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01x07 - Countdown

Posted: 11/16/22 08:00
by bunniefuu

Okay. : p.m.

I should have ended the survey
after this morning,

but, uh, thank God I didn't.


All the hard work and sacrifice
has finally paid off.

I found it. Indisputable proof.

- Is anyone there?



Is anyone there?



It found me.

I-It found me!


Oh, God!


[WHISPERS] Ellen, if you see this,

know that I've always loved you.

I-I don't know why
I didn't say that before.

God, I do not want to die,
do not want to die.








Morning, Daddy. Did you sleep okay?

GREG: You know, you called me
a lot of things in high school.

But Daddy?

What the hell? What are you doing here?

Oh, hey, Simone.

You remember Greg Wright
from Fairfax High?

How could I forget my nemesis?

Your nemesis? Oh, no, never that.

I was just the man
that beat you for valedictorian.

To beat me implies that you were better.

But we had the exact same GPA.

Why are you here? Why is he here?

Greg's my CPA.

He does the books for my nonprofit.

Time's been good to you, Simone.

You look very happy.

Thank you.
Don't forget that part. You see it.

So how about you and I
have a proper catch-up?

Maybe some lunch, coffee?

My treat, of course.

Hey, take your eyes off my daughter

and put your eyes back on my books.

You're on the clock here.

- Yes, sir.

Back on the books. He told you.


Hey, boss.

You want... You want me to go where?

CARTER: The Angeles National Forest.

, acres of wilderness.

And bug bites.

You've got an Oakwood Racer kit
in your car?

Is Isaiah a Scout?

Yeah, and he needs to make a car
for the annual race this weekend.

Why is it in your car, then,
and not in his backpack?

'Cause he hates making them.
Waits till the last minute,

then he's bummed when he doesn't win.

You know you don't teach
your kids anything

by doing their homework for them.

In school, yes, but this is the Scouts.

It ain't about the kids.
It's dad vs. dad.

- And I'm competing against

literal rocket scientists from JPL.

With the divorce,
I'm just showing him I care.

[WHISPERING] Showing him how to cheat.

- What was that?

No, I just said
these trees are so pretty.


GARZA: Over here.


We are working a missing persons today.

Must be someone important
for it to wind up in our laps.

It is, and then some.
We're doing a favor for Senator Smith.

You mean Senator Smith who is
neither a senator nor a Smith?

Come on, once and for all,
just tell us who he is.

A high-ranking guardian angel
who has asked us

to investigate the disappearance
of Wallace Yamashiro,

an assistant director at DARPA.

Now, Wallace has been vital
in developing

top-secret technologies used
to advance national security.

So maybe he got snatched up
because somebody wanted

the secrets in that
big old brain of his.

Bingo. We're looking
at his campsite here

where he disappeared two nights ago
while doing research.

On what?

That's not important, Brendon.

It kinda is.

I mean, if we knew
what he was looking for,

it could give us a clue
on where to search for him.

She's right.

Well, besides being a certified genius,

Wallace liked to spend his spare
time searching for Bigfoot.


Oh, you're serious.

There's something you should see.

Definite signs of a struggle.

Yeah, that's dried blood.
He was att*cked.

Question is, was it human or humanoid?

You are not suggesting Bigfoot did this.

I'm saying we should leave
our options open.

We got a camera.

Please tell me it still works
and has footage

of what happened to Wallace on it.

Mm. No, it's toast.

Yeah, the memory card is cracked in two.

I can take it to the tech lab,
see what they can do.


SIMONE: Uh, guys.

Tell me this is not what I think it is.


Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


Since you're headed back,
have the lab take a look at this.

Carter, you know this is bear
or coyote, right?

I agree, but might as well be sure.

Alright. I gotta go meet up
with the SAC.

Join up with the search team.

If the rangers find any evidence,
I want the two of you on it first.

There was a... There was a bug on you.


By the way... happy birthday.

What? How did you find out?

I'm a professional investigator.


Elena told me.



Brendon, I'm your training agent.

You didn't need to get me a present.

And yet I did.

And I'll bet you can't guess what it is.

Oh, um, okay.


A platinum Montblanc pen.


How'd you guess that?

- I got it right?
- Yeah.

- Really? Wow.
- Yeah.

Gosh, I'm good.

Uh, size of the box, really.
That kinda gave it away.

You know, couldn't be jewelry

'cause you're desperate to
impress, but you're not crazy.

So, pen. Yeah. And you have money.

So you went with the most
high-end one, Montblanc.

Thanks for the gift.

What are you doing?

You can't have it anymore.

- Why not?
- Because I'm a renowned gift giver,

and people love my gifts

because they're thoughtful
and surprising.

And you guessed mine,
which means I failed.

And I don't like failing.

So I'll get you something else.
Don't worry about it.

- No, I really want the pen.
- You can't have it.

Go deliver the evidence.

Promise not to laugh at me?

Could you please run this fur for me?

What am I looking for evidence of?


Good one.

That wasn't a joke?

Uh, no.

So, did you enjoy the bottle
of Syrah I gave you?

Yea... Yeah.

No, uh, I haven't, uh, opened it yet,

but... thank you again.

Let me know when you try it.

I want a full report.

Y-Yeah. You know,
I-I-I'm actually not really

like a... Like a wine guy.

But you said you had a bottle
before and loved it.

I did. But it was such a thoughtful gift

that I figured someone
should appreciate it fully.

And so I-I have a-a friend
who I-I passed it to.

You gave away my gift.

Dieu aide moi.

Uh... see, Antoinette...

No. Talking's over.

I have to waste my time
testing for Bigfoot DNA.

You don't really believe in
all this Yeti business, do you?

Yetis are Himalayan.

On the West Coast, the creatures
are called Sasquatch,

Bigfoot, or Skookum.

That's a lot of names
for something totally made up.

I mean, you're mister
"all about the facts,"

and when it comes to Bigfoot,
there's no proof.

Well, there's not not proof, either.

Basically every indigenous
culture on the Pacific Coast

has stories of a large
ape-like creature.

Ranger, you out here every day.

You ever seen the Skookum?

No, but I've seen a lot
of strange things out here,

so, you know, it's entirely possible.

It's not that farfetched.

Scientists have discovered dozens
of new species this year alone.

Yeah. Lizards, bugs,

crazy-looking fish
on the bottom of the ocean.

Not big, hairy freaks
traipsing through the forest.

- Carter.


You heard that, right?


No, no, no. D-Don't go towards it.


That's Wallace's backpack.

FBI. Stop. Show us your hands.

Stop. FBI.


What's wrong with him?

Is he okay?

DR. COOPER: It's acute
radiation syndrome.

SIMONE: That doesn't sound good.

It's not.

Any idea where he was exposed?

We found him in the Angeles Forest.

He has minor cutaneous
radiation injuries.

Burns on his skin.

So the radiation was probably airborne.

Whoa. D-Does that mean
that we were exposed?

We were only out there for a few hours.

You should be okay.

But I'll get you prescriptions
for potassium iodide

as a precaution.

Matt, we have a possible RMR.

We need to mobilize every resource
to evacuate the Angeles Forest.

We're heading back to locate the source.


As in... you and me?


Thanks again for making me work
the nuclear jungle beat.

Could this get any worse?

- Apparently, yes.


Even in these suits, we
should only stay for a minute.




It's Wallace.

He ran into something
way more dangerous than Bigfoot.

Yeah. His k*ller in here
making a dirty b*mb.

I don't understand.

How do you go from a missing
person case to a dirty b*mb?

And why were you investigating
it in the first place?

Oh, I don't see how that's important

unless you already know the answer

and you're trying to catch me in a lie.

I swear, Matt, just when I made
peace with your unit's autonomy,

I find out you've turned it
into a favor mill

doing investigations on request

for a mysterious D.C. power player.

Okay, first, let's dial back
on the drama.

We all take requests from on high.

Second, thank God I did. Hm?

Or we might be standing in the middle
of a radioactive cloud right now

wondering what the hell happened.

So you're not gonna tell me
who Smith is?

Someone with a whole lot of
juice, Tracy. That's all I can say.

You realize I outrank you, right?

At approximately : this morning,

agents discovered
the body of Wallace Yamashiro

in a makeshift bunker
in the Angeles Forest.

It is our belief that he was k*lled

after he stumbled across this bunker

where a radiological dispersion
device was being built.

Now, we've generated a short
list of most likely subjects,

and agents are out there
looking for them right now.

LAPD will be assisting us
on a joint task force.

- Sergeant Grey.
- Thank you.

I've already briefed my department
on all pertinent details,

and our Hazmat Response Unit
is on standby.

Obviously, a tight lid
is paramount in this situation

so as not to create unnecessary panic.

This isn't our first rodeo, ma'am.

Is there any insight into the
size of the b*mb that was built?

Not at this point.

We're still trying to trace
the materials used,

but until shown otherwise,
we need to assume

that this b*mb is live
and in the city somewhere.

Matt, what do we have
on the man in custody?

Well, Marlin Jagger was
discovered a quarter of a mile

from the bunker
with acute radiation syndrome.

He was wearing the victim's backpack.

I have my doubts about Marlin
being our b*mb maker.

He has no background in science
or engineering,

no political ideology
that would suggest motive.

Based on his social media profile,
he's the laziest man on the planet.

What's Marlin got to say for himself?

Well, he just regained consciousness.

Agents Clark and Hope
are speaking to him right now.

Tell us about the b*mb.

The what?

Mr. Jagger, we don't have time for this.

You're suffering from
severe radiation poisoning.

And you were wearing
the backpack of a m*rder victim

found in a bunker filled
with b*mb-making material.

Wait, wait. Wallace is dead?

Well, I found his pack
off a trail near Angel Falls.

I-I picked it up to give it back to him.

I don't know anything
about a bunker or a b*mb.

SIMONE: We are not buying it, okay?

You don't get this sick

without being exposed to radiation
for a long period of time.

How do you explain that?

Well, I live right there.

Right where? In the woods?

- Yeah. I'm a boondocker.
- A what now?

A person is legally allowed
to camp on public land

for days at a time.

So if you move sites every two weeks,

you can basically live
in the forest for free.

Please. I-I didn't have anything
to do with this.

I swear, man.

Well, have you seen anything
suspicious out there lately?

- Besides Bigfoot?
- Wait, you've seen Bigfoot?

Okay, hold.

That [CHUCKLES] is a
conversation for another day.

Unless Sasquatch is out there
making a dirty b*mb.

You know, there is one guy I've seen

always carrying stuff into the woods.


A white dude, maybe s.

He always wears this dirty coat
with a fur collar.

Did you get a name? Possible vehicle?

Anything more you can tell us?

No, I...

Oh, God, I don't feel good.


Am I gonna die?

We'll get someone to come
help you with the pain.

Hang in there.

That doesn't give us much to go on.

Ugh, less than nothing.

A mysterious old white man
in a nasty jacket.

No way we get an ID off that.

Sorry your birthday was
ruined by a mad bomber.

Well, every bad day
is someone's birthday.

Wow, that's... dark.

I'm still gonna get you a
perfect gift, by the way, just...

- Mm.
- Just putting it out there.

So I'm not getting the pen.

- No. Tell me someting.
- Okay

What's your... like, dream vacation?

Mm... and by answering this
you come up with a perfect gift?

- Mmh-mm.
- Mm.


I've always wanted to hike Machu Pichu.

- Why haven't you?
- Too busy.

Now, go light a fire under your BFF.

We need those tests results.

Not gonna help, I said something stupid.

- Screwed up.
- Then, un-screwed it up.



The fur was synthetic.

So, probably not Bigfoot.

Oh, that's... that's actually
not why I'm here. Um...

Any luck ID'ing the bomber?

Latent prints have been scanned
into AFIS.

We're running rapid DNA,

but the radiation
makes it more complicated.

I-I owe you an apology.

Um, re-gifting that bottle
of wine was, uh...

Tacky? Rude? Gauche?

I could give more adjectives
if you'd like.

You should have just lied to me.

I-I kinda did.

Um, but you see, t-the reason
I didn't tell you the truth...


AFIS got a match to prints found
in the bunker.

Orson Meddle, a prolific Eco-t*rror1st

responsible for three
prior bombings in the U.S.

A ski resort in Colorado
in protest of deforestation,

a logging company in Minnesota,

and the last attack
occurred in Texas at the home

of the CEO of a company
that genetically modifies food.

Now, that b*mb k*lled his whole family.

Any motive behind his att*cks?

He published a manifesto for each

decrying humanity's effect
on Mother Earth.

This many bombings...

How's he managed
to stay out of handcuffs?

Well, he's a true loner.

Lives completely off the grid

and just keeps his head down,
making bombs.

Never used radiation before.

GARZA: No. It's an escalation,
a break in the pattern,

which is why he didn't show up
on our short list.

Please tell me you have a clue on how

to find this guy before it's too late.

We do. His son, Tad,
he lives in Echo Park.


FBI. Special Agents Hope and Clark.

What'd Dad do this time?

I'm not at liberty to say.

You don't seem surprised to see us.

Feds, journalists, podcasters,
psycho groupies.

Every time my doorbell rings,
I'm reminded I'm the son of a monster.

That's gotta be rough,
paying for the sins of your father.

I can only imagine
what life is like under that microscope.

Has your father reached out in any way?

Call, texted, anything?

I-I made it clear
that he never contact me again.


'Cause I sense
there's a but coming, hmm?

Talk to us, sweetie.
We can help you with this.

[SNIFFLES] This was in
my mailbox this morning.

Is that from your father?

Why didn't you notify us?

Because of this. You two here.

I just got my life back
after the last bombing.

The second I saw this,
I threw it in the trash.

There's no stamp. Letter wasn't mailed.

He dropped it off himself.

I mean, are we gonna open this
with a robot arm or something?

No time for that.

"I know you hate me, but it
wasn't always bad between us."

Remember our hikes in Hampton
Park when you were young?

Those days are gone,
ruined now by human greed,

another soulless corporation
trading beauty for profit.

Well, I'm leveling the playing field,

so consider this my last parental act.

A warning...

Return to nature like I taught you.

"You can survive."

H-He's targeting Hampton Park.

I mean, w-why would he say
"return to nature"

if he's just gonna destroy it?

Because it's already being destroyed.

They're about to build condos on it.

That park's near downtown.
His device blows...

The Santa Ana winds spread
radiation all over the city.



SIMONE: Really?

You just gonna go back
to doing your son's homework

when there's a loose RDD out there?

Don't you want to pack up your family
and get the hell out of town?

Absolutely not.

- Why?
- Because rules.

You know we can't tell anyone
about what's going down or what we do.

I know, Carter, but the thing i...

But... But nothing.

There are threats out there
every day, all the time.

The only way to cope is to
keep living and solve the case.

♪ Processed, purchased, consumed ♪


LAPD PILOT: Attention. This is the LAPD.

Please evacuate the area immediately.

Clear the premises!


BRENDON: What are we looking for?

An RDD could be as small as a
suitcase and as big as a truck.

Anything could be suspicious.

Right this way.
Off the merry-go-round, please.

We need you all to stop playing
and leave the park now.

Ma'am, no time for that.
Just take your daughter and go.

Sir, you need to evacuate.


FBI! Show us your hands!

Don't move.

Or what?

You're gonna sh**t me?

What if you miss?

A stray b*llet, and this baby goes up.

I'm already a dead man.

Nice to know I won't be
leaving this world alone.


Sir, listen.

Nobody needs to die today.

Yes, they do.

A little shock is what it takes
to wake the world up.

What I know about you, Orson,

is that you've been making bombs
a long time,

and you still got all your limbs.

That means you're a careful cat,

so there's no way you would have
activated that b*mb...

before you moved it here.

I'm not worried about it
going off on its own.

But let me tell you what
you should be worried about.

My man Carter here
is a first-class shot.

I'm not concerned about him
accidentally hitting that b*mb

trying to sh**t you.

Do yourself a favor
and give yourself up.




- Back out of there, Brendon.

He's radioactive.

BRENDON: That's a big-ass b*mb.

And Simone's right. It's not activated.

Okay, get out of there.
Let the b*mb squad deal with it.


Okay, so the initial visual examination

confirms that b*mb was an RDD.

Iridium- interspersed with
enough conventional expl*sives

to rip a hole in the development site
and irradiate whatever's left.

But we saved the damn day.

Not so fast, Simone.

We don't celebrate until
we tie off every loose thread.

And the last time I checked,

there's no dirty b*mb section
at the Home Depot.

Good point. So where is all this

high-grade radioactive material
coming from?


The lab was able to trace
the iridium container

that we pulled from Orson's bunker
to an industrial plant there.

The site manager is on his way now.

Okay, Carter, Simone,
you meet with him when he arrives.

Let's find out if Orson has
an accomplice or not.

We're on it.

Hey, uh, I have
another question for you.

It's about your birthday gift.

What's the weirdest dream
you've ever had?

Really? Right now?

Yeah. Why not right now?

Mm, can I just have the pen?

- No.
- I really like pens.

No, no, no, no.
Weirdest dream. Just... go.

Well, I would write it down for you,

but unfortunately, I don't have a pen.

Hint, hint.

Okay, fine. Um...

- I was driving really fast...
- Mm-hmm.

...on a highway in the clouds.

I was going miles per hour.

And then I looked down,
and I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

But instead of being scared,
I just closed my eyes and I went faster.

Based on that,
do you know what to get me?

Not yet, but I-I'm getting closer.

Okay. That's nice.


Special Agent Clark.

Yo, it's Greg.

What? Are you calling
to ask me out on a date again?

Ha! I need your help.
It's about your father.

One of his businesses is in trouble.
Brotherhood Bakery?

Yeah, for the past couple of months,

it's been hemorrhaging cash
that I can't seem to trace.

So I'm thinking that
this manager, ex-con named...

Ah, formerly incarcerated.

Right. My bad.

This formerly incarcerated man
named Darius might be stealing from him.

And I'm guessing
you're not talking scones.

No. I'm not talking scones.

I'm talking a couple of
thousand dollars at this point,

disappearing right under Cutty's nose.

And you told my dad about this?

I did. And he shut me down, hard.

So I'm thinking maybe
you can talk to him,

see if he can look into this
before it gets any worse.

Yeah, I will.

Thanks for this.



CUTTY: This is Cutty.
You know what to do.

Daddy, you better not be
screening my calls.

Greg told me about the bakery situation.

I need you to listen
and get it straight.

You call me back as soon as you
get this, and I mean it, Cutty Clark.

Don't you dare go ghosting me.

- Eddie Mendoza?
- Yes, sir.

I'm Special Agent Hope.
This is Special Agent Clark.

Thanks for coming down.

- Not a problem.
- Have a seat.

And I'm just relieved that you
recovered the radioactive material.

It's just... It's been
a nightmare since the burglary.

What is an industrial plant
doing with iridium laying around?

We use it as part
of radiography equipment.

It helps detect cracks
or defects in metal pipes.

Now, our security is top-notch,

but I went in there last month
and someone had broke in.

They stole Ci's worth
of iridium- pellets.

Hold on.

The prelim report said our
subject's RDD only had Ci's.

He only used half of what he stole.

Orson built a second b*mb.

SAC CHILES: Where is it?

ORSON: You're going to have
to be more specific than that.

We know you had enough radioactive
material to make two dirty bombs.

Which means you must have planted
the first one before we found you.

Where's the other one?

Oh, that. Well, it's in a special place.

Our techs say the RDD you made
was pretty damn impressive.

Well, thank you.

I do take pride in my work, so...

We assume you activated the first b*mb

and got caught
before you could arm the second.

Assume away.

The b*mb we caught you with
had a three-hour timer on it,

and that was about an hour ago.

Which means you have
less than two hours before...

[IMITATES expl*si*n]

Okay, listen, Orson,

it's not too late for you
to do the right thing here.

I'm done talking.







GARZA: The SAC and I struck out.

Orson's not giving up
the location of his second b*mb.

Give me a chance to talk to him, sir.

The man's last dying wish is
to irradiate the city, Simone.

What makes you think he's gonna
want to talk to you?

Not just me, but me and his son.

I feel like we really connected
when we went by his house.

Orson warned him about the RDD.

He might want to k*ll Los Angeles,

but not everybody in it.

She has a point. There's some
semblance of humanity left in him.

Maybe the son can help her find it.

Let's try it.

I'm on it.


Why did you bring him here?

I asked, and he came.

You look good.

You don't.

You still have time to run.

And you still have time to stop this.

Think... Think about your son.
Think about all the innocent people.

There are no innocents.

We all have to pay for what
we've done to the Earth.

Even your boy?

The world shrugged off the science.

Well, no one can ignore
what I will unleash.

The skies will burn
and the sun will be darkened.

Okay, now you just cribbin'
from the Book of Revelation.

Dad, stop this.



Okay, so Orson said the skies will burn

and the sun will be darkened.

In all of his previous manifestos,
he's never used language like that.

So you think that's a clue
as to where the second b*mb is?

Maybe. I don't know.

Well, let's think about it.
Skies will burn.

How would one do that?

Start a huge fire, one that's
damn near impossible to put out.

Yeah, like a forest fire
or... or an oil refinery.

No, no, no. An oil well.

There are thousands of active
oil wells in Los Angeles

drilling for oil underneath the city.

I mean, we got them
all over my neighborhood.

Yeah, you put a b*mb
in one of those, boom!

And he said, "The sun will be darkened."

Setting off an RDD
at an oil field would ignite

a never-ending radioactive fire,

one that would k*ll almost every
firefighter that tried to put it out.

So then that's it. We got to
warn people and evacuate the city.

- We can't.
- Why?

million panicked people
will only make things worse.

She's right, Simone.

The way we help people
is by doing our jobs.

And right now, that means
pinpointing the exact location.

When the Super Bowl came to L.A.,

the NNSA had helicopters
with radiation sensors monitor

for increased levels of radiation.

Okay, well, I'll make some phone
calls and scramble the airships,

but right now, we need to
hit all the major oil fields first,

so let's move.


- Where are you going?
- To be with my team.

Well, this is your task force,
Matt. Your job is here.

Command and control.
You hand-picked this team.

Now you have to trust them.

CARTER: Pull our Bu-car around front.

I've got to coordinate
with Smith and Dawes.


Hey, Daddy.

Simone, I got your rude voicemail.

Hear me out, okay?

Greg thinks Darius is skimming from you.

Yeah, he is.

Wait. You knew?

Look, I've known Darius forever.

He's got heart, but he's proud.

And he's ashamed of his faults.

But if he's stealing money,
it's for a good reason.

You can't let people like that
take advantage of you.

If you do, you'll end up broke.

I'm just looking out, and I...

No, I-I don't need anyone looking out.

What I need is for you
to mind your own damn business.

Daddy, please.

At least tell Greg what's up.
He's as concerned as I am.

Like I care.

He crosses this line again, he is fired.

And don't even think about involving

your little LAPD buddies in this.

I'm handling this my own way.

What... What... What's the matter?

I love you, Daddy.

No, no, I-I love you, too, baby girl.

Simone, what's going on?

Daddy, listen.

Hey, I am dead serious.

I need you to get out
of the city right now.


Mr. Clarke, Simone has to go now.



I could fire you right now,
but you know that, don't you?

FBI agents are prohibited
from warning citizens

of possible threats before
that information is made public.

I know the rules, Carter,
but a dirty b*mb in South L.A.

could detonate right
in my father's backyard.

I couldn't live with myself
if he got hurt.

Find a way.

Wow. I don't get you.

I mean, you could whittle away
all day at a car for your son,

but won't do anything to save his life?

What the hell do you think
I've been doing?

Helping to find this b*mb before
it goes off is saving my son's life.

And anyone else's sons, too.

And their daughters and their mothers

and their fathers, including yours.

I'm sorry.

Yes, you are.

But no one's got time
for that right now.

You swore to do a job.
Now can you do it, or not?

Yes, sir.


No sign of increased radiation
over the West Side.

MAN: That's a negative
in San Gabriel Valley.

Come on. Come on.

Wait. I've got something.

Abnormal levels of radiation
have been detected

over the oil fields east of downtown.

That's a huge repository.
If an RDD goes off there...

I'll notify the team.




Spread out into teams of two.

Use your Geiger counters
to track the radiation.

Let's go!



One last question.

You cannot be serious right now.

- What was the first poster

that you had on your wall
when you were a kid?

- Really?
- Yeah. Do me a favor. Humor me.

Um, Jonas Salk.


Jonas Salk.

The guy who invented the polio vaccine
was your childhood crush?

Well, no, he wasn't a crush.
Although in his college photos,

he did have this sort of hot,
nerdy thing going on.

But how does this help you
figure out what to get me?

Y-You know what? Don't answer that.

A b*mb could go off any second.

So let's just focus
on the crisis at hand, please.

- CARTER: It's got to be nearby.


It's picking up.

Carter, there it is!

We found the b*mb!

By the refinery tanks!


The b*mb tech team's heading your way,

but they're coming
from the other end of the field.

No, no, no. There's less than
two minutes left on the clock.

They're not gonna make it here in time.

Then you're gonna have
to defuse the b*mb yourselves.

We're gonna have to do what now?

We have a copy of Orson's b*mb
schematics from the bunker.

We can walk you through it.

We don't have any tools.

Speak for yourself.

Alright, where do we start?

Less than a minute.

Yeah, I know. Just give me a second.

Seconds is what we don't have.

I understand, Simone.

Okay, by the looks of this,

the green wire connects
the detonator to the timer.

So if you cut that, the timer turns off.

I hope.

- You hope?
- Wait, you said green.

T-T-There are only red wires in here.

I think the middle one is going
to the detonator, though.

- Are you sure?
- No!

But if you have any better ideas...

I'm cutting the wire now.


I can't reach it. My hands
are too big to fit in there.

Simone, you got to do this.

- Me?
- Yes.

You can do this, Simone.




She did it. She did it.


Thank you. Thank you.

Good job.


MAN: Threat contained.
Securing the site now.



CARTER: You did good work today.

But also screwed up royally.

I know.

I'm sorry about warning my dad.

You gonna fire me?

Not this time.

But we follow strict protocols
for a reason.

It can never happen again. Hear me?

Loud and clear.

Go home. Before I change my mind.




Who would have thought that
my little missing persons case

would lead us to apprehending
an Eco-t*rror1st, huh?

I'm sure you'll get
another commendation.

Listen, you were right.

I usually am.

But what specifically
were you referring to?

Hanging back,
supervising my team from afar.

Yeah, it takes some getting used to.

At least... for me, it did.

Yeah. We worked well together today.

Yeah, we really did.

♪ She doesn't try to be
anything she ain't ♪

Look, Matt, I know
I'm the big bad wolf here,

but you using your friendship
with whomever Senator Smith is

to cut corners is dangerous.

Actually, I'm fine with it.

♪ I'm talking 'bout her beauty ♪

Yeah, that right there's the problem.

♪ My babe's a natural beauty ♪

Tracy, we saved Los Angeles today.

Why can't we just enjoy that?

For right now.


There's no alcohol allowed.

♪ That every fella just loves to touch ♪

Yeah, pour me a double.


♪ And her smile so sweet ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Lord, it's much, much, too much ♪

Hey, uh, thank you
for your help earlier.

It's what I'm paid to do.

Yeah, no, I know.


So, uh, we... we got interrupted earlier

when we were talking about the wine.

It doesn't matter.

No, it... It does, actually.

The reason I-I haven't...

opened the bottle is because I'm...



- I had no idea.
- No, no, no.

There's... There's... There's
no reason for you to have.

I-I-I don't really...
talk about it a lot,

but, um, you know,
I hurt a lot of people

and... and made a lot of mistakes.


Not for the past days.

- That takes a lot of courage.

Thank you for sharing that with me.


Do you drink coffee?

That's like asking me if I breathe air.

Tomorrow, we should grab a cup.


It's a date.

No, it's coffee.

You'll know when we're going on a date.

- _



♪ Baby ♪

Oh, hello, there.

Hey, Simone.

♪ Who's been fooling you ♪

No, we're good.

And thanks for your help.

Thanks for looking out for him.

My pleasure.

Who knew you'd turn out to be
a decent human being,

after I watched you cheat on
all those tests in high school?

You know, if that helps you sleep
at night, Simone, you can have it.

But it's good to know you were looking.

Please. You know
you were checking me out.

You were always thirsty in high school.

I was checking you out?

Ple... Uh, yes.

Either way, thank you.

I will never forget
what you did for him.

Don't mention it.

♪ Baby, what in the world
came over you? ♪

♪ I just gotta know now ♪


♪ You don't believe
that the ocean is blue ♪

I can be stubborn sometimes.

And I am my father's daughter.

Tell me what happened.

Well, I talked to Darius.

He needed money for his aunt's insulin.

Didn't know who to turn to.

I mean, he felt horrible.

And he insisted on working out a plan

to pay back the money.

♪ Your confidence will set you free ♪

He made a mistake. And he's sorry.

No one needs to go to jail,
and no one needs to get fired.

♪ Are you gonna let me love you? ♪

You are a good man, Cutty Clark.

You scared me pretty good

on that phone call earlier.

Had me packing my bags and everything.

I'm sorry, Daddy.

But I can't really talk about it.

And I hope you understand.

I do.

♪ Tell me who been foolin' you ♪


My baby girl saving the world.


Something like that.



♪ I really want to know now ♪

♪ Good God almighty, baby ♪

♪ Oh, now tell me who been
foolin' you? ♪

♪ Hey, hey, yeah ♪

All done?

Behold, the Hopemobile.


Hey. Whoa. You're here early.

Yeah, well, I wanted to give you this.


I know your birthday was yesterday,
but as promised, the perfect gift.

Yeah, right.
Based on those three questions?

There's no way that gave you anything.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
They told me everything.

You wanted to hike Machu Picchu,
but you never pulled the trigger.

You had a dream where you were
driving without a seatbelt,

and it just made you go even faster.

You crave adventure in your mind,
but you're too sensible in reality

to actually go through with it.

Wow. That's... not at all on the mark.

Damn it.

Well, what about the Jonas Salk poster?

Oh, you're also very weird.

Happy birthday.


Hmm. Gift certificate?


That sounds terrifying.

It is. That's why I'm going with you.

Really? I've always wanted to do this.

Oh. So much better than a pen.

Thank you.

Well, you'll need one of these
to sign the waiver.

Everyone in the briefing room now.


Sorry, boss.

What'd I miss?

You're just in time.

The tech unit was finally able
to restore the memory card

on Wallace Yamashiro's video camera.

Our Bigfoot hunter.

This video was on it.

Um, okay.

: p.m.

Uh, for years,
I've suffered the ridicule

of my colleagues
and endured their taunts.

Now I have my proof.


Wait. That's...

- Skookum?
- Oh, my God.

This can't be real, right?

Where was this taken?

That's the thing.

Wallace never says.

And there is no G.P.S. function
on that camera.