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02x10 - Still Believing

Posted: 11/12/22 08:11
by bunniefuu

going on mrs. Kravitz Samantha turned

Darren into a zebra again stand it

Lawrence out on that porch with the kid

she's been dating it's been three weeks

and he's yet to set foot in this house

it took you six months introduce me to

your parents I was waiting for the

perfect moment but the three of you

never seemed to be drunk at the same

time vamanos let's see if we can get a

good look and he's gone we know nothing

about this kid bill to be fair how much

do we really know about Lauren cleaning

hate mom while you're at it you might

want to get your nose smudge off the

front window curious how come we're not

Lots to your boyfriend's face maybe he

doesn't have a face oh come on come on

Judy you'll be shy too if you didn't

have a face hello oh hello Matthew's

mother yes he just left oh yes well I

really wanted to talk to you too out of

town what I'm sorry I'm sorry could you

hold on a second Lawrence trying to fly

you've been visiting dad sick and and

waukegan I know it sounds silly just

please pull you along gosh you know we

don't have relatives in waukegan oh no

she meant Rockford that's where the sick

aunt is what we've been wanting to meet

you too Dylan I Friday night sounds

great Oh we'll bring Brian and Tina too

okay great thanks can't believe you

would lie to keep us from meeting your

boyfriend's parents it's just that

Matthews family it's a little different

than we are you wouldn't get along

different how well when somebody in his

family accidentally burps they say

excuse me instead of seeing how deep

they can get into the alphabet was

applauding when I got to our

it's not just that I mean they're nice

we go to church every well going to

church doesn't necessarily make you nice

does however make you sleepy we just

took you to church he told him that

didn't you uncle down funeral was in a

church and a real snoozefest yeah I mean

they know that you guys didn't take you

to church why would they know that

because I've been going to church with

them what one Sunday cheeky students I

mean what have you been going that we

don't know about early in the morning

before you get up now you know that the

nice people and you don't have to move

no we need to meet them because they

need to know that we're good people to

on dad don't want to go to you well it's

a tough call because when I see how

miserable it make you I think i'm just

not the kind of father who could pass

that up




and dad don't forget please don't call

anything ask what I don't say a see yeah

you do it's your new favorite word

you've been saying it non-stop for two

weeks okay name one thing that I call

pasi arena football turkey Franks

grandma I believe I call grandma gassy I

sorry what I guess they're really into

kenny loggins god you want a couple of

Grammys let's not get carried away by

Matthew Halverson I'm being your

daughter not to you yeah I'm the old man

my wife Kathy don't call me the old lady

meet you let me take that I'm Judy you

have a lovely home it really feels like

it's filled with god's love thank you

I'm bill this is brian tina of course

you know Lauren hey Lauren hi Matthew

these are my parents do you miss her

mrs. Miller yeah it's nice to finally

meet you face-to-face sorry to hear

about your second oh thank you but we

find that prayer and the Bible and those

little beads really give us a straight

hey you guys want to go hang out

downstairs yeah how about we raise well

you're the first ones again here we've

invited the usual cast of criminals got

people from our church I office Kathy's

office not the post office though we're

gonna go ahead and leave those criminals

on the wall haha let me take these cones

bless you

someone's knee yeah yeah that was me I

sneeze like an infant this is I yawn

like a hippo and this from a guy who

snores like a big ol boy on there hey I

got something special I want to share

with the dough if it's a Bible we know

their puppy six ways from Sunday oh good

well it's something different what's

with all the blessings running for Pope

you think our daughter to church and we

don't oh I get it you figure they'll

forgive us if they think you're mentally

ill I just don't want to distich on some

horrible sinner well just relax they

seem like nice people little happy but

nice I understand you're a beer drinker

try this i brewed it myself wow you brew

your own beer mmm rich beer taste with a

clean beer finish you know what this

would go good with more slow down Dean

Martin that was supposed to be for both

of you I do three gallons at a time that

way everybody gets a taste I've been

known to do three gallons at a time

myself oh hang on hang out have a seat I

gotta warn you these pop mutts can get

pretty wild that's why we send the kids

down into the basement so what's

grown-ups can let our hair down Oh wild

huh oh yes we play charades we have a

sing-along what good news early bird you

get the first pick for your roles in the

m*rder mystery but you can't see madam

plum tree because she's taken and I am

old mr. Finnegan the coffee grounds

keeper who was passed out drunk at the

time of the band

or was i any chance i could be the

m*rder*d guy oh that must be the

mcfarland boys let the party begin oh

this is gonna be happy man that m*rder

mystery was brutal tell you what got

m*rder*d fun how about the endless

single loss who is this Michael and how

come it took aa 150 versus two rows boda

shoulder but you guys just great you can

hung in there for charades who else was

sweating when Dad gamma to win or in the

Halverson's seem like really nice people

and I never want to see them again works

for me thanks for being so nice I even

bought 20 bucks worth of raffle tickets

for their church just to show that you

come from a good family pumpkin you can

pay me back whenever bill these aren't

raffle tickets these are tickets to

Godspell mmm their church is doing the

musical of God spelling you got tickets

for Saturday night we got on this is

will this off to go see ozzy osbourne

mr. Halverson is playing John the

Baptist well I'm playing bill the oldest

guy in the mosh pit Lorne we can't go

i'll call Ted and Cassie and explain

that you're blowing off a really just

play to go see the Prince of Darkness I

mean come on I like these people don't

read this for me oh don't worry you know

they already think dad to antipsychotic

go back to rock sir yeah Brian you and

your sister are going to see Godspell Oh

God spell I've always wanted to see this

maybe this will inspire me to finish my

musical are you writing a musical now

yeah well if you need a title how about

you're k*lling your father

I think the however sins are here to

take us to the place oh wait no that's

not them our mom and dad hiding they

need to be hiding yeah hiding I'm sure

God won't see them think you just calm

down just a little white lie it doesn't

make us bad people okay devil horns

check no rain check air guitar well you

always bring it but you never plan I we

guys have fun we're gonna be late but

Aunt Linda will be here okay o our sins

go home hi see that we got away with no

one more was so freaked out about coming

back coming back for you cute me to be

sh**ting a whole year supply I forgot

about the history of this particular bro

retweet let's go mr. Halverson what you

doing home alone uh don't worry my Ellen

they'll be here soon he'll be fine

cheeto Stein run climb softer up and

brought laptop in what

a little snafu with a babysitter Travel

Parcheesi is in the glove box learn I'm

just looking around and realizing how

lucky I am that's a nice home good area

of town to house the access to public

transportation is great you're here this

is mr. Halverson mom and dad are already

gone okay let's go hello I'm Lauren's

Aunt Linda okay well you can call me Ted

although later tonight I hit the stage

is John the Baptist don't want to be

late i'll have my head on a platter just

like the real guy can't believe that

Phil and Judy left already it's not even

six thirty swear they act like a couple

of teenagers whenever they go okay are

they gone you mean your dignity and

self-respect yeah

won't get far without these uh yeah no

please don't go far why it's taken

forever we're gonna be late to the

concert how much you get lesson at the

start of our marriage but that's okay

I'm tired too glad we got out of this

Godspell Singh can you think of anything

worse than watching Ted Halverson sing

and dance for two hours no yeah we can't

Halverson caught you at the ATM you guys

shouldn't leave the house without your

closet praying Lorne didn't see you

tonight she saw you oh how was the play

one word wow do you want to need to

learn how to dance I mean wow yeah see

that's what you get when you mess with

God thanks for the most embarrassing

night of my life oh honey I'm sure we

can top this I'm going to bed oh don't

judge us you were all on board for us

Lion miss sick aunt waukegan oh and I

wonder where i could have learned that

it's okay to lie i'm going to bed i'm

going to church with the Halverson's

tomorrow that is matthew ever wants to

see my face again were they angry with

you it to play honey no mom they were

nice they're always nice to nice people

that's why I go to church with them hold

on I think it's great you going to

church in the morning don't forget to

bring in the paper yeah that's all right

your mom will get it

go over there and apologize to the

healthy what do we have to apologize for

we've done nothing wrong we lied to them

and then we tried to lie our way out of

the lie our daughter thinks we have no

morals and I'm starting to believe she's

right come on we're not bad people we

raise good kids they stay out of trouble

Lauren goes to church cuz other people

take her I'm sorry but I'm not gonna let

somebody make me feel guilty just

because please tell me you see that too

where do you come from I remember

correctly Bethlehem maybe she's been

gone all night I'll get here do to get

to sign maybe if we close our eyes still

there sweetie why are you up I heard you

talking hey asked him listen for you she

sees it to my lab Lawrence boyfriend

house to the house is given to you know

you stole him I guess I mean taking

things that don't belong to you is wrong

let me took that class from the

restaurant it was freaked last night but

you made me hide it in my coat no we

were wrong to take the glass and you

can't keep him because he doesn't belong

to you yeah I love ya that's sweet honey

we'll buy you one okay good night baby

we are taking it back to the Halverson's

and explaining everything and we just

leave it on the porch ring the doorbell

and run magically appear but maybe we

should take it as a sign that we need to

set a better example for our kids and if

we leave it on the porch and run we're

not taking responsibility that's the

best part no harm no foul he'd

understand that he was a laid-back guy

you are sampled maybe you're right of

course I am come on let's go to bed holy

moly I was gonna say moly looks just

like the one we broke oh the beards a

little shorter Alex it's early in the

day I feel like we're doing the right

thing here after this we'll go over

there give him the statue face the music

I just hope it's not the banjo brothers

maybe we should start taking the kids to

church didn't we say we were always

going to do that well we tried a couple

of times when they were babies but then

we got cable and everything after that

is a beautifully sharp full-color blur

feel like they're searching for

something you know Lauren going to

church Tina loving Jesus I'm afraid

we're not giving them something to

believe in okay fine what do we believe

it well God and angels and not k*lling

people I don't know my parents never

took me to church if we're not sure what

we believe should we just go to church

and pretend I mean isn't that worse than

not going at all just feel like we need

some guidance right now here's your

double tall nonfat latte father Thank

You Daniel

I know she's not on duty it's like that

time we ran into dr. Holden at that

restaurant he wouldn't look at my rash

on a really nice place and your rash

wasn't excuse me I'm sorry to bother you

but my husband and I were wondering if

we could ask you a question my guess so

do you think it's wrong to go to church

if you're not really sure what you

believe in oh I don't know isn't that

what faith is all about believing in

something without a guarantee like the

cops I can't but you're saying we should

go to church well that's kind of a

personal decision but I don't think

there's anything wrong with spending a

little time each week thinking about

something larger than ourselves I really

thought about it that way maybe we'll

give it a try we see woody yeah you do

hey father Jack what I take my break now

I gotta go pick up mom Cheryl cover the

counter geez I just blew my whole break

talking to a couple of stoners about God

why are we doing this can we just leave

the central on the porch and run no

because from now on we are setting a

better example we are going to show you

how to do the right thing when you've

made a mistake there's a god he will

take you before the horses open that

door in stairs uh God he will take me

okay okay end up with your music oh why

hi we were wondering if we could talk to

in your wife for a second Kathy the

Millers are here coming you like to come


oh yeah I hear the faucet she's washing

her hands probably like sit down no no

no we don't want to take up your time we

just drop by what you got on our hands

hello hello we just want to come over

and apologize for blowing off your play

and also we want to let you know that

our daughter stole your Jesus statue and

then we broke it but we got jennie-o one

and we hope you'll forgive us because we

want you to know where we're decent

moral people we decided that it's not

such a bad idea to take an hour a week

to think about something larger than

ourselves okay a quick question on that

tent is it always in an hour he knows

him there's something you want to say to

the hell person I'm sorry still here

thank you that's okay honey I just love

him so much she loves cheese we all love

him Tina he's so cute Jesus is cute name

is Kenny Loggins out of marry him honey

honey this is Jesus no she's kidding

Loggins give him back okay JP it's time

to go get a nice man history tonight you

still have our casserole dish let's call

deep-sea in church

I'll say my name again in case or not

sure I'm Louie Louie we're leaving at

