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07x09 - Whisper To Us

Posted: 11/02/22 16:05
by bunniefuu
[MAN] Previously on Queen Sugar.

[HOLLYWOOD] We knew this day
was coming and we pray for it,

for their sake.

I just didn't know
it would hurt so much.

They're calling a school board meeting

to vote on banning your work.

This is insane. We can't back down.

- You r*ped me.
- You really wanna out yourself?

You did what you did

and I will make sure that you pay.

No, if you're saying
that the summer with her

is the summer that changed everything.


I didn't think you want to hear from me.

I would love to catch up.

- You still go to skate country?
- Skate country?

Not since tearing up the rink for Billy.

And you.

You could barely skate, but please,

- with those little Booty shorts.

Don't treat me like that.

By the end of junior year,
I was putting y'all to shame.

It just took me a minute to get my legs.

Okay, okay, if that's your story.

It is

and I'm sticking to it.


You know when I look at you now...

Feels like time stood still.

Like I'm a teenager all over again

minus the press and curl.

Oh, the press and curl was fire.

Those little Alia bangs.

You look sexy as hell.


But never will a hot comb
torch my ears again.

- Yeah.
- Some things

are better left in the past.

I'm glad our connection
is the one of them.

I'm happy we're back in touch.

Me too.


So you stay pretty close to home.


You never wanted to move away?

Not really.

I love Louisiana.

There's something about
this little piece of the world.

The way the cypress trees sway
and got that one rhythm.

Big sky filled with stars at night.

And people not always behaving
the way you'd like, but...

Loving you no matter what.

I wish I saw this place the way you do.

And I love St. Joe, it's just...

Didn't always love me.

You know, I think that idea
that this place

didn't always love you.

It's a story you've told yourself.

Maybe it's time you told
yourself a new story.

One where you're not the victim.

You're the hero.

♪ Dreams never die,
take flight as the world turns ♪

♪ dreams never die take
flight as the world turns ♪

♪ keep the colors in the lines ♪

take flight dreams never die ♪

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ keep the colors in
the lines take flight ♪

Joaquin, I'm just glad
that y'all are getting settled.

What you remember what I told you?

We're family. So you need
anything, let us know.

We're here. Okay, hold on, hold on.

Thank you.

Joaquin, my man.

Hey, don't forget to tell
Dante that I need

y'all help getting true
north back on that water.


Yeah. All right.


Come here, baby.

Come here, my love.


Yeah, I miss him too.

I mean, it's ripe, you know?

They're with their father.

Lord knows they deserve
to be a family again.

It's just...


I had given up all thoughts
of having children

and then the boys...

Had me feeling things that I pushed down

way deep inside of me.

And those...

Feelings have started to come back.


You know it ain't got to be that way.

All those empty spaces that you got,

and they can be filled.

Baby, you got a whole lot of loving.

There's children out there who need it.

Should we think about fostering again?

I thought about it.

But no one that, we gotta let him go,
that's hard for me.

With Blue, with the boys.

They move on.

Well, maybe.

Maybe you could take that love
that you have for that one child

and give it to the next one.

And then after that,
you give it to the next one

and pretty soon you'll have
a whole world of children.

Knows what the love of Violet
Bordelon-Desonier feels like

and that should be enough
to keep you going.

Talked to Blue this morning?


He talked my ear off.

He has a field trip later.

So, you know how much he loves
his explorations.

Like him being in
the same city is at best.

Don't sit right with me.

I know, but... he's okay.

He will never find out what any of this.

Not until or if we ever decide
to tell him.

Maybe we should tell him.
I mean, what if he finds out

- on his own?
- Not yet.

I mean,
everything comes out eventually, Darla.

Not now.



And he ain't say nothing
about making him pay

for the part of the plant.

He's not paying.

He's donating to the farmers,

to this community.

He's not paying for Blue.

He's not paying me.

And once a month,

I'll have to face what he did to me.


I don't think he think
about nothing but himself.

You might be right, but does it
even really matter what he thinks.

It matters what I think.

And since that day,
I've been thinking differently.

I'm not afraid.

I'm ashamed.

I'm here.

And all is well.

Well, I'm proud of you.

An Orion's get together.

We here to talk what we came
to talk about.

That's all the most of y'all
are in, right?

The real dads on duty,
they started shreveport

armed with nothing but fatherly love

and dad jokes.

And that may change lives.

Now I propose that we do
something like that down here.


And our kids, man, they're
getting hit with way too much for us

not to be guiding them.

You got the pandemic,
you got black folks

dying on tape and being shown
on TV with ease.

Got Trump's foolishness,
social media manipulation,

mass sh**t.

Things have definitely gotten
worse since I was in high school.

And you know why?
School was supposed to be

a safe place, a safe
environment to learn

and to grow. Not to be seeing
all of these fights

and being bullied.

Especially hard for
the sensitive kids like Blue.

- All these kids be stressed, really.
- Posttraumatic stress.

You know, we got them school
board meeting's coming up.

Tensions are high.
We can be there to calm it down.

Not for the parents, yes.
But especially for the kids.

And that principal over there,
he ain't doing nothing

but sitting around waiting
for retirement

while kids like Dante,
and them other young 'uns

over there suffering
and losing they way.

Any kid shouldn't have
to go through that at school.

Or getting shot. You know,
now getting a education

has you in the line of fire.

We should have kids at school
thinking they're safe.

One day they don't come home no more.

- That ain't right.
- That's a damn shame.

I'm about with whatever you're doing.

- Count me in.
- Count me in. I'm there.

Yeah, me too.

Bottom line is, fellas,
if we don't step up and show up,

who will?

We ain't gonna be waiting
for nobody else.

No, we have to make the change.

We are for change.

- Right.
- Who's with me?

- Hey, man.
- Let's do it.

Dads on patrol!

[MAN] I'm down.

So what did I miss
at the last one of these?

- Just give me the highlights.
- Okay. Um...

I went to college, traveled a little.

Not as much as I wanted to,
but I'd love to get a feel

for the world, what's out there.


Then got real activated
and settled on the ninth.

Worked for a newspaper. Wrote a book.


I read it.

I'm glad you're still writing.

I always said you were
gonna be the next bell hooks.

I don't know about that.

I still have that book of hers
that you got me.

You used to read me
passages out in the cane.

Looking up at the stars.

"The moment we choose to love..."

"...we begin to move towards..."

All right, your turn.
Highlights, please.

- Well, after high school,

I worked in the store

and I moved to St. Martin's.

I met my wife.


Pretty recent, it's been
about two years.

But we're good. We never
really stopped loving someone.

And we share the kids.
We got that right.

How many kids do you have?

Two. A boy and a girl.


- The boy's just like you.
- Oh.

Just can't wait to get out of here.

You got kids?

No. Never felt like my path.

But I love having kids around,
I have two nephews

and a baby niece.

That last day I saw you...

We were supposed to go
to that graduation party.

Have our first dance in public.

I'm sorry I never called.

Or that I didn't show up.

What happened?

You were the best thing
that happened to me back then.

But I was outed to my father and, um...

He ain't never looked at me the same.

I mean up until then,

I adored him and...

He adored me.

And then...

There was a sadness...

In his eyes.

And it broke me.

I'm sorry.

Well, Mr. Ernest would come by
the store.

He always seemed like he wanted to talk,

but then he'd just order number six

and a strawberry cold drink.

When he suggested that I call you.

I wish I had it.

[SIGHS] You don't know how much...

It means to me that he said that to you.

That was a long time ago.

What up, uncle wood?

Here you go. [COOING]

Come here.

Oh, my gosh.

- She's growing like a weed.
- Doctor says she gonna be tall like me.

She at the th percentile.

Ooh, look at you, supermodel.

Ah, she gonna be a scientist.
Ain't that right, baby?

There ain't nothing wrong
with being a farmer.

- Oh, baby.


To be a farmer, that's why.

A farmer... You gonna be...

Tell Mr. Prosper you don't like farming.


Take these. We got to get
some more dads out.

I know technically I'm not a father,

but after watching Dante come home.

Being bullied at school, I just
couldn't sit around and do nothing.

You don't have to be
a biological father to father.

That's right.

So, dig it, man.

I put in my paperwork to foster again.

- Whoa, look at you.
- Are you for real?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Whoo.
- Anybody be lucky to call you dad.

Yeah, you and vi
gonna make good parents.

- All right.
- I'll see you in a second.

I'll see you in a second, Mr. Prosper.

Just sit down for a minute, will you?

So, I mean how's everything
with you and Darla

after everything, you know,
went down last night

with Chase?

Ever think about therapy, wood?

I've never done it,
but I know it does a whole lot

of people a whole lot of good.

Can't stop thinking about
what he did to her.

It's been on my mind, you know?

I get it.

And I remember when Jimmy Dale
come by the house,

you always hear people talking
about snapping, but brother...

[EXHALES] I was so close.

All I saw was just red.

But, Ralph, we gotta learn
to let them things go.

Nothing good ever comes
from that type of thinking.

It only hurts you
way more than it hurts them.

And you're saying I should just...

Let it go?

How am I supposed to let it go, wood?

What? I'm supposed to just move on?

After he did what he did
to the woman I love?

To my wife?

I can't wrap my mind around that one.

I sure as hell can't let it go.

Listen, man.

Your job is to protect
and love your wife.

Focus on her. Not on him.

He's not worth your attention, your time

or your energy.

No, brother.

Change the way you think.

He's not worth it.


These are photos I took
for your insurance claim.

Thank you.

All right.

You know I wanted to talk
to you about that one.

I could barely stand.

I would like to use this photo
in our show

with your permission.

You gonna hang this up like it's art?

It is art.

Some of the best photos I've ever taken.

This photo can bring to life
the real burden

that black farmers face.

Storms are getting crazy.

Talk about climate change
and the real people that it affects.

- And you see all that in this picture?
- I do.

And when it sells,

I want to donate
all the proceeds to the co-op.

If it weren't for the co-op,
I wouldn't be here.

Ronnie, youngblood.

Thank you.



What's up?

Remember when you had
your picture hanging up here,

- at the...
- Mm-hmm.

You and your friend. I had no
business running my mouth about it.

It's clear that you have vision,
you can see things I don't see.

See, when I was coming up,
it was a different time.

But it still don't make it right.

So I'm just glad that you
don't gotta live like that,

- young blood.
- Thank you.

Thank you. I appreciate you saying that.

- I love you, boy.
- I love you too.

Where'd that come from?

An old mill over in houma
is selling off some parts.

We could probably fix up the harvester.

Yeah, I think we should try it.

I mean, it can only increase the value.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for calling.

I haven't been here for so long.

Charlie was so driven
to make this happen.

I want to talk to you about
your book and your movie.

Uh... [STUTTERS] I already
told the publisher

that it's not happening.
The movie is dead.

I promise you, Darla.

No, no, no.

I see now what you were trying
to do with your books.

I don't like how you did it.

You told my story without my permission.

But you also put light
into what I hid too long

- in the dark.
- And I didn't intend to hurt you.

But I did. Deeply.

And I'm sorry.

I believe you.

And I forgive you.

After seeing Chase here,
where I live, where I fell in love.

Or I died and came back to life.

I realized that he has
no power over me that

I don't allow him to have.

He didn't break me. I took him down.

That's what I want people to know.

Your book ended
in the middle of my story.

I won.

Add that to your movie
and you'll have my blessing.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I'm a boss now in the way I walk ♪

♪ the way I walk ♪

♪ I'm a boss now in the way I talk ♪

♪ the way I talk ♪

♪ I'm a boss now droppin' grand ♪

♪ I'm a boss now bottles in my hand ♪

♪ I'm a boss now in the way I walk ♪

♪ the way I walk ♪

♪ I'm a boss now
it's in the way I talk ♪

All right, fellas.

Y'all enjoy the calm before the storm.

These kids be getting out
of class in an actual minute.

Steel yourselves.

I'm ready to go.

Sounds like we're going to w*r.

Feel like it sometimes.

I don't know the last time
you was in school.

Was school problematic for you?

How about he was the problem?

Look, I had my moments
trying to balance school life

and home like a tug of w*r.

Either withdrawal or act out.

Yeah, and neither one is good.

- That's right.
- Yeah.


Here we go.


Good afternoon, kids.

Hey, man, what was that?

- I didn't see him.
- Oh, come on, man.

I got eyes, you expect me
to believe that?

- What's your name?
- Kyle.


My main man, Kyle. Now, look,
my name is Hollywood, all right?

And there's a simple rule that
good people like me and you have

to always follow.

If you do something like that,
you got to stand by it.

If you can't stand by those actions,

then just don't do it.

All right?

All right.

- I'll be seeing you around, Kyle.
- Okay, Mr. Hollywood.

All right, man.

You think he was picking up
what I was putting down?

I don't know, but I felt like
I got a life lesson.

Yeah, I was getting ready to go
to my locker and write that down.

- Ain't no locker. Come on.


I stand here tonight,

asking members of the school board

to please...

Do the right thing.


Speak, sis!

You got this. There's no way

they're gonna ban your book
after that speech.


Oh, this reminds me of old times.

What did you think?

As a parent?

Oh, um, as a parent, I just...

I just want what's best for my kids.

But some of those parents
aren't gonna see it like that.

So he's into it.

Pour some sugar on it.

You mean tone it down?


It's not really my thing.


I got you.

Hello. Can I get you
some coffee to start?

Sure. And I'd like to try one
of each of your pies, please.

Well, baby, you must be hungry
because that's seven slices.

I'm gonna try them all.

I'll have one here
and the rest of to go.

You choose.

All right.

Uh, Simone, baby.

Come and package up this order please.

And my friend, you get our last slice

of today's apple pie special.


- You enjoy it.
- Thank you.


Mmm, mmm, mmm.


Interesting's right.
This is pretty spectacular.


Who on earth is Demetrius
and what is this about?

Let me show you something.

Yo, yo, Demetrius here.

- What in the world?
- You're Ms. Violet, right?


My daughter showed
me this gal on tiktok.

He reviews everything.

And he is crazy about your pies.

My daughter and all her
little friends stand in line

at the farmers market for an hour

just to get a slice before it sells out.

Well, I ain't never met this man.

- Here you go.
- Oh, I love Demetrius.

He's so funny. He loves you, Ms. Violet.

- You know about this?
- Everyone knows about him.

He's got, like, a million followers.

I told you.

Martin Henderson.

I am a buyer for Hayes farm fresh foods.

And we've got two stores here
in Louisiana,

but we've got them in every state too.

I want to talk to you about
getting your pies in our stores.

Well, thank you, Martin.


It's flattering, indeed

and I would need to discuss
this with my business partner.

And then we'll get back to you
about our interest.

Of course. Of course.

- Here you go.
- Well, I look forward

to hearing from you.

Enjoy your pies.

- Thank you.
- Thanks for stopping.



Don't mind me. Don't mind me.

Lord have mercy!

You're poisoning our kids' minds.

You're the ones
that are teaching hate here.

I'm done with it.
Let's keep the politics out of it.

I don't need a bunch of books
teaching my kid

he was born a r*cist.


Quiet down.

[WOMAN] That's right.

Nova Bordelon, you have three minutes.

We may not share the same point of view,

but I'm hoping that you listen
with an open heart.

I know what it's like
to be blinded by anger.

I know what it's like
to be made to feel small

and judged by outside perceptions.

Which is why it is so important that

we fight for the truth.

Not my opinion. Not a theory. The truth.

No matter how ugly or harsh,
we need to face the truth.

Brainwashing our kids
into hating themselves.

Baby, my niece is speaking.
She listened to you,

please let her talk.

It's her talking to our kids that
got us here in the first place.

With all due respect,
these are good kids.

You're gonna sell your son short.

- Isolation is not the answer.
- Don't tell me how to raise my kids.

- Quiet down.

I'm asking you to raise your children

knowing that truth is not the enemy.

We're willing to give our kids
a g*n before a book.

- Something's broken.
- Now she wants to take away our g*ns.

That is not what she said.

- Stop putting words in her mouth.
- Everybody, please.

Miss Bordelon still has
the floor. Let her continue.

I'm saying...

Arm your children
with knowledge, not weapons.

The great Angela Davis said
I am no longer accepting

the things that I cannot change...

you know, I'm not gonna sit here

and listen to you preach
at me. You need to shut up.

You know what, watch your mouth.

I'm about tired of your ass.

- You need to be quiet.
- I'm sorry, Ms. Bordelon.

We're out of time, we need to vote.


By a vote of three to two,

the board has ordered a ban
of all texts with mentions

to race, sexuality.


They can't do this.

They're erasing our, our stories.

Our history.

Oh, I'm sorry, baby.

You're the only one in there
that made any sense.

Most of our greatest things
have been banned at some point.

Consider yourself in good company.

There's got to be more we can do.

I knew they were mad, but I
hope they wouldn't take it that far.

Yeah, well, the loudest man in the room

is the weakest man in the room.

It was two to two
and the last man just gave up.

Who's gonna take his place?

We'll have to schedule
a special election.

I just hope we don't end up
with one of those maga zealots.

And what you gotta do to run?

You interested?

Somebody's gotta do something, right?

Well, you love kids.

And these ones need you.

I think it's a perfect idea.

You will need signatures
to get on the ballot.

That's doable.

Between the diner, real spot and co-op.

Local hands on work.

- That's the key.
- That's right.

People focus on the president,
senators, congress people

but the day to day decisions
of the local school boards,

police boards, district attorneys,

city councils. That's the stuff
that really affects our lives.

You got that right.


Mel and Nova and others
out here fighting for these kids

only to be shut down
and banned over politics.

- Count me in.
- All right.


You sold it.

It's a big deal to sell
something like this.

I sort of can't believe it.
You know, it just feels good.

This is the direction I want
to go with my work.

Yeah, it's dynamic.

Your voice. You're finding it.
You're fighting for it.

We're hot. Good to see
you. Dope show, man.

We should definitely
incorporate a few of these pieces

in our next campaign.

What the hell are you doing here?

Bro, you're selling these...
Dude, this is, this is good.

We could make a lot
of money off of this.

Do you hear yourself?

Look, it's not a big deal, all right?

We just need to get back in the game.

- I know an investor.
- That's not how I want to do this.

What so, that's it?

You're just got to drop me
after I put you in the game?

- Yo, what you gonna do without me?
- I'll figure something out.

You ever heard the phrase,
"be the change you want to see"?

Aw, that's cheesy as hell.

I want to thank you actually

for showing me
everything I never want to be.

Up close and personal,
the greed, the desperation,

the hollowness.

I want to feel full.

If that's cheesy, then so be it.

Felt good being back at school
with the other dads.

Took me all the way back.

I hated high school though.

What were you like?

- Chip on my shoulder.
- Why?

My ma and pop just wanted me to excel.

He's some kind of a student.
He's nothin' like Blue.

You felt like you disappointed him.



It works.

That's going to add a lot
to the property value.

I thought you said all these
parts came from a shuttered mill.

That's what he said.

That the owner's selling off the parts.

Landry selling his parts to a mill?

That don't sound right.

We should take it over there,
see what's up.

Come on.

This is where he got the spare parts.

That's the edge
of Landry's land right there.

[DARLA] What's up with
the property lines?

[RALPH] Construction markers.

If we let him sneak us this time,
that'll be it for the co-op.

Surround us in concrete
and block our water.


We need to figure out
what they're planning.


Well, now, that's nice.

What do you think, Hollywood?

Sharp as a tack just like
the rest of him.

I don't know, just.
My sleeve's gonna need the alteration

and the pants too.

I mean the jacket's a little
snug around the shoulder.

I don't think this my color.

Prosper, you have tried on five suits.

You need to make the choice.

- The wedding's in a few days.
- Yeah, well, I know.

Hell, I might as well say it,
I'm nervous

and I want it to be perfect.

Well, marrying the woman you
love is gonna be perfect, baby.

You know, it's...

It's been a while since
I've had to live up

to somebody else's expectations.

I mean, I love Sandy Leflore.
I love that woman.


You know, I wonder if

I still have enough left to give.

Oh, Prosper Denton,

you are a good man.
One of the best I have ever known.

You're kind, honest.
Your heart is full of love.

Not a mean bone in your body.

You have all that. That's a full t*nk.

And that's everything a woman
really wants.

You are more than enough, my brother.

Sandy should be lucky to have you.

Amen. Now...

You go on back in there
and keep trying on these suits

and we're gonna find the right one.

Yes, ma'am.


- What's up, Mr. Prosper?
- Dylan, how you doing?

All right.

- What's wrong?
- So we drove by Landry's

and we saw construction markers.

Feel like they planned this out.

- This is Betty's land.
- It sure is.

- Who?
- Betty.

Parker's mama.

Let 'em on the land,
you don't want nobody to know about it.

That's her indeed.

But he don't have no
right to do anything there.

I mean, if this is one of Sam's schemes,

she'd have no part in it.

All right, she then keep up
with the land

the Landry's to handle it.

I doubt she knows anything.

But it's her.

Yeah, well on paper. Yeah.

I can check with the parish
and review the land records.

We need to find out.

Baby, you sure you want
to open up that though?

The whole lot back there.

I've let her be.
I respected her choices.

But this is different now.
This isn't just Landry.

You see that school board?
Their voices, their faces.

What they did? Banning books.

Stealing land.

No, I was here when it was bad.

We cannot let it back slide.

- You're damn right.
- I know her.

She would help if she can.

She knew better.

And that's why I need to
see her face to face myself.

Because I know her.

And I know she would help if she could.

I just need to find her.

Well, I got some people
who can help with that.

All right, everybody.

Just want to say thank you all
for coming out tonight.

Those images at the showcase,
they really mean a lot to me.

It's definitely a turning point

in how I've been thinking about things

and I just want to say
thank you for inspiring me.


My family is from a small town
just outside of New Orleans.

- Kiki's from there too.
- Shout out to St. Joe.

Shout out to St. Joe.

Um, and I've been thinking about how
the people from St. Joe never give up.

I was just a part of this collective

that sold NFTs recently.

I'm talking private jets,
trips around the world.

Yeah, it was cool. It was cool.


I don't know, it didn't feel right.

And it didn't last,
the business crashed.

I feel like the stuff
that they were selling,

it wasn't a part of the solution.

It was disposable.

It's a temporary high.

That's why...

I want to make something
with each of you

that lasts.

Our own collective, for us by us.

One that centers
people of color and women

of all kinds, q*eer people,

all those people
who have been on the outside

of that popular box.

People who never give up.

- That's the dream.
- It could be a reality.

Yeah. He's been kinda
showing me the ins and outs.

I've learned a lot.
But it starts right here.

In this moment, in this room,

we can do this.

But I feel like we can raise
this thing up

with our love of the game.

You know, see how far that gets us

and then figure out the rest.

- Cheers.




I got it.

It's Mr. Randolph.

Come on in.

Thank you.

Hey, is everything okay with our loan?

No. But I want you to hear this from me.

I was fired today in
retaliation for helping y'all.

- Fired?
- Mm-hmm.

You're being punished
for doing your job.

In that house, helping black
farmer ain't part of the job.

Miller's been taking advantage
for years.

Every time I report him, I get demoted.

He gets moved up.

But I knew this was coming,
so I started making a copy

of all of these a few months back.

Take a look at these.

These are all the applications

Miller's been sitting on.
These are all black farmers.

Here's Ms. Christina's.

Darla, I'm so sorry.
I should have spoke up soon.

But I figured if I gotta go,

we'll make some noise on my way out.

So, and look at this.
This is Sam Landry's file.

- Sam Landry?
- Mm-hmm.

They haven't made payments in
their loans in almost months.

That's what he's saying.
You got farmers begging for more time,

when Landry gets a pass?

Nonetheless he slide 'cause he can

and then they slide him
a few dollars in return.

- They bribe him.
- Exactly.

These people in a bad way.
They're desperate.

They carry a lot of debt, a whole lot.

Always have.

It's not what it looked like
from the outside.

We found out they've been
selling their mills for parts.

Desperate people do desperate things.

They don't want to get caught
in that fire.

It will make me want
to start one of our own.

So is this where you'd sit with my dad?

Usually took it to go, but...

Sometimes we'd sit out here.

That's just... wow.

Just the thought of him
driving out here,

having a burger.

Hanging with you for a little.

Wanting to connect somehow.

That just blows my mind.

It makes me feel closer to him.

You know, all these years
I wonder what would happen

if he didn't find out.

If I hadn't been scared.

So I did what I wanted to do.

I'd have gone to that graduation party.

Dance with you back then in public.

Who knows?

Might have led to
a completely different life.


That's something else
when you think back to times

it could have been turning points.

Most of the time, we don't
even recognize them as that.

There's so many decisions
we make every day

that lead us to the steps on our path.

And I just... I have to believe that

we all are where we're supposed to be

at any given moment.

Even the tough ones,

especially the beautiful ones.

You know what? Bump that.

No use wondering anymore.

It is our time.

Let's take it back.

Let's dance.

[LAUGHS] Okay.

- Let me see.

It's perfect.

Yeah, it's perfect.


♪ I don't know what it is
that you've done to me ♪


♪ But it's caused me to act
in such a crazy way ♪


♪ Whatever it is that you do
when you do what you're doing ♪

♪ it's a feeling I want to stay ♪

Our timing's off again.

This is our time then, Nova.

I just want to dance with you.

That's all.

Let's just be here now.

I get so weak in the knees
I can hardly speak ♪

I lose all control
and something takes over me ♪

in a daze your love's so amazing ♪

♪ it's not a phase
I want you to stay with me ♪

by my side, I swallow my pride ♪

♪ your love is so sweet it
knocks me right off of my feet ♪

I can't explain why
your love, it makes me weak ♪