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Show People (1928)

Posted: 11/09/22 07:59
by bunniefuu
To hopeful hundreds there is a
golden spot in the map called...

Golonel Pepper had motored all the
way from Georgia to prove that his
daughter, Peggy, was a grat actress.

It must be Hollywood.

I like this place, Peggy...
even if it ain't Georgia.

It is John Gilbert!

I am General Marmaduke
Oldfish Pepper, of Georgia.

You ain't gonna blame
me for that, are you?

I'd like to see the president
of your company.

What about, General?

I'm going to let him put my
daughter in the movies.

Casting office...
Mr. Oldfish.

I want to introduce my daughter,
Miss Peggy Pepper.

Got one a little
more recent?

Got one a little
more recent?

The idea is, can
you act?

She will now present the
various moods. The first
will be meditation.





Very funny. Fill out
this card.

There is many a slip between the casting office
card and a menu card... especially when one's
capital has dwindled to forty cents.

I'm Colonel Pepper of Georgia, Miss.
At first I thought you were
Gloria Swanson.

You big beezark! I gotta
notion to knock yer
block off

What an uncouth
saint he is!

Billy Boone... a custard
pie artist from the
slapstick "lots".
de esos de 'tartas en la cara',

As a Southern colonel
your make-up is very

Father, who is this
coarse person?

One has to come to
Hollywood to meet
such common people.

Aw, boloney... and
you're slicing it too

Say, are you punks
trying to crash into
the movies?

My daughter, suh, is
considering a few

My acting is talk
of Savannah.

My acting is the scandal
of Hollywood.

Crashing the movies is
no cinch... but I thing
I can help you.

What'll you have
for dessert?

They've got the swellest
cocoanut cake today.

Isn't he wonderful!

The Comet Studio, where serious
comedians went through the daily
grind though of "getting laughs".

Where's the dame you were
going to bring out?

She'll be here, all right...
you couldn't keep
her away.

Gee, Dad... won't they be thrilled
back home when they see me as
a great dramatic actress?

Stage 4, Lot 5... turn to hour
right as you enter the left
wing and keep going.

Are you Mr. Comet?

If you don't say yes
I'll k*ll myself.

I'm Miss Pepper, the
new actress.

Remember, Baby...
you're not painting
a bungalow.

You gotta fall harder...
and funnier.

Can she act?

Go on, Baby... show him
what they're talking about
in Savannah.

Ah, my brave toreador!
In all Spain none is more
skillful with the bull.

You have reduced to beggary,
kidnapped my husband, and
m*rder*d my aged mother...

but beware!
Don't go too far!

That's darn good hokum.

I shall always give
my public best
that's in me.

When I call just come in
and show mid surprise,
like this...

Remember, the one law
of the pictures is, don't

Now we'll rehearse it.

Is that all I do?

Until the jolt. Then
just take it natural...
don't anticipate!

Don't get camera-shy,
Baby, and you're a

I didn't think they
made them that green!

Baby, you did that
like a real trouper.

I came here to do drama.
Why didn't you tell me
it was this?

Bat, Baby, all the stars have had
to take it on the chin... Swanson,
Daniels, Lloyd... all of them.

Come on, Baby...
you've gone this far...
it'll be easy from now on.

She did that so nifty
we'll take it again...
in a close up.

Success in this game means
work. Show them that you've
got the stuff.

Just think of that first big
thrill you'll get when you see
yourself in a theatre.

I've backed you to
win, Baby... show
them I'm right.

You're great on water
stuff... I'm gonna get
you a lot of it.

Go ahead. I'll take it
on the chin.

The preview... that trying ordeal when
a new picture is tired out before
Mr. and Mrs. Audience.

Don't anticipate!

What's the matter, Baby?
Don't you know you're a

That girl's got real personality.
I'll have Billy Boone
bring her over tomorrow.

I can't keep it from
you any longer...
I'm the director.

Come on. Let's get out
front and hear what they
have to say.

What do you want
to see a punk drama
for? Come on.

That's the kind acting
I'm gonna do some day.
That's real art!

Don't be sil. Make them
laugh and you make
them happy.

I tell you, Mr. Chaplin...
that girl is a find.

Will you please sign
my album?

I'm crazy about

Who is that little guy?

That guy is casting
director for High
Arts Studio.

Bring me a nice big piece
of custard pie.

Why, I'd be afraid I'd
throw it at someone.

The thrill that seldom
comes... a call to the
High Arts Studio!

Lew Cody and
Elinor Glyn.

She writes a lot of
those IT stories.

I like Mr. Cody... he
has such an open face.

Maybe Mr. Morton will
only see you... and
not me.

I Won't sign up unless
he takes you, too.

You want Miss Pepper
also, don't you?

I want Miss Pepper

I won't sign up unless
he takes you, too,

Oh, that's all right.
I can take it on the

Nothing for you now,
Billy. Maybe next year.

A contract from the "big
studio" and the thought
of leaving her old friends...

brought to Peggy mingled
emotions of gladness and

Goodbye, Jim... I'll always
think kindly of you
for giving me a chance.

I hate to see you go, Peggy...
but I knew I'd make
something of you.

I'm all through, Billy.

You mean you're just

It's going to be hard...
working without you, Billy.

But we'll see a lot of
each other, won't we?

Yes, but it Won't be
the same.

It's all in game, Baby. I guess
it's the crossroads... your path
leads one way and mine another.

Then I won't go!

"You're going to be a big success, Baby...
and I'm going to watch every step
of your career.

At the High Arts Studio
preliminary test were being made
for Peggy's first drama.

That's Marion Davies.

Mr. Telfair, I want you
to meet Miss Pepper,
your new leading lady.

I understand you're
quite popular also.

You're at the Countess De Fray's
reception. Yoy look over there and see
the man you hate...

Then you look over
there and see the
man you love.

The man you love!

The man you hate!

It is six months later. You
have just received a letter
that your lover is dying.

I know there's nothing
written on it, but read
it anyway.

Your lover is dying...

Give me tears!

Tears... please!

Would you please ask
them to play "Heats
and Flowers"?

Louder... and sadder!

Tears... tears... please, Miss Pepper,
if you have any respect for
me, give me tears!

That's no way to let
a lover die!

Imagine your poor old
father starving to

You don't know my

Can't you do something
to bring tears?

Imagine forty thousand
starving Armenians...

Now that we've got her
going... no film in
the camera!

Imagine you're very much in
love with someone...
you're at the crossroads of your lives...

Just once more...
a big yelp!

That's what I call good
commercial crying.

Stop crying!

Stop it, I say... we've got
a big laughing scene to

Everybody go to

Now that you have graduated
from cheap comedy,
you must forget it...

You must acquire new
personality... a superior
manner... new friends...

I will be glad to introduce
you to the elite of

Confidentially, I am
Andre d'Bergerac, le
Comte d'Avignon...

And so plain Peggy Pepper acquired
the manner of the "elite"...
and became known as Patricia Pepoire...

My paper is SO anxious
to have a true story of
your past...

When I first came on
a movie lot I thought
a pie was...

Miss Pepoire is fatigued.
With her permission I
will speak for her.

First, allow me to inform you that
Miss Pepoire is a direct descendant
of General Robert E. Lee.

This is going to make
a splendid story.

Being a lady of quality,
she chose the cinema as a
medium of self-expression.

She has the temperament
of Nazimova, the appeal
of Garbo,

the sweetness of Pickford,
and the lure of Pola Negri!

Hold it! Hold it!
Don't move!

My being in the picture
will help get it in the
big magazines.

While Billy struggled
on the same old

Let's have Peggy come
over and have chow
with us...

Peggy's too busy these
days... I seldom get a
chance to see her.

I'll bet if ask her
she'll come.

Miss Pepoire won't be able to
see you tonight. She has
important business to them to.

We haven't seen each
other for so long...

I was wondering if you'd
come over and have dinner...
like we used to?

I'm sorry, but I have
another engagement.

You're not going out
with your leading man,
are you?

It's all part of work...
won't you please try to

Sure I understand. I'll
see you some other
time, eh?

No one realized Patricia
Pepoire's importance more
than Peggy Pepper.

I'm terribly, terribly
sorry if I kept you

Waiting is such sweet
sorrow where you are
concerned, dear lady.

Today we're going to
do the kidnapping and
rescue stuff.

Is it necessary that it
be done so roughly? thrust of his
sword, and he takes
you in his arms.

Ten thousand dollars
or your life!

Another troupe on

Now we'll take it
once more.

Better b*at it... Miss
Pepoire's nerves ain't
right today.

Miss Pepoire, will you
please freshen your

...we're still making
them, but the old troupe
sure misses you.

Baby... it's a kick to
see you doing so good.

Why, Peggy... surely
success hasn't gone
to the bean!

Of course not! Don't
be absurd.

I knew you were only clowning.
Same old Peggy...
anything for a laugh.

I wish you would
please refrain from
using slag.

Oh, for crying out

Patricia, they are ready
for the next scene.

Andre, this is Billy Boone...
I used to know him in
the old days.

Why, Andy used to
serve me spaghetti
down at Tony's.

How can you be so

Gee, Baby, I'll bet you
miss the laughs we
used to have!

I never miss lowness,
cheapness and vulgarity.

...but I suppose you'll
always be the same...
a cheap clown.

Would that I had the
right to protect you...

Come on, Billy... forget
the sob squad and jump
off that rock.

Studio lunch... at the
stars' table.

The boss wants you
to come up to his
office right away.

I'm having my

He says you'll have lots of
time for lunch after he gets
though talking to you.

Pardon me, Doug... just
another one of those
boring conferences.

Read these... Miss
"Patricia Pepoire".





What's it to me if a few
theatres don't know art!

Sit down... Sarah Bernhardt!

"Pati Pepper, when I first signed
you, you were human... regular...
full of ambition...

You're not on the level
with the public that
made you...

and from now on I want
to see the real Peggy
Pepper in the screen.

I'll give you one last
chance to change... and
I want your answer now.

If you'll pardon me,
Mr. Morton, I shall
finish my luncheon.

These producers are
so disturbing... to
one's equilibrium.

They don't appreciate
what a great artist
you are.

You are so understanding!

Wedding oh Patricia Pepoire and Andre d'Bergerac,
le Comte d'Avignon, to be solemnized today.

The wedding promises to be one of the most
outstanding social events of the season and
will be attended by many screen notables.

Just think, Patricia,
you'll be a real

It must be wonderful
to be in love!

Sorry, but I can't admit
you unless you have
an invitation.

I must see her right

You tell her I've got to
see her... and I don't
mean maybe.

Pardon my depravity...
but that terrible comedian
person is downstairs.

You don't realize what
you're doing!

I do not know what I'm doing,
and I won't have you
interfering in my affairs.

"You've ruined your career...
just when you were becoming
so successful.

...and now you're going to marry
a man you don't care a rap for...
just for a phoney title.

I'm not pleading for myself...
it's for your
own happiness.

Think a minute...
remember the old

I don't want to remember
the old days.

I'm going to bring you
to your senses... now!

Don't worry... everything is
quite all right.

You were right! I'm all
you said I was... just
a clumsy fool!

Look at yourself! Look at
me! We're only fakes...
just clowns!

He was the only real
person... and now
I've lost him!

But, Patricia...
our wedding!

There will be no

Don't talk to me...
Don't touch med!...
You... you... pie-face!!!

Peggy's trip "down to
earth" had brought a clearer
view of things worth while.

Peggy, I hope you were right
in recommending this new leading
man... but can he really act?

He's marvelous, Mr.
Vidor... and we work
together so well.

Don't tell him I'm in the
picture. Just start the scene...
I want to surprise him.

Mr. Vidor, I want to
thank you for giving
me this chance.

It's up to you, Billy...
and don't let enlarge
your hatband.

You boys have been
separated from your outfit...
and make for this village...

The camera's going...
you can't quit now.

Take them on the chin...
it's all in the game.