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05x07 - Ready or Not

Posted: 11/16/22 08:08
by bunniefuu
♪ Can't take my eyes off you ♪

♪ My eyes off you ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't know... ♪


- Hey, Mom.

I'm in the middle of a workout.

Can I call you back in minutes?

Okay. Okay.

Love you too. Bye.

Damn. Look at you go.

[CHUCKLES] I'm just trying
to toughen up.

- [g*nshots]
- Oh!

- Oh! [GROANS]
- Oh!

Oh, my God. Oh!


♪ ♪

Come on, there's no way
that it happened like that.

I don't know what to tell you guys.

It did. It was a modern miracle.

He fell feet, got up
and walked it right off.

- feet?
- Oh!

That fall gets bigger every
time you tell that story.


Thank God you're here to keep me honest.

- We missed you around here.
- Missed you too.

Medical clearance came through?

I don't think I could have
stayed home one more day.



I just got a call about
a sh**ting over in the Bronx.

Double homicide, both victims were found

on federal land, which is
why we are taking the handle.

- Are you good to go?
- I'm ready.


JOC will send you the address.

See ya.

Ah, it is good to have you back.

How are you feeling?


I mean, between you and me,
I feel some nerves.

Yeah, I was surprised that
they cleared you so fast.

The gas exposure was pretty bad.


But you know, the bureau said
I could take a few more weeks.

It was my choice.

I'm ready to jump in.


Um, but, so you know, I'm here for you

if you want to talk about it
or anything.


Got two vics.

Both had their IDs on them.

Enrique Cortez, ,
and that's Marisol Lugo, .

No witnesses far as we can tell.

Passerby discovered the bodies
after the fact, called it in.

They both had their wallets on them?

Yeah, with enough cash to
buy more than a steak dinner.

So not a robbery.

♪ ♪

Hey, Katie.

Could you put a rush on the ballistics?

And also make sure we get
the footage from that camera

over to the JOC immediately.

- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.

The mayor's all over this one.

Homicide rate in the Bronx
is way up already,

and Marisol Lugo's parents
are making a lot of noise.

Was she from the neighborhood, or...?

Born and raised in Castle Hill,

first generation high school,
never mind college.

She was set to graduate
Fordham Law in December.

She's a great kid.

The whole community is up in arms.

It's starting a media frenzy.

But there's more to it than that.


She was going to Quantico.

Dream was to be an FBI agent.

All right.

All right, folks.

We have the lives
of two young Bronx natives

on our shoulders.

And in a few months, Marisol Lugo

would have joined our ranks,
so we need to honor that,

treat her as one of our own.

But she is not the only one
who lost her life last night.

So you want to tell us
about our second victim?

Yeah, Enrique "Kiko" Cortez.

A bit of a troubled youth.

A few school suspensions for fighting,

a misdemeanor for possession.

Kept his nose clean recently, though.

Was working a food delivery job.

Any connection to Marisol?

No, different schools,

different neighborhoods,
different acquaintances.

And we did a deep dive into
their social media profiles.

There's absolutely no overlap there.

All right, so if they don't
know each other,

and we think Marisol
was out for a jog...

The most likely scenario is that

she was collateral damage.

Well, who would want Kiko k*lled?

I've been reviewing footage
from the scene.

Camera didn't get the sh**ting,

but it did catch the sh**t as he fled.

- Yeah?
- Facial rec?

He never looks at the camera,

but we've got a trash can in frame.

If that's inches
and we use it as scale,

I can estimate the sh**t
as between ' " and feet.

And there's a mark
on his hand, maybe a tattoo.

That could be anything.

- Hey, Jubal.
- Yeah?

Ballistics report just
came in on the -millimeter

used in our sh**ting.

Tell me it gave us something.

It was the same w*apon used
in three other cases

linked to a local g*ng
called the Mott Haven Boys.

Apparently, they're on DEA's radar.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jordan, welcome to the party.

What do you know about these guys?

MHB, yeah.

They're a young g*ng,

but they've already made a big splash.

Popped up last couple of years
selling a lot of cocaine.

They also call it MHB for Mad Hot Batch.

Does it match their MO?

For sure.

g*ng suspected of at least a dozen hits.

Your sh**t's bandanna's green.

That's their color.

Mark on his hand could be
their g*ng insignia.

All right, so who runs this outfit?

You got faces for me?

Jose Florial is the boss.

Any connection to Kiko?

Not that we know of.

Did we find Kiko's
next of kin, friends, family?

Yes. He lived with his girlfriend.

She works at City Laundromat,
rd Avenue.

Let's talk to her, see what
she knows about any of this.

Did Kiko have a connection
with the Mott Haven boys?

We're trying to get justice
for your boyfriend, Brianna,

but we can't do that
if you don't talk to us.

MHB run this neighborhood.

I crossed them, I'm dead too.

Anything you tell us
didn't come from you.

Help us out.

Kiko was a good man, okay?

He was just slinging some dope

'cause we were saving up
to move to North Carolina,

get away from this crazy place.

Was he slinging for the g*ng?


But that was the problem.

They thought that he was
moving in on their territory.

You think they k*lled him for it?


[SIGHS] Two days ago,
we ran into one of them.

Guy got into Kiko's face.

Next thing I know, on top of him.

And I try to get in between them, but...

Guy left after that.

Made the message really clear.

Kiko didn't stop selling,
he was gonna die.

You got a name?

Kiko didn't want to talk about it.

But he was Latino.

On the tall side.

Any scars or tattoos?

I'm not sure.

Where exactly did this fight happen?


This is Tuesday, : p.m.,
outside Lipson's Deli.

They're certainly not
talking out their feelings.

Let's see if we can get
a look at the assailant.

Come on.

Boom, there it is.

Mateo Diaz.

Okay. Mateo Diaz.

Somebody talk to me about Mateo.

He's a local. Age .

Has a couple of priors
for drug possession.

One of which was for felony weight.

Currently on probation for as*ault.

All right, so Mateo is not so innocent,

- but is he our sh**t?
- Well, he's ' ".

That's in our estimated height range.

What about his hand tattoo?

See for yourself.

It's the MHB symbol.

That's enough to buy us
a conversation, at least.

♪ ♪

Are you taking these pills for anxiety?


No, I'm not, um...

I told you, I was feeling a bit
nervous about coming in today.

And I went to go talk to a psychiatrist,

you know, outside of work.

You know, to get away
from the official focus

on my readiness.

And he prescribed them to me
to take as needed.

That's it.

Okay, fair enough.

But you know that taking meds
the bureau doesn't know about

- could get you fired, right?
- No, I know that. I know that.

Like I said, I haven't taken any.

I brought them in case today
was gonna be a hard day.


But if you do take one,
or if you even think about it,

please let me know. Maybe I can help.

Sure, if that comes up,
I will let you know,

but I'm telling you right now,
not an issue.



♪ ♪

He's on probation and
suspecting of assaulting Kiko.

We don't need a warrant.


Mateo Diaz, we have
some questions for you.




- Door closing.

No, no, no, no! No! No!


You okay?


♪ ♪


You see him?



You're not going anywhere.

What do we got here?

Some dr*gs and a -millimeter.

You k*ll some people
with this last night?

You're under arrest, Mateo.

We gonna talk about
what happened back there?

- What?
- At the apartment.

It looked like you froze up.

Just wanna make sure that you're good.

Yeah. I'm good.

Thank you for your concern.

You're welcome, uh,

but you didn't answer my question.

What happened back there?

OA, I've been on the bench
for, like, seven months.

All right, my biggest fear

was if my local coffee shop

was gonna run out of oat milk, so.

Just needed a second to adjust.

Fair enough.

I'm telling you, I didn't k*ll nobody.

I hear a broken record.

Okay, the problem is that
we have you on tape

beating one of the victims
two days before they were shot

and a witness has said that
you threatened to k*ll him.

The jury learns that,

plus that Marisol
was an innocent bystander...

Man, Kiko gave me a look, all right?

He disrespected me, so we had a go.

You know that that is a lie.

You had a go because Kiko was
selling on MHB's territory.

Look, last night I was home.

Well, your walls can't talk,

so you're gonna have to do
a lot better than that.

What, truth ain't good enough?

I'm not surprised dealing
with y'all people.

Sorry, "us people?"


Probation officers,
the bulls at Rikers, same crap.

All y'all all the time
telling me who I am,

what I am, like I got no say in it.

Is that your way
of saying that you did it,

that you shot Kiko?

Hell no.

I didn't sh**t nobody.

- All right, I was home.


♪ ♪


No match on his g*n.

He's claiming he was home all night.

I don't think that's true.

Can you place him at the crime scene?

No, but the JOC did trace

the burner that we pulled from him.

It spent most of the night in what
should be an empty warehouse.

Okay. So he's lying about his alibi.


Scola and I are headed there
now to try to figure it out.




There's no cameras.




It's an illegal rave space.

They're pirating juice
from the adjacent buildings.

I may have attended
a few of these parties

in my younger days.

Why was your youth
so much more fun than mine?

♪ ♪


Good morning.

What are you guys, cops?

Worse. Federal agent.


All right, everybody keep your
hands where we can see them.

So I should want, like, a lawyer?

Well, that's up to you.


It better be a good one.

Turns out Firebase is a pretty notorious

party space for the
younger LGBTQ community.

Raves, rampant drug use,
and run by this guy,

Sam Sloan, who Tiff and Scola
just arrested.

He's an up-and-coming
nightlife impresario of sorts,

has a half dozen citations
for SLA licensing violations.

Otherwise, clean.

We have any evidence that
Mateo was there last night?


Here's Sam greeting Mateo at : .

It's lifted from their
members only area.

Looks like more than
a business transaction.

Yeah, as the crow flies,

it's miles from the rave
to the crime scene,

where we can place our sh**t at : ,

so it's still possible he's our k*ller.

And he's in the g*ng
that wanted Kiko dead,

plus we have a lot of bargaining power

with the g*n and the cocaine
we found on him.

All right, well,
let's exploit that leverage.

Let's take a run at Sam.

Felony possession of cocaine
with intent to distribute.

That is a real charge, Sam.
You can do time behind that.

I'm not a real drug dealer.
I sell to my friends.

Mm, unlike your boyfriend, Mateo?

We saw you two on video.

Yeah, we're together.

But you can't tell anyone, for real.

The g*ng finds out he's gay,
they'll k*ll him,

and they'll probably k*ll me too.

The g*ng doesn't know that he's gay?

No, he got involved when he was a kid.

He's not like them.

He's not a gangster.

All right, did he mention
anything last night about a m*rder?

Kid named Kiko?

And what about a young woman
named Marisol?

He doesn't talk about
any of that, not with me.

I keep telling him that
he needs to start a new life

He's afraid.

Okay, so last night,

you guys got together around : p.m.?

- How long did he stay with you?
- The whole night.

- You can prove that?
- Yeah.

I have photos on my phone of me and him,

partying, hanging out.


Good news, Mateo.

You're not going down
for a double homicide.

Bad news...

it's a felony to lie to the FBI,

as well as distribution of cocaine

and possession
of an unregistered handgun.

So we do have a slam dunk
case against you and Sam.

Okay, we need you to realize
that both of your new reality

is gonna be inside of a prison cell.

Do you understand?

Can I talk to you?


Coffee break.

Just me and you now.

You got to make these cases
go away for me and Sam.

Oh, this isn't a
get-out-of-jail-free kind of thing.

There can't be any record of me

dealing at that club, or anything about

me and Sam ever.

You know, they got rules
against this kind of thing.

Like, real strict rules.

We can work with you,
but you better start talking.

Me and Sam, we go free?

You help us arrest
the k*ller, I will do my best.

How I know I can trust you?

You don't.

I'm telling you that you can.

It's the big guy, Jose.

He's the one that k*lled Kiko.


'Cause Kiko was slinging on our land

when we told him not to.

That's crazy dumb, so he got dealt with.

This is how it's gonna work.

You're gonna have to wear a wire.

I need you get Jose to say what
he did to Kiko and Marisol.

No. I... I can't do that.

Okay, you know how a deal works?

There's give and take.

You telling me that
Jose k*lled Kiko and Marisol

without any evidence at all,
that is less than useless.

Jose only talks drug business
with a few chosen captains.

All right, he's got these hard
rules and he sticks to them.

I show up all of a sudden,
I'll be eatin' b*ll*ts.

Okay, so who's your go-to in the g*ng?

Some dude named Frankie.

Let's get Frankie on a buy and bust,

and then we'll flip him to get Jose.

Okay, what's our hook?

Uh, I could pose as a club owner.

Say I'm looking to move
MHB product through my places.

I can handle the undercover stuff.

It's your first day back.
No need to go to , right?

I'm good.

Done plenty of undercover narcotics.

You have, but, uh, I'm not sure

these guys are used to working
with women like that.

What does that mean?

You know, the whole machismo thing.


The whole machismo thing, right.

I'm good.

Okay, let's do it.


What was that?

You really don't think
I can handle this assignment?

You've been gone for seven months.

Just making sure.

What, that I don't fall apart
when things get dicey?

No, it's not that, um...

it's just that you took
a real hit with the Sarin gas.

Okay, it's not like
you sprained an ankle.

They had a priest ready
to read you the last rites.

Yeah, I know that.

And then today
at Mateo's house, you froze up.


I did.

For one second.

No, I get it. But I just want...

I know you, want to make sure
that I'm good.


I wouldn't be here if I wasn't, right?



Usually an agent will
take their firearm with them

when they leave the office.

- You sure you're %?
- Yes, I'm . Now back off.

Still no sign of Frankie.


♪ ♪

That makes him ten minutes late.

He can't wait forever.

Not liking this, Maggie.

Have Mateo check in, please.


Hold on. That's him.

He changed it up.

He wants to meet inside.

Five minutes.

We're not set up for it.

We won't be able to see
what you're walking into.

And I won't have eyes
on you once you're inside.

Okay, we have to adjust.

Look, you still have my video feed.

What are the odds
that Frankie's carrying?


Okay. It's too deep in MHB's turf.

They control the building.
They're gonna control the outcome.

I think we're overthinking this.
It's just a meet and greet.

I agree.

He knows I'm not carrying any cash.
He's not gonna jack me.

I'm going in.


♪ ♪

Close that door.

Yo, Frankie.

Yo, Matty.

What's good?

You know, living the hustle.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The club lady you wanted me to meet.

- Lydia.
- Yeah.

So what can I do for you, Lydia?

Well, Mateo was saying
we could do some business.

All right. What you offering?

I'm a partner.

Five clubs in New York.
Three in New Jersey.

So I'm looking for some product
that I can sell to my clients.

That's a lot.

That is a lot.

How do you two know each other again?

I told you she's good
with my cousin Damon.


- That true?
- Yeah.

Yeah, we go way back. High school.

High school.

I feel like if you're
from this neighborhood,

I would have known you.

I mean, Damon liked
to crash Fieldston parties.

Chase the rich girls.

Look, if you know Damon,
you know he makes friends everywhere.

♪ ♪


Look, I was told that MHB are
the people to meet my needs.

If you're not, no problem.

I can take my business elsewhere.

No. No, we chill. We chill.

I'm just testing you.

Uh, I'll show you what I got.

I'll show you mine.


Nice job, Maggie.

That there's top shelf.

I'll see for myself.

[SCOFFS] You doubting me?

I don't know you, and you don't know me.

♪ ♪


- Let's talk quantity.
- Nah.

Nah, nah, I don't do business like that.

Take a hit, and then we'll talk.

No, that's not how I do business.

- You're too good for my product?
- Nothing to do with that.

I don't use.

I'm a dealer.

I thought you told me
that you used to run

with Matty's cousin Damon.

I do.

Well, I never knew him
to hang out with anybody

that didn't party once or twice.

- Frank, calm down.
- Didn't say I didn't party.


I'm gonna need you to take a hit.

I'm not gonna do that.

It's going south.
Tiff, we got to pull her.

No, no, no. I think she can handle it.

Let's just give her a minute.

I don't know what you want me to say.
I'm not gonna do it.


Nah, nah, nah.

You making me nervous.

You making me real nervous.

I'm going.

Wha... wha...

Okay, fine.

Fine, I'll take one.

One hit.

♪ ♪


What's going on?

- Yo.
- Mateo?

Something ain't right here.

Okay, nothing... nothing about me.

Put... put the g*n down.

This ain't no one's fault, man.

Frank, you're doing a lot. Put it down.

- Put it down!
- Get your hands off me, man.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey!

FBI. Stop.



- Maggie?
- Hey, hey! Don't sh**t.

Okay, We need an ambulance
to Beekman Ave now.




♪ ♪

I can't open the door.
Please, open this door.



Stay with me. Hey. Hey, stay with me!

Help me.

No, no! No, Maggie!



The op was going sideways.

Mateo jumped in,

tried to protect me,
and he grabbed the g*n.

But when him and Frankie fell down,

the w*apon discharged and hit Frankie.

So no charges for Mateo?

No, he probably saved my life.

So as far as these things go,
it was a clean sh**t.

But then why did the op go south?

Frankie was getting
increasingly agitated.

He was insisting that I try the coke.


OA sounded the alarm.

Yeah, Frankie was escalating.

When he pulled the w*apon
and threatened to sh**t her,

thought it was necessary to end the op

before things went from bad to worse.

Mm, you disagree?

It was a judgment call.

Well, what's done is done.

You both made smart choices in real time

with the information you had.

Right now, we need to move
forward to make this case, okay?

Frankie is expected to survive,

but he's looking
at six hours of surgery.

So for now, we own the
narrative until he wakes up

and can set the record straight.


Jubal's got information in the JOC.


We've been monitoring Mateo's phone.

This was just sent
to him by his boss, Jose.


Hit him back with, "Okay, when?"


This is our one chance.

Mateo becomes useless
to us in six hours.

We need to get him in there and
get Jose to incriminate himself.

I don't care what his fears are.

He was the one that
was caught with cocaine

and an illegal firearm.

Take the gloves off.

- All right, you sorted?
- Nah, I told you.

I can't talk to Jose,
especially not after Frankie.

Okay. This is part of the deal.

You want to avoid going to prison,
then you need to keep cooperating.

Jose's a k*ller, man.

Like, he enjoys ending people.

We're gonna have our eyes
on you the entire time.

Nah, man. I don't know.

Okay, listen.

I need you to get Jose to admit

what he did to Kiko and Marisol.

And I'm gonna go speak
with the U.S. Attorney's Office

and make sure that you're in
the Witness Protection Program.


Look, I am giving you and your
boyfriend a chance to live a good life.

Away from the g*ng.

You're terrified of Jose.

Okay, you live under constant pressure.

How many times a day do you
wish you didn't have to hide?

I'm offering you an out.

But you have to help me
bring this k*ller down.


A'ight, okay.

I... I'm in.


Guys, everyone needs to see this.

Yeah? What do you got?

Another text from Jose.

You're kidding me.



Ask Jose how he expects
to get her in there

after what happened with Frankie.

"She's spooked from earlier.

Not sure if she'll want to meet."

♪ ♪


It's your call.

Let's make this case.

Look, Maggie...

No, this is our best shot to get Jose.

Let's get you in there.


All right, Jubal, the mobile
command center's set up.

- You read me?
- Yep. Loud and clear.

We have cams on you and Mateo,
plus sound.

We have multiple assets pre-positioned.

Three SWAT teams,
plus NYPD is ready to assist

with running full containment if needed.

Roger that.

The first hint of trouble,

what verbal distress signal
do you want to use?


Little James Brown, I like it.

Let's get some.

♪ ♪

OA, they're pulling up now.

Sitting, uh, waiting, watching,

really isn't my forte, I'm sorry.

Look, I know this is
a big first day back,

but Maggie's done this so many
times that she's probably...

One of the best agents
that we have ever worked with,

but bad things happen
on this job every day

no matter how good
we are at doing it, right?

Yeah, but she's solid.

And we've all got her back.

Look, I know the waiting
sucks, OA, all right?

We're gonna get busy real quick here.

♪ ♪


What's happening?

I thought I was meeting with the dealer.

He's coming.

I said sit.


♪ ♪

I'm just gonna get a little closer.

It's okay.

You got this.


What happened to Frankie?

Jose, man, it was...

we just set up to meet, you know,

but she's real good people.

The real deal.

- We're talking heavy weight...
- Enough.

I want to hear what your
business partner has to say.

Okay, I mean...

it's simple.

We tested the coke, and Frankie
insisted that I try it.

I said no.

I'm not a user. I'm a dealer.

Who shot Frankie?

He pulled a g*n on me.


So how come you're here
and he's in the hospital?

Because I shot him first.

♪ ♪

He was gonna k*ll me, okay?

And I'm sorry.
I saw an opportunity. I panicked.

I grabbed the g*n, and then
we struggled for a bit,

and the g*n went off.

I didn't mean for that to happen.

- I'm sorry.
- Guys, we got to go in.

- I'm going in.
- No.

Maggie's controlling the set.

Maybe she knows something that we don't.

OA, we'll move
when she gives the signal.

You've been talking about moving up.


♪ ♪

sh**t her.


We're gonna let her give the signal.


♪ ♪

k*ll her now.

Or you'll die too.

It's time to earn your wings, homey.

Sit down.

Jose, man, you always talking about

these business principles, right?

And drilling in us
that money comes first.

Green is the only color
that matters in America.

sh**t the bitch.

Nah, man.

She's a big money play.

She shot a Mott Haven boy.

We don't answer that,
we got no business, period.

This... this is a white woman
from the real world.

She ain't no hood rat.

Like, they're gonna have
questions we can't answer.

I k*lled a lady from
the real world last night.

Ain't been no questions about that.

So you care about payback for Frankie

instead of making some money?

Hey, payback!

Payback! Go, go, go!


Drop the g*n!

♪ ♪

Stay here.


Follow me. Let's move.

Go! Hands on your head now.

Hands on your head!

Maggie, where are you?

I don't have eyes on Jose.

I'm trying to find him.

- Hey. FBI!
- Maggie, don't sh**t him.

What? Get out of the way.

Hey. I said...

Breach the door.

What are you doing?


♪ ♪

Jubal, we've lost eyes on Jose.

We're walking down some sort of tunnel.

Yeah, copy.

Kelly, any indication Jose
has left the compound?

Negative... we got a solid perimeter

around the whole place.
No one's come out of there.

What about a cell phone?

Tracking the burner
he used to text Mateo.

Can't get an exact location.

It's pinging yards
from the headquarters.

He's still there somewhere.

Okay, Maggie, OA.

We believe Jose is still
in the building.

♪ ♪


Jose's driving a blue car.



Shut the car off now.

Show me your hands.

Get out.

♪ ♪

Jose Florial, you're under arrest.

We found the m*rder w*apon on Jose,

and we were able to pull
incriminating texts off his phone,

so he is going away.

We're still gonna need your testimony.

But in the meantime,
marshals are gonna set you, and Sam up

with everything.
New identities, new place...

You keeping your word.
I ain't used to that.

Well, you helped us out.

I'm glad we could return the favor.

And trust me,

I know it's not easy to start over.

Hey, Maggie.

It was about once a minute.

How many times a day
I wish I didn't have to hide.

Not every day we get
a chance to start fresh.

Make it count.

Hey, Maggie.

Okay, um, about earlier.

If you shot Jose down there,

you would have had to go see
the sh**ting team.

What does that have to do with anything?

Come on, Maggie, I know that...

I know that you're not
completely yourself right now,

and I thought maybe
they could see it too.

Okay, hold on a second.

I open up to you.

Okay, I trust you as my partner
to tell you that I'm nervous,

that I have first day jitters,
and now you're gonna use it against me?

If the bureau found
unsanctioned medication

in your blood, you would be benched.

I know what the protocol is.

I said to you that I would tell you

if I took a pill, if I even
thought about taking a pill.

Okay, well, then I am sorry
for trying to protect you.

No, I don't need that.

I need you to trust me.

I do trust you.

Do you?

Count 'em.

Every single one of them are there.


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