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08x16 - A Rugrats Kwanzaa

Posted: 10/19/22 17:28
by bunniefuu
[ kids laughing]

[ snoring]
[ yells]

[ kids laughing]

[ dog barking]

[ kids giggling]

[ yells]

[ thunder booms]

Can you believe it, Jen?

My very own cell phone!

It's for emergencies only

and this is a major .

ALISA [ continues faintly]:
Did you hear Tammy
broke up with Josh?!

Thank you, and come again!

[ squeaks]

[ hiccuping]


I'm out of customers.

Would you like to come
to my new beauty salon?

Not now, Susie.

I'm on the verge
of a scientific breakthrough.

I may have discovered
the cure for hiccups!

How 'bout you, Buster?

No can do, Susie Q.

This head's off limits
till after soccer finals.

I am so excited about that
dance, I can't even tell you.


What are they thinking,
going like that?

Isn't anybody gonna let me
do their hair?!

Great Aunt T.'ll be here
any minute, little sis.

Why don't you ask her?

Buster, Aunt T.'s !

She's a little old lady.

[ door opens]

[ laughing]


[ chuckles, sighs]

Oh my! I haven't seen
a storm like this

since Hurricane Coco
in Tahiti!

[ shoes squishing]

[ gasps]

What's the matter?

Your Aunt T.'s here!

Baby girl, it's so good
to see you!


[ cracking]

[ laughs]

It's good to see
you too, Aunt T.!

Where's Uncle Charles?

In Zanzibar, the old goat.

Moves too slow,
plane left without him.

Oh, dear.

Oh, not to worry.

He'll catch the next flight out.

[ laughs]

My stars,
look at all you children!

You may not know me,
but I know you.

Alisa, Edwin, Buster and...

Susie, the baby
of the family.

I'm not a baby.

I'm three and a half!

Child, at my age,
everyone's a baby!

Now get over here and give
your Aunt T. a big hug!

[ chuckles]


Oh... you've got

the grip of a python,
Aunt T.!

Little old lady, huh?

Nothing like being with family
for the holidays!

I have a feeling
we're gonna have

an extra special Kwanzaa
this year.


We've never really observed
that holiday, Aunt T.

Although I did write
an excellent paper on it
several years ago.

Is that right, son?

Well, then you know Kwanzaa's
all about being together
as a family.

And since we're all together,
we've got to celebrate!

Well, if that's what you want,
that's what we'll do.

It'll be fun, won't it, kids?

[ muttering]:
Got to be kidding......better things to do.

But what's Kwonzo?

Kwanzaa is
a cultural holiday
established in

the first harvest
celebrations of Africa.


[ Aunt T. laughs]

Sugar, all you need to know

is it's a time to give thanks

and honor the legacy
of our great people!

[ sighs] Now who's
going to help Aunt T.
get these boots off?

[ grunting]

Ah...! Much better.

But my darn toes froze up.

Rub 'em for me, Buster.


Why don't we find
Randy first?

He's dying to see you.

Oh... fine idea!

He's not still
writing stories

about those
Crummy Bears, is he?

Dummi Bears, Aunt T.

Yes, he is.

Thanks for 'viting us over

for Kwonzo, Susie!

Sure, Chuckie.

Okay, you're all finished!

Gosh, we look like
brother and sister...

'cept you don't gots
as many freckles.

[ drum playing...]

[ babies laughing...]

Let the music take you there,
little ones.

[ all laughing...]

I like Chuckie's Kwonzo
piggly tails, Susie.

Can you do that for me?

Maybe next year, Tommy.

Aunt T., I have a script due

and it's kind of hard to
concentrate with that...

Hey... hey...[ laughing]

Henfeathers, Randy!

I didn't know your family
had so many trophies.

Looks like I've stumbled into
the Carmichael Hall of Fame!

And you, Randy...

"The Klinkus Award for Comedy."

Hmm. You know, I'd never guess
you were a funny man.

Well, there's certainly

a lot of great people
in this family...

Which one of those
is yours, Susie?

None of 'em.

I guess I haven't done
anything great.

Mm... mmm!

Oh, I'm so proud
of my Carmichaels.

I know we're supposed
to wait a few days

but what do you say
we have the karamu,
the big feast, tonight?

Sorry, Aunt T., but
I've only got two days
to write a script.

So, if you'll excuse me...

Hey, where are you going?!

The first day of Kwanzaa
is about unity!

We're supposed
to be together!

Habari gani!

That's Swahili for
"how are you?".

Now don't be shy!

You're supposed
to answer


For the first day of Kwanzaa!

Uh... Umoja,Aunt T.

Alisa... something

for that dance
of yours!

Edwin... a little prop
to go with your research paper.

[ Aunt T. laughs]


May your descendants

be as plentiful.

[ rattling...]

Oh, and last but not least...

our Susie.

[ laughs]

No, while you share this
with your little friends

I'm going to go tell your mother
we're having a feast!

[ laughs]

Come on, Susie!

Open your Kwonzo present!

Ooh, I hope it's something
we can play with right now!


It's nice but...
what is it eggsackly?

Mmm, it's just an old book
with some pictures in it.

Wow! Look at all
the neat stuffs theygot!

That is sonot going on my head.

[ counting quietly]

Shh! I'm counting
my descendants.

How am I supposed to feed
all these kids?!


[ all scream]

[ thunder booms]

[ doorbell rings]

Uh, sorry the pups
are late

but, uh, Cap'n Howie
got a little carried away

building his new
ship in a bottle!

We're on the way
to the hospital.
Want to join us?

Let me get my coat.

ALL: Hi, guys!

Ooh, Chuckie,
your hairs is so cute!

You look like
a little pointy porkypine!

[ laughs]

Gee, thanks, Lil!

So, did we miss

Susie's Great Aunt T. just
gived everyone Kwonzo gifts!

Wow, these are the bestest
presents I ever seed!

Those are Alisa's
and Buster's.

This is what I got...

Goodness, isn't that
just loveyly, Phillip?

[ whispers]:
I think she got gypped.

All right, Carmichaels, time to
get ready for our Kwanzaa feast!

Buster, you're
in charge of the dinner.

Me?! But...

I've got a recipe
for African Peanut
Butter Stew

that'll knock
your socks off!

Mm-mmm, don't
even go there.

She what?!


You can set the table.

Don't forget the Muhindi

the Mkeka
and the Mazao.

Excuse me?

That's corn,
straw mat

and the fruits
of the harvest.

[ thunder booms, echoes]

Edwin, you gather
the kinaraand the candles.

Come on, everybody,
let's get cracking!

[ kids mumbling]

But what about me?

I want to help
with Kwanzaa, too!

Consider yourself

Hey, guys, I think I know
why Aunt T. didn't give me
a job for Kwanzaa.

You do?

Why, Susie?

She said Kwanzaa's
about bein' together

and celebrating
great peoples

and I'm not great.

Don't be silly!

You're one of the greatest
peoples I know!

No, I'm not.

Of course you are!

I don't gots a trophy

like everyone else
in my family.

Well, if all you need
is a trophy

maybe we can
make you one!

You can't just
make a trophy, Tommy.

First, I got to do
somethin' 'portant.

What kinds of
'portant stuffs
did your fambly do?

Well, Alisa's
president of her class...

You'd make a great
president, Susie.


What's a president do again?

They give speeches and smile

when they get their pictures
taked and things like that.

And on my summer vacation,
my family went to the zoo.

We saw lots of animals.

There were lions and giraffes
and gorillas...

Show's over, shrimp!

[ fizzing]


[ hissing...]

It's no use.

I'm just no good at being great.

Don't give up, Susie!

Maybe you just gots to do
somethin' special of your own.

Like what?

Well, you're good
at makin' stuffs.

You're right, Chuckie!

Maybe I'll make Aunt T.
a Kwanzaa gift!

[ creaking...]

Gee, that's a real nice
ball, Susie.

Uh, I thought
it was a turtle.

It's not either one of those.

It's my head.

Edwin has one on the piano.

He calls it a bust.


[ yelling]

Now it really is a bust.

Oh, Aunt T.'s
Kwanzaa present!

It's ruined!

I guess my family's
just gonna

have to celebrate Kwanzaa
without me.

[ crying]:
I'm not one
of our great peoples!

[ crying...]

[ sobbing...]

Ooh, bless your heart,

What's the matter?

[ sniffling]

I ruined the present
I made you for Kwanzaa.

I'm sorry, Aunt T..

Well, it's not gorgeous

but it's got a lot of
character... just like me!

[ laughs]

Tell Aunt T. what else
is on your mind.

I can't celebrate Kwanzaa
with you

because it's
for the great peoples...

...and I'm not great
'cause I don't got

any trophies or 'wards

like you and
all the rest of my family.

Me? A trophy? Hoo!

The only award I ever got

is one your Uncle Charles
gave me

for "Biggest Mouth in Town!"

[ laughing]

Baby, let me tell you

Greatness doesn't have anything
to do with winning awards.

[ sniffles]

It doesn't?

No, ma'am!

Mm... mmm!

Now, why don't you little ones
come with me.

I've got some people
I'd like you to meet.

[ thunder booms,
Chuckie screams]

Is everyone okay?

We're just fine.

Sit down, Randy,
enjoy some family time.

I could use a break.

I just wrote a scene
where the Dummi Bears

pitch a tent
on their camping trip.

It was hilarious.

Just goes to show you how people
find different things funny.

Now, Susie, where's that
Kwanzaa gift I gave you?

Here it is, Aunt T.

I've kept this scrapbook
for nearly years.

It's filled with
all sorts of great people.

Wow, there's
Rosa Parks...

Supreme Court Justice
Thurgood Marshall...

Don't forget
Ella Fitzgerald!

♪ Baba-doodun-dee,
dabba-doy-doy... ♪

Boy, that lady could scat!
[ laughs]

But I don't want
you children thinking

that all great people
become famous

and get their pictures
in the paper.

Most never do.

Who's that, Aunt T.?

Why, that's your Uncles Charles.

My dear old curmudgeon.

Now he's a great man!

But don't you go tellin' him
I said that.

Wouldn't want it
to go to his head!
[ laughs]

Did he get lots of 'wards?

Oh, heavens, no.

But he's one of

the kindest men I've ever known.

Helps anybody who needs it.

[ radio playing
gospel instrumental...]

[ camera clicks]

[ birds chirping,
radio playing...]

[ tuning...]

In other news

crowds are gathering today
in our nation's capital

for the civil rights

led by Dr. Martin Luther King...

Heavens to Gimble,

We're miles
from Washington

and you promised
we'd see Dr. King!

You and your wrong turns.


Looks like car trouble.

[ ratcheting...]

So, young man,
where are you headed

in such a fine suit
of clothes?

I'm on my way
to give a speech, ma'am.

Well, bless your heart,
you can't give a speech
covered with grease!

Let me fetch you
one of Charles' clean shirts.

[ grunts]

That ought to
stop the leak.

Should be okay
to drive now.

Thank you, sir.

You know, son,
I never did get your name.

It's Martin Luther King, ma'am.

I... I, I, I... oh...

[ Edwin and Susie laughing]

Way to go, Uncle Charles!


[ phone beeps]

I guess the battery
must be dead.

[ beeping]

[ gasps]
Aunt T.!

I didn't know Iwas
in your book!

That's not you, that's Mom!

The day she sang her
first solo in church.

Oh, good heavens.

You're not going to tell
that story, are you?

I sure am, sugar!

It's one of the great moments
in our family history...

rI can't do it!

Let's go, Lucy!

They're waiting for you
out there!

[ whispers]:
Mama, I can't sing

I... I'm not ready.

I think I've got
a frog in my throat.

Oh, baby, you've just
got a little stage fright,
that's all.

You love singing
in the choir, don't you?

Yes, but...

Don't let fear keep you
from doing what you love.

[ cracks knuckles]

[ plays intro]

[ gulps]

[ playing tune]

[ nervously]:
♪ This little light of mine

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

[ stronger]:
♪ Oh, this little light
of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine...

♪ Hallelujah!

♪ This little light of mine

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ Let it shine, let it shine,
let it shine... ♪

♪ Everywhere I go...

♪ Everywhere I go

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ Oh, everywhere I go

♪ I'm gonna let it shine,
hallelujah ♪

♪ Everywhere I go

♪ I'm gonna let it shine

♪ Let it shine, let it shine

♪ Let it shine...!

[ laughs]

Mama, you were
so scared!

How did you do it?

Sometimes you don't know
how much courage you have

till you're pushed out
on stage, so to speak.

Susie, great people
get scared

just like
everybody else.

They just don't
let it stop them.

Speaking of
great people...

you've forgotten to mention

one of the greatest people
of all.

Who's that, child?


What are you doing
just sitting there, child?

Start packing!

A gal doesn't
get accepted

to Harvard Medical
School every day.

But, Aunt T., my financial
aid fell through

and I just don't know
what I'm gonna do.

Family needs a little help
and no one thinks to ask me!

Why, what in blazes have
your Uncle Charles and I

been working so hard for

rif not to help family
when they need it?

Baby, I know you'll make
a fine doctor some day.

Oh, thank you, Aunt T.!

[ cheering]

Wow! Now I know why Mama
calls you "Great Aunt T.!"

[ laughter]

The lights!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Our Kwanzaa dinner is served!

When the power went out

I couldn't make the African
Peanut Butter Stew.

So I decided to make
African Peanut Butter
sandwiches instead!

Ingenious, my boy!

The table's already set

so let's have our karamu!

Child, always be
proud of who you are

and where you came from.

And remember

you have your whole life

to discover how great
you really are.

Now, let's go celebrate
with the rest of the family.

You can light the candle
on the kinara.

Umoja,Aunt T.

[ chuckles]


Aunt T. gived you
a really neat book,

Yeah, those were
the bestest Kwonzo
stories I ever heared.

Those were the onliest
Kwonzo stories you eber heared.

You sure gots
a great fambly, Susie.

Yeah, and we think you're
the greatest one of 'em all.

Thanks, you guys.

Come on, let's go
celebrate Kwanzaa!

[ all cheering]

[ doorbell rings]

Hello, dumpling.

Oh, Charles,
you made it!

[ crack, grunts]Now we're
all together!

Come on now,
we're just about

to sit down
for the feast!

Mmm... this is the best
peanut butter sammich
I ever had!

I didn't know you had it
in you, Buster!

George Washington Carver
would be proud.

Oh, it's been
a wonderful day.

And I want to thank

Aunt T.
and Uncle Charles

for bringing
our family together

and reminding us
how much

we have to be
grateful for.

Susie, would you like
to make the unity toast?

Goodness, child

you can't make the toast

without a cup of unity!

Now let's see,
we need something very special

for this important ceremony...

and I know just the thing!

To Aunt T.... for showing us

we can all be
great peoples!


Harambee! Harambee!


[ others laughing and toasting]

Oh, yes.

♪ Let it shine♪

♪ All in my house

♪ All in my house♪

♪ I'm going to...
I'm gonna let it shine♪

♪ Oh, all in my house♪

♪ I'm going... I'm gonna
let it shine, hallelujah...♪

♪ ...Whoa, yeah

♪ Let it shine, let it shine♪

♪ Let it shine...!♪

Harambee! Harambee!