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02x46 - Double Trouble

Posted: 11/22/22 08:41
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man!

And the Masters of the Universe!

I am Adam, prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ He-Man!

"I have the power!"


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe!

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.

♪ He-Man!

[Skeletor] I don't believe it.

The mighty Beast Man afraid of a little lightning.

Don't laugh, Skeletor.

That storm could bring the whole place crashing down.

Oh, Snake Mountain can never be destroyed.

[thunder crashes]

However, I think I'll keep watch on the storm

from somewhere else.

♪ He-Man!

The storm, it's going.

There. You see? I told you it was safe.

Skeletor, look!

[Skeletor] A secret passage.

The storm must have opened it up.

Let's see where it goes.

This passage must've been closed off for hundreds of years.

What's this?

"“Beware the Mirror of Moravad,

where bad is good and good is bad.

Where one may come, two depart,

but only one may have a heart."”

The Mirror of Moravad.

I have heard of it. It can make an evil double of anyone.

That's it--

the key to gaining the power of Grayskull.

Now all we need is someone close to He-Man,

someone he trusts, but who?

We must hurry, Shadow Master,

if we're to keep our appointment with our old friend, He-Man.

-♪ He-Man! -[Teela] Well, Adam,

are you coming to the reception for Kol Darr?

-Who? -Kol Darr.

-He's an ally of He-Man's. -Oh, that's nice.

[yawns] Wake me when it's over.


Oh, never mind.

You just go ahead, sleep your life away.

I am going to see Kol Darr.

And if He-Man's going to get there in time, he'd better hurry.

By the power of Grayskull!

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

I have the power!

♪ He-Man!

Uh-oh. Looks as if Kol Darr is late.

I wouldn't bet on it, Orko.

Oh, down, Shadow Master.

Kol Darr, old friend, good to see you.

Oh, and you, He-Man. It's been too long.

[Skeletor] Kol Darr, eh?

This could be the very person I've been looking for.

That's it!

We'll use the Mirror of Moravad to make a double of Kol Darr.

But we'll need a diversion, Beast Man.

You know what to do.

[Kol Darr] He-Man helping me out against the Trelians

is something I'll never forget.

Why do you call him Shadow Master?

Because, little friend, he can disappear

into any shadow, no matter how small.


Not bad, I guess, if that's the best you can do.

Now, the way I... [exclaims]

Now, Orko, you shouldn't bother Shadow Master.

He's very sensitive.

Me? But-But he... I mean...

Oh, he's just joking with me.

Orko, I thought you said

you had a new magic trick to show us.

Oh, yeah, right. Just let me get my stuff.

Be right back!

He-Man! An urgent message from Cafene.

They're under attack by sand crawlers.

Ah, sounds like trouble. Can I help, He-Man?

We'd be glad to have you, Kol Darr. Let's go.

♪ He-Man!

Okay, I'm ready. Let's...

-Hey, where did everybody go? -♪ He-Man!

-[roaring] -[people exclaiming]

[lasers blasting]

Good sh**ting, Teela. That ought to scare it away for a while.

One down, three to go.

Attack, Shadow Master!

Now, Shadow Master, the rope.



Having a hard time deciding which way to go?

Then how about going this way?

Or this way.

Or maybe around here.

♪ He-Man!

[Man-At-Arms] Just two sand crawlers left.

I'll take it from here, He-Man.

-[screeching] -Come on, Shadow Master.

Let's take these sand crawlers where they can't do any harm.


[Kol Darr] This looks like a safe place.

Cut 'em loose, Shadow Master.

-[screeching] -[crash]

There. Now to get back to...

[woman] Help! Help, someone!

It's coming from inside that cave.

Over here! Help me!

Stay here, Shadow Master.

Are you all right? Can I help you?

Too late for that, Kol Darr.

Too late to help anyone...

[chuckles] including yourself.

Evil-Lyn! What...

You'll find out when you meet Skeletor.

[Skeletor] Ah, Kol Darr, so good to see you.

You're just the person I was looking for.

All right, now that you've got me, what now?

I want you to bring me the secrets of Grayskull.


You're mad, Skeletor. I'll never help you.

Not you, perhaps,

but what if there was another you?

But there isn't.

There will be now.

Unveil the Mirror of Moravad.

Why, it's.... it's me.

Hmm. Not you, but your opposite.

The mirror makes the reverse of whatever it sees.

[Skeletor] Well, double, what will you do for me?

I will convince He-Man

to let me into Castle Grayskull.

Once there, I will steal

the source of He-Man's power: the secrets of Grayskull.

-No! -[Skeletor] Oh, yes!

♪ He-Man!

These magic stones will let us control the beast!


Now it will obey you just as if

you were the real Kol Darr.

When you get to palace, hide this.

It will put everyone inside

into a frozen state, until I revive them...

after I have the power of Grayskull.

He-Man, over there.

[Teela] So there you are. You had us worried.

Huh? Oh, yes. I'm fine, uh, Teela.

Now let's get back to the palace.

I've never seen him so impatient.

It must be something important. Come on. Let's see what it is.

I want to thank you for your help with the sand crawlers, Kol Darr.

It was my pleasure, He-man,

but now I have a favor to ask of you.

-Of course. Just name it. -Anything?

-Well, yes, anything. -Very well, then.

I wish to see the inside of Castle Grayskull.

-What? -I've heard so much about it.

I'd love to see it with my own eyes.

And you did say "“anything,"” He-Man.

It's quite a request, Kol Darr. But you're right.

I did say "“anything."” So I'm honor-bound to keep my promise.

Thank you, He-Man.

You don't know how much this means to me.

♪ He-Man!

Welcome to Castle Grayskull, Kol Darr.

Now, what's the first thing you want to see?

No, He-Man, the question is,

what's the first thing you're going to see?

I don't understand. What am I going to see?

You're going to see me... disappear.


Kol Darr! Kol Darr, where are you?

What are you doing?

[Kol Darr] You'll find out, He-Man.

But by then,

it'll be too late.

[evil laughter]

[Sorceress] He-Man, you have a let a stranger

into the secret passages of Castle Grayskull.

Yes. His name is Kol Darr, Sorceress.

He is-- or he was-- a friend.

Then I cannot help you, He-Man.

The magic of Grayskull itself

prevents me from taking action.

For it is written that Castle Grayskull

must forever be a safe haven

for the friends of He-Man.

I understand, Sorceress.

[evil laughter]

I'll find him, Sorceress,

if I have to search the halls of Castle Grayskull forever.

♪ He-Man!

Ah, I have an idea.

If I can just get that cover off.

Got to be careful.

-Good. Now all I need is... -[door whooshes]

-Skeletor. -Silence!

I only wanted to tell you that your double

has entered Castle Grayskull.

Now it's only a matter of time

until the power of Grayskull is mine!

Don't bet on it, Skeletor.

You fool. Did you think

your puny weapons could have any effect on me?

I, uh... I guess not.

I guess you're just too much for me, Skeletor.

You guess right, Kol Darr,

as you'll all find out soon enough.

[Kol Darr] It worked.

Now I just hope that the mirror did what it's supposed to do,

and that you're a good version of Skeletor.

Yes, I am.

Here. Let me try to get you out.

Listen, there isn't time.

You've got to get to the royal palace,

warn them about what's going on.

All right. I will.

I just hope they believe him.

♪ He-Man!

Looking for something, Kol Darr?

You're trespassing in the hall of He-Man.

These captured weapons go back to the early history of Eternia.

If you came for one of these...

I didn't come for a w*apon.

But as long as I'm here.

Let's see what this does.


Have fun, He-Man.

Got to get to the freeze ray.

Got it!

Now let's see if we can't cool you two down a bit.

♪ He-Man!

Kol Darr?

Show yourself. What do you want?

♪ He-Man!

Man-At-Arms? Uh, there-- Well, there-- Well, there's someone here to see you.

Show him in, by all means.

Uh, very well.

Father, look!

[Man-At-Arms] Skeletor!

No, not Skeletor, but his double.

Please let me explain.

I've come to help.

-Here. Here it is. -It's a freeze field.

it could put the whole palace into a state of suspended animation.

-I've got to stop it. -No, no, don't. It could be booby-trapped.

[Teela] The real Skeletor would never have done that.

Then he really was telling the truth.

Come on, Teela. We'd better get him warmed up

and hear the rest of his story.

♪ He-Man!

Aha! What have we here?

And who might you be?

I am the guardian

of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

You have come for the power?

Yes, of course.

Then hear me.

The secrets of Grayskull are behind one of these doors.

Open the wrong door,

and you will find not the power

but only what you deserve.

But which is the right door?

First you must answer a question.

You must tell me why you want the secrets of Grayskull.

Because it is power.

Because with the secrets of Grayskull,

I can rule Eternia.

I can rule the very universe itself.

The test is complete.

Open the left door.

At last.

Wait! Don't do it!

You're too late, He-Man.

The power of Castle Grayskull is mine now.

What's that light?

That is the light

that reveals your true self,

for that is the wrong door.

It wasn't Kol Darr at all.

It was a double, a mirror image.

But where's the real Kol Darr?

He-Man, I've been looking all over for you.

I wanted to show you that new trick I came up with.

Now, just let me get my stuff,

and I'll meet you at Man-At-Arms' lab.

But... Poor Orko.

I guess I'll have to see his trick later.

Well, well, well. Who do we have here?

Ah, He-Man, you're just in time.

This may sound hard to believe,

but this is Skeletor.

That is, it isn't really Skeletor, but his double.

He was created by the Mirror of Moravad.

He's here to help us. He even saved us

from one of Skeletor's freeze fields.

I know it sounds strange, He-Man.

That's all right. I believe you.

Tell me, do you know where they're keeping the real Kol Darr?

Certainly. I can take you there.

Then let's go.

Okay, here's the...

Oh, no, not again.

You'd better go ahead,

make sure nothing happens to Kol Darr before we get there.


♪ He-Man!

Beast Man, prepare Kol Darr for the freeze chamber.

We'll see if being put on ice for a while

will cool him off a bit.

Yes, Skeletor.

Hey! Uh, uh, how'd you do that?

-How'd I do what? -Uh, I, uh, uh...

Never mind that. Where do you think you're going, huh?

To get Kol Darr, master,

ready for freezing, like you said.

No! No, you're not to do anything

until I tell you to, understand?

Uh, yes, master.

Well, Beast Man, is Kol Darr ready?

Uh, b-but you said not to. You said...

I said to prepare Kol Darr for freezing.

Now, go prepare him!

Uh, uh, yes.

Uh, oh, boy.

-And what do you think you're doing? -But you said...

Never mind what I said. Just do what I said.

All right. I'll, uh, uh...


[ Skeletor, double together] It's an impostor! Quick, you fool, grab him!

-Uh, uh, which one? -[both] Him!

Uh, will you make up your minds?

-[rumbling] -Uh-oh.

That sounds familiar. Got to go.

He-Man, look! Two Skeletors!

-[Man-At-Arms] Which one is the right one? -[both] I am!

Hmm. I have an idea.

Repeat after me.

He-Man, I am your friend.

He-Man, I am your friend.

He-Man, I am...

Oh! I can't do it!

And I do not look like you!

Come on. Let's find Kol Darr.

♪ He-Man!

Oh, how can I thank you, He-Man?

There's no need. That's what friends are for.

Well, my job's done.

Glad I could help, He-Man.

Now I must return to the mirror.

-[Orko] Now, no one's gonna leave, right? -[Man-At-Arms] Right, Orko.

I'm gonna get my stuff. Be right back.

Now that I think about it, it's too bad we don't have two Orkos.

Two of me? That's impossible.

Nobody's magic is powerful enough to make another me.



Really, Orko.

We're just redecorating.

If you don't like the mirror, just say so.

-[all laughing] -Did I say something funny?


You know, sometimes we think of people

as being all good or all bad.

Well, we shouldn't.

Very few people are all bad.

It may be hard to find, but if you look for it,

chances are you'll find some good in most everyone.

And the best way to start is to never judge anyone

by the way they look but rather by what they do.

Actions speak louder than words or appearances.

It's something to reflect on.

[chuckles] So long!

[theme music plays]