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03x11 - The Oyster Bunny!

Posted: 11/12/22 18:20
by bunniefuu
Bubble Guppies! Bubble Guppies!

Hi! It's me, Molly. And it's time for--

There's one!

It's time for--

There's another one!

It's time--

There should be one more egg around here somewhere.

Do you see an egg?

Yeah! There it is!


It's time for Bubble Guppies!

♪ Bub-Bub-Bubble, Gup-Gup-Guppies ♪

♪ Bubble, Bubble, Bubble, Guppy, Guppy, Guppy ♪

♪ Bubble, Bubble

♪ Guppy, Guppy

♪ Bubble Guppies

♪ I'm Molly

♪ I'm Gil

♪ I'm Goby

♪ I'm Deema

♪ I'm Oona

♪ I'm Nonny


♪ Bubble Puppy

♪ Bub-Bub-Bubble, Gup-Gup-Guppies ♪

♪ Bubble, Bubble, Bubble, Guppy, Guppy, Guppy ♪

♪ Bubble, Bubble

♪ Guppy, Guppy

♪ Bubble Guppies

♪ Bubble Guppies

The Oyster Bunny!







Come on!


Got you! I better put you back with the others!


Why, good morning, guys!


Good morning, Farmer Joe!

Thanks for finding this little chick!

What's a chick?

A chick is a baby chicken. Come on over and take a look!

Hey! Where'd she get to now?


There you are, you little rascal!

Let's put you back in here with your brothers and sisters.

Aww! Aww!

JOE: When they grow up, they'll be chickens!


They're going to turn into chickens?

Yes, sirree,

just like that calf will grow up to be a cow.


And that foal over there's going to grow up to be a horse!


Hey! How'd you get up there again?

Baby animals are cute!

They sure are!

Oops! Runaway piglet!

A piglet's a baby pig!

Bye, Farmer Joe!


[Imitating chirping]

Come on!

Hi there!



Good morning, Mr. Grouper!Good morning, Mr. Grouper!

Well, good morning, everyone!

[Imitating chirping]

We saw baby chicks at the farm!


There was also a baby cow. It was called a calf!

A calf!A calf!

And a baby pig!

A piglet!A piglet!

All animals start out as babies.

That's right, Nonny, just like us.

I like baby animals!

I do too!Me too!

Let's think about baby animals.

A baby cat is called a--



That's right!

A baby pig is called a--



Yes, a piglet!

And a baby chicken is called a--



That's right! All baby birds are called chicks.

Baby chicks! Baby chicks!


♪ Every animal

♪ Has got a family

♪ Like every little lamb

♪ Has got a flock of fluffy sheep ♪

♪ So, piglets wallow in the mud with the hogs ♪

♪ While puppies sing along with their mama dogs ♪

♪ And tadpoles splash in the pond with the frogs ♪

♪ Baby, baby, baby, it's a big world, I know ♪

♪ Wha-oh-oh

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ But with every year you'll grow ♪

♪ 'Cause from the biggest humpback whale ♪

♪ To the smallest garden snail

♪ On the land or in the sea

♪ They all started off as babies like you and me ♪

♪ Zebra colts

♪ Live on the savannah

♪ While baby chimpanzees

♪ Drive their parents totally bananas ♪

♪ The calves are gonna play until the cows come home ♪

♪ And they graze on the plains where the buffalo roam ♪

♪ 'Cause if you're one of the herd then you're never alone ♪

♪ Baby, baby, baby, it's a big world, I know ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ But with every year you'll grow ♪

♪ 'Cause from the slow and steady ox ♪

♪ To the scurrying red fox

♪ Every animal you meet

♪ They all started off as babies like you and me ♪

♪ Baby, you and me

♪ Baby, you and me


Do you like stuffed animals?

Then come with me!

Hello! I really like stuffed animals, especially baby ones!

Well, you've certainly come to the right place!

Stuffed Animals N' Stuff is open for business!

Now, how can I help you?

My mommy zebra is looking for a baby zebra to snuggle with.

Let's see what we got.

Hmm, here you go,

one baby zebra!

Baby zebras look like their mommies. They're just smaller!

Yeah! She's got brown and white stripes and looks like her mama.

The mommy zebra says "Thank you."

Happy snuggling!

Good day, customer!

Hi! This is my rhinoceros.

How do you do, sir?

He'd like a baby rhinoceros.

Ooh! Baby rhinos are really cute!

Baby rhinos look like their dads,

except they don't have horns yet.

Huh! Who knew? I need your help.

Which of these babies looks like the daddy rhino,

but without a horn?

That one!

That's right!

He looks like his daddy,

even though he doesn't have a horn yet.

Baby rhino, looking fine-o! Here you go!

Thanks for your help!

You're welcome!

And thank you for all of your help!

Excuse me.

What time is it?

It's time for lunch!

♪ What time is it?

♪ It's time for lunch

♪ What time is it?

♪ It's time for lunch

♪ What time is it?

♪ It's time for lunch

♪ It's lunch time

♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

Hey, Goby!

What did you get for lunch?

I got a cheese sandwich and celery sticks.

What did you get, Oona?

I got a turkey sandwich and carrots.

What did you get, Nonny?

I got a ham sandwich and

baby carrots?

[Carrots murmuring]


Baby carrots? That's silly business!


It's really exciting when babies are born!

Hey, Molly!

Hi, Gilly. What's that?

Farmer Joe is letting me watch these eggs.

They're going to hatch into chicks soon!


Yup! All baby birds come from eggs.

Gilly! I think that egg is hatching.


Hi, little guy.



Dada! Dada!

Aww, I think he thinks you're his daddy!

Wait. What?

No, I'm not your--

Dada! Dada!

Uh-oh. Ah!

Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada!


Hi, Nonny.

We're making baby animals out of clay.


Come on!


We're taking our baby animals for a walk!


What are you making, Gil?

I'm making a chick!

[Imitating chirping]

I'm going to make a piglet!

That's a great idea!

How about you, Nonny? What are you making?

I'm making a baby hippo.

Whoa! What's that?

The Oyster Bunny.

What's the Oyster Bunny?

I made it up.

Where does the Oyster Bunny live?


Oyster Island?

I don't know.

He lives in the Temple of Baby Animals.

But he's very hard to find!

What happens if you do find him?

Then I'll give you a special surprise!

I want to go see the Oyster Bunny!

I want a special surprise!

MR. GROUPER: Line up, all you baby animal lovers!

It's time to go outside.

Come on!

♪ Outside, everybody

♪ Outside

♪ Line up, everybody, line up, line up, line up ♪

♪ My Gup-Gup-Gup-Gup

♪ Guppies

♪ Everybody get out, get, get, get up ♪

♪ Get out, get everybody, go

♪ Outside

♪ Here we go, here we go, here we go, everybody line up ♪

♪ Here we go, outside

♪ Everybody, let's go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Get out, out, out, out, out, out, out outside ♪

♪ Bubble guppies

We're babysitters!


In Antarctica!

Once upon a time,

there were two baby-penguin-sitters

in Antarctica, the coldest place in the world.

Okay, babies, play time is over!

It's time for us to get you back to your mommies and daddies.

Everybody into the stroller!

Which one of the babies should we take home first?

Little Chick, Middle Chick or Big Chick?

Let's take Little Chick!

Okay! Little Chick lives in Icicle Bay.

Let's go!

But we better watch out for leopard seals!

They eat penguins!


Don't worry, little penguins.

It's our job to keep you safe.

All right, chicks, let's roll.

So, the baby-penguin-sitters went to Icicle Bay.

Here we are, Little Chick!

And look! There's your daddy!


See you tomorrow, Little Chick!

But then--


Leopard seal! Leopard seal!

That was a close one!

We'd better hurry up

and get these chicks back to their mommies and daddies.

Okay! Who's next?

Middle Chick's mommy lives in Snowy Cove.

Then that's where we're going!

So, the baby-penguin-sitters went to Snowy Cove.

Look, Middle Chick. There's your momma!

There you go!


See you tomorrow, Middle Chick!


Leopard seal!



That was close!

We better bring Big Chick back to her daddy

before that leopard seal comes back!

Let's go to Emperor Beach!

Here we are, Emperor Beach!

Where the Emperor penguins live!

Look at all those penguins!

How are we ever going to find Big Chick's daddy?

Well, penguins make special sounds to call each other.

Each mommy and daddy knows their penguin chick's call the best.

So, we just need to match Big Chick's call

to the right daddy!

Okay, Big Chick, start squawking!


We need your help!

Big Chick squawks four times in a row.


Which one of these daddy penguins

also squawks four times? Let's listen to this penguin!


Was that enough?

No! No!

That was only three!

That's wasn't enough!

Let's listen to this penguin!


Was that enough?


He called four times!

Let's see if he recognizes Big Chick's call!



Yeah! He's Big Chick's daddy!

Hi, Mr. Emperor penguin! Here's your chick!



Leopard seal!

Enough is enough!

You're not going to eat this penguin chick!


Eat her?

I don't want to eat that cute little penguin chick!

You don't? Then why were you chasing us?

I need a babysitter for my baby!

Aww! Aww!

Of course! We'd love to babysit your pup!


Yeah! Baby seals are called "Pups"!

What's up, pup?

And so, the Antarctic baby-penguin-and-seal-sitters

took care of the leopard seal pup.


And they all lived happily ever after.


Come on, everybody, it's time to dance!


Come on, everybody, get up and dance with us!

Come on, get up!

We're going to jump like bunny rabbits!

♪ Hey, everybody, here's a little dance ♪

♪ I think you're gonna like it if you give it a chance now ♪

♪ Yeah, all you got to do

♪ Is jump like a rabbit, come on, hop to ♪

All right, everybody, when I say "Go",

we're going jump just like a bunny rabbit.

Are you ready? Here we go!

A one, two! A one, two, three!

♪ Jump, jump, jump

♪ That's right, jump like a rabbit, come on, let's have it ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump, yeah

♪ Jump up and down and jump all around ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump, you got it

♪ Jump like a rabbit, come on, you have it ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump, all right

♪ Don't stop, just hop, bunny jump until you drop ♪

♪ And if two fingers behind your head appear ♪

♪ You don't have to worry, those are just your bunny ears ♪

♪ Your bunny ears, yeah

♪ Jump, jump, jump, that's right ♪

♪ Jump like a rabbit, come on, let's have it ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump, yeah

♪ Jump up and down and jump all around ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump, you got it

♪ Jump like a rabbit, come on, you have it ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump, all right

♪ Don't stop, just hop, bunny jump until you drop ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump


Most baby animals need somebody to take care of them,

just like you and me!

Hello there, Molly.

Hello, uhh, sir.

Molly! It's really me, Gil!

But why are you--


I'm hiding from that little chick who thinks I'm his dad.

At least only one of the eggs hatched!


What's wrong, Gilly?

The eggs all hatched!

But where are all the chicks?

I don't know.

Uhh, Gilly?

They're on my hat, aren't they?


Uh-oh. Ah!


Hey! Who wants to go on an egg hunt?

Field trip! Field trip!

Do you want to come find eggs with us?

Great! Come on!

All right, everyone,

let's go find some eggs!

Here's one!

Here's another one!

Who put all of the eggs here?

Maybe the Oyster Bunny left them for us!


Here's another egg!

There are more this way!

Come on!

Here's another one!

What is it?


The Temple of Baby Animals.

Isn't that where the Oyster Bunny lives?


And if we find the Oyster Bunny--

We all get a special surprise!


Let's go inside!

[Birds chirping]

Look, pictures of baby animals!

There's a kitten!

And there's a piglet.

And there's a calf!


this really is the Temple of Baby Animals!

But where's the Oyster Bunny, Goby?

I don't know.

He should be here.

Maybe there's no such thing as the Oyster Bunny after all.

Don't worry, Goby.

Yeah! We'll just keep looking!

Thanks, guys.


check it out!


It's a good thing this temple doesn't have any booby traps.



Do you think

that's a--

Booby trap!


Ah! Ah!



ALL: Mr. Grouper?

Who's Mr. Grouper? I am the Oyster Bunny!

And because you have found me,

you have earned my special surprise.

Goby, please come forward.

What is it, Goby?

What's inside?What is it?

Baby animal crackers!

Yay!I love baby animal crackers!

Yay!Animal crackers!

Hey Mr. Grouper, look what we got!

Baby animal crackers!

And we met the Oyster Bunny!

You met the Oyster Bunny? Wow!

Yeah, he's right over-- Wait.

Where'd he go?

Oh, sorry I missed him.

It's okay! He'll be back next year!

I hope so.

I'm so happy we found the Oyster Bunny!

And we got baby animal crackers!

Look, a calf!

A kitten!

A chick!



Dada! Dada! Dada!

Dada! Dada!

Uh-oh. Ah!


♪ Bub-Bub-Bubble, Gup-Gup-Guppies ♪

♪ Bubble, Bubble, Bubble, Guppy, Guppy, Guppy ♪

♪ Bubble, Bubble

♪ Guppy, Guppy

♪ Bubble Guppies

♪ Bubble Guppies

♪ Baby, baby, baby, it's a big world, I know ♪

♪ Wha-oh-oh

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ But with every year you'll grow ♪

♪ 'Cause from the biggest humpback whale ♪

♪ To the smallest garden snail

♪ On the land or in the sea

♪ They all started off as babies like you and me ♪