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05x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 10/21/22 07:32
by bunniefuu

Primeval 5x3
Episode 5.3
June 7, 2011

Spring-heeled Jack kills again.

Have you seen Spring-heeled Jack?

Do you know what he'd do?

When Spring-heeled comes, he'll
take these daggers

and he'll fly up the air,
ha! Ha! Ha!

It's remarkable how the actions
of one deranged individual

can provoke such hysteria.

A beast.

People are afraid, Henry.

Three innocent victims have
been k*lled.

Ghastly deaths.

So you believe all this talk in
monsters then, do you?

There are many things in this
world we do not yet understand.

You're still in a disturbed
state of mind, my dear.

No doubt from your recent
unhappy experience.

Now, my contacts on the police
force assure me

that this drivel has no more basis
in fact than a fairy story.

These murders were comitted
by a man,

not a ghoul and not a beast.

- Cabbie!
- But the nature of the wounds?

Clearly no human being could
inflict such suffering.

Not the sort of thing a
womal talks about.

Of course not.

Forgive me Henry.

We have to find out what
Connor's doing.

He won't tell me anything,
he worked straight through the night.

I haven't even seen him.
He's obsessed.

Well if he won't tell you, we're gonna
have to find out some other way,

and you're the only person
can do that.

You want me to break into
his lab?

If I get caught it's a disaster, lose
Philip's trust. If you get caught...

I'm just the jealous
girlfriend, right.

You're asking me to lie
to him.

To risk our whole future

He's already risking it Abby,

and it's not just your future...
it's everyone's.

I can't.

You know what? I've got
to go and join the team.

This doesn't feel right.

Philip pulled you out of
the field for a reason.

You have more important work
to do here Connor.

We're so close.

You told Philip this would work.

Yeah, I-I did...
it will.

Then you're making the
right decision.

If they need you, they'll call.


SUV skids, tires screeching)

First floor, buildings
been cleared.

Motion detector.

Video installation, bit old and tired,
more of a post-impressionist myself.

Anomaly's this way.

You know, the more I get to know
him, the more frightened I get.

Someone must have triggered it.

- Don't sh**t.
- What?

I think it likes you.

It doesn't like me... it's
threatened by me.

It senses that I'm the
alpha male.

We can usher it back in.
Make a run for the anomaly.

Seriously Becker, run.

Come on!

Any injuries?

- Good work everyone.
- Everyone?

Next time you run.

Guys.... we've got a problem.


We've just sent a raptor back to
the late 1860's


How's that even possible?

Victorian newspaper, device
is correct.

It must have blown through
the anomaly.

Spring-heeled Jack.

That's claws... even given it
a nickname.

Jess we've just sent a raptor back
to Victorian London

I need you to check news
archives for the period.

Look for references to a
Spring-heeled Jack.

Start at January 21, 1868.

This is not good.

How not good?

In the last month this "Spring-Heeled Jack"
has k*lled at least another 12 people.

- Oh.
- Great.

Give me your g*n.

Matt what are you doing?

I gonna go through it. 12 People and
that's only the ones we know about.

No arguements.

I'm not arguing, let's fix this.

Becker what about the rules?

We made a colossal mistake. It's our fault
and we need to fix it. I'm coming with you.

No you're not, I'm going
on my own.

The more of us there are the
more attention we draw to ourselves.

Unlock the anomaly.

Now listen. While I'm gone you
have to do what we discussed.

Matt... I can't.

I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't
crucial. You have to get in there.

Good luck.

You too.



You need to get out of here.

I mean it.


What are you doing here?

I live here.

What are you doing here?

We put a raptor back
through by mistake.

That wasn't very clever was it?

Not my finest moment no.

Whoa! Whoa there.

Halt here driver.


Oh Mr. Webster.

This business must go smoothly, yes?

There must be no fuss or
embarrassment, do you understand?

You're doing the right thing sir.

I assure you she will be treated
with the utmost respect.

I'm talking about discretion man.

She's caused more than enough
scandal as it is.

I'm a laughingstock in every
club in London.

I want her locked away where
she can't harm me anymore.

Or herself of course.

The original anomaly the raptor
came through. Did you see it?

I searched. It must have closed.


You look good.

It's protection.

After the first k*lling, the description of
the wounds, I knew I had to do something.


Your Spring-heeled Jack.

Emily. If they catch you,
you'll hang.

You have to go home
and let me deal with this.

What are you even doing here Matt?

What happened to stopping Philip?

Philip is under control. I'm
here because it's my job.

And that's the only
reason you're here?


Emily where're you going?

I'm going after it.

Listen. Abby looked into what
happened to you.

Stop there.

I don't want to know.

I have to go.

- But your husband...
- Matt!

I don't want to hear it.

I've finally got my life back.
A normal life.

Whatever's going to happen to me
will happen.

I don't want to change it.

I can't.


What are you...

Oh I had you followed.

I can explain.



Henry this is not what you think.

This man means nothing to me.

What have you done?

Let go of her or I'll shot.


He is gonna have you
committed as a lunatic.

Thrown into Bedlam hospital where
you'll stay until you die.



I'll take those I think.

Henry I'm not mad.

Please hear me out.

You're just not well.

You're not well, you haven't
been well for some time.


Hector bind her.

Ah! She bit me.

Leave me alone Henry.

Get off me.

Take the back roads.



Not really no.

It's never stopped me before.

I'll call Philip.

No. We should uh.. we
should test it first.



This is completely fried.

Only the inner coil.

We'll rebuild it, try again.
It was working Connor.

We don't know that. We're muck...
I can't do this.


You can.

The parts we need are at New
Dawn. I'll get them.

We'll try again. We're
nearly there Connor.

- Are you Okay?
- Umm.


Look, I know it's none of my
buisness Abby, but...

Connor loves you.

Everyone can see it.

But what if that's not enough. What if I
did something he couldn't forgive?

There isn't.... there isn't
someone else.

No... course not.

It's just.

Suppose I have to do something
I know is for his own good

but he doesn't see it that way?

What if I have to lie to
do the right thing.

All I know is, once you start lying
that's usually the beginning of the end.

Talking is definitely better.


Thanks Jess.


You're right.

Forgot something.

Popping up to see Connor?


Look Abby, some friendly advice.

Unless you have more faith in Connor,
you're going to lose him.


Friendly advice, eh?

You have to let him work.

What he's doing is too important.
He can't be distracted.

I'm his girlfriend not a distraction.

Maybe you should concentrate
on your own job Abby.

You do like your job...
don't you?

Thanks for the advice April.

Just looking out for you.


I'd hate to see you make
a serious mistake.

Jess. You know I'd never do anything
to get you into trouble don't you.

Give me a couple of minutes
alone with the computers.

Do you promise me I won't
regret it?


Ok, I'll be back in five.

Henry please.

There are things you do not


And you still refuse to offer any
explanation for where you went.

Because I have no memory of it.

Were you with that man?

I see the answer all over
your face.

I am a faithful wife Henry.

Well even if that were true

you've lost all sense of your place
since your return.

Your ideas on how a woman
should behave are...


I agree I am not the person you
married but I am not insane.


Well then why are you dressed
like that?

See what that is.


Why me?

Henry I know what's out there.
It's a creature.

It's the thing their calling Spring-
heeled Jack. I can protect you.

- I can k*ll it, please!
- Are you really mad?

There is no monster.




I command you to stay
where you are.

You'll thank me for
it later.

You all right?

Do you need any help?

Spring-heeled Jack.

Spring-heeled Jack!

Spring-heeled Jack. He's
k*lled again.



Where's the raptor?

We should go back to it's
nest, wait for it there.

No we need to find it right now.

You're in my time now Matt.
We do this my way.

- Come on.
- All right.


Abby you okay? Everything all
right with the anomaly?

Fine. All under control.

I was wondering if you had five
minutes for a chat?

If you're not too busy.

Yeah, no, of course I'll

- See you in a second.
- Great.

Come on.


Sorry. I got held up. Just
give us a couple of minutes.

Yep. Cool. I'll-I'll stay here.


Come on.

- That was quick.
- Why aren't you in the lab?

Oh, I was just, um, waiting
for Abby.

She-She wanted to...


Come on.


You... You`re just gonna ignore me?

April what on earth's the matter?

We only left the room for, like,
a couple of minutes.


You're right, sorry.

Just a bit nervous that's all.

Big day.

Yeah, I suppose. So um.. shall we
do this then, you want to try and fix it.


Your EMD must be here somewhere.

Come on men, this way.

Lose the cloak.

Dressed like Jack,
you'll hang for certain.

Three in there.

Quick let's split up.

Move, go, go, go.

Two in there.

Hey... use that.


Through here.

Just softened him up for you. We need to
get the raptor back through the anomaly.

We can't leave it here.

Come on.


Here's good.

- Give him a push.
- Emily.

- One, two...
- I want you to come back with me.


Okay go.

Emily I mean it.

You might have been born here
you don't belong here anymore.

Matt I won't end up in the asylum.
I can look after myself.

I'll leave here, travel abroad.

Come with me...
to the Arc.

That's where you belong
now Emily.

This is my home,
and you have your own commitments.

I was wrong...

to tell you to come back here.

I've really missed you.

And I you.

Good-bye Matt.

Stop there.

You're a m*rder*r, and an

You will account for your crime.

Don't move.

I will fire.

I will shot.




I'm shot.

I'll get the medical kit.

There's no blood. There's
no blood?

There's no wound.

Your outfit saved you.


Neither of you move or I will
k*ll him.

Put the g*n down and we'll
let you go home.

Get up.


I'm not going anywhere without
my wife.

She will pay for her crimes.

I didn't k*ll anyone Henry.

And I'm not your wife, not

And I'm not coming back
with you.

- This is my home now.
- Enough.

Get to your feet woman.

Now! Or your lover dies.

What is this place?


How are you doing this?

- You have mesmerized me.
- Henry...

Put the g*n down please.

No one here means you any harm.

Look out behind you.

No! Stay where you are.

He's dead.

Connor what's wrong?

Nothing, I just...

I don't know what's happened to Abby.
I think I'm going to give her a quick call.

Connor sorry but...

I don't think she was ever
going to show up.

What-What do you mean?

She's playing mind games
with you Connor.

Mind- She's not playing
mind games.

She'd never do anything
like that.

What you see is what you get
with Abby. Okay?

I'm gonna take a breather.

Conner I didn't mean to...

It's fine.

Look. I think we should let all
this system warm up first.

Maybe that was the problem before.
The coils weren't quite ready or something.

Buy me a coffee?


What are you doing.



Are you trying to get in there.

What the hell Abby?

You spying on me now? You
really hate Philip that much do you?

No. Connor, listen.

He's dangerous.

Really dangerous.

I know things.


I can tell you but we can't
talk here.

What's with the secrets?

When Danny was here he
spoke to Matt.

He found a connection between
Helen and Philip.

They knew each other Connor.

I know.


I know. Philip told me.

Philip said that when Danny was in the riff
valley he found some papers in Helens'

bag with his name on it.

That doesn't prove anything.

Of course it does.

They were in league with
each other somehow.

No... they weren't.

Philip is one of the most famous scientist
in the world and Helen knew his name.

It doesn't mean anything.

I don't get why you don't...

Is that it or have you got
more proof

that Philip's some kind of
super villain?


What's happening to us?

I don't know.

But I know I've got work to do.

Oh my God. Emily.

- I always knew you'd be back.
- You knew more than me?

So you just went back
for the Raptor, yeah.

You're never allowed to go
anywhere else again, ever.

It's good to see you too.




Thank you.

Abby... someday he will

I'm not so sure about that.

- Is everything ok?
- Yeah.

Yeah, it's gonna work this time.

Philip. We did it.

We made history.

Nothing's gonna be the same again.