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01x02 - Intercessors

Posted: 10/31/22 15:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Let the Right One In...

I am Naomi.
This is my son, Isaiah.

- Mark.
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Mark.

How old was the boy?

Who lives next door?

11, 12.

- Dad!
- Hey!

There's this talent show

tomorrow night at school,

- but if you...
- What time's the show?

- Seven.
- I got a coin

for you to practice with.

See you around, David Blaine.

I'm dying, Claire.

I need you to continue my work.

For ten years,
I have been trying

- to develop a cure.
- A cure for what?

For your brother.

We're home now, Ellie.

And we're not going anywhere
for a long time.

And every time,
I promise Ellie, "Honey,

this time,
we will find the monster

that did this to you,

and that will lead us
to a cure."

He's on something.

I found these
in your jacket pocket.

Uh, the people who buy it say
that it makes them feel

like they can run through walls,

except when
they go out in the sun,

it makes them feel like
their skin is on fire.

The guy that I work for,
he will text me tomorrow

with a new address.

If you want to find this dude,

he will be there tomorrow.

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You should sleep, too.

We have much to discuss
in the morning.

How could you not tell me?

After all these years, how could
you let me think he was dead?

It was never my intention
to hurt you.

- What was your intention?
- To cure my son.

And reunite him with his sister.

Look, I know.

I know it's a great deal to ask

for you to take over
Peter's care.

You're asking me to give up
my entire life.

That's not a decision
I'm prepared to make.

What's in there?


can wait until the morning.

Quiet, tense music

Ta pet um lucid um.

A layer of tissue in the retina

that enhances
visibility at night.

I didn't know it existed
in primates.

It doesn't.

You infected them
with the same...

The same virus
Peter was infected with.

Stop, please!

Dramatic music

Festive music

One fish, one chile, two steak!

One fish, one chile, two steak!


Chef, we got a patron
who wants to meet you.

Said the chiles en nogada's
the best dish he's ever tasted.

Well, then this is the man
you're gonna want to speak to.

Go ahead, you earned it.

Looks like Stella's
getting his groove back.

I feel good, brother.

Well, you look good.

This is the guy
I was telling you about.

My man.

Yo, this is Frank.
You know what to do.

Hey, it's me.

Just wanted to remind you
Isaiah's show's at seven.


This is your chance, okay?

You won't get another.

All right. Ready to go?

In case nobody told you today

You're special

In case nobody made you believe

You're special

Well, I will always love
you the same

You're special

I'm so glad that you're
still with us, broken...


Were you, like,
standing right by the door?


Just now.

Oh, no.

So, um, there's this thing
tonight at school,

and it's totally cool if
you don't want to come, but...

- I'm gonna be doing some magic.
- There you are.

Who are you talking to?

Mom, this is Eleanor.

Oh. I didn't realize...

I think I must've met your...

My dad.

Well, it's nice to meet you,

Oh, your hand is cold. You okay?

Oh, she doesn't get cold, Mom.

- How's that?
- I should go.

Wait, you think you'll
be able to come tonight?

I don't know. I-I want to.

I just, you know,
I don't know if I can.

Well, I wrote my invitation

on the back of the flyer
for the show, so

the school's address is
right there if you want to come.

You don't, um, have school
to get ready for?

- I'm homeschooled.
- Honey?

Who are you talking to?

Hi, Mr. Mark.

I was just inviting Eleanor

to come see some magic tonight.

Uh, well,
that's very kind of you,

but, uh, I don't think
we can make it tonight.

But we'll talk about it.


Oh. We'll-we'll talk
about it. Yeah, sure.

Good to see you both.



You think she'll come tonight?

I mean,
it's okay if she doesn't.

You're gonna be there,
Dad's gonna be there.

How'd you, uh,
meet this girl again?

Oh, she was up in a tree

when I got home from school.

She-she was in the tree?

At first I was worried
'cause she wasn't wearing shoes

and her stomach was growling,
but I ate some chocolate for her

and she seemed to feel better.

What is the rule
about answering the door

- when I'm not around?
- You were around.

- You were in the other room.
- What is the rule?!

I don't ever answer the door
without you.

Uh, uh, and I thought that boy

- didn't know your name.
- What?

You said you didn't tell him
your name.

And you said we'd talk
about going to his show.

I can't tonight.

Fine. So why can't I go
without you?

You're not leaving
this house without me.

The sun'll be set, and
I just had a meal last night,

- so I won't be hungry.
- Is something burning here?

Oh, come on.

I'm sorry, I totally forgot.

It's hot.

What the hell were you doing?

- I just...
- What?

I was trying
to make you breakfast.

You brought me dinner
last night.

I just wanted to...

I'll clean it up.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. Let me try it.

- Mmm.
- Dad.

It's still good.


Smoky, just how I like it.

Is there salt in here?

- Yeah.
- Oh.

You think this girl's
being trafficked?

Like maybe this dude's
not her dad at all,

but her handler?

That is exactly
what I was wondering.

You are f*cking with me.

Look, it sounds like Isaiah's
new friend is a little weird.

Which, no offense,
but if he's gonna make a friend,

probably gonna be
a little weird.

And you do tend to assume
the worst in people.

Which I mean,
yeah, but not always.

Evening, Detectives.

- It's 9 a.m., Fergie.
- Is it?

Hard to tell down here.

What do you got for us?

Your assailant left
no shortage of DNA.

We should have results
in a week or two, tops.

And you're gonna do
a tox screen on the DNA?

You think
the k*ller was on something?

It was just a theory,
but we've got a witness.

Claims he saw someone
with glowing eyes.

Calling that guy a witness
is generous.

Might offer
an explanation, though.

- For what?
- Most likely cause of death

was a fragmentized
ventral thorax

characterized by an evisceration
of sternal ribs.

Any idea what he used to do it?

Crowbar? Baseball bat?

This is my point, Detectives.

I assume you found
no weapons at the crime scene.

May I?

Come on.

You're saying all
this was done by hand?

The virus targets the brain,

integrating its genome
into the cells of the amygdala.

Hijacking the neurotransmitters
that drive the HPA access,

flooding Peter's body
with adrenaline and cortisol.

And basically putting him
in a state of fight-or-flight.

Oh, more fight
than flight, but yes.

How do you support
his metabolism?

He must be consuming
the oxygen in his bloodstream

at an astronomical rate.

Shortly after he was bitten,
his body adapted

to reject any food source

- but...
- Freshly oxygenated blood.


Jesus, he is a vampire.

That's not a word we use.

Peter was infected.

What about the vampire
that bit him?

- Claire.
- With any bite-borne infection,

there's a chance
that the host carries antibodies

that could be harvested
to cure him.

Peter never saw the creature
that att*cked him.

It dropped onto his back,
as if it fell from the sky.

Did you even try
to identify what...

Months of wasted effort.
Look, you're getting mired

- in irrelevant details.
- How do you feed him?

Where do you get the blood, Dad?

Or is that an irrelevant detail?

Matthew, could you come
down here, please?

He knows about Peter?

He's the only one who knows.

And if you decide to stay,

he'll be the only person
you can trust.


Are you okay?

It'll pass.

Do you want to go upstairs, sir?

Geez, you shouldn't sneak up
on people like that.


Old habit.

Claire would like
to know where we source

the blood that Peter requires.

I donate my own.

So did your father,
before he got sick.

The blood must come
from a healthy host.

And when your donation
isn't enough?

Matthew and I have a contact
at a blood bank.

You steal from blood banks?

If you do choose to stay,

I suggest you handle
the science.

Let Matthew handle the feeding.

That's not for you
to decide, is it?

Yeah, well, call it
a dying man's last wish.

When your brother gets hungry...

...he's not always himself.

Morning, Chef.

Hey, I got a delivery

coming in five that I'm gonna
need your help unloading.

Of course. Uh, do you mind
if I talk to Zeke for a second?

Yeah. He's in his office.

Thank you.

- Buenos días.
- Buenos días.


Well, look who's back for more.

I'm surprised you're
in this early.

You always used
to roll into work at noon.

Yeah, well, I learned there's

only one way
to run a restaurant.

Never sleep.

- Thank you.
- Uh, speaking of,

you look like hell.

I'm fine.

- Wow. This is good.
- Uh, yeah.

Those hipsters might scare you
riding those big bikes around,

but they know
how to make a cappuccino.

Oh, wow.

You won a James Beard?

Uh, finalist.


Wow. You did it, brother.

I'm happy for you.

Even got the car.

- Wait, what?
- You always said how

someday you'd get
a brand-new 7 Series.

Well, what can I say?
I like nice things.

Uh, it's a little upgrade
from your Fiat Spider.

You know what? I have
fond memories of that car.

'Cause you weren't the one
pushing when it broke down.

Do you think I could borrow it?

Mm. Borrow what, my car?

Yeah. I'll bring it back
first thing tomorrow.

Full t*nk of gas.

Uh, what do you need it for?

Just some errands I have to run.

Oh, bullshit.
What do you need it for?


I was right.


The murders in Midtown.

I don't know exactly
what's going on,

but sometime today

I'm gonna get a text
with an address.

And there's gonna be
a guy there.

I think he might lead me

to a creature like Ellie.




There's blood on that phone.

- Who's it belong to?
- Don't worry about it.

Can I have the keys, please?

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm-I'm-I'm the same person
I've, I've always been.

If anyone's changed here,
it's you.

Yeah, how you figure that?

There was a time
I needed your car,

I wouldn't have to ask for it.

Y-You once told me

a friend helps you move,

a best friend
helps you move a body.

I helped you bury a body.

And if you would've
listened to me then,

she'd still be alive today.

Delivery's here.

That'd be your cue to leave.

Dramatic music


Feel good to get cleaned up?

Let's get you tucked into bed.

What's happening to me?

Do you know who this is?

It's San Raphael.


Do you know
what the name Raphael means?


It means...

"God heals."

Baby, I have no idea

what's happening to you.

God doesn't always
give us the answers,

but He never leaves us
without hope.

Do you remember
what that doctor said?

If we can find the host...

We can find the cure.

You're awake.

Are you...

are you in a lot of pain?

Well, my, um...

my skin melted off, so...

there's a little discomfort.

I just didn't know
if, i-if you...

If I feel pain?

I'm still learning
how all this works.

I feel pain.

I'm still me.

I'm sorry you have
to see me like this.

I don't care about that.

And I'm sorry
I let you think I was dead.

It's, it's okay.

It's Dad. I know that Dad...

No, Dad wanted to tell you.

- What?
- I wouldn't let him.


'Cause I didn't want
to ruin your life, too.

How's California?

It's cold.

No one ever tells you
how cold San Francisco is.

But I thought
Stanford was in Palo Alto.

Palo Alto sucks.

I saw that speech you gave.

What speech?

When you won that award.

Yeah, your department posted it
on YouTube.

It had, like, 28 views.

Yeah, well, shocking
that a postdoc's speech

on disease research
didn't go viral.

Oh, my God.

You're still into the puns?

You want to rest?

Yeah, maybe, yeah.

Yeah, okay.

I'll be right here.

Hey, Claire.

The work that you're doing
sounds really important.

I just want you to know
that it's okay

if you want
to go back to your life.

Right here, uh...

I saw this thing on YouTube.

This dude put
a quarter in his mouth,

then bit a piece of it off.

Then he, like...

And it snapped back on.

You know what I'm talking about?

Yeah, it's David Blaine.

You like that trick?

- It's okay.
- "It's okay."

Can I have my quarter back?

"Can I have
my quarter back?"


But first
you got to do that trick.

And if you don't do it right,
I'm-a make you swallow it.

You sure?

Cool, man. Thanks.


for real,
I'm excited for your show.

Jeremiah bet me 20 bucks that
you're gonna piss your pants.

He said you do that
when you get nervous.

- No, I don't. I... No.
- Yeah.

He said you pissed his bed.

I can't believe you let
his bitch ass sleep over.

It's not like I wanted to,
but my mom said

I had to be nice to him.

His daddy had just
run off on him.

- Can you blame him?
- Look at him.

He's about to piss himself
right now.


Not yet.

Save it for the show.

What the f*ck?

You okay?


I'm good, Chef. Yes.

Okay. What's your story?

I have no story.

Zeke said this used
to be your kitchen.

How long ago was that?


It wasn't ever my...

It was about ten years ago.

You opened this restaurant?

Not exactly.

Look, you don't want to talk,
that's fine,

but if you think I go in
for the whole dark

- and mysterious...
- Zeke was the owner.

I was the chef.
He picked out the space.

And I created the menu
and hired the staff.

Couple of weeks
before we opened,

I had to step away.

You know, when Zeke hired me,

he said there was one dish
I could never touch.

It'd been here since day one.

When he told me about it,
I thought he was nuts.

Who the hell does
chiles en nogada

with turmeric and saffron?

Then I tasted it.

That was yours?

It was actually me and Zeke.

Okay, I got to ask.

What the hell possessed
you two to make that dish?

Uh, we were trying
to impress a girl.

Listen, we got
some VIPs coming tonight.

- Can you...?
- We'll take care of 'em.

Better not be a scratch on it.


It's an early-to-bed for me,
I'm afraid.

I'd like to speak
to my father alone.

Yeah, he'll look
after Peter tonight.

I can't seem
to muster the energy.

You've had
a busy couple of days.

But you can rest now, Dad.

I called my lab
and told them I'm taking

an indefinite leave
for personal reasons.


I'm not doing this for you.

- What are you doing?
- If you're really staying,

there's still
so much we need to cover.

- Dad.
- We've barely scratched

the surface of my research.

We can pick it up tomorrow.

Will you be quiet...
and listen to me?!


You'll want to start
with the most recent

treatment I developed.

You mean the one
you tested on Peter?

It showed promising results
with animal subjects.

Just 'cause it worked
on animals doesn't...

Peter was out in the sun
for almost a minute.

Yeah, okay, Dad.

Don't patronize me, g*dd*mn it!

I really think we should
talk about this tomorrow.

Would you shut your mouth
and listen?!

You need to put your ego aside

and do what's best for Peter.

You threw him out there
to burn alive!

Do you know how much pain
he's in right now?!

Do you?! My ego?!

Is that a f*cking joke?!

- Do not speak to me that way!
- I bet you still

think all those people
who sued you are vultures.

- They are vultures.
- And you're a f*cking hack!

You spent half your life
making a painkiller

that couldn't be abused,
and it took people two seconds

to figure out if they melted it
down and injected it,

it became addictive as f*ck.

And even when you knew that,
you kept peddling

your poison for years
because that's what you do.

You don't k*ll pain.

You inflict it.

But I will pray for you.

'Cause if there is a God...

...I can't even imagine
the pain that awaits you.

Hey there. Mind if I sit down?

You here by yourself?

My dad had to work.

Oh, yeah? What's he do?

I like your earrings.

I like your jacket.

Seems a little thin, though.

Did you walk
all the way here wearing that?

I took the subway.

You know how to take the subway?

I'm not five.


I meant
'cause you just moved here.


Well, we used to live here.

Really? Well, in that case,
welcome home.

Is your hand okay?


Are you sure?
'Cause it looks pretty bad.

I cut it on a bathroom mirror.

My dad and I were working
on a science project.

It's about the Hubble Telescope.

I was using
a little bathroom mirror

to be the mirror
in the telescope,

and I accidentally dropped it
on the floor.

I tried to grab the mirror
quickly off the floor

and cut my hand.

But my dad cleaned it out,
and it's okay now.

You like science?

I like space.


Hard to see stars
here in the city.

There's a place in Long Island

that's pretty good,
but it's like an hour away.

Does your dad take you there?

My mom used to.

Somber music

Hey, baby.

Can't stay long.

I just, uh...

I need you to talk to Him.

I try.

I say my prayers every day.

Maybe I'm...

too far down the pit.

And-and by the time my words

reach His ears,

they've echoed into...


So I need you to talk
to Him for me.

I know...

you say He doesn't
always give answers,

but I'm tired
of clinging to hope.

Tell Him...

I need tonight...

to be real.

We miss you so much.

Yo, this is Frank.

You know what to do.

Tense, eerie music

And for our next act,

please welcome
seventh grader Isaiah Cole.

Ladies, gentlemen, and other...

Can't hear you!

Ladies, gentlemen,
and otherwise defined,

tonight I will take you
on a miraculous journ...


Who was that? Put that away!


This, by all appearances,
is a regular quarter.

Look at him. He's about to cry.

He's about to do something,
but I don't think it's cry.

Hey. Enough.

Excuse me!

Do you need a volunteer?

What are you doing?

Tell them
you're gonna make me disappear.

- What?
- Tell them you're gonna

- make me disappear.
- I don't know how to do that.

Trust me.

I would now like to move on
to my grand finale, where...

I'm going to make
my brave volunteer...



now you see her...

Nice trick, bitch.

Is she gonna reappear
behind the curtain?


What the what?

Ethereal music

Yo! That's some Houdini shit
right there!

Tense music

Didn't mean to startle you.

Could you roll down
your window, sir?

Hey, can I help you
with something?

Uh... no.

Then what
are you doing here, sir?

Oh, I didn't...

I-I was just looking
for a place to pull over

and get some sleep.

This is a nice ride for
someone who sleeps in his car.

Uh, it's not my car.

I, uh, I drive for a living.

A chauffeur.


You seem nervous.

No, I, um...


I clearly made a mistake
coming here.

What makes you say that?

I-I'm just gonna be
on my way, okay?


Hey, and if, uh,
everything you told me is true,

I'll never see
your face again, right?

Sure. Yeah.

Ominous music

You get a license plate?


What are you thinking?

I'm thinking you need
to find out who owns that car

and if that man was lying to me.

Yes, sir.

But it's only 8:45,
and bedtime's not till 9:30.

Well, maybe Eleanor wants
to go home.

I want to hang out with Isaiah.

Okay, well, why don't
we check with your dad?

No, look, my dad just texted me.

He's not gonna be home
for another half an hour. See?

All right, well,
you got to text him back

and let him know where you are.

Mysterious music

You coming?

Oh, my dad told me it's impolite
to enter someone's home

without being invited in.

I appreciate your good manners.
You are very welcome here.

And don't forget
to text your dad!

Hey. Come on in.

They're, uh,
just in Isaiah's room.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

I hope she hasn't been
too much trouble.

Uh-uh, not at all.

Can I get you some tea?

Thank you, but I-I just, um...

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Um...
- What?

- Okay.
- Okay, fine.

- What was I?
- You were a manta ray.

- That's okay. My turn.
- What?

What are they...?

Oh, it's a game
I got Isaiah for Christmas.

He's obsessed.

- Okay. Am I alive?
- Yes.

- Am I an animal?
- Yes.

Am I a predator?


maybe? Uh...

What does "maybe" mean?

I honestly don't know.

So, you were saying?


I think you were trying to
politely collect Eleanor and go.


Am I a koala bear?

Uh, koalas aren't predators.

Are you kidding?

- No.
- They're freaking vicious.

- No, they're not.
- Yes, they are.

- No, they're not...
- Maybe we should just let 'em

- finish the game.
- Have you ever seen one?

- Have you?
- Hmm. Some tea?

- Please.
- Chamomile good?

Perfect. Thank you.

You have a beautiful home.

Thanks. We moved in
a couple years back.

Feels like
we're finally settling in.

You're a singer?

- What's that?
- The poster.

Oh. Yeah.

Different life.

Contemplative music

Ominous music


You okay?

Yeah. I-I was just, um...

I-Isaiah's father?


You want some honey?

I'm sorry, what?

With your tea?

Uh... yes, no, thank you.

You sure you're okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

It was just a...

long day at work.

What do you do?

I'm a cook.

How about you?

I'm a homicide detective
with NYPD.

Excuse me.


What the f*ck are you doing?

You need to go upstairs, Claire.

- Get away from him.
- Claire.

- Get away from...
- You need to go upstairs.

- Now.
- Get your f*cking hands off me!

I'm not going anywhere!

My brother is seizing!

He's not seizing. He's starving.

Now go upstairs.

Your father was very clear
about this.

You don't work for my father

You work for me.



Please help me.

Please help me.



- Peter. Peter.
- Please.

- Oh, God!
- Peter, no!

Help me, please!

Peter, stop!

Peter, stop! Stop! Stop!


Stop, stop!

Dramatic music