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01x03 - Fear of Flying

Posted: 10/20/22 09:46
by bunniefuu
Full flaps.


- You got the fuel gauge?
- Eighty, right t*nk.

Roger that.

Gear down.

- Jim?
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am?

What's that?

Where the hell did that come from?

Flaps up.

Get the flaps up!

We're gonna hit it! Turn!

No! We're too low.


Hey, Evan, it's me.

God, you're probably doing something
healthy right now, aren't you?

10K. You got something?

Definitely an Anomaly.

- Where?
- Way outside the city.

Looks like it's on an airstrip.

- How big?
- I see a hangar, but no tower.

Can you scan the pilot frequencies
for any chatter?

Uh, but of course.

Hey, you want me to see
if the airstrip has a CCTV feed?

- Yeah, if it's not too much trouble.
- Are you kidding me?

My roommate in grad school was
one of the founding members of Anonymous.

She taught me a couple things.

I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
Neither did anyone tapping our phones.

Call Mac.

Tell him I need him guarding
that thing immediately.

And I'll get all the data together
and then I'll meet you out there.

Toby, you'll get your chance.
I'm gonna call Dylan.

- Send those coordinates to my phone, okay?
- Sure.

Well, at least I get to wake Mac up.

Rendell here.

Seriously? It's Toby. Where are you?

Route 31!
Somewhere between Heaven and Vancouver.

What's new?

We got an Anomaly,
about five miles east of where you are.

Spring River Airport, you ever heard of it?

Yeah! Did some skydiving out there last year.
Pretty quiet off season.

Okay, well, Evan and Dylan
are gonna meet you out there.

You're on guard duty, ASAP.

That could be a bit tricky. I've got company.


- How do you know about Sam?
- Because it's me, and I know everything.

Look, can you just drop her off somewhere?

If no one minds leaving the Anomaly
unguarded for an extra hour.

Will you be cleaning up the body parts?

Okay, fine, but Evan's not gonna like this.

He'll listen to reason.

If you say so. Ta.

And countdown to ass-chewing,
in three, two...

You do realise that
we're trying to keep this a secret, right?

Toby said you
needed me here immediately.

What was I supposed to do,
leave her by the side of the road?

What were you two doing
way out here anyways, huh?

Oh, great. Pillow talk.

I haven't said a word to her.

No. So, instead, you show her this?

Look at the size of this.
Something huge could come out of there.

We need the firepower,
and she's good, Evan.

- I vetted her.
- Very thoroughly, I'm sure.

- Go ahead, Toby.
- Hey, is Mac fired yet?

- Thanks for the support, Tobes.
- What have you got for us?

I got a missing aeroplane.

Eastern Airlines 443.
It's a cargo carrier from the Yukon.

- You think it's related?
- See for yourself.

Okay, one second.

- Okay, go ahead.
- Streaming video, now.

Okay, thanks, Tobes.

Looks like we've got ourselves
a search and rescue.

- We're gonna have to go through.
- Oh, we need to think about this.

People could be dying in there.

Or could already be dead, in which case,
we can take a minute to make a plan.

I know I'm the new guy,
but where exactly did the plane go?

That's my point.
We really have no idea.

We've been through this before. It was fine.

Are you serious?

- We almost got eaten by a raptor.
- Pardon?

Dinosaur. Sharp teeth. Poor impulse control.

I've heard of raptors.
Are you guys saying you saw one? Alive?

Not after I got through with it.

Actually, it was the pteranodon
that finished it off.

Nice try, though.

Believe me, I know the feeling.

Until we find out otherwise,
we have to assume there's survivors in there.

Yeah. And something big and scaly
trying to eat them.

So are you coming, or not?

Wait. Wait, we can't leave Sam alone.

We're not. You brought her.
She's your responsibility.

You are not going in there alone.

I need you here, in case
anything comes through that Anomaly.

And, Mac?
Please try not to let anyone else fly in.

We're really gonna do this?
Like we know what we're doing?

Exactly like that.


Let's go.

I wasn't expecting that.

Did you see that?
They just ran into it and disappeared!

Yes. I saw.


Where'd the ground go?

Looks like it was somewhere else,

back, whenever we are.

So was the sun, apparently.

At least there's still some moonlight.


It seems to be in one piece.

Yeah, they had enough room
to land, anyway.

- Shouldn't be too hard to evacuate them.
- No.

Looks like we're gonna need some rope!

Mac? Mac!

Okay, so, new rule.
Sound doesn't travel through Anomalies.

Yeah, not this one anyway.

"You're out of your local calling area."

No shit.

So what's the plan? Fly back out?

I was kind of thinking
we'd just try to make it to the plane

without being ripped to pieces.

As a first step.

Well, if there are any dinosaurs,

I'm sure you shouting your face off
let them know we're here.

Well, maybe it's our lucky day.

Oh, correction. Night.

What in hell are we going to
tell the people on the plane?

Well, first off,
let's just hope someone survived.

A tranq g*n?

Giant man-eating monsters
come out of the Anomalies,

and you put them to sleep?

What can I say? I work with pacifists.


How'd you two
get into the Bermuda Triangle?

Same way you did.

Fan-freaking-tastic. Come on in.

You don't seem concerned about this.

Yeah, well, I learned to fly in the Gulf w*r,

so on the shock-and-awe scale,
this weirdness is about a six.

Oh. There's Pallavi.

Ladies and gentlemen, my co-pilot.

First year flying commercial,
but she's got the goods.

Do you know where we are?

At first, I thought it was an eclipse,
but it's been over an hour.

I've no idea.

But I say we fly this thing back out of here,
and discuss it over a beer, huh?

Is the plane okay?

I just finished my pre-flight.

We took kind of a hard bump
when ground level went down 20 feet.

Looks like one of the wheel struts
needs adjustment,

but the big problem is the wiring.

It got fried somehow
when we went through the big Bermuda Ball.

Can you fly this thing without instruments?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've done that lots of times.

But we do need to
get the ignition system up and running

so we can start the engines.

We'll have to cannibalise some wire
from the cargo.

- Okay. I'll take care of the wheel strut.
- We'll work on coming up with some wire.

Great. I'll open the cowling.

The good news is,

it's easy to fix a DC-3.

It's just a bunch of aeroplane parts
flying in loose formation.

The good news.

Maybe you can put in a pilot report.
Something that'll keep other planes away.

Yeah, okay.

Uh, how about,

"Giant aeroplane-sucking time portal,
use alternative runway"?

Yeah, that would be hilarious,
if Cross wasn't stuck on the other side of it.

He's gonna be fine, Mac, okay?
He's smarter than both of us put together.

Not that you add much, percentage-wise.

Well, since you're the brains in the family,

maybe you can tell me
how long this thing's gonna stay open.

I can't believe you and Toby
both kept this a secret from me.

How do you know Toby?

Same bathroom.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about this.

Are you kidding?

I didn't think you could get any hotter,
but this is definitely hotter.

So, after my second tour, I think,
"Canada, yeah.

"They're a friendly country, I'll go there."

And then, boom! They're in Kandahar.


Jim, you all right?

Where are you at?




We've got a problem!

What is it? What's wrong?

Are you seeing this?

Turn your flashlight off!

What is it?

Where are you? What are you doing?

What's going on? Are they all right?


What are those things?
They're everywhere!

You need to calm down.
They're everywhere!

- Okay, you need to calm down.
- Where's Jim? Where's Jim?

- Where's Jim?
- He's dead!

I'm sorry. He's dead.

I'm sorry.

But how can he be dead?
Just a minute ago, I heard him talking.

Pallavi, those beetles,

they're carnivorous.

- But beetles don't k*ll people.
- We can't help Jim.

But we can help ourselves,
and that's what we're going to do.

We're going to fix the plane,
and we're going to fly out of here, okay?


But the repairs...

I fixed the wheel strut.
As for the wiring...

We, uh...

We'll find a way to fix it from the inside.


You were good.

Thanks for that.

If you'd been farther away, I...

You can make the repairs, right?

The tools are outside,
so we'll have to improvise, but...

It's only been 20 minutes.

Anomalies can close at any time,

and if this one closes,
they could be stuck there.

Maybe forever.

And this thing doesn't tell you
how long you've got?

It's bloody useless.

I've got to go in.

Mac, do you do exactly the opposite
of everything your boss tells you to do?

Protecting him is my job.
And I'm not doing it standing out here.

He said wait, Mac. We wait.

- You take your job pretty personally.
- He's been good to me.

Pulled me out of a pretty shite life in London.
I was going to join the army.

If it weren't for him, I could be dead now.

So maybe you could trust him a little?

- Here.
- Thanks.

You told me to turn off the flashlight.

I thought nocturnal creatures
stay away from light.

Cockroaches do, moths don't.
Beetles are all over the scale.

So I took a guess.

Well, that's comforting.

Those beetles have long antennae,
which means they have bad eyesight.

I figured the light was helping them find you.

So was it just another guess
that the fire would repel them?

I grew up fighting fires in Fort McMurray.

You want to find a fire in a forest,

you just head into the bugs
flying away from it.

Seems like there's
a life lesson in there somewhere.

If there is, I haven't learned it.

They're eating the silicon seals
around the windows.

I'm guessing Jim was trying
to replace the wiring

from the batteries to the main DC bus.

Is that right?

Pallavi, I need your help with these repairs.

He, uh...

He went outside to check the wiring
from the bus to the starter motor.

Okay, well, we're gonna have to hope
those wires are okay.

Where's the batteries?

Under the floor.

You're doing great there.

Hey. It's okay.

We're gonna make it out of here.

I think I'm gonna need some tools
to get to the batteries.

You know a lot about aeroplanes.
I'm impressed.

I could probably build one,
but I can't fly one.

So I sure hope she can.

I'm monitoring air traffic right now.
Nobody's headed in your direction.

What about the Anomaly?
How long's it gonna last?

- I don't know!
- Well, can you guess?

Mac, you're not the only one
worried about them, okay?

I'm working on it!

Well, take your time.

Sod it.




Mac, don't!

Its carapace must be armoured.

- That's a...
- That's a very big bug!

I thought you said
you'd been fighting dinosaurs.

Well, I guess this time we've stumbled
into the Insectocene Era.

We could make a run for the bike.

Fleeing is a very attractive option,

but I'm afraid it wouldn't look very good
on my performance review.

Well, there you go. Buggered off.


Aw, crap.

I assume everything in this plane's
on the DC system?

Except for the radio. That's on AC.

How many volts does it take
to start the engines?


Hey. Hey, hey, hey! Look at me.


And none of the controls are electric, right?

- All are cable or hydraulic-assist.
- Okay.

Why are there so many of them?

I think maybe you landed on a nest.

So you think they're only right here?

Maybe. Maybe not.

But if it's a nest,

does that mean
there's a queen or something?


I deal with dangerous predators for a living.

We're safe for now.

And as for us getting out of here,
I hear Evan Cross is a genius.



We're going to make it out of here.

We are.


Some of this is Jim's stuff.

He was coming back
from six months up north.

He was in Thailand for a while after the w*r.

He became a Buddhist.

He carted this
back and forth with him every time.

So he believed in rebirth?

He had no family.

Who's gonna remember him?

You will.

I guess they forgot to put up
their "No bugs allowed" sign.

- Think it can open doors?
- I don't know.

Maybe we should've locked the car,
just in case.


Well, I can't believe
how you're reacting to this.

What, am I supposed to be
all girly and scared?

Well, most people are a little upset.

Mac, we're hunting an 8-foot bug!
Who ever gets to do that?

That's what I'm saying.
You're reacting the way I did.

- And that's bad?
- No, it's unbelievably sexy.

- It's like dating myself.
- Who says we're dating?

- Well, we're having sex.
- So?

- And we eat together on a regular basis.
- Lunch at work is not a commitment.

So what are we doing?

- Mac, big bug, lives at stake? Focus.
- Right.

Are you avoiding the question?

Do you think it's still open?

The Anomaly?

I think that comes under the heading,
"Accept the things you cannot change."

You're not worried about it?

It's on the list, somewhere.

What else is on your list?
Besides the obvious.


If it is closed,
what happens if we get stuck here?

Can you grab the wire
from the first battery, please?

- Yeah.
- Thanks.

You mean, if we had to spend
the rest of our lives here?

Assuming that's longer than today.

Well, first of all, I would need you
to use the parts of this plane

to build some kind of Einsteinian TV
that could pick up Oilers games.

I was thinking more along the lines of
the time-stream aspect.

You mean how it would affect history

if archaeologists were to find
a 50-million-year-old DC-3?

Or how it would affect things
if children were born here.

Evan Cross, are you propositioning me?

I'm a scientist. I'm just running scenarios.

Forget it, hoss.

There isn't enough prehistoric vodka
in the world to make that happen.

I don't know.
Time travel's full of paradoxes.

For all we know, this could be
how the human race got started.


Are they gone?

No! No! Don't!

Shut that door!

Did anything get in?

I don't think so.

We're gonna die.
We're gonna die. We're gonna die.

We're gonna die.

Do we have to restrain her?

She knows the bugs are out there now.

We need her to fly this plane.
She's got to hold it together.

I'll be sure to let her know.

- So what are you doing, exactly?
- Connecting the batteries to the main bus.

And a main bus is?

A distribution point
to the rest of the electrical system.

Once I get the batteries connected,
it'll bring up some of the gauges,

then I'm gonna do a direct jump
to the starter motor relays.

If that doesn't disturb anyone.

Give her a break, Evan!
She just lost someone she was close to.

You lost Drake, in the same way.

But I watched you at his crime scene.

You held it together
and you did your job like a pro.

The fact that I stuffed down my feelings
so I could examine his body

is something I feel sick about.

Well, you shouldn't,

because it makes you somebody
that I can depend on.

Drake was your friend.

And even though
you saw him ripped to pieces,

you're still chasing these things around.

What does that say about you?

Maybe it says I've gotten used to it.

- What does that mean?
- Nothing.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my...

It's in my shirt! Get it out!
Get it out! Get it out!

I can't!




How'd it disappear so fast?

Well, apparently,
it's disgusting and quick on its feet.

How long do you think
it would take to reach the city?


Please tell me Vancouver
isn't having a plague of beetles.

- Why? What did you do?
- Nothing. You called me.

Yeah, I know. Listen,
I'm getting unstable telemetry readings,

but it could just be the cell network,
I'm not really sure.

Well, what does that mean?

That the Anomaly could close
on Evan and Dylan?

- They're still in there?
- Yes, they're still in there!

Help! Help me!

What was that?

Help me!



How could you not know
we're out of fuel?

We had 80 gallons in the right t*nk
when we landed.

It was a hard landing.
There must be a leak in the t*nk!

Without the gauges,
there was no way for me to know!

Hey. Evan.

Those rags,

the ones you set off with the flares,
you soaked them in something.

Gasoline. From the generator.

How much fuel do you think is left?

I don't know, five, ten gallons?

- You're not thinking...
- These engines,

will they run off that kind of fuel?

- I guess.
- You guess, or you know?


But you can't refill the tanks from the inside.
It's impossible.

Well, it's a good thing I deal with
the impossible for a living, then.

Isn't that structural?

Does it really matter?

I really wish we did
have a big bug-zapper.

You're doing fine.

- Don't patronise me.
- Sorry.

What's it doing?

Well, it's definitely not eating him.

What do you do with a tranq r*fle
and a really hard bug?

Maybe its underbelly isn't armoured.

Fine. We have to flip it over.

Like a steer? Bug rodeo?

I'll draw its attention,

you lasso one of its hind legs
and we'll wrap it around from there.

Sam, you get its legs and I'll hold onto it!

Get off him, you sodding night-crawler!


Look out!

sh**t it!

I can't get a clear shot!

What's she doing?

Letter to her family.

Well, if this doesn't work,

it's gonna take a long time
before anybody gets it.

Well, there it is. The wing t*nk.

- What?

There's two kinds, there's metal and rubber.
I was kind of hoping for rubber.

You can cut into it without blowing us up?

Well, if we go, we go together.

Ange is gonna be pissed.

I was supposed to be
working on a prototype today.

I don't know
how she keeps that company afloat.

You guys have worked together a long time.

Yeah. Forever.

She was the one
who found the vulture capitalists

who funded our first start-up.

We went bust three times
before we started Cross Photonics.

So she knew your wife?

Yeah. Yeah, she knew Brooke.

It wasn't a bear, was it?

I'm sorry.

I googled you after we met.

I read about Brooke's death.

You told the police it was a bear.


- That's what the article said.
- But it wasn't.

That's what you meant earlier.

Drake wasn't the first person you lost
to one of these creatures.

You should concentrate on that.

- How's he doing?
- Not good! Hurry!

His airway's obstructed.

Hold him down.


This will just take a sec.


What the hell is that?

I think they're eggs.

Oh, God, it's a queen.

That's why it didn't eat him!
It was using him for an incubator.


Hey, hey, hey. Wait, wait, wait. Come back!
We can explain all this.

Not very convincingly.

Oh, wow. I really hope I got them all.

Well, Toby can track him down later
for a good stomach pump.

Let's get mama back into the Anomaly.

She and I are going in.

You're plugging the t*nk
with a tent repair kit?

Unless you've found
a tube of sealing compound

from one of those boxes.

Can you siphon in the gas?

- I'm taking the day off tomorrow.
- Okay.

All right, we're gonna be ready
in about a minute.

There's not enough gas.

We'd need a full 10 gallons
for run-up and take-off.

Run-up is to test the engines, right?

We're gonna skip that part.

This thing will either fly or it won't.

I can't.

I'm not ready.

Not all alone.

Jim said you had the goods.

Pallavi, I work too much.

I have no life.

And the one thing that's come out of that

is that the people that I love the most
are the ones that I work with.

- Did you love Jim like that?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Well, I'm sure
he loved you the same way.

And he wouldn't want you to die here,
would he?


How hard can this be, right?

It's just a bunch of aeroplane parts
flying in loose formation.

Mixture control, emergency rich.

Fuel boost pump, on.

Here we go.

Ahh! Ahh!

- No! No, Evan! Don't!
- What are you doing? We need to help her!

She's already dead!
If you open it, they'll just k*ll us, too.

- I convinced her to go in there.
- There was nothing we could do.

Those things are gonna be
coming through the windows any minute.

I have an idea.

Water first.


You ready?

It was an Albertosaurus.


What k*lled Brooke.
It's like a T-Rex, but faster.

Okay. Turn around.

Now the gasoline.

I told you.
It's the fumes that burn, not the blanket.

Oh, I understand the physics of it.
I just don't like being on fire.

We don't have long.

I know.

Let's go.

Evan, the flames are going out.
They're getting closer!

I can't get it to catch on the lip.

We have one more flare.

sh**t it.


Hey, don't stop trying.

I won't.

Evan! We got it!

Hurry up! Hurry up!

How far down do you think they are?

Evan's got a good arm,
but it can't be more than 20 feet.

- I just hope the rope doesn't...
- Mac!

I hate bugs!

Evan, head's up!

We got a problem.


So, how was your day?

Good. One saved on our side.
Might need a bit of therapy.

What about your side?

Two dead.


But not forgotten.