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02x02 - Least Concern Species

Posted: 11/12/22 14:28
by bunniefuu
Yeah, yeah, see how she's drifting?

That's 'cause you're going
too slow against the current.

So you're gonna wanna give a
little love to the throttle.

- Okay.
- Just a smidge. Not too much.


- See.

Current's pushing us too hard.
We have to push back harder.

Otherwise, river just takes
us where it wants us to go.

Got it. [SIGHS]


- Dad, Dad, Dad. Get it off me. Get it off.
- Yeah, yeah. Relax, relax, relax. Relax.

It's a cricket. [LAUGHS]


- Easy.

- That's it. There you go. All right.

Let me get my hands
off it. What's going on?

- [CHARLIE] Dad?
- Hmm?

- Can you hear that?


- You good?
- Sure.

- Oh. Don't touch this one.
- Dad. [CHUCKLES] Okay, I've got it. Okay.

- Margot! Anchor!
- [MARGOT] I've got it.


- [ALLIE] Wanna try it?

- Are you sure?
- Pretty sure.

- So what, it... it's just busted?

The intake? Nah.

The river is so filled
with all kinds of crap.

But the engine needs the
water to cool itself. [SIGHS]

- Kind of like a elephant spraying itself.
- Uh-huh.

Well, that elephant has bad sinuses.

It needs us to help it
blow its nose, right?

That way, it keeps the engine cool.

- Will you take care of that for me?
- Yeah.

Whoa. Dina, you see that?

[DINA] See what?


[GASPS] Is that an alligator?

It's a crocodile.

Like there's a difference.

There's a difference.

Not to me.

[MARGOT] Come on. Get
back to work, please.

So, has he talked to you about it yet?

[SCOFFS] About what?

- The guy.
- Back at the beach town?

It's okay, honey.

You can say it. The man he k*lled.

[CHUCKLES] We don't know he d*ed.

He's dead, sweetheart.


[ALLIE] Try it now!





sh*t. Mom.

[SIGHS] Yeah, sh*t.


Dad? Are we gonna be okay?

I don't know. I think we
should wait this one out.

Mom's right.

We need to find a sheltered
spot. Ride this out.

[MOUTHING] f*ck.

Oh, f*ck.

Charlie! Can you see
anywhere to pull in?

I'll check!

I can't see anything!


Put it on. Put it on.






[MARGOT] Charlie!

- Put this on.
- [MARGOT] Put on your life jackets, quick!

sh*t. What?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Watch out. One o'clock.

- [ALLIE] I see it.
- [MARGOT] See it?

[MARGOT] Look, right there!
Over there! Pull it in!

- [ALLIE] Come on, come on.



Now we're drifting. No, no, no, no!

- Damn it!
- Jesus.

Charlie, the engine room!

Give me the bucket.


Mom! We're... We're gonna hit!

Starboard or port?

- Right! Let's go right!
- Left or right?

Go right!

I can't turn it!


Try it again!



- Get a wire brush!
- Where?

In the tool kit!


[DINA] Mom! The rock!

sh*t. Oh, my God. Dina,
you gotta brace yourself!

Brace yourself! Go down. Hit the floor!

Allie! Brace!

Try it again!


Try it again!

Try it again!

We got it!

- Good.

I'm gonna pull into the cove.
Just hold on to me. Hold on.

We're gonna hit the bank!





[SIGHS] sh*t.

All the runoff's gonna
keep the water rising.

If we don't get her afloat,
engine room's gonna flood.

So, we're f*cked.

- Dina.
- Screwed.

It's an issue. It's a problem.

So what's the good news?

That is the good news.

Got a few hours, I guess, before
the water reaches the breach.

That's enough time to get her afloat.

Get the hole above the waterline,
then we just patch her up.

How do we do it?

Fishing winch.

Just hook her up, haul
her onto the water.


- Is it strong enough?
- Sure!

"Give me a lever long enough and
a fulcrum on which to place it,

and I shall move the world."

Who said that?


What's that smoke?

- [ALLIE] It's an oil rig.
- [CHARLIE] Out here?

[ALLIE] Everywhere. Like a cancer.

Are you okay?

Uh-huh. Yeah.




- [CHARLIE] Dina.
- [DINA] Hmm.


Allie, get out of the water.

- Dad! Come on!
- [DINA] Dad! Get out of the water!

- [CHARLIE] Dad, hurry!
- [DINA] Dad!


- [CHARLIE] Dad, hurry!
- [DINA] Faster! Faster!

- Dad, come on!
- Get out of the water.

- [CHARLIE] Dad! Hurry! Come on!
- [DINA] Come on!

- Dad! Come on!
- Come on!

- [DINA] Get out the water!
- [CHARLIE] Dad! Hurry!

Come on. Dad, get out!

Margot, the winch!



[MARGOT] Oh, my God. [PANTS]

- [CHARLIE] Jesus. It's okay.

- [ALLIE] You ready?
- Yeah.

Dad, are you okay?

Yeah. I'm great.

You're all good on the winch?


Okay. Take it away, honey bear.



Dad, I think it's gonna snap!

Be fine! Keep going!



She's moving!

See. What I tell you?



[CHARLIE] We broke a tree.

- Whoa, whoa, Dad!
- [CHARLIE] Jesus! Dad!

[DINA] Dad. Dad, are you okay?

- Get some water!
- Dad, are you okay?


- [CHARLIE] Mom, what's wrong?
- He's burning up.

[CHARLIE] Is... Is he okay?

- [MARGOT] I don't know.
- [DINA] Here. Take this.

Please help. What?

What the f*ck is that?

[STAMMERS] It could be these bugs.

They're, like... They're all over here.

I think they give you, like,
parasites in your blood.

- What?
- Is he gonna get better?

No, I don't think so.

If it's like Chagas or
something, then we need medicine.

[DINA] Okay. [STAMMERS] So what happens?

I think, like, heart
failure or something?

[MARGOT] Immediately? Like, how fast?

[CHARLIE] It's not so
good. Worse over time.

[DINA] It's pretty bad, right?

- Yeah. It's pretty bad.

[SIGHS] So what happens if...

How common is this thing?

- The parasite?
- Yeah, whatever it's called.

[CHARLIE] It's really common.

- [MARGOT] And it's treatable?
- Yeah, with the right medicine.

[MARGOT] You know, an
oil rig that remote,

I mean, surely they have
medication for anything endemic.

But we're not supposed to
go. And we can't be seen.

You're not gonna be seen. I
need you to stay here, okay?

And patch up the hole in the boat.

Otherwise, the engine room will flood.

Ho... I mean, how? With...

[STAMMERS] With spit and
a... and a glitter stick?

Half your brain comes
from him. What would he do?


Hey, uh, Dina? Will
you keep this for me?

- Yeah.
- It's Dad's watch.

Just until I get back.

[MARGOT] Let's go.

You got this.


[SIGHS] Seriously? [SIGHS, SCOFFS]

Come on. There must be something.

[SIGHS] What am I supposed
to do with this sh*t?

Dad, I need your help.



[SIGHS] Dad?

Oh, sh*t, Dad.

[MOUTHING] f*ck.


- Hey, honey.
- Drink some water, okay?


- Oh, no. Sorry.



f*ck. [SIGHS]

[MARGOT] When we get there,
we're gonna have to be careful,

because places like that tend
to have a lot of security.

What kind of security?

Men with g*ns.

Why would you need g*ns
all the way out here?

I mean, there's no people.

All the big predators are pretty shy.

It's not like they're gonna go
towards what's basically a base.

Yeah, big corporations come out
here. You know, multinationals.

And they tear the place to pieces.

The local people don't
want that to happen.

It's their land.

But they can't afford
the legal action they need

to take on a big corporation.

But how do they stop it?

Right? It's difficult.

You know, the law only tends to be

on the side of the right kind of person,

the kind with deep pockets.

So, the way they see it, there is
no other way but to use v*olence.

So... So, what do you think?
Do you think it's okay?

- [MARGOT] To use v*olence?
- Yeah.

[MARGOT SIGHS] Sometimes
I kind of do, yes.

I think if your cause is a good one

and if you're left with no other choice.

In fact, sometimes I
think it's more than okay.

Sometimes it's an obligation.

- [PANTS] It's so hot. I need a second.

What about you?

What do you think?

that guy? On the beach?

Look, if you're not
ready to talk about it...

I don't know how to talk about it.

I don't know what I'm supposed to say.

Maybe how it makes you feel?
That's a good place to start, right?

Do you think about him?

Not really.

I mean, sometimes.

Okay, so when you do think
about him, what do you think?

I mean, I... I actually...
I do think about him a lot.

I know he's gone, but, like...

I dream about him almost every night.

Like, the face he made and everything.


It's weird. In some ways, it was
actually, like, kind of funny.

But sometimes I-I just think it's
basically, like, nature, you know?

Okay, nature in what way?

Like how strong things
live, and weak things die.


I just keep thinking, like...
like everything he ever did

or thought or remembered is gone.

His girlfriends. His... His mom and dad.

The first time he learned
how to ride a bike.

All of that is just gone.

I don't know. It's just like...

popping a balloon, and
then it's just gone forever.

He's gone.

I don't know. I guess that just, like,

kind of goes around
and around in my head.

I mean, honey, there's no right
way to react to something like that.

It takes time. And it hurts.

Sometimes, you feel
as if you're falling.

Like you're... you can't
breathe. And you panic.

And you think, "If I could just go
back and do one thing differently,

just one thing, maybe it
never would have happened."


Look at me. It gets better every day.

Just a... Just a little bit every day.

You think?

I know.

I'm so sorry this happened to you.

It breaks my heart

that I wasn't there for you
when you needed me the most.

But you stepped up. You were so
brave, and I'm so proud of you.

And I love you so, so much. We all do.



[MARGOT] Come on.
Let's go save your dad.







[GRUNTS] f*ck. Son of a bitch!

Oh, my God.



- Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Shh, it's okay.



Shh. Hey.

- Hey.
- Hey.


They're gonna be back soon. Okay?


Where is everyone?

I don't know.


Just stay here.





Come on. Let's get out of here.
Whoever did this might still be here.

No, I don't think so.

Nobody's here.

The blood's been dry a while.

It's safe.

[SIGHS] I mean, we still have to
get the medicine for Dad, right?

Okay, let's check the
rec room or the mess hut.

Let's go.


- What do you think happened here?
- I don't know.

It's all f*cked up, but
they didn't take anything.

[MARGOT] They wanted the dynamite.

[EXHALES SHARPLY] f*cking nothing.

[SIGHS] It's not here.



It's gotta be one of these.

Is that it?

I don't know.

Yeah. Yeah, this is it.



Oh, f*ck.


Dad, I think I did it!








You're kinda cold.

You used to do this
for me when I was sick.

Tuck me in all nice and
tight, like a burrito.

And... And we had a...
We had a good night book.

The one about the bear hunt.

I remember, you know, you'd give
me, uh, my white bunny to hug,

and you'd read the book to me,
and you'd do all the voices.

You did everything.

When was the last time you
did the voices, do you think?


I think there were, like,
four kids. Maybe a dog too.

And they decide to go hunt
a bear for whatever reason.

And they head through all this stuff.

Like tall, wavy grass.

The deep, cold river.

Big, dark forest.

"We can't go under it.
We can't go over it.

Oh, no. We must go through it."

Must have told it to me every night

for, I don't know, like
two years or something.

Guess it's hard to tell
when you're really little.

Anyway, you know, they get to this cave

and, basically, there's a bear in it.

And they get super freaked
and run all the way home

and decide they're never
gonna hunt a bear ever again.

Thing is...

Dad, I was so f*cking
scared of that book.

You'd say good night to me, and
I would just lie awake in bed

thinking the shadows on the walls
were bears that were gonna eat me.


I never... I never told you because...

I knew you... you really,
really wanted to be a good dad.

Even when I was little, I could tell

you just wanted being
us to be so awesome.

I thought if I... I told you
how scared it made me feel,

y... you would have been sad.

I wish I told you, though.

Could've easily found another book,

like Goodnight Moon or
Give a Moose a Muffin.

[SIGHS] I wish I told you.



Wait. Look, there on the right.


That rock face. It's
gotta be the one, right?

[DINA] Yeah.

Looks like you found a bigger tree.

You still good to drive?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

- [CHARLIE] You okay?
- I'm okay.

There's about , fast-food joints

who would pay you in a
heartbeat to work the grill.

[DINA] Can I have one?

Talking employee of the month.

Maybe a scholarship to
Hamburger University.

So life jackets, huh?

And duct tape.

- Can't have too much duct tape.
- [DINA] Mm-hmm.

Using ratchet straps was good,

but the Styrofoam from the life
jackets, that was really smart.

I don't know if I would've
thought of something like that.

Mmm. You would've
done something smarter.

Nothing occurs to me.
Not right off the bat.

What you did was super smart.

And the meds. This was pretty smart too.

All those books, they must
be good for something, right?

- Mom helped.
- A little.

So, better get you back studying, right?

While we get to where we're going.

[MARGOT] We should pull anchor.

[DINA] I got it.

You wanna take the wheel?

Are you kidding? You got this.

[SCOFFS] What about the rapids?

Well, you can't go over them.

Can't go under them. You're
gonna have to go through them.

[MARGOT] Here.