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01x07 - The Wild, Wild Ghost Part 3

Posted: 11/17/22 14:28
by bunniefuu

Previously on Ghostwriter - You're making a big mistake.

- The Kid told us everything.

Did he also tell you that I'm a marshal? - He's lying.

- But Hitch showed us his badge.

- Which he stole from the real marshal.

- They can't both be telling the truth.

This is so frustrating.

We don't know where they are, who's good, who's bad, what book they came from, and why we can't find it.


And worst of all, we're no closer to my grandma's letter.

What is that? I don't think these cowboys are from the Old West.


All this time we thought Hitch and the Camarillo Kid came out of a western.



Cowboy boots and hats with spurs.

What were we thinking? At least now we know we're looking for a science fiction book.

Clearly sci-fi books are more popular than Westerns.

This is going to take forever.

- Got it.


Or not.

- It's called Trinity.

- Trinity? Exactly what Hitch said the Kid was after.


And here we go.

Just downloaded it.

"He charged into the town of Silver Spur holding tight to the worn leather saddle for fear he might be flung off by his powerful ride.

" Scroll to the end.

Let's find out once and for all who the bad guy is.

"Dusty Western town.

Camarillo Kid.


Army of robots.

" Oh, cool! There's another space cowboy called Dale.

- And? - Come on, Chevon.

The suspense is k*lling us.

I'm sorry, Ruben.

Curtis was right.

Camarillo Kid is bad.

Don't say it.

I can't believe I was so gullible.

We sat around the fake campfire, talking, becoming friends.

The entire time he was just using me.

You weren't alone.

The Kid also had me believing he was good.

But at the same time, I thought Hitch was good.

It was all very confusing.

Go ahead, Curtis.

- Rub it in.


Don't sweat it.

I'm not always the best judge of character.

When I first met you, I thought you were a weird comic-book geek that brought soup to school.

And now? At least you stopped bringing soup to school.


If we're gonna catch the Camarillo Kid and get him and Hitch back into the book, we've got some reading to do.


Hey, hon.


I'm sorry I missed your science fair.

So? How did it go? Fine, I guess.

Chevon, you can't expect to win a medal all the time.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Actually, I won first place.

What? [LAUGHS]


You told me you would be there.

I really wanted to, but we were understaffed, and the ER was a madhouse.

It's always a madhouse.

Just stop telling me you're gonna do something when you're not going to.

Like going to the museum with me.

Or having dinner.

Or coming to my science fair.

I know I've been working a lot lately, and I probably shouldn't have picked up those extra shifts, especially with your dad being away so much.


It doesn't matter.



Hi, Miss Barnes.


Glad to see you came back.


Clearly my monologue didn't go as planned.

Auditions can be nerve-racking.

It happens.

I really wanna be a part of the play.

Is there any way I can audition again? Even for a small part? Well, we're not completely cast.

Stage is yours, Ruben.

They call me the Camarillo Kid, and I'm on the run from a man named Hitch.

Baddest man in the whole Wild West.

One day he rode into town and took all the riches that he could find.

Only man brave enough to stand up to him was the marshal.

My pa.

And he locked Hitch in jail.

But then he busted out and kidnapped my folks.

And now he's coming for me.

He thinks I stole the Trinity.

Gold, silver, diamonds.

He even accused me of stealing his Patches.

But I didn't do none of it.

And now I stand before you an innocent man on the run.

That was terrific.

What play is that from? I don't recognize it.

It's from a book called Trinity.

I'll have to read it.

I love westerns.

Let me save you some time.

Look in the sci-fi section.


I couldn't put the book down.

Surprise after surprise.

Nothing was expected.

My favorite character was Hitch's partner, Dale.

Yeah, every time Hitch was in danger, Dale would show up and save the day.

People, this isn't a book club.

We need to find Hitch and Camarillo.

This is weird.

This one paragraph is glowing.

- This is definitely the ghost.

- Read it.

"He had almost turned a complete 360 when he caught sight of what he was hoping to see.

It was the reflection of a light off of a silver surface.

'Patches, ' he said with a relieved sigh.

" Maybe Grandma's trying to tell us that Hitch is looking for Patches.

Since we already know where it's hidden Let's go.

What about school? We still have 30 minutes till lunch ends.

Come on.

I don't see Hitch.

Hitch! Hitch! Maybe we read the clue wrong.

Hitch! Shh! You're gonna ruin everything.

Get on.

Go on.

Come on.

Get on back there.

Get on back.




We need to talk.

We got no business together.

We owe you an apology.

We never should've locked you up.

We realized you were telling the truth about the Camarillo Kid.

- We're really sorry we didn't believe you.

- We want to help you.

I already told you, I work alone.

Maybe we should just call Dale then.

What do you know about Dale? From what I've heard, she always saves the day.

You heard wrong.


It's over, Kid.

- It's all here.

- That's my Trinity.

Give it back.

You stole those things.

Hitch was right about you.

How could you steal from my family? I actually thought we were friends.


Friends? Nah, that was just some good acting is all.

Take note, Ruben.

Now, if you'd be so kind to hand over my riches, I'll be on my way.

Why would you think we would just hand it over? Because I've got something y'all want.

Grandma's key.

Seems this key is mighty valuable, once you find out what it opens.

So, looks like we both have something the other one desires.

Just give 'em their key, Leonard.

I'm taking you to jail.

And what if I told you that going to jail was not part of my plans for today? Well, then I'd say we're at a standstill.

You got their key.

They got your Trinity.

There's only one way to settle it.


A good old-fashioned duel.

It's in every western.

I'll see you at high noon.

Uh, can it be 3:30? After school? Please? - 3:30.

Don't be late.

- Thanks.







I think I liked it better when it was just a western.

We better get away from the lasers.


- What're you kids staring at? - [TOGETHER]



Have a good night.

- Night, Coach.

- Night-night.


That was close.



Donna, the buzzing of the lasso, that's the sound I heard in Mr.

Saunders' classroom before the test got stolen.

I thought it was the pencil sharpener.

But it wasn't.

It was the Camarillo Kid's lasso.

And you were the only one that could hear it.


Saunders was wrong.

There weren't three people in that day.

There were four.

The Camarillo Kid? But I didn't see him in the classroom.

He wasn't in the classroom.

He was with me outside, in the hallway.

Where I come from, everyone uses the same jail.

Thank you, Miss Donna.


"Miss Donna.


I was too distracted by his sweet talk to think about where he was going.

I assumed it was the cafeteria or something.

But I was wrong.

He must've stopped, then went to your classroom.

He wanted to get back at you, Curtis.

He wanted you out of the picture.

Make no mistake, this is not gonna be an easy test.


And when Mr.

Saunders went to help Shelby, the Kid found his opportunity.

The test was right out in the open.

The Kid bided his time.

Then your pencil broke, so you got up to sharpen it.


- And after Shelby sneezed, she walked to Mr.

Saunders' desk to grab a tissue.

And as you watched Shelby return to her desk, the Kid seized the moment and lassoed the test.


And that noise you heard was his lasso.


I thought maybe the pencil sharpener was jammed or something.


I hate to admit it, but there's no other explanation.

The Camarillo Kid framed you.


Which means the test still might be in the satchel.

Ruben, pass me Camarillo's satchel.



I'm sorry I didn't believe you.


But can we talk about this later? There's a space battle from the future going on.



Give it up, Hitch.

I'm better than you.

Wanna bet? Yeah.

I wanna bet.



- Enough is enough.

- No.

Curtis, those lassos are dangerous.

- We need to do something.

- You're right.

- What are you doing? - Helping Camarillo Kid win the duel.

- Ruben! - Stop! What is wrong with you? Thank you, Ruben.

I guess we're friends after all.

- What did you just do? - Have you completely lost your mind? Trust me.

In the book, every time Hitch is in danger Dale shows up.




I shoulda known.

Once again, the marshal needs his sidekick to save him from danger.

I'm not his sidekick.

That's right.

I work alone.

I'm his partner.


Ruben! Let go of me.

Stop complaining, Kid.

You didn't have to stick your nose in my business.

- I had the whole situation under control.

- Uh-huh.

Had the cowboy right where I wanted him.

- Oh, I know.

- I did not need your help.

Of course not.



I suppose you do know your way around a lasso.

I suppose I do.

Hi, Dale.

I'm Donna.

I just wanna let you know that you're my favorite part of the story.

Not sure what story you're referring to, but thanks.

Hey, Kid.

I know you and I didn't really get along, but one thing I don't get: Why steal the test? You were onto me with that leg business.

I slipped up, and you caught me.

I was hoping to get you thrown into that kid jail.

Huh? He means "grounded.

" Yes, sir.

I needed to get you out of the way.


I guess I owe you an apology.

Or two.

Or three.

It's okay.

Just, next time, save yourself the trouble and trust your brother.

I will.

Uh, Donna, Curtis.

Ruben's hurt.

You okay? No, I think I messed up my ankle.

Twisted it or something, 'cause it hurts.

You need to get that looked at.

I know where we can go.



Lerner to surgery.




EMT's just brought him in.

Severe stomach pain, fever of 103.

Fainted from the dizziness.

The pain is located just below the rib.

Sounds like a kidney stone.

I'll take care of him.

Prep the woman in room seven for stitches.

And I have a man with a fractured arm in the next bed.

Let X-ray know to make room for him.


On it.

- D Ooh, Laura.


Ooh? Can you run a D5W drip in three and also prep a tox screen for six? Dr.

Reeves has me On it.

Excuse me.


It gets intense around here.

I guess.

Your mom's pretty amazing.

Does that hurt? No.


Sorry, I'm just a little nervous.

Nothing to worry about, Ruben.

Your ankle doesn't look that bad.

We're gonna get you all fixed up.

And I spoke to your mom.

She's on her way.


What's going on in here? This is my daughter, Chevon.

- Ah, who you talk about all the time.

- Mm-hmm.


Nice to meet you.

- Hi.

And this is her friend, Ruben, who's hurt his ankle.


So, how'd you hurt it? I, uh, tripped over some rope.

- Okay, let's get some X-rays.

- Mm.

Don't worry.

You're in good hands.

You probably already know this, but nothing around here gets done without your mother.


Hang tight.

I gotta get some paperwork.


Thanks for taking care of Ruben.

No problem, honey.

Your friend seems really nice.

- I need to apologize.

- For what? For getting so upset with you about the science fair and the museum and the dinners.

I mean, really, who cares about that stuff? Those things are important.

Not compared to what you do here.

You take care of sick people.

And like the doctor said, you literally keep this place running.

No wonder you're so exhausted when you get home.

Yeah, but I'm still your mom.

So, no more disappointing you.

Camarillo Kid, I just want to say that, despite everything, I still really like you.

We had some good times together.

And I know, deep down inside, you're a good person.

So long, partner.



That's mighty kind of you.


I was making all that up.

It's called acting.


Bye, Dale.

Such a pleasure to meet you, Donna.

- Bye.

- So long, folks.

- Bye.


Let's ride.

I really thought they were gonna help us find Grandma's letter.

At least we have the key.

I guess.

But a key is kinda useless if we can't find what it opens.

Sorry, folks.

Don't mean to eavesdrop.

But did y'all say you need help findin' somethin'? 'Cause I'm real good at findin' stuff.

This is where you found the key? Please tell me those give you X-ray vision.

They sure do, Miss Donna.

Super cool.

I think what you were searching for is in that jewelry box.

Oh, we already looked inside.

You didn't look hard enough.

I don't think Grandma wanted anyone to find this.

Until now.

Open it.

- Grandma's letter.



Thanks, Dale.

You saved the day again.

What can I say? It's kinda my thing.


Well, I guess my grandma knew what she was doing when she released the cowboys.

Space cowboys.

- Right.

- Yeah.

But that was a close one.

They almost got away before we found the letter.


Whoa! I gotta get one of those.

Mission accomplished.

Back in the book.

Only one thing left to do.

Read this letter.

"Dearest Tess.

Thank you for visiting me yesterday.

It was a delight seeing you after so many years.

I wish this secret wasn't a cause for disagreement between us.

I value your judgment, and it pains me how this is a burden on you.

But it's not your story to tell.

And I'm not ready.

" What secret? The letter was signed "S.

" Who's "S"?