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02x28 - Trouble's Middle Name

Posted: 11/22/22 07:50
by bunniefuu
- He-man and the masters of the universe.

- I am adam, prince of eternia

And defender of the secrets of castle grayskull.

This is cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

The day I held aloft my magic sword and said,

"By the power of grayskull!

I have the power!"

- [Growls]

- Cringer became the mighty battle cat,

And I became he-man,

The most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the sorceress,

Man-at-arms, and orko.

Together, we defend castle grayskull

From the evil forces of skeletor.

- [Singing] he-man

- Approach and identify yourself.

- I am called vola-ree.

I have come--

- We know why you have come.

- You want the sunstone to make you well.

Make you strong again.

But at what price?

- I-- I do not understand.

- To be strong again,

Would you be willing to give us your land?

Your farm?

- But if I give you my land,

What will my children eat?

How-- how will they live?

- Give us your answer, vola-ree. Now.

- Only one answer is the correct one.

- No.

The answer is no.

I will not rob my family for my own benefit.

- Wait.

That, vola-ree, was the right answer.

- Prepare to receive the power of the sun.

- Bring forth the sunstone.

- Behold.

[High-pitched ringing]

- Now go, vola-ree, and be at peace.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

- The last of the sunstone'’s power has been used up.

The ceremony of the sun must be performed

As soon as the sun is in the proper position.

You have notified our guests?

- I have.

As the old legends instructed, there will be present

The strongest forces for good in the universe.

- Time to go, cringer.

- I don'’t know if this is a good idea.

- [Laughs]

Trust me, nothing can go wrong.

- Oh, every time you say that,

I end up with something big, green, and hungry after me.

- Can I help it if you'’re popular?

The keepers of the temple of the sun

Asked for he-man and his friends,

And that includes you.

- Here we go again.

- By the power of grayskull...

[Thunder crashing]

I have the power!

- [Growls]

- Now, let'’s get the others.

- You know, he-man,

I never get tired of visiting the sands of time.

- There'’s something relaxing about all this sand.

- [Growls]

You'’ve seen one sand dune, you'’ve seen them all.

How much longer until we get there?

- Two hours, fifteen minutes, and five seconds, more or less.

- Battle cat'’s getting restless.

- I understand your feelings, cat,

But this is going to be a nice quiet trip for a change.

It'’ll be fun.

- That sounds good to me.

Gives me a chance to work on some new tricks.

- [Growls]

So much for fun.

- Father, why is it that the sunstone

Can only be charged once every years?

- Because only once in years

Is the sun in just the right position.

- Attention. Attention.

Monitors indicate object in road just past the next sand dune.

It will be coming into sight shortly.

- What is it?

- If I knew, I would have told you.

- It'’s a bottle.

- But look at the size of it.

- [Growls]

At last, something to do.

- Last one out'’s a rotten skeletor.

- Is there any other kind?

- Warning. Warning.

Sensors indicate he-man in sector seven.

- He-man?

What'’s he doing here?

Put it on the screen.

- It'’s a bottle all right.

It looks like the kind you find with a message in it.

- But what'’s it doing here?

- [Growls]

Smells suspicious.

Maybe we should just bury it and forget about it.

- I wonder what'’s inside.

- Only one way to find out.

Now, let'’s see, what was that spell for opening things?

Oh, yeah.


Oops. Missed.

I still think we ought to bury it.

- Give him a chance, cat.

Go ahead, orko.


- Hello in there!

What'’s this?

- What does the note say?

- Oh, it says do not open this bottle.



- I always said he'’d go far some day.

- Funny. Real funny.

- [Laughs]

Yeah, that was great.

That was perfect.

- It was your best ever, master.

- Our friend doesn'’t think that was very funny.

- [Laughs]

Oh, your friend-- he has no sense of humor.

- He'’s got you there, he-man.

- Well, we don'’t think it'’s very funny either.

Just who do you think you are?

- Oh, that'’s for me to know and for you not to find out.

- I think I can help, teela.

You'’re from trolla, aren't you?

- Oh, maybe.

- Trolla? But that'’s where you come from.

- That'’s right, only he comes from the part called karadania.

We call it the land of practical jokers.

- At your service.

Oh, this is my associate, blinker.

- Pleased, I'’m sure, and this is--

- Er, you may call me prankster.

My real name is secret.

- That'’s because as soon as he says his real name,

He has to go back to his own universe.

It'’s part of their magic, right?

- Right.

Oops. Me and my big mouth.

- So we'’re stuck with you and your jokes

Until we can trick you--

Uh, I mean until you feel like saying your name.

Is that it?

- You got it.

We'’re going to stay around here and have fun, fun, fun.

See you soon.

- Bye-bye.

- [Growls]

Fun, fun, fun, huh?

I'’ll bet.

Just let me get my paws on him.


- [Laughs]

Oh, no.

- What'’s so funny?

What'’s-- hey!

- Looks like you'’re just about old enough to shave, cat.

- Here, battle cat. Let me try to help.

- Great. More trouble.

- This is not the time to play,

So presto, take the moustache away.

- It worked.

Thanks, orko.

- Nothing to it.


- Do we have to put up with these pranks

All the way to the temple of the sun?

- Yes.

At least until we can trick him into saying his name.

- Well, we can'’t turn back now.

We'’re expected at the temple soon.

- Then we'’d better get going, or we'’ll be late.

Come on, orko.

- So a practical joker, eh?


Just what I need to slow he-man down.

When I beat he-man to the temple of the sun,

I'’ll absorb the energy of the sunstone.

Then i, negator, will become

The strongest man in the universe.

- A storm. That'’s it.

Maybe I'’ll cook up a big storm to annoy he-man and his friends.

- Good idea, master.

- Oh, no, that'’s too dull.

- Bad idea, master.

- You know, you'’re not much help.

- Right again, master.

- I'’ve got it. Watch this.

- Are we there already?

- No. Something wrong, trak?

- I don'’t feel very well.

Feels like I'’ve got butterflies in my stomach.

- Funny, everything looks all right.

- Everything looks all right, he says.

- Well, he-man, it could have been worse.

It could have been wolf bats.

- Wolf bats, eh?

Not a bad idea.

- Hey, what'’s going on?

- Wolf bats.

Looks like I spoke too soon.

How do we get rid of them?

- I wonder how they'’ll handle a sandstorm.

[Wind howls]

- Looks like prankster'’s magic can'’t take a little competition.

Nice try, prankster,

But you'’re going to have to try harder next time.

- B-b-but I didn'’t' turn the butterflies into wolf bats.

D-d-did you do it?

- Not me, master.

I don'’t know how.

- Hmm.

Well, maybe I'’m more powerful than I thought.

Maybe as powerful as he-man.


- Well, this time let'’s try something a little simpler.

A big bunch of insects.

Maybe some little voguls to spoil their trip.


- A big bunch of voguls, huh?


- Why not a bunch of big voguls?

- I don'’t like the sound of that.

- Me neither.

- He-man, look.

- Looks like they'’re talking to each other.

What do you think they'’re saying?

- I don'’t know, but it sounds like trouble.

- I have an idea, but I'’ll need a diversion.

- Leave it to me.

- Go!

- [Laughs]

- That'’s it.

Follow the leader.

- Now let'’s see if we can't provide those insects

With a good home.

- [Singing] he-man.

- [Grunts]

- This will teach you to ruin a quiet little picnic.

- There, that should hold them

Until they return to normal size.

As for you,

I don'’t want any more trouble from you, prankster.

Your practical jokes are getting out of hand.

- Well, sorry about that.

Got to go.

- Welcome to the temple of the sun.

- The time for the charging of the sunstone is almost upon us.

- This way, please.

- Uh...

You weren'’t planning on making any more trouble, were you?

- Well, maybe.

- Haven'’t you done enough damage?

- It'’s not my fault if a few of my practical jokes

Got out of hand.

- Not his fault. No. Uh-uh.

- But nothing would have gotten out of hand

If you hadn'’t been playing jokes in the first place, right?

- Maybe.

- Yeah, maybe.

- Then let'’s not have any jokes inside the temple.

All right?

- I promise.

No jokes inside.

- All right then.

Hey! Promised!

- Well, you'’re not inside the temple yet.


- Just remember, you promised.

- We'’re happy to return under more pleasant circumstances.

- [Laughs]

They will not be pleasant for very long, man-at-arms.

Once I drain the energy from the sunstone,

You will find things very unpleasant indeed.

- And now the hour has come

For the sunstone to join with the sun.

- The sunstone'’s power is amazing.

- '’Cause it draws its energy from the sun itself.

You can'’t get much more powerful than that.

- But if it isn'’t recharged on time,

Its power disappears forever.

- Forever? Wow.

That'’s a long time.

- Too bad we can'’t make prankster disappear forever.

- We will.

That, is as soon as we can figure out

How to make him say his name out loud.

- The sunstone is the heart of this temple.

- As the sun is the heart of our solar system.

- At the appointed hour, they must be brought together.

That hour is now.

And now the sunstone.


- Perfect.

The sound of the sunstone will prevent them from hearing me

Until it'’s too late.

- To prevent the sunstone from falling into the wrong hands,

It is kept within this block of corithium, impervious to attack.

Only we can open it.

- So far so good.

Prankster seems to be keeping his distance.

- Maybe he'’s decided to leave us alone.

- I wouldn'’t bet on it.

- I promised I wouldn'’t bother them inside the temple,

But that doesn'’t mean I can't do anything out here.

Right, blinker?

- Master. - The question is, what?

- Right. - I didn'’t say anything yet.

- Right again, master.

-Well, well, then wind or sneezing powder.

Maybe a walking tree.

I could make their vehicle shrink.


- And now behold the sunstone.

Protect your eyes.

When the sunstone charges, you look upon it at your own risk.

- When does it start?

- Now.

- Negator.

- He'’s going to absorb the energy of the sunstone.

- We'’ll see about that.

- Power, he-man. Power.

More than enough to take care of you once and for all.

- I'’ve heard that before.

- Don'’t say I didn't warn you.

- You'’ll have to do better--

Than that.

- I intend to, he-man.

- Look. Negator'’s growing!

- The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

- Right you are, battle cat.

- Let'’s see how you take a bit of a chill, negator.

- Yes, that'’s it. That'’s it.

More energy.

- Come on, cat.

Looks like we'’ll have to do this the hard way.

- My pleasure.

- Sorry, he-man.

A force shield will keep you at bay.

- [Grunts]

- It'’s no use, he-man.

The force shield is too strong, even for you.

By the time you get through,

All the sunstone'’s power will be mine.

- Oh, I got it.

They'’ll be in the temple of sun, so I'’ll send them some rain.


- An excellent joke, master.

[Thunder crashing]

- What happened to the sun?

No! It can'’t be.

- Look, he'’s shrinking.

- The sunstone can'’t take its energy from the sun,

So it'’s taking it from negator.

- No! No!

If I can'’t have the sunstone,

Then no one can!

- Uh-oh.

Negator shot the sunstone'’s energy into that cloud.

He'’s turning it into an energy storm.

[Energy humming]

- I'’ll be back.

I promise I'’ll be back.

- He-man, you must do something about that cloud.

We need the sun.

If the stone doesn'’t charge now, it'’ll lose its power forever.

- Then we can'’t waste any time.

- Careful, he-man.

If you let go, you'’ll be swept up into the cloud.

- That'’s exactly what I want.

Here goes.

By the power of grayskull!


- [Singing] he-man.

- He-man drained the energy storm

And sent it back to the sunstone.

- The storm'’s clearing.

- Well, that'’s quite a story.

Do you think we'’ve seen the last of negator, man-at-arms?

- It'’s hard to tell, adam.

He was absorbed into the sunstone,

But if I know negator, he'’ll pop up again sooner or later.

- The question then is, what do we do with you, mister?

- Well, you can stop trying to get me to say my name.

Like I told he-man, I'’ll go back when I'’m good and ready.

- Yes, but he-man'’s not here,

And we have something else in mind.

Since you'’re new to eternia,

We'’re thinking of dedicating a day of celebration to you.

Traditionally, we have many such days.

You see, we have eternia day and festival day,

Truth day, king day--

- How about--

- Don'’t tell him my name is wokrapanwooki.

Oh, no.

I said my name.

Oldest joke in the world, and I fell for it,

And it'’s all your fault.

- Wrong, master.

- Ah, just in time.

I thought we'’d never be rid of those two.

- It'’s just a good thing I was along

To take care of his little jokes.

Yes, sir, there'’s not a single joke of his

That I couldn'’t get rid of with a simple spell.

- Orko, don'’t you think you should--

- Should what?

Well, I never said I was perfect.

- We all have the urge once in a while to play a joke on someone,

But as prankster learned today,

Jokes have a way of getting out of hand.

When that happens, it can backfire,

And then the joke isn'’t funny.

It might be dangerous, and it might hurt someone.

Maybe you.

So next time you think about pulling a joke on someone,

No matter how safe you think it is, think twice about it.

Then don'’t do it.

Bye for now.