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01x04 - A New Era

Posted: 10/20/22 09:36
by bunniefuu
Previously, on
"The Serpent Queen..."

From now on, anyone
lays a hand on my maid

answers to me.

How does it feel
to teach them a lesson?

It feels good.

Of course it does.

Don't you understand?

We will both be out

unless you give Henri a son.

I've tried everything.

Will you let me help you?

I suggest that the couple
make love à levrette.

Well, that should do the trick.

Good night.

Let's hope that did the trick.

You ride well, I notice.

You do most things well,
don't you?

Someone wishes my wife ill.

Henri, do you really believe

that your brother
would do such a thing?

I must get pregnant.

I'll pay what's required.

Are you sure about that?

I need a minute.

Find the man who k*lled my son.

Was it you or your dressmaker?

Please, please!

I did everything I could.

Did you?

With Ruggieri,
there's always a price.

Your new Dauphine,
who is with child.

In a week's time,
my second son

will be crowned
king of France.

Does he look like a king
to you?

- Uh!
- Oh!

I will do
everything in my power

to make sure
that it doesn't happen.

As the king's widow,
the throne is rightfully mine.

Now, where was I?

You'll pay
for what you done to me

when Mary's queen again.


Her husband, the king, is dead.

In a few days, his younger
brother will ascend the throne.

Everyone knows that witch

is behind what happened
to the king.

That she'd do that
to her own flesh and blood.

The two of you
deserve each other.

Shall I tell the queen

that is your opinion?


I have no opinion.

You must have misunderstood.

Must have.

You missed a spot.


Thought so.

Show us your tits.

Shame it's raining.

I was hoping for a walk
after breakfast.

Looks like it might clear up.

Let's hope so.

I'm tired of being indoors.

Does Mary have
a claim to the throne?

My son, Charles IX,
will be king.

But he's so young.

And I will be there
to protect him.

And not Mary?

Who have you been speaking to?

One of the girls
said something.

The one you maimed?

Pay it no mind.

Mary's grief-stricken

over the death of my son.

She even blames me for it.

How did your son,

the king, die?

We'll get to that in time.

The agony of losing a child,

it never fades.

Fifteen years had passed.

I had spent my youth
behind the palace walls.

Fifteen years
and nine children.

Mary had been with us
almost her entire childhood

on account of her betrothal
to our eldest son.

He was besotted by her.

We had settled
into an unusual domesticity.

My husband shared my bed
and that of his mistress.

Longer next time.

Breathe normally.

And... push again.

Push, push.


Bring me a blade.

Do as I say, woman!

- Doctor, what is it?
- No!

What is it?

The child is inverted
in the birth canal.

If we do not break its limb,

- the mother will die.
- Then...

- No!
- Then do it.

- No!
- Do it. Shh, shh.

You do what you must, Doctor.

- Henri...
- Please... no, no, no.

- Shh, shh.
- No!

Hold her down.

Hold her down.
Catherine. Catherine.

Please, please.

Have courage. Have courage.

Have courage, please.

- Hold her still.
- No!

Soon, I felt a heavy fog
settle over me.

There were days when I began
to doubt my existence.

Not to mention my sanity.

There had been
other changes at court.

Ruggieri had disappeared
from my life.

He left me his mirror
to remember him by.

At the time,

I was grateful
for his absence.

Thank you, sir.

Montmorency had not been seen

for many years.

Some say he was fighting
for money in Flanders.

Charles of Bourbon had retired
to his country seat

to tend to his wife's
beloved gardens.

Pig fucker.

The First Duke of Guise...

Hail Mary, full of grace...

...had also left
his Privy Council position

and dedicated himself
to his Catholic faith,

ultimately succumbing
in the act of prayer.

Speaking French...

The duke's sons,

who took his place at court,

were more enterprising.

What is it?

If it's that f*cking cardinal,

I'll blow his balls off.

Don't do anything stupid.


You can go back to sleep
if you'd rather.

I knew we should never have
moved to the country.


What is the meaning of this?

I've already told you

I'm not selling you my house.

Yes. Yes, you did, sadly.

So now we're seizing
Chateau Chenonceau

for unpaid taxes.

I've paid my taxes.

No, you didn't.

Not the new ones.

By order
of the Catholic Church.

That's you.

Oh, yeah. So it is.

If I were you, Pierre,

I'd consider myself
really f*cking lucky,

'cause word is you've been seen
consorting with Protestants.

There's no law against it.

Not yet. Not yet.

What about you?

You in on this?


I thought you
were a man of honor.

Well, that's the thing
about honor...

So difficult to define,
don't you think?

Right, enough of the chitchat.

What's it gonna be?

A, do you surrender the house?

Or B, do we take it?

You choose. Which one?

Come on. Clear it out.

- Told you.
- f*ck's sake!

What is that?

A wager that I wouldn't
have to k*ll you.

That he wouldn't
have to k*ll you.

Do you see what happened there?

My brother bet
on your cowardice

and I bet on your courage.

You should be
f*cking flattered.

The king will hear of this!

Ah, I think you'll find
the king's busy.

The king,
however, was like me,

a stranger
to his daily routines.

Oh, f*ck it.


It doesn't matter.

Of course it matters.

The only reason people say

it doesn't matter is because

it f*cking matters!

In fact, I'm pretty sure

nothing else matters
quite as much.

Do you want to play
ancient pharaohs?

Ah... oh, it's pointless.

Well, I love you
just as always.

You know, maybe you
shouldn't waste your time

with an old man
like me anymore.

Well, maybe something
is troubling you.

Oh, I wonder what.

Maybe it's the fact that my...

d*ck is sitting here
like a dead f*cking slug.

Because something
is bothering you.

When your mind is free,

you are as energetic as a boy.

Yeah, well, I'm not a boy.

I'm an old man,

an old king.

And like most old kings...

...I have my regrets.

What kind of king

do you think Henri will make
when I'm gone?

I fear his attachment

to Diane de Poitiers
may make him weak.

And you wonder why

my mind is not free.


I blame his mother.

When the Holy Roman Emperor
locked him up,

she used to weep day and night

for her sons.

Nothing I said, nothing I did

would make her stop.

Got to the point
where I couldn't stand

the sight of her.


I watched her fade away

to almost nothing,

die of a broken heart.

Truth is, not a day goes by

I don't...
regret my treatment of her.

And that's what worries you?

Fear for your boy.

Regret for your dead wife.


And what about me?


I-I've always been good to you.

Yes, you have...

in your way.

Because I put paint on my face
to hide my age,

for ego children
to keep my body youthful,

and restrict my breathing
with corsets

because I know this
is how you like me.

But what happens
when you decide

I am no longer worth f*cking?

Oh, come on.

I'll always take care of you...

Not when you're dead and gone.

There's an age difference
between you and I,

if you hadn't noticed.

I am not family.

I know what I am.
I'm disposable.

Oh, stop it.

Oh, for God's sake, don't act

like you don't know
how this works.

You've arranged it this way.

I've had enough of this.

You come here
of your own free will!

Free will?

Who has any free will
around here except maybe you?

What's gotten into you?


I know what I entered into.

I've never lied
to myself about it.

So I would appreciate it

if you would do the same.

Rather than standing there
and telling me

you weep over
your poor dead wife

for whom you never gave
the slightest f*ck

while she was alive.

Honesty has always
been your only quality.

Don't give it up now.

Blessed is the man

that walketh not in the council
of the ungodly

nor standeth in the way of sins

nor sitteth in the seat
of the scornful,

but his delight is in the love
of the Lord.

And he shall be like a tree...

That's him.

Are you sure?

The Bourbons, too,

had assumed
their father's place

on the Privy Council.

Let's go.

Their plan for advancement

seemed to be disrupting

any plans the Guises made.

Pierre Marques, isn't it?

It is.

Big fans.


Heard you've had
a spot of trouble

with a certain member
of the clergy.

And what would the Bourbon
princes of the blood

care about my plight?

We are your fellow religious.

Of course we care.

As we do
about all our fellow...


We-we also have a great respect

for members
of the Third Estate.

Of course you do.

Because we have money.

Uh, no.

Uh, because you are the future.

Maybe we could be
of help to you.

How exactly?

We hear you're
an enterprising man

with various schemes
and projects abroad,

and we have connections
at the court.

Surely we could discover

some utility in each other

if only we took the time to,

uh, break the ice.

Come see us when you're
more disposed to it.

Lovely service.

Very moving.


Right, that's enough of this.

Time to get out of this room.

People are talking.

They say you're dying.

You might want
to remind your husband

you still exist.

Unless you want to lose him
to Diane altogether.

Not to mention the children
you have who are still alive.

They might like to know
they have a mother.

Don't know why you bothered
having them otherwise.

Not like you
to give maternal advice.

It's an obvious point.

Thought maybe you were

regretting certain choices.

You can't regret something
that never was.

Not according to Ruggieri.

You may wash me.

Oh, come here, you.

Oh, I'm gonna get you.

Hello, cousin.

Would you like to join us?

You're mine. You're mine.

I'm glad to see you up.

I had the cook make biscuits.

They're sugar and lemon,

their favorite.

Unfortunately, Mary has decided

sweets aren't permitted
before lunch.

Well, surely we can
make an exception.

She is very strict.

They won't dare disobey her.

Perhaps if you leave them,

I'll make sure
everyone gets theirs.

All right, children.

Time to go inside.

Come along.

Good to see you up and about.

Feeling a bit better?


Good, good.

I'm sorry.

I haven't been
feeling myself lately.

No, no, no, no.
You don't have to apologize.

You lost a son.

- We lost a son.
- Yes.

I am aware.

Perhaps we can be a comfort
to one another.

Will you come
and see me tonight?

Yes, of course.


Who's next?


Henri, you're crazy.

I should've
known that our arrangement

could not last.

Father, the, um,

the Bourbons
would like to lodge

an official complaint

of the conduct of the Duke
and Cardinal of Guise.

What's new?

My dear cousins have taken

to seizing the homes
of prominent Protestants.

You've heard of Chenonceau?

Many regard it as the most

beautiful house
in all of France.

Cardinal Guise has now
claimed it for himself.

It's not for him,
it's for the church.

And who's going to live in it?

The poor?

May I remind you

that was a law

signed by the king himself.


I don't remember that.

And yet you did sign it,
Your Majesty.

Yes, because you're constantly

buzzing around me
like a f*cking gnat

with pieces of paper.

I'm sure the compulsive
accumulation of country homes

is a natural side effect
of social inadequacy,

but resentment will build
amongst the populace.

Your Majesty, I'm simply

on the side of tradition.

The nouveau riche always are.

Then consider us on the side

of what is good
for this country.

f*cking hell.

- That's revolting.
- Ah, no.


- Oh!
- Ah!

How do you expect me to eat

when you're bickering
like women?

You two haven't a f*cking clue

what's good for the country.

And you don't care.

All you care about
is yourselves,

the same as these two!

Now, you can keep
the house you stole.

To keep the peace,

the House of Bourbon
will take the property

of the Duke of Nemours,

a Catholic pederast

who died
without legitimate heirs.

Your Majesty,
I have to object to that...

The meeting is over!

Oh, dear.
Are you all right?

You have to chew your food.

You are here.


Disaster averted.

There's nothing worse
than Prime without a fourth.

So nice of you to join.

Do you know
Antoinette of Guise?

She's returned to the court

since the untimely death
of her husband.

As a comfort to my sons.

Unyielding in her devotion,

I hear you might
become a permanent member

of our little club.

Then it's true?

You are to be spared
your husband's attentions?

My God.
What a relief that must be.

Ten children.
I mean, you should be sainted.

I don't know how you managed.

The day my husband ceased
his stumbles into my bedchamber

were the happiest days
of my life.

He was a simple man.


I saw my future waiting for me
like an open grave.

Please excuse me.

I-I just remembered
a prior engagement.


A meeting with my dressmaker.

Catherine used to have

the most brilliant dressmaker.

Well, of course you all
remember him, the Italian.

My husband had
his limbs pulled off.


I really am sorry.

I must go.

Oh, don't insult us
with false manners.

Just say it.

You find us dull.

I do not.

You shroud yourself
in your pain

in order to feel special.

Well, you're not.

The rest of us just bear it

better than you.

Would you like to know
why I'm here?

My brother,

the Holy Roman Emperor,

made the king's marriage to me

a condition of peace

after one of their silly wars.

I am no more than a punishment.

Then again,
maybe you are special,

because I was never
stupid enough to fall in love

with the man I was arranged to.

I wouldn't wish that misery
on anyone.

Not that it is any
of your business...

...but I am perfectly content

with the relationship
with my husband.

Oh, my dear.
No one believes that.


Not even you.

King of hearts for you.

Oh, sneaky.

- Queen.
- And another one.

Catherine, can't you sleep?

I came for you.

I was expecting you.

Didn't you tell her...

Tell me what?

I haven't had the chance.

Henri? Tell me what?

Cousin, I am so sorry

to have to be the one
to convey such difficult news.

Dr. Fernel says
it was a miracle

you survived the birth.

If you were to ever
get pregnant again,

we might not be so lucky.

We can't take the risk.

We don't want to lose you.

Do we, Henri?


No, of course not.


...I would like to be alone
with my husband.

Can you please leave us?

That was not the arrangement.

I tolerated the nights
you spent together

when children were the result.

You tolerated?

You tolerated?

I am his wife!

And a wife
is for making children.

You are free
to find pleasure elsewhere

if that is what you desire.

Make no mistake,

Henri belongs with me.

Well, why don't we ask Henri
what he desires?

Sure. Henri?



What can I say?

I'm where I want to be.

Though my life
was no longer in danger,

I now felt the possibility of
it slipping away altogether.

I didn't know it then,

but the king would be
the source of my preservation.

Catherine. Catherine.

What is it?

The king has requested

your presence for a hunt.

What, now?

Yes. Now.

Thought you two were done
with each other.

It was cold.

The princess needs
to be dressed for a hunt.


Yes. Now.

f*ck's sake.

Get up.


Why so f*cking early?

Does he think the stags
will die of old age

if we go out after lunch?

I hate hunting.

Oh, you don't have
the stomach for it?

On the contrary,
I just don't understand

why I have to chase around
my dinner and k*ll it myself.

That's why God
invented servants.

I, on the other hand,
love an early hunt.

Well, it doesn't surprise me.

Slaughter of small animals

probably gets you in the mood.

I wonder what gets you
in the mood.

Hand job off your mother
usually does the trick.

She likes a bit of rough trade.

Does she?


A great day for it, hmm?

You sure
this is a good idea?

If you're not feeling up to it,

there is no shame
in calling it off.

Of course I'm up to it.

Well, if you're not,
maybe you should stay

and work on your needlepoint
with Diane.

Oh, come on!



Why'd you let him go?

I don't know.


I can always come back

and k*ll him tomorrow.



There you are.

We were worried.

Perhaps you should try
to keep up.

Got away, did he?

Of course not, you prick.

Obviously, the king let him go.


Father, speak to me.

Father, speak to me, please.

We need some help, please.

Get help!

Is that Catherine?


I'd like to speak with her.

Everyone will try to take
advantage of my death.

But you will be
the real winner.

Wait and see.

You must promise me

not to give up on Henri

because of that woman.

He-he needs a wife,

not a mother.

He needs you.

He doesn't have the backbone

to rule alone.

The trick is

don't ever show favor.


No matter
who you think is right.

Keep the Bourbons
and the Guises

fighting each other.

That way, your position

will always be secure.

Ah, you get it.

You-you get it, I know.

Everything will come right

when you're crowned queen.

I promise you.

Thank you for your kindness.


When you are king,

you will put this fine woman

on your Privy Council.


You-you have my word, Father.

She-she will be our salvation.

With the king gone,

those he had protected

had no choice but to leave.

Now is the time

to exert influence.

Yes, Mother.

With the old man gone,

there will be a feeding frenzy.

Don't let yourself be passed
over like your father did.

Are you listening?

I am, not that I need to.

Heard it all before.

We both have.

Then you should have no trouble

doing what I tell you.

Diane is the one

you have to court.

She will not let her influence

on the new king slip now.

If she'd had the good sense
to be born a man,

the game would be almost over.

Painful, isn't it?

You loved him more than anyone,

and now there is no place
for you in his story.

Your time will come, you know.

What you don't
understand about me

is that everything I've done

is to make sure
I will never find myself

in the position you're in now.

I wish you well.

You may not believe me,

but I do.

You were always a sweet boy.

Good luck.

I'm afraid you will need it.


You want some advice?

Fade into the background.

Become dull, uninteresting,

and you might just survive,

as I did.


I'm not like you.


You're not.

More's the pity.

Anyway, my brother will not

make your husband's reign
an easy one.

He will miss his rivalry
with Francis,

and he will take it out
on his son.

Adieu to you all.

Who knows when
we will meet again?


I've invited my wife
to join us.

As you know, my father
thought highly of her opinion.

I will always
be grateful to Francis

for my elevation in status.

I've called a meeting
with my Privy Council

so I can hear your proposals.

A new era calls
for new policies.

Obviously, Your Majesty,

the very first order
of business should be

putting strict limitations

on the spreading disease

of the Protestant faith

before it continues to rot

the moral fiber of our nation.

Moral fiber? Very good.

My cousins are stuck
in the Dark Ages.

If you really want to announce
the beginning of a new era,

the era of King Henry II,

you must prioritize trade,


exploration of the New World.

That's where the future lies.

Right, Antoine?

Yeah. Ab-absolutely.

A French colony in America

would be totally wow.

Catherine, what do you think?

I think,
with your father dead...

...a Holy Roman Emperor
will test you.

You should ready yourself
for w*r.

I, uh-I think
we're beyond that.

The Holy Roman Emperor will not

break the treaty
your father signed,

I can assure you.

He learned his lesson
at your own hand, Your Majesty.

The last time he saw you... were a boy.

He will test you.


I would like you to lead
a garrison of men

to the border
as a deterrent, yes?

A single garrison?

- Will that suffice?
- Yes.


A single garrison will suffice.

Anything more
would appear a provocation.

And the point
is to prevent a w*r

rather than start one.

And when they get a look

at our fine Gallic warriors,

then they will shit themselves
and run for the hills.

Well said.


Anything else?

Well, there is the, uh, matter

of the coronation,
Your Majesty.


Of course.

We must make the occasion

a display of continuity
and new ambition.

a direct contradiction.

If I were you,
I'd stay out of it.

No one knows
how to put on a show

like the Catholic Church.


Right, well...

...I'll leave that with you.

Shall I? Good then.

What's he doing?

He's all right.

No, he should join in.


Join the game.

M-Mary says it's safer
if I don't,

on account of my breathing.

Yes, it is. I see.

Well, you'll
grow out of it soon.

And you'll be as fine a player
as any of them.

You really think so?

Yes. Yes, of course.

And Mary and I
are to be married?

You have been betrothed to her

since you were four years old.

I'm almost of age.


Francis. Francis, come.

- May I, Father?
- Yes, of course. Go, go.

You can keep score, hmm?

Stand there.

You're good with him.

With all the children.

Well, I try.

One should aim
to be a fine example.

Aren't I?

There is talk regarding Diane.

I pay no attention
to court gossip.

Well, gossip matters
when you are king.

My father never apologized

for the company he kept.

The fact that you
are romantically involved

with a woman
nearly twice your age,

it raises questions
about your independence.

My independence...

is of my concern,

as is the source
of my pleasure.


I live my life as I see fit.

I have never objected
to your friendship.

But now that you are king,

it can only
undermine your position.

Something tells me
it's your own position

that you're concerned about.

It is customary for a new queen

to offer gifts
to her favorites.

Allow me to gift my cousin

the Chateau Chaumont.

It is not far.

And you can see each other
whenever you like.

Chateau Chaumont?

She'll be happy there.


Speak to Diane.

If she agrees...

I will not oppose it.

May I?

I like it very much.

What is it?

Sandalwood from the east.

Is that too tight?

- No.
- Perfect.

And it will be ready?

Of course.

- What is this?
- Ah.

When we are crowned
king and queen,

we will need a royal crest.

What do you think?

I think it's posh bollocks.

When I am queen,
you will heed me.

Or what?

I'll make you shorter.

If only you could
make yourself prettier.

You'd need Ruggieri for that.

You don't need Ruggieri
for anything.

Besides, you've gotten

everything you wanted
without him.

Though I do wonder
what's become of him.


I've told you before,
I do not wish

to hear his name mentioned.

You called for me, cousin?


You may leave me now.

Now that I'm
to be crowned queen,

I thought you should stay
somewhere else.

All of the arrangements
will be taken care of.

You will live
at the Chateau Chaumont.

You are most generous.

You have been a good

and loyal friend to my husband.

And for that,

I am eternally grateful.

I am the one who is grateful...

...Your Majesty.

You asked for me?

And you came.

Close the door.

I hear you're skilled
at what you do.

You heard right.

If, for instance,
I had a problem,

you would have a solution.

That depends.


Well, I suppose

the nature of the problem.

All right, then.

The new king,

your mistress's husband,

I made him.

I taught him
everything he knows.

And now I am
to be made obsolete,

to fade into the woodwork

liked a used up whore,

like a f*cking shop girl.

But I'm not
the f*cking shop girl here,

am I?

You expect me to help you

when you know my mistress
would not approve?

And yet you are here,

because, like the rest of us,

you would like a hand
in your own fate.

So, Angelica,

is my problem one
you can help me with?

You want to be noticed.

I want to be unforgettable.

Whatever your mistress
is paying you,

I will double.

My father gave me this.

He told me
there were ancient tribes

that believed
the ingestion of gold

would make them live forever.

Turns out it doesn't.

Turns out gold
can poison the mind

if consumed
in significant doses.

But... just enough

will preserve your youth...

...and make you shine
from within.

Very good, Angelica.

Very good.

I never expected it to be me.

You know?

After my brother died,

I knew it would happen
one day,

of course, of course.

I just... I don't know.

I just hope I can
make him proud, that's all.

Nothing makes me happier

than seeing you crowned
King of France.

Do you know that?

I wouldn't be here without you.

Nor I.

You were born for this.

Tomorrow, you will be crowned

God's representative on Earth.


I want to show you what it is

to be loved like a god.

You look lovely.

Those are Diane's colors.

Are they?

Oh, yes.

I guess I'm not very good
at these things, I'm afraid.

Diane offered to help.

Hello, cousin.

You are a vision.

Never forget...

...that throne belongs to me

every single bit as much

as it belongs to you, hmm?

Shall we?

Come along, cousin.

I give you your king.

And your queen.

Would you like
to kiss the new king?

I have a message
from the Holy Roman Emperor.

You were right then,

about the Holy Roman Emperor.

Henri should have
listened to you.


But I was wrong about Diane.

I learned the hard way

you must never
underestimate an enemy.

What is it?

It's treachery.

I-I don't...

I-I can't read.

I'm sorry.

It was thoughtless of me.

Could you leave me, please?

I have much to think about.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's the matter with you?

I can barely bring myself
to say it.

Well, come on. Spit it out.

One of these men

exposed themselves to me.

One of these two?

I found it most upsetting.

What do you want me
to do about it?

The queen said anyone

who interferes with her maid

must answer to her.


Young men.

Which one of you was it?

Perhaps if I were
to see the offending member,

I can identify it.

All right.

You heard her.

Drop your trousers.


Get on with it.

I don't have all day.

Oh, my.


I-I must be mistaken.

It was significantly larger.


"There She Goes Again"
by King Princess playing...

♪ There she goes again ♪

♪ She's out
On the street again ♪

♪ She's down on her knees
My friend ♪

♪ But you know that she'll
Never ask you please again ♪

♪ Now take a look
There's no tears in her eyes ♪

♪ And she won't take it
From just any guy ♪

- ♪ What can you do? ♪
- ♪ There she goes ♪

♪ you see her
walkin' on down the streets ♪

♪ There she goes ♪

♪ Look at all your friends ♪

♪ That she's gonna meet ♪

♪ There she goes ♪

♪ There she goes again ♪

♪ She's knocked out
On her feet again ♪

♪ She's down on her knees
My friend ♪

♪ But you know that she'll
Never ask you please again ♪

♪ Now take a look
There's no tears in her eyes ♪

♪ Like a bird,
You know she will fly ♪

♪ Fly, fly away ♪

♪ Oh, you see her
Walkin' on down the streets ♪

♪ Look at all your friends
That she's gonna meet ♪

♪ She's gonna bawl and shout
She's gonna work it out ♪

♪ She's gonna work it out
Bye, bye, bye ♪

♪ B-bye, bye, bye, b-bye
Bye, bye, bye ♪

♪ B-bye, bye, bye, b-bye
Ow! ♪