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04x17 - Coding

Posted: 10/28/22 17:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Rookie"...
I'm pregnant.

I can't tell if you're joking.
I'm not.

When I get
my license back, I might --

You want to do even more
pro bono work.

Rosalind Dyer,
female serial k*ller.

Lucy. Caleb.

You put something
in my drink.

Shh, shh,
shh, shh, shh.

I've got her!

You think the camera
in the barrel was for Caleb?

♪ Stars shining
bright above you ♪

7-Adam-15, show me Code 6
on a single vehicle TC.

Hey. I'm John.

I'm here to help.

What's your name?

I-I-I'm Riley.

I-I can't find
my ph-phone.

It --

I need to
call my husband.

There's frozen food
in the tr-trunk.

Okay, well,
let's worry about

getting you out of
this car first, okay?

Hey, this is Riley.

We need to get
her out of there fast.

That's a catastrophic

Riley, we're gonna get this door
open for you, okay?

And John's gonna sit in here
while we do.

Hey. I'm just gonna
keep you company, alright?

Okay, yeah.

Hang on.
Okay. Come here.

Don't look at that.
Don't look at that.

Look at me.
Focus on me right now.

Uh, tell me
about your husband.

What's his name?


He's gonna be so upset.

He loved this car.

At least we have g-g-good

No, he's not
gonna be mad at all.

It was just an accident.
It happens to everyone.

And...what about
your kids?

Tell me about them.

We have one.


H-His P-Popsicles are melting
in the tr-trunk.

Oh, listen, I-I'm gonna make
sure he gets new ones, okay?

So you don't have
to worry about that.

You're a very nice man,

P-Please don't
give me a ticket.

I-I-I'm really sorry.

Riley, you are
not getting a ticket.

Hey, Riley,
you stay with me, okay?





Uh...she's, um...


You wanna call it?

Yeah. Uh...


Is she a donor?


Yeah. She is.

You guys wanna arrange

I'll get it started.

Control, Engine 113.
We have one victim, 10-5-5.

Advise Shaw Memorial
we're transporting a donor.

ETA six minutes,
9:38 hours.

Details on the box.

Oh, God.

♪ Could this be the last time

♪ I see your face in person?

♪ We sleep until the daylight

♪ Open all the curtains

♪ Paint the morning heaven's
colors ♪

♪ Drive all day to see it

I'm Dr. Spader.

Were you able to talk to
the victim before she died?

Her name is Riley.

Was Riley.

W-What are they doing?

It's an Honor Walk.

Our way of showing respect
for organ donors.

Are you gonna be
around for a while?

I have some questions.



♪ Could this be
the first time ♪

♪ I see you breaking down?

♪ Ooh

I know it's daunting rebuilding
your law practice from scratch,

but I made you these
fancy cards,

so why you sweating?

They are nice.

Wesley Evers,
Attorney At Law.

Total Hunk.

That last part's subtext.

Don't get me wrong,
they're great,

and I'm thrilled to finally
get my license back,

but I have zero clients,
and no clients are lining up

to hire a lawyer that was just
disciplined by the State Bar.

Your client base is
sleazebags -- no offense.

I think you're
gonna be fine.

Oh, the entire
criminal underworld knows

that I dropped a dime
on Elijah.

I'll be lucky if they let me
handle their parking tickets.

Then find a better
brand of clientele.

You mean richer.

Of course I do.

Rich people commit hella crimes,
and Mama needs a vacation house.


I was actually thinking about
advertising to get new clients.

Alright, picture this --
buses, subways.

A sign with
my face on it.

And next to it,
"Best. Lawyer. Evers."

Go away.

I'm gonna take that
as an endorsement.

I think you like that.

What's that smell?

That depends.
Does it smell good?

Uh, it smells delicious.

Then it's your breakfast.


It's a Pop Tart
egg sandwich?

I saw it on ClipTalk.

Historically not my favorite
recipes, but, uh...


♪ 'Cause I dance
when I'm feeling funky ♪

♪ But I'm
lost in a crowded room ♪


♪ I hate this view


That is a unique experience,
but it's not bad.

What's all
the fuss about?

I just want today
to go well for you.

I appreciate that,
but it's gonna be fine.

It just seems so unnecessary
to dig through

the worst moments of your life
just so the D.A.

can slap a few charges
on Rosalind Dyer.

All the D.A. needs me to do
is tell them

everything that happened
so they can prove

Rosalind was an accessory
in Caleb's crimes.

It's a story I've told
my therapist a hundred times.

But is it worth it

when she's already serving
four life sentences?

It's important that she's held
accountable for every crime.

Most of her victims
are dead.

I'm fortunate to be
able to do so.

But I'm coming with.

I'll have snacks in my bag

and puppy videos on my phone
for when you need them.

Thank you.

You're the first person
I've ever heard of

who brings their own sheets
to the hospital.

Look, if we are gonna be hanging
around a hospital all day

waiting on tests, then we
might as well do it in style.

Okay, my girl Lisa got us
this private room.

They are serving pizza
in the cafeteria.

It's a great day.

I don't know.
I wouldn't go that far.

Okay. Look at me.


Yes, I had a little bleeding
this morning,

but...we're here now,
and all we can do is wait

for my lab work
to finish up.

I get that.

And I'm not worried --

No, you just don't like

No one does.

Avoiding medical care is just
such a male instinct.

Mm, I'm not avoiding.

I'm just healthy.

When is the last time
you got a complete physical?

Seeing the way you're
looking at me right now,

I-I think I'm gonna refrain
from answering that one.

Fine. Uh, six years.

- Thank you, Officer.
- Yeah.

My daughter Piper is
getting a new heart today.


We thought this day
would never come, right?

Well, I'd say congratulations,
but that seems like

too small a sentiment.

How about "Thank God"?



It's one of
Mrs. Templeton's kidneys.

Headed to Oklahoma.

That's something you
don't see every day.

Well, unless you're you.

I mean...

are all Riley's organs
going somewhere else?

No, I'm transplanting
her heart this afternoon.

I have a few questions
for you.

Was Riley conscious when
you arrived at the scene?

Yeah, as a matter of fact,
she was talking

right up until
the moment she passed.

Was she making sense?

Well, she was in shock.

Had no idea how serious
the accident was, but yeah.

She was worried her husband
would be mad about the car.


Do you have any reason
to suspect that

she was under the influence
of alcohol or dr*gs?


Okay. Good.

Good luck today.
Thanks, Officer.

Excuse me.
I have to go meet my patient.

Of course.


Heard your fatal this morning
was a rough one.


Well, that girl is getting
a new heart because of it,

so hold on to that
silver lining if you can.

Her dad said they'd almost
given up hope

that they'd ever
find a match.

Guess she has
a rare blood type.

As a parent,
there is nothing scarier

than being unable
to help your child.

Well, today is
their lucky day.

Um, I'm gonna
hit the restroom.

Do you want me
to come with you?

I think I can handle it.

Will you let them know
that I'm here?


Rock, Paper, Scissors?

You should
definitely go first.

I have a tendency to
fold under pressure.

Do you work here?
You look my age.

Oh, I'm a college intern.
Environmental Crime Unit.

Oh, cool.
What kind of cases do you do?

Well, water pollution,

I don't want to boast,
but I'm actually

saving the Earth.

And you're
only an intern?

I mean, you might want to talk
to somebody about that.


Oh, uh, I gotta go.

It was nice meeting you.
Yeah. You -- You, too.

Oh. Hey.


Um, d-do you know
where Sarah is?

I-I'm here
for trial prep.

I know.
She's out sick.


They asked me to step in,
but that seems awkward,

given our relationship.

I say we reschedule.

Um...we're professionals.

We're just discussing
the details of the case.

It'll -- It'll be fine.

Um, let's get to it.


Okay, sorry to
keep you waiting.

It's been
a crazy morning.

Test results are in,

I'm so sorry to have to
tell you this,

but it looks like you
have prostate cancer.

You're not Mr. Johnson.

Oh, no, no.
I am not.

Is this Room 516 East?

It is.

I'm so sorry.

It looks like there's something
amiss with our system.

Well, better the system
than my prostate.

We have a psychologist
on standby

if you need to
talk to someone.

This qualifies as Critical
Incident Stress Debriefing,

so there's
no charge to you.

I think
I'll be alright.

What's going on?
I don't know.

Our system is showing that
we have patients coding

in every room on this floor.

Gotta be a glitch, right?
A short?

No, it's not a glitch
or a short.

How do you know?
Because it's me.

I've taken over
the entire network.

And the backup servers.

I have total control
of this hospital.

And what is it
you want?


Riley Templeton's heart.

And if my wife
doesn't get the heart,

I'm gonna start shutting down
every system in this hospital,

and people start dying.

Here she is.
Where's the guy?

Jonah Russell is cuffed
and in a conference room.

An officer's watching him.

His wife, Meredith, is in
a patient room being examined.

She's in
pretty bad shape.

This is Linda Brooks.
She runs the hospital.

Detective Lopez. I'll be
spearheading the investigation.

Can you give me
a status report?

We got the alarms
turned off manually,

and we're canceling all
non-essential procedures,

but a full-scale evacuation
would be a massive undertaking.

And we have critical-care

who won't survive
being moved.

the last resort.

I have our Cyber Crimes Unit
working with your IT head,

so hopefully, they can find
a way to force the guy out

anything else happens.

While we're waiting on that,
take a run at the husband.

See what kind of guy
we're dealing with.

Talk to the wife.

Use that Midwestern charm
to convince her

to stop her husband from
continuing this insanity.

I'm not actually from
the Midwest, but I'll...

When will they
bring my husband in?

They won't.

He's being questioned pending
arrest, like you are now.

I didn't know Jonah's plan.
I swear.

This morning, he just told me
to get in the car,

said we were going in
for a checkup.

I'm sorry.
For all this mess.

Well, that helps.
A little.

But you're gonna have to do a
lot more than say you're sorry.

You need to convince
your husband to stop this.


There's 800 patients
in this hospital.

Dozens of them
in critical care.

Every moment that their
treatment is compromised,

any one of them
could die.

He's only doing this
because he loves me.

I have a rare blood type
and I've had cancer.

That's why I'm so low
on the list.

Without a new heart,
I only have a few weeks left.

I-I understand.

I do.

But what your husband is doing
is going to hurt people.

Is your life worth more
than theirs?

No, of course not.

Then you need to
tell Jonah to stop.


I don't want to die.

I'm sorry.

Meredith --

I need to rest.

Are you prepping
my wife for surgery?

No, and they're
not going to.

You need to
end this now.

As soon as my wife gets
her heart, it all stops.

But if anything happens to her
because you're wasting my time

trying to talk me out of this,
then I'm --

I'm gonna fry
the whole system.

I'm -- I'm gonna k*ll
this hospital.

Let's dial back
the threats, okay?

So far, all you've really done
is hack the hospital's network

and disrupt
one alarm system.

Now, you cooperate now, charges
against you won't be so bad.

Do you really think that I care
about what happens to me?

Look, my wife has been
my whole life for 30 years,

and for the last two,
I've watched her

get sicker and sicker because
she needs a new heart,

and I-I couldn't
help her.

But now I can.

What time is it?

Because I need to enter the
abort code into the tablet

by 10:45, otherwise phase two
of the attack begins,

and then people really will,
uh, start to get hurt.

That's in 20 seconds.
What's gonna happen?

You'll see.


What the...

What's going on?


What's happening?

Our computers
just locked.

We don't have access
to anything --

patient histories, medication
schedules, doctors' orders.

It's all gone.

Got anything?

Excuse me.
Are you the officer in charge?

I'm Detective Lopez.
How can I help you?

Well, I'm hearing some rumors
that some crazy guy

is trying to
take the heart

that's supposed to go
to my daughter.

I'm sorry to say
you heard right.

You must be Piper.

Yes. Um...

Please, no one will tell us
what's going on.

My daughter has been through
so much already.

We really
deserve some answers.

I'll tell you
what I can say.

A man has hacked into the
hospital computer network,

hoping to force the hospital to
give his wife the donor heart.

You can't let them.

It's not up to me.

It's not up to
the hospital, either.

I'm next on the list.

By law, the hospital has to
give the heart to me.

Do you have a lawyer?

We don't have
money for that.

We spent all our savings
on her care.

I'm not allowed to
make a referral,

but I happen to know
Mr. Evers

has an annoying habit
of working for free.

Did you ever hear Caleb talking
to Rosalind on the phone?

Mm, no.

Did he talk about her
as if they were communicating?


So how can you be sure
he was working with her?

Becau-- Because she
told me herself

when I visited her
in prison.

She repeated the song
I sang in the barrel.

How -- How would
she know that

if her and Caleb
weren't in communication?

You know
I'm only asking you because...

I just want you to be ready.

I'm familiar with
the concept of trial prep.

I know.

Uh, how about
we take a break?


I could
use some coffee.

Well, you're in luck.

We just got
a new coffee maker.

The old one
took a b*llet.

New, huh?

That's pretty fancy
for government work.

Well, new for us.

I'm pretty sure it was born
before we were.

Come on.


Is this food for anybody,
or do you have to work here?

Oh, it's employees only,
but I won't tell.

What do you want?
Whatcha got?

Well, if you
love preservatives,

you've come to
the right place.

Super bad for your health,

and the packaging is
terrible for the planet.

Farming's no better.

If you wanna
get real about it,

you're trading packaging
for fertilizer.

Oh, yeah. And meat's just
antibiotics and methane, so...

So, basically, we have to learn
how to live on air.

can I have one?


I wondered where you went.

Two watery coffees,
coming up.

How's it going?

Uh, great.

This is Austin.
He's saving the planet.

Oh. Good to know
someone's doing it.

Um, you can go.
I-I'm fine here.

I don't know.

I'm finding this all
so fascinating.

You know, justice
and laws and stuff.

Uh-huh. And what exactly
is so interesting?

♪'ll miss me

♪ While I'm alone
and blue as can be ♪

You okay?

♪ Dream a little dream...

♪ ...of me

I'm so sorry.

It was in my head.
I wasn't thinking.

I-It was thoughtless and stupid,
and I'm sorry.

The song was stuck
in your head because you've...

because you've
seen the video.

Well, yeah.
It's evidence.

Right, right.
No, of course you did.

You're in the D.A.'s office,
and it's evidence,'ve...

Lucy, I should have
told you I'd seen it.

I'm sorry.

No, you said
that part already. Um...

I just --
I just need a minute.

Lucy, p--

Please, can you...


Knock, knock.
I have a favor to ask.

Our hospital
social worker's tied up.

Would you mind
keeping an eye on Rory here?

He took a fall
on a field trip.

He seems okay now,
but the E.R. lost power

he could be examined.

We're trying to get
in touch with his parents.

Of course.
Bring him in.


Hop on up into bed.



A doctor will be by
to check on him soon.

Hi, Rory.
I'm Nyla Harper.

This is, um...

Hmm. Well, so much
for a private room.

Sorry, sir.
Right now, we're nowhere.

Jonah's refusing
to back down.

What about the wife?

She knows what
he's doing is wrong,

but is too scared
of dying to stop it.

Any luck with
the Cyber guys?

No, but they've
confirmed that Jonah

has got a stranglehold on
the hospital's network.

Did FEMA get there? Just landed.

They're talking about
setting up a field hospital

in the parking lot.

Best case --
that takes 24 hours.

We don't have
that kind of time.

Any intel on Jonah
that might help us?

No criminal history.
Master's degree from Cal Poly.

Ran an IT department
for a credit union

until his wife's illness
required full-time care.

What about family?
Anything I can use for leverage?

Anything he cares about
as much as her?

No parents,
no siblings, no kids.

Coworkers describe him
as a loner.

His only police contact
was a 5150 hold in '09

after she threatened
to leave.

She's his whole world.

Great. We should all be so lucky
to have such devotion.

I got a meeting.

Are you still able
to treat patients?

Well, we're using
paper charts for now,

but almost everything
is hooked up to the network --

records, pharmacy,
even surgical equipment.

How long before you
have to make a choice?

A human heart is only viable
for four to six hours

once it's been removed
from a donor's body.

I've already lost
two of those hours.

So, I'm going to get prepped
for surgery,

because I am putting that heart
in someone in an hour.

It's up to you to decide
who my patient will be.

W-- It has to be Piper,

I mean, you can't just decide
who gets an organ.

Excuse me.
I'm Wesley Evers.

I'm representing Graham Scott
and his daughter, Piper.

I need to
speak with you.

Uh, Mr. Evers,
now is not a good time.

Now is the only time.

If your hospital decides to give
in to this t*rror1st's demands,

to take away the heart that
has been promised to Miss Scott,

that is tantamount to
organ brokering.

If you continue
down this path,

I will file a report
with the medical board,

and you will be st--Mr. Evers,
let me assure you,

I have no intention of giving in
to Mr. Russell's demands.

Can I get that
in writing?

Everything's down.

Vents, cardiac monitors,
medicine drips.

Isn't there
a backup generator?

Yeah, but it
isn't coming on.


I need some help
in here!

Someone! Help!

I need oxygen.
15 liters.



He's gone.

Meredith Russell gets the heart.
We're prepping the O.R. now.

Absolutely not.
We have no choice.

Yes, you do.

I have calls in to the OPTN
and the U.S. Health Department.

You will not
act until --

Look, do you think I feel
good about this?

I don't.
Nobody does.

But I'm not gonna have
any more patients die

when I could have
done something about it.

So tell your client
that I'm sorry.

It's -- It's not right.

No, it's not.

I will sue them for a fortune,
and I'll win.

Piper will
never live to see it.

You win.

They're prepping the O.R.
for Meredith's surgery now.

Ah. Thank God.

This isn't
a happy thing, Jonah.

Someone died
because of you.

That's the only reason
the hospital's giving in.

Yeah, but if the hospital
had responded sooner,

that person
would still be alive.

And I've been very clear
about how this works.

Lose the attitude.

You got what you want.

Turn the lights
back on.


That should, uh, restore
the lights in, uh,

both the intensive care
and O.R. suites, for now.

The rest of the hospital
is still dark.

But now, I-I need you
to take me to see my wife,

'cause I gotta be there
for the operation,

make sure that you're actually
gonna follow through with it.


Well, I guess
we'll be there with you.



Again, I'm so, so sor--

I know.

I-I need you
to do something for me.


I need to
see the video.

The barrel video?

You've seen it.

Half the lawyers in this
building have seen it, and --

and I haven't.

Lucy, it's...

it's incredibly
hard to watch.

I need to see it.


Should I stay, or...


No. Um...

thank you.

♪ Stars shining bright
above you♪

♪ Night breezes seem to
whisper "I love you"♪

♪ Birds singing
in the sycamore tree♪

♪ Dream a little dream of me♪

Office Nolan will be with you
for every second

of this seven-hour

You will not speak to
the surgery team, understood?

You make one move during
any of those seven hours,

we remove you
from the O.R.

and take you straight in
for processing.

Of course.

I mean, look, this --

this surgery's gonna
save my wife's life.

Why -- Why would I do
anything to disrupt it?

You do realize you're putting
those doctors under duress.

The both of you,

you're essentially holding
this whole hospital hostage.

Don't listen to that,

H-How you doing, baby?

Just nervous.

Drop it! Stop!
Turn around!

What were
you thinking?

If she dies,
my daughter doesn't.

You got what you wanted.

Now bring the hospital
back online.

Why not?

Well, 'cause that's
not how this works.

H-Hey, hey,
watch that.

Mr. Russell, you have a lot of
power right now.

Which is why, despite
my objections, you're here.

But let me make one thing
perfectly clear.

We have work to do.

Your strong-arm tactics
are helping no one.

So, what's gonna happen
to that guy

that tried to
attack Meredith?

He'll be charged with as*ault,
probably go to prison,

and his daughter will most
likely die while he's in there.

Does that
make you happy?

My wife is getting a second
chance that she really deserves.

That's all I care about.

He has not looked up from
that thing in an hour.

Oh, come on.
He's just having some fun.

I hope this is
not your attitude

when it comes to
our child's screen time.

What attitude?

I'm just saying, there's nothing
with a little gaming.

I like gaming.

Yeah, you like
gaming a little too much.

I don't feel good.

What's wrong?

My head hurts.

Let me see.

His pupils are
two different sizes.

That is a sign
of a serious head injury.

Can you go
get the doctor?

Hey, Rory,
w-what happened?

Did you hit your head?

I think so.
I don't remember.

Are you okay?

Oh, my baby.

Hi, Mom.

My head really hurts.

Come on.

Let's get you home.
It's fine. Come on.

Uh, actually, sorry.

I-I know you don't know me, but
he has a serious head injury.

That's okay.
Nothing an ice pack can't fix.

Right, buddy?

N-No, I don't --
I don't think --

Hold on.
Let me take a look at him.

Your son is showing signs
of a concussion.

We're having some issues
with our equipment right now,

but it's important
Rory stay

until we can run some tests on
him, make sure his head's okay.

No, we're taking him home.
Come on, baby.

Sir, I really think --Rory is fine.

Kids play.
These things happen.

He just needs a little bit
of rest, is all.

Sir, you don't understand.

It's possible
there could be fluid

putting pressure
on his brain.

He could go to sleep
and never wake up.

Thank you, but we don't
need the kind of help

that you offer here.

It's against
our beliefs.

I-I'm sorry, beliefs?
D-Did you not hear him?

H-He could
have a skull fracture.

Okay, we believe that
the only care Rory needs

is the healing power
of prayer.

Listen, folks, maybe you should
just hear the doctor out.

I'm sorry, but why are
you two butting in?

You're not
his parents.

Okay, you -- you have to
do something here.

I can't.
I don't have the authority.

But I do.

I have probably cause
to take your son into
protective custody,

according to Section 300 of the
Welfare and Institution Code.

Excuse me?
That's not happening.

Yeah, it is, and if you try
to interfere,

I have the authority to put you
both under custody as well.

We're gonna go
call our lawyer.

We'll be right out in the hall,
okay, Rory?

We'll be right back,

Listen, just
hang here with the doc.

He'll take care of you,

Hey, where -- where is the
heart? When is it coming?

Not until your wife is fully
anesthetized and prepped.

Y-You're doing great, honey.

Don't worry, okay?
You're doing so well.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

Meredith, there's someone else
you should talk to

before your surgery.

This is Piper.

Don't. Don't.

It's her heart
you're taking.

Stop that.

Jonah, it's okay.

Listening to her
is the least I can do.

Thank you. I've spent
the last 20 minutes

trying to come up with
the right words to say.

My dad thinks I can convince you
by telling you who I am.

As if where I want to
go to college

or what I want to
do with my life

will somehow make you
give me that heart.

But he doesn't understand
how scared you are,

how long you've been
living with that fear.

From the moment they
told you there was

something wrong
with your heart,

you've been terrified
of the day it will stop.

My dad can't understand that
because he's not dying.

Like we are.

So even
though I'm not ready to go,

not ready to
leave my dad alone...

I forgive you
for what you're doing.

Don't -- Don't...

Don't listen to her,

I can't do this.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Please stop.
Just stop.

W-What are you doing?
Don't -- Don't stop.

The patient withdrew
her consent.

I don't
want to lose you.

Please. Please.
I'm sorry.

I'm proud of you,

We'll see you here in
a little while, okay?


It's over, Jonah.

Turn off
the ransomware.

No one else
needs to die today.


It's over.

I'm --
I-I can't get in.

They --
They locked me out.

Who did?

My partners.

I thought they were
trying to help me

out of the goodness
of their heart.

But they just used me.

To get paid.


You think I crossed a line
taking custody of Rory.

Police should not
be empowered

to take a child
from their parents

without any kind
of due process.

Did you not just see
the mountain of paperwork

I just filled out?

Indigenous children,
Black and brown children,

the law has a history
of separating families.

But this was an emergency.

I mean, I-I feared for
the safety of this child,

and I will not apologize
for protecting him.

I know. I know why
you did what you did.

But cops have always found
a way to justify their actions,

whether warranted
or not.


Harper, you still
with the kid?

Yeah, we're waiting
for his doctor.

Listen, I sent your JCR
paperwork to Systems.

It came back having no record
of a Griffin and Gabby Kane

ever having a child at
a hospital or via adoption.


Not only that,
there's no birth certificate

or social security number
on file for a Rory Kane.

Those people
aren't his parents.

Lisa, the boy's parents,
the Kanes,

a-are they still
in the waiting area?

Uh, no, they left about
20 minutes ago.

But you can't do this.

I mean, my wife needs me.
I've got to take care of her.

It's too late
for that.

You're headed to jail
on a m*rder charge.

If the hospital
can't pay the ransom

and get the power
turned back on,

that means Piper
can't get her heart,

and that'll
be two deaths on you.

Unless you tell us
who you're working with

so we can end this
in time to save her.

Look, Meredith still has some
time left to live.

If you cooperate,
it is possible

you could get out on bail
and spend that time with her.

Alright, Spencer Murkle
and Chloe Speeker.

I met them both online.

They were offering some
money for me to be able
to build some ransomware.

I-I've got
all this medical debt.

So I said yes,

but they were the ones who
suggested hacking the hospital.

And I-I thought it was actually
gonna help Meredith and I,

but clearly, we were
just a means to an end.

And where can we
find them?

I don't know, but, uh, I mean,
your tech team

could probably trace
those messages.


7-Adam-100 to units
in the rear.

Is the C-Side set?

C-Side is set.

Making contact.


We have a warrant!

Open the door now!

♪ Where is it now?

♪ Where has it been?


♪ Where is it now?

♪ Where has it been?


♪ Where is it now?

This place is deserted.

Looks like no one's
been in here in months.

Our trace
must have been off.

There's no
computer equipment here.

You can't run that kind
of cyber attack from a laptop.






Hi. Keep your hands
where we can see them.

What's this about?

It's about which one of you
wants to disable

the ransomware
and make a deal,

and which one of you
is gonna spend a couple
decades in prison.

That's a good answer.


Show me your hands.

We were coming back to
the hospital to get Rory.

Sure you were.

Put your hands over your head,
interlace your fingers.

You're under arrest
for kidnapping.

We gave Rory
a good home.

don't say anything.


She's been in there forever.

I tried knocking,
but she didn't answer.

We should check on her.

It's Chris and Tamara.

We're coming in.

Lucy, are you okay?

Oh. Sorry.

I-I've been processing
a few things.

You watched it?


Every minute.

Maybe we should
go home.


Um, I've decided
not to testify.

I completely understand.

I've been trying to prove
how strong I am,

but...I survived that.

I don't have
anything to prove.


We have
plenty of evidence.

We'll convict her without you,
I promise.

Let's go.
I'm making you dinner.

Is it another ClipTalk recipe?


ClipTalk has recipes?

No, it has gimmicks.

And yet,
you cleaned the plate.



Uh, headed out?

I am.

Me, too.

You know, Tamara was
just talking about

how she really wanted to try
one of the restaurants

in the neighborhood.

Is -- Is there a place
you recommend?

Uh, there's this great vegan
joint around the corner.

Uh. The Great Gaia.


I could show you the way.

You okay?

G-- Yeah. Go.

I'll make her dinner.

Let's go.

I just gotta
get my stuff.

♪ And the neon light
paints the outside ♪

You cook?

God, no.

Eat out,
or order in?


Are you gonna rub my feet
if we order in?

I'll rub them
at the restaurant.

I don't care.
What? That is gross.

They're your feet.

Do I really have to explain
to you when it is appropriate

to take off your shoes
in a public place

when it is not
the beach or the park?

So you're saying
never on an airplane?

Oh, now I know you're
just messing with me.


♪ Dream

I just wanna go home.

♪ I grew up so overwhelmed

Uh, yeah, I'm afraid
that can't happen.

My mom and dad
can explain.


I'm so sorry, but...

they are
not your real parents.

Um, you were kidnapped
when you were three years old.

I know -- I know this must be
hard for you to hear,

but your real name is --
is Scott Reynolds.

Your parents are
Gerald and Dorothy.

They, um --
They're on their way here now.

They sent me
a picture to show you.

So, that is Gerald,
and that is Dorothy,

and that little, handsome guy
right there is you.

What if I don't
want to go with them?

I don't even know them.

Listen, I-I know this all must
be moving very fast for you,

until they get here,

I will sit here
and wait with you.

We both will.

And while we do, um,

can you show me that
game you were playing?

'Cause I think
my boys will dig it.


♪ And I'll try to do it, too

♪ Use words
to grade my pictures blue ♪

♪ And I hope
they'll take you, too ♪

Well, the doctor is very happy
with how the surgery went.

The next 48 hours
will be critical,

but she thinks that Piper has an
excellent chance at a long life.

And her dad?

Oh, I don't the D.A.'s office
is gonna press charges.

Even if they did,
there's no jury in the world

would convict him.

What about Meredith?

She is on her way
to hospice care.

Sadly, she does
not have much time left.

Well, I have heard on hard days,
the only prescription

is a hot bath
and a cold glass of wine.


I've never been much of
a bath guy.

Even if you
take it with me?

Oh, that is an entirely
different kind of prescription.


As soon as you
take a shower.

I will have you know,
this smell was hard-earned

by transporting 27 patients out
of and back into this hospital.

Yeah, no, and I will be happy to
reward all that hard work

with some quality
naked time,

just as soon as you
scrub those pits.

♪ Oooooh


