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01x18 - Still Sisters

Posted: 11/10/22 08:56
by bunniefuu
Bell hurry up you're not even dressed

yet Linden Steve will be here any minute

what do you think looks better this or

this hey aren't you the guy who wanted

wear t*nk top to my aunt's wedding I

mean you have g*ns like these you don't

to put them in a holster besides tonight

we're going to a restaurant where

professional athletes hang out we don't

know if anyone famous is gonna be there

yeah remember what happened went to

Michael Jordan's restaurant yeah you got

drunk and they threw you out because you

kept yelling where the hell's Jordan it

everybody was looking at me in my jeans

and ratty t-shirt I'm not making that

mistake again hey hey we're sick first

of all he's meeting us at the restaurant

second of all it's Nick steve was two

boyfriends ago thanks for keeping us oh

that's right next to veterinary no that

was a dandy was a vegetarian well

remember what I told you and try not to

move too fast uh-huh you already moved

in you uh-huh we talked about that she'd

only been out with him a couple of times

I know I know don't worry he won't take

him easy i told him i almost never do

this okay be honest you look fine uh

yeah hate it Oh can I borrow your big

punch bowl for my Tupperware party what

are you sure how's it come so far out a

big punch bowl no I'm on a Tupperware

party is a big undertaking tube tables

chairs food for everyone I don't know I

just wanted to sell a bunch of stuff and

win a juicer okay first of all I think

your apartment might be too small what I

see we have it here we'll put the drinks

and appetizers there the tupperware over

there and I can invite all my you know

you're kind of taking over here do I

still get the juicer your party okay I'm

ready to mingle with the rich and sporty

you have two different shoes on I know

what do you think this one or this is

this one this one yeah I stock right now

I gotta change my whole



you won't see this to all four of us are

here where's Nick I guess he's running

late no who are you looking guy might be

Brian Urlacher when I can't be sure one

could go we asked you to Judy this is a

fancy restaurant gonna be a little more

discreet that's not him you know next 35

minutes later you sure he knows where

the restaurant is yeah yeah I'm sure

something just came off and trust me if

I know my man he'll be here looks like

it's gonna be three it's gonna be for

you don't know why Nick to be running

late I mean there could be a lot of

technical reasons are you an investment

some other do you have a palm pilot

thing a majig know you do

sammy sosa I'm sorry so sorry so sorry

hey where are you uh-huh uh-huh

it's gonna be three well uh Nick's on

his way unfortunately it's to Hawaii

with whoever was giggling in the

background oh yeah I'm just gonna go

home no don't fall well Judy I'll stick

out like a third wheel no we want you to

stay okay it's gonna be too don't worry

Linda the three of us will have a nice

dinner and nobody will notice that you

don't have a date I want to hand me my

drink sure you don't have a bigger table

no I'm sorry they're reserved for

parties of four but a smaller chair

isn't death I'll let you know in this

great yeah it's great feel like a

lifeguard oh look at these prices let's

see we can make a car payment or have

the shrimp cocktail no it's our night

out Linda order anything you want i

would but i don't see dignity on the

menu hi i just like to apologize for the

table oh no it's not probably could just

get me a slightly taller stool so i can

jump off and k*ll myself no problem

Jimmy might be taught us tools so the

pretty lady can k*ll herself Korean with

your parents on a Saturday

I'm Matt this is my restaurant cyan't

wind up listen I'm sorry they put you

here and to apologize i like to move you

to a better table and buy you all dinner

hi I'm Phil get out of here you're in

the ski rescue squad and asking for 10

winters before i bought this place you

like to ski no but i like to be rescued

well both of the people I rescue have

gotten pretty banged up well then

actually yeah it's been a wonderful

evening Matt thank you for a beautiful

dinner listen I hope you saved room for

our signature dessert bananas Gregory I

don't know I'm pretty full oh wait

there's some room well in that case I

should go check on the kitchen and

select us a nice bottle of cognac and

fire a couple of waiters to pay for this

meal do what you gotta do so what do you

think how many Bob Linda I think you

should slow down and you should just

stop what you're talking about I've only

been back on the market for an hour

don't you think it's a little too soon

for rebound Judy when God throws you a

ball you just careful I don't want you

to get hurt again I'm terribly sorry but

we seem to be all out of that cognac I

was looking for but uh you know that the

latter hours plays that always stocks

eight if anybody's interested oh that's

very sweet but we may uncle that's so

kind but Linda's robe and Bill and I

need to get home yeah it's great meeting

you all I'll make sure she gets home

safely I almost never do this just to




leave my sister her idea to have a

Tupperware party but then of course who

ends up addressing the invitations and

doing everything you do who picks up the

strap when Linda blows off everything to

be with her new boyfriend you do cool

for 10 to be sympathetic but doesn't

even listen now I have a whole list of

stuff to do for this party you could

help me instead of wolf and down all

those desserts Matt keeps bringing over

I could but really Judy what are the

odds whoa okay fine a mat come in can I

offer you one of your desserts no thanks

we're on our way to meet my parents for

dinner hey you came home for help me

with the invitation hi gran I got 15

minutes are we waiting for oh I've been

waiting for you for the past three days

max why don't we go into the living room

and enjoy the lack of tension in the air

there's no tension in here I just want

to finish these imitations you know I'd

love to check out that tension free

living room yeah are you mad at me no

I'm not mad let's just get the

invitations done so Matt wants you to

meet his parents huh oh no actually it's

my idea figure why not I may be feeling

their baby boy Linda can I be honest for

a second nope but every time you fall

for a guy you end up moving way too fast

and dropping everything for him so he

becomes your entire life that is so not

true I mean Matt asked me to go skiing

this weekend and asked them I said no

because we have a Tupperware party good

I'm glad you're being responsible for

one weird that supposed to me oh it's no


I know what this is about I am finally

happy and you have no reason to meddle

in my life anymore oh you think I like

this I wish you could live your life

without my help no way maybe a look up

skiing with mask no you don't you're not

gonna leave me here to throw your

Tupperware party oh it's off my

Tupperware party hasn't been my

Tupperware party since I came in here

and said hi Judy I'm having a Tupperware

party so I'm at relieving and you know

that sea trip it's on whatever oh hey

see you bill 50 oh my i can probably

cold up there you might want to bro my

snow pants wet fire up park their

efforts well i don't know why he

bothered to call him back you need to

stand up to him and tell him if he's

going to be in this relationship he

needs to take responsibility mom would

you get off the phone Tiffany call to

talk to me trying to give her a little

advice that's treating like crap do you

want someone to talk to you why don't

you call Aunt Linda I'm like four day I

have nothing to save your aunt linda's

she called me a meddler Tiffany you have

got to learn to stand up for yourself

hey mom did Brian tell you that he's

dating a 17 year old girl what yeah he

is and plus I think she might smoke oh

my god I gotta go Tiffany I'll pull you

later Brian Brian I need to talk to you

again I thought we had to talk this

morning I do this because I care your

sisters don't mind these toxin neither

should you so uh who is this 17 year old

girl you're safe I'm not saying a 17

year old girl why did it 17 year old

girl ask about me no Lauren told me why

would you make something like that up

you know what I bet she's just trying to

distract you from noticing her tattoo

oops I wasn't supposed to say anything

they Todd you're home why maybe I'm not

well it's just at mom's been bye bye no

wait I have to help but she's driving us

crazy hey hey nobody helped me before

you kids came along where's mom she's

upstairs with Tina I told you about

she's sucking her thumb again dad do

something always she's in sticker hose

into everything we do I guess that's

because she doesn't have anybody to bug

now that your aunt Linda's not around

well then we have to get when the best

no no no see it's a trade-off you're

unhappy cuz your mom's bugging you I'm

happy because your aunt Linda's not

around to bug me how is that a trade-off

what are we get your daddy's happiness

isn't that enough for you oh look at you

with that sad face I could care less

about it dad I'm sorry but as long as

she's bothering you she's not bothering

me as long as she's not bothering me

there's no problem but you're the head

of the family exactly which is why i

declare this conversation over begone

yeah he's down here and you've got a

problem that we're gonna need your help


the world what are you doing here I

thought you were skiing with math oh wow

you know we came back early it was

snowing oh good for skiing not always

are you a skier knew you were not what

are you doing here I wanted to drop off

this note that Judy ro kid really wanted

you to have dear Linda I feel so bad

about meddling in your life and I'll

apologize and pretend this never

happened so please never mention this

note especially to me your sister Judy

Miller I wonder why she typed the note

because she she felt so bad she typing

makes okay I wrote the note does it

really matter who wrote it yeah

Linda's Judy really cares about you and

it hurts her that you're not around yeah

I'll bet no really she misses you she

loves you she does yeah and the kids

love you and even I the fact is right

now judy judy thinks you're rushing into

things with Matt but once she realizes

he really is a great guy you know Matt

he's a jerk okay Judy was right I was

just moving too fast I didn't see it did

something happen yeah oh good oh why do

I way to do this to me when ruggedly

built with rope there's nothing wrong

with you mmm I gotta be something what

is it what's wrong with me you're a

wonderful woman you're smart and nice

and track nice yeah how how do you think

I'm nice well remember that Christmas we

had you over you let me finish your

turkey leg you took it off my plate when

I wasn't looking well I I thought you

were done but there were a lot of people

there and you didn't point it out to

anybody that was nice I was shocked we

were still saying great

the point is you're nice now you should

go see Judy no no no no no you can't

tell her anything I'm we should go on

and on about how she was right now I

don't listen I'll never hear the end of

it that's just a heartbreak talking I'm

not telling her bill and neither are you

swear okay okay I swear hey yet format

left did he bring any brownies or bill I

just got dumb do you think there's any

sweets left in this house I guess


dear you are so I got a whole Tupperware

party going on in there can you give me

helps coffee on Linden that broke up

what do you mean II Procol you were

right she was moving too fast with Matt

and I didn't get all the details but she

was crying on my shoulder and she's out

of cake he's crying on your shoulder all

that desperate sing what did she call me

because you would have in and then this

is coming from her and not me you you

would have told her what she did wrong

like you always do and how she should

have done it differently like you always

do again Linda's words I'm total there

right now now you can't go now living

room full of women's well it's just a

Tupperware party I think you can handle

it till I get back but in the world

would make you think that you're a

Salesman do what you do at work watch

the clock and wish I went to college

oh hi hi bill told me that you and Nick

broke up honey and that to me and Matt

I'm sorry it's hard to keep up are you

all right I'm perfectly fine are you

sure yeah you know come on talk to me

what happened turns out the lodge we

were staying at is run by an ex Playboy

bunny so Matt suggested the three of us

have drinks in the hot tub and he

wouldn't a peek yeah I smacked him and

she smacked him and she drove me to the

airport nice girl scale said she'd give

me a good rate if I ever wonder go sorry

honey I can't believe you didn't think

you could come to me so my baby sister's

been here crying all by ourselves okay I

mean you were right about it I know but

it doesn't feel good this time I

realized that sometimes it could be

bossy kind of like mom yeah sometimes in

kinda my kid sister and I gotta let you

make your own decisions and the only

thing I need to do is to be there for

you no matter what oh sh**t that is so

great no for the first time I feel like

you really respect me cuz you're

treating me like another adult come on

get dressed and come back to the

Tupperware party with me okay and I

promise from this moment on I'm not

gonna meddle in your life anymore okay

I'll get it oh hey Judy is Linda around

oh yeah acted like an idiot and I feel

horrible i really need to apologize to

her oh you don't need to apologize

Linda's not angry she just wanted her

first three way to include her sister

really she might get lost pervert oh

just someone trying to sell you a bunch

of crap I just want to let you know that

from this moment on I'm not going to

middle in your life honey and you

already say that yeah oh you might hear

it a couple more times

and lastly the two quart container which

is different from the one quart

container because it holds twice as much

okay if anybody wants to make a purchase

those order forms on the table nobody

looks like nobody wants to buy any

Tupperware Tina but daddy you try if we

didn't sell anything we could lose the

house oh that may be true honey but

that's not these nice people's problem

we'll we'll find a way come on I'll

teach you how to make ketchups inviting


I wouldn't have it any other way cuz you

make me happy