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02x52 - Beauty and the Beast

Posted: 11/22/22 08:46
by bunniefuu
♪He-Man and the Masters

♪of the universe. I am

♪Adam prince of Eternia, defender of the secrets of castle ♪

♪Grayskull. This is Cringer, my fearless friend ♪

♪Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day ♪

♪I held aloft my magic sword and said ♪

♪By the power of Grayskull

♪I have the power


♪became the mighty Battle Cat and I became He-Man ♪

♪the most powerful man in the Universe ♪

♪Only three others share this

♪secret. Our friends the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms ♪

♪and Orko. Together we defend castle Grayskull ♪

♪from the evil forces of Skeletor ♪


When beauty saw the beast, she was

horrified by his looks. But as she came to know him, it was his

spirit, not his ugly appearance that she learned to care for.

In the end, when beauty looked at the beast

it was the honesty of his soul, not the ugliness of his

appearance that she saw. I loved that story when

I was a child. It's just a fairy tale. Sometimes,

fairy tales come true little friend. That's

no fairy tale. That's the general alarm. Let's

get going.

It's a squadron of robot ships.

They are Skeletor's spider droids.

You better cover the defense perimeter out post,

there's no telling where Skeletor might strike next. Right. Come on Orko.

Where are they coming from?

I should have known.

By the power of Grayskull. ♪He-Man

♪He-Man I

have the power.


♪ <Battle Cat roars>

♪He-Man I hate it

when someone interrupts a story. He-Man above you.

Thanks Cyclone, I see them.

Your energy web is not going to get me.

Going once.

Going twice.


These robots just never learn do they? And it's a good thing

too. ♪He-Man Concentrate your

fire on sector . Sector .


That's funny, the sensors are picking up an

alien near here. But the only aliens around here are

those robot ships. Not anymore.

Well we seem to have company. Since the guards are either distracted or

asleep, thanks to my magic. We thought we'd drop by.

Yeah. We're going to have a party. Enough

talk, freeze them. Run Orko.


Get them in the connector, the freeze rays will keep them asleep.


close them up for the voyage.

Good thing

Randor wants them back unfrozen, he'll have to make a deal with me.

<evil laughter>

Only I know

where they are going. Now back to Snake Mountain. We must give King

Randor our terms for their safe return.

<evil laughter> ♪He-Man

♪ <explosions>

Awfully nice of Skeletor to contribute

building material for the new hospital.

Now what? Head on

back the the palace in case there is more trouble. As for me...

well I have a little unfinished business with Skeletor.

The ship is gone. I better check on Teela and Orko.

Last we heard from Teela and Orko, they were covering the station alone.

Then we lost contact with them, by the time we got here they were gone.

We have no idea where. I think I have an idea.

I'm freezing.

So am I.

Wow. This place looks like the palace of

the Star Kings. And it's feast day.

Orko, wait. You don't know what's in that food.

Ah, don't be such a worry wart. Besides,

I'm starved.

So am I. There is no telling how long we were in those capsules.

Uh oh. I think this stuff is

making see things. I am known as Utia.

I am known through no fault of my own as the

monster of Moragore.

Well, Mr. Monster or is it Mr. Moragore

or Sir? I mean we really didn't mean to bother

you at dinner. But we were very hungry. Please,

eat your fill. Do not be harmed, for the moment

you are my guests. Well that's certainly good to know. Thanks.

But you must stay in this room until..until I

hear from my master, Skeletor.

This guy works for Skeletor?

I don't believe it. ♪He-Man

It's He-Man. I've been expecting him.

He must not find out where Teela is. The boulders?

Excellent, Whip Lash, go to it. ♪He-Man

<Battle Cat roars>

Uh oh, we've got

company Battle Cat.

I think it's time for you to take a vacation.

I better get out

of here. That

fool, I can't depend on anyone. No matter, He-Man's

power can do nothing to stop us.

So long as we have Teela and Orko. Switch on my image, that will send him away.

Leave my kingdom, He-Man. First

return my friends or I'll tear Snake Mountain apart looking for them.

Your friends are safe and well, but not here.

They will be returned when Eternia bows to me as its new

king. That'll be a long time coming.

But come it will. Now be gone He-Man.

Or your friends will suffer the consequences.

I can't risk leaving Teela and Orko at Skeletor's control. But I'll

have to find another way. You've done it Skeletor.

He's leaving. For the moment. But

what if he finds out where his friends are? He won't.

We've got to get to the Sorceress, she's the only one who can help me find Teela and

Orko. ♪He-Man It is good

to see you, Adam, but you have come for more than

conversation. Then you already know that Teela and Orko are missing?

Yes when I felt the dark images of your concern for them.

I thought you might be able to discover where they are being held? Perhaps,


I have found Teela, and she is in great danger. Where?

I'll leave immediately. Patience Adam.

The way will be difficult, even for He-Man. They are

being held by the monster of Moragore. A powerful creature who

veils an even more powerful curse. Curse, oh no.

His kingdom

has powerful defenses, but there is another way to enter his

strong hold. An extremely dangerous way.

Beneath the castle a deep, dark maze

leads to the inner chamber. Oh, a curse and

a maze too. I'll find it.

This will guide you. It contains a lock of

Teela's hair which I have combined with other evidence. As you move in her

direction it will glow more brightly. Thank you Sorceress.

May the spirits go with you. Look. He-Man.

He's heading in the direction of Moragore.

How did he discover where they are? I don't know. Contact the

monster. What is it you wish Master Skeletor?

Your guests, how are they?

Well enough. You're about to receive a visit from He-Man,

I expect you to take all precautions. Our defenses are

secure. Perhaps. Perhaps not. But remember this,

if he steps one foot inside your castle. I want your

guests placed in deep sleep until I can deal with them. I am weary

of v*olence Master Skeletor. These prisoners have

harmed no one. You will do as I say or the

curse that now scars you will scar all your people. As you

command Master Skeletor. He can

no longer be trusted. Whip Lash prepare the collector. We

leave for Moragore. If the

monster can't handle to job, I'll have to do it myself.


We've got to do something Orko. Right but there's no immediate rush.

Maybe there is.

Sir, Moragore, you can't keep us confined in this

room forever. I have no intention of doing so.

Easy for him to say. Then you'll release us?

It's not as simple as that.

Look. This was my

kingdom before we were enslaved by Skeletor.

And this is my kingdom

today. I do not

have the courage to show you a picture of how I looked before

I too came under the spell of Skeletor and

the witch Evil-Lyn.


att*ck. What is it? I think it's He-Man.

He-Man! Is the morobot ready? Yes. Energize it.

I am sorry. I have no choice. ♪He-Man

Don't worry Battle Cat, the bigger they come, the harder they fall.

I hope.

I've got an idea. Let's see how coordinated this thing is.

One more time

and we'll trick him.

We did it! ♪He-Man

I must ask you to

accompany me to another chamber. We are under att*ck by He-Man.

I knew he would get through. Quickly, there is no time for delay.

This maze is tough.

Turn to the

right, Cat. It's

a gigantic honey comb.

<bees buzzing>

<bees buzzing>

That was close, they thought we were after their honey.

They are gonna freeze us again.

Is that what you're going to do? I have no

choice. Of course you have a choice, you can fight. Your

kingdom is strong enough to resist Skeletor. How?

My people run in fear when they see my face. You blame too

much on your appearance. Your people run because they do not have a leader.

Show some strength and character and your people will follow you

anywhere. No matter how you look.

Take us to

your master. Immediately. Please, think of what you're doing.

You don't have to do this. If I disobey

Skeletor, Evil-Lyn will place a terrible curse of ugliness

like mine on all my people. I can't allow that to happen.

What does ugly mean? Doing something bad is far more

ugly than what a person looks like. Your men inform me

that He-Man has arrived. Yes he has already destroyed the morobot.

Your instructions were to place these prisoners in freeze sleep if He-Man

entered your castle. He won't reach the castle, my people saw him enter

the endless maze beneath the mountain side. No one has ever found their way through.

Don't be sure sure about He-Man. Can the maze be viewed

from here? Yes from the monitors, but only the part which is directly beneath us.

He has reached

the compressor room. No one has ever come so far.

This far and no further. He-Man must be stopped, do it.

No Skeletor. This time you ask

too much. Switch on the compressor Beast Man.

I'll deal with you later.

<Battle Cat roars>

That will stop him.

I will. Seize him.

Got you.

No one can stop the compressor now.


will hold you in place.

Got to

unfreeze the compressor switch.

He-Man, we're in the castle,

directly above you. Here I come.

Now you're gonna get it.

No one gets Skeletor. Away.

Hold it there, Cat.

No Battle Cat, he's a friend.

Hurry you fools, hurry hurry get us out of here.

I am trying. I am trying.

He's holding us

down. We'll never get out of here. Yes we will.

Come quickly. But we can't use the capsules, we'll be frozen.

Would you rather discuss the matter with He-Man?

Oh, I won't be able to snap my tail

for a week. Oh never mind that, get in the

capsule, there is no time to lose.

Come out Skeletor, your fuel's run out and you've got nowhere to go.

They went back to Snake Mountain the hard way.

In the chryonic freeze capsules. Now they can find out what it

feels like to have icicles for finger nails.

I am sorry I could not do more to help you. But you tried, that

was the first step. The next is to help

your people. Yes, because of you I understand.

I can now try to be the leader I should be.

If I only I didn't have to show them this horrible face.

I don't think you're ugly. When you fought to save

He-Man your courage showed how beautiful you really are.

Could it be? Can it truly be?

You brought me back to my true self. No Prince Moragore,

you brought yourself back when you decided to fight back.

From that moment on, Skeletor's power over you has been draining away.

Then come all of you, come and be the guests of my kingdom for the

rest of the day. Show our gratitude. Come, come.

Hey, the story

teller! You were

telling a story earlier about beauty and the beast and I just wanted to say that I

take back what I said about it all just being a fairy tale. Well my

little friend it was a fairy tale. No, really some

fairy tales do come true! Very well then friend. Perhaps

you can tell me a story. This story. Alright.

Well...Once upon a time there was this

Prince and he was a good prince with a good heart.

One day Skeletor came to the kingdom...


Orko did you learn a lesson? I sure did. That sometimes

fairy tales can come true. My lesson was more difficult.

With Teela's help I learned to look past my ugliness because

the truth is that no matter how you look, you're only as ugly or as

beautiful as the way you act. A hard lesson for sure.

But you learned it well.