicking sounds)

Of course - you live out here
on the Caribbean sand flats.

Oh, and you are the predators
the stingray is hiding from.


I think they were watching
where the stingray was hiding.

Click, Whistle, be careful!

Stingrays have a defense.

Watch out for their whip
tail with a stinger!

Baby dolphins never listen.


Aviva: Whoa!

Chris: That is one
dangerous defense.

The tail goes up

and the barb comes out
towards the threat.

If it hits the target,

venom can enter the wound.

Oh, it's really damaging.

Aviva: Yeah, Martin
tell those cute little

dolphin babies to be careful!

Martin: I'm trying.

Aviva, says you
should be careful.


They don't really listen.

Well, not to me anyway.

But I think Mom's gotten
them under control.

She'll have to teach them how
to deal with stingray barbs.

Chris: Hey, Martin?
Martin: Go bro.

Chris: Where'd Smiley go?

Martin: Uh...

There! Now he's hunting.

Oh, hey Aviva,

did you know that stingrays
are related to sharks?

Aviva: Really?

Chris: Oh yeah!

I'll show you.

Sharks and rays are in a group
of cartilaginous fishes.

The scientific name of the
group is chondrichthyes.

Aviva: That's good to know.

So they're not bony fishes.

Chris: That's right.

Sharks and rays have no bones.

Aviva: Interesting.

so their skeletons are
made up of cartilage.

The same kind of cartilage
that gives the shape

to our ears and nose.

And is more flexible than bone.

Chris: And the stingray
has really powerful jaws.

So once it catches its prey,

it can crunch through
its shell easily.

Aviva: Got it. Powerful jaws...

plus undulating fins,

with sand covering powers...

periscope eyes...

and a dynamic defense of a tail

with a barb with
a venomous sting.

This is going to be
one power packed

creature power disc!

Programming now.

Stingray power
programming complete.

Zach: Good. The creature
power discs are ready.


Time to steal those
discs from the Wild Rats.

C'mon - let's bounce!

Aw...I didn't mean literally! can stop bouncing now.

(evil laughter)

Aviva: Okay, discs are ready.

Chris, all set?
Chris: I sure am.

When a new creature
adventure calls,

I'm ready to roll.
Aviva: Great!

Martin: Alright well roll
me my stingray power disc.

Chris: On it. Thanks Aviva!


Aviva: Good luck!

Chris: So, where are
all the stingrays?

Martin: Hidden in the sand.

Chris: I know, but where?

Martin: Now that we have
stingray power discs,

I can't find a single stingray.

Chris: Martin, you just
got to stay focused.

Martin: I am focused.

Chris: Got one!

Martin: Not fair.

Chris: Hey buddy!

Insert stingray power disc.

Touch stingray.

Activate stingray powers!

Chris: Awesome. Woo hoo!

I have fast moving
stingray powers!

Martin: Whoa! where you're
going with the stingray barb.

Chris: Oops, sorry Martin.

Martin: No problem bro,

because that is one

super-cool stingray power suit.

Okay, now my turn to
touch the stingray.

Hey...where'd he go?


Insert stingray power disc.

Touch stingray...

Activate stingray power!


Something's wrong!

Creature power suit malfunction!

Chris: Whoa bro,

it does not look like
you have stingray powers.

Aviva: Oh no! What
could've gone wrong?

What happened?

Martin: I don't know.
I pressed the disc

while I was touching
this stingray.

Aviva: Wait a second.

Zooming in. Oh no.

Your primary paw
icon is cracked.

That's what caused
the malfunction.

Martin: What?

Chris: And I think you
didn't touch a stingray bro.

You touched a flounder.

Martin: A flounder?!

Oh...a flounder.

Chris: That sure is
what it looks like.

Yep, you're pretty flat.

Martin: Oh, flounders
are cool fish

and they can hide too, but

I wanted stingray powers.

(clicking sound)

Martin: Oh, Click and Whistle.

Hey I know I may
look a little funny,

but it's still me. Martin.

Hey guys, don't laugh.

Aw, you're so smart,
you know it's me.

Chris: What they know is
you're not really a flounder.

What flounder runs around
the sandy bottom like that?

Martin: This kind!



I guess now we're playing
flounder in the middle.


Zach: There's the Tortuga.

The Wild Rats must be near by.


Over here!

I'm invisible, remember?

Now listen up!

I need those power
discs to fix my cloak!

Dive, Zachbots, dive!


Aviva: (giggling)

Aviva: Those dolphins
sure like to play.

I bet Martin's getting tired.


Zachbots! Oh no.

Chris, Martin...
incoming Zachbots.

Martin: Zachbots?
What are they after?

Chris: Don't know.
But I think we should...

Martin/Chris: Hide!

Chris: With these
creature powers,

I can see the Zachbots,

but they can't see me.

Here they come.

Get ready for a stingray...


Barb tail defense.



Yeah! Stingray power!

One down, two to go.

Martin: Oh ho. Nice one bro!

Way to use those
stingray powers.



Chris: Hey Zachbot? Over here.

Zachbots never learn.

If you chase a stingray,

you'd better watch out for

the sting of the tail.



That's how a stingray
handles predators.

Martin: Awesome bro!
You got him!

Uh-oh. I did it again.

If hiding doesn't work,

there's only one thing
for a flounder to do.


Chris: What? Martin, a
flounder's a fish,


Martin: Aaaaaahhhh!

Chris: Oh brother, talk
about a malfunction.

To the Martin Rescue!

Martin: Aaahaaahh!

Chris: I'm not going
to make it in time.

Martin: And in this malfunction,
I can't even swim.



The Zachbot wants to
fillet this flounder!


Huh? Click!


Nice job.



Nets. Oh no, nets! Aaah!

Chris: Hang on Martin!

Martin: Hurry Chris!

This Zachbot wants me to
be the catch of the day.

Chris: Not on my watch!

Stingray smash!


Martin: Yeahhh!

Aviva: Yeah! That's
how you do it!

Zach: Nooo!

I'll get you next
time, Wild Rats!

That's Wild Kratts!

Martin: Click, Whistle,

tell him in dolphinese.

Zach: Dolphin what?

Leave my hologram alone!

Stop it! Hey!



Martin: Hey, so what
did Zach want anyway?

Chris: Don't know,

but I don't think he got it.

Thanks for your help guys.

Martin: Yeah, Click and Whistle,

you saved this flounder!

And we found our hide
and seek creature so,

that's a creature
mission accomplished!

Chris: Yeah!

Well, I learned one thing.

Stingrays have a smashingly
effective defense.

Martin: And I learned
one thing too.

Make sure when you
activate stingray powers,

you're not touching a flounder.



Chris: Want a ride bro?

Martin: Yeah, stingray style!

Woo hoo...yeah!



Koki: Only one piece left.

Do you have it Jimmy?

Jimmy Z: Uh...nope.

Aviva: Hey guys!

Who's up for a game of
creature hide and seek?

Chris: Oh yeah! Fun.

Martin: Yeah!

Jimmy Z: A game
of hide and seek?

Count me in.

Koki: Yeah I'd be down for that.

Just as soon as we
finish our puzzle.

Jimmy Z: But we're
missing a piece.

Chris: Huh. Wonder where it is?

Martin: Hey...ow...I've
got something in my boot.

Koki: What?

Martin: Huh? What's this?

It's the missing puzzle piece!

Koki: Awesome and
it goes right here.

Aviva: It's a stingray!

Martin: (laughter)
We found two in one day!

Stingrays are hiding everywhere.

All: (laughter)

Martin: The cartilaginous fish

are a super cool
group of fishes,

but, there's a whole other
big group of fish too.

Based on what their
skeletons are made of.

Bone. The bony fishes!

And most fish in the world
have skeletons made of bone.

All with unique features.

Like this colorful parrot fish

with its bird-like beak.

Or the barracuda with it's
torpedo-shaped body

and razor-sharp teeth.

In fact, there are over
, different species

of bony fishes in the world.

Chris: While rays and skates
may not have , species,

there are so many
different types.


Martin: Yeah, there are
that many different kinds,

but they all have the same basic

flattened body shape.

Wide and triangular.

Like the giant manta ray.

The largest ray in the world.

These mantas are filter feeders,

swallowing up food
in their big mouths.

And other rays, like
this spotted stingray,

are benthic feeders.

Meaning, they hunt along
the sea bottom for prey.

Chris: Or the southern stingray.

Because their eyes are
on top of their heads,

they can't see their prey.

So they have to use
their other senses

to find their food.

And unlike other fish,

their mouths and gills
are on their belly.

Love that smiley face!

They use their wing-like fins
to cruise through the water,

but are capable of bursts
of speed to escape danger.

Stingrays are masters
of camouflage.

They can hide under the sand

with only their eyes sticking
out to keep a look out.

They are really gentle,

but you need to
watch out because

their tail has a venomous barb
that they use for defense.

Cartilaginous fishes

are an amazing
group of creatures.

Martin: Oh yeah. They sure are!

Keep on creature adventuring.

Chris: We'll see you
on the creature trail!

(show theme song)

Chris: To find out
more about cool animals,

Both: We'll see you there!