02x34 - Hunt for He-Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". Aired: September 5, 1983 - 1985.*
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The most powerful man in the universe, He-Man, holds up his sword to Skeletor saving the planet from evil forces.
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02x34 - Hunt for He-Man

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ He-Man

[He-Man] And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia,

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said:

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,

Man-At-Arms and Orko.

Together, we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.


♪ He-Man

It'’s so comfortable in the back seat.

It'’s as if we were flying.

We are flying.

Adam must have taken a nap from the controls.

Then who'’s flying the Wind Raider?

Adam, wake up!


What is it, Cringer?

N-N-No one'’s f-flying the plane.

Oh, that.

Ooh, do something!

Don'’t worry, we're flying on Duncan'’s new autopilot.

I just tell the computer where we want to go,

and it flies itself.

Of course.

Why didn'’t I think of that?


[thunder crashes]

W-W-What'’s that?

Are your brainsgetting rusty?

It'’s a Wind Raider.

Well, I know that,you fool,

but it appearsthere'’s no one flying.

[Whiplash] Hmm, it'’s probably another of those new inventions

those goody-goodies atthe palace keep coming up with.


I always need new inventions.

Yeah, we could use a new Wind Raider.

You mean I could use a new Wind Raider.

Use the freeze ray to bring it down carefully.

Watch this.

[Whiplash laughs]

The Wind Raider'’sout of control.

You-- you mean we'’re-- we're going down?

[Skeletor] Dunderheads!

I wanted the Wind Raiderdrawn to Snake Mountain

not crashed intoMisty Swamps.

Now we'’ll have to go out in all that mud to bring it back.

Better bracefor a hard landing.

At least in the swamps we won'’t crash on top of any buildings.



Adam, m-my tail'’s trapped.


Cringer, hold on.

I can'’t let go.

That'’s the problem.

I'’ll have to save Cringer.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

You all right, Cringer?

Yes, but I don'’t want to play submarines anymore.

♪ He-Man

Oh, boy, I feel as if I swallowed half the swamp.

Thanks for saving me, He-Man.

Anytime, pal.

Well, I'’m afraid

this Wind Raider'’s flying days are over.

And the radio'’s dead.

We can'’t send for help.

This swamp gives me the willies.

Let'’s just rest a while until I feel better.



I think we satin the wrong place.

As much as I hate using force to solve a problem...


[sighs and pants]

I can'’t understand it.

I'’m so weak I can hardly stand.

Turn me into Battle Cat and I'’ll get us out of here.

It'’s no use. I...

I haven'’t even got the...


...the strength to lift the Power Sword.

Ooh, now we'’re in trouble.

[boy] Grandpa! Our tree trap caught something.

Oh, it'’s only a coupleof strangers.

I am He-Man. This is Cringer.

He-Man, Cringer.

Do you know you'’re deep inside Skeletor'’s territory?

Yes. Help us get home.

Oh, you look sick.

You must have swallowed some of that poisonous swamp water.

Poisonous? Oh, no.

Yeah, let-- let'’s get you out of your tree trap there.

This is how we swamp peoplecatch our food.

But, Grandfather, why we don'’tturn He-Man over to Skeletor?

I'’ll have nothing to do with that evil being.

But Skeletor is a genius.

His magic is powerful.We need a friend like that.

You must choose your friends carefully.

Skeletor is a friend only to himself.

Well, I'’m sure Skeletor's not as bad as everyone says.

There'’s no time to argue, Drak.

We have to get He-Man away from here.

Now, please do as I say.

[Drak]All right, Grandpa.

I'’ll get the cart.

♪ He-Man

[Trap Jaw] I see something.

Your meddlingwith the freeze ray

has ruined my new Wind Raider.

I see tracks.

We still may capture more peoplefor the mines.

Tracks, huh?

I'’ll use the magic of the Havoc Staff

to show us who was here.

I didn'’t know you could do that.

I could write a book about what you don'’t know.

[all] He-Man!

[Whiplash] But what'’s wrong with him?

[Skeletor] Who cares? He'’s helpless.

You follow He-Man on the ground.I'’ll fly ahead and cut him off.

Us, f-f-face He-Man alone?

Maybe we should get more help.

You saw him, he'’s as weak as a slime kitten.

Even you two could capture him.

But just to be sure,I'’ll give you two Hunter Robots.

Let'’s go.

Hey, wait for us.

[grandfather]The medicine is in our village,

on the other side of this bridge.

But, Grandfather, if we turnHe-Man over to Skeletor

he'’d give uspower and money.

[grandfather] But what would we do with power and wealth?

[Drak] Well, for one thing,

I could buy you a new walking stick of gold.

Ha! Nonsense.

I'’m perfectly happy with the one I'’ve got.


We could get out of this swamp,live in a beautiful palace.

We'’d be important.

No, Drak, we would have done evil.

Nothing good can come out of evil.

Is it evil to want to bepowerful and important?

[grandfather] The difference is why one wants power.

Skeletor lives only to destroy.


[Drak] Skeletor'’s Robot Huntersare after us.


Skeletor'’s robots are attacking us.

W-W-W-What should we do?

Cr... Cringer...

Cringer, I...

Oh, no!

Without He-Man,

we'’re doomed!

It'’s me they want. Save yourselves.

You'’re always doing things to help other people.

That'’s right. Now you need our help.

I say let Skeletorhave him.


We'’ll take He-Man and the cart.

You slow them down.


W-W-Wait a minute, guys.



Look, Grandfather, the bridge is falling apart!

Come on, Cringer, you can make it.

Oh, no!

One of them made it to our side.

I'’m proud of you,Cringer.

We'’re safe now.

My village is just over the next hill.

Soon, our medicine will make you well, He-Man.

[Drak] Ha! Unless Skeletor finds you first.

It looks as if Drakis starting to understand

why we fight Skeletor.

Skeletor lied to us.

He isn'’t fightingfor a better way of life.

No, Skeletor wants only to turn Eternia into a wasteland.

But I didn'’t understand before.

I tried to tell you what evil is like.

I'’m sorry you had to see it for yourself.

What about He-Man'’s medicine?

All gone, b*rned along with everything else.

But all is not lost.

The medicine comes from the leaves

of the healing tree.

So, we'’ll take He-Man to the tree.

Right. We must hurry before Skeletor returns.

♪ He-Man

[Skeletor] I had to take time off

from destroying the swamp people'’s village

just to rescue you.

And you didn'’t even have He-Man!

Well, it wasn'’t our fault the bridge collapsed.

"It wasn'’t our fault."

It'’s never your fault!

Things just seem to happen to you two.

At least you rounded up some new workers for the mine.

[Skeletor]Yes. I also left a Hunting Robotat the village.

That'’s smart.It will follow He-Man.

And lead us right to him.

[both laugh]

[Trap Jaw] It'’s probably following He-Man right now.


Run! Trouble!

We must reach the healing tree

and get He-Man well.

It'’s our only hope.

[Drak]If I could get into the seat ofthe robot, I could control it.

Whoa! Stop!


Stop! Stop!Whoa! Hey! Hey!

Hey, stop!

Well done, Drak. I'’m proud of you.

Where'’s Cringerand He-Man?

They won'’t get you, He-Man.

Are you all right,Cringer?

Yes. C-C-Come on, let'’s-- let'’s find the healing tree.

Well, you already did.

This is the healing tree.

We'’re safe here.

[Hunter Robot]That'’s what you think.

You have made me powerless, but my homing signal

has already told Skeletor where you are.

Drak, the healing tree needs time to cure He-Man.

You... you have run out of time.

Here comes the Collector.

Hand He-Man over to Skeletor.

He will reward you well.

[He-Man] You must think of yourselves.

I will never give you to that evil monster.

Wait, Grandfather,maybe He-Man is right.

Let'’s give Skeletor what he wants.

Drak, what are you saying?

What I'’m saying is that I have aplan to get you some more time.

I just hope it'’s enough.

What is this plan?

Well, it startslike this.

[Skeletor] There he is. He-Man.

[Whiplash] In your power at last.

Hey, look at those huge leaves.

Never mind about the stupid leaves. Get He-Man.

Skeletor, you promised wealthand power to those who help you.

Hey, what did that swamp child say?

Is this what you'’re looking for?

He'’s captured He-Man.

And all by himself.

What a cleveryoung man.

Oh, Skeletor, thank you.

After all these years, He-Man is in my power.


Now we shall seewho is master.

Oh, Skeletor, what a great ring.Can I feel it?

Uh, yes, thank you.

There'’ll be plenty of time for this at Snake Mountain.

Snake Mountain. It sounds so glamorous.

Tell me about it.

Well, it'’s-- it's-- it'’s dark and dismal.

Just like any home, really.

Now, back to He-Man.

But, Skeletor, tell me about it.

Enough! Out of my way.


You dare to play games with Skeletor?


[teeth chatter]

I hope this works.

♪ He-Man

Well, I feel stronger than ever.

Thank goodness.

Drak and Cringer put themselves in danger to save me.

Now they need our help. Let'’s go.

♪ He-Man

I'’ll teach you to make a fool out of me.

[loud rumbling]


He doesn'’t lookweak as a kitten to me.

At last.


[both yelp]

[loud crash]

Stop, He-Man, or I'’ll teleport your friends to my mines.

You'’ve lost, Skeletor. Let them go.

Make me, if you can.

Anything to oblige, Skeletor.

You'’ll pay for that.

Now you'’ll feel the power of Skeletor.

Wrong again,Skeletor.

Curse you, He-Man!

I shall plot your downfall at Snake Mountain.

Thanks, He-Man.

Oh, He-Man, I'’m so happy to see you again.

You'’re all better again.

That was a brave plan you two came up with.

Yes, He-Man.

By pretending to give you to Skeletor,

Drak and Cringer gave the healing tree

time to make you well.

I'’m ashamed that I thought Skeletor could be a friend.

Evil can often look attractive.That'’s why we must be careful.

You'’re not the first to be fooled.

But I'’m proud that you now see the truth.

Now I know why we can never let Skeletor win.

You did well saving not only me,but your own people.

[all cheer]

Well, that just about wraps it all up.

Cringer, let'’s go home.



My favorite word...

next to "food," of course.

[all laugh]

I shudder to think that I almostbetrayed you, He-Man,

in favor of Skeletor.

Well, but you madethe right decision.

That'’s what counts.

The thought of all those richeswas awfully tempting.

On second thought,

I'’d rather have your friendship, He-Man, Cringer.

In fact, knowing you has made methe richest boy in the world.

And we'’re much richer for knowing you.

Until later.
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