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03x08 - Vision Quest

Posted: 10/30/22 06:43
by bunniefuu
[Birds chirping]






Huh? Aah! [Panicked stammering]

Huh? Aah! Ooh! Ooh! Oh.


Ooh! Aah! [Grunting]





Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power here we go it's a lean, green, ninja team on the scene cool teens doing ninja things so extreme out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shellshocked pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the Leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need to be one lean, mean, green incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power All right, team.

If you can clobber Kraang, you can crack logs.

Watch and learn.

Aw, yeah.

Time for some ninja training, farmhousestyle.


Whoohoo! You like that? [Raphael]

Your turn, April.

Sure you don't want me to soften it up for you, red? Just hold it straight.

Wouldn't want to miss and accidentally kick that smug grin off your face.

Oh, snap.

Remember, it's not just physical strength that breaks the wood.

It's also inner strength.

I got this.

- Heeya! - Oh! [Grunts]

Ooh, I wish I could see that in instant replay.


How's that mud taste, Casey? [Donatello laughs]


[Panting and grunting]

(Donatello) Leo? Dude, what happened to you? I had a realization in the woods.

Going off alone with a bum leg was a bad idea? No, it's just what I need.

What we all need.

We're so caught up in T-phones and junk food and TV that we've become at odds with nature.

A true ninja must become one with it to master himself.

Hey, man.

You leave TV out of this.

Even Master Splinter did it.

He said only when you become one with nature can you make peace with yourself.


Make peace? What are we, hippies? We're ninjas! We'll do three days of meditation and practiced awareness in the wilderness, only eating what we can forage.

Three days? We're gonna live like animals.

Aah! I think Leo might've taken one too many kicks to the head.

No, Leo's right.

Camping's a great idea.

I'm tired of being stuck at the farmhouse.

I'm sorry, April.

This trip is ninjas only.

But I'm almost a Kunoichi.

(Raphael) [Laughs]

Yeah, almost.



Looks like we'll be stuck in the farmhouse.




Ah, thanks for the Togo bag, Ice Cream Kitty.

I'm sure gonna miss you while I'm out there getting all natured up.

Kitty kitty kitty.



Okay, I'm all for getting in tune with nature.

But those two are gonna be getting in tune with each other.

You have to learn to let it go.

We all need to leave our worries and fears behind.

[Door opens]


[April grunts]

[Door closes]

We've mastered our weapons, stealth, and handtohand combat, but we haven't achieved the very first of the 18 Ninjitsu disciplines.

The Seishin Syuyou, or "spiritual refinement.

" All true ninjas must master it.

Hey, who says I'm not spiritually refine [burps]




Must have been [burps]

Okay, you win.

(Michelangelo) Let's get refined.

[Concentrated breathing]


Aah! [Heroic music]



[Celebratory yelling]

(Michelangelo) Aah! It's happening! Aah! Oh! [Squirrel squeaking]


Guys, look.

It was the same deer.

I think it's been following us.

It's probably laughing at the four dumb Turtles lost in the woods.

Actually, in the Shinto religion, deer are considered messengers of the divine.

(Donatello) Maybe it means we're on the right path.

All: Mutant! No, wait! It's not a mutant! [Panting]



Yah! - Whooah! - Ooh.

- Guys, stop! - Whaah! - Huh? - Ohh.

- Huh? - Ooh! [Growls]



Stop! [Struggling]

I said stop! Oh! [Gasps]

Whoa, dudes.

It's gone.






All: Master Splinter! Watashi no musukotachi yo.

Are you, like a ghost? My spirit has become detached from my body, but that body still lives.

You're alive? Where are you, Sensei? Let us help you.

You cannot yet.

There is much you must overcome.

If you cannot find your inner, spiritual strength, you will not stand a chance against the Shredder.

But Master Splinter, my leg injury, it-it's physical.

Until I heal We choose what holds us back and what moves us forward.

You will all learn this.

Each of you must journey out alone to face your spiritual adversary.

Raphael, your temper is like a fire that you must learn to focus for power.

Michelangelo, your mind is overrun with distractions.

Learn to be strong and calm, like the forest.

Donatello, you rely too much on your mind, and not on your body.

Be strong, like the mountain.


You must be the leader in body and spirit.

Be like the wind.

Let nothing weigh you down.

Sleep now, my sons.

For your greatest trail awaits on the spiritual plane.

For the challenges you face there will be just as deadly as those you face in the real world.

(Splinter) Be warned.


Whoa, that was deep.

Master Splinter made our quest clear.

It's time we begin, ninjas.

(Leonardo) Each of us will Forge new armor and weapons, then journey on alone, where we'll be challenged in the spirit realm, the place where the unreal become real, and we meet our ultimate fate.

[Heroic music]


Mikey, stay focused! Remember what Master Splinter said? The things we're gonna fight are just as dangerous as Shredder.

[Pizza lands]

Hope you like pizza, you lucky magic deer! Hm.

It's time.

Good luck, everyone.

Kentou o.

All: Kentou o.




Wait! [Panting]

Wait! [Gasps and stammers]


Oh! [Grunting]

A Foot soldier? Was it real? [Soaring]



Okay, not cool.

Definitely not cool.

So much for finding a hidden pirate ship.

Waste of time.


Somebody's gotta be here keeping those torches lit.

Aah! Aw, sewer cakes.

For all I know, this isn't even the right direction.

Boy, I really miss GPS guidance right now.

Whoa! What the? [Grunts and gasps]

You're gonna bring the whole mountain down! Unless You don't care what happens 'cause you're an apparition from the spirit plane.

(Donatello) Whaahha! [Chuckles]

I hate being right.

Oh! Who's there? Gah! Come out! Your camo is so weak, dog! [Whooshing]


Either I'm wrong about the camo, or I'm about to fight a ten eyed monster.

Oh! I was wrong about the camo! Keep 'em coming.

I can do this all day.

That's it? I still got more arrows, guys.

Huh? (Leonardo) Whoa! No.

No, no, no, no no! Nooo! Aah! Ooh! [Grunting]

Not as tough as I thought.


Whaah! Yeah! Whoa! Heyah! [Grunts]

Ooh! Ohh! Been a long time.

Oh, man.

Rahzar? Good dog.



Maybe I have a bone for you.

Oh, you have many bones I can feast on.


Hiyah! I would have been way more into this spirit quest if I knew I'd get to slap some Foot around.


Yeah! [Bubbling]

Huh? [Bubbling]

Aah! Haw! (Raphael) Fishface? Here? That temper fizzles fast under water, doesn't it? Aah! Wah! [Grunting]

You want to bring half the mountain down? [Grunting]

Fine with me.

Ha! Hey, this Seishin Syuyou is way easier than I thought.


All it takes is a little quick thinking and.


oh! We're just getting started.

Let's see how quick your thinking is when I smash your head into the rocks.

Tiger Claw? No, you're just a spirit, too.

(Donatello) You can't be real.


Does that feel real to you? Absolutely.

What is it? What is your lesson? (Shredder) Lesson? You've already failed.

The Shredder.

You are too weak to stand without your master.

Heyah! [Grunting]

(Shredder) You can hardly stand at all.


Aah! Aahhaho! Oh! Hey.

Pause, pause! Oh! Give me a second, spirit dude! Heeyah! Hoh! Aah! [Tiger Claw laughing]





Heeyah! [Struggling]

Oh! [Growls]


[Rahzar grumbling]

(Michelangelo) Okay, Mikey.

What did Master Splinter say? Be still and calm like the forest.


Not now, kitty.

Need to focus.

If I concentrate, I can beat him.



[Wind blows]

Rahr! Wicah! Yah! Wah! [Grunting]



Aah! [Growls]

Oh! No.

I gotta stand my ground.

Immovable, right? [Grunts]

And they say you're the smart one? I'm twice your size and three times your strength.

You will fall! (Splinter voiceover) Be strong, like the mountain.


Aah! Aah! [Inhales]

Breathe, Raph.

Splinter is right.

I need to concentrate and focus my anger.

Sharpen it.

Give it form.

(Fishface) Ready for another swim? I bet your toys don't work so well under water.

Aah! Eh? Ha! Eat it.

(Shredder) Your wounded leg is like a balland chain, dragging you toward defeat.




Shredder is right.

My injury is always gonna hold me back.

I can't win.

[Deer grumbles]



Unless The pain is just in my mind.

It's just an excuse.

It's not real.





It is time we end this, turtle.

I agree.

Aah! Hey! [Grunting]


I beat you on the spirit plane, and one day, I'll beat you in the real world.

I'm ready.

If you knock me into the mud one more time, red Oh? What are you gonna do about it? [Chuckles]

Hiyah! Finally! Yes! [Snapping fingers]

Whoo! [Laughs]

What? Nothing to say? Didn't think I could do it, did you? Casey? What? Whoa.

What happened out there? It's time.

We're going back to New York.