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08x06 - Accidental Hero

Posted: 10/22/22 18:03
by bunniefuu
You've changed the rota.

You don't mind, do you? I've got an extra lecture on Thursday.

I thought it was just one day a week.

It is, but Sam thought it would be good for me to attend.

- Who? - Professor Bradman.

- Ow! - What? James just bit me.

Did he draw blood? No.

Why did you bite Mummy? I'll get it.

I've come to pick up Louisa.

Mrs Ellingham.

Louisa! Your taxi's here.

- What taxi? - You can wait outside.

- She knows you're coming.

- Martin, I told you.

Tina's on my course.

She's giving me a lift.

- Hi, Tina.

- Oh, right.

Sorry I'm late.

My eldest was a nightmare this morning.

Enjoy this age while it lasts.

- Careful, he may bite.

- Martin.

See you later, Martin.

James, be a good boy, please.

Bye! Bye-bye, Mummy.

He's coming! Good morning, Doctor.

The notes for your first patient.

- Trevor Dodds! - Who are you? Emily.

She's covering for me for a few days, remember? - No.

- Worked at Delabole dentist's.



Dodds, follow me.

Um He says good morning and he looks forward to working with you.

Thanks so much for the lift.

Catching the bus was a pain.

No problem.

I've never been mistaken for a taxi driver before! Is your husband always that rude? No.

Well I wonder if that's where your son's aggression comes from.

- What do you mean? - His biting.

Chapter five of the course book does suggest that such behaviour can result from children feeling stressed or not correctly bonding with their caregiver.

Then again, sometimes they're just teething.

They bite, they learn not to.

And that's that.

Hm your blood glucose level is high.

Are you remembering to take your medication? I've been trying to, Doc.

But what with the wife leaving me, and the shop going bust, things have been hectic.

Doesn't make a difference.

Take your Metformin and monitor your blood glucose levels.

Look straight ahead.

- I was wondering - Stop talking.

- Do you suppose - Sshh! Right, go ahead.

Could the reading be to do with the other thing? What other thing? It stings, you know, when I go.

I'd need a sample of your urine.

Now? I just been! Go into the waiting room until you can go again.

- What's that? - Prime rib-eye steak.

And only £15 a kilo to you! No, thank you.

Oh, I see what you're saying.

You want a discount.

All right, 13 quid, but you're k*lling me! No, I don't want a discount.

Take it off my desk.

Give in your sample.

Make an appointment to get your results.

And don't forget to take your medication.

Just need a second to get my stuff.

See you in there.

Thanks for the lift.

Louisa? Louisa Glasson? I thought it was you.

Daisy Tyler.

You taught me in year six.

Oh, how could I forget? Hello, Daisy.

And it's Mrs Ellingham now.

Really? Someone married you? That's great.

What are you doing here? - I'm a student.

- A mature student? That's very brave at your age.

Thank you, Daisy.

What are you studying? Transferred to Child And Adolescent Counselling.

Ah, that's the same course as me.


Hope you're a better student than you were a teacher! I'm surprised you remember.

You spent your time staring out the window! See you in there.

- No.

- No, no, you can't have that.

- Your teeth! - Teeth.

Can I interest you in a tour of the station? No.

No, thank you.

- It's happened again.

- What did? What do you think? Another three sheep stolen last night.

Three last month and now these.

You've done nothing.

Well, it's an ongoing investigation.

You're standing there handing out chocolates! You should be putting fliers up about my missing animals.

Or checking up on likely suspects -- doing something! Do you want to come in and file a report? - Have a tour of the station? - No! Consider this me filing the report.


Hannah! I'm heading home.

What are you doing here? I'm popping in to see the Doc.

I'll pick you up later.


Hannah Butler! - Not here yet.

- Yes, I am.

Come through.

It's all I could squeeze out.

That is disgusting.

They came up a couple of days ago.

They look awful.

I'd need to take a swab.

What do you do for a living? - I'm a farmer.

- Keep livestock? Sheep.

But there's no money in it any more.

My dad retired and left me the farm.

Now I'm trying to diversify, though.

Glamping holidays.

Really? The tests will confirm it, but I suspect you have orf.

- Orf? - It's an exanthemous disease.

Caused by the parapox virus.

Mostly common in goats and sheep.

- I know what it is.

- Self-limiting in humans.

So it should clear up on its own between three to six weeks.

- Give me your hand.

- So my flock must have it.

Great, just what I need! It's extremely contagious.

Change the dressing and wash your hand after handling your livestock.

Not one person wanted a tour of the station.

Apart from Chippy Miller.

I'm sure he just wanted the toilet.

How am I supposed to meet the Chief Constable's target for community engagement if no one's interested in law and order? I'm not sure I'm the right person to answer that, mate.

Don't suppose you're interested in a joint community project -- promote responsible drinking maybe? Not this week.

Morwenna's taking me away on a break.

- Looking forward to it.

- After that? Um No.

File those for me, please.

- What's infectious mono - Infectious mononucleosis.

- It's glandular fever.

Why? - Called the kissing disease? That's a trite term for it, yes.

- That bloody liar! - I beg your pardon? He said he only had a sore throat.

But it says here that he had this mononucleo-thingy.

And so did Sophie Stone.

I think we all know where he got that, don't we? You can't read patients' notes! They're highly confidential! He's my boyfriend.

Or was.

You've no right to go nosing around in his medical history! Don't shout at me.

I just been cheated on! - Where are you going? - I don't need this.

I was only doing Morwenna a favour.

Tosser! Great.

Right, there you go, love.

Pound of sausages, please, Trevor.

Don't suppose I could interest you in a bulk order for the pub? Special mates rates.

- How special? - 40 quid.

And I'll throw in the sausages.

The thing is, I've only got a 20.

No, I need the money today.

I got my suppliers chasing me.

I promise I'll give it to you next time I see you.

- Go on, then.

- Good boy.

Yes, sir? What can I get you? The Social Cognition and the Theory of Mind.

Descartes' Second Meditation set out much of the groundwork for the science of the mind.

The two most prominent contrasting approaches to the Theory of Mind are theory-theory and what? Anyone? Daisy? - Saturation theory.

- Oh I think you mean simulation theory.

I think I know what I mean.

Actually, simulation theory is right.

And the two greatest exponents of the theory? Oh, um it's I do know this.

It's in chapter two.

Just Oh, it was Sam Bradman.

Um that's my name.



Anyone else? Louisa? Alvin Goldman and Robert - Godwin.

- Gordon.

- Gordon.

- Very good, Louisa.

So, moving on - Joe.

- Ruth.

How are you? - I'm very well, thank you.

- Good.


I'm also wondering why you're here.

Yes, I was sort of looking for someone to talk to.

Well, more someone who'll listen.

And I was wondering, you being a psychiatrist, if you'd consider taking me on as a patient.

- I'm a forensic psychiatrist.

- That's fine.


I'm not the sort of psychiatrist you're after.

I know.

Yes, forensic psychiatrist.

Of course.

I can give you 20 minutes.

Here, boy! Got a present for you.

Meat? I've told you, Dad, we're not doing food.

This is different.

Trevor Dodds made me an offer that I couldn't miss.

- One day, summer barbecue.

- Dad, you know how this works.

I'm in charge.

All buying decisions have to be approved by me.

That's exactly what I'm going to do next time.

- No - Now go.

Morwenna will be here.

- What would you like? - Pint of Yardley's, please.

I get so lonely.

The only friendships I have are with Al and the Doc.

And they're You know.

Imaginary? Busy all the time.

I suppose it's for the best.

Everyone I get close to leaves me -- my wife Maggie, Janice even Clive.

If it's any consolation, it's not uncommon for figures of authority in small communities to have feelings of isolation.

So you're saying my loneliness is a sort of cross my uniform forces me to wear? Well The price I have to pay for keeping the citizens of Portwenn safe? I wouldn't go that far.

In many ways, it's like I'm the lone sheriff in a lawless frontier town.

Biscuit? Thanks, Ruth.

But duty calls.

I know I'm giving you the place for free, but you're here to give me your honest feedback.

- So no holding back.

- I'm sure it'll be great! I hope so.

But we all know how hard it is to start this type of business.

And I want to learn from your failures, Al.

Very wise.

So how's it going with Al? Yeah, so far, so good.

What on earth is that? That is an alpaca.

Someone's been stealing my sheep.

It's meant to protect them, but fat lot of use it is.

I just lost another three.

Not far now.

I thought we'd be closer to the farmhouse.

No, this is the real thing.

I'm billing these glamping holidays as a chance for city folk to really get away from it all.

- And there it is.

- Is that it? Here we go.

Your home away from home for the next three nights.

A luxury glamping experience.

What's that? State of the art solar shower and composting toilet.

- Ooh! - And all this.

Hannah, it's lovely.

Come on, I'll show you inside.

I got the yurt online.

But it's the furnishings that make it.

Oh, it looks lovely, Hannah.

Thank you, Morwenna.

That is exactly the kind of feedback I'm after.

So - Hello.

- How was your day? Terrible.

Morwenna's decided to take time off with absolutely no warning.

Then she appointed a temporary receptionist who started crying and ran away.

- I'm sorry to hear that.

- Yes.

How was your day? It was very strange.

One of my old pupils was there.

What, as a case study? No, as a student.

But she should be.

- Why? - She's rude.

She's tricky.

She's probably a sociopath.

I see.

A local girl.

Um there was an incident at nursery today.

What happened? James bit another child.

It's just a phase.

A lot of children go through it.

- Did you? - No, not that I remember.

What about you? Were you a biter? We shouldn't use the word biter, Martin.

It's a good word for someone who bites.

It can lead to a child giving themselves that identity.

And then Well, making it worse or something.

- What? - Oh, I don't know.

I had a child in year three who bit people, now he's in a youth detention centre.

That's not going to happen to James.

If he keeps biting, he won't have any friends.

He's 18 months old.

Does he need friends? Coming! Martin! Martin? - Ohh! - Martin! Oh! Stupid dog tripped me up! He didn't, but Does it hurt? Ow! Ohh! Go through to the consulting room.

- Ohh! - Careful.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohh! What can I do? Pull the scanner over, please.

- I'll do it.

- OK.

Ohh! - And the sock too, please.

- Yes.


And pass me the transducer, please.

OK, just - Ah.

- What is it, Martin? It's a lateral ligament tear.

Only a small one, but it will need binding.

Call in at the pharmacy.

Ask Mrs Tishell if she's got a large inflatable foot splint.

If she hasn't, ask her to order one, please.

Are you going to cope on your own? You haven't got a receptionist.

- Yes, I'll be fine.

- Sure? - Just bind it up.

- Martin How did you sleep? I didn't.

Mor, it's freezing in here.

I know.

On the plus side, we are here alone.


You and me.

Yeah Hello? Hello? I'm just looking for Hannah.

I've been examining her sheep.

Don't mind us.

We're just in bed.

- Try the farmhouse.

- I already did.

Not there.

She clearly isn't here, is she? Oh, Angela.


What are you doing in here? What is everyone doing in here? It's bad news.

As you suspected, the entire flock has got orf.

It will pass without any treatment in four to six weeks.

But keep a close eye on them.

Those lesions, if they spread, can cause serious infection.

I won't have any livestock left at this rate! Somebody's stolen two more of my sheep and now the bloody alpaca! Sure it hasn't wandered off somewhere warmer? Did you hear any trucks or vans last night? With all the wind, we wouldn't have heard a thing.

Did you know alpaca wool is resistant to both flame and water? How is that relevant? I don't have time for this! It cost a bloody fortune! I need to call Penhale.


Out of the way! Out of the way.


Trevor Dobbs! Yep.

Er Dodds.

Follow me.

Take a seat.

What happened to your face? You didn't have those bruises yesterday.

I walked into a door.

I had your test results back.

You have a urinary tract infection.

How did I get that? Cystitis.

Very common in men of your age.

Ordinarily, I'd suggest a painkiller, plenty of fluids till the symptoms pass.

But because of your diabetes, I'll write you a prescription for a short course of antibiotics.

There is something else, Doc.

Yes? I got an itch now.

Down there.

Down where? Oh, whoa.


OK, onto the examination table.

Pull up your pants and trousers first.

Climb up and take them off.


Why didn't you tell me about this yesterday? I only noticed it this morning.

Yes, there's a rash and some blistering.

- That will explain the itch.

- What is it? I don't know.

Could be herpes simplex.

That's unlikely.

I've not seen anyone since the wife left.

I'd need to do a swab and send it off for testing.

I reckon they escaped through here.

They weren't even in that field.

They must have used a truck or a van to steal them.


Could be your animal jumped the fence or just wandered off? No! She's only four foot high.

First the sheep, now the alpaca.

No coincidence.

This is theft.

First, we need to establish a motive.

Why would anyone want to steal an alpaca? Because she's a guard alpaca and she cost a bloody fortune.

- Very good.

- And it wouldn't be easy.

She's in season.

So she could be aggressive.

Hello, Joe.

Morwenna, Al! How's it hanging? - Er - How was your first night? Yeah, a bit cold, actually.

We could do with some blankets.

Or a heater.

And the screen on the toilet's broken.

Sorry, it's been a bit mad here this morning.

But I will get it all sorted.

Sooner rather than later, yep? Come to the farmhouse and I'll find you a heater.

You'll need it.

Weather forecast says it will be rough tonight.

Oh, great.

Hey, why don't we get a lift back home with Joe? Do you want to spend another night in that freezing tent? No, not really.

But we did say we'd stay for three nights.

I feel bad going back on our word.

Maybe tonight will be better.

Next patient! I just.


- God.

- Lord.

Dr Ellingham, here.


Thank you.

Thank you.

No Morwenna? She's away for a few days.

She's not coming back now you've hurt your foot? I can't get in touch with her.

I can manage.

A busy doctor like you shouldn't have to.

I'll come over in the morning and cover.

Oh, no.

That's not necessary.

Us medical professionals must stick together! See you first thing.

8:30 sharp! Leave me alone.

Glad I caught you! I was in the library catching up with some work and I ran into Professor Bradman.

He thought this might be useful for you.

- I marked chapters on biting.

- You told him about James? Was it meant to be a secret? I didn't want everyone to know.

I'm so sorry.

Half my mind's gummed up with VAT returns and the other half with coursework.

Everything we learnt in the first week has gone out of my head.

Are you all right? You seem a bit tense.

You can't park there.

No, I'm not stopping.

Must dash.

Got to cook supper for my boys! - See you tomorrow! - Tomorrow? I've got an extra lecture.

How's the boot? - Fine.


- Ooh, wrong gear.

- Bye! - Is she all right? Yes, just a bit stressed from the course.

She's taken on a lot.

How long are you going to have to wear that thing? About ten days.

Morning, Dr Ellingham! I'll make a start! Is that Mrs Tishell? She's standing in for Morwenna.

- How did that happen? - She offered.

I needed help.

Martin, are you sure that's a good idea? Yes, it's only temporary.

Ohh! Ohh! Brr! I think it's colder out there than it was yesterday.

No, no! You are not bringing your freezing cold body in here.

I'm gonna light the heater.

I can't get used to going to the bathroom without a door.

It's like somebody's watching me.

Ohh! This will help.

Bloody hell! Bloody hell! - Al! - Bloody hell! It's OK.

It's a little bit of fire.

I'll put it out.

Stamp on it! Here you go.

Let me get this out.

Morwenna! Let me get the fuel.

Don't be ridiculous! - Oh, God! - Oh, no.

Come on! Go! Yeah, that's right! For one night only.

Be there or be square.

- Excuse me.

- Oh, just sit down! Oh, I'll be right with you, Dr Ellingham.

I need Mr Ward's file.

I'm trying to locate them now.

I've had to reorganise Morwenna's filing system.

- It's very haphazard.

- It works very efficiently.

Some test results came in for Trevor Dodds.

I can print them out for you.

Don't worry, I'll look at them here.

Trevor Dodds is a butcher, isn't he? - Yes.

- Get him Call him and have him come in immediately.

- Yes.

Straight away.

- Mr Ward's notes! - Straight away! - Next patient! Six cutlets coming right up.

On second thoughts, make that tomorrow.

Street trading licence, please, Trevor.

I really ought to get that.

- Licence.

- Come on, Joe.

Those things cost a packet.

Can't you give me a break? How about some free meat? Nice bit of steak.

I didn't hear that.

- I said how about - I meant I'm going to pretend you didn't try and bribe an officer of the law.

Move on.

Next time, I want to see that licence.

Cheers, Joe.

Appreciate it.

I can't get hold of Mr Dodds, Dr Ellingham.

Call PC Penhale and have him come to the surgery as soon as possible.

Right away, Dr Ellingham.

Hannah! I'm sorry I haven't fixed the screen yet.

I'll do it now.

You don't need to leave.

Yeah, it's just um We sort of burnt the yurt down.

Sorry, for a moment I thought you said you burnt my yurt down! The paraffin heater leaked.

When I lit it, the rug went up.

- And then the whole thing.

- What? In a way, it wasn't entirely our fault.

- In what way? - Well, if it wasn't freezing and if you hadn't given us a heater that leaked, then I don't believe this! You have ruined my business before it's even started! Sorry.

Oh Are you insured? Chop chop, Louisa! We're late as it is! OK, coming! Come on.

I've been waiting.

I've been there since half-past.

Doc, you wanted to see me.

Yes, good.

I want you to find a patient of mine.

Trevor Dodds.

- Is he in some sort of trouble? - A public health issue.

Get hold of everyone Dodds sold meat to.

- Order them to destroy it.

- Why? He risks passing orf onto the public and he must stop trading.

- Passing off what? - Orf.

- Off.

- No, orf.

- Off.

- Orf.

- Off.

- O-R-F.


It's an exanthemous disease caused by the parapox virus.

Primarily occurs in sheep and goats, but can be passed to humans.


Leave it to me.

Joe Penhale always gets his man.

Oh whatever.

Right, I'll be orf.

Hello? Trevor? Easy now.

It'll be over in a minute.

Anyone home? Ohh! Ohh! Whoa! Trevor? What's going on? I stabbed myself with my bloody knife! Aagh! Agh! I've been waiting 30 minutes.

When will I see the doctor? - I don't know! - Next patient! Hello, Portwenn practice.

Receptionist speaking.

- How may I help you? - Mrs Tishell, I need the doc.

- It's urgent.

- Joe Penhale.

Says it's urgent.

Give it to me.

Yes? Trevor Dodds has cut himself badly with a knife.

Have you called an ambulance? There's been a road accident.

They don't know when they'll get here.

And Doc, he's bleeding ever such a lot.

- Give me your address.

- It's an old farm.

Just past St Kew.

Off Pendragon Hill.

OK, keep him horizontal and apply pressure to the wound.

- I'll be right there.

- Doc, come quickly.

Everybody out! Surgery is closed.

Telephone for another appointment.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Mrs Tishell, I need you to drive me.

Slow down.

Careful here! Mrs Tishell, oh, my God! No! Oh! Oh! You're just like Clive.

He was always a nervous passenger.

This is how it ends, then? Dying in my own bloody shed.

Hey, you're talking to Joseph Penhale.

No one dies on my watch.

Although you are bleeding ever such a lot.

I just need the Doc to get here quickly.

Fingers crossed.

- Penhale! - In the barn, Doc! Come on! Quickly, Doc.

Ohh! Right, let me have a look.

Ohh! God! You've punctured your femoral artery.

Mrs Tishell, give me your hand.

- Yes.

- Give me your other hand.

Push down there and keep applying pressure.

- Yes.

- Your pulse is too fast.

You need to try and calm down.

Listen to the Doc.

He'll sort you out.

Then we need to talk about the fact that that's Hannah Butler's livestock.

You're in trouble for stealing.

You complete prat! The sheep you have stolen have orf! That's O-R-F.

Your test results show it's that on your genitals! I was desperate! I was so much in debt.

None of my suppliers would sell me anything.

- What about the alpaca? - The wool's worth a fortune.

Stop talking to him! He needs to calm down.

Doc, the bleeding's not stopping.

I need to stabilise him.

Out of the way! Penhale, hold that up.

And keep it up.

- Mrs Tishell.

- Yes? When I tell you to remove your hands, - remove your hands.

- Yes.

- Then pass me this clamp.

- Yes.


Remove your hands.

Take the clamp.


Give me the clamp.

Other way round.


- Is he dead? - No.

I've clamped the artery and stemmed the flow.

But he needs to get to a hospital as soon as possible.

Well done, Doc.

Oh, dear.

The Doc has saved your life, Trevor! And you're under arrest.

That was fascinating.

Any chance we can move a bit quicker? I'm gonna be late home.

I'd never thought of that, what Sam was saying about infants and children with under-developed theory of mind.

- Can we discuss it in the car? - Yeah.

- Are you all right? - Of course I'm all right.

Be better if I had 27 hours in the day.

Why not 30? Nice round number, eh? OK, come on.

- Er Morwenna.

- What? Just smile.

They'll stop.

- Morwenna.

- Hi! Morwenna! - Yeah, thank you very much! - Cheers! - Yeah! - Ohh! Hey, is that Joe? Yeah.

- Joe! - Joe! Joe! He's seen us.

He's coming this way.

Joe! Brilliant.

Joe! Give us a lift back to Portwenn, mate! - Sure.

- What happened to you? Just solved a major crime.

Grand theft livestock.

On my way to report back to Hannah.

- Where did you find them? - Trevor Dodds.

He was stealing them and selling their meat.

Their infected meat, no less.


We've got to get back to Portwenn.

First things first.

Need to let Hannah know she can sleep safe.

No, Joe.

Dad is putting a barbecue on at the pub.

He bought all the meat from Trevor Dodds.

Better get in.

You know how messy one child is.

Imagine three of them! By the time I've finished cleaning up, it's a tip again.

Jim never bothered to file his receipts in the correct place.

So it's a bloomin' treasure hunt trying to get it all done! Yeah.

Maybe you should slow down.

That's the problem.

I can't slow down.

- I got too much to do.

- Tina! Tina! I can't.

Gotta catch up with 18 years of rushing around after them.

I meant slow the car down.

I got to find some time for myself.

I can't - I just - Watch it! Tina, please.

Tina! Watch out! Pull the car in here.

Pull the car in here.

Tina! Pull into the side, please.

That's it.

I'll find you some water.

Stay calm.

Must be some here.

Just need some air.

Got it.

Tina! - Louisa? - Martin, where are you? Just coming into the village.

Why? - Hello, Louisa! How are you? - Shh, quiet.

- What? - Not you.

Go on.

It's Tina.

She's collapsed.

We're in a layby.

You'll see us.

Stop the car! - Ohh! - Ha! - You all right? - Yes.

What happened to you? Some stupid butcher punctured his femoral artery.

- What's this? - Tina was talking away.

Then she couldn't catch her breath at all.

Her pulse is racing.

- Let's get her up.

- OK, Tina.

I can't breathe! Can't move my arm.

I'm having a heart attack.

OK, you're having a panic attack.

It's giving you muscle cramps.

Relax your breath.

Breathe in through the nose and out through your mouth.

Slowly, slowly.

- That's better.

- That's it.

That's right.

Breathe into the bag.

That's it.

Deep breaths.

Better get her to the surgery.

- Ohh! - What are you doing? - I'm sorry.

- Come on.

Up you get.

Fantastic Cornish beef! There we go.

Proper job.

Don't eat that! Don't eat that! Don't eat that.

There will be no barbecue today! - Full refunds will be given.

- What you playing at? That meat could be contaminated.

You were about to poison our customers.

- How do you know that, boy? - Just trust me.

All right, who's got a burger? Good afternoon, everyone! I'll soon have you all sorted.

Oh! Morwenna! I've got it from here, Mrs T.

You can head back to the pharmacy.

- Morwenna.

- Hello, Doc! It's been marvellous working with you, Doctor.

Thank you so much.


And er Yes, thank you too.


- Come through.

- You're in good hands.

Thank you! Pulse rate's very high.

Have you had a panic attack before? - First one.

- History of thyroid disease? - Not that I know of.

- Taking any medication? No.

Oh, I'm taking Modafinil if that counts.

Of course it counts.

Modafinil's a stimulant.

- Who prescribed you that? - I got it online.

Let me see.

Smart drug.

It was to help me study.

- I need that! - You do not.

Taking Modafinil without a doctor's prescription is an incredibly stupid thing to do.

Not to mention illegal.

Can have all sorts of side effects.

I just needed to get out the house.

- Have something for myself.

- Oh, that's all right, then.

You nearly k*lled my wife.

You're a danger to yourself and the public.

I'll give you an ECG.

You may have developed an irregular heartbeat.

Joe? All your sheep returned.

Safe and sound.

All of them? Well most of them.

Trevor had already chopped some of them up.


He'll be charged with sheep rustling as soon as he's well.

The main thing is, people need to have more faith in their local constabulary.

Oh, I heard about the yurt.

Will you be wanting me to charge Al? No.

My insurance said they'll pay up.

So what about my alpaca? She's out there somewhere, roaming the plains.

So you didn't find her? Hannah, what did I just say? Have a bit of faith.

Well, thank you, Joe.

I do appreciate everything you've done.

Made a bad day better.

Sorry for what I said before about how Martin was a bit - Rude and aggressive.

- Yeah.

Lucky for you, he's also very good at his job.

- See you next week.

- Oh, I don't know.

I think it's all a bit much.

Just have a think about it.

I'll be seeing you, then.

Bye, Doctor.


I think it's time I got myself a car.

- Are you all right? - I'm fine.

Apart from the fact that she temporarily lost her mind - and almost k*lled us.

- If you take on too much It doesn't happen to everyone, Martin.

Louisa, Doc.

Oh, any incidents today? Not still worried about that, are you? - Shouldn't I be? - It happens with kids his age.

He was good as gold today.

Didn't even complain when one of the other kids gave him a nip.

Someone bit James? Who? - I can't say.

- Don't be ridiculous.

You can.

Nursery policy.

See you tomorrow, little man! - Bye.

- Bye, Mel.

I said nursery was a mistake.

It's clearly learned behaviour.

It's good for his social development.

Not if everyone's biting each other.

Well, he started it.

Two, one I made a big decision Are you leaving Martin? The way you're treating me is disgraceful.

Don't be absurd.

- Has your blood-phobia got worse? - No, I don't think so.