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05x21 - A Perfect Date

Posted: 10/27/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
- We're the winx girl power's gonna save the day rising up from the earth to the sky - Ah-Ah-Ah - That's the way we roll - That's the way we roll - Wings are glowing as we're flying high - Ah-Ah-Ah - Super sparkling everywhere we go - Come see - 'cause you believed in the magical ones we came together - Friends forever - We're the winx girl power's gonna save the day we're strong, bring it on 'cause we came to play we're invincible we're the winx - Musa tamed the singing whales of melody with her mother's song.

The winx restored the pillar of balance and saved the magic dimension.

But the pillar of control is still at risk as the WINX race tritannus to obtain its Seal.

- Okay, winx.

Be on the lookout for anything unusual.

- Define unusual.

[roaring and screaming]

- How about that? - Come on.

- Okay.

That's unusual.

- I'll say.

What is it? - It's looks like it's some kind of giant octopus.

Whoa! Watch out! [Both squealing]

- Hang on! We're coming! [Electricity crackling]

- [grunting]

- Correction.

Some kind of giant electric octopus.

- An electroctopus? - Hey! - Agh! - a little help here.

- on it.

Hey! - Quit it! - Let go.

- [gasps]



- Flora! - Tecna, you've got to do something.

- I know.

I'm just not sure what.

- Help us! - Hurry! - Let us go! - Okay.

[electricity CRACKLING]

Aura of sirenix.


[ELECTRIC buzzing]

- Whoa! - Amazing.

- Good one! - Nice.

- Yeah.

- way to go, tecna.

You did it.

- Congratulations, tecna.

You have found your sirenix special SPELL: The Aura of sirenix.

- [giggles]

- Tecna, you were really great back there.

- I'll say.

- Fantastic.

- I feel we should celebrate.


- Well, thank you, but-- - and that's why we've arranged something special.


- To help you celebrate, we're sending you on a date.

- a date? - Yup, a real romantic date with Timmy.

- Oh.

- don't worry.

It's all set.

- You'll be going to the coolest restaurant in magic city.

- But I don't think Timmy will agree to that.

He's very shy.

- Tecna, you and Timmy are always texting and chatting and emailing.

You never spend time face-to-Face.

- You're having an all-Virtual relationship, which is, like, virtually impossible.

- But-- - Great.

[device beeping]

Brandon, we are a go for operation perfect date.

- Roger that, Princess.

Tell tecna and Timmy will meet her at the restaurant.

- guys, I'm telling you, this isn't a good idea.

I'm not a date kind of guy.

- man up.

It's going to work.

- [sighs]

- And that outfit makes you look totally hip.

- Maybe on you, these clothes would look cool.

On me, they just look-- - Silly? - [groans]

- Riven.

- Hey, I'm just saying.

- Look, Timmy.

You're gonna be great.

You just need to remember a few basic rules for taking a girl on a date.

- Rules? Like what? - Like don't talk so much about technology.

All that stuff about computers and writing code and - Okay.

- And another thing.

Definitely steer the conversation to things Timmy is into.

- Like computers and writing code.

You know, technology.

- That makes sense.

- when you're on your date, don't tell a lot of jokes.

Girls don't want to date the funny guy.

- No jokes.

Got it.

- guys like to think they're funny, so be sure to laugh at all of Timmy's jokes.

- Even if they're not funny? - Especially if they're not funny.

- Oh, and one last thing.

- [gasps]

hey! - No cell phones.

- Wait, but-- - Don't worry.

I just put it on mute.


- Now nothing can interrupt your romantic night out.

- that's what I'm afraid of.

- No, they were really great.

- So I was thinking maybe we could go dancing.

- We had a fun time.

- I love this place.

- [sighs]

- [panting]

- Timmy! - Hey! Tecna, hi.

Sorry I'm late.

I-- I was waiting over there by the entrance and-- - [yelling]

- Yikes! Whoa! - [gasps]

- [yelling]

- [giggles]

- Huh? - Mm.

Thanks, Timmy.

- Oh, you're welcome.

Wow, tecna, you look really nice.

- Thanks.

You look nice too.

Very fashionable.

- Your table is ready.

Right this way.

- [sighs]

the pollution is lessening.

I must reach Bloom.

I must warn her.

Bloom! Bloom! - [gasps]

Daphne? - Tritannus is going to the pillar of control.

- Yes, we will stop him.

- Bloom, you must destroy the Seal.

- Destroy the Seal? - Destroy the Seal of the pillar of control.

Destroy it.

- But, Daphne Daphne? [sighs]

[all giggling]

- Huh? - Everything okay, Bloom? - [groans]

- What? - Bloom.

- Daphne says we should destroy the Seal of the pillar of control.

- destroy it? - Without the Seal, the pillar will crumble.

- and throw the magic dimension into chaos again.

- hmm.


Think about it.

We stabilized the other pillars When they lost their Seals.

- If we destroy the Seal, there's no way tritannus can take it.

- and then we can stick a fork in tritannus.

- because he'll be done.

- Okay, winx.

To the pillar of control! - Magic winx, sirenix! - I feel the power of the ocean - Bloom, Fairy of the Dragon flame! - Sirenix underwater motion suddenly I'm soaring through the sea it's a rush of wonder - Stella, Fairy of the shining sun.

- I can fly swimming Deep down under - Flora, Fairy of nature.

- I'm stronger as I dive into the blue sirenix, you're the inspiration - Musa, Fairy of music.

- Now the infinite ocean flows through me - Aisha, Fairy of waves.

[upbeat techno music]

- Winx! [Laughter]

- Hi.

- Serena.

- Hey.

- Hi.

- [laughs]


We need to get to the pillar of control.

We have to stop tritannus.

- It's this way.

Follow us.

- Tritannus? - Icy, I need toxins.

- that's why we're here.

This place is polluted.

- Remind me why we're still helping this guy.

- Because icy-- - I know.

I know.

Both: Is in love.

- Ready for a snack? - [laughs]

- Yeah.

- [sighs]

[laughs menacingly]

- Come on, you two.

My tritannus needs feeding.

[both grumbling]

- [grunting]

that's what I'm talking about.



[laughs wickedly]

- Look who's back.

- And ready for action.

Let's go grab the final Seal.

- Okay, emperor.

[both gagging]

- to the pillar of control, empress.

- What are you two waiting for? An invitation? - WellNo.


- [sighs nervously]

- [laughs nervously]

- So [chuckles]

- So do you know what you're going to order? - Oh, right.

I almost forgot to look at the menu.



- don't worry.

I'll grab it.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, I got it.

- Ow! Sorry.

- It was my fault.


just remember what the guys said: Don't talk about technology.

Don't make jokes.

- Talk about technology.

Laugh at his jokes.

Talk about technology.

Laugh at his jokes.

- [chuckling]

- So, Timmy.

- Yes, tecna? - I was wondering, have you heard about the modifications to the xl7 supercomputer? - Supercomputer? Uh, no, not really.

I'm actually not so into computers these days.

- You're not? Then what are you into? - Oh, you know, sports mostly.

Anything with a ball or, like, a stick to, um, hit the ball with.

That kind of stuff.

- huh, I didn't realize you were Oh, wait! You were just making a joke.


that's funny.

- Th-that wasn't meant to be a joke.

- Oh.


- So what can I get for you two love birds? - I'll have the spaghetti.

- Excellent choice.

And for you, sir? - Oh, I'll-- I'll just have the first thing on the menu.

- Very good.

So that's one order of spaghetti and one Dragon fire soup extra spicy.

- Will you excuse me for a moment? - Sure.

Of course.

- I'll come right back.

- [chuckles]

the way this date's going, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.

- there it is.

The pillar of control.

- We beat tritannus here.

- So let's get to work.

- Yes, let's get to work.

- right.

- No.

I want you guys to wait here.

- But, Bloom-- - It's safer.

Come on, winx.

- [growling]

- [gasps]

the Seal.

We'll have to converge to destroy the Seal.

- Yeah.

- Ready.

- [growling]



[all screaming]

- Um, what is that? [All screaming]

- Ha! - Whoa.

- Watch out! [Grunts]

- [roaring]

music kick! [Squealing]

Magic just doesn't work on this thing.

- Timmy, there's something I have to say.

I know this hasn't been a perfect date so far.

- um, I don't think-- - Just let me say what I have to say.

The fact is that I think you're the smartest, kindest, most wonderful person I know, and, well, I just really like being with you.

- Wow, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

But - [gasps]

- You're at the wrong table.

- So sorry.

- Hey, there you are.

Tecna, are you okay? - Yeah.

I just made a little mistake is all.

- Miss.


- Ah, don't worry about it.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Even me.




Very spicy.

- How are you enjoying the Dragon fire soup? - Oh! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.

Hot soup.

- Thank you, sir.

- [panicked whimpering]

- Here.

Drink this! - More! [Panting]


- [gasps]


- [laughs]

- [roaring]

- We're in big trouble.

- musa! - [hissing]

- Tecna! Tecna, come in! [Laughter]

- Oh.





- [gasps]

- Tecna, we need help! The pillar of control.


hurry! - I have to leave! - I understand.

Go! - Whoa! - Magic winx, sirenix! - I feel the power of the ocean connecting with the deepest part of me sirenix, you're the inspiration - Sirenix - Tecna, Fairy of technology.

- Now the infinite ocean flows through me like a mystical potion - Tecna! - Lithia! I have to get to the pillar of control.

- Yes, come quick.

- [gasps]

[all screaming]

- [roaring]

- I'm coming! - Wait, tecna.

- Ordinary magic won't stop it.

[all screaming]

[ELECTRIC buzzing]

- then I'll just have to do something out of the ordinary.

Aura of sirenix! [Groaning]

- Oh! - Stay here! Protect the pillar.

- Yes.

- tecna! You made it! - All right, tecna! - Get ready, winx.


- No, don't hurt it! - Flora, be reasonable.

- It's just hungry.

- We know because it keeps trying to eat us.

Ah! Stop that.

- [gasps]

- Tecna, it sees you.

- right.

[all screaming]

[all screaming]

- Agh! Aura of sirenix! - [bellowing]

[all grunting]

- Phew! - Winx, you're all right! - You did it! - Thanks, tecna.

- Yay, tecna! - Nice shot, tecna.

- [sighs]

- Hey, it's just stunned, Flora.

- I'm sure it's just as hungry as ever.

- Well, I can take care of that.

Feast of nature! [Loud rumbling]

- Now, let's go finish the job we came here to do.

- Neptune sting.

- Light diamond.

- Lava jab.


[Pillar shattering]

we did it.

- All right.

- Yes! - Yeah! ALL: Ooh! [Loud rumbling]

- What? - Oh, dear.

Things are coming apart again.

- The winx will fix it.

- Now, we must stabilize the pillar of control.

Sirenix convergence.

[loud rumbling]


- I can't wait for tritannus to see this.

- All right! - Yay! [Giggling]

- So where were we? - Tecna.

- King crios refuses to join the alliance to fight tritannus, believing technology will keep zenith safe.

But tecna and the winx know otherwise and go to zenith to talk to him.

And tritannus continues to thr*aten the entire magic dimension, attacking the pillar of control.

- We are the magic winx and you're one of us let's start together in the infinite ocean we got to be as one in This underwater mission we are the magic winx and you're one of