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07x10 - They Existed

Posted: 11/09/22 18:14
by bunniefuu
[VIOLET] Previously on Queen Sugar...

It would mean a lot if you stood up
there with me when I married Sandy,

- in place of your father.
- I wouldn't miss it for the world.

[BILLIE] The more I spend
time with other men,

the more I can't stop
thinking about Vince.

This is Sam Landry's file.

They haven't made payments
on their loans in almost months.

[RALPH] We drove by Landry'
and we saw construction markers.

- Feel like they planned this all.
- This is Benny's land.

We need to find 'em.

Are you gonna tell Dominic
about the night?

Just, this is hard.

[DOMINIC ON PHONE] Oh, baby, I know.
It's been hard for me, too.

It was supposed to be weeks.
It's turned into months, and...

It's a lot.

[DOMINIC] I know and I'm sorry.

Has it changed your feelings
You can be honest.

I feel the same.

Has it changed your feelings?

that's what I want to talk to you about.

- It has.
- Okay.


[SIGHING] Hold on one second.

Somebody's at the door.

[DOMINIC] I just want you
to know that it has changed

and my feelings
have become even stronger.

More than I ever imagined.

- Hey.




- Mmm, I really missed you.

- I missed every inch of you.

- Mmm.

[SIGHS] Man, I don't want to be
away from you for that long again.

Thought about you every day
wishing you were with me.

I'd be walking down the marketplace

and be like,
"Oh, I know she'd love that."

[CHUCKLES] All the pictures, and texts,
and videos made me feel close.

Well, it was nothing like being there.

- Come with me next time.
- [CHUCKLES] You just got home

and you're already
talking about leaving again.

Mm, no.

I am here.


So, tell me everything I missed.
No details omitted.

[SIGHS] Long stories.

Well, I want to hear 'em.

You will.

We have time.

- But right now...
- Mmm.

We're gonna be late
for Prosper's wedding.

- Oh, we going to be late.

[LAUGHING] Don't, get up. Get ready.

- [LAUGHING] We're gonna be late.
- Super late.

I promise with all my heart
to love and cherish.

[CHUCKLES] I promise with all
my heart to love and cherish.


I promise with
all my heart to love and cherish.


- Daddy?
- I'm...

- Oh, did the car come yet?
- It's not coming for another half hour.

sometimes they come early so be ready.

Breathe, Daddy, breathe.
Everything's gonna be fine.

And I have a surprise for you.

Oh, I don't need any surprises.

- My heart's racing as it is.
- Well, it's from Charley.


The election is so close
and she couldn't get away.

She wanted you to have
this for your wedding day.

Oh, bless her heart.


- [BOTH] Oh.
- Wow.

[CHUCKLES] To help keep track of
every second with your true love.

Wishing you much love and luck
today always. Charley and Davis.


- That's sweet.

- Ah.
- That looks good on you, Daddy.

- Oh.

It's fit for a king.


- You know, I didn't

get you anything that expensive,

but, you know, I might have
a little surprise for you later.

Nothing else matters
other than you being here.

You know, having you here
has meant so much to me.

There's no place I'd rather be.




Ralph Angel, can you help me with this?

- Damn, girl.

- Up or down?
- Up.

- You sure?
- We'll be late. yes.

All right.

- You look amazing.
- Thank you.

And I'm a little bit worried
you're gonna upstage the groom

looking so handsome.

Yeah, whatever.

How's your toast coming?

- It's coming along.
- Mmm-hmm.

It's been kind of hard focusing.

Just can't stop thinking about Randolph

- and what he said about the Landrys.
- I know.

I mean, I lost my farm
because I couldn't pay my loan.

We got desperate.

But Landry gets a pass.

I mean, that ain't right.

[SIGHS] - Well,
that's a problem for tomorrow.

Right now, we just need to
be there for Prosper and Sandy.


You know, our wedding
day's in the top five days of my life.

- Hmm.
- For real.

I bet I can guess the top five.

- All five?
- All five.

- I don't think so but come on.
- Okay.

- Blue's birth.
- That's one.

- Tru's birth.
- That's two.

Our wedding.

The day you got out.

That's four.

What's five?

Hasn't happened yet.

I guess the best is still yet to come.

Hmm. You are romantic at heart,
Ralph Angel Bordelon.


- If only everybody knew.
- Nobody needs to know.

That's our little secret.


You got this.

- I'm glad you're here.


- [HOLLYWOOD] Nice job.
- Okay, take your place.

All right.

[HOLLYWOOD] Hey, Miss Leflore's here.

Okay? Ready?

Oh, yeah.

I'm where I'm supposed to be.

[RALPH] Everybody here for you.

Yeah, I know, and I'm blessed for it.

Congratulations, Prosper.




Prosper, when I came in your house,

and I saw you, something changed

within me right then.

When I saw those dimples
and that knockout smile,

I knew I wanted to keep you
smiling for the rest of my life.


Ah, you have me smiling...

...and crying at the same time!

[PROSPER] Sandy...

You've shown me more love
than I've seen in decades.


You've fixed and filled every crack,

bits and pieces of my heart.

[OFFICIANT] May I have the ring?



[OFFICIANT] Prosper, do you take
Sandy as your lawfully wedded wife?

I do.

[OFFICIANT] Sandy, do you take Prosper
as your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

[OFFICIANT] I now pronounce
you husband and wife!


For those of you...

...that feel like we're too
old to jump the broom...

- [GUEST] All right, now!
- Just watch and learn.


[GUEST] Congratulations to you.

[HOLLYWOOD] Everybody's here
for the best man!

- Excuse me, everybody.

Can I get your attention?

I just wanted to give a toast... Mr. Prosper, Ms. Sandy.

Mister Prosper's been
like a second father to me...

...and my sisters.

Guiding us, grounding us,

keeping us connected to our Daddy.

That being said...

...ain't no words...

...describe your impact on us,
Mr. Prosper.

And I'm sure I can speak for us all...

...when I say we...

...we'd be more at a loss without you.


[RALPH] Honestly.

And Ms. Sandy...

I don't know what you did to this man...


...but you got him sprung.

Ever since the day y'all met,

it's all he talks about.

I'm excited... welcome you to our family.

To Prosper...

...and to Sandy.

[ALL] To Prosper and Sandy.

[HOLLYWOOD] To Prosper and Sandy,
yes, beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful.

Now, uh, why don't y'all get on out here

and show us how it's really done.



♪ I ♪

♪ Will always love you ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ Will always be true ♪

♪ We were made for each other ♪

♪ Like the beat for the papers ♪



♪ Party time it's here now
everybody do your thang ♪

♪ Get on down do your thang ♪

♪ Do that thang do your thang ♪

♪ Get on down, get on down ♪

♪ Do that thang do your thang ♪

♪ Shake it lady, get on down ♪

Girl, Sandy's friends are so jealous,

but in the sweetest way, though.

I mean, finding true love
at any age is rough, but... find it when we are
truly, fully mature is rare.

I mean, girl...

I can see why her friends are jealous.

She definitely...

...hit the jackpot with your dad.

So I gather Chicago is good?

- Chicago is real good.
- [NOVA] Mmm.

- So, you and Vince next?

I don't know. Maybe.

I just... I feel different.

I'm not scared anymore.

And I twisted up inside
about commitment and life.

I don't think I get lost this time.

I love to hear that.

You're healing.

We both are.

I'm so glad you came back to St. Jo.

You always had a way
of shaking this place up.


Girl, you know you shake the tree,

you never know what's gonna fall out.

Old relationships and new adventures.

On that note, I'm gonna need a drink.

Girl, old relationships.
Don't get me started.



Mind if I take this onto
the dance floor?

- Me?
- You.

She's talking about me.

I would love that. Come on.

♪ Tell me maybe I ♪

♪ Could be there for you ♪

♪ How ever do you want me ♪

[NOVA] Can't keep up!


♪ How ever do you want me ♪

It's nice to see you still got it, sis.

Oh, was it even a question?

I mean, you ain't exactly a spring
chicken, you know what I'm saying?

Oh! It's giving jealousy.

Well, you know,
I'll always have more moves than you.

- Stop playin'.
- [RALPH] You don't want the smoke, no.

- No, but don't make me...
- And you come on now, stop playin'.

come up out this suit jacket.
I'll... I'll...

- [NOVA] What you gonna...
- I'll break it down...

Break... you don't... hey... you... ay!

Come here. I gotta give you something.

I'll be right back.

What's up?

Violet talked to me about the movie,

and how she feels about it now

moving forward with it.

She talked to me too.

Well, I wanna check in.

How do you feel about it?

I feel like it's messy.

But knowing our story...

...talking about it... helped.

So, if it helps somebody else,

I ain't mad at it.

Well, it can keep helping us, too.

Wait, you serious?

- Stop playin', for real?
- This is the advance.

He said, "However you need,

try and get the land back."

Come here.

- I love you so much.
- I love you.

Ralph Angel...

You smell that?

It smell like cane burning.

It's the wrong time of year for that.

Somebody's cane on fire!

That's Landry's land!

[RALPH] Thank God it was controlled.

Nobody burns cane
around this time of year.

It definitely wasn't no accident.

Now, that fire was started on...

...Landry's side of the property.

But why would the Landrys
start a fire on their own land?

He damaged his crops more than ours.

It must be some kind of strategy, right?

[DARLA] He's getting out.

He's selling his mills for parts.

We've seen construction
markers across his land.

Well, Mo told us they tried this
tactic upstate with another co-op.

Intimidation and sabotage.

Vince has handled
cases like this before.

I'll call him, see if he can come down.

There's gotta be something
on those files Randolph copied.

And it's bigger than
some files that over...

Fire's out, and nobody got hurt,
thank God.

Aunt Vi, we gotta do something.

I know, baby.

But I am not about to let
Sam Landry or anything

rob us of the glory of this day.

So, go get cleaned up as best you can,

and come on back to the party.

Prosper, you have... of the most beautiful
brides I have ever seen in my life.

[WHISPERING] Thank you.

And she is eager to cut into the
most delicious cake I've ever baked!

We are not about to let
all that go to waste.

I second that.

You're right, I don't wanna...

...ruin her day.
She doesn't deserve that.

Come on folks. Let's enjoy ourselves.



[HOLLYWOOD] How is it, baby?

Ladies and gentlemen,
family and friends,

let's give another round of applause
for Mr. Prosper and Ms. Sandy.


[MICAH] Yo, it's been a day,
but we still here.

We still shining, right?


My Aunt Vi is about
to unveil her latest creation,

and she said, and I quote,

"Baby, y'all ain't never
had nothing like this."

So, without further ado,

let's make some noise for the
Denton Dreamy Delight wedding cake!


[MICAH] Make some noise!

Y'all ain't never tasted
nothing like this before!


- Thank you, Vi. Thank you.
- [VIOLET] You're welcome, baby.

- You ready?
- Yes.

[MAN] Careful with that knife, now!


[WOMAN] Get it, girl! Get it!


St. Jo came through...

- Oh, wow!
- Everyone was showing out.

And I just wanted to capture the love.

[KEKE] I can feel it.

These are amazing.

[MICAH] Thanks, it was a good time.

Hey, can I ask you something?


Why did you break up with me?

I feel like I never got
a clear... answer.

It wasn't one reason.

We were growing apart.

It seemed that we were on
two different paths.

We were really young.

New people, new ideas and...

To be honest, it wasn't always
easy being Micah West's girlfriend.


Why didn't you tell me that?

It wasn't a big deal in St. Jo,

because everyone knew me first.

But here, when I tell people about you,

they look at me like...

Like, "Why is he with her?"

She's so country.

I felt the jealousy...

...and the judgement.

It sucked.

It's wild to me that...

...people would say that, because
from the minute I laid eyes on you,

I felt like you were out of my league.

You're beautiful.


Thank you for saying that.

I feel that.

You know, it's taken me

some time to understand that St. Jo... a special place
that I carry with me.

Not something I should be
ashamed of or run from or hide.

I wanted to make my own way,

and with all of our
other issues, I felt...

...that I would always be Micah West's

if I didn't break away.

But I could've handled it way better.

And I'm sorry.

[QUIETLY] I understand.

So, if we can prove
that the fire was intentional,

we can take the Landrys to court.

This precedent that can
be a great guide.

This isn't the first time
this type of tactic

has been tried in rural communities.

Billie's right.

We've done it before,
so if we can find a pattern

of intimidation, preferential
treatment, corruption,

we can build a case.

We can look to the files
that Randolph gave.

I started analyzing them last night.

Look, all that sound cool,
but I still wanna talk to Landry.

That could be tricky.

I mean, what's the intent
of going and doing that?

To confront him, look him in the face

and see if he got
that stupid smirk on it.

That's when I know he's lying.

Look, all I'm saying,
maybe a face-to-face

might help us know if we on track.

Yeah, but Ra,
he's got bad blood for you.

And you for him, I mean,
I just don't think it's wise

for you to put yourself in a position

where he could potentially
twist it to his advantage.

Exactly, you'd be making it easy
for him to say that you're trying

to intimidate or coerce him.

I'll go.

He won't expect anything coming from me.

I'll see if I can get
anything out of him.

[WOMAN] Mr. Landry will see you now.

Ms. Bordelon.

What a wonderful surprise.

To what do I owe this pleasure?

I came to inquire about a fire on
one of your properties last night.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

You're not aware of a controlled
burn on one of your properties?

I don't run the day-to-day on my lands.

Respectfully, I have people who do that.

[DARLA] Do you?

I've heard you've been forced to
greatly reduce your staff and assets.

Well, you heard wrong.

You seem very defensive all of a sudden.

Are you okay?

Of course I'm okay.

We've had a lot of lightning
strikes in the last few years.

Who knows?

Maybe climate change is real.

Why does this even matter to you?

Because the land that burned is very
close to land

that's important to me, and no
more protocols have been followed.

Your little farmer's club.

I almost feel sorry for you.

You're hiding so many secrets.

It's gonna poison you
from the inside out.

How dare you try to talk to me... we're familiar.

I'm not trying to talk to you.

I am talking to you,
and very directly, in fact.

[SAM] You know, it doesn't matter.

Whatever you thought you were doing,

or getting by coming here...

We finalize our deal
with the outlet mall tomorrow,

and then you...

...and your clan, can make
their lives miserable for all I care.

People underestimate us, Mr. Landry.

Just know...

...that when everything
comes crashing down for you,

and we both know that that's
happening sooner than later,

you'll have brought your misery...

...on yourself.

Have a good day.

[VIOLET] That reckless burn
was one thing too much.

I am through with those damn Landrys.

Now, I don't know,

whether or not that Betty's
land had anything to do with this.

But she would stop it if she could.

Baby, I'm not even sure
if it's her current address.

It's just the last one
I found in Seattle.

Yeah, well, I just can't sit around

and let Sam Landry destroy
my family and my community.

Well... bags are in the car.
I'm ready to go.

You are?


You know who I am.

- Hey...
- Vince, we are working.

Now, if you're opening
your mouth to flirt with me,

and not because you found
something that I'm after...

You'll do what, huh?

You gonna smack my hand
with the deposition?

You know, you were lethal
with those things in law school.

Well, it was the only thing
that could keep your focus.

And I make no apologies.

Well... you shouldn't.

Because I was so busy looking at you,

I don't know that I would have made
it through law school if you didn't.

Okay, see, this is
what I'm talking about.

You were flirting.

- I wouldn't call that flirting.
- Yeah, I, uh...

- Just telling you that...

...I was lucky to have you there.

And not just because
I was crazy about you.

But for the many times you stayed
up half the night to save my ass.

Well, you're welcome.

You ever think about going back?

[SIGHS] I think about it all the time.


...I could, uh, help you prep
for the LSATs again.


- Yes, the LSATs.

So, um...

...the night before the LSATs was...

...the day that our whole life changed.

[LAUGHING] Mmm-hmm. Yes, it did.

Yes, it did.

And we got a beautiful son out of it,
a genius, just like his mother.

You always had a better mind
for this than me.

I missed you.

Especially when I thought
I was gonna lose you.

I'm here.

I know.




I've been wanting to tell you
that I'm working on something new.

- Hmm.
- Um,

I'm writing about the loves of my life.

- Ohh!
- Yeah. [LAUGHING]

Very interesting.

- How many are there?

Well... of them is right here.

- Oh, really?
- Oh, really.

[NOVA] Hmm.

So much has happened
since you've been away.

I don't know where to begin.


I saw my first love from high school.

And I, uh, was so afraid to see her,

I wasn't sure where it would lead.

I mean, I'm actually
writing about that now.

Oh, can I read?

Yeah, uh, no. It's... No.
It's not [LAUGHING] there yet.

I mean, I don't even know what it is.

it's a book or an essay or just for me,

but, um, I'll show you when it's ready.

Before I show anyone else.



Who else is in there?

All of them. Uh...

...I mean, this whole process
has had me reflecting on so much.

Including us.

I mean, my relationships have
always had one foot out the door.

And I've always fallen for
people who I wouldn't wholly let in.

Always giving in to temptations
while in relationships, and I'm...

...embarrassed to admit that, but...'s true.

Somehow, though, I, uh...'s been different with you.



Hold on. [LAUGHING]

Oh, it's my sister.

She's been worried about Raw after
the fire.

Can you give me one minute?

- Yeah. Yeah, of course.
- Okay.

Charley? Hey, yeah, no, we're all okay.

Okay. After that accident...


So I think we're looking
at the wrong pattern.

I have a hunch about something.

We knew about the Black farm
loan applications being denied.

Then Landry mentioned lightning fires,

which made me think that there
also might be disaster relief claims.

[RALPH ANGEL] Parthena file for one,
too. But it never came.

...while the white farmers' claims
were processed immediately.

Look in the folders I made
split by race of the landowners.

It's organized by claim causes.

Okay. Um, I have
the white farmers' insurance.

Yeah, lightning fire claims

They're all approved.

[VINCE] And the adjacent
Black farms rejected.

Do the dates correspond?

[BILLIE] They match exactly


Between that and the
misfiled loan extensions,

this is concrete evidence
of discrimination.

[RALPH ANGEL] Damn sure is.

[DARLA] We're at the USDA office.

We're gonna get 'em talking.

Mr. Miller. Our loan amount,
paid in full.

Hon, this is a US Government office,
this isn't a pawn shop.

I can't accept money
that's been unlawfully gained.

Though given the amount of unlawful

you've accepted from the Landrys,

I don't see how that'd be a problem.

Excuse me?

Too bad about Mr. Randolph.

Losing his job and everything?

The Landrys, they're pillars
of this community.

And they deserve a fair shake
just like everybody else.

Years of missed loan payments
is a fair shake, Mr. Miller?

They're from an upstanding family.

They're not just a lazy thug
out looking for a handout.

And I'm here to maintain
that natural order.

I'm good, baby.

He's not saying nothing
to make me upset.

The real truth is, he's a thug,

who might lose his job
and maybe his freedom.

Sir, if, if you'll just take our check,

we can both go our separate ways.

You can place as many checks
as you want to on this desk,

but until I can verify
the source of the income,

there's nothing you can do
to make me turn 'em in.

There must be some way

for us to convince you
to process our payments.

Look, everybody greases the skids.

That's just the way it's been
done here for years.

It's just business.

Now, I can't guarantee you anything.

But it couldn't hurt.

So, cash, then?


Thank you. We'll be right back.


- Got yo lazy.


everybody greases the skids

That's just the way it's bee
done here for years.

They get so used to
getting away with everything.

Good to keep their eyes open.

And mouths closed.


[NOVA] What are you doing?

I can't believe this.

I was in a tent in the Sudan checking
that weather app once an hour,

desperate to know
how you were, and you were..., with your ex-cop
boyfriend that's the love of your life.


Guess you call everyone that.

You had no business reading that.
That is such a violation of trust.

You'd know all about that.

All right, well, since you decided to
read something I asked you not to,

did you read 'til the end?

I called him the love of my life
before I even knew what love was.

I didn't realize how much pain

I was holding onto.

So many what-ifs clouding my thoughts.

And to make space for you...

...I needed to let go of all that.

And now...

...there is nothing holding me back.

What would I think about you
when I think of you?

It is simple.

There's no variables, there's no

no pros and cons to weigh.

Just searing singularity.

And I thought you were right there
with me in this, like, really in it.

But I been on an island.

Loving you.

And you've been struggling to love me.


I am right...

You have to believe me.


I always hoped you'd look
at me like this someday.

I've always seen you, Vince.

I just...

...I couldn't see myself.

With you, or with anybody.

Explains a lot.

I know I hurt you.

I just gotta get used to it, you know?

Lately, I tell myself,
[SIGHING] she loves you.

You're good.

You got... have a home. Kids.

Whatever her reasons are,
are her reasons.

They have to be okay.

You know, I have let my issues
stop me from doing something

that was important to you.

I'm not gonna do that anymore.


Vince, thank you for loving me
more than I love myself.

I adore you, baby.

I have loved and I have cherished you.

And I wanna do that
until death do us part.


Will you marry me?

[CHUCKLING] Hell, yes.

- Hell, I... Yes.

- Yes! Yes, yes, yes.

- [BILLIE] Mmm.


Oh! Daddy. What,
what are you doing here?

Well, the wedding suite was beautiful,

but it's nothing like our own home.

I'm so sorry, uh, Mr. Prosper, I, um...

We just really didn't think you
were coming back here tonight.

You have a good night, kids. Have fun.

Okay. Um...


[BOTH] Weddings.


Boy, that was a good one.

- Mmm-hmm.

You coulda at least let me try
to carry you over the threshold.

I'm not gonna be dragging my
husband to the ER on our first night.

Say that again?


- Husband.
- [LAUGHING] You silly.


- Mmm-hmm.

[CLEARING THROAT] Where do you
think you going?

We've only been married five minutes.

I have to leave something
to the imagination.







Uh, you're sure you okay
with delaying the honeymoon?

I don't need to go frolicking
on the beach somewhere.

I've got everything I need...

...right here in front of me.


My husband.



[DARLA] Thank you, Councilwoman.

PHONE] Absolutely. So, it's all set.

That means a lot,
Miss Barrera. Appreciate it.

- My pleasure.
- Bye.


How she got that audio

to the Senate
Agricultural Committee so quickly is...

Now, it's on me. You know
I'm not good at public speaking.

Don't do that.

You said you weren't good at school.
You said you weren't good at math.

But you can calculate crop profits and
debt percentages without a calculator.

And now, you're saying you're
not good at public speaking.

But I have seen you rally
old school farmers...

- ...stuck in their ways,

and you get them to do completely
new things with the co-op.


You're really good at it.

And you're gonna be good at this.

- Okay, where's my phone?
- Hmm.

Look at her.

[GASPS] - Yeah,
she walking before she crawl.

Told you she was smart.

- Lookit, that's my baby girl.


- Look at you.
- Look at you.

Vi said you did the same thing
at her age.

Remember that.

True! Look at you standing
all by yourself.

My little cutie pie.

Look at you standing up by yourself,
you little genius.

I don't know what you so jumpy for.
You've done this lots of times.

Not in this kinda neighborhood.

Most who live like this
keep cops on speed dial.

What you wanna do?

Give me a minute.

This is my stakeout.

[LAUGHING] You Easy Rawlins now?


I don't know.

That's it. That's her.

That's my friend. That's Betty.

Let's go.


It's best I do this on my own.

I'll be here.


Hi, Ray-Ray.