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08x16 - Wheels

Posted: 10/22/22 17:27
by bunniefuu
[Mouse squeaks]

[Penguins chirp]


[All cheering]



I "Adventure Time" I

I Come on, grab your friends I

I We're going to
very distant lands I

I With Jake the dog
and Finn the human I

I The fun will never end I

I It's "Adventure Time” I




This is a hoot.


JAKE: And the winner of the
three—legged race is...

not us!


But we ran a fair race,
Kim Kil Whan.

Yes, quite.

Heh, heh.

Of course, we could have
m*rder*d them,

but I was holding back.

I'm glad
you didn't show off, Dad.


[indistinct conversations]

[Clea rs th roat]

Thanks to my team of awesomely
talented sales associates

and also my father, Jake,
who's visiting us this year...

...this has been
the most successful

animal sports/picnic
socializing event ever.

Uh, whoo—hoo.


Wow. Really nice deviled egg
presentation this year, Steve.


Dad, I'm glad you stuck around.

I confess I had an ulterior
motive for inviting you.

I really need your advice
on something.

My advice?

Parenting advice.

I don't know how to deal
with my daughter, Bronwyn.

I have a granddaughter?

Psych, I knew that.

What's the problem, mijo.

Bronwyn is not doing well
at school.

She seems to be busy enough
with homework when she's here,

but her grades are slipping.

And her teacher says she keeps
falling asleep at her desk.

Why is she so unengaged?

And how can I manage her
towards financial success

if she's that unengaged?

I thought you might have
some insight

because of your teenage
kind of lifestyle.

What say we r*fle through
her biz next time she's out?

Well, I'm no snoop,

but I found these unusual
graphics in her recycling bin.

What do you make of these?




What are you thinking?

Not sure yet.
I'll have to sleep on it.

I'll let you know tomorrow
if I think of anything.


[Bat squeaking]

— Whoo—hoo!

— Yeah!
— Oh, man! Wow!


Bronwyn! Bronwyn! Bronwyn!

Nice one, Bronwyn!


Classic Bronwyn.

Hey, Bronwyn,
isn't that your dad?

That's my granddad.

You here to bust me?

Nah, I'm just here to skate.

Yeah, okay.

Show me some moves.

— Noice!
— Pretty good moves.


You're actually kinda cool,
for a gwampa.

Thank you, thank you.

[As Kim Kil Whan] Thank you.
I value your opinion.

That's a spot—on KKW.

[Laughs] Yeah.

Um, that reminds me.

We're supposed to talk about
getting your grades up

in school or something.


We're worried about your, um,
financial success!

I knew it.

You're not cool!

— You're just like Dad!
— What?

I mean, hey, I love your dad,
but we're nothing alike.

It looks like this round gramps
is a real square.


I'm not a square.

But now I am.

Whoa! Radical!


— How'd you do that?
— Do another one!

I'm an old tree.


An equestrian statue.

Jake, are you going to
stay here all night?

They like me.

They like my ageless style
and everything.


But hark!
What's that I hear?


Bronwyn beefed it.


Y—You're the fart.

What? No.

Old fart.

I'm cool!

Son, it's worse than we thought.

Oh, koo.
Is it black magic?

A cursed ring?
An investment scam?

JAKE: Worse!

I tried real—talking
with Bronwyn last night,

and now she thinks I'm a square!

I feel like you're losing sight
of the point here, Dad.

Pretty much everyone
thinks I'm great, right?

Maybe stay away
from my daughter.

Don't worry, Son.

I won't rest until Bronwyn
realizes how cool I am!

But what about...


— I got this! I got this!
— Whoo—hoo!

Oh, Glob!
I don't!


Fellow dudes!

Old cheeseballs is back.


Check it out, kids!

I brought my roommate!
He's 16!

[Finn snoring]

That's so old.

Do something cool.

— No, I'm sleep——
— Here, play your flute.

Kids Iove flute.

— Wha——

[Flute melody playing]

Is that solo flute?

Yo, that stinks nasty.

— Uh—oh, kids hate flute.

But they love mash—ups!


Gwampa is turning it up!




This dude don't give a dump.

Dang, you're, like,
like a cool gwampa.


[indistinct conversations]


Hey, guys.

Have you ever heard music
like this?



Way to choke, Bron.

Yo, how about a duet?


[Coughing continues]


Even Gwamps
can't save you, Bron!

B, why'd you stop?

They're laughing at me.

Hey, come on, guys,
don't bust on Bronwyn.

Bronwyn's cool.
I can vouch for her.

Now let's all watch me skate!





I can skate way better better
than you, Jake.


[Electricity crackles]

[Thunder crashes]

I challenge you to a thrash off.


— Ohh!
— Buh?

BRONWYN: The winner is declared
undeniably cool.

The loser is banned
from the skate park.

I can live with that.


Dude, you're really gonna ban
your own granddaughter

from her own skate park?

Man, I hope so.


Yeah, real cool.

Hey, it's time!


Gwampa! Gwampa! Gwampa!

Bronwyn, did you see
my cool new hair?



Welcome to Thrashland.

Are you two ready to thrash?

From here, you must skate
the entire length of the park.

First, grind down the ramp,

through the bar maze,

past the big—armed worm,

through the junkyard,

over the log swamp,

and finally cross the finish
at the bottomless pit of love.

[All gasp]

Hey, Jake, no weird magic biz.

Heh—heh, same to you.

Remember, you're an instant fart
if you eat it.

Take it away, flute man.

This is a terrible idea.

[Rock music plays]

Whoa —— oof!




Oh, dang!
I love you, Bronwyn!

Whoa, cool!
Time to ice this cake!

— Whoo!
— Jake, no!

It took me months
to make that jump!

You're gonna biff it!

I won't biff it!

I'm the coolest guy aliiiiii——




You're cool!
You're cool!

Just please be okay, Grandpa!


That means I win, right?

— Dad!
— Dad?

— Are you okay?
— I'm great.

She admitted it.




Bronwyn. ..

Look, I can see that skating
is important to you.

And you seem
very talented at it,

but you're still going to have
to pull it together in school.

Okay, I did get carried away.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

I should have
just come to you myself,

instead of sending
your cool grandfather.

I just thought you wouldn't
listen to a square like me.

Nah, I mean, you're not cool,
but you're not uncool.

Kim Kil Whan!
Bronwyn! Look at me!


Time to go home.

Not the swan.
That's where the pups came from.

I Come along with me I

I And the butterflies and bees I

This party is so crazy!