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04x06 - Relative Bearing

Posted: 11/06/22 18:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on Manifest

Why was Saanvi at the precinct that day?

I'll tell you why. She was

there because her and Vance

were involved in the m*rder

of Sarah's mom, weren't they?

- I don't know how to repay you.

- How about the truth?

You think I'm an idiot?

The side investigations

you got going on?

They can cost more than just

your job. They can cost my job.

That's not gonna happen, Diaz.

I don't wanna get dragged

down with you any further

than you already are. Understood?


You want me to get you out of prison?

How do you want me to do that, Eagan?

You're a smart guy. You'll find a way,

or I'll die in here and

take Eden's location with me.

You and I are connected in a

way other passengers aren't,

and I think Eden is

part of this connection.

Why don't you come with me to Egypt?

I wish I could.

Just don't give up on me.

Body's pretty burned, Captain,

but I'm guessing cause of

death had something to do

with the five b*llet holes in her torso.

Let's fast-track the autopsy and

get the rounds over to Ballistics.

What the hell happened here?

An anonymous tip came in from an inmate.

And the inmate said he knew where

Eden was and gave us an address.

That address led us to a factory,

and my brother and I started searching.

And that's when we heard

someone, a child's voice,

and we followed that behind a corner.

There she was. Eden.

You know, she'd been missing

for two years, so she's

she's changed a lot,

but it's my daughter.

We found her.

She had no idea where she'd been.

She was in shock, and she still is.

And Angelina Meyer?

We don't know what happened to

Angelina, whether she's alive or dead.

It's not our focus. Eden is.

It's quite the coincidence though.

Your niece appearing the same night

an 828 compound went up in a fireball.

We were on the other side

of the city, finding Eden.

Can we be done?

So I'm asking all of you, please.

My family's been through a

lot. My young daughter's

my young daughter's been through a lot.

So please respect her

privacy. Thank you.

What about Angelina Meyer?


You're alive?

Oh God, help me.

Come inside, quick.

How is she?

Finally resting.

Since when do you do laundry?

I'm just cleaning out the room for a bit

so Eden feels like

she has her own space.

You look exhausted.

What's going on with you?

During the expl*si*n,

I had this Calling.

- It's not enough.

- What does that mean?

The Lifeboat is sinking, and

we are helpless to stop it.

No. You're not, okay?

You are not helpless.

In order to save the Lifeboat, you

have to follow the Callings. Okay?

- You just need to remember.

- I am following the Callings.

This one made it crystal clear

that our memories, our Callings,

they're not enough to balance

out the shit that's coming.

They're not enough to save the Lifeboat.

Okay. Well, then you try.

All right? You don't give up.


You said "shit."

Don't tell Dad.


It's okay. It's just Daddy.

It's all right. She just needs

to get used to her surroundings.

It's all new to her.

She just needs time.

I'll see if I can find

some of her old baby things.

Something familiar.

How about one time we don't

respond to a Registry SOS?

What's the matter, Diaz?

You afraid of the country?

I figure we can go antiquing later.

I break out into a rash

when I leave the Bronx.

What the hell you doing here?

You're not Registry.

Get back to the beat.

You know that guy?


Thanks for lending a hand, guys.

A lot of beat cops won't

come this far out of the city.

Anything beats writing parking

tickets for the 129, Captain.

- Pleasure helping out.

- Thanks.

Look, could you do me a favor? I

gotta get these into the city ASAP.

I can't spare my CSU guys.

- Can one of you drop these at Ballistics?

- Yeah, I gotcha.

Thanks. Autopsy's gonna take a minute.

I'm hoping to jump-start the

investigation with the shell casings.

See if we can't match them to a g*n.

Yeah, no problem. We got it.

Actually, if you could stick

around, could use the hands here.

Yeager Garden Center?

I'm guessing it's no accident

we went antiquing today.

What aren't you telling me,

Vasquez? What's going on?

I gotta go, bro.


Hey, bud.

You okay?

Uh, yeah, a lot of smoke

in the air last night.

- You don't sound good.

- Dude, I'm I'm fine.

Hey, for real. You know

you can talk to me, right?

And you know you can talk to me.

You absorbed a boatload

of rage yesterday.

Okay, you're right. Yeah, I did.

I never thought I'd be

responsible for taking a life.

- After Chloe, I really thought

- Hey. Chloe was not your fault.

There's no question

about this one, is there?

I gotta get to work.

Hey, you sure that's a good idea?

Yeah, I'll be fine. Can't miss my train.

I got you your phone back.

How much does the Registry know?

Not much. Yet.

All of Adrian's little helpers

are sticking to the same story.

It's under control.

We know it's better for the world

to think Xers did this, not a passenger.

You saw it for yourself.

This was a chaotic scene.

All right, lots of

witnesses. This isn't fixable.

Not even for you.

Especially not with these.

The shell casings. Good work.

I am taking these to Ballistics.

If your g*n has ever been test-fired,

the system will pull a match.

It hasn't been. Okay?

I should be fine.

You can't leave this to

chance. Do the right thing!

You've cleaned up messes for so long,

you don't even know

what right is anymore.

Your moral compass is screwed up.

Get one thing straight. My

compass points true north.

- Now, maybe we don't agree

- I'm done here.


If I were you, I'd lose those casings.

You're not me.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Have you have you seen Zeke?

- He just went to work.

I was hoping he would give it a minute.

I'm worried about him.

Yesterday was a lot.


How's Eden?

Confused, upset. I'm trying

to find a way to connect.

She's here where she belongs.

You never gave up hope. I'm sorry. I

No, hey.

My baby girl's home.

All right? That is all that matters.

If I go to the Registry,

will they buy the story?


No one's refuting our version,

but the caseworker kept

asking about Angelina,

so I guess they haven't found her body.

There's no way she survived that.

Until she's in the morgue,

we should keep our guard up.


I did have a Calling though.

In front of the caseworker,

and I almost got caught.

What was it? Angelina?

I'm not sure, but the

floor, it turned to glass.

Below it, there was a bunch of water,

and it was filled with colorful

fish, plants, bubbles

Like an aquarium.

Yeah, does that ring bells?

There's a passenger who owns an

aquarium supply company with his wife.


Sam Wile.



Sam Wile.

- You gonna be okay without me?

- Lifeboat needs you.

Besides, let's give Eden a day

before Aunt Mick fills

her with cotton candy

and takes her on the Tilt-a-Whirl.

That was one time. Okay? Lesson learned.

Hey! I, uh, heard you went in today.

- Is everything okay?

- Have to be.

- Full house today.

- Come on. Take the day off.

Last night, that was that was a lot.

I'm fine.

And you said yourself

my patients need me.

Yeah, I know, but just be careful, okay?

There's a lot of pain in the

world, and you can't take it all on.

I love you.

I love you, okay?

Sam? It's Michaela Stone!


I'm drawing something for my mommy.

Every time she calls Angelina

"Mommy," I just I can't.

And she pierced her ears.

Mom would've hated that.

Has she drawn anything

that might be a Calling?

I don't think so.

But I've been thinking about Saanvi's

theory. Callings being memories?

From our time in the glow.

The divine consciousness.

Yeah, and like what you said earlier,

about how you don't have

enough to save the Lifeboat?

- Uh-huh.

- Well, Eden was never in the glow.

So she doesn't have any memories

to pull from, yet she gets Callings.

Okay, which means

There must be another

way to get information

from the divine consciousness.


Hey, you okay?

Mm. Yeah, just, uh, stood up too fast.

We'll be right here if you need us.

All right.

Hey, sweetheart.

Look at all these toys.

Got some of your old toys.

Look at this. Look at this guy.

Do you remember him?

Look, look, look, look, look, look.

A boat.

It says "Eden."

See that?

My mommy says you're a bad man.

Bad man! Bad man!

Leave me alone! I want my mommy!


Thanks for coming.

Sure. 828 crime scenes

seem to be my thing.

- You know him?

- No, a Calling led me here.

The X. You thinking hate crime?

Maybe. Or a misdirect.

Holy shit.

I know this guy.

Lock them up!

- Please.

- Hey!

Please. Just just let me through!

Watch it, freak!


Hey, Vasquez from

129. Tone it down, man.

What's wrong with you?

He's not hurting anyone.

- Who cares? He's a passenger.

- It doesn't make him a criminal!

Sure as hell makes him a freak.

- Hey, man. You all right?

- Yeah.

My wife should be here soon.

Seems to be the new normal.

Get used to it.

Lock them up!

Lock them up!

He had a wedding band. I

remember because it was unusual.

Yeah, Ben said he was married.

Wait. Careful. Don't touch anything.

Right. Right, thanks.

I was gonna touch everything. Totally

forgot how the crime scene works.

Okay, Detective.

When we were partners,

there was no one better.

We were first to the crime scene.

We could we could work this case.

We could be one step

ahead of the Registry.

We have Drea call the wife in

for an interview at the Registry,

and we waylay her outside.

You're trouble still.

I'm in.

Today, on the 828-Gate podcast,

Aaron Glover discusses

passenger Eagan Tehrani,

who is being released from prison

after reportedly providing

You okay, Dad?

Eden's home. As far as

she knows, she's a hostage.

I hate that I scare her.

If this is what she thinks

a bad man looks like,

it's time to lose the beard.

What? You think I should

keep the mountain man look?

No. No. Definitely not.

What's wrong?

It's just

all the times I've had a

beard, your mom's always helped.


I see so much of her in you.

That was the best compliment

you could have ever given me.


Now don't slit my throat.

I'll miss you the most, Scarecrow.

What the hell?

I was midstream!

You were the only one

who knew she was there.

You ratted me out!

You sent the cops, and she

blew the whole place up!

I lost everything!

All I wanted to do was help passengers.

I'm a passenger.

Besides, maybe you

should blame the psycho

who torched your private Idaho.

Unless she's been

reduced to dental records.


She got out.

I helped her.

I dropped her off at some

estate in Westchester.

And after all I did for

her, she didn't let me stay.

Not even for a night.

She's hiding in Westchester? As in

lifestyle of the rich and fascist?

It can't last anyway.

She'll slip up.

And when she does,

someone's gonna cash in.

Twenty G's?

Way to bury the lead.

I'm not giving up her location.

No more betrayals.

No more betrayals.

Mrs. Wile.

Officer Vasquez, NYPD. Can we

just talk to you for a few minutes?

I'm a passenger. I was, um

I was on the plane with Sam.

I'm really sorry for your loss.

Do you know what happened?

They just said that Sam is


I'm sorry. We can't say.

Ma'am, when's the last

time you saw your husband?

Ex-husband. We divorced six months ago.

Can I ask why

This won't make sense,

but he was too kind.

Constantly took people

in off the street.

He gave so much of himself to everyone.

He started taking cash

out of the business.

I assume to help someone.

Were either of you seeing anyone?

You know, since the divorce or before?

No, he wasn't ready.

He still wears his

wedding ring to this day.

You must think I'm an awful person.

No, I understand.

Thank you for talking to us.

I think we can cross her off the list.

The missing wedding ring,

that means it could've been

a straight-up robbery, but

the money's interesting.

Uh, Drea says CSU's

processing Sam's house.

Nothing so far. No prints. No weapons.

You're right to chase motive here.

Call Drea and have her pull

up all the bank records.

I have to, uh, head

up and drop these off.

Thank you for coming. I

wasn't sure who else to call.

I, uh I got a few things.

Some clothes.

I'm just trying to find some way

to reach Eden so she feels safe.

And since she stayed

with you, I thought

I don't know how you find

it in you to show such grace.

After all you've been through.

I learned from a

very, very good woman.

Maybe you can help her understand

who her family is and who isn't.

Of course.

I'll be right outside.


Oh, no. It's just me,

honey. Oh, I missed you.

Get the hell away from my car!

Whoa! Whoa, easy there, Tammy

Faye. I'm looking for Angelina.

Petite thing, eyebrows maybe

a little singed. Is she around?

Like I told the other

officers, my daughter is dead!

Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, here's the thing.

There's a handful of people

who know that's a lie,

and two of them are standing right here.

I'm not a cop. I was on

that plane, just like her.

What do you want?

It's not so much what I want.

It's what you need.

My silence.

Your daughter's still on the lam

for Let me check my notes. m*rder.

With just a smidge of kidnapping.

All I want is the reward money.

I don't care where it comes from.

You don't play ball, the Registry will.

We just wanna be left alone.

But my husband handles the accounts,

and he's on business till next week.

I'm thinking of a slightly more

compressed timeline, as in now.

Is this an S-Class?

You're delusional.

Kind of a gas guzzler anyway. I'm

more of an all-electric kind of guy.

Just let my daughter be.

I think you were on your way.

Yep. Look at the time.

You know,

I could use a ride.

Just breathe like we did

last time. In and out.

I'm about to lose my shit.

Your withdrawal is manifesting as anger.

Trust me. I know anger.

I used to drive a cab.

What the hell, psycho? Help! Help me!

Get off! Zeke, stop it!


Zeke, I don't even know what to say.

I'm sorry.

I think you need to get your things.

Hey, so we've got Sam's financials.

Typical spending pattern.

But over the last six

months, something changed.

Yeah, on the second of every

month, he withdrew two grand, cash.

- That's when the rent was due or

- No, accounted for already.

His Registry appointment. His

check-in was on the 2nd of every month.

And his last withdrawal?


Okay, so every month, like clockwork,

Sam withdraws two grand in

cash and then goes to check in.

Guys, it's someone on the inside.

Which means the Registry's

investigation is compromised.

- It's on us. I gotta keep digging.

- Yeah.

Mick, I'll meet you

downstairs so we can game-plan.

Officer Vasquez,

we're gonna need you to

surrender your service w*apon.

Why do you need my g*n?

The ME just pulled half a

dozen 124-grain hollow points

from Erika Burness.

Standard NYPD issue, and

we have reason to believe

you were at the compound

at the time of the sh**ting.

Brings me no joy to do

this to a fellow cop.

Have Ballistics put a rush on this.

You want my advice?

Go home. Call a union rep.


Who is this?

How's my little girl?

Don't hang up.

I just I just wanna talk to Eden.

You should be dead.

You need to be dead.

This is when she takes her nap.

She really likes her schedule.

Make her a glass of warm milk.

I'm not taking advice from

you about my own daughter.

With a little cinnamon.

It helps her to sleep.

Don't ever call me again.

I'm the only family that Eden knows!

It's over, Mick.

They're gonna test-fire my g*n

against the b*ll*ts and the casings.

So they will match.

No, Zeke pulled the trigger. You

are not gonna lie for him or for me.

Mick, I'm done, okay? I'm not

lying for you or anyone else.

- I'm just gonna let the chips fall.

- Well, they're gonna fall on you, Jared.

I'm gonna trust my

moral compass on this.

This is what it's telling me to do.

Oye! Oye! Oye! Leave

your uncle alone, eh?

It takes him all week to recover

from family dinners. Campeón!

Where do they get the energy?

Their dads. Boundless, both of them.

So, when is it your turn?

It's not happening.

You just need to find the right girl.

You got the job. You're the

best detective in the department.

I mean, who else makes

lieutenant in less than


I've got something I gotta tell you.

This is hard. Um

I stuck my nose where

it didn't belong, Dad.

I tried to help an 828er.

And I teed off on an assh*le.

I punched him in the face.


He was a cop.

They took my gold shield.

When did this happen?

A couple weeks ago.

Why didn't you tell me before?

Because this job, Dad,

it means so much to you.

Making detective, lieutenant.

I've lost a lot in my life.

The only thing I have

left is your respect,

and I can't lose that too.

Have you lost a lot?

Yeah. More than any man should.

But you haven't lost my respect.

I couldn't be prouder of who you are.

Yeah, Drea, please tell

me you got something.

Hey, check this out. Every time

Sam came out of the Registry,

he was pulled in for questioning.

Every time? What were

they questioning him on?

It's far too confidential.

But get this. Every entry is coded

with the investigator's initials.

Same investigator every time.

Ted Colvin.

- That's the guy who just took my g*n.

- Yep.

Since when does a captain do casework?


He just ran over to the crime lab.

So I'm gonna poke around his office.

Drea, be careful. We've got no

idea what this guy's capable of.

She's still upset, but I'm

sure that will change in time.

Thank you for trying. This

is this is just hell.

Well, I am happy to come

back as often as you need.

I hate what 828 has done to us.

See, this is a good one.

The Oracle of Delphi wore sapphires

to help clarify her visions.

Like your earrings.

Dad, I was just reading

about the Oracle of Delphi,

and and she wore sapphires.

You know what, Ol? Not today.

No mythology. No Callings.

Let's just work on what's

right in front of us.

I wanna show Eden the new me.

What do you think, Eden? No beard.

See? I'm not a bad man.

I'm just your daddy.

I want my mommy.

That's a lot of cash for a cop. I'm

not sure we can connect it though.


Oh my God.


Drea, that's Sam's ring.

- Oh, got him.

- Drea, you gotta be careful.

We do not know who's involved

or how high up this goes.

I'm out. I'm already heading

up to Internal Affairs.

I'll call you back.

Hey, Mikami!

- Captain.

- Where you going?

I'm just heading up to Records.

Uh, do you need anything?

Just that ring.

You don't wanna do this.

What are you gonna do,

Colvin? Throw me off the roof?

The roof.

Let us through! Mikami's in trouble!

I'll tell you something.

You gotta change your attitude

because that is not how this works.

I'm not a bad person.

I got a wife, kids.

I gave 28 years of my

life to the department.

I deserve to take a little

for myself sometimes.

You didn't have to k*ll him.

k*ll him? Why would I do that?

You don't k*ll the golden goose.


You're done.

Okay? You're beat.


Take me in, then.

I'm not the only cop who's ever

skimmed the collection plate.

I'll take the IA hit.

They'll let me retire quietly.

The last thing they want

is a captain in the news.

But you, five to ten, upstate,

for a bad sh**t plus obstruction.

And Mikami here?

Guilt by association.

Probably forced out.

Unless we go downstairs

like today never happened.

You get your g*n back.

Hell, maybe even your gold shield.

You know you won't get a

better offer from the DA.

Yeah, you know what?

You're probably right.

But I'll take my chances.

You chose your side. I chose mine.

You chose wrong.

I shouldn't even be

talking to you right now.

Didn't you give her the

warm milk with cinnamon?

She needs me. Let me talk to her.

You don't get to make demands.

You'll never be able to understand

the pain you've caused our family.

Especially my dad.

The only thing that I care about

is to help him reconnect

with his daughter.

To heal.

Right, and I can help with that.

There are things you

don't know about her.

She's scared of bubble baths.

She loves to talk in funny voices.

Always skips the letter R in the ABCs.

She loves butterfly kisses.

Just please let me

talk to her. I just

I just wanna let her know

she's okay, that she's safe.

Under one condition.

You have to tell her

that her dad loves her.

That he always has.

That he's a good man.

Okay. Put her on.

Put him in Holding.

Seems like you're always

where the action is.

Stone was a great

detective back in the day.

She's on our side.

I do appreciate the assist.

Speaking of sides, I've taken

lead on the compound case.

We brought in everybody

registered to that address,

and wouldn't you know it,

they're all telling

the same canned story.

You're free to go. For now.

My God.

I've listened to you deny

those hallucinations for months.

There's no denying them now.

Come on.

What? You wanna stay?

We can throw you in a cell too.

Ballistics will be

back in an hour anyway.

Go, I got this.

I'll love you forever ♪

I'll like you for always ♪

As long as I'm living ♪

My baby you'll be ♪


Eden! Eden!

What have you done?


Guess by now you heard they took my g*n.

We all know how this story ends.

I have something for you

Vance, if you're here to

sweat me, don't bother.

Okay, I'm not giving anyone up.

I'm gonna take the fall on this.

I'm quite clear about your moral

compass. That's not why I'm here.

Your ballistics report.

- That report's not due for another hour.

- It's an advance copy.

This says the casings and

the b*ll*ts match a Ruger.

I have a Glock, Vance.

Who you pinning this on?

You're not taking one for

the team this time. No one is.

This particular Ruger's

never even been manufactured.

Erika's death will be the cold

case that just keeps getting colder.

You see, the thing about a compass is,

you have to adjust it

for your environment.

That space between where you're going

and where the compass

is pointing you is

It's the gray area.

We're both headed in the

right direction, Jared.


How could you let her get to you?

After everything, Cal, why?

- Why?

- I just wanted to help.

I thought maybe if Angelina

told her that you weren't bad,

that she's safe with you, then

I don't want Angelina anywhere

near this family. Ever.

- How do you not get that?

- I do get that!

No, you don't!

You're connected to her in

some way I can't understand.

How can you say that?

I'm not connected

You are!

I don't understand how, but you are.

And I don't know if you're

strong enough to keep her out.

For two years, I've been trying

to get you to love me again.

I love you more than anything,

but I am trying to

protect my kid, damn it!

I'm your kid too, Dad.


Nah, I get it. Loud and clear.


Um, hi. Uh

I know that you're probably

asleep or whatever, but, TJ,

I think I just found something.

Um, okay, remember when Saanvi

found sapphire at Eureka?

I mean, it's like whenever

unexplainable phenomena,

the ark piece, the tail

fin, my dad's glowing hand

It's like sapphire was the

fingerprint to a miracle.

Well, I think that there's more to it.

In history, sapphire has been referenced

in myths and legends and religion.

And get this.

Moses was standing on sapphire when

God gave him the Ten Commandments.

The Oracle of Delphi used

sapphire to get her prophecies.

It's like whenever humans have been

in communication with the divine,

it was thanks to sapphire.

If these prophets did it, maybe we

you all can use sapphire

to get limitless Callings,

get back to the divine consciousness.

I think this could be the

way that we save the Lifeboat.

Anyway, I I miss you.

You've reached the voice mailbox

of Michaela Stone. Leave a message.

Let's start from the beginning.

May this holy ordinance cleanse

the soul and redeem you in his name.


How do you know Eagan Tehrani?

It's your lucky day.

Our lucky day.

Oye! Just in time. Carmen's

about to blow out the candles.

I wouldn't miss it.

I caught a case today, Pops.


It felt like being a detective again.

Even better, we took down a dirty cop.


Maybe we should get you a cake.

Happy birthday ♪

Thing is, you know, as dirty as he was,

I don't think he k*lled that guy.

I think the k*ller's still out there.

Cal. Cal, open your eyes.


Cal! Cal! Hey!