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06x19 - Runaway Reptar

Posted: 10/19/22 12:49
by bunniefuu
[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Fanfare playing]

♪ Come on and try our snack bar
and soon you will be back thar ♪

♪ Chips with nacho cheese
on top, that'll make your
ch'lest'rol drop ♪

♪ Try some of our sodas
and soon you'll take a load-a
bon-bons... ♪

[ Music continues]

[ Humming to music...]

[ Munching, arguing,

[ Laughing]


Keep it down, baldie!

I'm trying to have a growed-up
conversation over here.

I got a whole bag
of chocolate chip cookies

Over here, all for me!

I bet your mommy and daddy are
making you eat healthy stuff.

Actually, my mom made
fresh brownies

And we got ice cream from
the snack bar to put on them.


Oh, yeah? Well, uh...

I got this big lollipop.


That's not yours, angelica!
Give it back!

Oh, fine.

You goody-goodies

Take the fun out
of everything.

[ Music continues]

Conflabbed... If I can just...

Roll up the...

There we are.

All right, sprouts, you're
all set up for the reptar movie.

That'll be on screen number six,
right through there.

And if your grandpa has
worked everything out right

Deep sea fishermen
of the rugged north

Ought to be coming up
right over here on
screen number three.

[ Chuckles]
two for the price of one.

Ow! Ooh, oh, that reminds me,
I got to find a speaker
for mymovie.

Don't you kids go anywhere.

Did your grandpa say
this is where we're going
to see the movie?

Where's all the chairs?

And where's the toppy part?

I think this is some kind
of different movie place.

Sort of like, uh...
Parking lot movies.

You dumb babies!

This isn't
a parking lot.

It's a drive-in.

It's where you come
to watch movies in your car.

Why would anybody want to
watch movies in their car?

Well, I guess 'cause you
can wear your jammies
and roll around

And you don't have to sit
in your mommy and daddy's
laps the whole time.

Yeah, but I miss the gum
under the seats.

Movie starting, return to car.

Snack bar closes, ten minutes.

another good thing
about the parking lot movies

Is that dilly can
come with us.
Right, dilly?

[ Babbling happily]


Yeah, great.

Yucky, yucky.

[ Giggles]

[ Grunting]

Got it.

Whew, you'd think
they could make

The speaker cords
a little longer.

All righty, sprouts,
make yourselves comfortable.

Now, this is the way
to see a movie.

Yep, reminds me of when I went
to see my first talkie
back in -ought-nine.

[ Yawning]:
had to walk miles
to the theater...

Then take turns...
Cranking the projector.

[ Snoring]

[ Elephant-like trumpet]

[ Slow, eerie music playing...]

[ Egg cracking,
music continues...]


[ Cawing loudly]

[ Roaring]

Hey, there he is!

Hi, reptar!

You know, reptar's
never a-scared of

That's why he's my hero.

He's all our hero, chuckie!

What are you talking about?

He's a big lizard
who likes to smash stuff up.

Shh, quiet, guys!

[ Cawing and screeching...]

[ All movie dialogue
stilted and out of sync...]

oh, no, a horrible monster
is invading japan!

What could it be,

If I wasn't seeing this with my
own eyes, I'd never believe it.

Dactar, the pterodactyl
hatched from the egg
found in the la brea tar pits

Has come to tokyo
and begun to destroy
beachfront property.

Oh, great, first I lose
my car keys and now this.

We have got to
do something.


It's too late,
my friends.

I'm afraid tokyo is...

[ Dactar screeching...]

What are they
talking about?

Aw, it doesn't

Reptar's going to show up
and save them all.

He is?

Sure, just like he did

In reptar versus
the mole peoples!

And in reptar versus the aliums!

And in reptar versus
the gigantic coproaches!

He does it every time.

Yeah, well, it... It still
always takes me by surprise.

Maybe it's exciting
for you little babies

But I'm tired of the same thing
happening every time.

I'm changing the channel!

You can't change
the channel, angelica.

We're at
the parking lot movies.

Well, then, I'm going to...

I'm going to... [ Sighs]

Guess I'm going to go up front
and watch the fish movie
with grandpa.

[ Grunting]

This is pam,
spunky girl reporter

And this is my dog fritzi.

[ Barking]

This is the worst disaster
tokyo has ever seen.

Don't you agree, fritzi?

[ Barking]

Is there no one
in the whole world

Who can save us from dactar?

[ Loud roar]

[ Gasps]

Why... Is that... ?

Yes, fritzi, I think it is.

[ Roaring]




Yeah, go get the big

Mean birdy-thing, reptar.

It's not
a birdy, phillip.

Yes, it is, lillian.

It's a butterfly!


Hey, wait a minute, you guys.

Something's wrong.


Reptar's not

Beating dactar up.

He's... He's...

[ Gasps]

He's helping him!

How can this be?!

Reptar has always been
our friend.

He protected us from the mole
people, the aliens...

Don't forget
the gigantic cockroaches.

Yet now he seems
to have turned evil.

Has the world gone mad?

Has the very fabric
of space-time been torn apart?

[ No dialogue]


But reptar's not apposed
to help the bad guy!

He's a hero!

Well, he's sure not getting
in dactar's way.

This isn't like any reptar movie
I ever seened.

Hmm, it sure isn't.

Look, he helpded him
push that building over!

No, it can't be true!

Uh... Don't look, dilly!

[ Squealing]

Dil! No, dil!

No night night!

[ Roaring]

[ Roaring]

[ Screaming]

Well, it just goes to show you

You can't believe
in nothing no more, even...

S-somebody you thought
was a hero.

[ Grunting]


Don't say that, chuckie.

We can't give up on reptar
just 'cause he's acting, um...

Well, a little difernt
right now.

He's wrecking
the whole city!

Then... There has to be
a good reason for that.

Like what?!

Well, uh, like...

Uh, maybe he needs a nappy

Or... He has the sneezles.

That always makes me cranky.

Aw, grow up, tommy.

Anybody can see
what's really
going on.

Reptar's turned naughty!

[ Laughs]

No! There must be
some other reason

And we gots to go to pokyo
and find out what it is.

Go to pokyo?

But that looks like
it's very way far away.

Yeah, maybe even further than,
than our house to your house.

I don't care! We gots to find
out what's wrong with reptar

Or people are going to
think bad stuff about him.

Sure, tommy,
and how do you think

You're going to get
all the way to tokyo?

Easy-- we'll just take
my super-secret reptar car.

Yeah! I bet you
didn't think of that!

You gots a reptar car?

I'll show you!

[ Beeping...]

Stand back, you guys!

[ Hissing and clanking]

Where did all that
come from?

Mm... Box tops, mostly.


You're right, dilly.

We'd better get going.

Help me put him in, guys.

[ Giggling]

[ Zapping]

[ Giggling]

[ Grunting]

[ Zapping]

[ Grunting]

[ Zapping]

Careful, guys.

Just, whatever you do

Don't touch the tinkly thing.

Ooh... Tinkle.

You coming
with us, angelica?

Nah, with you babies gone, I'll
finally get some piece of quiet.

[ Quietly]:
plus, I'll get to eat
all the snacks.

Good luck, babies--
you'll need it.

Thanks, angelica.

Come on, chuckie.

Um, tommy, I'm not sure
this is such a good idea.

I mean, maybe we never
shoulda espected a big,
old fire-breathing dinosaur

To be our hero in the,
the first place.

I understand if you want to
stay here, too, chuckie

But reptar's my hero, and I'm
not going to give up on him

Just because
the chimps are drowned.

You guys ready?

Firstest emgine... On!


Well, maybe I will stay here

You know, seeing as how it is
close to bedtime and...

Nextest emgine... On!

Plus you guys are going to
have to go over the ocean

And I didn't bring
my water wingies.

Nextest to the nextest emgine...

Oh, all right,
I'm coming, I'm coming!

Don't turn on
any more engimes!

Don't worry, we'll be okay.

[ Zapping]

[ Screeching]

Hey, who drooled on my cookies?!

[ All yelling...]

[ Screeching]

Aren't we going
kind of fast, tommy?

I mean, we don't want to
hurt nobody... Like us.

Don't worry, chuckie.

It looks like everybody
in pokyo ran away

When dactar and reptar came.

We're the onliest ones
in the street.

except for the big butterfly!

What big...?


[ Screeching]

[ All screaming]

Aah! Look out,
he's trying to eat us!

[ Screeching, screaming]

No! Bad butterfly!

He's a bird, lillian!

That's why
he's pecking at us!

[ Screaming, screeching]

hang on, you guys!

[ All yelling...]

Bye-bye, birdie.

Everybody okay?


That was fun!

Peekaboo, chubby.

Aah! Go away!

Well, we finded dactar,
so that means reptar's
got to be around here, too.

What are we going to do
when we find him, tommy?

What if he's mean to us
like dactar?

Come on, chuckie,
reptar's our hero.

We gots to believe in him.

Well, I believe that's him
eating a fire truck.

Uh, but, uh, firemen's
are good guys.

Reptar's not apposed to
be eating their truck!

Well, if he's not
going to eat it,
why is he cooking it?

Well, maybe he's confused.

Uh, maybe he thinked
it was a licorice
or a big, saucy meatball.

[ Gulps]

[ Belches]

Yeah, and I guess he thinked
their hose was spaghetti.

[ Roaring]

Oh, I guess it's true.

Reptar really has
turned naughty.

But, tommy, if we give up
on reptar, he won't gots
no friends at all!

Maybe we should go
see him, like you said

And find out if he's feeling
sick or something.

Yeah, we just drive over to him
nice and slow.

[ Gasps]


[ All screaming]

[ Roaring]

Hi, this is pam,
spunky girl reporter.

Still with me is my dog, fritzi.

Well, fritzi, it seems
that reptar really has
turned evil.

Now tokyo will be destroyed.

But on the bright side,
it makes a very good story.

[ Screeching]

[ Screaming...]

You know, tommy,
I've been thinking.

Maybe instead of
bothering reptar

We should just get
a new hero!

[ Roaring]

It's doesn't sound like he's
got a runny nose, so I guess
it isn't the sneezles.

Maybe a little hero this time.

You know, something nice and
safe, like, um... A snail. Yeah.

[ Roaring]


And he doesn't got nappy eyes

So I guess he's not tired.

And I'm sure there's
lots of snails right
in your backyard, too.

So why don't we just turn
the wagon around and... Ow!

I told you this wagon
was not safe for babies.

Hey, maybe that's the problem.

Maybe reptar gots
a thorn in his paw!

Like in that story
about the ephalent!

It wasn't a ephalent,

It was a hoptopus.

Hoptopuses don't gots paws,

Oh, yeah-- maybe it was
some other story.

You guys, I bet if we
can find that thorn
and pull it out

Reptar'll go back
to being nice.

Chuckie, you stay here
and baby-sit dil.

Phil, lil,
you come with me.

[ Grunting...]

But... But guys...


You know, one of these days

I'm going to learn to talk
to grownups

And I bet they won't listen
to me neither.

[ Blows raspberry]

[ Growling]

[ Roaring]

Okay, you guys,
just a little closer.

[ All gasp]


I forgotted to look
for the thorn.

Did you guys see it?


We was too busy
not getting squishered.

[ Gasps]

[ All gasp]


Hmm, this is harder
than I thinked.

What are we going to do?

we must set a trap for him.

It's the only way.

set a trap? But how?

We lure him into one

Of the decommissioned
nuclear power plants nearby

And get him to lie down
on a big table.

After that,
we can do cat scans

And other advanced
diagnostic procedures.

A brilliant plan. If we get him
to hold still long enough

We could make him say "ah".


[ All laugh...]

That's what we'll do.

We'll set a trap for reptar

So he has to hold still.

That way we can see
what's wrong with him.

Come on!

[ Screeching...]

[ Screeching...]

[ Dil babbling...]

Look, dil, I finded
a snail to be our hero.

See, we don't need reptar
no more.

We can just watch our snail

And he'll tell us what to do.

See there, he's telling us
to wave our feelers, and...

And crawl
and leave a slimy trail.

Yep, I think he's going to be
a good hero.

[ Babbling and grunting]


[ Gasps]

And... Uh, he can fly, too.

[ Gasps]

hey, tommy!...

We founded them!

Good work, you guys.

Now that we gots some
nice, tasty dinosaur treats

Reptar will be sure to come over
to our muddy puddle.

And when he steps in the puddle,
he'll get stucked in there.

Just like chuckie's shoes
that day they got sucked
off his feet. [ Laughs]

Hmm... I guess we better
cover up our puddle

So reptar doesn't see it
afore he steps in it.

That should do it.

Well, maybe a little more
grass would be good.


Let's get some
dampylions, too.

I'll race you!

[ Babbling...]

Now I had to look around
pretty hard for this, dil

So don't throw it.

But I was thinking

A slug could be
a good hero, too.

They're a lot like snails

Except they don't have
the crunchy part on top...


No, dil, it's a slug.

Doggies got ears
and tails...


[ Roaring...]

Oh, no, it's reptar,
and he heading right for tommy!

Tommy? Bubba?

Of course
your brother tommy!

We're babies--
we don't know that many people!

Oh, hero slug...

Tell us what to do!

Aw, why am I
waiting for you?

I got to save my friend.

How do you work
this thing?

Okay... We're not
supposed to touch

This tinkly thing..
Oh, so it is...
Is it this one?

Oh, no...
Is it this one?

[ Gasps]


[ Chuckie screams]


[ Roaring...]

[ Humming...]

[ Footsteps thumping...]

[ Gasps]

Tommy, look out!

[ Humming...]

[ Screams]

[ Whimpers]




Oh... Good thing I fell
into this soft pile of...

Dinosaur treats!

Tommy, help!

Reptar's going to eat me!

[ Grunting, whimpering]

[ Screams]

[ Growling]


Tommy, get me
out of here!

I'm coming, chuckie!

[ Roaring]

[ Screaming...]

I don't think he liked
our muddy puddle.

[ Both grunting...]

It's too late, tommy!

Save yourself!

We don't both have to be
dinosaur breakfast!

No! I won't leave you!

[ Gasps]

[ Both whimpering...]

aah...! Huh?

[ Whirring and clanking...]

[ Roaring]

Where's he going?

How comes
he didn't eat us?

I don't know.

He's not even sniffing
the dinosaur treats.

Maybe he got full
eating a building or something.

But spike eats his doggie treats
even when he's not hungry.

Oh, I just know there's
something wrong with reptar.

If we can only figure out
what it is!

[ Growling]

[ Air hissing]

[ Magnets clanking]

[ Growling, whirring]

How's come the forigidater
magnets are sticking to reptar?

And how come he's making that
clanky sound, like dad's car?

I'll tell you
how's come.

'Cause that's not reptar
at all...

That's a reptar robot!

[ Roaring, whirring]

[ Both gasp]

But who'd want to build
a big robot

Just to make everybody think
reptar's naughty?

[ Laughing...]

[ Whirring]

[ Roaring]

[ Clicking]

[ Frustrated growling]

[ Zapping]

[ Roaring]

So, angelica...

It was you!

You're the one who builded
the naughty reptar robot!

Nice job, huh?

I did it all
with my pego building blocks.

I had mommy and daddy

Get me the extra large
agronomy size so susie

Wouldn't have
a bigger set than me.

But why couldn't you
just build something nice?

Why? I'll tell you why.

Because reptar's
a goody-goody,
that's why.

"I'm going to fight
the mole peoples!"

"I'm going to fight
the aliums!"

Blah, blah, blah.

And if there's anything
that bugs me more

Than brushing my teeth,
it's goody-goodies.

They make me look bad, and that
makes it hard to get more toys.

That's why I builded
robot reptar.

I figure if I can make
the biggest goody-goody
of all look bad

It'll make me look really good!

I'll be swimming in new toys.

and that is only the beginning!

Who was that?

Oh, that's the guy
who gave the idea.

Once I get the giant antenna
set up above my laboratory

Inside mount fujiyama

I'll be able to get
robot reptar off
this accursed island

And send him out to destroy
the whole entire world!

[ Laughing evilly...]

Well, he's not as cute as I am,
but he's got a nice laugh.

Does that mean you're
going to mess up the
whole world, angelica?

Well, I hadn't really
thought about it

But if getting
robot reptar off
this crusted island

Will get me more toys,
it's worth a try.

Now, all's I got to do
is find mount fujelica.

Oh, there it is.

We won't let you
mess up the world

Just so your mommy and daddy
will buy you toys, angelica!

Aw, do
the widdle babies

Want to stop big,
mean angelica?

Well, we keep trying,
but it never seems
to work out very good.

[ All agree]

I guess you babies
could try to stop me

But on the upper hand,
you might want to stay here

To keep robot reptar from
squishing your neighborhood.

[ All gasp]

[ Beeps]

[ Whirring]

[ Beeping...]

[ Roaring]

[ Whirring and thumping]

Oh, no! He's going
to smoosh our houses!

Well, babies,
I'd love to stay

But it's going to be
bedtime soon

And I got the whole
world to destroy.


[ Laughing]

What are we going
to do?

Should we save
our houses?

Or save the world?

Um, well, I think
our houses and the world

Is both aportant.

We're going to need
some help.

[ Giggling]

[ Beeping]

Um, susie...

Are you there?

Oh, hi, guys, what's up?

Uh, well, it's kind of
a long story, but...

The big reptar robot's
coming over to squish
our houses!

Our houses?

But I thought
robot reptar
was in pokyo.

[ Whirring and thumping]

[ Roaring]

Well, apparently
we just moved to japan.

Tommy, does angelica
have anything to do with this?

She builded robot reptar!

And she's going to use him
to mess up the whole world

Unless we stop her!

Okay, tommy.

We'll keep robot reptar busy

While you stop angelica!

Um, are you saying
that we're going to stop

A hundred-foot-high, fully
functional t. Rex cyborg?

We baby-sitted
that puppy once

And that was for
two whole days!

[ Sighs]

Thanks, you guys.

We gots to go now!

All right, you guys.

It's up to us to keep robot
reptar from huffing and puffing

And squishing our houses
like graham crackers.

And that means...
It's time to get dressed!

Hi, this is pam...

Not feeling quite so spunky.

As reptar comes to destroy this
poor, defenseless neighborhood

We have to ask ourselves why
our former hero has turned evil.

Why, why, why?

[ Whirring and thumping]

[ Barks]

What do you mean
it's not really reptar?

Another one of your
wild theories, no doubt.

See, fritzi... That's why
you will never be

A spunky girl reporter.

[ Barking]


And now, jim hashimoto
with the weather.

[ Static]

...three, two, one, go.

We'll be experiencing
intermittent fireballs
and debris this afternoon

As a result of
the recent dinosaur invasion

So keep those umbrellas ready!

How are we going to get to
mount fujelica in time, tommy?

Yeah, angelica gots
a head start.

Um, well...

I guess we'll just have to fly!

[ Beeping]

[ Whirring...]



Fly? No way!

No offense, tommy

But you only been walking
for three months.

I don't think flying is a...

Hi, birdie!

[ All gasp]

[ Screeching]

Get this thing

Come on, fly!

Fly, fly!

[ Screeching]

[ Screeching...]


Sorry, dilly,
no time for snacks!

We got to do something, tommy!

He's going to catch us!

[ Bell ringing]

So the babies decided to follow
me after all, eh, fluffy?

Well, I'll show them
it's not that easy to get
into my secret hideout.

[ Beeps]

Hey, guys...

Mount fujelica!

[ Rumbling, expl*si*n]

But what's all that stuff
coming out of it?

hot, steaming lava.

No question about it,
my friends.

This is molten rock,
, degrees of burning,
frying, sauteeing heat.

Enough to melt a truckful
of marshmallows.

Enough to boil a small manmade
lake, such as you might find
in a miniature golf course...

Okay, okay... It's hot.
How do we get past it?

We could wait
for the next ice age

But that might take too long.

One of us could put on
this fire-protection suit

And see if he can walk
through the lava
without burning up.

Sure, I'll do it.

Well, if that lava stuff
melts marshmallows,
I'm not going into it.

But if we don't go in,
dactar will get us!

There gots to be a way in!

Hungy, hungy!

Not now, dilly.

We have
to figure out

How to get past
the lava!

Dil, no!

Mmm... Ams!


Hey, dil's right!

This isn't lava,
it's mushy yams!

And maybe some turkey.

Quick, everybody!
It's lunchtime!

[ Roaring]

Why couldn't I be the cowboy?

Sorry, edwin,
you're the only one

That still fits
in the kitty costume!

Let's get him!



[ Giggling and slurping]

[ Dactar screeching]

[ Gasping]

hurry, you guys!
Eat, eat!

[ Screeching]

We did it!
We finded a way in!

[ Screeching]

Open it! He's coming!


This isn't the bestest thing
to do right after lunch.

Oh, hello, babies.

Like my secret lavatory?

I never beened
in a place

Where I wanted to
eat the furniture.

Okay, angelica, I guess this
is olly-olly-ox-in-a-tree,
'cause the game's over.

Sorry, tommy, but this game
is just getting started.

[ Beep, clang]

Something told me
this was a little
too easy.

You didn't think
I was going to let you

Spoil my fun again,
did you?

Well, now that I got you
in my playpen of doom

Nothing can stop me
from sending robot reptar
out to mess up the whole world!

I'm going to look so good

My mommy and daddy will buy me
all the toys in the store!

There's one thing
you forgotted about, angelica.

Yeah, what's that?

The real reptar!

Even if we can't stop you,
he will!

Gee, you're right, tommy.

That would be something
to worry about...

If he wasn't already my prismer!

[ Kids gasp]

Oh, no,
she does gots reptar!

Well, at least he gots
a nice little house to live in.

What are we going
to do now, tommy?

Aw, don't pout, babies.

Here, why don't you watch
a little t.b.?

I know just the show
to cheer you up.

[ Roaring]

Stop that! Be a nice robot!

Meow! Meow!

Gee, I guess things aren't going
real good for your friends.

Too bad.

Let me change the channel.

Evil scientist:
sure, they laughed at me
in high school

But when my giant antenna
is ready

I'll send robot reptar
out to show them

I'm not just some geek
from the science club!

Then we'll see who gets picked
last for softball!

[ Laughing evilly]

Boy, he isweird.

Well, got to get
back to work on my antenna.

Bye-bye, babies.

Bye-bye, yucky!

[ Roaring and whirring]

don't let go, you guys!

He'll smash tommy's house!

Can't hold him...
Arms weak...

Brute strength is
traditionally ineffective
in controlling dinosaurs.

Can you hang on
while I download tips

From the museum
of natural history website?


[ Roaring]

Wow, nice portable
wrist tv!

[ Sizzling]:

We must escape.

The inventor of the
evil reptar robot

Has captured us
and put us in this
very small cell

With no
comfortable chairs.

don't worry, you guys.

I'll get us out
of here somehows.

But tommy, you been trying
to open that thing

For practically a whole minute.

Oh, I just know we're going to
be stucked in here forever.

Guess we should have
bringed extra diapers.

Uh... Uh...

I think I almost...
Uh... Got it.

Nope, don't got it.

[ Giggling and babbling]

[ Beeping]

[ All gasp]

No, dil!

Not the tinkly thing!


I think dil broke
angelica's toy.

She's not going to like that.

That's the thingy she uses
to tell robot reptar what to do!

I wonder
what's going to happen now.

[ Roaring]

[ Beeping...]

[ Yawning and meowing]

And after my mommy and daddy

Buy me all the dummi bear
action figures

I'm going to get one of those
cynthia time-share condos

With track lighting
and a real working jacuzzi.

[ Gasps]


[ Roaring]

[ Kids yelling]

What's going on here?

do you think that
she'll be mad at us?

[ Bell dings]

What did you dumb babies do
to my robot?!

[ Talking at once]

It was dil!

And just look
at my new joystick!

sorry, angelica!

Not as sorry
as you're going to be!

'Cause when
my robot gets here

He's going to...
[ Gasps]

[ Roaring...]

meow, meow.

[ Grunting]

[ Beeping...]

Hey, what are you doing?

Go smoosh the babies!

Get away from me!


Angelica! Open up the playpen!

Not now! Can you see I'm busy?!

No! I mean, let us out
so we can help you!

tommy, why should
we help her?

She wanted us
to get squishered!

And I don't see
nothing in the movie

About anybody
helping the bad guy!

Well, guys, sometimes
a cousin's got to do
what a cousin's got to do.

Hurry, angelica!

Oh, all right.

[ Panting]


Spread up, you guys!

Move over, dilly.

[ Giggles]

[ Screaming]

[ Roaring]

Okay, guys, hide her!

Yeah! Somebody hide me!

[ Grunts]

Ooh... Thanks!

Our pleasure.

[ Roaring]


Oh... [ Panting]

Tommy... Are you okay, buddy?

[ Dazed]:
sure, chuckie...

I like shoe with my...

Spike catch
nappy bone time...

Uh... Wait!

Where's dilly?

[ Gasps]


[ Roaring]

Ooh... Nice doggie!

No, dil,
not a nice doggie!


dil... No!

We gots to save him!

[ Susie grunting,
engine grinding]

Sorry, tommy--
I think your wagon is broked.

I think it's just
a slight occlusion

Of the gyroscopic

Plus the wing
is squished.

Can you fix it,

Sure, but it'll
take a few minutes.

Okay, you guys,
get to work.

In the beantime, there's an evil
simontist I need to talk to.

Hey, angelica!

Shh, I'm hiding from the robot!

He's gone, and he
taked dil with him!

Oh, that's good.

I mean, oh,
that's too bad.

It's time to make up for
all the trouble you causeded.

Yeah, how?

By letting reptar go!

Why? Just so he
can go out there

And be a hero
again? Never!

Well, then, if you won't
let him out, I will!

But tommy, if you
let him out of there,
he'll be mad.

He'll probably moosh us
just walking outside.

He's our only hope,

We gots to try.

[ Muffled roaring]

[ Tapping]


Ah... This ought to do it.

Ha! Did you think
you could free reptar
from my prism

With just your
dinky baby toy?

[ Cracking...]

Uh, chuckie,
I think we better move.

[ Roaring, kids yelling...]

No! If we're going to have
reptar for a hero, then we
gots to believe in him!

Tommy, stop!
What are you doing?

He's going to smoosh us!

Hey, dinosaur treats!

I figured there might be
some in your pockets

From when you fell
in them.

You're going to leave them
on the ground

So's we can run away
while he eats them?

Nope, I'm going to show reptar
we believe in him!

Hey, reptar! Over here!

Tommy, no!

It's okay, reptar.

I got some nummies for you.

[ Snorting]

Uh, good boy, reptar.

[ All laughing]

Wow, he isnice.

He's not even slimy.

Brr... And his nose
is cold like spikey's.

I think spike
would fit in his nose.

Could we teach him
to roll over?

Okay, reptar...
Now, you know that big robot
thingy that looks like you?

[ Imitates robot reptar]

Well, that robot
has my brother dil

And we need you
to get him back!

Will you do it?

I can't believe you're
talking to a dinosaur!

That's even dumber
than talking to babies.

You think he's going to...

[ Roaring...]

yay! Go, reptar...!

I just wish we could follow him.

[ Gasps]

All aboard.

[ Whirring and clanking...]


Giddyap, doggie!


[ Beeping]

[ Growling]

[ Gasps]

[ Whirring, clanking,


Don't worry, dilly.

Everything's going to be okay.

Birdie! Birdie!

[ Gasps, screams]



What happened, tommy?

How's come dactar
did not eat you
like a...

A big... Uh, bug?

I guess dactar turned out to be
a little bit of a hero, too.

[ Roaring]

Oh, great.

Well, angelica,
guess your little plan

Didn't work out
too well.

I would have gotten
away with it

If it wasn't for
those meddling babies.

Come on, guys.

Looks like it's time to go.


Thanks for saving dilly,

Ready, guys?


[ Meows]

[ Sneezes]

Let's go!


Um... Okay, dilly.

You can do it.


[ Kids yelling]

well, my friends...

The world is safe again

Thanks to reptar.

Right, fritzi?

[ Belches]

[ All laughing]

thanks for helping, susie.

It was tough, but we did it.

[ Yawns]

And now... We're going... Home.

[ Yawns]


[ Growls]

how's come dactar
did not eat you

Like a... A big... Uh, bug?