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02x09 - Island of Fear

Posted: 11/21/22 08:39
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man

[Adam] And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ He-Man

I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat

and I became He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe.

[energetic music]

Only three others share this secret.

Our friends, the Sorceress, Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together, we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.

♪ He-Man

[soft tense music]

[soft uplifting music]

[people chattering]

This new dam borders the mighty Eternian ocean,

providing us with the rich farm land

that we need to feed the kingdom.

If there is one man whom we all need

to thank for the hard work, skill,

and vision that made this engineering miracle possible,

I give you your friend and mine, Man-at-Arms.


Speech, Duncan, speech.

Come on, Cringer. Let's go play in the water.

But I don't like water.

Well there may be some fish.


[upbeat whimsical music]

Wait a minute. We went in the wrong direction.


Whatever you do, don't move.

I can't.

I'm frozen with fear.

Plenty of time to fool around later, Cringer.

Let's hear the end of King Randor's speech.

And so it gives me great pleasure

to dedicate the great Eternian Dam.

[uplifting music]


Come, Duncan. Now we have to deal with the bad news.

This new dam is all very well

but now there's no place for the children to play.

And the wildlife park has been closed.

So there's no room for us animals to play either.

I'm sure my father understands

but something big has come up.

I have to see him right away.

♪ He-Man

I'm afraid that makes the fifth food transport

we've lost on the Eternian Ocean in the last month.

There must of been wreckage, survivors,

distress signals.

Nothing at all was ever found.

Ships just don't disappear.

Could the disappearances be due to storms?

They must've been sucked underwater.

Well something happened to them in this area here.

I flew right out to that little volcanic island.

It was blue skies all the way.

What little volcanic island?

Oh the one about halfway between here and the new dam.

Never mind about the island.

Where are those ships?

But father, there is no island in that area.

[Buzz] Well an island that just appears is impossible.

So are the ships that disappear, Adam.

You better fly over it again.

♪ He-Man

[tense instrumental music]

There's a red light.

We're gonna crash.

We're not gonna crash, Cringer.

My new invention is guiding us along

the exact same flight path Buzz Off

to the island last time.

[Radio] Time to target coordinates, five seconds.

Three, two, one.

Over target now.

We're too low.

Adam, I tell you there was an island there.

I believe you, Duncan.

If whole ship can disappear, why not an island?

Let fly over the new dam.

I need the practice.

[Man-At-Arms] Let's just hope that

hasn't disappeared as well.

[Cringer] Let's hope we can go slower.

[soft upbeat music]

It's incredible to think that the entire

Eternian Ocean is on the other side.

Be careful, Adam.

Sure clears the cobwebs out of your mind.

Look out!

[tense dramatic music]

That was close.

That's the island Buzz Off saw.

The engines have been damaged by the collision.

Going down.

Get ready to jump.

Duncan, Cringer, are you alright?

Oh no, Duncan and Cringer

are being sucked into the dam's water intake.

Adam! [gurgling]

By the power of Grayskull!

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

[energetic instrumental music]

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

-[buzzing] -You look like you need a lift.

Buzz Off, am I glad to see you.

You can say that again.

[Buzz] The powers had a crazy report

that an island was drifting toward the dam.

I had to check it out.

Me, too.

Are you alright?

[Cringer] I didn't want to get to the ground this quick.

♪ He-Man

Welcome to the mysterious floating island.

Wait here while I get Teela.

I just don't believe this.

Our ships are disappearing along with the food supplies

for Eternia and you're sunbathing.

Where's He-Man?

He'll be back if we need him

but we're here to check out the island ourselves.

There may be some clues as to what's going on.

Let's get organized.

Father, you take Adam, Cringer, and Orko

and explore the ground.

Oh boy, an adventure.

We'll take my wind raider and find out

what we can see from the air.

♪ He-Man

[soft tense music]

This place is fantastic.

And take a look at this.

There's something behind the waterfall.

Looks like a cave, Duncan.

Oh boy, oh boy, let's go.

I don't want anything more to do with water.

You stay here, Cringer and make sure Orko

doesn't get into trouble.

I have a bad feeling about this.


Duncan, there's something in the cave.

There's some kind of sign.

Let's hope it's something that can help us.

Hello chumps?

Who would put a sign like that there?

We're being swept into the cave.

By the power of...[gurgling].

[tense dramatic music]

Are you alright?

Yes but I've lost my sword.

Duncan, look.

It's a huge underground lake.

But whose?

Duncan, over there.

[Duncan] The missing food ships.

Yeah, they're safe

but how did they get here?

I have a bad feeling about this.

Well, well if isn't Prince Adam

and Man-at-Arms.

You're pretty deep in this one, gentlemen.

That's a good one, Skeletor.


Enough joking, you fishy fools.

Find our two guests a nice damp dungeon.

♪ He-Man

It is only right that the prince of Eternia

should see my final triumph.

I've heard that before.

But everybody has to eat

and this time I have captured all your food.

The new dam has created the land

to grow more food than even you can capture.

Ah yes, the great Eternian dam.

[soft tense music]

But when my little island crashes into your dam.

[Adam] The ocean will flood half the kingdom.

Skeletor, even you couldn't be that cruel.

Ah but I can.

With all the food ships captured here,

the people of Eternia will have to acknowledge me

as master.

[laughing] You're brilliant, boss.

Hey I was gonna say that.

Keep your fins to yourself.

I have to be brilliant,

just to make up for them.

I hate to say it Adam but this time Skeletor's plan

seems pretty good.

And without the power sword, I can't become He-Man.

Well that's Adam's sword all right.

But where's Cringer?

Oh poor, Cringer

but first we have to find out what happened to Adam and Duncan.

I'll check the waterfall.

Maybe that trap door is still open.

No luck there.

It's sealed off tighter than a clam.

We must find another way down.

The place is filled with caves.

Spread out and search.

This is becoming a wonderful day for evil.

Soon I shall have Teela, Buzz Off,

and that silly little bag of wind

all in my power.

I'll give you both something to snicker at

if you don't get up to the surface

and capture those do gooders.

Well, what are you waiting for?

No tunnels yet. What was that?

Boy, I'm getting jumpy.

There's nothing out there.

Boy, jungles sure are scary when you're on your own.

That's funny.

Can't be night already.

Uh oh.

Whoa there, Orko, it's only me.

Don't do that.

This place is spooky enough.

We better go make sure Teela is all right.

♪ He-Man

I don't like this.

It's too quiet.

I have this bad feeling something is going to happen.



I was only trying to get some sleep.

It was such a nice deep hole too.

A hole?

Could be the way down we've been looking for.

I'll check it out.

I'm so glad you're all here.

[Buzz] This is what we've been looking for.

Okay, let's get down there.

They're joking.

It's so dark.

Yeah, well you can stay up here.


They're escaping from us.

No, they're just using one of our ventilation ducts

to reach the underground base.

And with Skeletor below and us above.

That's right.

They're trapped.

[Tense dramatic music]

If you step on my tail one more time.

That stupid tail is getting in the way.

Let me go first.

Following your fishy smell will destroy

my sensitive nose.

Ah stop whining.

Looks like we hit pay dirt.


[Buzz] It's the engine room.

This is what gives the island power to move around.

[Orko] Wow, they're using the volcano as the smokestack.

I hate heights even when I'm on the ground.

This is no time for playing around, Cringer.

We have to find Adam and Man-at-Arms.

I wonder where they are.

This place is huge.

It's gonna take us forever to find them.

My mouth gets so dry when I'm scared.

I miss Adam so much.

I'm beginning to see visions of him.


It is them.

It really is.

That bubble is being kept down there

by that chain.

I have to cut it.

[tense instrumental music]

Well it's so nice to have you back, Adam.

Thanks, Cringer and thanks to you, Teela.

Now let's get out of here, fast.

And look what I found, Adam.

Your sword.

The first thing we need to do is to release the food ships,

then get reinforcements to round up Skeletor and his crew.

Not so fast.

You have already lost.

This key will start the main engines driving my island,

straight through your precious dam.

No, Skeletor!

You're create a wasteland out of Eternia.

It will be my victory!

[Whiplash] And our freeze rays will slow you down.


[tense music]

I'm getting out of here.

Good, no one can see me.

By the power of Grayskull!

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

I have the power!

♪ He-Man


Thank goodness you're back.

We have to stop this engine before it drives

the island into the dam.

Skeletor has the key.

Right, so let's get him.

♪ He-Man

okay, Skeletor you've had your fun.

Get me the key.

♪ He-Man

[tense triumphant music]

Now there's no way to stop the engine.

[tense music]

What do we do, He-Man?

We must stop that engine.

Only one thing for it.

Hey, everyone let's get out of here.

It's going to blow.

[tense triumphant music]

Come on!

[energetic tense music]

[uplifting triumphant music]

Thank goodness you made it.

But where's Adam?

Oh I'm sure he's alright.

You know Adam.

Yes, somehow Adam always seems

to get out of the tight spots.

At least you bumbling fools are good for something.

Mush mush.

Well we cannot have a floating island paradise

just drifting around the Eternian Ocean.

I have an idea.

Well the dam covered up all the land needed

by the wildlife preserve.

So the island can be a nature reserve

and vacation camp for the children of Eternia.

Oh boy, Cringer, we'll be able

to play hide and seek

and you'll be able to pretend you're a brave cat,

stalking huge large terrible animals.

Oh, rather small, not very dangerous ones, please.


At last, a national park for all the people of Eternia.


[upbeat triumphant music]

I sure enjoy jogging along this meadow.

So do I. It's too bad every place in Eternia can't stay

as natural and untouched as this place is.

You're right but progress does force changes

and sometimes those changes mean

we have to take down trees in order to put buildings.

That's why it's important to set aside some places

to remain natural where children can play

and where we can all enjoy the wonders of nature.

[soft upbeat music]