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10x07 - Marcy & Hunson

Posted: 10/23/22 10:07
by bunniefuu
[Mouse squeaks]

[Penguins chirp]


[All cheering]



J“ “Adventure Time“ J“

I Come on, grab your friends J“

J‘ We're going to
very distant lands I

J“ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human J‘

J“ The fun will never end r

J‘ It‘s “Adventure Time“ I


Swordsmith Deity,
from your unseen throne,

bless this sword
with your mighty hone!

This new sword
is guaranteed to defend you

against Princess Bubblegum's
heinous family.

Uncle Gumbald!

- Aunt Lolly!

- Cousin Chicle!


I like your swordsmith hat.

I'm wearing it in honor
of my special guest.

Am I your special guest?

— PEP BUT: No.
— Dang.


This sword
will serve you much better

than your old,
cursed Grass Sword.

This sword is also cursed,

but it has a compass
in the hilt!


And now for one more thing.

The special guest
I now will bring!


Maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum!


Hunson Abadeer!

Finn the human!
And Jake the dog!

Hey, did Marceline call me ——

It is I who summoned you.

I humbly ask you for an infusion
of nightosphere magic

upon this sword.


I proclaim this blade ——

"The Night Sword"!

Now to send you back.

Not so fast.

It‘s like I got
a free flight here.

I'm gonna go see my little girl.

Back in the hole,
Marceline's dad.

I'll behave myself.

No soul sucking.
No evil stuff.

I'm trying to be
a better person.

Maybe it's too late for me,
but I'm trying.

Oh, I'm so ashamed
of the things I've done!


Have some dignity, man!

All right. You may leave
the circle for one day.


Time to suck some souls!


Hey, what gives?

PEP BUT: Phantom manacles
your wrists shall constrain

until you're back
in your hole again!


Let's go see Marcy.

Great sword making, Pep But.

Yo, see you guys at the concert!

J‘ Walkin' in ,
not suckin‘ out souls J‘

I Walk, walk, walk,
not suck, suck, suck I

Hey, could you stop
saying that, please?

So...what's my little monster
up to these days?

Is she still all goody-goody?
Still half-vampire?

Started dating anyone?

Yes, yes, but no,
then yes again, and...maybe?

Look, maybe cool it with
the prying around Marceline.

Nah, she loves it when I pry.


Oh, Chicle,
have you finally discovered

the vampire girl's weakness?

I think sooo.


Chuckling mode off.

[Hunson whistling
"Shave and a Haircut"]

You know, now that we're here,
I'm having second thoughts.

It just seems like
no matter what I do,

I always tick that girl off.


Long time no see.

Some goober with glasses
summoned me.

What's that thing?
Just gonna put this here, okay?

Now let's go suck some souls!

I don't know what it is.

Uhh, heh.

[Clears throat]


Dad, what are you doing here?

I'm in town for the week,

and I don't really have a place
to stay, dot, dot, dot.


How many souls did he suck
on his way here?

Oh, I guess
But --


I made Finn a cool, new sword
and everything!

I guess you can crash here.

Thanks for inviting me.

That is not what's happening.

We're gonna jet, Marcy.

You just got here.

Invite them in, Marceline.

Do you have a bathroom?

Yeah, there's one upstairs.

Ijust have to freshen up.

Is my dad really behaving
himself this time?

He's just been singing songs
and stuff.

Yeah, he seems pretty fun
for an old guy.

Hey, wait a minute.
I'm an old guy!

Hey, excuse my unsociableness.

There's just one thing.

The venetian blinds
in your bathroom

kind ofjumped out at me
and got broken.

How could you wreck the blinds
just by going to the bathroom?

Let me make it up to you.

I've got some soy sauce
and some ketchup.

I'm good.

Here‘s an SD card,
some twist ties.

I don't want any of this junk!

Hey! I'm gonna need
a place to sleep tonight.

Do you have an air mattress?

— Yeah.
- Great!

You can sleep
on the air mattress,

and I'll sleep on your bed.

It‘s in the closet.

Finn, are you gonna
let my little girl

blow up that air mattress?

Not on my watch!

[Door opens, clattering]

Hey, Dad, I think I'm gonna go
out for a walk before bedtime.

But, Marcy...don't you
have a solo gig tonight?


I get it.

It's air mattress talk.

Aren't you giving a concert
tonight? Ss-ss-ss.

At the Ghost Amphitheater?

Concert? It's a good thing
your friends remembered that.

Thanks, Jake.

Let's go!



Do you hear, like,
a really stupid-sounding laugh?


I have a nice laugh.

[Indistinct conversations]

Time to blend in
completely unnoticed.


Hey, what you got there?

Hamburger Hills Cemetery!


[Cheers and applause]

HUNSON: Marceline!
You're doing great, baby!

I haven't started yet.

J‘ Slow dance with you J“

J“ I just want to slow dance
with you I

J‘ I know all the other boys
are tough and smooth J“

J‘ And I got the blues J‘

J“ I want to slow dance
with you I

J“ I want to slow dance
with you I

J‘ Slow dance I

J“ I just want to slow dance
with you I

J‘ Why don't you
take the chance? J“

J‘ I've got the moves J‘

I“ I'd like to prove J“

J‘Iwant toJ‘

J“ Slow dance with you J“

Hey, Pennebaker!

No illegal recording...
unless you're family.


Just ignore me.

You're wrecking the show!

This is my daughter!

I am proud of my punk daughter!

I made that!

Sit down, man!

Yeah, you're k*lling the vibe.

I'm just explaining my part
in all this.

Ugh. This is terrible.
Boo, I say.

Yeah! Boooo!

[Crowd booing]

Don't worry, honey.
I'll work the crowd.

Hey, it's me —— Hunson!

I'm happy to field any questions
from you dummies.

Can you believe Marceline
has a bougie trash daddy?

I heard this guy even eats
ghosts, you know, like us.

What? Really?!

Sure, sometimes.

Off the stage, skin sack!

Okay, okay, settle down, pal.

Don't make me come out there.

What you gonna do...
"eat my fries?"




My bass!


Come on,
ectoplasm comes right off.


You wreck everything.


Mad daddy!

Hammer fist strike!

Let's get him, fellas.


[All ru nt]


[Whap! Whap! Whap!]

Dad, quit clowning.

Uh, just havin' a little fun.



Come on, Dad, fight back!

He can't.
Pep Buts bound his powers.


They sassed you.

Better pop that cork, Peps.

All right. All right.


Oh, whoops, was that bad?

[Hunson grunting]




Vampires can't hurt ghosts,


Finn's turn!


Good night, Hamburger Hills!

There will be no encore.

My gracious.

I'm so sorry you had to deal
with Cousin Chicle's schemes.

My family's out of control.

It's fine. My cool daughter
took care of it.

And guess what I got
from a vendor.

It looks too big to me.

But they said that's the style
now with punk rockers.

Thanks for standing up for me

I'm bad,
but I'm no so bad, right?

So when are you gonna
have some kids?


J“ Come along with me J“

J And the butterflies and bees J“

This party is so crazy!