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02x19 - Fraidy Cat

Posted: 11/21/22 08:46
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man

And the Masters of the Universe!

I am Adam, prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said,

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe!

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.

♪ He-Man

[Skeletor chuckles evilly]

Here's our plan.

Using our secret map,

you will enter the Royal Palace and capture Queen Marlena.

Kobra Kahn will bring her to me,

while Mer-Man guards the way.

And Whiplash and Clawful

will lead He-Man to my pet, Screeech.

[evil laughter]

[Adam] Where's Orko and Cringer?

I'm hungry. It's lunchtime.

[Duncan] I don't know about Cringer, but Orko said

he had a new magic trick to show us.

I can hardly wait.

Oh, Father, sometimes I think you're jealous.

[chuckling] Jealous?

[Orko] Lunchtime!

Come on, lazy bones, everyone's ready but you.

I'm coming, I'm coming.



Oh, no, no. You didn't do anything wrong.

It's Cringer. He's just a big 'fraidy cat.

Oh, I got to go now. I'm late for lunch.

Now, to the banquet room.

No. First we must take the queen.

Quiet, you fools.

Follow me.

♪ He-Man

And now for my new magic trick.

I was afraid of this.

Orko, don't do that!

It's empty. [chuckles] Fooled you, didn't I?

Very funny.

Do I get some fruit juice to drink or not?

That's enough!

Stop! Stop! I command you!

Some trick. Look at this mess!

Uh-oh. Eh, I'll clean it up.

Thanks. I'll do it myself.

I've had enough of your magic tricks for one day.

-[chuckles] -Where's Queen Marlena?

Taking a little nap, I think.

Cringer, why don't you see if she's ready for lunch?

All right, but s-save some food for me.

Hey! It's all gone!

Thanks to your magic tricks.

Queen Marlena, a-are you awake?

She's still asleep.

I-I guess I'd better wait till she wakes up.

I hope Adam doesn't eat everything.

Let's see how they like my mist of sleepiness.


[yawns] So sleepy!

[yawns] I'm sleepy too. What's going on?

I don't know.

What's wrong? Oh, dear.

I'm getting sleepy too.


-[hissing] -What's that?

Doesn't sound like Adam or Man-At-Arms.

[shuddering] I think I'll wait under the bed.

Oh, i-is that fog or smoke?

Mer-Man and I will take the queen to Skeletor.

You two must hide our trail

and lead He-Man into Skeletor's trap.

Screeech will take care of him then. [chuckles]

Ah. This will fool He-Man.

Brilliant, Whiplash. Let's go.


Wake up, Adam!

-What happened? -Oh, everyone fell asleep.

[Adam] Where's Queen Marlena?

Cringer went to get her,

but he never came back.

We'd better check her room.

Huh? She's gone!

And Cringer too! This is a job for He-Man.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!

♪ He-Man

Now, let's take a look outside.

♪ He-Man

[Teela] He-Man! Oh, what's happening?

You were all put to sleep, and now the queen is gone.

Look. Seaweed. I found this by the door.

[Teela] There's more seaweed over there.

So, Mer-Man and his friends were here.

There's the trail. If we hurry, we can catch them.

We'll take the Dragon Walker.

♪ He-Man

Orko, you stay here.

When King Randor wakes up, tell him what happened.

They get all the fun.

[Cringer yawns] What a nice nap.

Ooh, the queen's gone.

She must be eating.

I hope there's some food left.

Don't worry, Cringer.

He-Man's on the job with the Dragon Walker.

It's all my fault.

I-I heard them coming,

and I was afraid.

I-I should've tried to stop them!

♪ He-Man

There are many of them.

Look how many footprints there are. They went this way.

I-I shouldn't have hidden under the bed.

Why am I afraid all the time?

Wh-What's wrong with me?

[sniffing] Wait.

The queen wasn't taken this way.

How do you know?

[sniffing] M-My nose tells me.

Queen Marlena was taken into the Haunted Forest.

But-But He-Man followed the other trail! Oh, no!

-Cringer and I will find her. -W-We will?

Yes, we will!

♪ He-Man

If anyone follows you, they'll have to cross the footbridge.

I'll be waiting for them! [evil laughter]

♪ He-Man

[Cringer] My nose tells me

they took the queen down to the river.

Oh, they must have had a boat.

We'd better cross over here.

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

I'm getting seasick!

Hold on! Run across! Hurry!


It's all I can do just to hold on!

[evil laughter]

Have a nice swim!


Oh, I hate water!

I-I can't swim!

But you can float.

Hmm. I can float.

Help! I-I'm getting wet!

Oh, hush. A little bath never hurt anyone.

I got to stop him!

Oh, don't let me fall!

You? What about me?

[Orko exclaiming]

That'll teach you!


[evil laughter]

Good work, Mer-Man. Two down, three to go.

-[knock at door] -Enter.

I have brought the queen.

I can see that.

Welcome to my humble home, Queen Marlena.

I command you, let me go, Skeletor. Now.

Oh, no. Not yet.

You're the bait for my trap.

He-Man will take care of you.

He-Man will take care of no one.

I have a surprise for him. Behold!

He-Man will never expect an attack from above.

This time Screeech will bring him to me

as my prisoner!

[evil laughter]


I think I swallowed half the river!

And all the fish!

Ugh, look, a kind of Mer-Man.

You don't like my little ones?

Well, they like you!

Get them! [growls]

I... I think I'm afraid!

Ooh! Now I know I'm afraid,

like a real 'fraidy cat!

A little magic dust.

And see? Nothing to be afraid of.

Just because it was dark, you thought there'd be something after you.

Don't be afraid of your own imagination.

You're right, Orko.

Let's find Queen Marlena.

♪ He-Man

Hurry! They're getting away!

♪ He-Man

Queen Marlena, we've come to save you!

Orko, Cringer!

I've never been so happy to see you two.

It's locked tight!

Well, Orko, don't you have any tricks up your sleeve?

Uh, let me see. I had some keys somewhere.

Oh, I said "keys," not "cheese."

Well, one of these should work.

Oh, bless you, Orko.

Listen, Skeletor is planning to trap He-Man.

His bionic falcon will attack him from the air. We must stop it.

Oh, it's too dangerous for you.

We've got to take you back to the palace.

But He-Man must be warned.

-I'll warn him. -You?

Well, I got everyone into this mess in the first place.

I've got to try to warn He-Man.

Ooh, I hope I can make it!

Oh, dear. Have more faith in yourself, Cringer.

We have faith in you.

That's right. And just to make sure,

I'm going to give you my magic charm for bravery and courage.

There. I made it just for you, Cringer.

Now you can be as brave as He-Man.

Oh, thanks, Orko.

I-I feel braver already.

Now, if we can only find our way out of here.

♪ He-Man

Whiplash and Clawful are going inside.

We'll never catch them now.

[Man-At-Arms] The gates are staying open. We can follow them.

I don't think so. It's too easy.

Skeletor's up to something.

He wants us to enter Snake Mountain,

and I'd like to know why.

Is this tunnel ever going to end?

I don't care what Orko says about darkness.

I'm glad there's some light.

[wind gusts]

Ooh, I spoke too soon!

[ethereal voice] Who goes there?

[stammering] J-J-Just m-m-me!

I thought there was no such thing as ghosts.

You thought wrong.

How dare you trespass

in Skeletor's domain?

You must be punished!

Ooh! Ooh! You-You-You can't do anything to me.

I-I have my charm of bravery and-and courage.



Hey! It works!

♪ He-Man

[Man-At-Arms] It may be a trap, He-Man,

but I think we have to take our chances to save Queen Marlena.

I don't know. I have a funny feeling about this.

He-Man doesn't want to come into my lair.

We'll have to take the battle to him.

-[exclaims] -[screeching]

[Skeletor] Screeech, prepare to attack.

You will surprise He-Man from above.

Grab him in your claws

and carry him to the Lake of Oblivion and drop him in!

[evil laughter]

I wish Battle Cat were here.

Are you ready, my darling Screeech?

-Attack! -[screeching]

Oh, charm, you'd better do your duty.


Ooh! I'm afraid of heights!

That's He-Man down there.

W-Way down there!

You're right, Man-At-Arms.

We can wait no longer. Attack!

[Skeletor] There's He-Man! Grab him!


[Cringer gasping] Help!

-Help! -That's Cringer!

He was warning us. Now we must save him!

Ha! You can't see now, Screeech!

He-Man is on his way. We'd better get out of here.

You fools! I'll have to let Screeech take care of He-Man!

Something's the matter with Screech.

It's that silly cat again!

I'll have to take control myself.

Screeech, you stupid machine, come to your master! I command you!

[Cringer] Oh, I don't want to go back in there!

♪ He-Man

Doesn't anyone ever clean up around here?

What a mess.

Get them, you fools!

[Teela] Cool off, Mer-Man.

Would you mind holding this for me, Clawful?

I'll give you a taste of my tail, He-Man!

No thanks, Whiplash.

Let's tie up some loose ends, Whiplash.

See you later, alligator.

Take this, He-Man!

Now, you take it, Skeletor.

Ouch! I'm getting out of here!

Where is Queen Marlena? We must find her.

Oh, she's safe.

Orko took her back to the palace.

Well, then, let's join her.

♪ He-Man

Cringer, come forth.

For outstanding acts of bravery,

I award you this medal.

Ooh, thanks, King Randor,

b-but I really don't deserve it.

I wouldn't have been brave at all if it wasn't for

the charm of bravery and courage that Orko gave me.

Huh? It's gone!

Ooh, I lost it!

Oh, now, don't be mad at me, Orko!

That's all right, Cringer. It wasn't a real charm anyway.

I just made it up to make you feel better. [chuckles]

You mean it-it was a... a fake?

He means it didn't work.

[chuckles] Sounds like Orko's magic, all right.

But don't you see, Cringer?

You were brave, all by yourself.

And this medal proves it.

Well, I guess we won't be able to call you a 'fraidy cat anymore, Cringer.

Oh, I guess not!

Why, with my new medal,

I'll be the bravest animal in all of Eternia!

-[buzzing] -Yow!

[all laughing]

Courage and fear are two important instincts.

And we should pay attention to both.

Sometimes being afraid is just as important as being brave.

[Cringer] I guess I was a double 'fraidy cat.

How's that, Cringer?

'Cause I was afraid of being afraid.

I see. Well, how do you feel now?

Oh, much better.

Now I'm just afraid of being brave.

[chuckles] Sometimes you just can't win.

See you all next time.