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04x09 - Rendezvous

Posted: 11/07/22 08:59
by bunniefuu
[VANCE] Previously on Manifest...



I'll never forget what the major did.

Those horrible experiments. The
connection you had with my son.

[THOMAS] When I found my way here,

everybody was telling me
it was five years later.

I thought I was going crazy.
Somebody called the cops.

It's okay. You're safe now.


Hey! Vasquez from
! Tone it down, man.

- He's not hurting anyone.
- Who cares? He's a passenger.

You know what you need? A tarot reading.

You, sir, have a very lucky future.

I am lucky.

Hang in there, bud.

We got this.

I just want better numbers this time.



We've had you on Saanvi's
immunotherapy treatment

for the past month.

Your body isn't responding.

And the cancer has progressed.


What happens now?

Go home. Rest.

Be with your family.

No, uh...

We're gonna get his
numbers back up, his energy.

- How soon can he start another course?
- I'm afraid we're past that.

We can never be certain about timelines,

but... you're likely looking
at days rather than weeks.

There's gotta be something you
can do. You saved him last time.

Alex has done everything
that I would've done.

I'm sorry.

[BEN] No.

We're not gonna give up, all right?

Every day we can buy is another day
we can figure out how to beat this.

Sometimes, as much as we want to,

we can't buy more time.

We are gonna keep Cal
comfortable. Get him on hospice.


Um, we will get him a
hospital bed for home.

You should let the family know

'cause you guys are
gonna need each other.

Can we keep this just between us?

Tonight should be just
about Mick and Zeke,

and I don't want everyone
thinking I'm gonna die.

We don't have to tell them,
because you are not gonna die.

- Okay?
- Okay.


This is excruciating.



- Your chopping's improving.
- You're saying that 'cause I'm crying.

I know a good cure for onion tears.

[MICHAELA] Hmm-mm.

One more, please.



- Hey. Is everything okay?
- Hey.

Sorry, I just keep playing
it over and over in my head.

I don't know what to do.

About the Registry job?

Drea's made it work there,

you know, but I'm not a
political animal like she is.

I don't know.

I just don't feel like
I can keep fronting

as an hater all over again.

You need to be a detective again.

I do. But like this?

Look, you've sacrificed so
much. We know where you stand.

- Hey, man.
- Hey.

How's the leg?

One day at a time, but I didn't
wanna put off celebrating anymore.

Oh shit. Sorry, guys. My
bad. I should've called first.

You guys are celebrating,
what? Three years?

Happy anniversary.

We have plenty of food.
Why don't you stay?

Come on.

Thanks, man.

Hey. Sweep over there.

Kenroy, you got a light?


Old-timer wants an after-dinner smoke.

No smoking. You know the rules.

Most people respond to their
name ten out of ten times,

but you're more of an
eight-out-of-ten guy.

So what gives?

My hearing's not so great.

Right. What are you running from?

Just here to help like you.

Tell the man he can smoke outside
at least feet from the door.

You tell him, Kenroy.

I'm taking a break.





You sure this is okay?

It's fine. It's a celebration.


- Here we go.
- There we go.

- All right.
- Here.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- I'll take some of that.
- You probably shouldn't, bud.

Aha! Bad cop. That's another
reason I don't wanna be a parent.

- Come on, Dad.


One sip won't hurt.

All right.



To my sister.

My rock.

To Zeke, my brother. Mick's rock.

And, uh, sometimes my rock.

I think what we're trying
to say is that you rock.


Together, you've shown
us how to live for today.

And how to love.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Uh, well, as someone who is
still in search of their person,

you two give me hope.

So here's to happiness and to hope.

- [BEN] Yeah. Cheers.
- [SAANVI] Cheers.

- Cheers.
- One more. One more.


Just gonna call it how it is. Uh...

I haven't always been
rooting for this couple.

Is that so?


But the best man won.
So did the best woman.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- [BEN] Cheers.
- Cheers.

Michaela and I are unbelievably grateful

for this anniversary we
never thought we'd have.

Special shout out to Cal
for bringing us together.

- [ZEKE] Hear, hear.
- [JARED] Yeah.

- To Cal.
- To Cal.









[OLIVE] Uh...

Okay. What did... what did we miss?

Olive, you didn't see anything?

No. Why... why would I see
something in your Calling?

- Because you were in it.
- Wait. Olive was in your Calling?

- You guys all were.
- I certainly didn't have a Calling.

- What does this mean?
- I don't know. I don't... I just...

It felt foreboding.

I think we're running out of time.

We are.

Okay. It was hard for me to
make out who was there at first.


I think seeing you guys
in our seats, that was...


The plane then took a nosedive.

I think I saw a call light turn on.


A passenger needs our help.

Maybe more than one. You see the
person at the back of the plane?

[SAANVI] It was Thomas.
Remember the stowaway?

He was pulling at the cargo hatch
like his life depended on it.


More champagne, anyone?

- [SIGHS] Passenger boards.
- [BEN] Yeah.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I guess I'm a lightweight.

Go. Go. We'll figure out this
call button from down here.

[OLIVE] That's the Thomas you saw?

We should talk to him. Figure out
what he was doing in the Calling.

Yeah, might be hard. Bethany
lost contact with him a year ago.

I mean, he'd been through so much.

He escaped death threats in Jamaica.

Gets to New York five years later,

and then his boyfriend Leo's missing.

Yeah, and with Thomas disappeared,

he's probably living
off the grid somewhere.

How do you find an invisible man?


Uh, Mick?

So, I still don't get
Callings. So a little help?

The needle was spinning.
Now it isn't pointing north.

I think it's leading us to somewhere.

- Or someone.
- Or to an invisible stowaway.



Oh, hold up. Hold up. I got it.

It's all right. Leave
it. Leave it. I got it.

[BEN] Here.

Come on.

No, no, no.

You don't need to suffer, Cal.

I do need to be able to think
so we can solve this Calling.

Dad, I wanna help with the Lifeboat.

- Your pain meds will help you feel better.
- What if the Calling can help me?

What if I can help myself?
Dad, this is my choice.


All right, boss. Let's find
out whose call button you saw.

It was right by where the big
bag fell out of the overhead.

All right, that's row seven.

Why didn't I see that?

The light came on right
at the end of the Calling.

It was the opposite side
of the plane. Window seat.

That's F.

- That's Marko Valeriev's seat.
- We gotta go see Marko.

Come on. There's no
way I'm gonna expose you

to that bacteria at that care facility.

[CAL] Well, if I can help the Lifeboat
help us survive, then I have to.

Come on, Cal. Please calm down.

- Well, if I'm not gonna go, you need to.
- No, I'm not gonna leave your side.


- Zeke. Are you sure?
- I'm fine.

Okay, we'll both go.

All right. Thank you. Let us know
when you find him, and call...

No. Can you get Marko here?

That's not a good idea.

Well, I need to talk
to Marko. I know it.

They don't let strangers take
patients out on field trips.

We'll give it a shot.


All right.




Yeah, I have no idea why a muggle
like me would show up in a Calling.

- Me neither.

So, any progress on the
ever-elusive Omega Sapphire?

[OLIVE SIGHS] I may have
found a reference to it

in a translation of a th-century
trader's diary from Yerevan.

What'd it say?

Uh, he met a man from a
secret order called Omega,

and their sole purpose was to
protect a mystical sapphire.

Okay, now that's something.

Except then the trail goes cold.

We'll get there.


When? Because we've
been at this for weeks.

This stuff takes time,
Ol. You know that.


What is it?

Legend says the Divine Sapphire

gave the Oracle of Delphi untold powers.

So just imagine... just imagine
what we could do with this.

Like helping Cal.


Because I don't know how much time

Cal has left.

Hope this rickety old thing
knows where it's going.

I feel really bad pulling you
away from your anniversary.

No, look, we found Thomas
together last time...

Wait. Wait. Wait.

I think the compass is telling
us to go inside this building.

- We've been here before.
- Oh my God.

It's the boiler room
where we hid Thomas.

Maybe he's back.

What are you doing down
here? This area is off-limits.

Whoa! Stalk much?

I'm trying to figure out what's
hidden in this creepy maze.

You too, Kenster?

I'm only down here to
stop you from trespassing.

And stealing! You cannot do that.

Come on.

We both know whoever built
this place was flush with cash

built off the backs of people like
us. They won't miss an old tile.

Put it back, or I'll call the police.

What if I told you they stashed
a rock down here so powerful

it can make dreams come true?

That's BS.

You're a church-going guy, right?

Well, I know about miracles.
I was on Flight .

You were?

Now, I get messages from,
um, what you might call God.

And she's been guiding
me, crankily at times,

telling me I have to
go through this door.

You could call the cops.


see what's on the other side.

- Okay, this is a little underwhelming.
- Uh...

I don't get it. Why would the
compass lead us to an empty room?


Saanvi, get back!


Well, if it isn't Watson and Holmes.

- So, um, who's that guy?
- A friend.

[CHUCKLES] 'Cause you have friends?
What are you doing here, Eagan?

What do you think? The same as
you. Following a Calling, right?

What was your Calling?

So I see we're playing "I'll show
you mine if you show me yours."

Yeah, a little bit. You wanna go first?

Who wrote this?


A passenger. His name's Thomas.

When he landed, he was searching
for the love of his life.

He was supposed to
meet him at a fountain.

At the Angel of the Waters,

but he wasn't there.

You're Leo.

Knew it! So not a Kenroy.

What hap...

Where were you?

When the plane disappeared,

I thought God wanted to separate us

to punish us for our love.

I hope you see that that's not true.

- I dream of him every night.

Not to bust up this Hallmark moment,

but your compass is not
acting very compass-y.

It's pointed right at the heart.

Wait, Eagan! No!

- Stop!
- What are you doing? Stop, stop, stop!

Don't you see? That compass is
pointing the way to the sapphire.


Logan and I were cellies in prison.

Logan Strickland the er?

No, Logan Strickland
the Pilates instructor.

Yes, the er. He told
me all about the compass.

He said it was a family heirloom,
but didn't paint the big picture.

Well, I got the extended dance version.

Great-Grandpa Arnold, the
first famed compass owner,

was also a Freemason.

And one building he worked
on was the lodge next door,

AKA the Masonic Temple
of the Omega Order.

This boiler room must've
been part of it at some point.

That image looks familiar.

He drew a heart in front of the other.

Like Thomas was pointing us right to it.

[EAGAN] A puzzle carved into
stone by Logan's great-grandfather.

[EAGAN] There's more.

You really think this is gonna
lead us to the Omega Sapphire?

Oh, I know it does.

Some muscle, please?

That thing over there. Move this thing.

I can't allow unauthorized
access to an patient.

The Registry is very strict on that.

Well, listen, this is an emergency.

Well, then why hasn't
anyone notified me?

Okay, consider this a notification.

Marko Valeriev is a person of
interest in a developing case.

No, that makes no sense. The
man's been comatose for years.

I assume you're aware that
obstructing a law enforcement officer

is an arrestable offense.

Come on, Vasquez. Zein's just
trying to do their job, right?

Mm. I suggested they
do their job better.

Since I've been standing here,
I noted a code violation or two.

Hopefully, nothing that
would endanger patients.

He's a real stickler for the rules.

We'll have him back before
daybreak. What do you say?

I don't know.

Look, if you have a problem,

you go ahead and call
the Registry yourself

'cause either you or
Marko are coming down

to the station with me tonight.

That's your choice.

The size of these insets match my tiles.

Stolen tiles.


These images look familiar. I
think there's more to this puzzle.

- Care to share?

Hey, look what I found.

- [OLIVE] Oh my God.
- No way.

Al-Zuras' tarot deck.

The images match the cards
perfectly. Aunt Mick, where are you?

Long story, but I think that
this is all a treasure hunt

to lead us towards the Omega...


[MICHAELA] Yeah, maybe.

Can you send me a
picture of the tarot deck?

I think this is a map.

Yes, sending now. Sending now.


Tarot cards? Please be joking.

Look, the Roman numerals match
the ones on the tarot deck.

That can't be a coincidence.

You know, maybe we need to match

the image with the corresponding number.

- Except Romans don't do zeros, genius.

Hmm, Al-Zuras' tarot deck does.

Card zero. The Fool.

Oh! That one's got your
name written all over it.

I got this one, man.

If you insist.

Okay, what's next?

- [THUD]


Hold on. I got you.

I got you.

- You okay?
- Mm-hmm.

- What happened?
- I just wanted the remote.

I get the remote, the water, the snacks,

the whatever. You just rest, deal?

Dad, I'm fine. I just
got dizzy for a second.


We have the morphine.

No, I... Marko's not even here yet.

I need to stay alert. He needs
me. The Lifeboat needs me.

This isn't all on you, Cal.

Okay? You're pushing too hard.

Let me help.

How about that water, then?


At your service.

Justice, eighth.
Twelfth, the Hanged Man.

Hey, now. This feels personal.

It's all about you, isn't it?


[BEN] Hey. They're here.

Come on. Let's get you up.


- Thank you, guys.
- A little good cop, bad cop. Team effort.

- Yeah.
- I haven't seen him since the plane.

He patted my head.

He's calmer here with you
than he did on the ride over.

[ZEKE] He's breathing deeper, slower.

Maybe we're still connected somehow.

He looks sad.

- Cal.
- Cal, careful, man.

Marko won't hurt him.

Pretty sure this hasn't happened before.

When he let out a teardrop,
nurse said he couldn't believe it.

It's like he's seeing something.

He needs a pen and paper.
Look at his finger position.

It's like when I couldn't
express my Callings.

Maybe he's trying to draw.




[SIGHS] He drew these lines and then...


- [BEN] Yeah.
- Guys, maybe he's just done.

I don't think so.

Nice daddy helping.

Thank you.



Marko wants something.

Dad, we need Eden's crayons.

Sometimes when I would get Callings,

the feelings would come to me as colors.

It helped me take the next step.

[OLIVE] Try a different color.

It's working.

Is that...

a volcano?

That's not just any volcano.

Done and dusted. [SIGHS]

Okay, but Al-Zuras'
deck has one more card.

[OLIVE] The World card.

- And they match.
- [ZEKE] What does that mean?

I don't know. Maybe that's why
we were all in the same Calling.

Your journeys go hand in hand.


Hey. So we've solved
everything that we can,

but we're just missing the...

The World card. The one
with the volcano on it.

- How'd you know?
- Marko drew it.

Wait. Marko can draw?

Yeah, and we were able to find
out what it was, thanks to Cal.

Okay, so we know that we need
the World card to solve this,

but now what?

There's one thing different
on Marko's drawing.

It's a fire.

Does this mean anything to you?

You know what? It might. I'm
gonna call you back, okay?

Okay, so I noticed this grate earlier.

[EAGAN] Me too.

Yeah, it's a triangle.

Perhaps indicative of a volcano?

Does anyone have a light?

[EAGAN] Bro.

Oh. Me.

Thank you.

[SAANVI] Oh my God.




She was on Ben's board.

She's dying.

There's something in there.

That could be the...


The last Omega Sapphire?

[MICHAELA] Eagan, wait. I
don't think we should move it.


To think I could've had it years ago.

- How could you have known?
- My first Calling.

I was supposed to find it back then.

I think we were too.



Eagan! Eagan!

- Michaela!
- My leg!

[SAANVI] Michaela!

Go! Before the whole place collapses!

- We're supposed to be here with you.
- Not a chance we're leaving you.


All right. When I say
pull, you're gonna pull.

One, two, three. Pull!

Okay, a little more! A little more!

- I got you!


I can stem the bleeding, but
we gotta get him out ASAP.

Eagan locked us in.

What about that?

It's welded shut.

Maybe we can get out through here?

- Wait, wait, wait. Mick! What's that?


It's you.

[LEO] Thomas!


- My love!



Remember the play?

[LEO] Angels in America.

[CHUCKLES] Only you.

Only you love me.

Out of everyone in the world.

Wait. How did you...

- I was just drawn here.
- A Calling.

Uh, we need to get Leo out of here ASAP.

Let's just give them a minute. Maybe
send a picture of that to Olive.

[LEO] Mm.

Hey, um, good news and bad news.

Good news is that we
found the Omega Sapphire.

That's incredible. If it's as
powerful as we think it is...

[MICHAELA] Bad news is
that Eagan ran off with it.

But it could be the key to
the Callings. It could...

- We have to find it.
- I know. I'll... I'll find him.

I'll get it back.

I'll help. Anything you guys need.


Hey, we got this, buddy.

We got this, buddy.


I think it's time you go back up to bed.

Hey, thank you, guys. For getting
Marko here. For everything.

I should be thanking you.

Came here looking for clarity
today. I think I found it.

We should get Marko home.


Oh. I think I just overdid it today.

I got you.



I wish there was more
I could do for you.

I sense Marko was happy to help us.


Eden, honey, that's not yours to give.

[CAL] It's okay, Dad.

Eden's right. He's supposed to have it.

All right. Come on.


Tarot cards and Masonic tiles.

I'm amazed even now how things are so...


- Yeah.

No effing way.

The goddess Maat, from my papyrus.

It taught us that you all
were gonna be judged together.


[TJ] What is it, Ol?

I keep losing everyone I love.

I don't know if this helps right now,

but you're not gonna lose me.

How would you know that?

How about we consult the tarot cards?

Call this reading, uh,

oracle tarot.

You ready?

Ask your most burning question,
my love, but pick wisely.

Fate lies in your hands.




Hey, don't worry, uh...

The Death card is all about
spiritual transformation.



Or it's that I'm about to lose Cal.

Hey. You okay?

I think I need that morphine now.

Yeah, it's... it's right here.

- Could you hand me that?
- Yeah.


There you go.

I'll give you guys some space.

You know I'll never give up on you.

Whatever comes.

I know.

What's going on, Cal?


Just tell me.

No more hiding.

It's bad, Ol.



No! No, please! [SOBS]

Please, no!

If it isn't the cat with nine lives.

Poking your nose where
it don't belong again.

This doesn't concern you.

This facility's under Registry
control. Your ass is mine, Officer.

That's detective, actually.

I'm transferring to the Registry.

Haven't you heard?


[ALEX] All set.

No jogging for a while.

- You sure I can't pay you back?
- You can pay it forward.

Thank you.

Meet you in a sec.

- Thank you.
- Come on. It was nothing.

No, it's not just that.

For Cal. I wouldn't have
trusted anybody else.

I wanted to do more, at
least buy him more time.

When something is precious,
you always want more.

Any chance to keep it going.







Cal, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

But none of us are giving up.




[MICHAELA] What's going
on? Why are they still here?

Oh my God.


It's not just us.

That's why they're here.

Noah's Ark. The apocalyptic Callings.

The Death Date isn't just for
the passengers. It's for everyone.

It's for all. It's the whole world.

We're all gonna die.




Look at me. Eagan, look at me.

Come on. Give me that sapphire.

This is bigger than the Death
Date! This is bigger than .

Eagan, please!

Give us the sapphire!

No! No, no!