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03x06 - Something There That Wasn't There Before

Posted: 11/12/22 14:32
by bunniefuu
- Morning.
- Hey, good morning.


- Last night was fun.
- Yeah.

And a little weird.

But... I can't believe

Ben never told me that his family

owns the biggest barbecue place

- in Waco.
- Yeah. (SIGHS)

Where is everybody?

Uh, Daddy said

he was going up
to the farrier in Fort Worth.

I-I guess Mama was, uh, going with him.

Okay, well, that's great,

because then we can finally talk, right?

So, Donna, my new equine therapist,

she has been teaching me this approach

where you revisit your trauma...

- Liam, about-about that, uh...
- I know, I know. Sounds scary,

especially with her whole thing being

that you go it alone
for the final steps of recovery,

but with you by my side...

I-I hate to do this, okay,

but right now is not a good time for me.

I'm not-I'm not brushing off.
I'm not, okay?

I-I... But you-you got
to understand that...

I haven't slept. I came back last night

to find the Side Step
wrapped in police tape

and my kids in jail.

- Wh...
- Yeah. Stella

threw an underage rager.
At the Side Step, no less.

O-Okay. No, that sounds bad.

Why don't we get everything settled.

- And then we can talk.
- Liam,

I-I have to handle this, all right?

- Uh, the-the optics
- Yeah.

with, uh, a Texas Ranger's kids,

- and... - Hey.

- I get it. It's fine.

- I understand. Never mind.
- Hey, well, Liam,

- I-I...
- What the hell were you thinking,

leaving your daughter in jail?

You bailed her out?

I left her there so she would
learn the consequences

of her actions now that she's an adult.

- She's !
- And she's my daughter.

Stella Blue needs a wake-up call.

Should I remind you of her countless

alarming decisions as of late?

ABELINE: I am not disagreeing,
but did you even bother

to listen to her side of it before

leaving her in the drunk t*nk?

I didn't leave her
in the drunk t*nk, Mama.

I had the sergeant separate her.

So I guess you didn't bother to

- listen to my side either, did you?
- Your side?

- Unbelievable.
- WALKER: Well, believe it.

Because I'm not interested
in hearing your lies anymore.


She would have been
released after hours

- on a personal recognizance bond,

but now I have to
deal with this as well.

Thank you so much for

- undermining my parenting.
- Cordell.

Once... Mama, I will handle

Stella. This is work.

- Excuse me.
- Oh...

- Cassie.
- Hey, bud. I'm really sorry

about everything with the kids.

Uh, it-it's a quiet day
at the office today,

and after everything
you did for me yesterday,

why don't you take the day off
and deal with the fam, huh?

That would actually be

a big, big help.

Wait, how-how did you...
how did you know about Stella?

Never mind. Uh, Cassie, thank you.

- Talk later.
- Yeah. Sounds good.

So, uh, meddling in my work
now, too. Wonderful.

Okay, you need take it down a notch

and you need to hear your daughter out.

Respectfully, there's only
one person in this house

who I need to hear out.

Stinker, wait.

Hey, hey, hold on, hold on.

I screwed up. I'm sorry.

This is important to you,

and it's important to me too.

Let's do it. Yeah?

All right. I'll meet you in the truck.


I'm so glad Abeline
asked me to call her son.

It's rewarding knowing
that my puppet mastering

prevented his family from falling apart.


How long do you think
before your mom calls me

to puppet master your problems?

You're tripping.

Am I?

I seem to recall at your badge ceremony,

she asked me if I'd seen
any lady friends

dropping by your apartment.

- Nah, that didn't happen.
- But it did.

So, technically, she already
called upon the puppet master.

And I was happy to oblige.

Although it broke my heart to inform her

that the number of lady friends

dropping by your apartment
was a big, fat zero.

Keesha and I are concerned.

Why aren't you getting
back out there, hmm?

TREY: Boom.

- Is that a dating app?
- Yep.

You just downloaded that.


No. But I will turn the question on you.

I'm an open book.

Look, don't you think
you broached this topic

because a part of you
is reticent to start dating?

What do you want to hear?

That I yearn to unwind after work

with a guy who's just as happy
to listen to my woes

as he is to share a beer
watching Hawk's Shadow?

That I want him to hold my hand and,

with that one simple gesture,

communicate more emotion
than words can convey?

'Cause if that's who you think I am,

boy, have you got me wrong.

Maybe your hesitation
stems from your last date.

- Mm?
- When you were catfished

by the criminal network

that abducted your partner.

I can't imagine what
that does to your trust.

My trust? I trust people just fine.

Who the hell is that?

Excuse me.

Do you have clearance to be here?

'Cause I'm not too keen on civilians

- loitering in front of my captain's office.
- No...

Oh, no, sorry, uh, Connie
signed me in at reception.

- Yo, Kev! My man!
- Hey.

- Trey Money!

Just the man I'm looking for.

What are you doing here?

You two know each other
is what that handshake suggests.

Yeah, uh, Kevin Golden,

this is my friend
Ranger Cassandra Perez.

Ah. It's a pleasure
to meet you, Cassandra.

Uh, Ranger Perez is fine. Oh,

I get one too. Delightful.

- Sorry, how do you two...

Uh, my badge dinner
the other night with the mayor.

Kev's the big man's

- chief of staff.
- Oh, a politician.

- I love politicians.
- No, I know.

Don't hold it against me.

Anyway, how lucky are you to work

- with this guy, Cassandra?
- It's Cassie.

Even the mayor kept going on and on

about that badass Ranger
with the amazing background.

What is it... medic,
staff sergeant, therapist,

coach? What can't this guy do?

- Explain this bond?
- KEVIN: So when I found out

that the mayor's security detail

needed extra coverage
for a fundraising event today,

I thought, "Mm, who could help?" Bingo.

The mayor called Captain James himself

to personally request
Ranger-Doctor-Coach Barnett.

Larry and DPS already signed off on it.

- Are you serious?
- I am serious.

This could be one of those
opportunities, bro.

Oh, opportunities?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. We were discussing

how crucial it is for us
to rub elbows with policymakers

on Wall Street so that

they can hear about the issues

that we see on main street.

And it doesn't hurt to have
the mayor owe you a favor.

(LAUGHS) Anyway, this
fundraiser... it's a bit

on the fancier side. Not black tie,

but, you know, security's encouraged

to blend in, not wear the uniform,

which is fine, 'cause I bet you look

baller in a suit, my man.

- Aw, come on, man.
- You and I are gonna

- have a time! - Yes, sir.
- Oh,

yes, you will. You boys

- have fun, now.
- Oh, Cassandra,

no, I'm sorry, I wasn't clear.

You're on the security detail, too.

But I bet look baller in a dress.

Which I mean with all due respect.

- That's how I took it.
- KEVIN: Good.

Okay. I'm out of here,
I will see you there.

Yes, yes, I will see you there.
Awesome, fantastic.

Have a great day, guys.
I'll see you soon.

I'm not sure how practical
a dress is on a security detail.

Yeah, but it'll be baller.

Don't say that.

A list of chores for August and me?

Can you believe this?

I can, actually.

- What you did was gros...
- What I did?

It was August who
threw the party last night

at the Side Step.

A party I didn't even know
about until he needed

someone to come rescue him.

Well, you said you blamed Augie.

You never mentioned you were
only there to help him.

He accidentally trapped himself
in the supply closet.

And now I come home to a list
of Dad-mandated chores.

I already got penalized as an adult,

and now I'm getting
punished like a child.

Your father's a little at sea
on how to handle you.

He's never raised an year-old before.

No kidding.

I just wish that he would hear me out

instead of avoiding me.

I don't think your
father's avoiding you.

I feel like he doesn't know
what to do with me anymore

now that I'm off the path
he and Mom expected.


we're all in uncharted waters
now, aren't we?

Well, it's clear that, uh, these chores

need to be done sooner than later.

So, I'll-I'll drop the kids off.

Right now I can't promise
that my rap sheet

won't grow if I'm left
alone with August.

That's fair.

August! Get the lead out!


Inside voices, please.

Okay, you need to get dressed.

Because your father
wants you and your sister

to clean up the mess you made
at the Side Step.

I, uh, I kind of have to
set up for the dance.

I'm, like, chair
of homecoming committee,

and I can't really back down on my word.


tell your ride to pick you
up at the Side Step,

because this mess
is both your responsibility.

Okay. Quick lay of the land. First off,

the mayor is allergic to shellfish.

He's not. He just doesn't like crabs.

Thinks they're water spiders.

Oh, my bad.

This is Layla, the mayor's
head of security.

She's great with all those
kind of insider details,

but let's go ahead and treat it
like it's a real allergy, yeah?

So, hit him with an EpiPen?

Just don't slip him any crab cakes.

- Noted.

What about shrimp balls?

Jokes aside, the mayor
does get regular death threats.

Mostly just chicken scratch
from disgruntled citizens,

but we do take every thr*at
very seriously.

As you should.

Service elevators are already covered.

Limited access for cleared personnel,

and one dedicated for the mayor.

And, Layla, you said
that your security team's

manning the perimeter?

Yes. As support for the mayor grows,

so do his charity events,
hence the extra person power

from you fine Rangers.
Should be a cakewalk

compared to your typical days, I'm sure.

Mm, a crab cakewalk. A cake crabwalk?

Layla is top-notch.

Only the best for the mayor of Austin.

Which is why I had Layla

put Ranger Barnett on mayor watch.

Welcome aboard, Ranger Barnett.
Hope you can keep up.

Thank you. I'll try my best.

Oh, I think he'll do just fine.

This is the guy who saved
Captain James's life, after all.

Well, where does that leave me...

outside, with the perimeter team?

- Maybe manning the open bar?
- KEVIN: Oh, no, no.

We would never put
someone with your skills

on something so mundane.

You're on my detail.

Oh, I'm honored. Truly.

But maybe someone more, uh, familiar

with your mannerisms and routines and...

allergies might be better suited.

Truth be told...

- Bob is usually my security detail.
- Hm.

I'm actually kind of glad to
have a bit of a break from him.

He's kind of a know-it-all,
really rubs me the wrong way.

You know what I mean?

Uh, uh-oh. No. What's happening here?

This is not where the banner goes.

Excuse me, banner people.

A cakewalk, huh?

♪ ♪

Shout out to all y'all who celebrated

with me in epic glory.

Damn, no wonder the cops pulled up.


Put it away.

Yes, ma'am.

♪ All the seeds... ♪

Do you really not care about

what a disaster last night was?

Ooh, someone's jealous that
their little brother managed

to throw the best party
of the year without their help.

Are you still drunk or just stupid?

We were detained. Dad left me
in jail and you said nothing.

Don't blame me. You think
Dad ever let me get a chance

to say anything at all? No.

Look, he is the problem, Stella, okay?

He's the one who won't listen,
the one who left you in jail.

If you're gonna point
your anger towards anybody,

fire it towards Dad, not me.

I am mad at Dad for what he did,

but you need to own up to your part

in all this and apologize too.

Mm, apologize for...


I don't know who you're becoming,

but it is not a good person
and I don't like it.

Okay, maybe what you don't like
is that I'm becoming

my own person and
you're losing a sidekick.

You know, Stella, you were
supposed to leave for Sauber,

and ever since you stayed,
it's like everybody

is hyper-focused on you
and what you want to do.

You're holding everybody hostage

with your own indecision, Stella.

That's not true. That's
not what I'm doing.

I don't mean to be.

Okay, well, since you want to stay

hogging up the limelight, I guess...

I might as well just do whatever I want.

- Who knows, Stella,

I might even shine.

I'm not keeping you from shining.

- Yeah, Scooter's here.
- Can you just wait a minute?

Hey. Um, I got your text.
Where's he going?

He's setting up for the dance. You see,

he gave his word
to the homecoming committee.


Uh, you know, it's still kind of early.

Did you two eat yet?

No. Uh, the kitchen was a little...


Well, how about I make you two
a little happy curry?

- Colton, you really don't have to do that.
- No, I insist.

I've been working on a little
special recipe, too, so...

Ah. I'm intrigued.

All right.

Happy curry coming right up.

- Well, that's nice.
- Mm-hmm.

- Happy curry.
- Kind of like

Aunt Geri making sad cookies.


It was good to see you.
Thank you so much for coming,

all right? See you next time. Bye.

Oh, you know what?
It is supporters like you

that help keep our Austin parks
lush and thriving.

Thank you so much.

- What you did on the riverfront...
- Having fun?

Well, if you consider
listening to your boy

spew saccharine compliments
to a bunch of

potential voters like a human bee

in a designer suit, then yeah.

- Fun.

Listen, Kev's not so bad.

He did a real solid for me. Well, for...

both of us, actually.

And I get it... he can
come on a little strong,

but he's nice.

KEVIN: Thank you for what
you did with the mayor...

You really can't see
that tailor-made charm

for what it is? Kevin's
fake nice, politician nice.

- Hi.
- Try not to judge a book by its cover.

How are things going
with the mayor, and with Layla?

(LAUGHS) Good.

Good. Things are going well.

And I'm learning a lot. Thank you.

I mean, it may not be
chasing down a hot lead,

but a crab cakewalk
ain't half bad, right?


I'm gonna get back to it.

♪ ♪

Got to say, kind of figured that, uh,

"confronting our trauma"
would be a little more...

... woo-woo meditation and a little less

stepping back here.

No, it's about...

physically coming back to the space

so that you can finally
free yourself from it.



Hey. We got this.

Tell you what...

why don't we do it together.



- Uh...
- Yeah.

See what you meant, now.

My name is Julia Johnson!

- Aah!

Man, all this work I did with Donna,

and nothing really...

prepares you for when
the memories come flooding back.


Feels kind of humbling, you know?

Being on the other side of it.

I'm sorry. Sorry, Cordi, I...

No, hey, don't be.

I-I thought that I was ready, you know?

I thought that all this work with Donna

to envision coming back to this space,

and-and it doesn't...

doesn't matter.

Hey, it matters.

Stinker, it matters, all right?

and you're good.
All right? You stepped in.

And-and we can leave whenever you want.

You know?

Yeah, I-I know it's hard remembering

how painful it all was. And-and

the uncertainty. And I'm-I'm
so sorry you're still

- dealing with that pain.
- No, no, you don't understand,

Cordi, it wasn't the physical
t*rture that was the worst part.

It was the mind games.

Mind games.

Mmm. Oh, this cucumber
mocktini ain't so bad

for a drink with no buzz.

- Mm. Is that one for Kev?
- Yeah.

- Where is he, anyway?
- Mm.

The, uh, mayor had a question for him.

Oh, I've had eyes on him.

- He's just over...
- Over where?

He was just there a minute ago.


KEVIN: Okay, now, listen,
as the world tries to tell you

who to be as you get your own
job and live your own lives,

there's only one person
who can bring you back

to who you really are.

It's not your mom, it's not your dad.

It's your brother.

Yes, that's right. So you cherish them,

even if they make mistakes
from time to time,

yes? So maybe it's not such a big deal

that your brother
spilled juice on your shoe

and maybe you can
kind of forgive him a little?

Come on. Give him a hug.

There you go.

All right, get back out there.

Eat a bunch of chocolate.
There's a whole chocolate bar.

Go nuts. Your parents will love it.

Go, go, go. Bye, guys.

Oh. Hello. (CHUCKLES)

Well, that was wholesome.


So, what... are their parents
big donors or...

Oh, no, no. I don't-I don't think so.

I was just trying to help.

- Hopefully something stuck.
- Yeah.

Hopefully. (SHORT CHUCKLE)

The mayor's looking for you.

- Great.
- Yep.

- Lead the way.
- I will.


Is that parsley in the sauce?

Carrot tops, actually.

Oh. Well, I got to try that.

You know, you've got
a real knack for flavor.

Have you ever thought about
going to culinary school?

I just think it's a hobby for now.

Well, at least Stella and I get to reap

the rewards of your hobby.

I'm glad you guys liked it.

- You guys done?
- Yes.

- Mm-hmm.

♪ Jump into the water ♪

♪ Feel it in your bones... ♪


it looks like happy curry
didn't alter your mood.

I just...

I feel like I made this
last-minute decision

to stay in Austin and now that I have,

the ranch doesn't feel like home.

Dad doesn't know what to do with me,

and August doesn't want
anything to do with me.

I didn't even know he felt that way.

The only support that I have is Colton.


And you and Gramps, of course.

♪ Face the sun ♪

♪ Into the wild... ♪

My brother and I...

- your-your Granduncle Will...
- Mm-hmm.

uh, we used to fight so much

that my dad started

blaming us for thunderstorms.

What were you fighting about?


I mean, I don't even remember
what the fights were about.

I just remember feeling...


It got so bad that I...
I moved in with a friend.

Then after a few months, I...

I-I kind of missed Will.

So, time apart helped?

Well, maybe...

growing up a little

allowed us to appreciate each other.

But don't let it get so bad

that you can't come back from it.

It'll get better between you and Augie.

And you may even miss each other.

In time.

WALKER: What do you mean, mind games?

I thought you were dead.

They told me...

They forced me to bury you.


What-what do you mean...

you... buried me?

Three guys dragged me outside.


After you got pulled in with Sean...

They had masks on, so

I couldn't see their faces, but...

they reeked like sulfur.

And they told me you were dead.

Sean had k*lled you.

Bury your brother.

LIAM: And then they forced me

to bury your body.

Let me see him one last time.

But it wasn't you.


LIAM: It was Neo.

I know that it's irrational,


Even after months,

the pain that I felt

when I thought that...

you were dead was so real.

And it's still real.

Even if your death wasn't.
I haven't been able to tell you,

- and...
- I know, I know. Hey, hey, I hear you, I hear you, okay?

I'm here. I'm here.
And I ain't going anywhere.

You hear me?

I'm not going anywhere.



- Cassandra.
- Hmm?

Could you, um, get me a ginger ale?

Just feeling a bit nauseous
all of a sudden.


Stay with the mayor.

Cass, call .


Hold on, Kevin.

Okay. Uh, well, that sounds bad.

What's the damage?

COLTON: It's not damaged.

It's just... August's
friends are sloppy.

It'll be all good by happy hour.

I was just letting you know
so you weren't surprised

when you got in.

Okay. All right, well, thank you.

Um, just real quick...

I have to be gone for a little bit,

but I was hoping that
you would be my voice

around the Side Step while I'm gone.

I didn't know you were
going anywhere or...

Yeah, I just...

I have to deal with some
Broussard family stuff.

But I will need someone to

come by my house, water plants,

run the faucets, stuff
like that. Would you mind?

- No, not at all.
- Great.

Thank you. And please,
feel free to crash.

Honestly, it would be a relief
knowing that you weren't

driving all the way back
to the Davidson Ranch

after closing the bar.

Yeah. Uh, thank you, Aunt Geri.
Appreciate it.

No, thank you, Colton.
I'll talk to you soon.

I just want you to know
I would have gotten you

that ginger ale if I'd have known

you'd throw such a temper tantrum.

And I'd laugh if it didn't feel like

an elephant was on my chest.


Uh, hey, great. Listen,
he's coughing up pink fluid,

possibly pulmonary edema.

Get him some oxygen ASAP, all right?


(SIGHS) I don't know, Cass, I'm...

I'm struggling with the
diagnosis here. I mean,

last time I saw symptoms
like this was Afghanistan.

Guys were exposed to nerve gas.

Not that I think that this could
be anything like that, but...

Wait, but could it?

Before you dismiss the possibility,

we did find nerve gas
where Walker was abducted.

Yeah, but Walker contained it.

Besides, nerve agents sometimes have

a delayed onset in symptoms.

Well, couldn't that explain
why no one else is affected?

Yeah, that's one explanation
but... when diagnosing,

you learn to look for
the horses, not the zebras,

- when you hear hoofbeats.
- When you hear what, now?

It's a metaphor for when you're looking

for the most common diagnosis

- rather than the exotic one.
- Walker.

Cass, hey. I just saw your text.

- The mayor was att*cked?
- Yeah. Possibly by a nerve agent.

His chief of staff was the only
person affected so far.

He may have unknowingly

intercepted an att*ck.
We just don't know where.

I'm putting you on speaker.

Hey. Any chance
the victim came into contact

with anything that could have
contained gas or may have

been tainted with
a toxic liquid solution?

Kevin said he does pretty much
everything for the mayor.

Drafting budgets, opening mail.

You said that there's been
an uptick in threats.

What about letters?

There was a th-thr*at
letter this morning.

All it said was,

"Your time is up and
you don't even know it".

- WALKER: "Your time is up and you

don't even know it". That sounds like

a taunt referring to a nerve
agent's delayed onset.

Hey, guys, scrub and disinfect

his hands wherever
he had contact, all right?

- Uh, where's the letter now?
- KEVIN: APD has it.

They track all threats.

Without a return address they can track

with Intelligent Mail barcode.
I'm on with...

Thank you, Deputy.

The letter was sent from Eastvale.

WALKER: Eastvale... that's right
near Westvale Psychiatric,

the-the hospital where I was
taken when I was abducted.

I'm-I'm actually

there right now, with Liam.
Uh, long story.

When I was researching
Westvale Psychiatric,

I remember reading about Eastvale.

It turned into a ghost town
after the coal mine shut down.

- Liam.
- Yeah?

Hey. You said your tormenters
stunk like sulfur?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Sulfur. Uh, that can be the odor of

coal processing. What are the odds

that these are the same
people who abducted us?

But we wiped those
anarchists off the map.

That letter...

it smelled like rotten eggs.


- Maybe we didn't totally

wipe them off the map. Maybe they're

storing more of the nerve
agent off-site at Eastvale.

Well, what better place
to store a nerve agent

than an abandoned refinery?

Walker, you said you're nearby?

I can be there in five.

I'll get backup to meet you

- at the plant.
- Thanks, guys.

- Think we should go ahead and head out.
- The guy that

did this to me... is he still out there?

(SIGHS) I don't know.

There's no cars, no signs of life.

Yeah. Well...

I'm not taking any chances.

Hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa. Cassie said

that she's calling for backup,

- so just-just wait.
- Liam, listen.

if someone is making
nerve agent in there,

I-I can't risk waiting even one minute.

They unleash that stuff,
chemicals like that...

it's a biohazard.

Every second counts.

♪ ♪





WALKER: Don't move!

Texas Ranger. Stay right there.

Is there anyone else in this building?

Get on your knees.

♪ Oh, yeah... ♪


Put your hands behind your back.

♪ Counterfeit dollar bills, huh ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
- ♪ Dead land ♪

♪ Is no land to die for... ♪

- Aah!

- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ They poison and plunder ♪

♪ Plot twist, Danny, wake
up from your slumber ♪

♪ Pecos Bill rode off on his tornado ♪

♪ While the media rewrites
and reviews Rotten Tomatoes ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, yeah ♪

♪ Take matter into your own hands ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, they want you to ♪

♪ Take matter into your own hand ♪

♪ Break pattern ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪


♪ Whoa.... ♪

Cordi! Cordi.




I'm okay.

(SHARP EXHALE) I'm okay.

We're okay.


You know it, uh... (CHUCKLES)

it felt like... like fire in my veins.

Uh, it still does, honestly.

Well, you're lucky they
ID'd that toxin so fast.

EMT said that if it would
have been anybody else,

they wouldn't have made it.

Yeah, well...

look at me now. On the mend.


Thank you for, you know,

wh-what you did in there.

It was nothing.

Well, it's definitely not nothing.

It's the reason I'm alive.


I'm so sorry for all that
you've been through.

And I'm sorry I didn't...

... meet you earlier where you were.

This might sound
a little foolish, but, um...

I guess I'm ashamed of myself.

When Em told me she was
pregnant with Stella,

in that moment,
I decided to not reenlist

so that I wouldn't miss
any milestones, you know?

And then Em...

Em was k*lled,

and, uh...

and I fled. I left.

You didn't. You stayed.

And you were the rock for everybody.

And since I've been back
from being under, I...

I know I've missed more milestones.

No, no, no. That's not true, Cordi.

You've been here.
You-you... you are here.

- You...
- Yeah, well...

when I got grabbed,

I missed Stella's graduation.

And, uh, apparently,

threw her whole life off course.

It's always my family

who suffers because of me.

No. You are not...

Hey, you're not responsible
for Stella's choices.

You're not even responsible
for my abduction, okay?

We're both victims of that.

You know what you are responsible for?

How you handle a situation
or how you avoid it.

Yeah. Yeah.

- You're right.
- Hey.

Thank you

for coming with me today.

It meant a lot. I, uh...

I know that there's a lot to process

after everything we've
been through, you know,

but it does make me feel better

to know that

we can face it together,

that you'll listen.



I will listen, all right?

I promise you, from here on out,

I'll be better about that.

Hey, sometimes people
just want to be heard.


The sooner the better,

but better late than never.


Looks like our Walker
boys just took down

a chemical manufacturer
for that anarchist group.

It was just one guy?

Are we sure there's no one else?

As far as we can tell.


- Is he beckoning me?
- Yeah.

- Go on.
- I don't know.


How you feeling?

Little less like dying? (CHUCKLES)

My soul is returning to my body.

Oh, well, if only politicians had souls.


Look, I'm sure today probably
wasn't your cup of tea.

I mean, I bet you're
used to tracking down

serial K*llers and dismantling
shadow organizations

and cool stuff like that.

It's mostly just paperwork.

At any rate... thank you.

And with any luck, this won't be
the last time you save my life.

However, I will be getting
my own ginger ale from now on.

- Oh, good.

Cassie, wait.

You're still part of my security detail.


You're serious.

As a nerve agent att*ck. (CLICKS TONGUE)

(SHORT CHUCKLE) Too soon, man, too soon.

All right, let's get it over with.


♪ Slow motion, thunder... ♪

I should, um...

I should probably let Liam know

that I'm not gonna be around as much

to help with the horses and stuff.

♪ Heart's breaking, yeah ♪

♪ I agonize... ♪

This is weird, right?

What do you mean?

I have this museum field trip urge

to, like, not touch anything.

Colton, you're allowed to be here.

Geri asked you to be.

♪ Sail into the view... ♪


This couldn't be any better.

♪ I can't stay open ♪

♪ If I stay here hoping ♪

♪ Yeah, hoping for something new ♪

♪ I told you I... ♪

Stella Blue?

Stella Blue, I-I...

I wanted say I-I'm-I'm sorry

for last night at the holding t*nk,

and I'm-I'm sorry for this morning.

I'm-I'm sorry for...

not listening. I-I...

I guess I'm, uh...

I'm sorry for everything.

And I should have let you
tell your side of the story.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I told you I want to... ♪

- Stella Blue?

♪ And go through the motions ♪


♪ I feel like I'm... ♪

Hey. I...

♪ I can't stay open... ♪

Where's... where's Stella?

She left.

♪ I told you I. ♪