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06x09 - Queen of the Carpies

Posted: 11/02/22 06:39
by bunniefuu
Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly
With stories to share

All through the forest
They sing out in chorus

Marching along
As their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery
Are part of their history

Along with the secret
Of gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing
They take pride in knowing

They'll fight
For what's right

In whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

Voilà. These drapes will add
a splash of color to the room.

Don't you agree,
Your Highness?

Well, I-- Ow!

Please, milady.

If you move, I can't finish your
gown for the royal reception.

Oh, I'm sorry, Martha.

-Boy, Calla sure is lucky.
-[door opens]

I beg your pardon, Highness,

but it's time for your royal
riding lesson.

Oh. I'm afraid we'll have
to finish this later.

-Yes, Your Highness.
-Yes, Your Highness.

I'll meet you downstairs,
Sir Tuxford.

Very good, milady.

This is all
so exciting, Calla.

-What is?
-Having your room redecorated.

Getting a new gown.
Taking riding lessons.

Being a princess
sure is wonderful.

[Calla] It isn't all
fun and games, Sunny.

I have lots
of responsibilities too,

like having to attend
boring receptions.

How boring can it be
when you're a princess?

Redecorate your room?

Why? It's fine
just the way it is.

Sure, if you're
a farm animal.

Or a Gummi Bear.

But Gruffi, everything around
here is so...


Sorry, Your Royal Highness.

I'm going back to Calla's.

At least she treats me
like I'm special.

[King Carpy snarls]

[King Carpy]
Where are those birdbrains?

I want my beak warmer.

[Carpies squawking]

Well, it's about time.

Bobo, did you get it?

Yup, yup, yup.

Then give it to me, now!

Uh, your wish
is our command, Kingy.


Are you trying
to chicken-fry me?

A beak warmer
is soft and wooly,

and worn over the beak!

You got that?


Know what I'd do
to feather-wits like you

who challenge me?



-[blows landing]
-[Bobo grunting]

[teeth chattering]


Let that be a lesson.

I'm king because
I'm the meanest, baddest,

strongest bird around.

Now, does anyone else
want to challenge me?

[all squawking]

Then come on.

I'll show you how to find
a real beak warmer.

Carpe diem!

[Bobo panting and grunting]

Uh...hey, Kingy.

Wait for me!

Hmm, things would be
different around here

if I really were
a princess.

Oh, swell.

I bet this never happens
to Calla.

Okay, Tummi, once we wipe
the cobwebs out,

this ancient Gummi ejector
will be ready to blow.

That won't be so easy,

This thing hasn't
been cleaned in years.

Oh, yoo-hoo!

Would you gentlemen be so kind
as to lend me a hand?

Can't you see we're busy?

Can't you see
I need help?

Can't you go around
the stupid puddle?


Cubbi, I'm stuck.

If you were a princess,
I'd move to another kingdom.



Always playing princess.

Why can't they learn
to do important stuff,

like defending Gummi Glen?


[Tummi screams]




Where'd Kingy go?

[Tummi screaming]



Hey, where did this
come from?

Wow, it's beautiful.

Look, Kingy's crown.

How'd she get it?

Kingy don't let anyone
touch his crown.

Uh, maybe she
beat him up.

[all scream]


[Sunni giggles]

I feel like a queen.

And that's one better
than a princess.

-Hear that?

She must have ripped
Kingy apart.

Wait'll I show the others.

Hey, we can't
let her leave.

She's our queen.

Thank you for escorting us
to the royal ball, my lord.



-[teeth chatter]


Time for some
gummiberry juice.


Let me go,
you big buzzard!

Let me go!


No! Don't let me go!


Uh, your wish
is your command.

Tummi, are you all right?

Yeah, Cubbi.
But I think I hurt this duck.

That's no duck, Tummi.

Gummi Bears.


Oh, just wait till I--


Aww, the poor thing.

He's hurt his wing.

Wait, Tummi.
Carpies are evil.

Evil or not,

I hear my conscience
call me a bird-basher.


I was just flying along,
minding my own business,

when you smacked me
from behind.

Don't listen to him.

Bears shouldn't be allowed
to fly.


He's right, Cubbi.

It was all my fault.

Then I guess
we'll have to help him.

You bet your bare necessities
you have to help me.

And you can start
by bringing me a pillow

and something to eat.

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

-Long live the queen!
-What are you talking about?

[all gasp]

Well, answer me.

Uh, you're our queenie.

Your every wish
is our command.

Then I wish
you'd take me home.

Except for that wish.

Uh, we need you here,
you see.

But why did you pick me?

Uh, because you're the meanest,
the baddest, and the strongest.

I see.

Did you say
my every wish?


Well, this place isn't fit
for a queen.

If I have to live here,

then we should
spruce it up a bit.

Yes, Your Birdliness.

[King Carpy]
Flapjacks? What are flapjacks?

Here, try one.

They taste great
with syrup.

So that's what's happened
to my maple syrup.

Grammi. Gruffi.

We can explain.

Explain why you're helping
that overgrown canary?

This had better
be good.

Well, you see, we were cleaning
an old Gummi ejector...

And then I hit
this duck,

except he wasn't
really a duck.

And when he fell down,
he hurt his wing.

Ow. Stop that.

Say, that is a nasty bump.

He's going to need
a wing splint.

So? What are you
looking at me for?

Please, Gruffi.

Being unkind to animals
is a terrible thing

to have on your

Oh, all right.

But I can't believe
I'm doing this.

Don't worry, dear.

We'll take good care
of you.

There. A perfect
nest of hair.


I wish Calla
could see me now.

I bet her new gown isn't made
from genuine goose down.

Where shall I put this,
Your Birdliness?

Mm, over there.

That awful corner
needs a splash of color.


This is the life.

Uh...oh, pardon me,
Your Birdliness,

but we're hungry.

So? Eat something.

But we have to go out
to get it.

Okay, you have my permission.


No, I didn't say
I wanted to go.




This beats riding horseback
any old day.

Maybe I'll never go back
to Gummi Glen.

[King Carpy laughing]

[King Carpy]
Stop! Stop!

You're tickling me.
Please, stop!

We were just trying
to make you more comfortable.

Well, if you want
to be helpful,

go see what's taking
my dinner so long.

No need for that.

Soup's on.

Nothing like some hot
ragnoodle soup

to fix you up.



Are you trying to poison me?

I'm a bird.

I eat worms!

Worms? Ew, gross!


are you going
to eat that?

I had a big lunch.
You can have it.


[all squawking]

Hey, what's going on here?

He tried to eat
my dinner!

Your dinner?
It's my dinner!

[angry shouting]

Uh...why don't you just
share it?


That's a good idea.

It's gone!

You ate it!

-I did not. You did!
-Did not!

Did too.

-Did not!
-Did too!

Maybe Calla was right.

The royal life isn't all
fun and games.

I feel more like a babysitter
than a queen.

Uh, can I help, Queenie?

Your wish is my command.

I wish you'd stop
saying that.


Actually, I wish I were
back home.

[King Carpy laughing]

Watch it, will you?



Well, Your Highness?

I guess it'll do.

Why, you ungrateful--

Oh, Kingy,
Grammi made you

this little going-away present.

Ooh! A beak warmer.

And it fits just right.


You're not allergic
to moth wool, are you?

No. It's just that I've always
wanted one of these.

Say, how do you bears
like to leave this place

and join me
up in my mountain retreat?

Hmm. Might be a nice getaway
for a weekend.

Oh, I meant for life.

That's pretty long
for a getaway.

Thank you for your kind offer,

but this is our home.


I'm through being
Mr. Nice Bird.

Move it, Grammi, or maybe you'd
like to sew him a quilt too.


You little--



My beak warmer!

Come on.

So long, crybaby.


You bears are going to pay
for this!

I'm going to make those Gummis
my personal slaves,

even if I have to call in
an air strike.

Ah, home sweet home.


What did you do
to my throne room?

Kingy! Oh, thank goodness
you're back.

A Gummi Bear?

And she's wearing
my crown!

Cage her up at once!

We can't.

You can't?

She's our queenie.

I am not!

Yes, you are.
You ripped our kingy apart.

Excuse me, Bobo.

Do I look ripped apart?

Hmm. Good point.

Allow me to show you
what one looks like

when one is ripped apart.

[Bobo grunting]


Now, give me back my crown.

Here, take your old crown

All I want to do
is see my family.

[King Carpy]
Oh, you'll see them, all right.

Here, with feather dusters
and aprons.

What do you mean?


Long live Kingy!

Flock together, troops.

We have more Gummi Bears
to bring home.


Just relax, kid,

because the only place to go
is down.

About four or five thousand feet


Carpe diem!

Carpe diem, my foot.

I'm out of here.

Even if it takes
a day or two--






Uh, sounds like Queenie.

Uh, looks like Queenie.

Ah! It is Queenie.



Queenie, that's no way to fly.

Well, I'm in kind of a hurry
to get back to Gummi Glen.

Uh, I don't think
Kingy would like that.

Why do you want
to go there?


I like you so much,

and I want you to meet
the folks at home.


Oh, gosh.

You're too nice.
I mean, that's--

That's really swell.
Oh, gosh.


Don't mention it.

So you'll take me home?

Yeah, I guess I will.

[Gruffi] I'm sure glad
that blasted bird is gone.

He was driving me batty.

Talk to me about batty.


Oh, sorry if I startled you.

Oh, but I've been
running around Dunwyn all day,

and I'm pooped.

Say, where's Sunni?

Isn't she with you?

Why, no.
I haven't seen her in days.

-Is something wrong?
-[Grammi] Oh, dear.

I sure hope
Sunni's okay,

because looks who's back.

Take them alive!


That crackpot cuckoo
has got Grammi.

Now you can join that whiny
little bear with the funny hair.

Sunni? What have you
done with her?

You turkeys are asking
for trouble.



[loud crash]

Tar and feathering
those Carpies is easy.

They're already feathered.

I'll bop those stuzzards.

Stop those buzzards,

with an upside-down spell.

[chanting spell]



[all squawk]

So much for those



Oh, no.
This is terrible.

-[Sunni] Go, Bobo, go!

-I'm going, I'm--


Bobo, what are you
doing with my house maid?

Kingy will rip me
apart again.


[both grunt]

[King Carpy laughs]

Hey, watch it!

Let my friends go.

No! No!

Get this Gummi off my back!



My feathers!

My beautiful feathers!


-[loud crash]
-[both grunt]


Boy, do you look funny.

All right, Queenie.

Let's see just how mean,
bad and strong you really are.

Have it your way.

No. That buzzard
will tear her apart.



No. Stop. Stop.


I'll do anything.

-Oh, yes. Yes!

Give me the crown.

Okay! Okay, you win!

Hail, Queen Sunni!

Hail, Queen Sunni!

Sunni? Queen of the Carpies?

I command you
to release the Gummi Bears.

Your wish is our command.

Uh, Queenie is the meanest,
baddest, and the strongest.

Oh, I don't know
about that.

Why don't you challenge me,
just to be sure.

Uh, nope, nope nope.


I couldn't do that.

As your queen,

I command you
to challenge me.


I challenge you?

Okay, I give up.

Long live King Bobo!

Your wish is our command!

Findeth me a beak warmer...


-[all squawking]
-Yes, King Bobo.

-You're the boss.
-Hail, Bobo.

Oh, won't they ever learn?

Traitors! I'm the real king
around here!


Just wait till my feathers
grow back.

Ah, now this is the life.

I'll say one thing,

This is one time you deserve
to be treated like a queen.

Oh, it's not as much fun
as I hoped it would be, Gruffi.

Especially when your best
friends aren't around.

Without that,
it's for the birds.
