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01x02 - Sisiutl

Posted: 10/20/22 09:44
by bunniefuu
That was incredible. You were amazing.

- I was on fire.
- Blazing.

Wow! It's been a while, I gotta say,
I kind of missed seeing you in action.

It's all about the rhythm,
come in gentle, then knock their socks off.

How could UmiGen not give us
the contract after a presentation like that?

I knew it was important to you.

I'll get to work on the prototype today.

Wow, I didn't even have to ask.

Ah... Ms Finch!

Singing telegram?

Evan, this is Lieutenant Leeds.

- It is an honour, Mr Cross.
- Thanks.

Lieutenant Leeds assisted us in our
"logistics issue" in the park last week.


Well, I'm the one who got you access while
the police were searching for that little boy.

I was so relieved to hear that he was okay.

You called the military?

The news said that they didn't end up
finding any predators in the park.

Do you still have them? I'd love to see them.

I'm sorry, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Evan, it's okay.

Lieutenant Leeds is with Project Magnet.

This is exactly the type of work they do.

Project Magnet? The government's
insane attempt to find UFOs?

Actually, our mandate is
any unexplained phenomenon.

Including prehistoric animals.

I can open doors for you.

I can get you immunity
if something goes wrong.

Dinosaurs versus lawyers, lawyers win.
I'm here to help.

- I don't want your help.
- Yeah, but you need it.

I was there for you last week.
Whatever you need, I'm your guy.

Look, it was great to meet you, Lieutenant.

Evan, can you please just talk to him?

I can't, and I can't believe you did.

I'm trying to support you.
What you did last week? You're not...

We are not equipped to handle that.

You know you need to hand this over
to somebody

with the expertise to deal with it.

I am the one with the expertise to deal with it.

I understand your hesitation, Mr Cross,
I really do.

I know what it's like to be dealing with things
that other people don't believe in,

and I get why you're doing this.

I read the report about your wife's death.

Thanks for stopping by.

Liz, it's no big deal.

I just have to go for a psych eval
today at 3:00,

then I get reinstated,
everything goes back to normal.

It's just a procedural hoop
I have to jump through.

Don't mention it to Mom, right?
We don't need that drama.

Officer Weir?

- Can I help you?
- Leo John.

You flunked me out of the Predator Control
Team recruitment trials last summer.

I'll call you later.

You were the one who kept
talking about Ogopogo.

I prefer "Basilosaurus."

Basilosaurus was a prehistoric whale.

Ogopogo is a make-believe sea serpent
that sells postcards.

See, that's why I knew
you were the one to talk to.

'Cause you know about this stuff.

So you staked out my car?

That's not creepy.

Look, I work for the Predator Control Team.
We don't have a division for extinct animals.

Well, if they're extinct, then what's this?

- Photos of you with Ogopogo?
- Ha ha. Video.

Something aquatic. I need an expert opinion.


This could be anything.
k*ller whale, grey whale.

Just keep watching.

This is raw footage? No doctoring?

Shot yesterday, with this camera.

It's not a whale, but it's as big as one.

Fine. But I have to be back by 3:00. Get in.

I thought you'd be further along
after downing all the caffeine in the building.

Well, I am finding it hard to concentrate
with the smell in here.

The smell of testosterone?

No. Desperation.

You've been here all night?

She's almost done.

So we got citywide coverage?

Well, we can only piggyback
on the cell phone networks for now, at least.

Can you hand me that RAM module?

So where there's a strong cell signal,

we should have a pretty good idea
where the Anomaly is.

Come on, get in there...
Where it's limited, it'll be sort of vicinity-ish?

And where there's none?

Like darts at a board.



Game on.

Okay, now what?

We just sit back and wait.

We already have one.

Holy shit.

Two Anomalies?

Major dinosaur invasion.

Well, could it be some kind of convergence?

I mean, maybe they come in cycles,
like sun spots.

Yeah, or maybe it's just false positives
from hospital MRIs and radio stations.

Yeah, there's that.

What about this one here?

There's no hospitals
or radio stations near there, right?

Let me see.

All I see is an oil tanker loading facility,
otherwise, that's an empty coastline.

All right, so if there's nothing there
to generate a false positive...

I'm driving.

Good work.

Stand right here, right here.

Right here, right here. Move in, move in.

Get the signs up.

Set that tent up over there,

and make sure it's right
in the middle of the road.

Make sure he doesn't move an inch!

Our communities are not for sale!

Who's in charge here?

No one and everyone.

But you're wasting your time.

Yeah? Why's that?

Because we're not leaving until they do.
This is our land, not theirs.

Well, I'm not here to talk about real estate.

You recognise these people?
They work for Merison Oil.

They all look the same to me.
Like trespassers.

They went missing yesterday. I was hoping
someone might have seen them.

Yeah, and if two of us went missing,
I'm sure you'd be out looking for us, too?

Look, I get that you don't like me.
I read you loud and clear.

But I'm just here to do my job.

Your problem's with Merison Oil, not me.

My job's protecting this bay,
so your problem's not with me either.

I'm just looking for some cooperation.

Yeah, they all want us to cooperate.
We're done.

Beach access is over here on the right.

- What's going on here?
- My people are protesting the tankers.

They took our land,
wouldn't let us speak our language...

We're here fighting for our...

- Who's this guy in the suit?
- He's a cop.

Protecting our rights!
They've taken everything.

They're poisoning the water in our bay!

I want to see some ID.

- You want to see some ID?
- Yeah.

Here's my ID. Right here.

This is my uncle,
and he doesn't want any trouble.

He should tell his fist that.

Forget it, Leo. He stinks of oil.

Universal human rights!


I heard you were suspended.

- Great. Who else knows?
- Who doesn't?

You write a report about a dinosaur attack,
people are gonna talk.

Okay, I know I sound crazy.

Come on, you lost your partner.

When this happens, people have problems.
I've seen it.

You'll be all right.

I know what I saw.


But when you do your psych eval,
tell them what they want to hear.

Since you're off the job, why are you here?

Kid thinks he saw something.
Some kind of creature.

I'm just taking a look around.

Well, you should look for these oil workers
while you're at it,

working in the bay in a couple of Zodiacs.
They went missing yesterday.

- Any leads?
- No.

No wreckage, no witnesses.
It's like they just vanished.

This is just a missing persons case, Weir,
all right? That's all.

All right.

Toby was right. The signal is spotty.
I'm not getting anything.

Figures. You come prepared,
and no one shows up to the party.

Where exactly did you get
that g*n anyway?

It was my dad's.

It was a complete ass
getting it through customs.

I never thought I'd get to use it on the job.

Mac, I don't want you to forget
that these things can be deadly.

And I could break my neck skiing
on any Saturday.

You gotta live, man.

I just don't want you taking any crazy risks.

Well, as long as you're not gonna take
your own advice,

you're gonna need somebody like me.

Where you go, I go.

We should almost be on top of it.

You might want to trade that thing
in for a spear g*n.

All right, thank you.

So he's got you chasing Sisiutl, too?

- Chasing what?
- A spirit animal.

They say it takes the shape
of a self-propelled canoe, or a sea serpent.

It's gotta be an aquatic cryptid.

I'm thinking an unknown variant
of Hydrophis spiralis.

Sisiutl is a story, Leo,

an important one for our people,
about transformation and power.

But it's in here, not out there.

But isn't it possible that our ancestors
saw the same creature and named it Sisiutl?

Why does it matter?
I need you here, fighting with me.

Fighting for what?

The Council already voted to let them expand
for the bigger tankers.

The Council doesn't speak for everyone.

Neither do you.

You're defending them, because
the royalties paid for your schooling.

- Is that such a bad thing?
- So you can chase monsters?

Money well spent.

Why don't you show me
where you shot that video?


So is it being underwater
a good thing or a bad thing?

If you're not a fish,
it's probably a good thing.

What now?

Now we try to figure out
if anything came through it.

And here's your new friend
from Predator Control.

That's not a good sign.


Stay here. I'll be right back.

Hello, Dylan.
What brings you out here?

I could ask you the same thing,
but I can guess the answer.

Chasing one of your Anomalies?

Guilty as charged.

They can open underwater?

Apparently, and judging by your
presence here, something came through it.

One of my old students came and found me.

Says he saw an aquatic cryptid in the bay.

- A what?
- A sea monster.

There's more.
Two oil workers went missing yesterday.

Is there any hard evidence? Body parts?

Nothing yet.
It could possibly be a coincidence.



What do you think it is?

I've never seen anything like it.

Some kind of giant eel?


Hey, what are you doing?

Taking a closer look.

Whatever it is, it's massive.

It's heading straight for that guy in the kayak.

Hey! Hey, you in the kayak!


It went right past him.

Maybe we're lucky,
maybe we're dealing with a herbivore?

Or maybe it ate all those oil workers,
and now it's full.

Did you see the size of it?
It could eat an elephant and not be full.

Officer Weir, I was right!

- Sisiutl is real.
- Mythical spirit animal.

Time to rethink the mythical part.

And the legend says that it crosses
from the house of the spirits

through a "water moon."

If that's not a water moon, what is it?

I have to tell my uncle.

Anybody else you want to comp
on the big Anomaly display?

Trust me, the boy who cried Sisiutl
is the least of your problems.

On our problems...
I could really use your help on this one.

The last time I helped you,
I got suspended from my job,

pending a psych evaluation.

Sorry about that.

You could always come work for me.

I could really use an animal expert right now.

Since your last one got k*lled?

Drake meant a lot to the both of us.

Thanks for the offer, but today at 3:00,
I'm getting my job back.

Is that really what you want?
Raccoons and rattlesnakes?

After seeing something as incredible as that?

This job is my life, Evan.

Then you need to get a bigger life.

Be sure to tell the shrink
about the giant eel you just saw!

You two have chemistry.

Go find a boat and get out to the Anomaly.

And get something sturdy.
I don't want anyone coming close to it.

A Cross Photonics credit card
would certainly make that easier.

Ange is gonna k*ll me.

Hold on.
Here, take these, too, just to be sure.

- Get going.
- What are you going to do?

I'm going to head down to the beach
to see if I can see where that thing went.

No, I'm set, thanks.

I'm getting a lock on this thing.
It's just offshore.

Way ahead of you on that.

I'm also getting some pretty big fluctuations
in the readings.

Is the Anomaly behaving strangely?

Compared to what?

Fair enough.

Look, something came through it.
Eel as big as a submarine.


How come there's never any little dinosaurs?

Why is it there's never a raptor
the size of a hamster?

Look, Mac's going to guard the Anomaly.

I need you to clear off every boat, kayak,

and paddle-boarder from that water,
you hear me?

How the hell do I do that?

I don't know, put out some kind
of small-craft warning, all right?

All right. I got it covered.

Algae bloom, oil spill?


Uncle Ray!

You gotta come with me.

- What is it now?
- Sisiutl!

Oh, not this again.

You've got to listen to me.

I will listen to you
when you start talking sense.

It's in the water right now! I saw it!
And there's this glowing!

- Leo...
- Officer Weir saw it, too.

- So where is she?
- What does it matter? Come see for yourself!

You want to fight monsters, Leo?
I've got one right here.

A real one. And it even breathes fire.

This isn't a joke.

I was almost downtown when you called.

Is that what I think it is?

A Merison Oil Zodiac. And look...


Sharks have 15 teeth on the upper mandible
and a double row of four on the bottom.

The biggest shark in the ocean
isn't half this size.

Why do I get the feeling
I don't want to hear your theory on this?

How does giant eel grab you?

Giant eel.

Dylan, eels don't come this big.

Not any more, they don't.

Look, you don't want to go to
the dinosaur place on this one, Dylan.

I know!
But there's no other place to go.

This was not a shark attack.

Okay, it was a k*ller whale, or a giant squid.

Hell, you could chalk it up
to flying monkeys, for all I care,

but you can't go around saying it
was, what, a prehistoric eel?

- It's the truth.
- The truth?

The truth... Dylan, the truth is that
you've worked your entire life

to get to wear that uniform.

The truth is that Drake, who died
wearing that same uniform,

and who loved you like a daughter,
by the way,

would be destroyed if he saw you
walking away from your dreams.

Do you think I want to walk away
from Predator Control?

It's the only job I ever wanted.

But what does it mean
if I have to lie to keep it?

You look good in that uniform, Dylan, okay?
It suits you. It's right.

Just say whatever you have to
to keep wearing it.

Come on.
I'll take care of the missing persons.

You need to get to your appointment, okay?


Are you at the Anomaly yet?

I'm on it, literally.

Going to throw out a marker,
so they think there's a diver here.

Well, don't fall in.

You think sea monsters like English food?

Nobody likes English food.

Well, that's a comfort. I guess.

Mac, the signal's breaking up.

I can barely hear you.
Get away from the Anomaly and...

And call me back, and be careful!

So what is it this time?

I'm not exactly sure, but Evan just found this.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah, it's sick.

Toby, these Anomalies,

do you think there's a way
to make them stop appearing?

Well, I think you should
probably talk to Evan about that.

I have. And now I'm talking to you.

Can they be stopped?

Well, I mean, if you could figure out a way
to adjust the phase-rate,

and then attenuate the clusters,
triggering a massive...

A simple yes or no will do.

Well, yeah, theoretically speaking?
Yeah, it's possible.

What would it take?

A whole lot of really smart people
and the GDP of Luxembourg?

But you should probably talk
to Evan about that.

No more oil! No more oil!

No more oil! No more oil!

All right, call me if they ask
for a character reference.

So you can tell them how
I whipped your ass at poker?

- Ha ha. No, I'm serious.
- I know.

- Thanks.
- All right.

Hang on. Evan?

- I just sent you a picture.
- What?

A picture!

Evan, what you're looking at
is called "vomitus".

It's partially digested matter
expelled by reptiles.

It's not an eel, Cross, it's a snake.

Which means it can go on land.

Evan, you've got to get the hell away
from there now, okay?

What is it?

Dylan, you're right.
I think I just found some tracks.

What? I can't hear you!

I'm gonna see where they lead. Thank you.

- Evan, you've got to...
- Dylan, what's the holdup?

I can't do it.

It may look right, but it doesn't feel right.
Not any more.

Where do the tracks lead?

Looks like it went into a storm drain.
Can you find out where the sewer line goes?

I can try and hack into the city plans.

It's an open phone line, Toby.
Avoid the word "hack".

If you're following the snake,
then shouldn't Mac be with you?

I need Mac guarding the Anomaly,
not guarding me.

Pull those plans. I'll call you back.

I'm probably going to regret this.

Answer the phone, damn it.

This is Evan. Leave a message.

- Yeah.
- Toby, it's Dylan Weir.

Do you know where Evan is?

Heading into a sewer after a giant snake.

Who does that?

Can you track him?

He's underground. There's no cell signal.

Do you have a map of where that sewer goes?

Funny you should ask.

I am sending it to your number right now.

Damn, you're good.


- What are you doing here?
- Getting proof.

What are you doing here, hunting it?

It's hunting us.

You know, legend says Sisiutl
only hunts the wicked.

You don't believe that.

Legend's been pretty accurate.

- Why not that part?
- It's a giant, man-eating snake.

It doesn't have a naughty-or-nice list.

It sounds like we're getting close
to the tanker loading facility.

After you.


I think it's gone.

Let's get out of here.

It's locked from the outside.

Hello! Anybody there?



- Are you kidding me?
- How often do you get a chance like this?

You'd be surprised.

It's too big to reach us. Don't worry.

Well, that's good news,
until we can't hold on any more.

Need a hand?

Good to see you.

Oh, my God!

- How close did that thing come?
- Too close.

You were worried?
I thought it only ate the wicked.

Who says he was coming after me?

Besides, the shape of that head,
I'm thinking titanoboa!

Titanoboa's extinct.

Well, maybe this one survived.

That's what people think Nessie is.

Yeah, but why was it trying to eat us
and not the guy in the kayak?


- Super-low-frequency vibrations?
- A lot of aquatic snakes hunt by sound.

And you were pounding on the grate.

The Zodiacs had outboard motors,
but the kayak...

No sound.

Hey, Toby?
How detailed is the map of the sewer?

What's the real question?

Can you see where that snake is going?

I'm working on it.

There's only one other large opening
where the creature could be heading.

It looks like a run-off channel.

That leads
to the tanker loading facility.

A lot of oil workers in there.

And my family's out front.

Toby, you have to evacuate that place now!

Okay, I'm on it.

Ms Finch. How did you get through security?

You're the only one in the building,
and the lock on your security door is broken.

I have been meaning to get that fixed. Seat?

Does the word "strategy"
mean anything to you, Lieutenant?

- I've read The Art of w*r.
- Men.

You think strategy is only for w*r,

but you bash around
like blind rhinos the rest of the time.

This is about what I said
this morning, isn't it?

The first thing you need to know
about Evan Cross

is that he is very, very smart.

He is always 10 moves ahead.

So if you want to deal with him successfully,

you're going to need to be 11 moves ahead.

I shouldn't have brought up
that his wife was eaten by a dinosaur.

- You think?
- Well, now. In hindsight, yeah...

I mean, how could you have possibly
even known he told the police that?

That homicide investigation was sealed.

I pulled strings.

You have strings?

I'm sorry, but don't most people know
that Project Magnet was shut down in 1954?

Appearances can be deceiving.

I certainly hope so.

I am operating in a down-scaled capacity
at the moment, I admit.

But I do have access,
and I will do anything in my power

to be supportive
of Mr Cross's dinosaur-related activities...

I don't want you to be supportive.
I want you to take them over.

I want him completely out
of the dinosaur business.

Is that clear?

- Very.
- Good.

And before I prepare you
for your next meeting with Evan,

I'll need you to grasp one fact,

every success that Evan has ever had

has been built on strategic alliances
forged, quietly, by me.

- Understood?
- Understood.

All personnel
to designated refuge area.

Repeat, all personnel
to designated refuge area.

You hear that steady humming noise?

Yeah, I heard that in the sewers, too.

That's the snake bait.

Unless we turn that off,
everyone in here is on the lunch menu.

Okay, well, sound should draw it
back to the Anomaly.

What are you thinking?

That the snake likes boat motors.

And boaters. Not a good plan.

You got a better one?

I think we can use the sound
to draw it back to the Anomaly.

Got it.

Also, tell him he should refuse to do this,
because it's incredibly stupid.

That'll just get him excited.

Evan wants you to run the motor
to draw it back to the Anomaly.


Crap, the Anomaly's becoming unstable!
g*n the motor!

Up and running!

Sounds like we're getting close.

Now we just have to find the snake.

It could come in through wastewater pipes,
floor drains, or there's...

Dylan! Start shutting everything off!

Damn it...

Stop firing, and don't make a sound!

- Harlow, what are you doing here?
- You're welcome.

She means thank you.

- Thought you didn't believe me.
- I sure as hell do now.

That doesn't sound like a boat.

- No, it sounds like...
- Drums.

Tell me the sewer line doesn't
go under the front gate.

Okay. But it does.

You mean under the protesters?

Tell Mac we need more volume!

This is all I've got!

You have competition for its attention.
Get closer to the storm drain.

You have to be quiet. Please!

Everyone, shh... That's him.

Okay, I'm listening.

So what are you gonna put in your report?

I'm thinking giant prehistoric eel.

- I wouldn't recommend it.
- Good advice.

Maybe I'll go with shark attack.

- Can you help us with those protesters?
- I'm on it.

Dylan, if we all get out of here alive...

We'll talk.

Toby? You've got Mac on the line?
Loop me in.

Mac, it's coming your way.

Okay, then. Let's party.

Hey, Mac.
Yeah, keep going, you're almost there.

The Anomaly.

Did that really just happen? Is it just gone?

- The snake's heading for the boat!
- Mac, shut it down!

Well, I got it to come at me.

Too bad the door's closed.

Wait, wait! It's coming back, it's coming back.

I can see a surge,
but you might not have long.

Just give me a countdown.

Well, it's not going to be an exact...
Shit! It's open now!

It won't start!

The Anomaly must be affecting the ignition.

What now?

Has he got any motorised
equipment on board?

Mac, did you hear that?

Is there anything you could
throw overboard to attract it?



Stuff this.

Going to Plan "F"!

What? We have a Plan "F"?

Mac, get out of the water!

- Attaboy, Mac!
- I can't believe that worked!

Yes! Yes!

Nice one, Mac!

So your uncle believes you now?

He says it's an omen,
that we'll win the tanker fight.

Does that mean you're on his side now?

Just don't think that oil and Sisiutl will mix.

So that story about the water moon,
how old is it?

Older than anyone remembers.

That Anomaly must have been
opening and closing

in the same place for generations.


Yeah, and creatures have been coming back
and forth that whole time.

We need you to watch the bay, Leo.
If that light shows up again, call us.

Call "us"?

Don't ruin it.