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02x09 - Breaking Point

Posted: 10/27/22 09:02
by bunniefuu
There he is.
show us Code 6

on a suspected mail theft,
2210 Rosemont.


Are those your packages?

Where you taking them?

My mom's.

You have an ID,
says you live here?

I forgot my wallet.

How about opening the front door
to prove that's your house?

Uh, I-I locked my keys

But I can jump the fence
and I can get my hide-a-key.

Sir, put down the packages.
You're under arrest.

Oh, no, this is just gonna
take a second, bro.

Hey, hey! Stop!
Give it a second.


"Beware of dog."


No! No! N-No!

Get an ambulance!

Ooh! Looking sharp.

Thanks. I kind of missed
wearing a suit.


First day back at work.
How you feeling?

I feel great.

Because the couch is getting
a you-shaped dent in it.

Time to get back in the game,

My mom always says "Today's
a great day for a great day."

You got this.

Would somebody please tell me
the difference

between Greyhound
and Deep River?

Can I help you?

Is Barbara here?

Oh, I'm sorry, I think
you have the wrong house.

No, this was my house.

Our house.

When Barbara and I
were married.

Howard Green.

Oh. John Nolan.
Yeah, I just, uh

I just bought the place.
Wow. Looking good.

Barbara always said
the bones were special.

But we could never afford
to do any work.

You're fixing it up

Yeah, I sure am.

And I don't mean to be rude,
but I do

I have to get ready
for work.

Sure. Uh...

Sorry, uh,
to trouble you. Uh...

Everything okay, Howard?

Not really.

Five years ago, I walked out
that door and never came back.

Barbara gave me
an ultimatum

my family
or the dr*gs.


That's rough.

I'm dying.

Brain cancer.

I just found out.

Maybe it's selfish,

but I want them to know
that I chose wrong

before I'm gone.

So i-i-if you know
where they are

or how I can, uh...

Howard, I'm so sorry.

I bought the house
in foreclosure from the bank.

I don't have
any contact information

for your family.


Thank you for your time,
and, uh...

good luck
with the renovation.

Thank you.

I have to help him,
though, right?

That's karma 101
help the dying guy.


Nothing. What's got you
a million miles away?


Judge granted me an overnight
visit with Lila. Tomorrow night.

That's great.
You must be so happy.

If you equate
debilitating anxiety

with happiness,
then sure.

It's been six months
since I spent

more than a couple hours a week
with her.

It's just,
she's changed so much.

And you're afraid that you've
forgotten how to be a mom?

Don't worry.

She's gonna be so excited
just to hang out with you.

You got her room
all set up?

I'm doing that tonight.

I have a stack of Swedish
furniture to assemble.

if you need a hand...

What, you think because
I'm a girl, I'm not handy?

Not what I said.
I just know how challenging

Allen wrench furniture
can be.

Fair point.

Harper. Just got a call
from a crime scene.

Some woman was assaulted
in her apartment.

They took her
to the hospital.

Responding officer noticed
a framed photo

on the victim's bookshelf
thought I should see it.

That's you, right?

In an undercover life.


Who's the other lady?

It's Eva Ruiz.

We were tight
for a while.

I used her to get close
to some bad people.

Haven't seen her
in years.

Any word
on who beat her up?

And she's not talking.

Is there any reason detectives
should proceed carefully

with their investigation?

No, sir.

Eva is squarely
in my rearview.


You know, if you want,
we can drop by the hospital,

see how
your friend is doing.

She's not my friend.
She was a means to an end.

Then why are you upset?

Oh! Excuse me!
Excuse me.

I found this lost dog.

Aren't you sweet.

Uh, but lost dogs are actually
an Animal Control issue.

Oh, of course.

But I figured all this blood
made it an LAPD issue.

There isn't a scratch
on her.

Where was she?
of Wilshire Boulevard.

Little cutie was frantic,
almost got herself squashed.

What's the holdup?

We need to swing
by a vet,

see if there's a chip
in this dog.

She could've come
from a crime scene.


You're under arrest.

Sir, you should stay
in your car.

That was sick.

You're Sterling Freeman.

He's Sterling Freeman.


I'm an actor.

Good for you.
Are you kidding?

He's the star
of "Hot Suspect."

Sounds like a porno.

It's not, okay? It's the
highest-rated cop show on TV.

You watch it?
Oh, yeah.

I mean, every single week.
It's amazing.

It's all right.
It's nothing like the work

you do in the real world,

West. Jackson.


Well, good to meet you,

Maybe you could teach me
that slide sometime.

Sure. Yeah, I'd, uh
I'd be happy to.

Let's go, Hollywood.

Eva was beaten
pretty savagely.

They broke her arm
and four ribs,

ruptured an eardrum.

Luckily, there were
no internal injuries.

Uh, she told detectives
she didn't remember the beating.

Is that possible?

medically speaking,

I don't think there was enough
head trauma to explain that.

So she could be

That's more
your department.

You can go in and talk to her,
if you want.

I can't blow my cover.

If my real identity got out,
it would put her in jeopardy.

How so?
She introduced me
to a lot of bad people.

They would think
she was a snitch

and they would k*ll her.

So that's it?
We just walk away?

Her attacker
gets away with it?

There is one person
she might talk to.

Does this place have
a lost and found?

I hear you had
a brush with fame this morning.

Sterling Freeman?
Yes, sir.

Well, you must have made
an impression,

'cause Mr. Freeman called in
a favor with the Chief,

asked if you can come be
a technical advisor

on his show today.

He wants a rookie to tell him
how to be a pretend cop?

No wonder Hollywood
always gets it wrong.

Which is why
you're going with him.

And before you protest

that you'd rather clean
the drunk t*nk

With my tongue.
I will let you work
10-hour shifts next week

if you could please
teach these actors

how to properly
clear a room

or at least
use their radios.

Luna makes you watch.

Every week.

It's all I can do not to
punch my fist through the TV.


Copy that.

Never hung out
with a celebrity before.

You're lucky.

I might need you
to get...

I'll meet you in the shop.

...a few of those to me
by the end of the day.

Whoa. Sorry.

No problem.
You just snuck up on me.

Um, I'll send the request when
I get back to the office, okay?

Thank you.

How's it going?

It's like I never left.

Why does that sound like
a bad thing?

No, it's fine.
I'm just...

trying to do what the doctor
said take things slow.

We still on for lunch?

I can't.

But I'll make it up to you


Control, show us Code 6
at 819 Rivera.


We've got your dog.




This is the police!
We're coming in,

so get your hands
where I can see 'em!

Hey, Malcolm.

That was
a great hiding spot.

You thought fast,
and you kept yourself safe.

Malcolm, can you tell me
who hurt your mom?

I'll be right back.

He's in shock. We got to get him
to the hospital,

make sure
it's not something worse.

Heard there might be
a witness.

Malcolm Tucker.
But he's unresponsive.

Mother was stabbed
at least a dozen times.

Not sure what he saw.

So a crime of passion.

Fits the history.

I ran a record search.

Between us and social services,
this house was visited

half a dozen times
in the last year.

Domestic strife
between the victim

and her boyfriend,
Carson Gomes.

I sent officers
to his house and jobsite.

Rachel was
the caseworker.

We're dating.

Well, good.
Give her a call.

Have her meet you
at the hospital,

and she can brief you
on the history in person.

There's bound to be something
she left out of her reports.

You're not coming?

No. I still got work
to do here first.

You guys
will fill me in after.


You know...

as much as I love
a witness,

I just really hope
he didn't see anything.


So, what do we got?


In the flesh.




You stole these.

Nah, I d I did not.

"To the best grandma ever"?

She's in a coma.
She will not miss them.

You're going
straight to hell.

I will save you a seat.

So, um...what happened?


You first.

Where the hell you been?
You just ghosted me?

I hit a rough patch.

I had to skip out
a moment.

And you couldn't call?

I thought you were dead.

I was.

Just about.

For a while.

Look, I only been clean
a few months now,

and, um...

Look, I'm sorry. I-I didn't
I didn't mean to scare you.

I heard you took a beating,
and so I, um...

I wanted
to come check on you.

Who did it?


He was entry level
when you were crashing with me.

Wilson used him
as a runner

at the stash house
in Montgomery.

He was that big kid.

He was always
playing with that knife.

Worked his way up the food chain
real fast after you left.

He thought
I was skimming off the take.

'Cause you were?

Not enough
to get stomped on like this.

Ripper's always been
Old Testament,

but I should've
known better.

Did you tell the cops?

What do you think?

the enemy of my enemy

Will get me k*lled.

You are the same old Eva.

Damn straight.

And I don't need help
from nobody.

A'ight, I'm-a bounce,
but, um...

I will...
check on you later, so...

Don't bother.

You're still dead
as far as I'm concerned.


take care of yourself.

Woman on P.A.:
Dr. Lawrence, 5247.

How's Malcolm?

Uh, he's still in shock.

He's lucky
it wasn't a lot worse.

I can't believe
Julie's dead.

Did Carson do it?

We don't know yet.

Was he abusive?

Uh, not physically,
as far as I could tell.

He has a criminal record,

but honestly, Mom was
the eye of that storm.

I tried
to get Malcolm removed,

but I couldn't get a judge
to sign off.

What's gonna happen
to him now?

Well, once we get clearance
from the doctor,

we'll take him
down to the station.

We'll need to get
a statement.

I'll meet you.

I have to reach out to family,
see if anyone can take him

so he doesn't end up
in a group home.

Hey, Rachel.

You did what you could.

It wasn't enough.

I mean, I figured I could
at least run a record search,

you know,
try to find Howard's family.

When did he move out
of the house?

Five years ago.

I'm not sure how long
his family stayed after that.

Let me know
if I can help somehow.

I'm just, like, sitting around
at home tonight, so...

My ex took Oliver
on a camping trip.

He's gone all week.

I've never been away from him
that long,

and I'm, like,
climbing the walls a little.

Just It's too quiet,
you know?

Yeah, I know the feeling,
but you should embrace that.

Just go out,
have some fun.

I'm not familiar
with that term.

Let's go.
I got a name.

I-I-I Uh...
See you later.

I got to go.
But do have some fun.

In the name of the law.

Oh, my God.

Wow. "The Maltese Falcon"
was shot here.

So was "Cop Rock."

Jackson. Welcome.

Thank you so much
for taking the time to help out.

Yeah, happy to.

Where's catering?

Behind that set.

Should we wait
for her to come back?

I don't think
that's happening.

So, where do we start?

Well, uh...

this is all wrong.

Yeah, the, uh, Taser
and the g*n

should never be
on the same side.

Got to know
what you're going for.

Try to radio for help.

Radio shouldn't be in back?

See, I've been wearing this
for 36 episodes,

and this is why we needed
a technical advisor all along.

You know, I would love
for you to tell all this to Jim.

He's directing
this episode.

Does he know much
about police work?

Thinks he does.

Apparently, directing a handful
of procedurals

makes you an expert.

Wish I'd known.
I would've skipped the academy.

Sorry, this this food
isn't for background.

Uh, extras eat
someplace else.

O-O-Or you can eat here.
I mean...


Any Anywhere.

You got a second?

Yeah. Sure.
Come on in.

Hey, um, you ever run across
a banger named Ripper

back at the 77?

Rings a bell.

He used to be a runner
for Wilson.

Now, that name,
I know.

Ran half the crystal meth
in Southern California

till somebody split him
up the middle.

You know,
let me check my records.

No comment.

I've been working this way
a long time.

Don't trust computers.

Ripper. Known to his mama
as Curtis Danvers.

What you into him on?

Uh, he beat up
someone I know.

Yeah, I know a couple of
detectives in my old g*ng unit

wouldn't mind talking to him
with a little leverage.

We don't have that.

Victim won't testify
won't even ID him to us.

Harper managed to get the name
by approaching her

in an old
undercover identity.

Grey approved that?

Never mind.
I didn't ask.

Look, I don't
have to tell you

with no testimony,
you got no case.

Now, if you wanted
to go back undercover

and get him
to brag about it to you,

that'll hold up in court.

But to do that,
you gotta go to Grey.

It's a bad idea.

It's the only way
Ripper ends up in bracelets.

It's risking a lot

for someone you said
was just "a means to an end."

Says the guy trying
to locate the family of a rando

who showed up at his front door
with a sob story.

That's different.
I'm not judging you for
wanting to help Eva out.

What are you
judging me for?

For someone who gave up
undercover work,

you sure do it a lot.

When the situation
requires it.

The situation or you?

What, you think
I'm looking for an excuse
to go back undercover?

I think you're nervous
about your first overnight
with your daughter.

Oh, and this is

A little, yeah.


when my marriage
was on the rocks,

I hid at work.

I didn't want to do
the heavy lifting

it would take
to fix things,

and I can see why you'd want
to go down this road.

As dangerous as it is,
it's danger you're good at.

But this is how you lost your
daughter in the first place.

Yeah, I think I was pushing
the envelope with Harper,

but I really think
I got through to her.

Oh. Really?

Then why is she
in the roll call room

dressed as Crystal,
preparing an op?

And our CI will let us know
when the target's inbound.

Once he lands,
our UC will go in

and attempt
to get him talking.

And we're not traveling anywhere
with this guy. Are we clear?

Surveillance van will be set up
across the street here.

Don't say a word.

I wouldn't dream of it. and here.

And, Officer Nolan,
as our uniformed presence,

we need you invisible,
until we don't.

So hang with us
until we call in for rescue.

All due respect,

I'd like to stick
with my T.O.

I think being by her side
until go time

would be a valuable
learning experience.

You'll go plainclothes.

But you don't make a move
without an order.

Yes, ma'am.
Can I have our UC
come to the front

so everyone can see
what she's wearing?

Get a good look, people.

If it goes sideways,
do not sh**t this person.

Her trouble signs
will be hands up,

g*n out,
or running away.

If you see her doing
any of these,

the op is down
and we send in rescue.

Rescue response time
is 30 seconds,

so for that long,
you're on your own.


Unless any of you
have any questions,

let's head out.

Hey, listen, if you want to
stay behind, just say the word.

No way. You're my T.O.
I got your back no matter what.

You know, it'd be a lot easier
to hate you

if you weren't
so damn honorable.

I know.

Okay, go into your stance.

Pull your w*apon.

Not your real w*apon
your fake w*apon. Put it away.

All right, now look
at me for a signal, okay?

I'm gonna say
"LAPD. Open up."

I'm gonna kick it in.
You're gonna cross in.


LAPD. Open up!

Nice. Oh.

Sorry, ladies.

One more time.


I hear you're a real cop.


I'm Mandy Cross.
I'm Sterling's co-star.

I was wondering
if I can ask you something.

Is this about a scene?

'Cause Officer West
is handling that crap.

O-Oh, no.

It's, uh...personal.

I think
I have a stalker.

And it's kind of
freaking me out.

Have you filed
a police report?

Not yet.

I just I don't know
if it's something I should
be worried about or not.

I have cards and letters
in my trailer.

Can I show them to you?

Sure. Let's go.

I started getting them
a few months ago.

All unsigned,
without a return address,

one every couple of days.

But in the last month,
they've been showing up daily.

Sometimes twice a day.

What do they say? Are there
any threats of v*olence?


They're actually sweet.

In a disturbing way.

He's in love with me,

or he thinks I'm the greatest
actress he's ever seen.

Something else happened,
didn't it?


I think someone
broke into my house.

The other morning, I woke up,
and I saw my side door unlocked.

I could swear it was not
like that when I went to bed.

Did you call the police?

I felt silly.

There was nothing missing.

I just...
got a weird feeling.

there's not a lot we can do

without a verifiable threat.

But you should definitely
take this seriously.

Get an alarm system,
try not to go to places alone,

and at the first threat,
call 911.


I'm officially
freaking out now.

Would you mind staying close
to me while you're here?

It'd make me feel better.

Of course.

I know this is painful.

I promise I'll make it
as quick as possible, okay?


Did you see
what happened?

They had a fight,
Mom and Carson.

About what?
Do you know?


It's okay.
Take your time.

About me.

Mom was mad 'cause I left out
the peanut butter.

She yelled at me,
sent me to my room.

But we were
supposed to play Xbox.

"We" who?

Me and Carson.

Carson was nice to me.

He spent time with me.

He yelled at her,
told her she was being a bitch.

She started screaming.

Had he ever hit her

No. Never.

He's never hit her.


Tell me more
about the fight.

Did you see it or
or just hear it?

I heard it.
A door slammed.

My mom threw a plate.

She was so mad
when he left.


When who left?


Mm. I'm s

And she was still alive?



And And did Carson
come back?


She chased him away.

Did anybody else come over?

Um, w-we should stop.


Malcolm needs a lawyer.

Miss Hall, you don't have
standing to make that request.

Ask for a lawyer.

Miss Hall.

She's right.

Malcolm should have
a lawyer,

and we should want him
to have one.

It's your right, son.

Do you want a lawyer?

I guess so.

Officer Chen.

Would you take Malcolm
to the break room?

Yes, sir.

This way.

So, you got a lawyer in mind,
Miss Hall,

or are we calling
legal aid?

Is there a new ETA on Ripper
from the CI?

Not since the last time
you asked, five minutes ago.

That is so weird.


That guy Howard
I told you about

who dropped by my place
this morning.

I did a records check
on his wife.

She seems to have dropped off
the face of the Earth

a couple years ago.

What could that mean?

Maybe she got remarried,
changed her name legally.

The government doesn't
track names.

They track
Social Security numbers.

Maybe she stopped working?

Or maybe there's more to the
story than Howard's letting on.

I'd go with that.

Why are you still
pursuing this, anyway?

I told you good karma.

You know, you're nice,
but you're not that nice.

My dad walked out on us
when I was 10,

and my mom used to spin
these wild stories

about where he was.

But the moral
to all the stories was

"We're better off
without him."

And you didn't think so.

So you thought
you'd give Howard's family

the closure
that you never got.

Something like that.

I guess the universe
doesn't work like that.

No. It really doesn't.

That was the best scene
we have ever done on this show,

hands down
all because of you.

So, can you come
every day, please?


I had my watch commander
contact North Hollywood police.

They'll have a unit meet you
at your house

and then cruise by your place
every few hours.

Oh, thank you so much.

No problem.

Uh, maybe we can arrange
some sort of private training?

Sure. Yeah, I'd, uh I'd love
to train you on my off days.


Stay here.

Malcolm didn't do it.
He couldn't have.

I hope you're right.

But you think I'm wrong.

Thanks for coming.

Of course.
Where's my client?

Break room with Chen.

She's not
questioning him.

She knows the rules.

I'm gonna go talk
to him.

You can't come with me.

I'm his advocate.

Rachel, you work for the county.
I work for Malcolm.

Sorry, but you're
on the outside now.

I'm guessing I'm on the outside
with you, too, huh?

Not with me personally.

He's just
a traumatized kid, Tim.


So, here's where we stand,

You admitted
that you saw your mother

after her boyfriend, Carson,
left the house.

Did you get into a fight
with her, too?

You don't
have to answer that.

She said
she was done with him.

It wasn't fair.

Are you mad at me?

For insisting
on a lawyer?

You gave the kid time
to think, strategize,

get his story straight.

If he k*lled her
and we can't convict,

it's on you.

He's a child.

And kids
can't be monsters?


How's he doing?

Wesley? Oh, he's fighting
the good fight.

You recognize this knife,

You don't
have to answer that.

He's right. You don't.

But I think you want to.

I think the truth
is eating at you.

And you need
to let it out.

Do you recognize this?

It's from the kitchen.

Let's go back
to what we know, okay?

Carson leaves the house.
It's just you and your mother.

Then what?

She...left the room.

And I grabbed it.
The knife.

I picked it up
and followed her.

She was yelling
about how it was over.

Carson was gone.
We'd never see him again.

I started crying.

And she laughed at me.

She laughed at me.

What'd you do
to make her stop?

I hit her with the knife.

You hit her
with the knife?

You mean you stabbed her?

Yeah? Where?

Her back.
Then what?

She turned to me.


Not even mad.

Like she didn't even
feel it.

Did she cry out?
Get an ambulance!

I guess so.
You guess so?

Which hand did you use?

How many times
did you s*ab her?

Okay, that's enough.
We're done for now, okay?

Do you need a break?

No. I just want it over.

You s*ab her in the back.
She turns and looks at you.

Then what?

I stabbed her
again in the front.

And then I couldn't stop.


Baby, are you okay?

Just breathe.

In through your nose,
out through your mouth.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

What's going on?

I just need a minute.

Let's call it a night, okay?
It's late.

We'll get Malcolm squared away
in a juvenile facility.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Word is,
Ripper's not coming tonight.

Word could be wrong.

We should sit tight.


Shift's over.

All right.
Let's call it.

But we are back here
first thing.


What are you doing here?

I put everything I had
into buying this house.

I drained my savings,

worked two jobs.

But they took it all
for granted.

They took me for granted.

The ingrates!


you need help.

So we're gonna call someone
who can help you.


Okay. Okay.

We don't have to do that.

She said
they were afraid of me.


So afraid,
they went into hiding.

Where are they?

Come on, Howard.
Where are they?

I don't know
where your family is.

I don't even know
your family.

Where are they?!


Easy. Easy. Easy.


So, how did the bed building
go last night?

Pretty good.

Not sure if the bourbon
helped or hurt, but...

How's your, uh,
house crasher?

You heard about that?

When units go Code 3
to a cop's house,

they wake up the Chief.

Yeah. This is the part
where you say "I told you so."

Harper would say that.

But I'm Crystal.

Our forensic team
dusted your house for prints,

and Threat Management
went through all your
cards and letters.

Mostly what you expect

an escalating pattern
of obsession.

But there were several
mentions of someone
"keeping you two apart."

Are you dating anyone?

Only on TV.

Knock, knock.
You're back.

Yeah, just until
the reinforcements arrive.

How's Mandy?

Safe, with my T.O.



So, uh, what are you up to
this weekend?

The...private training thing.

Yeah, uh,
this weekend could work.


But also...
we should eat.

Can't learn
on an empty stomach.

Right. Yeah.

And I...guess
since we have to eat anyway,

we...might as well
pick a nice spot.



I have so much
to learn.

You have so much
to teach me.

We should probably
block out several hours.

All night, even.

Come in.

Hey. Uh, they need him
on set?

Oh! Jackson!

You can't have her.

Wait. Wait.
She's mine!


Are you okay?


Vest caught it.

Thank God.

Are you okay?


That hurt.

Look alive.
Ripper's here.

Test, test, 1, 2.

Good to go.

Uh, Harper.

You know,
you don't have to do this.

Relax, 5%.
This is what I do.

What do you want?


You know me.

No, I don't.
Get lost, junkie.

Dude, hey!
We used to hang out

at the stash house on Montgomery
back in the day.

Dude Crystal.

Long time.
Too true.

So, what do you want?

I hear you're the man now.

Now, look,
I-I'm down for anything.

Anything, huh?

All right.

Come on.

Who are your friends?

Trust me, you don't want
to know these guys.

Hey, used to hang
with Eva, right?

Yeah, for a minute.


Because she stole from me,
you know.

You here to steal
from me, too?

Look, I told you,
I-I haven't seen Eva in years.

Eh We We ended ugly.

We got to get in there.

We won't get there
in time. She's got to
get herself out of this.

You say she stole from you.
I'm gonna make her pay.
Rescue detail, stand by.

I'll cut her face off
with a razor.

You say the word.

You always were

Anyway, Eva already
caught her beating.

But since you're feeling
so generous,

I do have a job
you could help with.

Sure, sure. Anything.

Let's take a ride.

What is she doing?
You said no traveling.

He's not giving her
a choice.

But her survival odds
go way down inside a car.

We roll in strong,
they'll just k*ll her.

What's wrong?
Don't you want to come?

Nah, nah. I'm cool.

Sarge, what do you want us
to do here?

Sgt. Grey:
Did Harper demonstrate
any of the trouble signs?

but she was given orders

not to travel
with the subject.

Can you engage without further
jeopardizing her safety?


Do I engage rescue?

Not yet.

But put a follow car on them
and stay alert.

What are you doing?!


Where you goin'?!

Don't touch the ride!

Crystal, you told me
to wait for you.

Where you goin'?

you know this fool?

Uh, that's my old man.

"Old" is right.

Yo...walk away.

Yo, make me.

Crystal, let's go.

Let her out.

See you around.

You too.

You got a death wish,

I get it from you.


You want to talk
about anything?


We're gonna
get through this.

Yeah, I know.

It's not your fault.

There has to be something
I could've done differently.

Tragedies happen,

no matter how hard
we try to stop them.

Doesn't mean you give up.

But you have to accept
the fact

that some things really are
out of our control.

All we can do is
cherish the small victories.

That was...
almost inspirational.

Well, stick around.

I'm full of surprises.

You're He's

Yeah, way to
not make it weird.

Yeah, Sterling,
this is Lucy.

So nice to meet you.

Yeah. H-Hi.

Would you like
some wine?

Jackson was just telling me
how awesome you are.

Hmm. Well,
that that is true.

Get a glass. Come on.


Thank you.

What do you think?

It's awesome.


How about we...
read a book?


Let's see.

Chapter one

Oh, my God!

Ah, Grace!

What are you doing here?

Well, there is a new
photography exhibit at LACMA.

There is a midnight showing
of "Candyman"

on a rooftop
in Koreatown.

And there is an Armenian
festival in Echo Park.

I got you a ticket
to all three.

You're gonna find fun at
at least one of them.

That is very sweet.
I agree.

But I don't want
to go alone.

I'm so glad
you said that.

I say we start at the Armenian
festival for some fasulye,

we hit the exhibit, wrap it up
with the midnight show.

Isn't that
a little ambitious?
Not at all!

It's actually...
super ambitious.

So, really, we should go.


Lead the way.

Is Is this a date?


well, do we
have to name it?


I-I guess we don't.
