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01x01 - Anything for Blood

Posted: 10/31/22 15:51
by bunniefuu
Sinister music

No need to be scared, son,
this is gonna work.

Now turn around.

You're about to miss
your first sunrise in years.



Quiet, tense music

- Excuse me.
- I'm sorry to bother you,

but could I interest you
in a box of cookies?

Which kind is your favorite?


Then, if it's okay
with your mom,

I'll get a box of those, and...

you keep it for yourself.

- That's very kind.
- Thank you.

Still four dollars?

- Five, now.
- How old's your daughter?

You knew the old price,
so I just...

Here you go.

What do we say?

Thank you for your support.

Quiet, tense music

Hustle up, we're gonna be late.

Police have seemingly
no explanation

for the surge in homicides.

Nowhere is that more apparent
than here in midtown Manhattan,

where Times Square
and Penn Station

are eerily empty

after a wave of brutal slayings.

What are you wearing?

Pretty cool, right?

And check it out.

Secret pockets.

Can you go put on
something normal?

But I want to wear this.

We have talked about
in this house,

you can wear whatever you want.

But out in the world...

But why is it my fault
if people act...

Just don't make yourself
such an easy target.

I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean...

No, it's fine.

I'll just go change.

Oh, you need some help?

- I'm good, thanks.
- This is me right here.

Oh, so somebody's finally
moving in next door.

Okay, I'm ready.

This is my son, Isaiah.

I am Naomi.

Isaiah, this is
our new neighbor.


Nice to meet you,
Mr. Mark.

He seemed pretty nice, huh?

Okay, what's wrong with him?


Don't be pissed.



Oh, man. Look at you.

You got so big, and where did
all of this come from, huh?


Hey, now,
the last time I saw you,

you were working on
a coin trick.

Think you can do it with this?


Why does it say, "Three Months"?

Well, it's, uh,
kind of an award.

- An award?
- You watching?


Oh, come on now.

- What?
- Isaiah, give your dad

his "award" back
and wait for me in the car.

You're getting real good, son.

Before you say anything...

You can't keep doing this.

You cannot keep
popping in and out of his life.

- I know, I know.
- That is why I stayed away

until I got some real sobriety.-

I've been going
to meetings every day.

I can't have
this conversation again.

I have a job,
I have an apartment.

- It's too late for this.
- I-I can be a real father now.

Look, maybe I can come over

for dinner tonight and prove it.

You think
I'm gonna cook for your ass?

Well, if it's between
your cooking and take-out,

I'm happy to pick something up.

You wouldn't be doing it for me.

Slow, suspenseful music

Isaiah? Put your little butt
in the back seat, please.

Fast, pulsating music


- You okay?
- Yeah.

It's barely a scratch.

I'm fine.

What do you think
of the new place?

You got the big screen?

Oh, yes.

You said it was too expensive.

And you said
it was awesome, so...

What's wrong? Ellie?

Can't take any of it with us.

What are you talking about?

If we have to pack up and run.

Come here.

- I'm gonna show you something.
- Come here.

Wow. A bathroom.

- Eh, correction.
- A spare bathroom.

You notice anything about it?

No windows.

There's no windows.

I get my own room?

We're home now, Ellie.

And we're not going anywhere
for a long time,

which means we have to be
even more careful than normal.

I'm careful.

Yeah, well, you're not
always great at blending in.

- Yes, I am.
- Mm, you've got a little...

I also have to blend in, okay?

Which means I have
to find a legitimate job.

And when I get back, I will
tackle those boxes, okay?

I could do it.

Yeah, right.

This IKEA stuff,
it's just like...

- a puzzle made by a...
- by a sadist.

I like puzzles.-

All right.

Text me
if you need anything, okay?

How old was the boy...

who lives next door?

I don't know. Uh, 11, 12.

Listen, I was thinking,
when I get back later tonight,

maybe we can go down
to Times Square.

Ew. Why?

There's this new
science exhibit.

They have photos
from the Hubble.

But if you don't want to go,
that's fine.

- I didn't say that.
- Is it even open?

What you mean? At night?

I mean,
with all the murders going on.

What? That's why
we get to be here, right?

Sharp, jarring music

What do we got?

You ever seen
anything like this?

Yeah. Hunting with my dad.

Came across a guy got mauled
to death by a bear.

That's a heartwarming
childhood memory.

Hmm. One of the better ones,

- Did you ID the victim?
- Not yet.

There was nothing in his pockets
but some loose cash.

They didn't take the money?


Suspenseful music

Any witnesses?-

Most of the people here last
night are out panhandling now.

People I did talk to, I believe
the general consensus was...

"Go f*ck yourself, Detective"?

I would've
appreciated "Detective." Oh.

What do you want?

Not to be hung up on,
for starters.

That's a bit petulant,
don't you think?

- I'm busy, Dad.
- What do you want?

I want you to come home.

It's important.

Yeah, sure, I'll just... I'll
just drop everything I'm doing

and hop on the first plane.

I'm dying, Claire.

Pancreatic cancer.

Doctors say
I could go any time now.

There's something
I need to tell you first.

Slow, eerie music

It's too late to make amends.

It's about Peter.

What about Peter?

You won't believe me
unless you see for yourself.

I'm sorry, sir.
We don't open for about an hour.

Oh. No. Yes. Uh...

I-I was just wondering
if, uh, Zeke is in?

Yeah. Just a moment, please.

Hi. Can I help you?

Hey, brother.


Can you give us a sec?

The place looks incredible.

Is Eleanor... Is she still...

She's still the same. Yes.

Look, I'm sorry to show up

out of the blue like this.

The thing is, Ellie and I are
back in town, and, uh...

- And do you need money?
- No. I need a job.

I'll do anything.

I'll-I'll-I'll wash dishes,

take out the garbage, anything.

You're serious.

I need your help.

And why would I ever help you?


what Liz would want.

You coming?

This is our head chef,
Danielle Wilson.

Danielle, this is...

- Mark.
- Uh...

Uh, Mark here

is gonna be staging
for you today.

I have a lunch rush coming in.

I don't have time
to babysit your friend.

This used to be his kitchen.

That-that was a long time ago.

Just give him one shift
to prove himself.

If he washes out, he's gone.

Good luck.

How's your knife skills?

- Sorry?
- Are you good with a knife?


Brunoise a quart of shallots.

If you don't f*ck it up,
we'll keep talking.

I know
you don't want to talk to me,

so I will just sit here
for a bit.

And when I get back up,

maybe I'll remember
to take this with me.

Maybe I won't.

Last night,
I-I was trying to sleep,

and I heard someone screaming.

I look out, there's a guy
coming down the street,

and he's covered in blood.

What's the guy look like?

White, twenties,

sweatshirt and jeans.

Big guy?

Not much bigger than you.

But... his eyes...

What about his eyes?

You ever, um...

you ever, like, take a photo
at night, instead of eyes,

you get
these little rings of light?

So a little guy
with the strength of a bear

and eyes that glow in the dark?

I'm telling you what I saw.

How long you been using here?

Couple months.

You ever seen this guy around?

He showed up this morning,

talking about how
he's got a job now.

- Last time he said that...
- He was dealing.


I thought his corner was uptown.

It was. I-I just...

I also thought
he was out of the picture.

Look, what am I supposed to do?

Isaiah lights up like
a Christmas tree around his dad.

It's not like that boy
is flush with friends.

Not there, freak.

Keep going.

Hey. Cool trench coat.

Doing anything
for the talent show?

Talent shows are for losers.


- Want to see something cool?
- Jesus Christ.

Slow, haunting music

Hard to dance

With a devil on your back

So shake him off


And I am done
with my graceless heart

So tonight I'm gonna
cut it out and then restart

'Cause I like to keep
my issues drawn

It's always darkest
before the dawn...

tense music

Shake it out

Shake it out, oh-whoa

upbeat music

Ready, Chef.

- What do you want, old man?
- A medal?

Keep going.

Figured you'd want
to be paid in cash.

Tomorrow's shift starts
at 9:00.

According to Danielle,
you're not a total lost cause.

Come on, grab a seat.

- Oh, no.
- I got to get back to Ellie.

Man, sit your ass down.

- No, really. I got to go.
- I just gave you a job.

Don't be an assh*le.


To my goddaughter.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- Oh.
- Oh, God... See?

It's like drinking
Kathleen Turner's voice.


I have 'em make a barrel
for the restaurant

and a whole nother one
just for me.

- Ah, you haven't changed.
- Yeah.

A little fatter, maybe.

Ladies don't seem to mind.

- Still a bachelor, I take it?
- Well,

I did meet the perfect woman,

but she married
my best friend instead.

Why are you back?

'Cause if you're gonna be
in this restaurant,

I need to know
what just walked in that door.

Me and Ellie can't really stay
in one place for long before...

Before she needs a meal?

I-I was gonna say before
people begin asking questions,

- and we have to run.
- And that's different here?

- Maybe.
- Yeah? Why?

Because of all
the murders going on?

And while the police
have their hands full with that,

you can go about your business

- Just hold on. No, no, just...
- Oh, Jesus Christ.

- Get the f*ck out of here.
- No, no, no, no, no.

- And don't come back!
- Let me explain.

We had a deal!

Listen, the only reason I agreed

to keep Eleanor's secret
was because you promised

that you would never stop
looking for a cure.

What the f*ck do you think
we've been doing?

We've been everywhere!

There were these murders
up in Canada.

Bodies drained of blood.

Since I heard of that,
we packed our bags and went,

thinking that this has to be...

There was nothing.

It was just some sick assh*le

who liked
to preserve his victims' bodies.

And-and later on,

I heard about a k*ller who left
bite marks on his victims.

And again, we packed and went.

And again, nothing.

And then again
and again and again.

And every time, I promise Ellie,

"Honey, this time,
it's different.

This time
we will find the monster

that did this to you,

and that will lead us
to a cure."

And every time
I would bring her hopes high,

and then shatter them to pieces.

I want to help,

but just having you here puts
everyone who works for me...

My family... at risk.

And I can't do that

just so you can have cover
while you...

No, that's not the only...
That's... Listen to me.

That's not the only reason
why we're back.

These murders in Midtown,

every one of them happened
at night,

and the nature
of the killings...

There's a savagery...

You're saying that
you think the k*ller's a...

No. I-I don't know.

And as far as Ellie knows,

the only reason we're back

is to stop...


It's been a nightmare,
the last ten years.

She deserves better.

She deserves
something resembling a life.

Slow, contemplative music


Are you okay?

You're not wearing shoes.

Aren't you cold?

I don't get cold.

How come?

I guess I've forgotten how.

Do you live here?

I live next door to you.

How do you know where I live?


Was that you?

You must be really hungry.

I am.



You can have it if you want.

I was saving it for later.

I can't eat chocolate.


I don't know what I would do
if I couldn't eat chocolate.

I love chocolate.

You could... eat it for me.


You could eat,
and I could watch.

That's weird.

You're right. Forget it.



I don't mind.

Slow, gentle music

It's good, huh?

Oh, my God.

It's so good.


Hi, Mr. Mark.

- I got to go.
- Thanks for the chocolate.

Can I help you?

Yeah. I'm-I'm looking
for something for my son.

- Birthday?
- Sorry?

Is it a special occasion?

I was an assh*le this morning.


- How old is he?
- Twelve.

I was gonna guess that.

And he, um... he gets picked on,

so if we could avoid anything
that's gonna make...

You're saying to steer clear
of the never-ending scarf.

I have just the thing.

Oh, I-I should've... Uh...

He's more into the, uh,
coins and cards.

Trust me, this...

is gonna freak...

his classmates out.

Yeah, I-I just don't think
he's really

trying to... Oh.

Okay. Wow. That is, uh...

So real. I know.

Even the grown-ups can't
figure out how it's done.

- Well, isn't...
- isn't that just a, uh...

a pump in the needle and
some rubber glue on your arm?

- Also, that's not...
- that's not really the way

a puncture wound bleeds,
and the... and the color

of the blood isn't real...

- Sorry.
- So,

cards and coins?

Yeah, yeah. He likes, um,

palm of the hand,

make things vanish
and-and reappear.



I suspect he'll like this.

Now, wait. Just, um,
why'd you go, "Hmm"?

The magic your son is doing,

it's pretty sophisticated.

Delicate, even.

Qualities rarely appreciated
by 12-year-old boys.

If you want him to make friends,

I'd get him the needle instead.


- Just say it, okay?
- What?

You clearly don't like
that I was talking to that boy.

I want nothing more than for you

to have someone
to talk to besides me.

You just have to be careful,
that's it.

I didn't even tell him my name.

You're not worried about me.

You're worried
I'd do something to him.

Slow, suspenseful music


It's cool, huh?

- It's okay.
- Oh, come on.

It's okay.


Slow, thoughtful music

Galaxies are like islands

in the sea of space.

They glow with the light
of billions of suns.

The Hubble telescope reveals
nearby galaxies

in exquisite detail.

Galaxies like these
fill the universe.

It takes billions of years
for their light to reach us.

We see them not as they are
but as they once were.


The kitchen, baby.

What's going on in here?

- Okay.
- How was work?



- Is that from Hubble?
- Mm-hmm.

You okay?


You good?

- We got to get you home.
- It was just a pang.


I'll be fine till tomorrow,
I promise.

Let's not ruin tonight, okay?

Where would you like to go next?


All right. Coast is clear.

Slow, majestic music

Dramatic music

Stay there!

Shit. f*ck.



- Dad, help!
- Ellie!

I'll get him.

Why are you checking for fangs?

- Doesn't make any sense.
- Why

- are you checking for fangs?
- See his eyes?

Look at his eyes.

See how they're glowing?

Because you just shined a light
in his eyes.

He was strong like you.

Do you see a bite mark?


Did he try and drink your blood?

- No.
- Because he's not like me.

You told me
we were done with this.

How long till he wakes up?

20 minutes. Maybe less.

We should stop wasting time.

I don't think I can make it
till tomorrow, not anymore.

Dramatic string music

All right.


What's wrong?

- He's on something.
- What?

I don't know.
It's nothing I've tasted before.

I would like us
to raise our 7UPs

and thank your mother
for this fantastic meal.

I don't know about fantastic.

Excuse me.

Hey, your mother worked
very hard on this dinner.

Although it wouldn't k*ll you
to add a little salt.

I know, right?-

You are most welcome
to cook next time.


You said "next time."



We try not to have our phones
at the table.

Oh. Sorry.

I'll be back in a second.

I got to run, little man.

You got any, uh, magic
to show me before I go?



There's this talent show
tomorrow night at school.

I was gonna skip it,
but if you...

What time's the show?

- Seven.
- Ah.

Hey, I got a coin
for you to practice with.

- Dad, I have quarters.
- No, but this one is lucky.

How come?

Check out the year.


See you around, David Blaine.

You sure you're not hurt?

- I'm fine.
- Let's just go home.

All right, look, I'm gonna
meet you there, okay?


What's wrong?

Hey, Ellie? Hey.

We were having a good day.

I can't remember the last time
we had. And then you leave me

- to chase down...
- Now, just hold on one second.

You're the one who said
we have to be careful.

That we'll only get to stay here
if we're super careful.

And then you go running
into a freaking sewer

- and almost get yourself k*lled.
- Okay. Okay, okay.

You're right. That was reckless,
and I'm sorry.

And-and-and you were
absolutely right

when you said
that man wasn't like you.

But he was on some drug
that you'd never tasted before.

Look, listen!

Whatever he was on
had him acting like you.

So maybe
there's still something here.

I need to eat.

I know that disgusts you, but...

No, it doesn't disgust me.

- Yes, it does.
- It doesn't!

You can't even look at me
when I feed.

Nah, I don't have time
for that shit right now, Ellie.

- Come on, let's go.
- Then maybe

- I'll go find my own dinner.
- That's-that...

No, no. No,
you-you're not gonna do that.

- Why not?
- 'Cause that's the rule.

- You do not do that.
- Why not?!

That's not who you are!

What if it is?

What if this is all
I'll ever be?

It's not.

I promise it's not.


Go home, please.

I'll meet you there later, okay?

And I will bring you dinner.


Slow, haunting music

- Evening, Dr. Logan.
- My name's Matthew.

Your father's waiting
for you inside.

You'll have to forgive
the state of things.

After the lawsuits piled up,
your dad was forced

to let the rest of his staff go.

Poor guy.

Gets millions of people hooked
on painkillers,

and they take everything from
him but his waterfront mansion.

Well, perhaps as you get older,

you'll experience pain in
a more profound and acute way.

And you won't find

its amelioration
such an ignoble pursuit.

Thank you, Matthew.

Welcome home.

This isn't my home.

Well, I left it to you
in my will.

You had something
to tell me about Peter?

"How are you feeling, Dad?

Is there anything
I can do for you?"

You don't, do you?

- Selfish as always.
- Of course you'd bait me here

with Peter,
when really all you want to do

is buy back my forgiveness.

Oh. I see we're still clinging

to the narrative
I was a terrible father.

Uh, no, you were fantastic.

You and Peter wanted
for nothing.

Do you remember what
you told us after Mom took off?

Do you?

You said, "She was always happy
till you two came around."

I raised Peter,

while you were off having
some museum named in your honor.

I was the one helping him
with his homework,

putting him to bed,
putting off college.

And when I finally went,

I hadn't even finished my
freshman year when you called

to tell me
you'd taken him hunting.

And he'd somehow come between
a mother bear and her cub.

And when I came home
for the funeral...

his casket had barely
been put in the ground

when you turned to me
and you said,

"I guess you should be
getting back to school."

So you're right.

You were
Father of the f*cking Year.

Have a nice death.

I never took Peter hunting.

Quiet, dramatic music

And what att*cked him...

it wasn't a bear.

I'm not leaving you this house

to buy back my guilt.

I need you to continue my work.

For ten years,
I have been trying

to develop a cure,

and I am so close.

A cure for what?

For your brother.

What the f*ck are you
talking about?

- I can't really talk.
- I need to work on my routine.

Hey, speaking of,
I got you something.

You went to Tannen's?!

Oh. Cool, thanks.

Um, that's not all
that's in there.

- No way.
- Do you even know what this is?

I was just hoping
I didn't pay for an empty bag.

You want to show me
how it works?

You don't like magic.

- That-That's not true.
- Hey,

I saw some kids
out in the courtyard.

Maybe I can show them?

I know you don't want me
to make myself

- an easy target.
- I just thought maybe

- I could at least try...
- Sweetheart. Sweetheart.



If the world were good,

you could... you could wear
whatever you want

and be exactly who you are.

And if I could do a magic trick,

it'd be to make the world
more like you.

Make it worthy of you.

The world's...

I just want you safe.

I got it.

No further than the courtyard.

Lights out by 9:00.

Thanks, Mom.

Slow, suspenseful music

Hi, guys. How's it hanging?

Did y'all hear something?

- No. Did you?
- No.

You want to play some Xbox?

Hell yeah,
and I get first player.

Tense music


How's it hanging?

I mean, how's it going?

Can I show you something
real quick?

But you got to come close.

Just a regular quarter, right?

Quiet, gentle music

I don't get it.


It's magic.



What's with your eyes?

- That's so cool.
- How do you make 'em do that?

With magic.

Soft, gentle music

I should go.

I'm Isaiah, by the way.

I'm Eleanor.

Excuse me? Hi.

Can I help you?

Uh, yeah. Um,

I'm interested
in what-what you're selling.

What would that be?

I heard
there's something new out there?

Something strong?

- No, no, no.
- Wait, wait, wait. Wait.

- I have money.
- Look, I'm not a cop.

You have yourself a nice night.

- No, no, no, no. Just wait.
- We're done here.

I'm gonna ask you
some questions,

and if you're honest with me,

there's a chance

you walk out of here alive.

Do you understand?

I found these
in your jacket pocket.

What is it?

I-I don't know.

- No, no. Just-just take it easy.
- I swear, I-I don't know.

Look, I-I'll tell you

Just-just be cool, okay? Um...

A couple weeks ago,
I was... I was...

I was coming out
of an AA meeting,

and this guy asked me
if I wanted to make some money.

Every night,
he texts me an address.

I go there,
he gives me product to sell.

The next night,
it's a new address.

I go give the man his money, he
gives me more product to sell.

- What is the man's name?
- I-I don't know.

- What's his number?
- I don't know.

I swear to Christ,
I don't know, okay?

Look, h-he's just a middleman,
but I heard him talking

about some woman who is
in charge of this whole thing.

- What woman?
- I-I don't f*cking know.

You are not giving me
anything useful,

- and that is not good for you.
- Okay, listen, listen.

In my jacket pocket,
there's a phone.

The guy that I work for...

He will text me tomorrow
with a new address.

If you want to find this dude,
he will be there tomorrow.

What do you know
about this drug?

Not much.

Uh, the people who buy it say
that-that it's a primal high.

It makes 'em feel like they can
run through walls, except...

Except what?

the hangover's brutal.

Makes them feel like...

When they go out in the sun,
it makes them feel like

their skin is on fire.

W-What else?

That's all I know.

You ever used it yourself?

- No way.
- Don't lie to me!

- I'm not lying.
- If you are not clean,

you have to say it now.

Look in my pocket, okay?

My pants pocket,
look inside, okay?

Okay. Okay. Shh.

See? Three months.

I haven't had a drink,
much less a drug. I am clean.

Didn't mean to get mixed up
in this shit, man. I just...

I just have a... I have a son.

I-I don't want to hear
about your family.

Yeah, I'm try-trying to make
some money, and I can't

- even take 'em to dinner.
- I don't want to hear about it.

- I can't get an apartment.
- Please stop that!

I'm not gonna say it again!

Do you have a kid?

Then you know.

You know.

That boy is
my light in the dark.

And I want to see him again.

And I am so sorry

that I got mixed up
in all this mess, man.

I'm-I'm just trying
to take care of my kid.

So am I.

Pulsating, dramatic music

Slow, suspenseful music

This way.

Eerie, haunting music

I pulled him out of the sun
before it was too late.

You should brace yourself
for what you're about to see.


Is that really you?




I'm here.

I can't believe it's you.

You look so...



"Sweet Child O' Mine"
by g*ns N' Roses

She's got a smile
that it seems to me

Reminds me of childhood memories

Where everything was as fresh

As the bright blue sky

Now and then when I see her face

She takes me away
to that special place

And if I stare too long

I'd probably break down and cry

Whoa, oh, oh

Sweet child o' mine