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02x62 - The Ancient Mirror of Avathar

Posted: 11/22/22 08:53
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man

[Adam] And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia,

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said:

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,

Man-At-Arms and Orko.

Together, we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.


♪ He-Man

Well, Adam, everyone and everything is onboard.

All except Moss Man.

He should have been here by now.

What is that?


Good you made it.

I got tired of waiting. I took a nap.

[Melaktha] That seaweed is Moss Man?

Yes. Whenever Moss Man goes to sleep,

he changes into whatever plants are nearby.

In this case, seaweed.

Moss Man, meet Melaktha.

He's our archeologist.

Well, glad to know you.

Oh, please excuse me.

I'm always leaving bits of me everywhere.

All right, you stragglers, jump to it.

Now, come on, let me show you the ship.

[Angus Og] Now you pay attention, Opie.

This is very, very important.

I'm listening, Father.

Good. Now, this panel is the beacon rotational control.

Tell me what it does.

The BRC controls the beacon's turning or rotation.

It monitors the speed and direction,

and tells us if the beacon stops turning.

And what else?

Oh, it...

The control can be used to stop the beacon

in emergencies to aid a ship in trouble.

Father, I don't see why I have to learn all this stuff.

Most of these machines are in a*t*matic,

and we never have emergencies.

Only because I have kept this beacon

working all these years.

Machines need repair and maintenance from time to time.

[Opie] But it's so boring.

Check this, check that, look at the weather report.

Nothing ever happens.

Not every job is exciting, son.

Most jobs are quite ordinary.

But they're still important.

Anything has got to be more exciting than this.

[Angus Og] Come along, come along now.

We've got to check the machinery.

But we did that this morning.

[Angus Og] And we'll do it again.

[Adam] Are you sure this island exists?

[Melaktha] Yes, I'm convinced

that the ancient island continent of Avathar

is not a myth.

Excuse me, but what is Avathar?

According to legend, it's an island empire

that ruled over much of Eternia.

That empire fell when the continent disappeared.

-Until now, right? -[Melaktha] I think so.

A small island with ancient ruins has been found.

It may be Avathar.

[Adam] How long before we get there?

[Melaktha] Just a few more hours.

Trap Jaw calling Two Bad. Trap Jaw calling...

[Two Bad on radio] It's about time you called.

Skeletor wants to know why Prince Adam

and that collector of old junk

are sailing out to the middle of nowhere.

I don't know.

It has something to do with an island called Avathar.

There is no such place.

Unless you believe in legends.

You ever heard of this place?

Of course I've heard of it.

Where have you been?

Avathar was supposed to be the most powerful nation

in the history of Eternia.

Hm, Skeletor will like this news.

I'll keep an eye on them.

Oh, someone's coming this way.

[Adam] Good day, sailor.

Arr, good day to you, matey.

Say haven't we met somewhere before?

You look familiar.

Uh, no, me bucko.

You must be thinking of some other scurvy knave.

Well, if you say so. Carry on, sailor.

Aye, aye, Your Lordship. Anchors aweigh.

[Moss Man] Thanks for showing me how to run a ship, Captain Falk.

It must be very exciting sailing the sea.

You're welcome. But believe me,

except for a storm every once in awhile,

it can get very dull around here.

Everyone onboard has a job to do.

Much of the work is very ordinary.

But even the dullest jobs can be interesting.

And even fun.

It's just how you look at it.

Excuse me, captain.

Looks like an island up ahead.

[Captain Falk] Ah, that must be it.

Melaktha said a small island with ruins.

That is Avathar Island.

♪ He-Man

[Adam] I've never seen a place as old as this.

You think this is Avathar?

I'm positive.

Right here is described an ancient battle

that added another nation to the Avathar empire.

Something more about this building,

but I can't move these vines.

Excuse me, I can help.

No offense, Moss Man, but it's hard enough

to read these symbols without getting your moss on them.

Well, give him a chance, Melaktha.

I think I know what he has in mind.

Good day, my friends.

Would you mind leaving the walls so we might see it?

You talk to them?

Oh, we spoke to each other.

What did they say?

Well, they said you pulled them hard.

Oh, I'm sorry.

What do the rest of the symbols say?

Well, apparently this was once a museum

or display area.

I don't know what this symbol means.

Oh, my.

I think we've really found something!

Look at all these jewels and weapons.

I was right.

This is the basement of the royal museum.

The building that used to be above here

was used to show off the treasures

of the nations the Avatharians conquered.

Just think, this room and its treasures

survived all these years.

Are you talking to me?

Wow, that's a long time.

Really? There is?

I knew we shouldn't have brought your green friend.

Now he's talking to the wall.

Moss Man, did you find something?

I think so. My distant cousins here

say there's a secret chamber on the other side of this wall.

There's some sort of mirror inside.

Ancient mirror of Avathar.

We couldn't be that fortunate.

There should be latch or switch to open this wall somewhere.

Oh, thanks. Yes, I'll tell him.

The moss says to be careful.

Talking moss. I don't believe it.

I think I know a little more about old things

than a patch of fungus.

That's not very nice.

The moss is only trying to help.

I think I found it.

Wait, the moss says it might be a trap.

That's ridicul--


Oh, no!

This trapdoor...

oh, it won't budge.

This calls for more than Adam's strength.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!

-Are you all right? -Yes, thank you.

Landing on you is much better than hitting the ground.

Glad I could help.

[thunder crashes]

You go first. You saved my life.

No, I think you better go first.

I might leave the rope too slippery.

Oh, don't worry I'll get up all right.

Now let me see. A tree.

No. I know. A clean vine.

That's how I'll get out.

Are you all right?

Oh, yes, fine, thanks to Moss Man.

You really think so?

I don't want to get stuck.

Oh, the moss says I can squeeze through the crack in the stones

and get to the other side.

Give it a try. But be careful.

Whew, I made it.

Now, how to get that wall open?

Ah, I found the switch.

Good work.

Now let's see if the mirror exists.

The ancient mirror of Avathar.

[Adam] What's so special about this mirror?

[Melaktha] Well, it's...

A question, after so many centuries.

At last, a question.

You asked what is so special about this mirror?

I am no ordinary looking glass.

I hold the entire knowledge of the Avathar empire.

Imagine all we could learn

about this ancient civilization

from this mirror.

I can't wait to get this mirror back to the palace.

I could spend the rest of my life

just researching Avathar's past with it.

Moss Man, would you please start

packing up the treasures in the other chamber?

Be happy to.

[Adam] I'll give you a hand with that mirror.

♪ He-Man

[Angus Og] I know it's not the most exciting job in the world,

but you're the only I trust

to run the place when I'm gone.

But, Father, it's so boring. I'd rather go play.

You can't spend the rest of your life playing.

Now don't forget to check the BRC and the--

Don't worry, I'll remember.

I'll try not to be away too long.

Oh, yes, and be sure to check the weather reports.

[door slides closed]

[Trap Jaw] Trap Jaw to Two Bad.

Come in, Two Bad.

[Two Bad on radio] Two Bad here.

What have you got to report?

They found a lot of junk on this island.

They seem real excited about some mirror.

The ancient mirror of Avathar.

We must have that mirror.

Yeah, well, what's so special about a mirror?

According to legend,

it contains the total knowledge

of the ancient empire, and its magic.

Especially the lost spells of Avathar.

I bet that Skeletor will be happy

to get hold of that mirror.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Glad I thought of that.

Trap Jaw, bring that mirror to Snake Mountain.

How am I going to do that?

[Two Bad] Well, figure it out for yourself, tin head.

Just get it here.

You wanted to see me, Captain Falk?

Yes, Your Highness.

We may be in for some rough weather ahead.

Storm front still advancing from the northwest, sir.

For your own safety, you and the other passengers

should remain belowdeck.

I understand. But if you need any help,

don't hesitate to call me.

Yes, Your Highness.

And please, call me Adam.

Yes, Your High--

uh, Adam.

I don't see why I have to babysit these machines.

Nothing's going to happen.

Nothing ever happens.


Maybe there's something in my room to do.

[computerized voice] Attention. Storm warning.

Thunderstorm approaching from northwest

bearing ----.

[thunder crashes]

Weather sensor on.

Long-distance sensor on.

Generator on. Beacon on.

Beacon rotational control on.

Watch out for the reef as we near the mainland.

We don't want to hit the rocks.

Aye, aye, sir!

[Melaktha] I... I don't think I want any more soup.

I'm going to check below

to see if everything's tied down.

[Melaktha] I'll go with you.

I don't want anything to happen to the mirror.

Oh, I don't feel so good.

That's all right. You take it easy.

I'll go with you.

All right, but hold on to the rail.

It's wet and slippery out there.

I will. I'm slippery enough as it is.

There she goes, helmsman. Watch for the beacon.

Old Angus Og will get us through.

You can always count on his beacon light.

[thunder crashes]

Two degrees starboard.

[powering down]

It's gone.

It's gone. Something's happened to the beacon.

Attention, attention.

We foresee failure.

Beacon rotational control has stopped.

-Attention. -What's going on?

What am I going to do?

I wish Father were here.

[thunder crashes]

[Trap Jaw] But, Two Bad,

how do I get the mirror off the boat?

There's a storm here.

[Two Bad on radio] Better face an angry storm than an angry Skeletor.

Wait until the ship docks,

and while they're unloading the cargo,

you steal the mirror.

Two Bad, out.

Well, if it isn't our old friend.

Uh-oh, Prince Adam.

[thunder crashes]

We're going to hit the rocks.

One hundred eighty degrees starboard.

Thanks, Moss Man.

This ought to hold Trap Jaw until we reach--

[loud crash]

Don't worry about me.

Save yourself.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!

♪ He-Man

I've got to save the ship.

♪ He-Man

What's going on?

The beacon stopped turning.

The Fair Windneeds the beacon to get through the rocks.

[Captain Falk on radio] Fair Wind to beacon.

Fair Wind to beacon. Emergency! Emergency!

[Opie] Beacon to Fair Wind.

Is something wrong?

You better believe something's wrong.

We lost our sensors.

We were depending on the beacon to guide us through the rocks.

Now we've run aground and we're starting to sink.

Oh, no!

Where's Angus? What's wrong up there?

[thunder crashes]

Angus here. What's your status, Fair Wind?

Angus, we've run aground in the rocks and we're taking on water.

We've had some mechanical problems, Fair Wind.

I'll call for help.

Wait a second. Something's happening.


Got to keep the ship from sinking.

[Moss Man] If I can just reach that rock.

Whew, that was close.

Hey, it's He-Man.

All right!

Oh, Moss Man, you're safe.

[Moss Man] What can I do to help?

We've got to find a way to plug the hole, fast.

I've got an idea.

There now for some help from my seaweed cousins.


[He-Man] That's great.

The seaweed is filling the hole.

[Moss Man] It should keep the water out until we reach the dock.

Well, that takes care of one problem.

Now how do we find our way home?

[Angus Og] Fair Wind,say again, please.

He-Man is there?

[Captain Falk] That's right.

He-Man has saved the ship.

But we still can't find our way through the rocks

without the beacon.

You leave the beacon to me. Angus out.

But I didn't think anything would go wrong.

Everything always works fine.

That's because I do all these boring jobs you hate so much.

Look out the window.

If you had checked the weather reports,

you would have known about the storm.

And if you'd checked the readout

when the BRC broke down, you could have warned the ship.

You let me down, Opie.

But what's worse is that you could have prevented

a terrible accident.

I'm sorry, Father. I didn't mean to...

I know son.

There has to be a way to get some light out.

But with the beacon down...

What if we use the mirror

to reflect the light back to the sea?

Ah! That's a great idea.

I know just the mirror.

[Moss Man] Everything's secure.

Can you find your way without the beacon?

I'll try, but it'll be rough.


Easy now.


Just a little more.


There. It's in place.

[Opie] Hope they can see the light.

[Angus Og] We've done our part.

It's up to He-Man now.

[gasps and pants]

I sure hope I'm going the right way.

That light!

Well, good old Angus, you can always count on him.

Father, I promise I'll never complain

about any job being boring ever again.


The storm is over.

Looks like it'll turn out to be a beautiful day.

Have you ever had a job to do

you thought was boring and unimportant?

We all have.

Opie did.

But no job is unimportant.

Opie learned that if he'd done the little jobs

his father gave him,

things would not have gone wrong.

So remember, any job worth doing

is worth doing well,

no matter how dull it may seem at the time.

Bye for now.