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06x12 - Parrot Power

Posted: 10/20/22 11:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Chris: On the South American
continent is the world's

largest rainforest, the Amazon.

We're here on one of
its tributary rivers.

Martin: It's us
the Kratt Brothers.

Chris: I'm Chris....
Martin: I'm Martin.

And we're heading into
the jungle looking

for one of the most colorful
types of animals in the world.

Chris: They come in more colors
than a bowl of jelly beans.

Martin: Or a box of crayons.

Chris: We're talking
about parrots...


There are over species
of parrot in the Amazon.

Like the blue and gold macaw.
The yellow-crowned amazon.

The blue-headed parrot.

And there are still so many more

species flying around
this Amazon forest.

Martin: And one of the most
colorful is the scarlet macaw.

What gives these birds they're
amazing parrot powers?

First of all, the beak.

A very big and powerful beak
which has the power to break

through the Amazon fruits
and nuts that the macaw eats.

And then it's amazing finger
like tongue can manipulate

things that the macaw's
holding in its beak.

Check out those feet.

Those feet are zygodactyl; that
means two toes pointing forward

and two toes pointing backwards.

Zygodactyl feet are great
for walking along branches

and holding fruit.

Now why does the macaw
have such a long tail?

It's for flying.

This is a big bird and so the

long tail stabilizes
the macaw in flight.


There he goes.

Chris: Imagine if we
had those colors....

Martin: Those wings....
Chris: Those claws...

Martin: Those beaks...imagine
if we had parrot power!

Martin/Chris: What if?

(upbeat music)

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save some
animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

Martin: Parrot Power

Aviva: Mmm, delicioso!

Martin: Yum yum!
Aviva: Mm-mm.

The red ones are my favorite.

Martin: Blue for me.

Chris: Green's the best.

Jimmy Z: Not as good as orange.

Koki: Yellow's the
best every time!

Martin: You know what a bowl
of jelly beans reminds me of?

Jimmy: Oh, what?
Aviva: Yeah, what?

Martin: Parrots!

Aviva/Jimmy/Koki: Parrots?

Martin: Yeah, parrots.
'Cause parrots come in every

color like a bowl
of jelly beans.

Koki: Really? Every color?
Chris: Yeah, it's true.

Every color.

Aviva: That's amazing.
Can you show us?

Martin: Okay, no problem.
Chris: Quiz us.

Aviva: Okay, how about...

Jimmy: Orange!

I challenge you to show
me an orange parrot.

Martin: That's not a challenge.

That's a sun conure!

From northern South America

- is one beautifully
colored orange bird.

They're loud, they have
an ear-piercing contact call

they can use throughout the day.

Jimmy Z: I love the sun conure.

And orange jellybeans.

Koki: Ok how

Chris: Green, c'mon
that's way too easy.

Koki: Okay, dark green
and light green.

Chris: No problem.
The Amazon parrot.

With a little yellow too.

In the case of the
yellow crowned Amazon.

There about species
of Amazon parrot.

All have a rich
green color base

with a dash of other
colors thrown in.

Aviva: Okay, lavender.

Chris: Lilac-crowned parrot.

Koki: Yellow!

Martin: Golden parakeet.

Aviva: How about, pink?

Martin: The galah.

The galah's from Australia.

Chris: And they fly
in big pink flocks.

And you can see galahs
eating seeds from fields.

Koki: So beautiful.
Aviva: Love the pink.

Martin: Yup, there's going
to be every color because

there are over species
of parrots in the world.

Chris: And there are about
species in the Amazon alone.

Fortunately that's where we
are. The Amazon rainforest.

With that jungle right below us.

Martin: Jimmy, hover right here.

Let's go find some parrots.

Martin/Chris: Woohoo!

Aviva: Good luck
finding parrots!

And I'll start working
on parrot powers.

Martin: Ooh... yeah, the
treetops is the place

to search for parrots.

Chris: Watch where
you're going bro.

Martin: I am.


Chris: Good one Martin.

I told you to watch
where you're going.

Martin: Uh, a little help?


Chris: Hey, you hear that?

Martin: It sounds
kind of freakish.

Chris: Yeah, unbuckle your
chute and let's go see.

Martin: Okay...woohoooo.

Martin: Woooah! Ooof!

Chris: (laughing)


Chris: Aaha, there's
that sound again.

Martin: Yeah, it's
coming from that hole.


Who could it be?

Uh, do you want to look first?
Chris: No you look.

Martin: Okay, let's flip
a creature power disc.

Chris: From your boot?

Martin: Blank or cheetah.

Chris: Cheetah.

You lose.

Martin: Ohh....


Wait no, I win!


Chris: What?
Martin: Yes!

Two baby parrots!


They are so funny looking.

Chris: All fluff and a big
head that's all beak.

Oh wow.

Martin: They look
like little aliens.

Koki: Cute.

Aviva: Que lindo.

Jimmy Z: Kind of weird.

Aviva: What kind of
parrots are they?

Chris: We don't know.

They don't have any feathers.

Martin: Mostly you can tell
parrots apart from their

size and the color
patterns of their feathers.

Chris: So we don't
have much to go on.

Martin: But I have enough
to go on here to name you

Squawk and you Squeak.

Ow ow ow ow ow... Chris,

why are you pulling my ear?

Stop it, ouch!

Chris: What? It's not me.

Martin: Oh-ow, well you're the
only one that's here...ow ow.

Chris: Haha, no I'm not.

It's a parrot.
Must be their mom.

Martin: It's a scarlet macaw.


So that's what the chicks are.

Chris: They can be
very protective

of their little hatchlings.

Martin: Yeah...that
I have discovered.

And they have powerful
beaks to protect them.

Chris: And they usually build
their nests in tree hollows to

keep their chicks safe and warm.


Oh no mom, we're not predators,
we're the Wild Kratts!

Oh, ow! Going dooooown!



Martin: Nice one mom.
Coming down Chris.

Bye Squawk and Squeak.




Good landing bro.

Chris: Thanks.

Aviva: Well at
least you figured out

what kind of parrot they were...

Before that Kratt fall.

Koki: Yeah and
what a beauty too.

Scarlet with a whole
lot of other colors.

Chris: The scarlet macaw.

One of the world's
largest parrots,

can live to be years
old, mates for life...

Martin: and is in contention for
one of the most beautifully

colored parrots ever.

With colors like a handful
of assorted jelly beans.

Aviva: That red is spectacular.

Koki: And yellow too.

Jimmy Z: Yeah and it has a
little blue for you Martin.

But not much green
for you Chris.

Chris: That means I've
got to find a green parrot.

Martin: Well then I've got to

find a parrot that's
even more blue.


Aviva: Hey if you do that and
make observations about them,

I will definitely program
both of you a Parrot

Power Suit of the
parrots you find.

Martin/Chris: Then that's
my Creature Mission.

Martin: To find a blue parrot...

Chris: And a green parrot.

Martin: Blue one!
Chris: Green one!

Martin: Blue one!

Dabio: Ooh, pretty birdies!

Donita: What are you watching?

Dabio: Martin and Chris
with the pretty birdies.

Donita: Ahh, they are
pretty aren't they?

Multi-colors, vivid,

There might be
something here for me.

Chris: Whoa, the
Amazon rainforest

is so hard to get through.

We may have a little trouble
finding more parrots.


Martin: Maybe with a little
help from our fellow

Amazon creatures, we
can do a little better.

Chris: Okay, so I'll activate
pygmy marmoset power.

Insert pygmy marmoset
power disc...


touch pygmy marmoset...

and activate pygmy
marmoset powers.

Hanging with monkey powers!

Martin: Now you're
really climbing!


Chris: I know this is your tree.

Yes, I understand
you're territorial.


OK, OK I'm going.


Time to focus on creature
mission: to find a green parrot.

Now I can keep up
with the macaws

by climbing through
the tropical treetops.

Martin: Climb on brother,
and let me know when

you find a parrot!

Hmm, now I'd love to activate

some swimming power, but
parrots don't swim much.

So I guess I'll have
to join them in flight.

With (gasp) with
hummingbird power!

Hummingbirds are perfect for
finding parrots because

hummingbirds see color and they
are attracted to color because

colors mean flowers with nectar.

But instead of going all
the way over there to those

colorful flowers, why don't I
bring a hummingbird to me with

a very bright and colorful
hummingbird power disc?

Hi buddy.

Insert hummingbird power
disc...touch hummingbird...

What..hey! Wait don't move.


Okay you win.

Hummingbird touches me...and
activate hummingbird powers.

Woo hoo, hummingbird
hover powers!

This is the way to fly.

Engage hummingbird
color search device.

Oh yeah seeing bright colors.

Now let's find some
colorful parrots.

Blue and yellow detected.

Lots and lots of blue...

in the shape of a parrot.

The blue and gold macaw!

don't eat hummingbirds?

You were going for that
Brazil nut, that makes sense.

Those shells are hard.

You're not seriously going to...

crack it!

Wow parrot beaks are powerful.

Hey Chris, I found a
blue and gold macaw.

You having any luck?

Chris: Nothing yet,
I'm still climbing.

Wait a sec. Are those
leaves moving?

Or are they...


Giant green parrots.

Ooh I like that name, but really
they're called Military macaws.

Green with a white face plus a
splash of red identifies them.

Oh and they're eating seeds.

Okay step one, he uses his feet
to grab the fruit then clips it

right off with his sharp beak.

Then he breaks the outer skin
to get to the seed inside.

Their incredible tongue works
like a finger to position it

perfectly so the beak
can shave off the husk.


Wow, that parrot tongue
is a cool creature feature.

And then, the macaw
swallows the seed.

Wait a second, those
are hura crepitan seeds.

Those are poisonous.

Stop! Spit them out!

Those seeds are poisonous.

Spit them out!

Whoa, hey ouch.....

Koki: Chris, those
birds look annoyed.

What are you doing?

Chris: But those
seeds are poisonous!



Spit them ooouutt!

Donita: Don't move Dabio.

I have repurposed
my giant hair dryer,

into a feather sucker device.

Set it to feather suction.

It works!

Chris: Stop...I'm
trying to help!

Martin: Oh yeah, flying
with the parrot flock.

Donita: Brilliant
flock of feathers!

Dabio: Martin and Chris are
playing with the birdies.

Donita: What?

In their pesky power suits?

I'm glad I paid Zach to make
me a deactivator device,

you never know when
you'll need one.

Dabio, get ready to activate
the deactivator...haha.

Dabio: Yes Donita.

Donita: This better work
or Zack is in big trouble.

Lock on to the Creature
Power Suits.

Fire deactivator pulse!

Dabio: Yes Donita.

Chris: What?

Martin: Huh?

Martin/Chris: Deactivated!


Martin: Whooaoao....oof!

Chris: Whooaoao....oof!

Whew...How did we get
deactivated and mini-sized?

Martin: Don't know
and don't really care.

Chris: What? Why?

Martin: Because it's
fun riding parrots.

Chris: Woo hoo! Yeah, true.

It's a great way to
see the rainforest.

Hey Aviva.

Aviva: Yeah?

Chris: For some reason
our creature powers suits

deactivated and
we're mini-sized.

Aviva: What?

Okay I'll check it out just as
soon as I finish programming

these Parrot Power Discs - which
is happening...right now!

Okay Jimmy... Parrot
Power discs complete.

Koki: Hold it Aviva!

These need to be...


Aviva: Oh yeah, Chris
said they were mini-sized.

Two tiny discs.

Jimmy, coming at you.

Jimmy Z: Energized...

and zap em!

Chris: Yes!

Got it.

Martin: Oops, a little behind.



Martin/Chris: Insert
Parrot Power discs..

touch parrot...activate
Parrot Powers.

Chris: Yeah!
Martin: Woo hoo!

Chris: Flying free
and in the wild.

Martin: Yeah, with Parrot power!

(loud flapping)

Chris: Hey, the flock is
heading in for a landing.

Martin: At a clay lick.

Whoa, this is an incredible
gathering of colorful macaws.

Jimmy Z: Whoa, it is like a bowl

of jelly beans with
beaks and feathers.

Chris: Wow.

Another way parrots use
their beak - to climb.

I'm going to give it a try.

Martin: Ooh and some parrots
fly in for a landing.

Like me.


Need some more parrot practice.


They're breaking chunks of clay
off with their beak and tongue.

And eating it.

Chris: But why?

Chemistry scan.

Hmm...the clay has lots
of salt and other minerals,

and salt is super important
for parrots and other animals.

So, it could be that
they're after the salt.

But it's also possible that the
clay molecules act like a sponge

absorbing the toxins from the
seeds, making them harmless.

So it could be that too.

Koki: Well whatever the reason,
parrots on a clay lick,

now that's some serious color.

Aviva: Donita?

Donita: Okay Dabio, power up
the Fantastic Feather Sucker.

Dabio: Yes Donita.

Donita: Time to get
some Kratt feathers.


Martin: Huh? What's
Donita doing here?

Chris: I don't know -
but it can't be good.


Hang on bro!

Martin: I am!

Whoaoa... whoa whooa...

whooa... whoa...!

my feet are hanging on,
but my feathers aren't.


Chris: Yeah, all those
great green feathers



Martin: Whooa! Oof.

Chris: Ah....
Martin: Ah...

Donita: (laughter)

It works! It works!

Now for the actual parrots.

Aviva: I don't believe it.

Donita has sucked off
all the bros feathers.

She can't do that.

It's lucky I pressed two
extra parrots power discs

because I love their
colors so much.

Koki: Well let's
get going before

she can defeather
a single parrot!

Aviva: Right!

Jimmy: Here's your vests.

Aviva: Thanks.

Aviva/Koki: Insert parrot power
discs...touch parrot...

activate parrot powers!

Parrot powers!

Koki: Yeah!

Aviva: Let's fly!

Koki: There's the plane and
it looks like the parrots

are still okay.

Aviva: Good. We have time.

Donita, you don't have to make
clothes using bird feathers.

There are so many
other material options.

Donita: Get out of my way.

Deactivate them!

Aviva/Koki: Whoa....

Donita: Good work Dabio.

Just keep them busy.

Soon I will defeather that
entire flock of parrots.

Power up. And fashion will
flourish with Donita Donata.

Aviva: We've got to stop her!


Koki: Aviva, I've got an idea.

Check out Parrot Power.

Aviva: Parrot Power rocks!

Koki: It does.
I'll keep her busy.

Then you can use your
crushing beak on that


Aviva: OK, my turn.

Koki: Hey Donita....

Donita: Aaah....get those
feathers out of my face!

Stop it!

Koki: But I thought
you wanted feathers?

Aviva: Activate beak power.


Donita: What's happening?

Dabio: Uh-oh.


Donita: Poof!

Donita: Dabio, get
us out of here.

Feathers are for the birds.


Aviva: So, colorful feathers are
staying where they belong...

Koki: On the parrots.

Martin/Chris: To the
Creature Rescue!

Martin: We're here.

Chris: Okay let's do it....

Koki: You're a little late.

Martin/Chris: Huh?

Aviva: And you're a little tiny,
but cute Creature Power suits.


Koki: C'mon, let's
join the flock.

Aviva: Hop on guys.

Martin/Chris: Yeah!

Aviva: You were right Martin.

The parrots are as colorful
as a bowl of jelly beans.

Martin: Yeah. They sure are!

Oh, and you got to meet
Squawk and Squeak.

Chris: Living free
and in the wild!

Martin: Hey, are you ready
for a parrot spectacular?

Behind me, on that
cliff right there,

soon all sorts of colorful
parrots are going to

start landing there.

Hey Chris you ready? Chris?

Chris: Oh yeah. Ready to go.

The camera's all
set-up in the blind

and waiting for the
parrots to arrive.

Martin: Alright, so
we've got to get inside

before they start showing up.

Come on!

Welcome to our blind.

Chris: Isn't it awesome?

A blind is a hiding spot
for filming animals.

Usually animals that
are nervous or shy.


Martin: Macaw!

Chris: Blue and gold
macaws in the trees.

Martin: Okay, they perch
in the trees first,

to have a scout around to
make sure there's no danger.

Then when they get comfortable,

there's one brave macaw
who makes the first move

and lands on the lick.

Chris: They're coming down.

Heading to the lick.

Martin: One just landed.

Now when one macaw lands,

then the others feel
that it's safe,

so more and more macaws
start arriving.

Are they coming in Chris?

Chris: Yeah, they're coming in.

Martin: The reason macaws are
landing on this clay lick,

they're here to eat clay.

To get salt and minerals
from the clay.

It's like taking
a daily vitamin.

Martin: We're getting
more and more.

Seven macaw's and different

species will come,
blue and gold,

scarlet macaws
and red and green.

We're up to now.

Chris: macaws!

The numbers keep rising!

Martin: Oh wait, but
they're starting to leave.

Chris: Uh-oh.

Macaws don't really like being

on the ground they like being in

the safety of the
trees and in the air.

So they're going to get out of
there as quickly as they can.

Martin: There they go!

Chris: There they go!

Martin: That was awesome!

We did it and now
we can talk again.

You gotta love all
those colorful parrots.

Chris: That really
is a spectacle.

Martin: Keep on
creature adventuring!

Chris: We'll see you
on the creature trail!

(show theme song)

Chris: To find out
more about cool animals,

Both: We'll see you there!