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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 11/02/22 18:44
by bunniefuu

Prepare to lose.

Watch this.

Danny, did I win?


Ahh, come on! Was I close?

Miles away.

Ah, give me a break! Right, in here
now. Rematch, come on.

Danny. Are we having
a rematch or what?

Come on, what you doing?


I want to come.


I want to come with you.


I just want to see what's out there.

There's nothing out there.

You don't know that.
There might be somewhere.

Where'd you get that?

Found it. What is it?

Don't matter. It's all gone, Danny.
I told you.

I want to see.

You don't believe me?

I do. Of course, I do.
It's just, I'm not a kid and...

- It's too dangerous.
- I could help you get food, or...

- I said it's too dangerous.
- ...I'm stronger now.

You wouldn't know what to do mate,
OK? Get it in your head!

Teach me, then.

What to do.

So I can go out one day.


All right.

You, you, you don't think I should
just give Tom's dad a call?

- Why?
- Just to let, let him know about Danny.

Oh, yeah, that's a great idea,
innit? Just say, yeah,

thanks for giving boys
a bit of work,

and oh, by way, one of 'em's a
f*cking maniac.

Jesus Christ, Aaron. I never
said he was a f*cking maniac did I?

It's fine. You said you wanted me
to get a job, so...

- I know I did, OK?
- Right, then.

- And it's safe?
- Oh, my days, it's picking fruit, Mum.

What do you want me to do,
get him a crash helmet?

In case a f*cking apple lands on
his head?

OK. You'll give me a call later.

You don't need to call.

OK. All right, Danny love?

I'm fine, thanks.

Good. Right, then, well,
have a good day, then.

- Mum.
- Mm?


Right, yeah.

Put your belt on, Danny.

This is a nightmare.

Come on. Let's just get on with it.

Come on.

It stinks.

You all right?

You the twats
that f*cked the gate, then?

Um, yeah.

You're late.

Right. Sorry.

Where's Mark?

Not here. Why?

Come on, then, I'll get you started.

It's not fair to leave
the dog like that.

What's that?

The dog, it don't wanna be
chained up like that.

Is that what he said?


Don't worry about him, then.
Come on.

Oh, I hope you like getting shit
on your trainers.

- What you doing?
- What?

Talking about a stupid dog.

- But he's unhappy.
- I'm unhappy. f*ck the dog.


I just mean, just forget about
the dog. Don't f*ck the dog.

- Why would I f*ck the dog?
- I don't know.

I don't know what goes on up in your
head, do I?

- I'm not mad.
- No? Then what are we doing here, eh?

Lover's tiff, is it?

Yeah. I mean, no.

Look just... try and act normal, yeah?

Don't talk about monsters
or Charlie f*cking Chaplin,

just... Don't let on
to who you are, all right?

And don't f*ck the dog.

There's a barrow there.

See this great big pile of shit?

Needs to go in the spreader
over there, all right?

All right?

Yeah, yeah.

What were you up here for, anyway?

Um, nothing. Just bored.

Best head to the most boring place
in the world, then.


What's he like? Mark?

Well, you met him.
Bit of a scary fucker, right?

No, he ain't.

No? What do you think of him, then?

- Think he's a p*ssy.
- Yeah?


p*ssy clot.

Right on.

Think you can handle that, yeah?

Yeah, yeah, course. Yeah. Easy.

f*ck's sake.

Oh, hi. Hi, it's Vicki, isn't it?

Yes. Danny, right? How's it going?

Er, yeah. Er, could I,
could I just have a quick chat?

I'm due on a call, I'm afraid,

so you'll have to make
an appointment.

No, I have, it's not
for three weeks.

It's just... Please, er,

could I just have
a quick minute?

- Course.
- Shall we go to your office?

Erm, let's walk.

I, I just wanted to talk to you
about how it's all going.

I mean,
I think he is settling in OK.

It's just, my partner's worried.
Just we've got young kids,

that it's not the right place
for him.

But I, I, I think he's doing OK,
and, erm,

he's even got a job,
fruit picking, which I...

I think's good, you know?

Do him good to get outside
after everything and...

- Well, it all sounds very positive.
- Yeah?

Yeah. He's very lucky to
have you. I've got to go.

Can you turn it off? Please.

He ain't lucky.

Look, I'm sorry.
I know you're busy but I,

I don't know who else to talk to.

I were glad when he went away.
My brother.

He were a nightmare.

And I put my whole life on hold
looking after him

and it, it was so exhausting,
and then, well, when he disappeared,

I were relieved.

But you couldn't have known
what he'd do.

You had no idea where he'd
taken him.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Come on, Aaron. There's a good boy.

Feel your muscles burning?

I'm starving, me.

What'd she give you?



You got ham and I got mashed-up cold
egg? Want to swap?



Ham's f*cking yum.

She might get it, you know.


That girl. Farm girl.

Might give her it.

Give her what?

You know. The d*ck.

My d*ck.

If you like her, maybe you should
say something nice to her.

Yeah. What like?

I think you got it all.

There's just one small thing
you're missing.

All of me.

What were that?

It's from a film.

I always imagined meeting someone
and saying that to them.

And were they sick all down their
front when you imagined it?

You've got a lot to learn,
my peculiar friend.

Oh, shit.

Come on.

Not there. Shatter your collarbone.


That old mixer, see it?


That's your monster. OK?


What you doing?

Not going to be all peaceful, mate.

Gets loud and confusing.
You need to be ready for that.

But what if they hear us, the
monsters? The window's open!

Come on.

- I think we should turn it down.
- Got it in your sights, Danny?

Yeah. Do I sh**t?

Not yet. He's too far.
You need to wait.

Can we turn it down?

- What if they hear us?
- Concentrate.

Christ. He's seen us.
Slow your breathing down.

Your chest moves, the g*n moves.

The g*n moves, you miss,
and you're done.

- Good.
- Can I sh**t now?

Wait. He's getting closer, closer.

- Please, can we turn it down!
- Ready?


What you looking at me for?
Look at the monster!




It's OK, mate. There's no rush.

We've got time.

Don't worry, darling. If you believe
in it, they can't stop you.

Well the first stop, Europe.

They going to let me go ahead?

- What's the matter?
- You were right.

Not enjoying it?

They were in this group.

I thought they were dead.

I want to practise.

You're not sorry, are you?

I don't know.
Now that it's come true, I...



Don't you like it in here, Danny?

Don't I make it
nice enough for you?


Course I do.

Let's watch the film.

I'd like that.
I can do this another time.

I don't think I could do it anyway.

sh**t a real monster.

I'm very lucky. To have you.

Thanks, Dad.

Ah, sun's coming out. Going to have
to get you some sunscreen.

Some factor four million.

I just mean, cos you've been locked
up inside, ain't ya?

Probably going to go up in
a puff of smoke any minute.

I weren't locked up.


No. I could leave
whenever I wanted.

Why didn't you, then?

He didn't lock me up.
He were protecting me.

- How's that work?
- What?

Well, he made it up, didn't he?

He didn't make it up.

Course he did.

He were a good dad.

Oh, yeah, f*cking Dad of the year.

Just because your dad doesn't call
you or come see you.


Just because he doesn't love
you, like my dad loved me.

f*ck off.

Yeah, my dad's a bit slack,
but at least he didn't

lock me in a house and
make up all sorts of shit.

He didn't.

What you doing? Where you going?

Oi, we haven't finished.

Danny, we haven't finished.


- Why are you always fishing?
- It's relaxing.

- You know you can buy fish, don't you?
- Yeah, smart arse.

Not about the fish.

Fishing? What's it about, then?

Getting some peace from you.

f*ck off, Dad.

What you doing?

Let's go.


She's his daughter.

- What?
- The girl. She's his daughter.

He's got a daughter.

I called him a p*ssy clot.

Hey. Where's the dog?

Where's the dog?

- I let him go.
- What?

Right, you, in the truck now.
Come on.

You let him go,
you help me get him back.


Get the gate.

What you doing?



Hold that.

Don't get upset, lad.
He's done it before.

He were tied up for a reason.

You weren't to know.

♪ I am dreaming tonight of an old
southern town ♪

♪ And the best friend that
I ever had ♪

♪ For I've grown so weary of roaming
around ♪

♪ I'm going back home to my dad ♪

♪ Your hair has turned to silver ♪

♪ I know you're fading too ♪

♪ Daddy, dear ol' Daddy ♪

♪ I'm coming back to you... ♪