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04x12 - The Knock

Posted: 10/28/22 18:41
by bunniefuu
I hate beach calls.

Getting this close to the water without being able to dive in is t*rture.

Not for me.

It's no surprise there.

Hating one of nature's greatest gifts is totally on-brand for you.

I don't hate the beach.

I'm just not a fan of the ocean.

You know, - psychologically speaking, fear of the water equates to a fear of not being in complete control of your environment.

Again, on-brand.

Uh, you know, also, good luck dating a lifeguard.

Hey, Ash.



When I called for the cops, I didn't expect them to send their best.

And hottest.

Uh, so you called about a Yeah.

It's right over here.

Did you hear her say "the hottest"? Washed up an hour ago.

A couple kids found it.

That's why I don't swim in the ocean.

It's a dumping ground for sewage, narcotics, and human remains.

Still feel like going in? You offer French and Mandarin? CHATTERTON: Yes, and you don't have to choose.

If Jack is admitted to Franklin Crest, he could study both.

He'd be three when he starts here.

This all sounds amazing.

My pre-school was my aunt's apartment, where she watched me and seven of my cousins.

That must've been so much fun.


But study after study has shown that nurturing children's minds between the ages of three and five is crucial to a successful academic career.


And where better to nurture your child than here? I can see why they call this place the Harvard of pre-schools.

We like to think of Harvard as the Franklin Crest of universities.


And what do you do to keep the kids from becoming overprivileged monsters? What are you doing? I went to schools like this most of my life.

Most of the kids were awful, entitled.

And rich and successful.

Be nice.

I'm sorry.

We're having trouble with the audio on our end.

We were talking about, - Harvard.

- Right.

80% of our students attend Ivy League schools.

Oh, and that's a selling point? The Ivy League is a breeding ground - for even more entitlement.


I went to Harvard.

Well What was Sorry Frozen You know call back.

What the hell are you doing? Look, I know you are dying to send Jack here, but we need to make sure it's a healthy environment.


I have to get to work.

Call them back, and reschedule the rest of the interview.

- Sometimes I just can't believe you.


- Hey! [LAUGHS]

- Oh, congratulations! John Nolan, Union Delegate.

How do you feel? I feel amazing.

This is incredible guys, you didn't do this all yourselves, did you? Oh, my goodness.


Uh, they were just left at the front desk.


"To LAPD's newest union delegate.

" "From your friends at the mayor's office.

" - Wow.


I am so happy for you.

John, you worked.

really, really hard to get this, and I think you are gonna do just an amazing job.

Thank you.

That That actually means a lot to me.

- Are you okay? - Uh, yeah.

Uh, it's it's, uh, the pregnancy hormones.

They They make me, uh, pathologically cheerful.

- Oh.

- So, um Seriously, it's the worst thing.

Um, I am gonna go set up the shop, and I will let you all deal with this long line.

- What long line? - Oh, yes.

So, in honor of your first day as union delegate, half the cops in the station want to, um well, they, they want to talk to you.

MAN: That's what I'm gonna talk to him about.


They haven't restocked the vending machine with cheese puffs in six months.

I need my puffs.

A citizen just filed a complaint.

I need you to represent me.

So, what was the complaint? I was taking a statement from a homeowner, and, well, I needed to use her bathroom, and, now she's claiming that I destroyed her toilet.

I want to use a .

44 Magnum as my duty w*apon.

When are we getting air-conditioned body armor? I'm just looking to get my emotional support pig deputized.

Seriously? You had this job yesterday.

Already cracking under the stress, Nolan? No.

I'm just wondering what you were doing for the last 12 years as union rep.

It seems like none of these people's needs were being met.

Yeah, cops always find something to whine about.

Plus, I told everybody how eager you are to hear their problems.

No matter how small.

You're welcome.

Already hard at work, I see.

Yes, sir.

Lieutenant Landon Briggs.

- I'm the Union - President, yes, I know.

Great to finally meet you.

Consider this a welcome present.

But, my small gift is only the beginning.

You're about to be wined and dined across this great city.

I've already received a-a few gifts, but I'm just excited to get started.

I-I'm glad you stopped by.

What's a good e-mail for you so I can send you a list of my proposals? I'm sorry - Proposals? - Yeah.

I, um, campaigned.

on the promise of change.

At the top of the list is a mental health initiative that dispatches counselors on all calls involving mental illness.

Oh, slow down there, son.

Our fight right now isn't about the people out there.

It's about making sure our brothers in blue get everything they deserve Uh, paid overtime, benefits.

Eh There'll be time for your list later.

The most important thing now, is to relax.

Enjoy your victory.



Heard about that hand that washed up yesterday.

God, I know.

It's super gross, right? You got any theories? A couple.

I At first, I was thinking maybe human trafficking, maybe the boat capsized, took someone's hand off, but then I realized that the way the hand was severed spoke more to some type of t*rture.

- Ah.


watch a lot of true crime.

Oh, me, too.

I'm actually thinking it's a "Gone Girl" gone wrong scenario.

Ooh, I like that.

Yeah, maybe she was, uh, trying to fake a drowning, but then got caught in her boat propeller.

- Exactly, yeah.

- Nice.

- I'll see you around.

- Mm-hmm.

- Hey.

- Hi.


- What's that look? N-Nothing.

What? You wanted to strangle that guy last week.

- Now you're all sweet on him? - "Sweet on him"? What? Did-did we suddenly just get dropped in the 1950s? - What? - All done.

Who knew a dead hand would require so much paperwork? Oh, hey, do you have plans tonight? No.

Why? My friend Olive won four raffle tickets to this fancy dinner thing, and she just invited us.

What's a "fancy dinner thing"? It's called Osia.

It's an exclusive pop-up on the beach in Malibu, one night only, 12 fusion courses, wine pairings included.

"An experiment in molecular gastronomy.

" I'll have to think about it.

What's there to think about? Uh, the control freak in him doesn't like to try new things, so I'm not a control freak.

I would be happy to go to your dinner thing.

Sergeant Grey? Lieutenant Caba-relli? - It's Cabarelli.

- Ah.


But call me Romeo.

Uh, thank you.



- And how was your flight? - Eh, good, I suppose.

A little tight perhaps.

The Carabinie does not pay for business class.

You're talking to a large man.

- Trust me, I understand.

- Yeah.

So, you're hunting a fugitive.

Tell me about him.

Kai Zullo.

m*rder*d a woman in a home invasion in Rome.

Made off with 100,000 Euros worth of diamonds.

Landed in Los Angeles three days ago.

Does he have any family or friends here? No, we believe he wants to hide in a large city until he can escape to South America.

He's fluent in many languages.

Well, he came to the right place.

You can hide another city - in this city.


But the LAPD's pretty good at finding people.

Listen, I don't want to be a burden.

I'm sure you're stretched thin.

I simply need an escorting officer with a pulse.

Not to sing my own praises, but I'm an expert lawman.

Look, I have no doubt, and, I am stretched very thin, but it would be my honor to work this case with you.

I can't possibly ask you to do that.

I insist.

I'm always looking for a way to stretch my legs.

Yeah, I do the same.


So here's your carry permit.

And, you know, I have a C.


we can go see.

And you can tell me more about our suspect on the way.

And when did the break-in take place, Mr.

Swaine? Around 2:00 a.


Okay, what was taken? I can't say.

I'm I'm sorry.

I don't understand.

Well, if I told you, I'd be revealing ManMade Labs' trade secrets.

My company works at the forefront of biotechnological advancement.

You're asking me to reveal highly confidential information.

Okay, can you at least tell me who was working at that time? I'll have to check with the lawyers on that one.

How about showing me where the burglary happened? That way, we can have TID dust for prints.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

We have several government clients.

You don't have clearance to go farther than the lobby.

We can't do our job without access.

Oh, was I was I not clear? I don't expect you to.

I-I just need a case number for insurance purposes.

Sorry I'm late.

I had to yell at my husband.

Detective Angela Lopez.

Devon Swaine, CEO.

I apologize you had to come all the way down here.

As I was telling this officer, this matter's extremely sensitive.

We'll be handling it in-house.

You can send over that case number, whenever you get the chance.



How do you want to handle this? If they don't want our help, there's not much we can do.

Just write it up and send it over.

We heard you got a body.


He'd already lost a lot of blood when he got here.

We did everything we could, but he bled out.


- Stabbing? - No.

Someone cut off his hand.

How clandestine.

I could be in "Dirty Harry.


American police work.

Is it really how the movies make it look? Oh, "Dirty Harry" is pretty outdated.

But, uh Alright, here's my guy now.

Perpetrate, strictly real, never fake Innovate, innovate Flex.

Innovate, innovate All I do is innovate Who's he? Romeo is an officer of the Italian Car-a-binieri.


- The what? - He's a cop.

Just do what he tells you.

We're looking for a man named Kai Zullo.

White, six-foot, Italian like me.

He's in possession of stolen jewels from my country diamond rings, necklaces, brooches.

He's an international fugitive wanted on a m*rder charge.

Finding him is a big deal.


Yeah, I'll do my best.

No guarantees.

Beg ya pardon like Dolly Informants.

They're the same everywhere.

Even the shifty eyes.


So, what now? Let me guess.

We'll "hit the streets and see who else is talking.

" Not exactly.

How about "Reach for the sky"? Do you still say that? Have you seen any cop movie that was made in the past 40 years? Why are you wasting my client's time, Detective? He is a busy CEO.

I just have a few questions.

Which he already told you he can't answer.

Well, your client might want to reconsider now that one of his employees turned up dead.

- Who? - Mark Kilkea.

Someone cut off his hand to get past the palm scanners throughout your offices.

They left him for dead, but he somehow managed to get himself up, and stumbled into a hospital almost 24 hours later.

That's horrible, but my client has nothing to do with that.

Maybe not, but, given the company's high-tech security protocols, there's no way your client wasn't aware that Kilkea palmed his way into the office right before the robbery.

But you didn't share that, did you? In fact, according to Mr.

Kilkea's neighbors, two security officers from your company showed up at our victim's door right after the robbery.

As you are well aware, my client's business is highly proprietary.


I looked into that.

According to your website, the company you founded is a "pioneering force in biotechnological engineering," "making it possible for humans to live better lives" "in our modern world.

" What are you guys making over there? Widgets.

Either you answer my question, or we will freeze and hold your company until we can obtain a search warrant, and you won't sell any widgets until I say so.

Yeah, I'm not gonna let you do that.

It's a crime scene.

It's my discretion on how to process it.

Let me help you out.

You created the fastest, smallest microchip in the world, and it's about to go to market.

Does that sound about right? Where did you get that information? Well, they just don't give these out to anyone.

What are the chips used for? To bridge the gap between technology and biology, and that's all I'm going to say.

And can you think of anyone who would cut off a guy's hand to steal this tech? Chester Frey.

I fired him about six months ago for performing experiments off-site, doing research my company never approved.

He called me last week, insisting he was close to a breakthrough, begged me to let him access our lab again.

I told him to lose my number.

And how dangerous would you say Chester Frey is? He's the worst kind of crazy, Detective.

He's a zealot.

So, what's next? Morning sickness, food cravings? All of it, if it is a, pregnancy side effect, I will get it.

But it's just all such a blessing.



- Oh.

- John Nolan.

- GUTIERREZ: Officer Nolan.

Elena Gutierrez, district councilwoman.

I wanted to convey my personal congratulations on your victory.

Thank you very much, ma'am.

GUTIERREZ: We're a big fan of the LAPD over here, so if you ever want to chat, I'm around.

Well, are you free tonight? I do have a couple of ideas I've been kicking around.

Actually, I have a meeting down the street from your station this evening.

I can swing by after, around 7:30? That is perfect.

Thank you very much.

I am looking forward.

Me, too.



See, this is why I ran.

A chance to talk about real issues.

LOPEZ: 7-Adam-15, this is Lopez.

I have an ID on our hand-thief m*rder suspect.

Chester Frey.

His house is five blocks from your location.

Sending the address to your box and additional units to back you up.

Copy that.

We are on our way.

And thank you so much for calling.

I know.

It's It's freaking me out, too.


Police! HARPER: God, it's like a freezer in here.

Chester? Come on up now.

Show me your hands.

NOLAN: Clear upstairs.



This place Do you hear that? Police! [TAPPING CONTINUES]

Um, Nolan NOLAN: And here we have a severed arm, moving all on its own.


Uh I can't stop staring.

I think it's amazing.

I mean, the human body this truly is, a miracle.

Is she okay? Pregnancy hormones.


Any sign of our Dr.

Frankenstein? No.

He left plenty of evidence behind notebooks, computers.

Hopefully, we can learn what scientific breakthrough he thinks he's so close to.

Yeah, and where to look for him next.

- Be right back.

- Yeah.

- Any sign of Chester? - No.

So, Chester cut off Mark Kilkea's hand, and now there's a severed arm in his house.

- That's two victims.

- Afraid there's more.

Harper and Nolan found a freezer with eight more arms inside.

So, is that four more victims, or eight? Six, I think.

Four right, two left.

On the initial exam, the ME thinks they were removed post-mortem.

Two of them had clear signs of decomposition.

So what? He's a grave robber? We don't know yet.

Well, tell TID to get a rush on the prints.

If we can get hits on his victims, it might tell us where he got the limbs from - and who he targets.

- On it.

KARGA: Detective Lopez.

What do you want, Mr.

Karga? Access to Chester Frey's house.

He stole proprietary property from my client, and I need to retrieve it.

That would be a no.

This is.

an active crime scene I don't think you understand.

If my client's technology is leaked, it will destroy.

a billion dollars' worth of R&D.

And the LAPD isn't exactly known for its discretion, which is why we prefer to handle everything in-house.

Look, I get it.

But I can't help you.

We're seizing everything inside this house, Mr.

Karga, and if you even attempt to step foot inside this perimeter, you'll spend tonight inside a jail cell.

Wouldn't want to dirty that nice suit, would you? I would love to get a look at Chester's computer after TID is done processing it, you know, try to get into his head.

You think Lopez would let me? Doesn't hurt to ask.


It's Ash.

Hey, Ash.


Olive just pulled out of the dinner thing, so Now I have all four tickets.

I was thinking of asking Byron and his girlfriend Yeah, uh No.

Y-You know what? Lucy's been pining after that place all day.


- Maybe we ask her.

Osia? Yes.

Oh, my gosh.

Yes, please.

Cool, does she have a date to bring? - Hey, Sanford.

- What? You got plans tonight? What are you doing? Lucy needs a date to a fancy dinner.


It'll be fun.



I'm in.

Uh, text me the address.

She's good.


What? Don't be such a control freak.


GREY: Hey, we gave it our best shot.

Tomorrow's another day.

It always is.

You know, the architecture in this city, is ghastly.

Do not bad-mouth my city, Romeo.

- Oooh.

So sensitive.


- But I will prove it to you.

- Uh Come to Rome.

You walk down the streets, you'll see thousands of years of history.

That's what a real city should look like.

I'm serious.

Bring that wife of yours.

Luna has been on me about traveling more.

Then it's decided.

You will be my guest.

I will open my doors for you.

That's very generous.

Thank you.

You know, you remind me of someone I used to know.

A lieutenant.

His name was Santo.

I was only his cadet when I joined the Carabinieri, but he took me under his wings.

He showed me.

my city through new eyes.

Like you are now.

"Used to know.

" What happened? My second year, he, uh He was shot.

I was there.

He died in my arms.

Every day, in here I see it.

Yeah, I know a little something about that.

This is a miserable job sometimes.

That it is.

And sometimes The best.

That is true.


What's this? Ah.

Flex just got word.

Kai's meeting the diamond broker tonight Gardner and Beverly.

That is wonderful.

But I don't want to keep you from the end of your shift.

Why don't you drop me off? I'll go stake it out.

If he's there, I'll call for backup.

See, I can't let you do that.

Besides, I already told the station that I'm extending my shift tonight, so You've already put in so much time on my case.

Go home to your wife.

You know Luna has book club tonight.

I'm all yours.



CHRIS: I told a foodie friend I was coming here, and they flipped.

And they said it sold out in, like, 30 seconds.

How the hell did you get tickets? My friend won them in a raffle.

I'm sorry, but who puts a restaurant on the beach? I mean, you're just asking for sand in your food.

I don't get it.

HOSTESS: For your first course, we have Chef Celine Barris' take on blinis and caviar a savory enoki pancake with fruit of the forest roe, and smoked Himalayan salt espuma.


Was any of that English? Let me translate.

All you need to know is that that pancake is made of mushroom, which I know is not your favorite, - so I'm just - Ooh, no, take it.



I'm sorry, I didn't know you don't like mushrooms.

Oh, it's okay.

I'm not the most adventurous eater, either.

But once on vacation in Jamaica, I did have curry goat.


Was his name Gerald? God, shut up.



- It's nothing.

- No, it's something.

Okay, we had a 2-11 at a petting zoo.

All of the animals got loose.

So, we-we nab our suspect, we him back to the shop, - and that's where we find - Gerald the goat.

He is so cute.

And he's sitting in Lucy's seat.

Well, because I forgot that I had rolled down the-the window, you know.

Who knew goats could jump? Look, she tries to talk him out of the shop, but it's a goat, right? So, she spends five minutes making goat noises at this thing.


Yes, he called me "goat whisperer" for all of last February.

- It was great.

- The darn thing never moved.

So, you know, we finally had to call animal control.



It's funny.

NOLAN: Thank you so much for coming, Councilwoman.

Of course.

It is my pleasure.

You know, every time that I've reached out to one of my district's union delegates, they always brush aside my invitations to talk.

So imagine my surprise when you actually seemed excited to talk to me.

Oh, I am.

No, I-I campaigned on the promise of change, and I meant it.

Some of the best people you could ever meet are in the LAPD.

I would like the institution to reflect that.

How can I help? I'll be honest, Councilwoman - Elena.

- Elena.

Math was never my strong suit.

My brain bleeds, just looking at my taxes.

But I was going over our departmental budget, and even I can see we're putting a lot of money in the wrong places.

You won't get an argument from me.

Now, at least 20% of our service calls are for mental health or substance-use issues.

Now, these people don't need to be policed.

They need crisis intervention and a counselor, dispatched to the scene.

I've been thinking about a pilot program, if you could help me get an audience with the mayor I'm so sorry.

This is, it's my first day.

I'm already overstepping.


Do not apologize.

Your empathy is it's genuine, I can tell.

Tell me more about this program, - please.

- Alright.

Well, people don't like the idea of experimenting on the dead for emotional reasons, but it's an important tool in the medical field.

Yeah, I'm not arguing that.

All I'm saying is that turning people into cyborgs, is how the world is going to end.

So, then, I guess you haven't volunteered to be an organ donor when you die? Tim? No.

He wants to be cremated and spread over Dodger Field.

- I was joking when I said that.


My ashes would screw up the pH level of the grass.

I can't believe you actually called and asked.

I like the Dodgers.


And for dessert, we have a spherical coconut-mango emulsion with a dusting of jalapeño essence.


This is a joke, right? [CHUCKLES]

I mean, people don't actually enjoy eating this food, do they? I'm sorry.

I-I didn't mean to Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.



Wade, please.

I feel bad, making you waste your night for what's likely a goose chase.

This is my case.

I'll take the burden for the both of us.

I'm starting to feel like you're trying to get rid of me.



I'm loving our time together.

It's just that It's not good to work all the time.

You need to enjoy life more.

That's one thing I've learned after Santo died.

- There he is.

- I'll call for backup.

Hey! Preso, bastardo! [g*nshots]



GREY: 7-Adam-100, sh*ts fired.

Officer needs help.

Suspect is white male, black jacket, black pants.


What the hell was that? He had a g*n.

You did not see? No, I didn't see.

Well, he did.

He's a very dangerous man.

If I'd hesitated, he would have k*lled me.



Good morning.

Franklin Crest e-mailed.

Their enrollment is suddenly full, for two years from now.

Okay, I'm sorry, but, if they are that sensitive, to questions about their students, then, maybe we shouldn't send Jack there.

We should send him to public school.

Says the rich boy who's never been to one.

Well, you went to public school.

You turned out great.

You're doing it again.

Wait, doing what? Shoving your privilege into your back pocket when you can actually use it for something good, like the education of our child.

- That's not fair.

- But it's accurate.

Look, public school can be wonderful.

- Then what's the problem? - You took away our options.

Even if Jack got into Franklin Crest, we might not have enrolled him, but you sabotaged it and essentially made a decision without me.

And why did you do it? Because you have private school baggage.



Maybe I do have some Baggage.

Maybe I'm afraid that our son will become the same poster boy for entitlement that I was, until I realized I didn't like myself, and I set out to become the man that you love.


I'm just disappointed, that you didn't have more faith in us, as parents.

They will record my name in history.

They will parade me through - Hey.

- You're here early.


I couldn't sleep.

All I could think of was this disembodied hand climbing into my bed, so, I've been here, scrubbing through Chester's video journals.

You come to any conclusions? I try not to use the word "crazy" He cut off a guy's hand, and reanimated a woman's dead arm.

- He's crazy.

- Yeah.

Okay, so, he shot this next video the day before he cut off Mark Kilkea's hand, and used it to break into ManMade Labs.

I am here, trying to officiate a marriage between science and humanity, and nothing's working.

I know what I have to do.

I've never wanted to resort to v*olence, but this is not the time to be faint of heart.

I am so close.

I am so close! I will show them my miracles, then my sins will be forgiven forever.


- Okay, so, this next one is his last video entry, and it was shot yesterday.

It worked.


Hear that? Hear it? Hear it? [TAPPING]

The wrist is contracting.

The-The, the hand is knocking, pounding on the doors of immortality! This changes everything.

Who needs a prosthetic limb, when you can be made whole with a reanimated one? I'm creating life.

I am a god.


Anything in these videos that can lead us to where he's hiding? Not that I've seen.

Well, let's keep looking.

What do you need? Close the door, come here.

I heard you were involved in a sh**ting.

You alright? That was my Italian counterpart.

He and I tracked down his fugitive Kai Zullo.

But the second Romeo saw the guy, he opened fire, claimed he saw a g*n.

- But you didn't.

- Correct.

- Did you check your body cam? - Of course, but there wasn't a good look.

I phoned Italy last night.

Spoke to one of their inspectors.

She told me that Romeo is currently under investigation for misconduct.

- So he's a dirty cop? - Seemingly.

I think it's prudent that we find Kai before Romeo does.

Okay, so what do we know about Kai so far? He's in a foreign country.

He appears not to have friends or family here.

He has to stay under the radar, so he can't use a credit card or his ID.

Right, but he is gonna need a place to stay.

A no-tell motel that accepts cash.

We will start canvassing.

Thanks, I'll keep Romeo busy while you look.

- Hey.

- ON VIDEO: Implant the size of We got hits on prints on three of the arms found in Chester's place.

All three were from unclaimed or indigent people whose bodies had been in storage in the County Morgue.

That's a great way to grab bodies no one would ever miss.

The County holds onto the remains of unclaimed individuals for up to three years, then they're buried in a pauper's grave.

That's sad.

D-Does Chester have a connection to the morgue? Not that we know of, but it's possible that he found an employee who was willing to sell him body parts.

- We'll check it out.

- Yeah.




Anyone here? He's here.

It's still wet.

Control, 7-Adam-100.

Can I get backup for a 415? Male, unknown w*apon.

Standby for further.

He's dead.

7-Adam-100, I have a 187 at the County Morgue.

Suspect is Chester Frey.

Still outstanding in the building.

Have an RA stand by until scene is secure.

CHESTER: Everyone, up against the wall.



Now! Faster! - Shut up.



- Shut up! - Help me! CHESTER: Stop crying! Stop crying! CHESTER: Now! Okay, no one wants to raise their hand.



You'll cut here.

I need his arm.

That guy there.

Stop acting dumb.

You're in charge.

You know how to use these instruments.

So go ahead.

Pick it up.

Start cutting.

Why are you waiting?! It's either this arm or your arm! So pick one! [PEOPLE WHIMPERING]

Or else I'll blow their head off, do you hear me? It's him.

He's got hostages.



- What are our options? - Faster! We could wait until he gets what he wants, and then flank him on his way out, but he might k*ll the hostages before he leaves.

Which rules that out as an option.

We could make contact, bring in a hostage negotiator, and try to talk him out.

Given the video logs, do you really think that's an option? No, clearly, he thinks he's on a divine mission.

He'll probably sh**t his way out before he surrenders.

So, what's our game plan? [BREATHING SHAKILY]

Now the other one.






7-Adam-100, show a Code 4.

Suspect in custody.


Okay, I put feelers out through the union chat group A great way to talk to every cop in L.


, by the way And between them all, they have informants at 64 of the 71 no-tell motels in the greater Los Angeles area.

Of those, one of them has a possible Kai Zullo sighting.

I say we go get into our civvies, and we stake it out.


God, I just love this job so much.


- Maybe I should drive.

- Yeah.


So you mentioned yesterday that you had a bit of a history with Kai.

Si, si.

I arrested him when I first started with the Polizia Municipale di Roma, and many times since.


A repeat offender.

Unh-unh, there's something about this case you're not telling me.

I don't know, just Seems personal.

All my cases are personal.


Are yours not? - Hmm.


Excuse me.


Yeah? It's Nolan.

We got eyes on Kai.

You want us to move in, make the arrest? No, I have a better idea.



He's in room 13.

Harper's in the manager's office, having the clerk call all the rooms around, making sure no one comes out.

- You wanna wait for SWAT? - Yeah.


Like scared little children? No, surely, we're men enough to go arrest him.

It's not about being "men," Romeo.

It's about officer safety.

But I do think we can handle one armed felon.

Somebody's gonna have to post up in the alley, though, make sure he doesn't rabbit.

Allow me.


Get in position.

We'll move in when you call.



La giubba E la faccia infarina La gente paga [g*nshots]

E rider Vuole qua E se Arlecchin Drop the g*n, Romeo! [g*n CLATTERS]


Harper and Nolan.

arrested Kai 20 minutes ago.

He confessed to working with you back in Italy, but then he k*lled a homeowner and fled to America.

And you worried he would flip on you if he got caught, so you came to k*ll him.

But what you didn't foresee is that you would get paired with the best cop in the city.

A man who believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself.

Seriously, how much longer you gonna be like this? [SIGHS]

Let's go.


Romeo on his way to the Towers? Yeah, and, um, Kai is on his way back to Italy, with two U.



Thanks for everything you did today.

Of course.

You okay? Yeah.

It's just I liked the guy.

You liked who he was pretending to be.


I'll see you tomorrow.

Can't wait.




Uh, I wanted to talk to you.

Have to be honest I-I wasn't really feeling last night, hanging with Ashley and Tim.

I am so sorry.

Tim and I spend so much time together on the jobs, we we have a shorthand.

No, no, it's fine.

I just don't think our first date should've been a double date.

So, how about a do-over? There's never been a w*r - Caused by kindness - [SIGHS]

I was hoping you'd say that.

- Yeah? - [CHUCKLES]

Um, but look, me and my wallet might not be able to outdo Osia.

Oh, my gosh.

I don't even care about that.

Uh, what's your favorite restaurant? Oh.

Pink's Hot Dogs.

I know, not the most romantic No, no, no, no.

I love Pink's.


Yeah? - Yes.

Well, are you you hungry now? Yes.


Let's go.

- Let's go.



Oh, yeah Hey.


Now we around the world So, I called Franklin Crest today, and apologized to the Dean.

Jack's in.

- For real? - Yep.

In two years' time, our child will officially be enrolled in the Harvard of pre-schools.

Unless we send him.

to the new charter school that just opened up.

What? Don't look at me like that.

I just want every option available for him when it comes time for us to decide.

And just so we can avoid these sorts of arguments in the future, I made up a parenting chart for us to fill out.

No, we can't conceive to living Like the one who calls I broke everything down into categories.

First, let's start with Discipline.

Do you believe in grounding? I'm sorry.

Are you really m*rder-boarding our child's future? You gonna wait for them To change the tide I'm I'm sorry.

For what? For last night.

My whole attitude about trying something new with you.

Look, I'm flexible.

I get every relationship is a compromise.

But you acted like you were doing me a favor, and then you spent the whole night talking to Lucy.

It didn't feel good.

I know.

You're right.

Look, it's just that the thing is, every job I've had has been wall-to-wall unpredictability.

You know, being ready for anything, no matter how crazy or dangerous.

So, when I'm off the clock You like your creature comforts.

But life can't just be about watching Rams games on the couch and talking about the job with your partner.

She is not my partner, okay? I'm her sergeant.

And That is not the point.

The point is, you deserve someone who tries, and I want to be that for you.

Push us through the night I just want to live [CHUCKLES]

I want that, too.


So, here's what I'm thinking.

We get on the freeway, and we go anywhere, and you take me to do anything you want, okay? I'll even call in sick tomorrow if you want me to.

- Really? - Yeah.

Oh, yeah And we can do anything? [CHUCKLES]



Lieutenant Briggs.

What did I tell you, about not getting ahead of yourself? I'm sorry, I don't know what we're talking about.

I am president of the police union.

I had no idea about this.

Do you know how foolish that makes me look? I-I swear to you, sir, that's going to be as good for us as it is for the public.

The public? That's not your job to worry about.

You put your brothers and sisters first.

That's your job! Um, respectfully, sir, I disagree.

You know what the best part about being union president is? Power.

The power to help the people I like, and hurt the people I don't.

So enjoy your free martinis and dinners, Officer Nolan.

I've got a feeling you're not gonna be a delegate for long.

Because I did something to help the city a-and cops sent out on calls they haven't been properly trained for? Come on, sir.

You can't honestly be saying you'd try to push me out of office for that? Watch me.

- Yikes.

- Really? When I need Detective Happy Pants the most, I get "yikes"? Oh, you don't need me for that.

You are the most positive person I have ever met.

You certainly are not gonna let a guy like Briggs get in your way.

- You know, you're right.

- Mm-hmm.

No matter what happens next, I said I was gonna bring change to the Department, and I'm doing that.