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05x13 - Too Bright for Movie Night!

Posted: 11/14/22 09:03
by bunniefuu
Bubble Guppies!


It's me, Molly, and it's time for...

[Gil] A bunny!

It's time for-

[Gil] A bird! Ca-caw! Ca-caw!

It's time for...

[Gil] A shark! Chomp chomp!

Chomp chomp chomp!

Chomp chomp chomp!

Uh... Gilly?


Chomp chomp chomp!


It's time for Bubble Guppies!


♪ Bub-bub-bubble. Gup-gup-guppies, ♪

♪ bubble, bubble, bubble. Guppy, guppy, guppy. ♪

- Bubble! - Bubble!

- Guppy! - Guppy!

Bubble guppies!

I'm Molly!

I'm Gil!

I'm Goby!

I'm Deema!


- Nonny! - Zooli!

Arf! Arf! - Bubble Puppy!

♪ Bub-bub-bubble. Gup-gup-guppies, ♪

♪ bubble, bubble, bubble. Guppy, guppy, guppy. ♪

- Bubble! - Bubble!

- Guppy! - Guppy!

Bubble guppies!

Bubble guppies!

-Come on! -Follow us!



Hi there.


Good morning, Mr. Grouper!

Good Morning, Everyone!

I'd like to introduce you to someone today...

-Huh? -Who is it?


Meet... My shadow!

Hello, everybody!

Hi, shadow.

And look at my shadow!

We like to dance!

My shadow likes to high-five!

Mine does too!


A shadow is a dark shape that's made

when something blocks the light.

That's right, Nonny!

Let's think about light and shadows!

When we're outside during the day,

we get light from the...


Right! The sun.

And if you stand in the sunlight,

you can block it and see your...


That's right! Your shadow!

And sometimes, you can even see your shadow at night

because of the light from the...


Yup. The moon!

Light and shadows are cool!

Let's sing about them!

♪ I wanna play in the sun ♪

♪ I wanna shine in the light ♪

♪ I want everyone to see me ♪

♪ When I'm feeling this bright! ♪

♪ I don't wanna hide, Just wanna have fun, ♪

♪ If you want me, I'm here Basking right in the sun ♪

♪ Slip into the shadows or step to the light ♪

♪ Like sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ There's a time for each

♪ When each is just right

♪ Sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ Don't you love a little mystery? ♪

♪ Don't know about you But when it comes to me ♪

♪ If something's hidden I wonder what could that be? ♪

♪ Lost in the shadows Hiding in the dark ♪

♪ Nothing more exciting than a question mark! ♪

♪ Slip into the shadows or step to the light ♪

♪ Like sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ There's a time for each

♪ When each is just right

♪ Sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ Sun in the day and the moon in the night! ♪

♪ Oh yeah!

♪ Playing with shadows,

♪ shadows and light

♪ I'm steppin' out from the shadows! ♪

♪ Slip into the shadows or step to the light ♪

♪ Like sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ There's a time for each

♪ When each is just right

♪ sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ Sun and moon and day and night! ♪

Okay, line up, everybody!

It's time to go outside!

[all] Outside! Outside!

Come on.

♪ Outside everybody, outside!

♪ Line up, everybody. Line up.

♪ Line up, line up, my gup-gup-gupgup-guppies. ♪

♪ Everybody get out. Get-get-get up. ♪

♪ Get out. Get everybody. ♪

♪ Outside.

♪ Here we go. Here we go. ♪

♪ Everybody line up. Here we go. ♪

♪ Outside! Everybody let's go-go-go-go, ♪

♪ get-get out-out-out out-out-out-out. ♪

♪ Outside! Bubble Guppies! ♪

I am the Queen of the Moon People!

And I'm the Queen of the Sun People!

Once upon a time...

There was a kingdom of people

who called themselves the Moon People.

They loved the night time.

They loved looking up at the moon...

They loved counting the stars...

And, when it was really dark,

they loved having movie nights

outside on a big screen!

[all cheer]

Quiet, please...

Presenting Queen Molly of the Moon People.

Hello, Moon People and welcome to movie night!

Tonight, we'll be showing "Night of the Pretzelquatl".

[all cheer]

Nighttime is the right time!

Go moon!

The remote, your majesty.

Thanks, Nonny.

And now, let the movie... begin!


[all groan]

Where's that light coming from?

[Gil] Just next door lived the Sun People.

And they didn't like the nighttime at all.

Is that a night light? It's so bright!

They're ruining movie night!

And nighttime in general!

Don't worry, everyone!

I'll just go ask them to turn it off.

Be right back!

[Gil] But next door, the Sun People

were loving their light.

[Sun People] Go sun!

Yippeee! Hooray!

We love a sunny day!

Go sun!

Yippeee! Hooray!

We love a sunny day!

Go sun!

[all cheer]

Yippeee! Hooray!

We love a sunny day!

Go sun!

Hello! Excuse me, Sun People?

We're trying to have a movie night next door,

and your light is really bright.

So, would you mind if I just turned it-


I'm sorry. We'd rather keep it on.

We like it to be daytime--

all the time!

Isn't that right, Sun People?

Yippee! Hooray!

We love a sunny day!

Go sun!

Uh, did you say daytime ALL the time?


But it's supposed to be dark at night!

Nighttime is the right time.

Go Moon?


I'm gonna go turn it off.

Oh, no you don't.

That light stays on.

I wish we could make it dark during the daytime!

Then you'd know how we feel!


During the daytime?

That would never happen.

We've got to show them how we feel!

Is there any way we could make it dark during the day?

Well, there is something called a solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse?

What's that?

A solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the sun

in the sky and makes it dark during the daytime.

That's exactly what we need!

Queen Deema?


If we can make it dark during the daytime,

will you turn off that light

so we can have our movie night?


Because there is no way you can do that.

So... Deal?


[Gil] And so, Queen Molly returned to the Moon People,

with the hope of using a solar eclipse

to make it dark during the day.

Okay! So, when does the eclipse happen?

Uh- well, I don't know, exactly.


The answer can only be found in one place...

The Lost Temple of the Sky.

Great. We'll go first thing tomorrow!

But, your majesty, no one ever goes there.

It's guarded by-



I thought Pretzelquatl was only in the movies.

Well, we still have to go.

We've got to find out when that eclipse

is going to happen.

Or we will never have movie night again!

That would be horrible.

Pretzelquatl makes me nervous.

Speak your truth, kid.

[Gil] So the next day, Queen Molly of the Moon People,

and her friends went into the jungle

to find the Lost Temple of the Sky...

[Molly] Okay, which way do we go?

It is said that the longest shadow

in the kingdom will point the way.

Okay. Do you see any shadows?

Here's one.

And here's another one!

And here's another!

Now we need to figure out which one is the longest!

We need your help!

Which of these shadows is the longest?

This one, this one, or this one?

That one!

That's the longest shadow.

Right! That's the longest!

Thanks for your help.

So the way to the temple must be this way!

Now let's go find that temple!

Come on!

What are you doing, Nonny?

I'm keeping an eye out for Pretzelquatl.

He could be anywhere.

Excuse me!

What time is it?

It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it? - ♪ It's time for lunch!

♪ What time is it?

♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it? - ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ It's lunch time! - ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

I got carrot sticks and a quesadilla with extra cheese!

I got carrot sticks and macaroni and cheese!

What did you get, Nonny?

I got celery sticks and...

Moon-caroni and cheese?

Moon-caroni and cheese?

That's silly!


Uh oh. It's Pretzelquatl.

[all scream]

Run for it!

[all scream]

[all scream]

Oh no!

[all scream]

[Gil] On their way to find the Lost Temple of the Sky,

the Moon People found themselves face to face

with Pretzelquatl...

Nice hat!

Uh... Thank you?

Where you going?

The Lost Temple of the Sky.

Yeah, I thought so.

You missed the turn-off back there a ways.

I wanted to show you but you kept running away.

Come on!

Okay, thanks?

He's nice.

Careful of your hat!


I gotta get one of those.

[all laugh]

-Woah... -We found it!

The Lost Temple of the Sky...

Sorry, it's kind of a mess in here...




That's a picture of the sun.

And it's being blocked by the moon!

And there are spaces for two more pictures...

Oh yeah.

Well, that'll tell you when the eclipse is gonna happen.

You just gotta put the rest of the pictures in order.

If you can, uh...

Find the pictures?

We need to find two more pictures.

Do you see any pictures?

Right there!

There are two pictures!

Great! Let's put them in order!

We need your help!

Let's put the pictures of the moon

blocking the sun in order.

This picture is of the moon completely blocking the sun.

It goes last.

So which one of these pictures comes first?

This one?

Or this one?

This one!

The moon isn't blocking the sun!


And this picture shows the moon

starting to block the sun!

It goes here.


The pictures are in the right order

to show a solar eclipse.

Thanks for your help!



It's showing us how the eclipse happens!

-Cool. -Wow!

That big ball is the sun.

And that's the Earth and moon going around the sun!


The moon made a really big shadow on the Earth!

So that's how it gets dark during the day!

It's a really big shadow!

But... When's it going to happen?


Oh, that's fun.

Oh, that means it's today!


Well, whaddya know.

We need to get back to the Sun People!


And you should probably hurry.

Eclipses only last for a few minutes.

We'll never get there in time!

Hey! I can take you.

Hop on!

Oh, great!


Nighttime is the right time. Go moon!


[Gil] So the Moon People hurried with their new friend

back to the Sun People to show them

that it could get dark during the day!

Hold on to your hat!

Yippeee! Hooray!

We love a sunny day!

Go sun!

Another beautiful sunny day, huh guys?

You said it, sister!

-Oh, yeah! -You said it!


Hey, Sun People!

What is going on?

Hello, Queen Deema.

You said that if I could make it dark during the day,

you'd turn off your night light, right?

Uh... Yeah?

Well, get ready, because this bright sunny day

is about to get dark!

Never look directly at the sun,

even during an eclipse.

You need special glasses to look at an eclipse

without hurting your eyes.

And now!

Everyone, please put on your special eclipse glasses...

and watch as-


Not yet.


Uh... just a second...

I knew it. Nothing's going to happen.


It's starting!

Now watch as the day becomes dark!

[all gasp]


It's dark!

[all scream]

Make it light again, Queen Molly!


Let there be light!

[all screaming]

-Oh, that's better! -Thank goodness.

How? How? Who? How?

You win, Queen Molly.

You made it dark during the day so...

We'll turn off our light at night.

But, how did you do that?

I didn't really do it.

It was just the moon blocking the sun

for a few moments.

It's called an eclipse.

An eclipse!

I don't like the night time.

Hey, you know what?

If you all came to one of our movie nights,

I bet you'd like the nighttime, too!

Could we?



[Gil] And so, the Sun People

got to go to their very first movie night!

Hello and welcome to movie night, everyone,

especially our friends and neighbors, the Sun People!

[all cheer]

Lights off, Sun People!

Thank you!

And now, let the movie...


Ooh! This was my best role.

I love this one.

It already gets two claws up from me!


You were right, nighttime is...



[both laugh]

[Gil] And so the Moon People and the Sun People

enjoyed movie night together.

And they all lived happily ever after!

[all cheer]

[chanting] Movie! Movie! Movie!

♪ Bub- bub- bubble. Gup- gup- guppies, ♪

♪ bubble bubble bubble guppy guppy guppy. ♪

- Bubble! - Bubble!

- Guppy! - Guppy!

Bubble Guppies!

Bubble Guppies!

♪ Slip into the shadows or step to the light ♪

♪ Like sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ There's a time for each

♪ When each is just right

♪ Sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ There's a time for each

♪ When each is just right

♪ Sun and moon and day and night ♪

♪ Sun and moon and day and night ♪

You said it, sister!