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03x07 - Eyes of the Chimera

Posted: 10/30/22 06:43
by bunniefuu
- Aw no.

- I got it this time, Casey! Leave my friend alone.

And that takes care of Speed Demon.

Sweet! No more evil, hideous mutants.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shellshocked pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze, made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win, and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need to be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power Umm, Donnie, is this thing safe? Absolutely.

Now let me adjust the straps and plug this baby in.

Whoa, April.

Check you out.

Is that a tiara? I love tiaras.

It's not a tiara.

It's a psychic neurotransmitter.


That was my second guess.

Donnie salvaged it from the Kraang ship.

He's going to use it to test my psychic powers.


Okay, starting now.

You feel anything? Hmm mmm.



How about now? Oh.

That tingles.

Okay, April.

Now, focus on the card.

Close your eyes and tell me what you see.

I see I see - A bird! - Ooh, so close.

- It flies like a.

- shh.

You'll spoil the test.

Try again.


- I'm gonna say.

- Ooo ooo ahh ahh! - A fish? - Ooo ooo ahh ahh ahh ahhh! Mikey! Just trying to help.

Well, stopbeingannoying! Okay, this one's easy.

It's It's A worm! Definitely a worm.

No? Really? But these images in my head, they feel so right.

Come on, let's get to it.

I'm feeling a lot better.

Today, I'm taking you both down.

Ha! In your dreams, Leo.

Dude, the guy's been down for, like, ever.

Cut him some slack, okay? Yeah, Leo.

I bet you take us both down.

Casey, anyway.

Let's find out.

Ugh! No, no, not again.

- Bro! - Leo! Just let me down here.

It's hopeless.

Ah, come on, Leo.

You just need to stretch it out.

You can still spar with us.

No! I mean, I'd just hold you back.

You guys train.

I'll watch.

It's all I'm good for anyway.

Um, I don't think it's working, Donnie.


Hey, maybe if I make some adjustments.

Whoa! Mikey! I didn't do that, I swear.


But that means April, you are telekinetically levitating the cards.

April? April, you okay? Can you hear me? Whwhat happened to the barn? Where are we? Uh, still in the barn.


Whwhat is this? I-is it invisible? Uh, looks pretty visible to me.

April, where do you think you are? What do you see? Clouds.

I think I'm flying.

Totally understand.

I get that way when I eat pizza.

You're seeing things.

I'm taking this off.

Did that help? I'm still in the air soaring.

But now I'm heading down.

Stupid leg.

Never gonna heal.

Dude, I'm worried about Leo.

Yeah, man.

I've never seen him so down.

- Ow! - Outside.

I see Casey and Raph.

- They're under attack! - We gotta help 'em.

Uh, guys? Guys, wait for me.

What the heck? Another mutant? Where'd it come from? Booyakashaaa! Ooh, bird, worm, and fish.

Three animals, one body.

I know this one.

There's like a perfect name for it in mythology.

Chimera? No, Turducken.

But Chimera works.

Aah! Whaaa! Haa! Hoowha! In yo beak! Ahh! Careful, April.

You gotta find cover.

What? Is that me I'm looking at? Look out! - Ahh! - This is my fault.

I summoned this thing.

Agghhh! Little help! Time to bring the pain.

Goongala! Whoa! Aghh! Your pain! Your pain! No! Aghh! They're gone.

I couldn't do anything.

Leo? My eyes.


You're you're blind? Not exactly.

Somehow I got a psychic connection to the monster.

Maybe from Donnie's neurotransmitter? I'm seeing through its eyes.

I know where it's taking them.



Uh oh.

I know why it took them too.

I feel really hungry.

Like Mikey hungry.

This is not cool! Whoa! Put us down! That's not a good idea.


That was close.

Maybe they'll leave us alone now.

Um, no.

I think we're supposed to be dinner.

What are we waiting for? Let's move! Get it! Aghh! April? I-I'm fine.

I-I could feel the creature's pain.

It got dizzy.

The guys are at the top of Talbot Peak.

We better hurry.

Hurry? April, look at us.

That's a little difficult right now.

My point exactly.

You can't see.

I can't walk.

We'll never make it.

We'll make it.

No matter what.

I meant to do that.

We gotta get off this mountain.

Easy, Turducken.

We can take this thing.

Not on it's turf.

Okay, they're safe, for now.

I can't believe you talked me into this.

I shouldn't have had to.

You don't understand.

I thought I was getting better, but I was hurt again way too easily.

I'm a liability to the whole team.

You're not! You're their leader.

We can help them.

We have to help them.

Uh, April.

I'm over here.

Well, looks like it doesn't wanna climb down.

- I think we're safe.

- Safe? Dude, we're trapped inside a giant hole.

Um, did you feel something move a little? You guys okay down there? We're cool.

Hot tub time! All right! Not all right! That water's boiling at around 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

It's under intense pressure.

I think we're stuck in some sort of geyser.

It must erupt all the time.

That's why the walls are so smooth.

How long do we got? An hour? Less.

Then we're turtle soup.

- So how do we get out? - No problem.

We'll tie all our grappling hooks together.


Okay, one problem.

- I forgot my grappling hook.

- Yeah, me too.

Some ninjas.

Oh! What-what were the odds we'd be kidnapped by a giant mutant? Have you met us? What are the odds we wouldn't be kidnapped by a giant mutant? You need to be prepared for anything! - Why is it always on me? - You're the scientist.

- Let's make a giant balloon.

- Listen to Casey Jones! Things are getting worse.

We gotta hurry! I'm trying My best.


You you smell really Good! Don't get any ideas.

I'm hungry.

So hungry! Caw, caw.

Caw, caw.



Snap out of it.

April! Oh man, Leo.

I am so embarrassed right now.

It's okay.

Just, uh, please stop trying to bite me.

We have to hurry.

The link is getting stronger.

So let's Oh man! I can't believe it.

I'm standing.

I'm standing! Then come on.

Let's save the guys.

Okay, by attaching Mikey's Kusarigama chains to Raph's grappling line, it should be just long enough.

Let's find out.

Yes! Goal! That'll hold.

Let's go! Almost.




there! Whoa! Easy, easy! Hot! Hot! Hot! My sweet little turtle tush! Ow owwie ow.

Guy's, water's rising.

We're running out of time.

We made it.

But I don't see the fish/bird/worm thing.

I see clouds.

I'm flying through them faster and faster.

Do you see the hole? Yeah, over here.

Guys! Guys, do you hear me? Are you all right? Leo! Leo, yes! We're okay.

But we're running out of time.

Leo, wait! I'm right on top of us.

Ah! - Leo, are you.


- I'm fine.

I'm not going to let a little pain stop me.

What about you? No worries.

I'm getting the hang of this.

I just need to hit myself right between the eyes.

Got it by the gills.

Gross! - Hold on! - Holding! They may not get to us in time.

Almost got it.

Almost got it.

I don't got it.

Whoa! Ha! Not that easy.

I don't think easy is part of the plan.

Hold your breath.

Leo, you okay? Ugh! Whoa! No! Ahh! Leo, I remember something.

Casey and Donnie hit it on its head.

- It lost balance! - Worth a try.

- Get ready to jump.

- Jump? Are you crazy? Whoa! - It plugged the hole.

- That's good, right? No, that's bad.

The pressure from below has to escape somehow.

If the geyser can't erupt, the whole mountain'll explode.

Guys! Move! Finally! Are we glad to see you guys.

- Yes! Thanks, Red - April, your eyes they're still.


yeah, I can't see anything right now.

The creature must be in total darkness.

Um, guys, exploding mountain, remember? Avalanche! Wait! I can see.

- I can see again! - Whoa! This way! Yes! Woohoohoohoo! We did it! We're alive! - April, thanks.

- Thanks for what? I'd still be at the farm if not for you.

You really inspired me.

Aww, Leo.

You guys were awesome! It's good to have you back, bro.

It's good to be back.

Yeah, I mean, if you're not leading, who am I supposed to complain about? April.

I-I'm really sorry I tested that neurotransmitter on you.

I'm not.

Without that psychic link, we'd have lost you guys.

Plus it was cool to see through someone else's eyes for a change.

Even if it was a giant mutant beast.

But the link's broken now.

The Chimera's finally gone.