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04x11 - Revenge of the Triceratons

Posted: 10/31/22 06:01
by bunniefuu
So, like, how long does it take to get to the other side of the cosmos? You mean to the pizza ZZ3 Plural X Beta system? [electronic chiming and whooshing]

I can't believe you remember that, Mikey.

Whoa! What do you Pizza, pizza, pizza mean? I have an awesome memory, bro.

[bell dings]

At least it'll be the last piece of the Black Hole Generator.

Gonna take a while to get there.

Plenty of time for "Chris Bradford and his 2 Ruff Crew!" Ugh the pain! Body broken! [monkey screeches]

No, Cho-Cho! If you want any more of Chris Bradford's Honey Nut Extra Energy Trail Mix Treat, you're gonna have to take out those ninjas.

[bell dings]

[action music]


Remember your training.

Remember the honey nuts! [screeching]

[ninjas grunting]

[all groan]



Sorry, Cho-Cho.

Had a little snack attack.

Chris Bradford's Honey Nut Extra Energy Trail Mix Treat It's just that good.

[all laughing]

He's the lamest ever! [electronic beeping]

Hmm, I estimate we'll get 27% more power out of the ship's thrusters.


2%, to be precise.


Without your help, Donatello bloop we would not have gained that extra .

2%! Well, thanks, Professor.

But I've got to admit, since we started working together, I feel barely qualified to be your lab assistant.


Nonsense! My lab assistants were robots and you are as qualified as any robot! Uh, yeah.

I'm pretty comfortable with the ship now.

But I still know next to nothing about science and the universe compared to you! It's not your fault.

You have a sharp mind.

You're quite beep gifted.

But you grew up on Earth.

So naturally you're 3,000 years behind the standard transdimensional concepts of physics.

3,000 years? I mean, I'm I'm a galactic idiot! Not at all.

You're really quite [alarm blaring]

Guys, the the Triceratons tracked us down! [ominous music]

Teenage Mutant Ninja [metallic clank]

The evil Triceratons have invaded Earth.

They brought with them the invincible Black Hole Generator that swallowed the entire planet.

My brothers and I escaped, saved by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid.

Now we're trying to stop the Triceratons any way we can.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Attention Starship Ulixes! This is Captain Mozar of the Triceraton Empire.

Captain? Didn't this jerk used to be an Admiral? Heh, I bet the jerk got demoted 'cause of us! [laughing]

Idiots! I can hear everything you say! You are surrounded.

Hand over the pieces of the Black Hole Device to me.

Or we will blow you out of the cosmos! You'll do that anyway.

You have my word as a Triceraton that I will allow you a three nexton head start.

And then we will chase you down and blow you away.

Real generous, Horn Head.

You'll have to come over and get it yourself, Mozar.

Very well, then.

Prepare to be boarded.

Teleport an attack squad aboard that ship! Sir, we can't.

It's impossible to teleport through their ship's fiber plating.

I just said, "Prepare to be boarded!" Are you trying to make Mozar look like a fool? Sir, we should destroy them without hesitation! But what of the Heart of Darkness? The Black Hole Generator is invulnerable.

Destroying their ship will have no effect on it.

I know that! Destroy the Fugitoid ship without hesitation! Attack! [dramatic music]

We don't have the firepower to take those guys.

Move! Go, go, go! We can't outrun their entire fleet! Maybe with our upgraded thrusters Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Floor it, Fuge! No matter what, we must keep heading towards the Plural X Beta System.

We can't afford to let the Triceratons beat us there! If they clear the system, they'll be able to warp away.

Aim for their Tachyonic Converter and disable it.

They must not escape us! [growls]

Keep focused.

We can do this! Almost ready for Tachyon Jump.

They won't be able to track us again because we're awesome! Everyone brace yourselves! [clangs]

- No! - No! Warp Engine 2 is out! Now they cannot escape us.

I believe the Triceraton Empire should show them our very best in advanced weaponry.

Meteor Missiles are always good for total destruction.

Launch them! Incoming! - That was close.

- We got another one.


Good work, team! Phew! Those were planet-busters.

We would have been vaporized! Yeah.

Good thing they're gonna hit that moon instead of us.

- Ahh! - Moon? What moooo-on, dear! Thrusters, Fugitoid! Give it everything! Move this boat! There's mini-moon all over the place! You are all doing an outstanding job.

Leonardo, superb piloting! Okay! I think we're out of the bad part.

They're closing in! Raph, Casey, man the cannons! Hello, Horn Head and goodbye! Laser cross-checking! Two nexton penalty! Can I get a what-what? Must I stand by as they pick off our fleet one by one? The correct answer is no! Ready to launch a Rock Rocket, fools! I want it armed with a biological payload the Skeevix Virus! The the Skeevix Virus? But, sir, it's illegal in over 2,000 systems! Silence! It will be leaving now, and perhaps you with it.

Launch! What did they launch at us this time? No! Fugitoid! Professor! [alarm blaring]

Got to seal the hole! If that patch takes another hit, we're in trouble.

And without the Professor, we aren't gonna be able to do anything at all.

There's got to be something we can do.

Yeah! Keep this thing flyin'! We still got Triceratons on our tail! On it! Mikey, divert power to thrusters! Donnie, see what you can do about Fugitoid! Hmm Yuck! Meteor gunk? Aw, man, that's disgustin'! - Ahh! - Whoa-ugh! What the heck was that? My ninja vibes are telling me we better follow them, dudes! Mikey's right.

Those things are serious trouble.

Come on! Hurry back! [laughs]

Infection was successful, Captain Mozar.

The Rock Rocket penetrated their vessel.

Excellent! The Skeevix Virus will destroy their ship in mere nextons from the inside-out! Hmm anybody see any crazy little space critters? [evil laughter]

Nothin' here.

April? [crashes]

Ugh! We better hurry! Let's check the rec room next! Come on! [suspenseful music]


Yes! That nebula, it's made out of gas.

We can hide the ship in the clouds! [growls]

D, you really think it's gonna give us enough cover? We're about to find out.

[electronic beeping]

[alarm blaring]

Uh! The answer is no, Leo! It's no! We need to cloak! Can we do that, Donnie? Let's hope so! But we're gonna have to slow down to divert power! Like now, please?! [growls]

Aw, man.

I don't think we'll be able to cloak for more than like a few minutes So what do we do, Donnie? Um, okay, well, uh we we could um We got to have power, or those Raptors are gonna find us and take us out! I don't know! This ship is awesomely complex.

I'm I'm not as smart as the Professor, okay? I just build stuff out of junk and and Kraang parts! You're smart enough to build a robot like Metalhead, right? Maybe there's a way you can rebuild Fugitoid! Oh, I'm in way over my head here.

Find them! It is one ship! One ship! You all sicken Mozar! Sir, soon the Skeevix virus will tear them apart.

We have nothing to fear! [growls]

- Whoa! - [gasps]

What the heck are those things? Eggs? They look more like cocoons.

But they're empty.

Where'd the little cocoon babies go? [all scream]

[electricity crackles]

- [whimpers]

- [groans]

[suspenseful music]

[chewing sound]

[all gasp]


[electricity pops]

[all gasp]

What are they? [growling]

[electricity crackling]

Ahh! We got to stop 'em from chewin' up the ship! Ahh! Ahh! - [whimpers]

- [growling]


Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! [growling]


- [grunting]

- [growling]

[critters growling]


[electricity whines]

[laser blasts]

Thanks, April.

[both scream]


No! Those little creeps got away! I know where they're going the Engine Room! Dudes, that's, like, the worst place they could destroy! What are you talking about? They already took out the TV! [electricity crackling]

Okay, I-I think this should do it possibly hopefully.


H-h-h-h-h-hello, fellas! Phew, thank goodness my brain was in stasis.

I feel so light-headed literally.

- Yes! - All right, Donnie! Professor, we're cloaked but not for long.

We need more power.

We need you! Take me to the Engine Room.

I have spare parts in the storage closet.

You can put me back together, Donatello.

I know you can.

You got to move fast, Donnie.

Sooner or later, the Triceratons are gonna find us.

Report! Has the virus destroyed them? Why are we waiting? We can't see their ship.

They're cloaked! I don't care if you can see the ship.

I just want to see the ship explode! Do whatever it takes! [chittering]

[electricity popping]

Whoa! Oh, no.

- It can't be.

- Huh? Excuse me, guys, I don't have much time! [grunts]

Um, I think you're gonna want to see this, Don.


What in the space apples is that?! [alarm blaring]

Oh, no! They're destroying the engine feeds! We're gonna lose power! Guys, we're about to lose our cloak! You got to do something or we're gonna get blown to pieces! Ahh! [evil chittering]

Ahh! both: Ahh! Space Gremlins! [screaming]

[evil chittering]

[evil chittering]

Bring it on, you freaks! Guys, take those gremlins down before they destroy the ship! Haaa! [thunder rumbling]

If we use too much power trying to get out of their way, we'll lose the cloak for sure.

Down to 3% power.

Come on, Donnie, give us a miracle here.

- What's going on down there? - We're battling Space Gremlins, brah! Ahh! We'll get back to you! Space what? Agh! Get 'em off! Thanks, Red! Look out! Donnie, whatever you're doing, hurry! Um, I'm not quite sure where to begin, Professor.

No problem! I'll guide you [distorted voice]

every step of the way.


Can my luck get any worse?! - [screaming]

- [growling]

Phew! I think that was the last one.

[alarm blaring]

Okay, everything just got a lot worse! We're naked! Ahh! Full thrusters, now! [pants]

Ahh! [alarm blaring]

We can't outrun 'em! Thrusters are down to 3%! Donnie, we need Fugitoid! Now! Donnie! Okay, Donnie, get a grip.

This isn't Transdimensional Physics.

It's robot-building! You got this.

They've defeated the Skeevix Virus? Impossible! These must be the luckiest creatures in ten dimensions! Your advice destroy them and then grab the Black Hole Device? What happened to that? Uh, the Fugitoid builds excellent shields, and the Turtle pilots are p-pretty good, too, I-I g-guess.

The shields are plasma resistant, but not Triceraton resistant! We will end this now.

Board the Ulxes, retrieve the pieces of the Black Hole Device, and vaporize that ship! [growls]

[suspenseful music]

[all screaming]

[all grunt]

[alarm blaring]

Ahh! Got you, April! You two retrieve the Black Hole Generator.

I'll take care of the Turtles.

[alarm stops]

[both grunting]

[both gasp]









Huh! [whirring]


[all gasping]

Hello, everyone! Miss me? The Black Hole Generator! We got to stop them! You guys get the Black Hole Generator.

I'll pilot the ship.

[action music]

Captain Mozar, mission accomplished.

We're too late! They got the pieces, Leo.

Fugitoid, the Tri-Fleet is moving in to finish us off! Our destruction would be a big, tremendous bummer.

We must escape! I will use my fusion core reactor to give our engines the power they need, but it may fry the ship in the process.

I don't think we have a choice! Clear of all planetary systems prepare for acceleration! [whirring]

They have escaped, sir.

No matter! Mozar has won this day.

[electronic beeping]

Finally looks like we're safe.

Ship's barely functioning.

We'll need to find some kind of service station and make repairs.

Ugh, all that, for nothing.

I failed! No, you didn't, Donnie! If you hadn't gotten the Professor back online, Mozar would have gotten us for sure! Yep, what's important is that we're still alive, Donnie.

Thanks to you.

Donatello, you should be very proud or yourself.


You used some of my spare parts in ways I would never have thought of.

I think I'm built even better than before! And between you and me, bleep, I believe it would only take you bleep 2,000 years to master Transdimensional Physics.

Oh, great.

Well, I guess I'll get started on that right away! Come on, guys.

We're not out of this yet.

We've got to find that last piece.

That'll slow 'em down.

And then we take back the other pieces, and make those Dino-Creeps pay big time.
