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01x08 - Big Day Today

Posted: 10/29/22 17:12
by bunniefuu
I have type narcolepsy with cataplexy.

BENEDICT: Quite severely, I might add.

Brought on by extremes,
mainly from a root of joy.

A good joke.


I can't remember where I am,
what my name is.

I realize I'm clutching something.

A small key,
fashioned from toenail clippings.

Sticky! Kate still hasn't come back
to her room.


KATE: Where did you even come from?

Come to extract you and the others
from the island.

What do you mean, he looked like me?

- I would describe it as...
- Identical.

Give me the exact location.


(light music)

NUMBER TWO: Prepare for landing.

BENEDICT: Flight path perfect.

NUMBER TWO: Adjusting pitch.

RHONDA: Looking good.


(twigs snapping)


NUMBER TWO: I think we're down.

Are you enjoying the carving station?

Vegan prime rib.

It's very thoughtful.

No, only the best.



Big day.


I hope you know how much
I appreciate your work on this.

And when the time comes,
I want you to step into the spotlight.

I intend to share the stage.

Well, proportionally.

I don't need any kind of recognition.

I mean, you've done amazing things.

The world should know.

Well, if there's one thing to trumpet...

Yes, please.

It's the geometrical progression
we've realized

with signal amplification and efficiency.

I don't need any kind of recognition,

but if put to other uses,
the technology could truly help.

It does help.

We are helping.

We have amplified our voice, haven't we?

MARTINA: Dr. Curtain!

Do you hear something?

(thuds in distance)

SECURITY: Stop her!

Dr. Curtain!


I'm innocent.



(suspenseful music)

What is that?

(theme music)

How many times do I have to say
"it's go-time"?

It is go-time. Tower raid. Now.

Yes, Kate. We're going to raid the tower.


The Improvement starts at : .
After that...

Goodbye, free will.

Sticky, you're on Messenger duty, right?


You're the best at it, so he wants
to use you to start the Improvement.

I just need to hold off the Whisperer
until you get there.

To not give in.

I can do that,
but can you guys destroy it?

Hydrochloric acid. Eats through anything.

Where are you going
to get hydrochloric acid?

I'll get the acid.

I won't be alone in the Whispering Room.

Curtain will be there.

We pour the acid on his feet.

Hobble him.

- Um...
- I can handle him.

I've been doing some research.

Curtain and Mr. Benedict are twins,

so there's a good chance
that Curtain has narcolepsy, too.

I have a way to get myself into the tower.

After that, I make Curtain laugh,
he passes out,

and Kate destroys the Whisperer.

How are you gonna make him laugh?

I'll tell him a joke.

This is where the plan falls apart.

I don't understand.

You're not funny.

I'm not?


CONSTANCE: Tell him this joke.

A bowhunter accidentally sh**t
his best friend...

Guys. I got this. I can do it.

REYNIE: This plan is...

- Not a good plan.
- It's gonna fail.

STICKY: Odds aren't great.

(indistinct radio chatter)

SCIENTIST: We're all set.

Ready to titrate.


Good night.

Titration, as much as I love it,
and I really do, I just adore it...

Uh, I have to dine with my family.

They'll still be there when we finish.

Oh, tomorrow. Titration tomorrow!

- (knocks)
- Isaac?


It's so early.

Martina needs you!

She does?

She needs to get off the island.

She says you are the only one
who can help.

- She said that? About me?
- Yeah.

Where is she?

There's a canoe.

It's far, so you need to get going.

And I need your key.

My key?


She's been captured!
I have to break her out!

(key clanking)

Wait by the canoe.
Don't stop to talk to anyone!

Ms. Crowe has been placed
in the Waiting Room.

As for the other student,

we are conducting a roving,
multi-point search...

Does that just mean you've looked
in different places?

- Yes, but with a strategy that maximize...
- Then just say that.

You're a security professional, right?

That is correct.

Does it concern you
that we're experiencing these breaches

so close to our launch of the Improvement?

It is concerning, yes, sir.


Because you know what they say
about coincidences, don't you?

It is one of the great shames of my life
that I'm not as well read...

There's no such thing as coincidence.
Oh, my god.


Someone has found us out.


(foreboding music)

- So where's the acid?
- Pool shed.

Hydrochloric acid is one of the chemicals
they use to clean pools.

How do you know?


These are the basics.

You must know these things.

I will learn.

But only for you.

(crickets chirping)

But I want my own acid.

For his feet.

Okay. I trust you.

- Kate Wetherall?
- Nope!




We need to keep going south.
The dorm is over there.

We're going the wrong way.

All due respect, I was a ranked orienteer
back in university.

Hard for me to acknowledge that

when the governing body that determines
those rankings is notoriously corrupt.

The NAFIO, corrupt?

Big time. Snakes abound.

Says who?

Lot of people. People in the know.

I sense jealousy.

I'm simply stating that if we go...

Stop! Please, stop.

We're under an enormous amount of stress
and more than likely concussed.

We must lay down
our individual concerns and fears.

We are one entity now.

A fearsome yet empathetic Cerberus,
charging forward with a singular goal,

and that is to get the children.

We got the children into this,
we must get them out.

We cannot fail.

Oh, we will not fail.

I think we can all agree on that. Yes?


Thank you.

(crickets chirping)

(leaves rustle)


Thank you.

Lead the way.


You're needed for Whisperer duty.

- Big day today.
- Big day today.

That sounded cool.

We should always say the same thing.


I'm ready.

(door opens)

(door closes)



You disrespected me.

And you disrespected the game.

MARTINA: Shame on you.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(Curtain sighs)

(suspenseful music)

CURTAIN: Do you see my dilemma?

Two very different pieces of evidence.

Pointing to...




What to think?

What conclusions am I to make
about... this espionage?

This betrayal?

I'm open to suggestion.

I did it.

I copied her keycard
and broke into the Server Room.

Martina had nothing to do with it.

It's as I expected.

Ms. Crowe, you're restored
to full rank and privilege.

One mistake should not define you.

Just choose your friends
more carefully next time.


You may leave.

KATE: I'm sorry.

CURTAIN: Ms. Crowe?

As for you...

Prepare her for the Brainsweeper.

- (gasps)
- Oh, Ms. Wetherall.

Check your bucket.

(suspenseful music)

(birds chirping)

Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

- (knocking)
- Yes.



SECURITY: This man turned himself in.
He says he's...

I'm the one you want.


You look very familiar to me.

Have we met before?

I'm not good with faces.


So you're the one I want.

What exactly do I want you for?

- Everything.
- Everything?

Why so cryptic?

Can no one execute a clear
and efficient statement? Is this...

I work for your brother,
and we're trying to stop you.


And there it is.

Of course, he sent you.


So, why surrender? What's the play?

Spare the girl.

I'm the spy.

You're talking about Ms. Wetherall.

I'm afraid she has a date
with the Brainsweeper.

Spare her...

and I'll tell you when
and where Benedict is coming for you.

(tongue clicks)

All right.

I'm going to need
to take you back a bit...

(foreboding music)

Not a chance.

(door opens)

It's a variation
on Hannibal's crossing of the Alps.

Are you familiar
with the Second Punic w*r? Or...



I've heard of them.

Ah, then, I'll skip
to Benedict's final approach,

which involves quite a few moving parts...

You're trying to stall me.

You failed.

As evidenced by...

It's time.

- See?
- (door closes)

I knew exactly how long it would take
to summon my Messenger,

and that's exactly how long
I allowed you to drone on.

But you've spun a wonderful tale
and kept me amused.

You see...

I can handle anything my brother
throws at me.

Including the man
whose brain I swept years ago.

I do remember you.

A chemist with a conscience, yes?


But you don't know that.


You won't remember
this much longer, either.

Sweep him again, and the girl as well.

- (zaps)
- (grunts)

(Milligan pants)

TECHNICIAN: We can start in just a moment.



(grunting continues)


Well, Wetherall... it's been a good run.

Overall, more ups than downs.

You made some good friends...

good memories.

If I don't remember you after this,
it's been fun.

Well, see you on the other side.

(somber music)

(footsteps clanking)


I'm thinking,
"The Mysterious Constance Society."

With Kate.

I'll consider it.

Thanks for coming back for me.

You are a quality person.

(bucket rattles)

- Come on, Reynie...
- (door beeps)

(sighs deeply)

So... are you ready to make history?

(birds chirping)

SECURITY: Groups Echo and Foxtrot,
meet at rally points ASAP.

Copy that.

(Number Two imitates birdcall)


(security groans)

Puna flamingo call?


Refined choice.

You just astonish me, Number Two.
The Ivanov technique. Wow.


WHISPERER: Let's take a deep breath
to appreciate the occasion.

(exhales deeply)

We're going to try something new today.


(machine buzzing)

(birds chirping)

WHISPERER: Please repeat.

Don't listen, but you must hear.

Don't listen, but you must hear.

(suspenseful music)

WHISPERER: The first sequence is...

Triplane. Pascal. Ferric. Pontoon.
Parliament. Perfectible.

The first sequence is...
Triplane. Pascal. Ferris. Ponder.

That's not quite correct, is it?

Sorry. Nervous.

Don't listen, but you can't hear.

The first sequence is...

Triplane. Pascal. Ferric.

Pontoon. Parliament. Perfectible.

Is something wrong, Sticky?

No, everything's good.

Is it?

You're not... fighting the process,
are you?

I'm just anxious.
I just... really want to do a good job.


His impedance levels are sky-high.
He's saying the right words, but...

He can't just say them, he has to commit.

CURTAIN: He has to want it to work.

Are you thinking...

Get a back-up Messenger. Now.

("Barracuda" by Heart playing)


Very sharp.

- How?
- Metal shop.



(metal clanks)


♪ So this ain't the end
I saw you again, today ♪

♪ I had to turn my heart away ♪

♪ Smiled like the sun
kisses for everyone ♪

JACKSON: The tower. Watch our way!

JILLSON: Approaching the tower.
Repeat. We will advise.

♪ You lying so low in the weeds ♪

♪ I bet you gonna ambush me ♪

Constance, grab the anchor line!

♪ You'd have me down, down
down, down on my knees ♪

JILLSON: Intruder!

JACKSON: We're at the tower!

We've got them!


(rope whirs)

- Now, you care to keep trying?
- (doorbell beeps)

That's your replacement,
but there's still time to send him back.

CURTAIN: Reynie?


What are you doing?
What exactly is happening here?

Where's Kate? Where's the acid?


Oh, you're kidding me.

Well, seems this conspiracy is vaster
and more diminutive than I thought.

I have plans for you two,
but Sticky, back in the machine.

- One hundred...
- Oh, no.

One hundred drops of water
walk into a bar.

The bartender says,
"We don't serve drops of water here,"

and the drops of water say,

"Can we just go in the back
and play pool?"


One hundred pencils walk into a bar...


What's happening?

This is what we are reduced to.

One hundred baby goats walk into a bar.

The bartender says,
"We can't serve goats here,"

and the goats say, "Why not?"

And the bartender says,
"Because you're kids!"

(chuckles softly)

"Because you're kids!"



(laughs hysterically)

(inhales deeply)

(exhales deeply)

Okay, that was a good one.

I didn't know you had it in you.
I was always told you were devoid of wit.

What? Did you expect something else?


You thought you could trigger
a narcoleptic seizure, didn't you?


The narcolepsy I conquered years ago
through force of will?

And I didn't have the same triggers
as my brother.

They had nothing to do
with humor or emotion.

Nothing at all.

Security to the Whispering Room.

- Code Red.
- SECURITY: Affirmative.

All available security personnel...

Oh, god.

- the Whispering Gallery immediately.
- Where is it?

Repeat, all available...

You think this is the only way up to that?

Yes. They'll be coming this way.
We can't let them in.

- You go.
- No. We all go!

The kids need you! We'll hold them here.



I won't disappoint you.

- (clicks)
- (alarm blaring)

(both pant)

It has been the honor of my life
to serve with you.

Mine as well.

In many ways, I didn't understand you.
I pushed your friendship away.

There are things, of course,
I'd have done differently.

The responsibility is shared.

That's very generous.

I feel seen in this moment now.

- Good.
- Hmm.

I feel seen as well.

Sometimes, it's hard for me
to take such positivity

in a person at face value,
so I tend to sabotage...

Okay. We are good now, yeah? Thanks.

We're good.

Stay back!

JILLSON: This is so upsetting to me!

It's offensive!

You were given so many opportunities!

Opportunities to shine!


(action music)

(all grunting)

Mr. Washington, get in the Whisperer.

I won't.

Sticky, I can easily wait
for your replacement,

but I want this for you.

You have no idea how gifted you are,
and you deserve to be a part of this.

Out of everyone here,
you, you are the one, Sticky.

And I will always bet
on someone recognizing their destiny.

- Dr. Curtain.
- No more humor.

You don't really want to do this,
Dr. Curtain.

(chuckles softly)

I expressly wanna do this.
I've been very clear.

I don't think you are a bad person.

I don't think I'm a bad person, either.
Who thinks that?

I know there is good in there somewhere.

- (scoffs)
- REYNIE: I know there's good in everyone.

Okay, this is embarrassing.

I've seen you with S.Q.
You care about your son.

You have a sense of humor.

You're really, really smart...

All right, that's enough. That's enough.

So why do you have to do all this?

REYNIE: There's a good person in there.

And it's not that person's fault

that life is so hard and so unfair,
and so out of control.

It's not your fault what happened to you.

I said enough!

I'm just saying that it's okay to be sad,

but you can do it
without hurting other people.

I'm not sad.

- I'm not. I'm completely fine.
- No, you aren't.

And if you realized that,

you wouldn't need
to tell everybody what to do.

And you could forgive.

How dare you!

You are a child!

You have no idea what I've been through.

You don't know me! You don't see me!

I am not some weak, vulnerable,
damaged person in need of self-healing!

- Or some...
- (thuds)

(chuckles softly)

It's anger.

His trigger is anger.

No. It's being vulnerable.

Being seen for who he is.

It was a good strategy.

I'm impressed.

It wasn't a strategy.

What now?

(all grunt)

(kids screaming)

This... is my friend.

My best friend!
A person who believes in honor!

And these are the best of the best!

And they do what I say!

- KID : Yeah!
- KID : Here for you, Martina!

(all scream)

Your friends... They need you.


(rope creaking)

Go, Katie Cat!

KATE: I remember how his arms felt...

lifting me out of the water.


(buttons clicking)



Where's the acid?

There's no acid.

We need the acid!

It was a Hail Mary, guys.
Poorly thought out.

He's gonna wake up any second.

REYNIE: And he called for help.

In many ways,
this was coming from the start.

What are you doing?

REYNIE: Constance, don't!

All that is left is to break its will.

It's a machine.

Then it will be more difficult.

Press the button.

(suspenseful music)


(machine buzzing)

WHISPERER: Well, hello.

This has all been a bit stressful,
wouldn't you say?

What's your name?


WHISPERER: Wouldn't you like to begin?

We have something so important to share!

What is your favorite color?


WHISPERER: That's not a color.

No is a color.

WHISPERER: Imagine yourself
on a cool autumn day...



Let's begin with the first sequence.

Please repeat.

Don't listen but hear.

The first sequence is...
Triplane. Pascal. Ferric.

I can't hear you. You'll have to speak up.

You can hear me.

WHISPERER: But you're not speaking.


Got it?


Have you ever wanted
to be part of something?

What are you afraid of?

(electricity crackling)

No need for... hostility.

Is she okay?

WHISPERER: Disagreeable.


WHISPERER: Insubor...


(electricity crackles)


WHISPERER: Why can't you just go along?


WHISPERER: Why can't you just go...


(powering down)

(breathes deeply)

KATE: She did it.


(elevator dings)

(gasps, chuckles)

Oh, my. Oh, my.

Oh, I know.

I'm so happy to see you. So happy.


I can only imagine
what you've been through.


First things first.

All right. Uh...


BENEDICT: This is Curtain. Stand down.

Stand down. The Emergency is over.

Stand down.

I repeat. Stand down.

(radio static)

- Standing down.
- (radio clicks)

How was that?


(sighs deeply)

I tried so hard to get here,

but I knew it wouldn't be
about me getting here in time.

I knew it was you who would save us.

Not the adults. Not me. You.

We are so lucky to have found you.

Number Two and Rhonda
should just be just moments away.

Please go. You've done your part.

Are you sure you're okay? We could stay.

For the reckoning.

I will be okay.


This is my part.

Now, go, go, go.

(sighs deeply)





- How could you even walk in here after...
- How could you do this to children?

- ...all this time as though you are right.
- I mean not just the moral implications...

- Mister Good, who will set everything...
- ...but the recklessness over such...

- ...who will set everything straight...
- ...a period of time. Did you think...

- ...for his misguided brother...
- ...for a second where this was headed?

- ...not taking one minute...
- Or where it might take us...

- consider...
- ...or were you so myopic that...

(breathes deeply)



That little girl is psychic, isn't she?


I should have anticipated that.

Why didn't you try to reach me?

I did.

Attempting to kidnap me
is not trying to reach me.

So what do you want?

To gloat, I assume?


Why would you say that?

Did you really think I came here to gloat?

Are you that deeply damaged that...

I was actually happy to see you.

Despite everything.

I want to acknowledge my part in this.

The hurt you suffered
because I failed to help.

Oh, really?

I'm not here to judge you, Nathaniel.

Oh. Thank you for that.
That's so kind and generous of you.

I'm here to reclaim you! To reclaim us!

We're brothers.

We were so close, once.

I disappointed you...

To say the least. To say the very least!


I didn't come back for you,

but that was partly
because I needed freedom!

You always wanted to control!

To control me. To control your friends.
To control everyone!

And controlling people is wrong!

Oh, really?

Well, I need to write that down.


CURTAIN: It's just like Tommy Jacobs.


Tommy Jacobs.

You remember him.

From the orphanage?

Of course.

Well, then you remember
he was a disaster at dancing. Right?


And I remember, one year,

when we were preparing for the pageant
and Tommy was just... Ooh.

Desperately clumsy, absolutely no rhythm.

But do you remember what I said to you?


To stay away from him.

To stay away from him.

I was literally terrified
he would infect us with his incompetence.

But you said,
"Why can't you just see the best in him?

Why do you have to judge him?"

And I watched how you encouraged him
and how hard he worked to get better.

Of course, I thought,
"Why are you wasting your time?"

But you believed in him.

And that belief built in Tommy Jacobs.

And when that pageant came around,
he stepped on that stage with a smile.

And delivered the worst performance
in recorded history.





Mr. Benedict? Mr. Benedict.



What is that noise?

Oh, no. Oh, no.

(helicopter engine rumbles)

REYNIE: Sorry, Mr. Benedict.

BENEDICT: We do the best we can.

And sometimes, it's good enough.

♪ There's a reason
for the sunshine in the sky ♪

♪ And there's a reason
why I'm feeling so high ♪

Do you feel that?
A weight has been lifted.

♪ All around us ♪

The Emergency is gone.

And it's you who have done it.

The Helpers are returning to normal.
To their family and friends.

To life as it was.

♪ Let your love fly
like a bird on a wing ♪

♪ And let your love bind you
to all living things ♪

♪ And let your love shine ♪

It's good to be home.

♪ And you'll know what I mean
that's the reason ♪

(birds chirping)

She likes you.

As much as an inscrutable being
can be said to feel anything.

(door closes)

I understand that you were
a circus performer?

Oh, yeah.

I thought I might get back to it someday.

Maybe I've outgrown it.

Lots of great people,
but it gets kind of political,

acrobats versus clowns,
me stuck in between...

What does it feel like?

Having no memory.

It felt like... searching.

Always searching for a word, or...

or the answer to a riddle
that was right in front of me,

but just out of reach.

Do you know that feeling?

I couldn't give up, though.

Because I knew that
what I was looking for was special.

Incredibly special.

I just couldn't put a name to it.

It was you, Kate.

It was always you.

And now, I...

I'm remembering more.

Bit by bit.

Interesting things.

I seem to know
an incredible amount of trivia

about the building of the...

Transcontinental railroad.

MS. PERUMAL: Reynie.


I missed you.

I am so proud of you.

I wrote you letters. In my head.

You did?

- What is it?
- I wondered if...

You can ask me anything.

I want to come live with you.

I've been thinking about that, too.

There's always a reason
not to do something that's... so big.

But sometimes,
you realize that you just can.

That you do have room.

Have you given any thought
to your continued studies?

I have spoken to my aunt...

Oh, you have? How was that?

It was fine.

I think we understood each other.

Oh, good, good.

So, what do you want to do?

You know you're more than welcome here.

Thank you, but I was hoping
to go to the Boatwright Academy.

(chuckles softly)
Of course.

You richly deserve that.

It's the best.

I've heard the science lab is...


- You'll be valued there.
- (door opens)

And we'll do everything
in our power to help.


(chuckles softly)

(door closes)


(Benedict chuckles)

The idea of family is one
that should be expansive,

and not reductive.

So, for that reason...

I see where this is going.

Constance, I have made arrangements...

Respectfully decline.


The adoption.


I will stay here,
but let's not paper this.

Of course. Of course.

(door closes)

Don't worry. Just a short vacation.

You'll all be fine without me.

This is good.

We will. Where are you going?

I'm just going to indulge my passion
for airshows.

Season's beginning...

Oh, I know. Sao Paolo World of Wings
starts this week.

You like airshows?

Love a good airshow.

And honestly, which of them aren't good?

(chuckles, sniffs)

I could delay my departure a day,
if you have interest...

- I do!
- It's an exacting itinerary.

Ooh. Sounds exciting!

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

I can pack in two seconds.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to find him.

I won't give up on him.

That is my mission.

But for now, the most important thing
is to live in the moment.


Having us all together.

Let's just live in this moment
for as long as we can, shall we?

CURTAIN: Disgrace and exile.


It's going to be okay.

(sighs deeply)

No, S.Q.

Life has equipped you for disappointment.

And I mean that as a sincere compliment.

MAN: Are you sure
I can't stow your baggage?

It might get a bit choppy.

No, don't touch them.

I suggest you let him take it.


Whisperer is just a souvenir.

Well, that's consoling.

I've got something better.

(suspenseful music)


- Is this...

Well, this could be interesting.

(foreboding music)

(closing theme music)