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03x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 10/21/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
It seems the prime minister
is promising peace in our time.

Guys listen to this.

"There is no one left.

"The others are all dead.

"God help me, is happening again.

"They're here.

And that's where it ends.

Who's here?


They found us.

Get them out the back!

Come on, let's go.

- I'll catch you
up. - Abby. - Go!




24 seconds, congratulations.

That's 3 seconds longer than last time.

How did you get in?

Car park, ventilation system.

- I suggest you...
- Check all...

...infrared systems are tamper proof...

...and secure all ventilation shafts.


What are they doing?

Checking security.

Not very well, apparently.

They have no idea we are watching them.

- What is this?
- Please do not touch anything.

- I do not want you to change my settings.
- Sorry.

You know... wha-what are you doing?

You can come out. I'm seen
by the management view...

...whatever that you are.

It's OK. I don't think he saw us.

We are flatmates,
why-why he cannot see us?

We are not flatmates.

And if I ever find your socks
in the bread maker again... are fired!

Keeping them warm.


- Oh, hello!
- These papers were classified!

Probably going to
shred them anyway then.

This arrangement... not working.

I really don't want to hurt you.

You're all talk.


Him? What about me?

He's more valuable than you.

- How valuable?
- Priceless.

You know I got to go.

What you're doing today?

Ah, this and that.

She is going out we're on.

Get closer.

It is. The artifact.

They've cleaned it up. I knew it.

They had it all the time.

I'm assuming no luck
on the X-ray analysis?

Well it only confirmed
what we alredy knew.

No closer to find what it actully does.




Light! Connor, you've got it!

You... found it. You got
it. You... are a genius.

I know.

What I've done?

Hm, I'm going to enjoy this.
Get the minister on the phone.

Yes maam.

So you think the laser may unluck it?

Ah, try diffusing the beam.

Good idea.


- Diffused.
- Fully?


Didn't leave the instruction
manual in the box, won't you?

- Ahm, try another angle.
- Angle, OK.

- See anything?
- Nope.

- How about now?
- No.

- How about now?
- Is not working.

- How about now?
- Connor, is not working.

It's got nothin to do with
the light, our call is wrong.

We can't just give up,
we have to keep trying...

...there got to be something within...

- Connor, did you see that?
- That was like... incredible.

Was that some kind of a map?

The points where the lines are
crossing, looked exactly like...

Cutter's research model! He knew...

Cutter knew.

This is some kind of...
I don't know a key to...

Predicting anomalies.

Whatever we did, we have to do it again.


What did you do?

Not 100% sure.

Well, well.

The artefact predicts anomalies.

What you wanna do?

Don't put through the minister,
I'll phone him on the way.

We are going in.

I am satisfied there was no
serious breach of security.


A new definition of "serious".

You left him upsail in
the ventilation shaft.

Yes sir.

That surveillance camera is
a waste of time by the way.

What cam?

The one on the shaft,
covering the corridor.

There is no camera there.

Am I missing something?


- Anything?
- Clear. You?

Smile boys, we are on TV.

How is going?

Ehm, we just opened the artifact.



- They have seen it.
- They have seen what?

Johnson, she knows we got the
artifact. We got 5 minutes.

- Get my bag.
- Security lockdown.

Secure the main gate.

- Go!
- Closing the main gate.

Wait, stop!

She is already here.
All exits are covered.

Find the crim and the artifact!

Let's go! Move, move.

Move, move.

I know one exit she hasn't got covered.

Lester is looking for a safe place.

Whatever you do, don't break cover.

We'll find you when is clear.

Stop there, drop your weapons!

No sir, you drop yours.

We really don't want to k*ll you... sir.

So, mate, with fuel injection,
it's rather like osmosis -

a solvent passes through
a semi-permeable membrane... form an equilibrium. Yes?

Put your w*apon down, Becker,
and surrender the artefact.

With respect, I don't
take orders from you.

You do now.

Danny, I hope you
know what you're doing.


What do you mean, the Minister isn't in?

Did you tell him it was me?

I'm afraid he won't be
taking your call, James.

You've been a bad boy!

They're still on our tail, Danny.
Danny, what are we going to do?

Hold on tight. This
could get a bit lively.


Stay in line. Keep your
hands where we can see them.

Keep it moving!

Sorry, ma'am... They got away.

Well, don't just stand there. Find them.

- Tell me where they've gone.
- No idea.

You know what freelance staff are like
- always popping in and out.

You can't protect them for long.

The truth is, you can't do
much of anything any more.

Oh, and you're in my chair!

You know, this isn't over, Christine.

When people say that,
James,... it usually is.

Ladies and gentlemen, James Lester
has been relieved of his duties.

Please continue working normally...

...and this transition
will run smoothly.

The ARC.

- At least we know where we're going.
- Get rid of your mobiles.

I've just signed a
new 18-month contract.

They can trace it.

You do realise this
isn't personal, Captain?

It's purely a question
of national security.

Of course, ma'am.

I've looked at your file, Becker.

You're a good soldier.

I am your commanding officer now.

I assume there is no
conflict of loyalties?

None at all.

Find me the artefact... and you're
looking at a very rapid promotion.

I'll do my best.

- I'll raise you 300.
- Pass.

- Don't want to play with the big boys?
- I'm out as well.

- Cool lizard.
- What? Oh yeah, very rare.

Just like this hand. I'm all in.

I call.

Something tells me this safe
house hasn't been used for years.

Thanks a lot, Lester.
This place looks terrific!

It was never going to be
a four-star hotel, was it?

- Is it locked?
- Yeah.

Leave this to me.

The only part of being
a copper I enjoyed.

Come on.



- Chateau Lafite. Not a bad vintage.
- Why, is that worth much?

About ?1,000.

There's no power.

It'll be like Christmas at my gran's.

Please, God, nobody mention charades!

I'm going to get some wood for the fire.


That hurt.

Huh! Oh, no!

That's just wrong!

This trip wire will act
as an early-warning system.

How long do you reckon
we should wait here?

As long as it takes.

We haven't got any food.

Oh, er... found them in the car.

They're going to find us, aren't they?

It's just a matter of time.

But we're not going to give
up without a fight, are we, eh?

- No.
- Come on.

It's like they thought they
were coming back at any minute.


Right, let's see if you still work.

Hey. Probably past its sell-by date.

- Brilliant. Corned beef. I love it.
- Corned beef...


- Aren't they beautiful?
- Wow!


Hello, hello, this is Connor Temple.

Is anybody receiving me? Over.



- Get it off me!
- What are you doing?

Argh! Huh!

What? I just opened the
door and it fell out on me.

He must have got trapped inside.

It looks like some sort of viewing room.

It's a diary.

It's written in some sort of code.

- Can you crack it?
- Of course I can.

What happened here?
Where did they all go?

- You're cleaned out, Jackie!
- Come on!

- One of you can afford to sub me.
- Sorry, mate.

I'll bet the lizard
against whatever you've got.

It's worth a fortune. Abby told me.

All right. The lizard.

# When the little bluebird
who has never said a word

# Starts to sing "Spring! Spring!"

# And the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell

# Starts to ring "Ding! Ding!"...


# Sings a tune to the moon above

# It is nature, that's all,
simply telling us to fall in love

# In old Amsterdam...

# Argentines, without...

Guys, listen to this.

"There's no-one left.

"The others are all dead.

"God help me, it's happening again.

"They're here. "

And that's where it ends.

Who's here?

It's an anomaly!

Does Quinn have access to a detector?

No. There's no way they
can know about the anomaly.

Then my men can cover it. You stay here.

It was written by a
Professor John Morton.

He was a military scientist...

...who came here with his team
to do meteorological tests,

but then something happened.

They found something in the
woods, but Morton doesn't say what.

That sounds like some kind
of bird's distress call.

But what type of bird
would make that sound?

I don't know.

- It's the trip wire.
- Have they found us?

- Get them out the back!
- Come on, let's go.

- I'll catch you
up. - Abby. - Go!

Hide in the bunker.

- An anomaly.
- Let's get to the car.

Danny! Run!

That Lafite was worth ?1,000 a bottle!

I think it was corked anyway.

Don't worry about. Get to the car!


Get in the car! Get in
the car, it's a creature!

Come on!

Go go go go!

Where's it gone?

Look out!

- Are you OK?
- Yeah.

I can't see him.

- Connor, drive faster!
- Put your foot down!

Brace yourselves!

Oh, my god, I think I've k*lled Danny!

- Danny!
- Danny!

- Whoo!
- Yes! Whoo hoo!

Well done, mate!

- Are you all right?
- I'm OK, I'm OK, I'm OK.

- Good girl.
- Connor...

Connor. Are you all right, Connor?

Put your back against there.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

Connor, speak to me.

It's coming back... Abby. Abby!

- What?
- Listen to me. Listen.

We never can outrun it. OK?

You two get back to the lodge. It's
the only place we might be safe.

I'll look after him,
I promise. All right?

Now go! Go go!

- Connor!
- Come on!

Over there. Check it
out. I'll secure the area.


Close the door quietly.

- Where are you?
- I'm up here.

- What are you doing up there?
- What do you think I'm doing up here?

I don't know. Kind of why
I asked. Where's the bird?

Close-ish. So keep your voice down.


What are we going to do?

- We're going to trap it.
- Brilliant.

How are we going to do that?


- So what do you want ME to do?
- Just stay down there and look tasty.

You what?

You're the bait.

I know it's this way.


Great for dancing. Not
so good for cross-country.

- Are you sure this is going to work?
- How can it fail?

Only in about 100 different ways.

Come on. Where are you?

Maybe, maybe we scared it away.
Maybe... maybe it's just frightened.

Not frightened enough.
Get back in the car.

Get back in the car!

- Come on, come on!
- Danny!

Come on, come on!

- Connor! Get out of there!
- OK, I'm getting out!

There's more of them.

Quick, hide!

I think they've gone.

Oh, my god!


- What?
- Look.

Watch where you put your feet.

Good advice... Thanks.

Watch out! Look out!

- Danny!
- Whoa! Whoa! Stop!

It's a minefield.

- How was your hopscotch at
school? - Pretty good. - Great.

- Come on! Come on!
- Come on, come on, come on!

Watch out!

- Come on!
- Quick, girls, please, quickly!

Give me your hand! Let's go!

Go to the lodge!

Stay where you are, you're under arrest!

- What was the expl*si*n?
- It was a creature.

You have to get us out of here, please!

Mate, there is more of them.

- All in good time.
- Trust me, we need to hurry.

Shut up!

What are you looking at?


- Connor!
- Abby, come on!

- Danny.
- All right.

What happened? Where's the artefact?

Let me handle this. I know
how Quinn's mind works.

Fine. Do it.

Shouldn't we report
this to the Minister?

Lester kept him informed
on operational decisions.

Let ME worry about the Minister.

He'll find out what
I choose to tell him.

With respect, ma'am, if he discovers
he's not being fully informed...

The Minister is an imbecile.
He can barely blow his own nose.

Do you really think I'm going to
let a Whitehall glove puppet...

...with the IQ of a root
vegetable tell me how to do my job?

Now find Quinn for me.

You never know, maybe the
explosions just scared them all off.

More than likely, they'll
be gathering somewhere... hyenas preparing
to steal a k*ll.

Looks like tea break's over.

- Abby, are you all right?
- Yeah.

Go. Go!

Block this up!

- Ready?
- Yeah.







- Connor!
- I can't hold this!

Connor, talk to me.

I don't know where they've gone!

- Go! Go go!
- Use the wardrobe! Block it up!

I've got to go back in that room.

- You're kidding!
- No.

The record! It's our only chance!

- What are you doing?
- I've got an idea.

I've got to get to the bunker.



Connor! Do something!

I can't hold them off!

Hey! Over here!

Over here!

I'm so much more tastier than him!

- Connor!
- Come over here, it's dinnertime!





Let's attract your attention, boys.



- Connor!
- All right?

Quickly! Quickly!

- Where's Abby? - She's
on the roof. - What?


I'm slipping!

Come on, boys!

Time to go home.


Anyone got a belt? These
trousers are a nightmare.

Oh! I wouldn't have bothered.

Good idea to use that
record to attract the birds.

I'm just chuffed you
care so much, Connor.


You're all under arrest.

Oh, you've got to be joking!

My orders are to take
you back to the ARC.

I'm authorised to use
deadly force if I have to.

- You're Johnson's man now?
- I'm just following orders.

- Like a good little soldier boy.
- Where's the artefact?

Excellent work, Captain. I can see
you're a man with real potential.

- Very kind, madam.
- I think I'm going to be sick!

I'd have a little more
respect if I were you, Quinn.

You're looking at a serious charge
of stealing government property.

Hello, Christine.

You're not authorised to
enter this facility, James.

I think you're sitting in my chair.

Captain, would you escort this
troublesome man from the building?

- I'm afraid I can't do that, ma'am.
- What?

The Minister is an imbecile.

He can barely blow his own nose.

Do you really think, I'm going
to let a Whitehall glove puppet...

...with the IQ of a root
vegetable tell me how to do my job?

Yes, Captain Becker recorded it
and I sent a copy to Whitehall.

Oh, that reminds me, the
Minister wants to see you.

Actually, he did seem a little upset.

Christine, I did tell
you it wasn't over.

No, James...

I assure you it's not.

You are my hero.

And mine. But don't
expect any kisses from me.

Haven't you all got work to do?

Sorry, mate, I was out of order.

- No problem. Just don't call me "soldier boy" again.
- Sorry!

- You missed us, didn't you?
- Don't be ridiculous.

# Somewhere over the rainbow

# Way up high

# In the dreams that you dream of

# Once in a lullaby

# Oh

# Somewhere over the rainbow

# Bluebirds fly... #

- All right?
- Not bad.

What happened to you?

Oh, just another boring
day at the office.

- Have you been having a party?
- Oh, just a few friends.

- I'll clean up in a bit.
- Yeah, you will.

- Where's Rex?
- Up in my room.

OK. Cool.