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03x09 - Frenemies: Chapter Nine: The Monsters

Posted: 11/03/22 14:17
by bunniefuu
DENNIS: He does everything

he can to get your attention.

BARBARA: But you don't see Mike at all.

He feels worthless.

MIKE: One day, I'm gonna hate you.

MARIA: What have you been
doing at night, Yolanda?

YOLANDA: This is a misunderstanding.

MARIA: Give me your phone
right this minute

or get out of this house.

BARBARA: Yolanda?

YOLANDA: I had nowhere else to go.

MIKE: We have a preposition for you.

Courtney and the others
are not your biggest fans.


CAMERON: My grandfather
and grandmother want me

to carry on my dad's legacy and...

COURTNEY: Your father...

CAMERON: His death wasn't an accident.

COURTNEY: I feel guilty
about what happened.

- He doesn't know.
- CINDY: You can't tell him.

- RICK: He is a threat.
- COURTNEY: No, he's not.

CAMERON: What exactly is your problem?

RICK: I am staring right at him.

CINDY: She's teaching that little psycho

how to conjure up icicles.

COURTNEY: I screwed up by keeping

what was happening with
Cameron to myself,

and now Cindy's gone

along with any credibility

I had as the leader of the JSA.

YOLANDA: You turned your back on us

for him, Courtney.




♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Hi, baby. Come here.

Oh, you must be so exhausted.

- We got some sleep on the bus.
- Yeah?


She's in your room.

- Pat?
- Yeah.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

You went to that place.

What did you see?

Come here.

♪ ♪



- I'm sorry.
- Me too.

♪ ♪


I gotta get down to the Pit Stop,

suit up, join Sylvester on his hunt.

- Honey, you need to rest.
- I can't.

I mean, we might have
gotten the cameras down,

but we still don't know
who's been watching us.

I need to go help Sylvester.

- Pat?
- Yeah.

What you just went through,

it's not normal for anyone.

Please, just talk to me.


I saw my dad.

What'd he say?

Just the same twisted stuff
he'd tell me when I was a kid.

Only that's not what got to me.

What is it, then?

That place

made me feel like

I'm following in my father's footsteps.

Making Mike feel like
he's not good enough.

Pat, no, no, no.

Don't you think that for one second.

Mike is following in your
footsteps, not your dad's.

That's why he's bright and
he's strong and he's kind.

He knows you love him.

I've never talked much
about Mike's mom, have I?


We weren't together long.

Of course, you know that.

And I didn't even know about Mike

till after we'd split up.

But when I found out...

♪ ♪

I mean, I've never been so happy.

There was nothing that was gonna keep me

from being in his life.

Of course.

We shared custody for a couple years.

Then one day, there's
a policeman at the door

with Mike.

He'd been in a shelter overnight,


Oh, my God.

Maggie had left him there.

And she didn't even turn up again

till after she'd been
arrested for possession.

I got full custody.

She didn't even put up a fight.

She just walked away from Mike.


you know, he'd ask me
if he could see her.

He'd ask me if he could talk to her.

I'd tell him, "No".

And after a while...

Well, he just stopped asking.

♪ ♪

I mean, I thought I was protecting Mike

by treating her like she didn't exist.

But now I don't know.


When Courtney's father
came to Blue Valley,

I blamed myself
for the hurt it caused her.

But I do think she got
some closure from it.

Made her stronger.

Made us stronger.

And in no small part thanks to you.

Sometimes letting our kids face the pain

is the only way to help them
learn how to cope with it.

Maybe Mike needs to see his mom again.

I don't know.

You know.

I knew your parents were hard on you,

but I never thought they'd kick you out.

They assumed the worst,
and I couldn't defend myself.

I can't tell them what I'm
actually out doing every night.

They wouldn't understand
any of what we do.

You don't know that.

I know I can't trust them, Court.

They'd tell people about everything

just to try and control me
like they always do.

And this isn't just about my secret.

It's about yours.

Beth's and Rick's.

I need to apologize
to Rick and Beth too, but...

There's something else I wanna ask them.

Before I do,

I need your support on it.

What are you talking about?


♪ ♪

We should get delivering.


I can't quit my paper route.
My dad would k*ll me.

We have more important things
to do than deliver papers.

We gotta figure out who
planted those spy cameras

before anyone else does.

We'll win, like, mega hero points, man.

Your sister and her friends
will find the k*ller.

Besides, I'm still worried about Cindy.

Cindy? Are you serious?

Cindy stood up for us, but
we didn't stand up for her.

I guess.

And she's out there alone...

turning into a crocodile.

Ooh, I wonder if she'll grow a tail.

Okay, so you wanna skip out
on all the glory,

deliver these dumb papers,

and go help Cindy with her reptile acne?

Maybe the Thunderbolt could cure her.

Helping Cindy's the right thing to do...

after we deliver these papers.

All right. All right.
All right. Come on.

Let's do it before I change my mind.

I have a tail, and it's pretty useful.

I can use it to point at things.

I use it to balance.

It is incredibly attractive...


♪ ♪



I'm not sure you remember me.
I'm Mr. Deisinger.

Cameron's art teacher?

May I come in?


♪ ♪

Thank you so much.

I trust your morning is going well.

This is a wonderful home.

Thank you.

Looks a little like Cameron's work.

It's his mother's.

I see where he gets his talent.

Please, sit.

I wanted to talk to you about Cameron.

I don't know if he's told you,
but he quit art.

Yes. He has other things
he's interested in now.

But why?

He has such passion for it.

I know losing his father was hard...

You know nothing.

Lily, please.

I'm sorry.

I only came to express my concern.

Cameron's walking away from
something I know that he loves.

It makes him happy.

I've dreamt about it.

I can't stand by and watch him
throw his artistic life away.

I won't.









♪ ♪

It doesn't matter what
that man said now.

He's dead.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Hey, bud.


Wanted to check in, seeing as how

me and the missus were
being spied on just like you.

Gotta catch these peepers.

Be a relief to be cut loose

after being on a leash for so long.

Hey, where's Pemberton?

Beth tracked the feed to a mine in Utah.

Sylvester went to check it out.

What are you doing?

Looking for someone.


Hold on. Sylvester?

Hey, Pat.

- How's the search going?
- Terrible.

Hit another dead end.
Beth thinks the signal...

- [WHISPERING] What is this?
- Is being masked.

It's bouncing all over the place.

- I'm sorry.
- Unless she locks

onto another lead, I'm headed back.

Copy that. Be careful.

See you in a few hours.

[NORMALLY] So who are you looking for?

Mike's mom.

Why are you Googling the ex?

Trying to figure out
if she's in any shape

to talk to him.

It's kind of a long story.

So let's hear it.

Hey, Crock, and no offense,

but it's a little more
complicated than cardio.

But I appreciate it.

Come on, Pat.

You gotta know by now you can trust me.

So let's talk.


I'm sorry I never told you
about Cameron.

It was never my intention
to put him before you.

Thanks, Courtney. Apology accepted.

Okay. We're good.


Go on, Court.

Is there something else?


What is it?

I wanna tell Cameron everything.

What? Why?

Because I can't be with him
if I can't be honest with him

about the JSA,

about his father,
about me being Stargirl.

I'm asking for your support.


You can't keep doing this, Court.

Every time you share our secrets,

it makes all of us less safe.

And for that kid, because you like him?

♪ ♪

Don't tell me that you knew about this.

- Yeah, I did.
- You've gotta be kidding me.

Look, I was wrong about Cindy.

Not completely wrong.
Just a little wrong.

Courtney wants to tell Cameron
about who his dad really was

and why we had to stop him.

He can't spend the rest of his life

never knowing anyway.

Look, I know it's going to be hard,

and I know there's some real risk here,

but once we get through it,

and I have faith we will,

we'll all heal.

I need to tell him the truth.


- Should we vote?
- Don't bother.

You do what you want to do.

I got your back.

I've got everyone's back here,
no matter what.

And you all know that,

because you're my family.

Nothing will ever change that.

But don't say that I didn't warn you.

♪ ♪


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♪ ♪

I don't know about this, Paula.

I'm gonna start with the basics.

How to shatter a man's spleen.


v*olence was never my thing.

Let's call it self-defense, then.

And in this town
with a voyeuristic k*ller

still on the loose,
it's important you are ready

for any kind of attack.


I appreciate this, but
I'm just not comfortable

learning how to hurt someone.

It's just not me. Sorry.

All right. I understand.

It means a lot, though, Paula,

you trying to help me do this.

You're a good friend.


No one's ever called me
their friend before.


I'm sure that's not true.

♪ ♪




All right. The coast is clear.

Okay, if you're gonna
do it, do it already.

I wish that Cindy Burman's
locker at Blue Valley High

in Blue Valley, Nebraska, , USA,

would open... very quietly.

As you wish, my friend.

But I gotta tell you, ethically,

this puts us in a gray area.

See, I know that you're
technically investigating

this girl under the promise
that she might be a bad guy,

but also, it looks like
breaking and entering

of a girl that you have a crush on,

so this could be considered stalking.

♪ ♪

A hairbrush. [CHUCKLES]

Who keeps metal cleaner in their locker?

Oh, a girl with a giant
knife in her arm.

- I don't see anything

that's gonna help us find Cindy.

Why don't you just wish
to know where she is?

- Because I...
- We already wished for that

when we were trying to recruit her.

- Yeah.
- I know I say this a lot.

You can't wish for the same thing twice.

Don't I know it.

It doesn't smell good in here, does it?

[EXHALES] It kind of smells terrible.

- What's that?
- Put me back in your pocket.

It looks like a list
of her father's laboratories.

The ones that Sebastian checked out?

I think she checked them out too.

They're all crossed off.

Except one, the Etter Produce Farm.

It's circled for some reason.

Well, we need to find out why.

The Etter Farm... of all places.

Do you know it?

Mr. Etter used to sell moonshine

to the seniors in town
before he was busted

by Officer Hardy.

Good Lord, this is a small town.

Well, it has to be circled for a reason.

And I got a feeling that this is it.

This is what?

Our lead, Detective Williams.

Yeah, let's go save the alligator girl!


♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

Can I come in? We need to talk.

Yeah, sure.


♪ ♪

You know, when this all started,

I thought it was gonna be easy,

you know, knowing the good guys
from the bad guys, but now?

It's like Courtney said.

There's good and bad in everybody.

Some more than others, though.


Hey, are you okay?

Is it the hourglass?

No, no. It's just a headache.

I'm not so sure, Rick.


What is it?

I've been trying to lock into
the signal from the cameras,

but it's been bouncing
all around the country,

sending Sylvester everywhere.



♪ ♪

This could just be another false lead.

Where is the signal coming from, Beth?


It's coming from inside
the Mahkent house.

♪ ♪

I've never noticed these before.

- What do you think?
- Wow.

My dad collected them.

Every time he went
on one of his business trips,

he'd bring one back for me.

Called them trophies.

Your dad went
on a lot of business trips.

Sometimes I wake up,
and when he's not here,

I think he's on one.


Then I remember.


I wanted to talk to you
about your father.

About what happened to him.

I told you, I don't know much.

I know he was trying to do
something to help the world,

and he was k*lled for it.

That's not exactly what happened.

What are you talking about?

What I'm about to say...
just let me explain it all

before you say anything.



Your father,

he wasn't who you think he was.

- That's enough!
- Lily, no.

What's going on?



♪ ♪

I warned you!

You children,

you will finally die
for what you have done.


♪ ♪

- Why didn't Rick wait for us?
- He isn't thinking straight.

- He messed with the hourglass...
- Explain later.


- Just wait here.
- But, Yolanda...

Fighting's not your thing, Beth.


These creepy old ghouls,

they're the ones that
have been watching us.


Cameron, don't!


We need to get outta here.

No, that's Rick.


Rick, stop!



♪ ♪




- Hey, Beth.
- Dad?

Dad, this is a bad time.
How did you even call me?

From a different number. Burner phone.

- Leave us be.


- What's that sound?
- Bad guys.



♪ ♪

- Beth, listen to me.
- Dad, I have to go.

Your mom and I talked to Dr. McNider.

He told us everything
your goggles and suit can do.

Even the untested programs.

Untested programs?

Beth, you gotta activate combat mode.

- Combat mode?
- Combat mode activated.

Beta trial.

Attack imminent.

- What?
- Take cover.


Get out.

Duck. Roll.

Select fighting style.

Whoa. Combat mode.

Headshot incoming.

Left hook.



Activate cape shield.

♪ ♪


Rick, stop!




♪ ♪





Old people. Ugh! Gross.



Hold on, Chapel.


Let's go, nerd.

♪ ♪






♪ ♪


Rick, let him go!


♪ ♪










They k*lled your father.

Cameron, I...



Do it!



Do it!


Cameron, stop.

This hate

is what k*lled your father.

His anger. His grief.

Don't let them take control
of you, Cameron.


♪ ♪

Don't ignore... love.

Sofus. Sofus?




He's having a heart attack.

What do we do?

We call my mom.

- Beth?
- Mom, what do we do?

Okay, honey. His heart stopped.

- Honey, the gloves.
- What?

The defibrillators, Beth.

They're built into the gloves.

- Your suit will insulate you.
- Get everyone...

- Clear.

♪ ♪




- Sofus.



- Sofus.

♪ ♪


I'm sorry.


♪ ♪


- , what's your emergency?


♪ ♪

It is creepy out here.

Uh, I'm an all-powerful genie in a pen,

and I'm creeped out.

Yeah. Man up. You wanna find Cindy?

Let's find Cindy.

Why would the Dragon King pick

a low-tech farm for a high-tech lab?

It's where the main power lines cross

with the main water lines.

Plus it's remote.

♪ ♪

Doesn't look like anyone's home.



Come on. Let's check the back.


♪ ♪

We should have brought a flashlight.

Yeah, well, you got a living one.

Oh, right. The Thunderbolt.

So cool.


[SIGHS] Should we even be doing this?

Like, it's not technically
breaking and entering,

but it is really creepy.

I've seen this as a set piece

for a lot of independent horror films.

I don't think Cindy Burman
would ever hole up here.

I don't know, Cindy could
do a lot with this place.

Open floor plan, rustic décor.
She could open a B&B.

Yeah, well, maybe there's, like,

a secret laboratory

underneath it or something.

I don't see anything but junk.

And a lot of manure. Like,
Biff Tannen level manure.


- Was that you?
- Uh, I don't growl.

[LAUGHS NERVOUSLY] That's not my thing.


- Uh...

Oh, boy.





I'll k*ll every last one of them.


Greg, move your head.

Mad Ghost.