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02x35 - The Greatest Show on Eternia

Posted: 11/22/22 07:55
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man!

[Adam] And the Masters of the Universe!

I am Adam, prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ He-Man!

I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe!

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.

♪ He-Man!

Hurry, Adam. Come on.

Orko, I've never seen you so excited.

It's not every day the circus comes to Eternia.

Look at the poster.

Wow! Tightrope walkers,

jugglers, wild animals, whoo!

Wild animals? Ooh!

I get nervous around butterflies!

Careful, Orko.

-Say, look at the clowns! -Whoa!



Orko, are you all right?

I'm okay. Just a little bit stuck-up.

[Man-At-Arms] Orko!

[Orko] Oops!

Sorry, sir, but I was so excited about the circus, I didn't...

Yes, yes, yes. But remember your promise.

I know.

I can only go to the circus if I clean up my room.

But the circus is arriving today.

Orko, when are you gonna have time to do it?

Uh, uh, right now.

Hey, look! It's the circus rocket train.

[elephant trumpets melodically]

-Getting ready to land on the fairgrounds. -Oh, boy!

[engine sputtering]

Uh-oh. Looks like the rocket's in trouble.

[sputtering, hiccupping]

[Man-At-Arms] It's out of control.

[Adam] It's gonna crash into Mount Eternia.

Cringer, it's time for He-Man and Battle Cat to save the day.

But we saved the day yesterday

and-and the day before that.

Every day we save the day. Gee, whiz.

By the power of Grayskull!

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

-♪ He-Man! -I have the power!

♪ He-Man!


♪ He-Man!

Come on. Leap, you mighty beast.

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

First, to blow out the flames.

Good. The thrusters are working again.

But not in time to clear the mountain peak.

So I'll have to adjust the rocket's course.

♪ He-Man

No cooperation! I get no cooperation from anyone!

I have to do all the work around here.

Where's Beast Man? Where's Evil-Lyn?

What's bugging you, bonehead?

Have you received word yet from the circus?

You mean about your request

for them to perform here at Snake Mountain?

Yes. When will they arrive?

They won't. They turned you down.

They what?


Eh, yes.

The royal family arranged a week of free performances

for the enjoyment of the people of their kingdom.

Enjoyment? I don't want anyone

to have any enjoyment except for me!

Take the rest of the day off.

You and Beast Man, go to the circus.

That's awfully nice of you.

Nice, nothing.

I'm sending you

to make sure the circus never opens!

[Orko] I never saw anything like this.

There's clowns and jugglers and all kind of wild animals.

I'll have plenty of time to clean up my room when I get home.

Hmm. I wonder when they're gonna put up the circus tents.


Yikes! It's a... It's a... [indistinct]

[man] Oh, put him down Myrtle.

Myrtle's always looking for peanuts.

[chuckles] Hope she didn't hurt you.

I'm okay. Hey!

I saw you on the circus poster. You're Crackers the Clown!

And this is your circus! You own it!

That's right. Glad to meet ya.

-Now, what's your name? -Oh, I'm Orko.

Orko! Orko!

[chuckles] That's funny!

Say, you're a little early for the circus.

I wanted to see them put up all the tents.

You're just in time.

Myrtle here's gonna help put them up.

Can I watch?

Sure. Come on.

What's in that box?

Fireworks, for the big finale at the end of the show.

We have to be careful handling them.

Fireworks, clowns, jugglers...

Oh, this is so exciting!

I wish I could work at the circus.

But don't you have a home and people who care for you?

Oh, sure, but I'm always having to do chores and stuff.

-But circuses are fun. -[Adam] Orko!

I didn't know you were here.

Oh, I came to see them put up the tents.

You sure must've cleaned your room in a hurry.

Oh, well, I, uh, uh...

Adam, this is Crackers. He's a clown.

Oh, nice to meet ya.

What did Orko say your name was?

Crackers! Crackers!

[chuckles] That's great.

Hey, quit tickling me!

Myrtle's gonna help put up the tents.

Oh, come on, Myrtle. It's time for your chores.

You see, Myrtle has to work just like everybody else.

Adam, I'd give anything to be in the circus.

I believe it.

But remember last week you wanted to be a firefighter,

and last month you were set on being a musician?

Uh, yeah.

You were excited about all those things,

until you found out you had to put some effort into it.

You see, there's more into being a firefighter

then riding a fire ship,

and being a good musician takes lots of practice.

But I can be in the circus.

That wouldn't be hard at all. Just fun.

Hey, come on, hurry. They're already putting up the tent.

[Evil-Lyn] Hmm. I wonder what would be the best way

to ruin the circus?


Just leave everything to me.

♪ He-Man!

[Crackers] Oh, that a girl! Keep pulling, Myrtle!

She sure is strong.

So that's how they put up a circus tent! Wow!

Looks like Myrtle will erect the big top in no time.

Yeah. Then we'll put up the rest of the tents.


Now I'll use my power to control wild animals.


Myrtle, you will do what I say.

Shake those ropes. Make the tent collapse.


Whoa! Something's wrong with Myrtle!

Look! The big top!

[Orko] The tent's going to fall! Oh, no!

-Myrtle! What's going on? -[Myrtle roaring]

Hey, there's Evil-Lyn and Beast Man!

[Adam] I should've known they were causing all the trouble.

We'd better do something about this.

By the power of Grayskull!

Myrtle, stop! What's wrong with you?

You won't get away with this, Beast Man.

Oh, yes, he will.

Try this circus cage on for size.

[Beast Man chuckling]

Those super strength steel bars

should slow you down. [chuckles]

We'll see about that. [grunts]

-[Beast Man exclaiming] -What?

You can't do this to me! Stop it!

Now to give you the bounce.

[shouting, exclaiming]


Oh, Myrtle. You're back to normal.

Good girl. Take it easy now while I put up these tents.

[Orko] Way to go, He-Man!

I'm not finished yet.

[Crackers] Whoa! I don't believe it.

He-Man put up all the tents at once.

That's why they call him He-Man.

Glad to help.

Looks like you're going to have a great circus here.

Oh, yeah. Thanks to you.

I wish I could work for your circus.

It looks like more fun than the boring palace.

Is that so?

Do you think Orko could help you out while you're in town?

Well, I...

Please! I'd do anything!

Well, all right.

Wow! Oh, boy! I'm in the circus!

Well, I hope we did the right thing.

Being in the circus isn't as glamorous as Orko thinks.

I know, but it's best if Orko learns that for himself.

Sometimes you just can't tell a person not to do something.

They have to learn for themselves.

Yeah. Well, Orko will find out

being in the circus is a lot of hard work.

Hard work! Hard work! Hard work!


♪ He-Man

You failed again.

You were supposed to keep the circus from opening.

Uh, it wasn't our fault.

You see, He-Man...

No excuses!

[cries out]

As usual, if I want anything done right around here,

I have to do it myself.

I'll see to it that the circus will regret

they ever arrived in Eternia!

[evil laughter]

[Adam] They say Crackers has the best circus around.

I wonder when it's going to open.

In just a few hours. They're almost finished setting up.

I'm gonna find Orko and see how he's doing.

Wait until those fools see what I have in store for them.

[evil laughter]

♪ He-Man

Wow! Look at them! They're really something!

They should be.

The Great Orlando is the star of the circus.

I'd love to be up there swinging with them. It seems like fun.

It took a lot of hard work to get that good.

But it looks so easy.

That comes from years of practice.

Years? But I want to be part of the circus now!

Well, I was hoping you might help me with something.

Oh, boy! What is it?

I need some help with Myrtle.

What are we gonna do?

You gonna show me how to ride her or do some tricks?

Well maybe later, but right now

I want you to help me give Myrtle a bath.

A bath?

[Adam] Orko, there you are.

Now, let's wash behind your ears.

-Rub-a-dub-dub! -[chuckles]

There you go.

Hmm. I need more water.

Looks like you got a bath too, Orko.

Crackers, how come you have to wash Myrtle?

After all, you own the circus.

Everyone helps out.

In fact, look over there.

You? The Great Orlando is doing the laundry?

Why not? The circus is like one big family.

We all share the work.

Orko is one of your fans.

Do you think you could give him beginning lessons

on how to fly on the trapeze?

Oh, yeah, that'd be great! I could learn that real easy!

Well, it'd take a while to learn everything I know.

No problem. I got all day.

-All day? -You think it'll take that long?

Oh, boy. That's a good one. [chuckles]

♪ He-Man

Hmm. That's funny.

That tent's not part of my circus.

[chortles] He's trapped inside!

And now to send him on a little trip.


-[roars] -Myrtle, what's wrong?

[angry trumpeting]

What is that?

I'm sending that clown to Echo Valley

while I take over his circus for my own amusement.

But our circus is for families and children.

-It's not for you. -It is now.

And it's time to prepare for the Skeletor Circus!

[evil laughter]

What are we gonna do?

Echo Valley is a dangerous place, Orko.

This is a job for He-Man.

♪ He-Man!

Oh, boy. I have to get out of here.

-[rumbling] -[voice echoing]

Oh, boy. My echo caused that rockslide. I'd better be quiet.

Battle Cat, we have to act fast but carefully.

Oh, it's He-Man.

-He-Man! He-Man! -[voice echoing]


No time to lose, Battle Cat. Let's go.

Boy, that was close.

[Crackers] Hurry. I...

Oh, I can't hold...

I can't hold on much longer.

Oh, boy.

Up you go.

We're saved!


Oh, no!

We've got to get out of here.

That cave!

Oh, we're trapped!

We'd better not try going out the way we came in.

It'll only cause another rockslide.

[Crackers] What'll we do, He-Man?


From the way this cave was facing, your circus is northeast.

-What's your plan? -It's a long shot, but it's worth a try.

Yes, it's true. I'm sorry to say the circus has been canceled.

[man] I wanted to see the human cannon ball.

I'm sorry, but Skeletor has taken over the circus,

and he won't let anyone inside.

I'm afraid you'll all have to go home.

Stop complaining! Go home!

The only person who's going to enjoy this circus is me!

[evil laughter]

If only He-Man were back. I wonder what's taking so long.

[Skeletor] I'm in charge now.

And if you know what's best for you, you'll do what I say!

What have you done with Crackers?

-[all exclaiming] -Quiet!

Stop your complaining and start the performance.

I demand to be amused.


Sorry, Skeletor. Your circus is canceled.

[all chattering]

Oh, Myrtle! I missed you!

You'll regret this, He-Man!

You missed by a mile, Skeletor.

Show him, He-Man! Go! -[Orko] Show him, He-Man!

I'll get you yet!

Pretty good, Skeletor, but not good enough.


[all chattering, cheering]


Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, Skeletor.

[all laughing]

Let me go!

How dare you embarrass me in front of everyone.

[He-Man] All right, but it's a long drop to the safety net.

Oh, no!

Careful, Skeletor.

You're the one who'd better be careful.


Whoa, whoa!

[all laughing]

You win this time, He-Man,

but I'll be back.

I'd better not go that way.

That crowd will be pretty angry with me.

Ah, there must be a secret exit!

I'll go out this way.

Hmm. What are these?

They're firecrackers,

and I wouldn't touch them if I were you.

How dare you tell me what to do!

I've had enough of your interfering, He-Man.

Oh, no!

-[shouting] -[fireworks whistling]



♪ He-Man

[circus music plays]

[Orko] Oh, boy! What a circus!

I thought you'd be out there performing too, Orko.

Yeah don't you still want to be in the circus?

Well, I realized that I might not like

to do chores around the palace,

but it's sure a lot easier

than washing down Myrtle once every day. [chuckles]

[trumpets, smooches]


I thought this would be a lot easier. Oops!

Well, looks like you need some more practice, Orko.

I thought being a juggler in a circus would be easy.

If you really want to be a juggler, or anything else in life,

you have to be willing to work at it.

So when you find something that you really want to do,

then do yourself a favor-- work at it, really work at it.

Spend enough time learning the necessary skills,

and I promise you

you'll be surprised at how good you can really be.

-See you next time. -[Orko] Bye.

[theme music plays]