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03x13 - Battle for New York

Posted: 10/30/22 06:46
by bunniefuu
Hmm, I do believe this plutonium should react flawlessly with the sodium bicarbonates.

What do you think, Professor Ice Cream Kitty? Then perhaps we should add this hyperbole solution to Donnie's Retro-Mutagen.

Mikey? Have you lost your shell?! Pishposh and tut-tut, my good man! I've been brewing that Retro-Mutagen for months! Oh, if you've ruined it, - I swear I'll - Hold on dude, I got this! Aah! Phew.


Oh no, Mikey! It's gonna explode! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team On the scene, cool teens doing ninja things So extreme, out the sewer like laser beams Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings Can't stop these radical dudes The secret of the ooze, made the chosen few Emerge from the shadows to make their move The good guys win, and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Aw well, that was weak.

- Now, you listen to me! - No! You listen to me! I am gonna teach you such a lesson! I Ooh! Aah! What is going on in here? Since when did Retro-Mutagen start doing that? Wow! Its bonding rate is phenomenal.

Haha, I can't believe it! This will save me months of lab work! Okay, let me see.

One small drop and I'm able to transform an entire vial of Mutagen into Retro-Mutagen! Mikey, you're amazing! I know.

Wow, did we step into some kinda alternate dimension here? Okay, what chemicals did you use to help create the rapid cellular bonding?! Uh, I think I added a bunch of stuff like uranate, anolite, uh, moronic acid, and some, uh, garlic-cappuccino pizza? Nope.

Same dimension.

Are you kidding me? You do one awesome thing, and you can't even remember how you did it?! Donatello, be glad that Michelangelo's tomfoolery yielded the gift that it did.

Focus on the goal at hand.

You must find all of the transformed people of New York and change them back.

But, Sensei, we don't even know what happened to them.

I think I know.

They were taken to Dimension X by the Kraang.

I can see them in my dreams, millions of mutated humans trapped there.

So we drop in to TCRI, break into their portal and zap ourselves to Dimension X.

Yo, we can do this! We can save New York! And I've got the perfect new invention to storm Dimension X! A water tower.

That's your new invention? Oh, man! Wow, that's one giant step for turtlekind, Donnie.


- It's not exactly what it appears to be.

- Get down! They're scanning for humans.

Resistance to Kraang is that which is known as futile.

Prepare to be mutated by Kraang! - Please! No! - Don't do it! No! - Phew! Are you two all right? - Aah! - Run! - Alien turtles! No, that's okay! It's not like we saved your lives or anything! Booyakasha! Aah! Let's kick some Kraang! Yah! Coming at you, Raph! Huh! - Whoa! - Aah! Stupid probe! Hiya! Hah! Back up off me, yo! That all you got?! Apparently not! Yah! This isn't good, Bros.

Oh, bread! Oh, hiya fellas! Leatherhead! Aah! Oh, oh! Doctor Rockwell? Pigeon Pete?! Aah! You! Greetings, Turtles! Long time no see.

Raphael, good to see you, brother, and the rest of you.

Turtles, meet my team, dedicated to fighting the Kraang.

The Mighty Mutanimals! Ya already know my second in command.

Leatherhead! Heh heh, it's good to see you, too, Michelangelo.

All of you.

And what, dear boy, are you staring at? Doctor Rockwell? Indeed! The Kraang experimented on my mind, giving me psychic powers and accidentally returning my vast intellect in the process! Rockwell's the brains of the team.

And this is the final member of the Mutanimals.

Pigeon Pete? The world's most useless mutant? Hey! Wah! Ooh! I've toughened up a lot since the last time you saw me! I was just a pigeon-boy, now I'm a pigeon-man.

I'm the team spy! More like decoy.

Ooh, bread! Some leader, Slash.

Using your teammate as bait! You got a problem with that, Leonardo? You att*cked us.

You tried to destroy us! I wasn't right in the head then.

It was the Mutagen! He did help us, and everyone deserves a second chance.

We trust him with our lives.

Come, Turtles.

Meet our benefactor.

Then you will surely change your mind, Leonardo.


But if this is a trap, your shell is mine, Slash.

Huh? Greetings, Ninja Turtles.

Kurtzman? Good to see you boys.

Been a long time.

We thought you got mutated like the rest of New York! I made it through.

I tried to find you four, but you were gone.

Fortunately, I tracked down these noble warriors to help keep up the fight against the Kraang.

I wouldn't exactly call them all "noble.

" No one in the outside world knows what's really going on.

The military, the media, they're no help.

They're all controlled by the Kraang.

But now that the Turtles are back, we can stop the invasion, together! What?! - No way! - I'm not teamin' up with him.

That's enough! We can't afford to waste any more time.

The Kraang have spent the last few months building a Mutagen m*ssile, which they're gonna fire at the earth itself.

Just ignore that.

There's enough Mutagen in that payload To mutate the earth into another Dimension X.

It's rude to finish other people's sentences, Rockwell.

Well then, clearly you'll have to speak faster, Donatello! If you think I'm gonna work with - this scrawny shelled wimp - I've had way more experience - leading a team than you! - We should sit and break bread! You are the biggest waste of Mutagen ever! Tiny brained reptile! Can't we just give pizza a chance? There's enough pizza for everyone! Oh, no! They found me! I don't know how, but they found me! Aah! It is the ones called the Turtles! And the others calling themselves the Mighty Mutanimals! Get 'em! Wah! Ow.

Gotta love smashing Kraangdroids! Allow me, Donatello.

Ooh! I had things under control! Oh, yes, you and your little stick.

I can't stop it! Look out, Pete! Whoa! - Darn dirty ape! - Aah! Watch out! He's got a hot one in the chamber! The Kraang intel! Aah! - No! - No! Mr.

Kurtzman! No! Ha! Mutanimals, we're leaving! Ninjas, fall back! All the intel I have on this Kraang m*ssile is on this drive.

You and the Turtles have to work together.

I don't think that's a good idea.

We agree on that much.

Whatever problem is between you, you both have a common purpose.

We're running out of time.

Jack! Is he? No.

He is fine.

I'm going to need to cauterize the wound.

We need alcohol, bandages, meds.

I'm on it, Red.

There's a pharmacy down the street I'll hit for supplies.

The three of us will take care of him.

You must unite and stop that m*ssile before it is too late.

I've got it! We can disable the guidance system, or better yet Hack in and send the m*ssile somewhere it can't do any harm! You stupid psychic chimp.

Okay, we ninja in from above, and then we drop down and disarm the m*ssile.

Forget it! I say ground attack.

They won't even know what hit 'em.

A ground attack is way too risky! I think the only way this mission is gonna work is if we do both.

Forget it, Raphael.

Leave this to the Mighty Mutanimals! Come on, guys! We're outta here! Leatherhead? Wait, hold up! Just let 'em go, Mikey.

It's not worth it.

We need a way to drop down on that m*ssile.

Donnie? I've got something that just might work.

Not this again! Are we gonna flood the place? Not exactly.


I give you the Turtle Blimp! - Cool! - Uh, what is it? You guys are as dumb as a box of rocks! Seriously! What's taking you so long? It's been three months! Much of Kraang's Mutagen supply was spent in the invasion of a city known as New York City.

What is it with the "Kraang's invasion of the city" known as New York City"?! What is that?! We've been here for thousands of years, ya can't even speak proper English? Kraang does not understand the query known as Kraang Subprime's query.

I should vaporize your sorry, pink, tentacled butt for insubordi what? Come on, fellas! Keep moving! I am surrounded by incompetence! Go! Move it! Hustle! Get them! Guys, check it out.

The Mutanimals' ground attack is the perfect distraction.

While the Kraang are focusing on them, we'll stop the m*ssile! See, Leo.

Maybe we're meant to work together.

Huh? Huh? Yeah? Feel the power of my mind! Oh, no ya don't! Aah! Now, according to Kurtzman's data, the m*ssile guidance system uses a form of binary code.

Um, guys.

What's worse than regular Kraang? Flying Kraang?! Everyone cover Donnie! Aah! My head! You jerk! Ha! Nobody messes with Kraang Subprime! Now, to launch this sucker.

Huh! Rah! Aah! Get off of me, you freaks! No! - Oh, snap! Dudes!! - Hang on! For the glory of Kraang! Aah! Oh! Aah! Donnie! Make it quick! We're about to leave the atmosphere! Stop pressuring me! Setting a course for the heart of the sun! Now what do we do?! Jump! Aah! Activate Turtle gliders! Wow.

Too close.

I saw my entire life flash before my eyes.

What did you see? Pizza.

Mostly pizza.

It was awesome! The Turtles got the m*ssile! Yeah! This calls for a loaf! Pete, look out! Aah! You okay? I'm good.

- No! - Booyakasha! Kraang! Retreat for now! Retreat! Leatherhead! My friend.

I was so scared I'd never see you again.

Nice job back there, Pete.

Aw, too slow! You know I think there's room enough for two mutant geniuses in this city, Rockwell.

I concur.

Of course, warm-blooded mammals are still considered far more intelligent than inferior, cold-blooded, tiny-brained reptiles.


I gotta admit, Slash, I'm impressed.

You stepped up and saved your teammates when they needed you the most.

Told ya I changed, Leonardo.

I'm a different kinda turtle now.

All right, fellas, time to storm TCRI! We go to Dimension X and save the citizens of New York.

So do we even have a real plan here or are we just winging it for laughs? It's all on the Mighty Mutanimals.

First they break into TCRI, then Doc Rockwell activates the portal.

And then it's back to Dimension X! Yeah, boy! I get to be smart again.

I get the first part.

Makes sense.

It's the "save millions of mutated New Yorkers" part I don't get.

Well, Donnie's got his super Retro-Mutagen stuff.

That'll work.

Uh, right, Donnie? Heck yeah! And once we change all the humans back, Rockwell will hone in on us with the Kraang portal and, theoretically, teleport us all back to Earth.




We're doomed.

It's an awesome plan, Raph.

Dimension X, here we come! I just hope the Mutanimals don't screw this up.

If they can't get that portal open Aw, Kraang.

Mutanimals, ho! Crush Kraang! Doc, get that portal up pronto! Hacking in now.

Doc, hurry it up! Bread! Give me bread! The portal is up! Yes! They did it!! Unbelievable.

Hoist the mizzenmast, lads! This pirate ship's about to jack Dimension X! Ready your oxygen converters, guys.

Booyakasha! So those Turtle freaks think they're goin' to my home turf? Fuggedaboutit! Aah Okay.

Welcome back to Dimension X.


Well, that's 23% better.

And I got a way of making it a thousand times better.

Booyakasha! Mikey! Savage Mikey of Dimension X returns! Again with the costumes! Let's just go with it.

Great, "Savage Mikey," so, uh, where do you think the Kraang are keeping all those mutated humans? Hold on.

I can sense them close by with my organic antenna.

Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa.

Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa.

Wah, beep, beep.

That way! You heard the man, Donnie.

Full speed ahead! Hiya! We gotta keep that portal open for the sake of the city! It's impossible! They just keep coming! And we're getting low on sourdough! Biodroids.


We are in a staggeringly phenomenal amount of danger.

Destroy the mutants! Mutanimals, don't let 'em near Rockwell! Aah! Help, fellas! My psychic amplifier! So where are all the people? Feels like we've been searching forever.

You got any idea where we're going, Mikey, for real? Of course I do, dude! But there are always surprises along the way.

It's a Kraathatrogon! Man the defenses! Uh, I think I broke my brain.

Ha, what brain? I'm takin' this freaky space worm down myself! Whoa! I got this, D! Hoo! Hoo! Ha! Hiya! Aah! Ooh, wah! Wah! FYI, guys, Kraang worms' weak spot are their butt faces.

Got that? Guys, look! This just keeps getting worse and worse and worse.

Let me guess.

The humans that got Kraangatized have been turned into servants and are mining energy crystals for the Kraang.

Mikey, you never cease to amaze me.

I'm sweet like that, dude.

So we figure out a way to turn the humans back And then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us all home.

It doesn't seem possible.

Dude, it's the Mighty Mutanimals, the operative word being "mighty.

" They got it all under control! Rockwell! Ugh! Leatherhead, take down that robot now! Let me go, beast! Aah! No.

My team.

Give up, Mutant, or your friends will perish.

Slash! You can't let them deactivate the portal! The Turtles will be trapped in Dimension X! My friends.

No! It looks like the Kraang have human hybrids on those three islands.

Those islands are huge, man.

I mean, how are we gonna turn all those mutants back into people? You forget, Raph.

We just need to find a massive amount of Mutagen and convert it into Retro-Mutagen with this.

Oh, is that all? A massive amount of Mutagen? Let me just milk a few thousand Kraang worms.

I bet that thing has a ton of Mutagen inside of it! - A technodrome? Mikey.

- Don't say it.

I know.

I'm a genius.

I was gonna say you're crazy! Steal a technodrome?! And how would we even get there? The blimp's a wreck.

Or we could borrow one of those stealth ships parked over there.

Just sayin'.

This is so crazy, I'm starting to like this plan.

All right, guys.

Stay frosty.

And keep quiet.

And all those other Leo-isms Leo likes to say.

Whoa! Okay team, when I give the signal It'll be this Caw caw! Caw caw! And then we sneak inside the ship.

That sounds like a great idea! Not this guy again.

That's right, mutant freaks! Kraang Subprime returns! You like that, don't ya? Do you like this? Huh! Yeah, you like that.

Now come quietly or I vaporize ya.

Ha! You missed! Huh? You did it, little brother! That's cause I'm suh-suh-suh-sweet.

Get this baby moving, D! I'm starting it.

I'm starting it! So you really know how to fly this thing? Um, sort of.

I kinda did it before.

Not exactly.

Just get this bird in the air already! Forward might be nice.

Let me handle this, D! Kraang Subprime to hive base! Turtles have h*jacked a stealth ship! What are the orders that Kraang Subprime wishes to order as an order to Oy, just shut up already.

Do me a favor and unleash the Dracodroid! So what are we gonna do when we reach that technodrome, huh? Anyone thought that far ahead? Um, not really? Uh, guys.

I think we've got bigger, badder problems.

Look! Mikey? I've never seen that thing before.

Brace yourselves! Whoa! Whoo-hoo! Whoa! Whoa! Aah! Strap your shells on tight, bros.

Booyakasha! Left! Go left! No, go right! Right! Look out! Whoa! Aah! Let us out! I swear, once I break these walls down, I'll It is useless, my friend.

It's my fault we got captured.

Maybe Leonardo was right.

Maybe I'm not fit to lead this team.

I have seen you save humans from the Kraang, rescue your fellow mutants.

You are a good soul, Slash.

Thank you, brother.

But if we can't save the Turtles, then all of the humans of New York are doomed.

We failed.

I'm I'm losing it, guys.

The walls.

Too cramped! I have to go to the bathroom! Ugh! Calm down, man! I'm trying to focus! Om.


Ha! We made it! Wow, that was easy.

Um, Raph.

Aw, Kraang.

Turtles, attack! Leo, I'm leader in Dimension X! Hoo-ah! Attack! Then figure out a way to take out all these Kraangdroids! Hoo-ah! Hiya! Huh! Aah! Oh, yeah! Check me out! Mikey, that was amazing! Dimension X plus years of video games equals Mikey awesomeness! Great, just get this thing moving! Donnie, what have we got? Good news.

It looks like we have access to their mutagen supply through this fuel tube.

Not only do they use Mutagen to terraform, they use it to power the ship.

We've got a massive supply! Like like this much! Yes! She's moving! Let's save New York! What's Rockwell doing, Leatherhead? Focusing.

Without his psychic amplifier, his power is greatly diminished.

It's working! It's working! Joy, joy! You did good, Doc! Freedom! We still have to reactivate that portal! We have a visual on the human hybrids, Donatello.

We need that portal ready to go.

Give me two seconds.

I've got to add the Retro-Mutagen.

Something's wrong.

What's going on, Donnie?! Report! I told you, the technodrome runs on Mutagen.

Aah! The engines just can't take Retro-Mutagen, Captain! Not necessarily.

I just need to alter the ship's fuel convertors, tweak the quantum defiblitrons, and voilà ! - Mikey, you're - A genius, I know.

Wasting time! Get this thing moving! We have to save the humans already! Here's Kraangy! Okay, Donnie, we need that portal open! Call up the Mutanimals! Come in, Doctor Rockwell.

Doc? You there? Anybody?! Great.

If the Mutanimals can't transport us back, cancel the entire rescue mission.

And us going home.

Just do it already! Now, if we can transform the portal into a three-dimensional coordinate locked beam Yes! The portal is a go! We did it! Donatello, we are back online.

you home.

Sending coordinates now, adjusting for fifth dimensional space.

There they are! The hybrids.

Aw, man, look at them! They're forced to work like Kravarian ant-people.

Well, not much longer.

You ready with that Retro-Mutagen, Raph? Locked and loaded! Fire! Sweet skills, Raph.

We're not outta this mess yet.

I'm just getting started, Turtles! I'm coming for your sweet shells! Donnie, we need those humans teleported out now! I'm on it! We did it.

We turned a multidimensional transmat device into a mass-displacement teleporter! I have no idea what you just said, but hooray? That's how we're going home, Raph.

Teleportation, y'all.

Just like space heroes! No way! Forget it.

You're not beaming my particles! Surprise! Forget about me, Turtles? Okay, let's start beaming particles, Donnie! Eliminate the ones called the Turtles.

You've gotta hold 'em off, Leo! I've gotta pilot this thing! Hold 'em off? How?! Yeah, that's a real good question, Greenie.

Ha! Hiya! Ya! There's one last island, Raph.

Do we have enough Retro-Mutagen? Down to 10%.

That's it, that's all the humans.

Sending the last set of coordinates ours! Get us outta here, Rockwell! Confirmed.

Leo! You're finished, Turtle scum.

Finished! No! It can't be! No! I was so close this time! So close! Aw, Kraang.

We did it.

Somehow we did it! We're the best! Go, Ninja! Go, Ninja, go! Dad? Dad! Finally everything is gonna go back to normal.

Well, as normal as this city can get.

Yeah, but what about the Mighty Mutanimals? What about us? Leatherhead! My big green buddy! We made it, my friend.

Looks like our plan worked, Doctor.

Yes, and teleporting the Kraang back to Dimension X was a stroke of genius.

You gotta admit, Leo.

We couldn't have done this without Slash and his team.

You did great, Slash.

I'm sorry I doubted you.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

I just tried to model myself after the best leader I ever knew.




It's time to celebrate! Booyakasha!